Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jun 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY [IIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1928. C Rei where SS yer' ~- \~~ meets BA a ----., vasa NINE IED SECTION, --X eller "SSeS = Music Watch Repairing FRANK .S, EBBS, RRISTER, Solicitor, Notary \ money to loan. Room Bldg. Sim d Pree bu - ~tho! CONANT & ANNIS. BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. . {ujancing nd Pp of Law. i St Boh Oshawa, BA. LLB; F. Anns, BA. (38) OSEPH P. MANGAN, MBAR 19 er, Solicitor, Notary Pu ie, oe ce Phone veyancer. Money to loan. 1444 St, East, Oshawa. 145. Residence phone 837, HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to n and 1 street. Phone 466. ARTHUR LYND VOCAL TRACH- er (Hambourg servatary, To- red © for all ronto) pupils exams. awa, Mondays, 92 Sim- 13010) coe St. North, Phone bhi WILLIAM CHARNLEY, VIOLIN Teacher. Careful attention extend- ed to beginners. Phone 1187W, May 31-June 40) Ra VON GUNTEN, EXPERT "wih King Sree Wem vou pa fonage is solicited. _____ BH Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe 8t.. Phone 1347TM, (19tf) DRESSMAKING--PLAIN, FANCY sewing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 362 Leslie Street, Phone 1842J. (May 30-June 30) EER Contracting A BIG ASSORTMENT OF HA. wallan guitars, ukeleles, tenor ban- jos. glven by H. Wagner, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON=-BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. |. F, Grierson, BA. T, K. Creighton, LA. SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and Douglas, barristers, solicitors, Tar rr. notaries publie, Money to loan. 2 King St. BE. Phone 940, 2454. D. A, J. Swanson, F, G. McKenzle, S. B. Douglas, (1300) LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COM pany, Barristers. Money to loan, Over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67, residence 1397W, (tf) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- afare, etc. Money to loan, Disney dg., opposite post office, Phone A J, Parkhill, A, W, 8 r, (49t1) * Medical DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. cls! reference to maternity, work and diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience, Offire and residence 167 Simeoe St. N,, (cor, Brock) phone 303, . ! (110-2) DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher, Office and resi ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 9%, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office ani residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1166, DR. B. , HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy, Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050, Office open 9 am. to 9 p. m, Residence 161 King East, Phone 8416. (tr) DR, C. N. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, downtown office, 142 Simcoe St, N. Hours 4 to 8, 8 to 9. Residence, 566 Simcoe $t. N. Phone 2415, * (July 6-August 1) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments ma e be Jade at drug store. one 97. - teacher, Apply Harrls' Music Store. Phone 1490. (May 16-July 16) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURAN 4] King St. wet, Oghawa Tas 2) re en putable ys By " (118th) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected. (Oct. 11:1yr)) C. E. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO 8ST, District Representative for the Great West Life Assurance Com- pany. Phone 1365), (Feb. 1-1yr) INSURANCE ~~ OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Office 38 Simcoe Bt, N, (86-t0) Money to Loan LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4, (76-tf) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKepsls, 2 Kiog St, B. 14480) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mort S, Bullding loans ar Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 2 CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged, Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Disney Bldg, Phone 1614. (401) Building Supplies FOR SALE-~CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel, Quality guaran- teed, Good loam for lawns, Bor. rowdale and Ioskett, Phone 920 r 6. (80tr) BUILDING SUPPLIES «~CON- crete, Brick and Black, Plain and fancy, Urns, ete, Wilkinson and Bews, Rogers Rd. Phone 1840W, (May 17-Juns 17) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished completely with sanding machine, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give us a trial, Sylvian and Ste- vens, 164 Alice St. Phone 2619W, (May 31-June 30) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS. ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interlor trim. F. L. Beseroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh: awa, phone 324. (69-tf) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe Bt. South. Nitrous oxide oBrEeh if Jor ex- 3 0) , POS. . traction, Phone (14811) ] IPS, DENTIST, OF- 14 5. LPHILLIES Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. ig over Mitchell's Drog Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M "ny W. iL GIFFORD, OFFICE BR 'Pheatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence. 669. 66-t Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTARIO Land Surveyors and Ciyil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal emgineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones. 2532) or 2544. Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS rleaning, Ping Polished, screen and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. Machine Shop, open evenings. King street west. Phone 1214. a ES, Woodworking SAND AND GRAVEL, CRUSHED and screened for all purposes. Con. crete poured, Oshawa Concrete Co. Office 492 King Street East, Phones 2770 and 1840W. (May 21-June 21) GRAVEL, DIRT AND CINDERS ON dump truck to rent by hour. Phones 274J--1666J, (May 12 tf) SAND, GRAVEL, SOD, BLACK loam, for sale. Delivered prompt, ly. Lot 12, second farm west of C, N.R. Station, north side of road, Phone 920r22. (June 5-July 6) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics. Dld floors fin- ished like mew. Screen windows, combination doors, General cons tracting, B, W. Haynes, 161 King St. W. Phone 481. Residence 180 p 2, (133¢tf) Painting and, Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graini etc. of years' right. guranteed 151 Huron street. Phone TW. (45-¢f) BRANT AND MUNRO, CARPEN. ters and contrgetors, any size job. Give us a call. Estimates free, Phone 884J. (May 20-June 20) CARPENTER WORK DONE. New repairs or alterations, Apply 127 Elgin 8t. E, (May 29-June 20) Transportation COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR. e. 8 Bond St. West, Phone 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. 164-tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance moving, 91 Ritson Rd, N, Phone 2860, (ots) 8. BROWN, CARTAGE, DAY OR night, 140 Alma St, When think ing of moving, think of me, Phone 1400F, tf Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST, East, Ambulance. 'Residence, 19 Division St, King street east. Phone 210], > DISNEY COTT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street,Oshawa. Corner Bruce street, Ambulance. Phone 1082, (96-1) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- 'flelds made to order, We save you money, Estimates free. G. A, Constable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1506J, (66-1) O'DANIELS, OXY-ACETYLENE welding, cutting, . brazing, lead burning, carbon burning, auto and radio battery service, 240 Divi. sion St, Phena 1802W, (May 18-June 18) Veterinary Surgeon DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 620, (66-t1) C. 5. DICKENSON, V.S, DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone 105), (131-tf) Auctioneer SEND YOUR ' FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our yard, Sales weekly. Sulley's Real Estate, 41 King Street West, Phones 2680 or 716J. (60LL) IF YOU WANT SATISFACTIV: apd highest prices, call on B, J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. E. Phone 1013M, Plumbing H. A. LYALL, PLUMBING AND hot water heating, Good materials, efficient workmen. Prompt ser- vice. 178 Centre St. Phone 1025W, (May 30-June 30) STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) ADANAC GARAGE AND MACH- INE Shop, successor to Durrant Machine Company] All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo- tor blocks and most anything. Oxy-acetylene welded, Coppecting rods rebabitted, Fly wheel start- ing teeth installed. 161 King St. W. Phone 1214. (8-41) a Oh Architects F. HILL, DECORATING, paper hanging, painting, work guaranteed. Estimates given. Phone 942W, 135 Brock St. E, (May 18-June 18) 2 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Work guaranteed. Peeling and Stecle. Phone 2337). (May 18-June 18) OSHAWA PAINTERS. YOUR call to us will save you money. Pure materials used. 14 Nassau street. Phone 1495W. Mygland and Linstad. (June 9-July 9) ---- Help Wanted--Male A TILL WANTED. Phone 22:4. (136b) C. PORTER C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. E. Phone 2354). We specialize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors and frames. (otf) Public Stenographer PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT sour service. between ® and 530. 24 Church St. Phone S11. Rates reasoiabie. (May 22-June 22) YOUNG MAN TO MANAGE WHITE Castle system, refreshment booths. Must come well recommended and capable. Small investment. Bex "K" Oshawa Daily Times. ' (1360 C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL om Bart Buitding. Phase 1956. Res. 909), (8-11) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1053. (ne) - Restaurants ALTERATIONS COMPLETED-- Lots of tables for bur fustomers. Quick service. Full course meal, any kind, 30 cents. Oshawa Cafe. 31 Bond St. E. (Juve 8-July 8) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRIN at Ideal Tire REPAIRING Jamieson Bros 438. (tf) Electricians WANTED--BOY FOR DRAFTING room. One with talent for letter- ing required. Apply wtih samples of work to the redlar People Lim- ited. (1372) OLD HOUSE WIRING A SPECIAL- ty also factories. farms, ete. Phone us for reasonable prices. J. Harris, Phoue 36, Whitby. (June 9-July 9) Notice Re Classified Ads Effective imm ately clos- time for classified ads. 9.30 tna \ Monday to Friday and i% am. Saturday, Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am, 3 . h a J p h 3 3 3 h J Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--134§ per word. Minimum charge--~30e. Each subsequent insertion le per word, Three consecutive insers tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 0c additional Professional or Business rds, per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment. cents Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND BOVT WOOD slabs, $3.60 per load, Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288, (Apr. 26-tf) 1 DOLLAR DEPOSIT SECURES delivery of your order; Rogers Sil- verware, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds, and the bal- ance payable on very easy terms. 0. H. Dell, 263% Simcoe St, 8, Phone 1656, (May 29-June 20) GRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALE. Phone Oshawa 1689J, Whitby phone 433. W. A, Hall. (May 28-June 28) FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Phone 806, (127Lr) SLIGHTLY USED BEWING MA- chines for sale, from §25 up. All dropheads. Sold on payments, $5 down, $3 monthly. Call at Singer Store, 46 King St, West, [uune 696. (134-1) ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber, doors, windows, lath, Spe- cial price for new doors, regular $3.50, for $2.65. Bedroom doors, regular $4 for $2.75, frout doors, regular $5.50 for $4. Doors re- duced $2 lower, for next week. Ap- ply 80 Ontario street, (135-¢) I'OR SALE--ONE SUNSHINE furnace in good repair, bargain for quick sale. Apply-219 Kipg St. E, (135-¢) For Rent Real Estate for Sale TO RENT---ONE LARGE BRIGHT bedroom, furnished. Kor one or two gentlemen. Apply 67 Nassau street. (135-1) I ------ SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOM TO rent with or without board. Apply 628 Hortop avenue or phone 2840W, (136¢) TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED front rooms, ground floor, Private entrance. No children, Apply 102 Agnes St. (136¢) CEMENT MIXER TO RENT, Phone 723 r 12, (136t1) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping on ground floor light and water, $22.60 per month, Apply 221 Clarke St, (136b) N---------- A NICELY FURNISHED BED- room, suitable for two gentlemen. Close to Motors, Phone 2443J, (136¢) APARTMENTS FOR RENT, FOUR roomed apartments, consisting of dining room, bedroom dinette, kit: chenette and tiled bathroom, Also wall bed, electric stoves and refri- geration, Laundry has electric washer and dryer. Apply Victoria Apartments, 291 Simcoe St, 8, (1364) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO rent, Suitable for one or two gen- tlemen, Very central, 17 John St, Phone 2382, (136¢) REAL ESTATE--USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to suit you. Office 38 Simeoe St. N, (86-41) Find Five Ways ww Improve i Bill's Grammar A FOR SALE--SIX ROOM FRAME house, situated 158 Willlam §t. KE. Must be moved off lot. Price $500 for real snap. Apply 106 Willlam st. BE. (12741) HOUSE FOR SALE--NEW SIX rooms, rug brick, Apply 87 Me- Laughlin Blvd. (98t1) $4,900 BUYS AN EXCEPTION- ally well built new house. Rug brick veneer six rooms, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, French doors, plenty of built in cupboards and closets, wired for electric stove, mantel, side drive, on paved street. $700 cash, Box "G" Oshawa Dally Times. (120t1) FOR 'SALE--LOT NO. 151 IN Fairview Park. No. 2. Apply 49 Mechanic street, (186-¢) CHOICE BUILDING LOT YOR sale. Excellent location. Park road south. Opposite Mil] St. $325. Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times, , (1330) 1] Dear Bob: Please do like I say, and the first time you see Charles going past the store, ask him about the money. 1 never associated with Charles and don't know nothing about him, but your conclusion corresponds with mine. Cordially yours, Bill Yesterday's Letter Corrected. Dear Bob: 1 suppose you wonder why I have not mentioned John's family. The condition of their affairs is deplor- able, probably worse than you think (omit for.) Agreeably with your wishes 1 delivered your message, and John seemed very much de- lighted that you remembered him, Cordially yours, Bill Help Wanted--Female UXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED for general housework. Fond of children, Apply Mrs, Alloway, 478 Simcoe St. N. (132i) © Wanted ---------- WANTED FIRST MORTGAGE loan of $3,200 on modern twe story square plan brick. Well lo» cated near Simcoe. For particulars phone Mr. Dyment, 2068 Monday evening. (136d) Position Wanted WANTED--HOUSEKEEPER'S PO. sition. With girl school age. Kee liable, good cook. Excellent re- ferences. Mrs. Rawlinson, Port Whitby. (137+b), OXFORD SCHOOL FAIR DATES ARE SET FOR SEPTEMBER Woodstock, June 11.--Dates for the township have been fixed as fol- lows: The championship fair for the county, being held in conjunee tion with Woodstock Fair, Sept, 20-22: South Norwich at Otter- ville, Sept. 5; North Norwich at' Norwich, Sept. 6; East Oxford at Oxford Centre, Sept. 7; Blenheim at Drumbo, Sept. 10; Blandford at Innerkip, Sept. 11; East Zorra at Hickson, Sept. 12; West Zorra at Embro, Sept. 13; East Nissouri at Kintore, Sept. 14; North and West Oxford at Beachville, Sept. 17% Dereham at Dereham Centre, Sept, 18, -------------------- FOR SALE--SIX ROOMS FRAME house. All modern conveniences, Garage. Bargain, for quick sale. Owner leaving city, 74 Fisher St, (13%¢) GARAGE TO RENT, PHONE £878, (13¢c) COMFORTABLE ROOM IN PRIV- ate family for gentlemen with ex- cellent hoard, All conveniences, Phone 2188M, (186¢) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKREPING rooms to rent, Phone 1400M, (186Gc) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, Possession at once, Prefer- ably no children, Apply 47 Celina St, (186¢) FOR SALE--NEW 2 ROOMED house, water and electric with gar- age on large lot 40 x 207, on paved street in Oshawa. $1,250, $800 cash. Balance $10 month, Applv owner Box ""B" Oshawa Dally Times, . (1344) EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT home with 6 bedrooms, hardwood floors, and trim, French doors. Wired for electric stove, mantel, garage. Good location. Consider building lot as part payment, Phone 1671F. (186-c) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms, suitable for light house- keeping, Private entrance, All conveniences. Apply 42 Brock St. w. (136a) TO FURNISHED rent. Central, BEDROOM Phone 1236W, (136h) FOR RENT---2 PARTLY FURN- ished rooms, for light housekeep- ing. Apply 236 Verdun Road, be: fore 8 p.m, (137-¢) ONE LARGE FURNISHED BED- room, ope unfurnished bed sitting room, for rent, Heat, light and water' included. Masson street, Phone, 2003F, (187-h) THREE NICE BRIGHT ROOMS to rent for light housekeeping, Bathroom flat. Apply 319 Leslie St, Phone 2667, (137) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM YOR rent. Apply 132 Brock St, E. (137) FOR RENT--EXTRA FINE FUR- nished bedroom, Hot water always, Phone 627F, (137b) FOR RENT -- GARAGE, CEN- tral. Phone 627F, (1370) ron tric range. Cheap. town, Phone 1811F, BIG SALE oF iron beds, steel springs, new felt mattresses, all sizes, Sliding couches, camp cots, child's cribs, kitchen cabinets, sideboards, exten- sion tables, dining chairs, rockers, easy chairs, settees, parlour suites, dressers, washstands, baby gies, and gocarts, gem jars, lawn mowers, hall racks, cook stoves. Goods at half price. 17 Prince St. (136¢) ASSORTED FENCE POSTS AND timothy hay for sale. Phone 370W. (137-139-141) SIX PIECE SOLID OAK BREAK- fast set, hand carved. Phone 979W. 517 Simcoe St. N. (137b). SALE--MOFFATT ELEC- Party leaving (136c) FURNITURE, bug- FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMED apartment, furnished with all con- veniences, Apply 97 Colborne St. E. (1872) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--FIVE OR six romed house, with all conyeni- ences, Will lease. Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times, (187c) YOUNG COUPLE, NO CHILDREN, want to rent a small house or two unfurnished rooms. Write Box "C" Oshawa Daily Times, (137-p) WANTED--BY YOUNG COUPLE with one child, two unfurnished or furnished rooms for light house- keeping. State full particulars. Box "X" Oshawa Daily Times, (137¢) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE finished in cream blue, also water power washing machine. For par- ticulars phone 1090W. (137) Raa lh WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE IN Westmount district, careful ten- ants. No children. Box *'Y" Oshawa Daily Times. 37¢) Pets and Live Stock Motor Cars FOR SALE--BRICK HOUSE, SIX rooms and attic, lot 44 by 100, newly decorated. Immediate pos- session. Apply 79 Ritson Rd. N. (1361) FOR SALE--NEW BRICK HOUSE 6 rooms. All conveniences, on paved street. Price will be right for a quick sale. Bradley Bros, 20 Simcoe St, South, Phone 1649, (L36h) FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, OAK floors, chestnut trim, electric f1x- tures, screen doors, ete. go with house. Close to G.M.C. $360 down. Balance as rent. Phone W, G, Miller, 2780 (136d) $5,000 NEW BRICK VENEER store and fixtures. 8 room dwelling. 14 acre corner lot in village on highway half way between Mid- land and Barrie. Only butcher in radius of 8 miles also grocer and post office, Good reason for sell- ing. Box 124 Hillsdale, Ont, (136e) NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, OAK floors downstairs, fir trim, 8 plece bath, furnace, close in. Immedi- pte possession. ° Four thousand dollars, $400 down. Balan .e monthly, W, G. Miller, 9 Simcoe street south, (1364) SIX ROOM BRICK, CLOSE TO Motors. All conveniences. $3,800. $400 down. Balance as rent. W. G. Miller, 9 Simcoe street south. (136d) FOUR CHOICE BUILDING LOTS on Patricia Drive, pear King St. east, thirty-eight frontage. Phone 2011W. (136¢) FOR SALE--BRICK BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, oak floors. All conveni- ences, Electric firtures, Box *'V" Oshawa Daily Times. (137h) LOTS FOR SALE--SPECIAL THIS week. 6 very fine lots in Whitby Town on Highway in a very desir- able residental section. Must be sold at a sacrifice price only $150 each. Very easy terms. $10 down. Also for sale three extra fine homes at special prices. See Bob Holden, 92 Simcoe N. Phone 371W. (137¢) Room and Board PONY FOR SALE. PHONE 908r5. (137-¢) floor, |BABY CHICKS--WHITE LEG- horn, Tancred Strain. We do cus- tom hatching. Phone Virgil N. Clymer, 723 R 21. (May 16-June 16) FOR SALE--YOUNG PIGS, 6 weks old. Apply to Herbert Trull, Harmony. (135¢) BABY CHICKS FOR IMMEDIATE delivery from Canada's Oldest and Greatest Laying Strain White Leg- horns. Reduced price 15¢ each-- any number. Safe arrival guaran- teed. We were first in Canada to advertise and ship chicks. Forty page Catalpgue Free. Fisher Poul- try Farm, Box P--83, Ayton, On- tarjo. (135-c) FOR SALE--ONE COCKEREL, 6 hens. Apply 138 King St. E. | (136a) FOR SALE-- POLICE PUPPY, male. Phone 2172]. - (147b) Roomers Wanted LATE FORD TOURING. START- er, new battery. 5 good tires. $100. 194 King West, Phone 1941F evenings. A136¢c) FOR SALE--CHOICE BETWEEN 1927 McLaughlin Buick coach or coupe. Both cars fully equipped. Privately owned and driven. May be inspected at 329 King St. E. Phone 166 or 1503M. (1361) CHEVROLET TOURING CAR FOR sale. $50. In good condition. Apply 75 Hogarth St. Phone 220. (137c¢c) BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Permanent wave, special $7.50. Marcelling, 'finger waving. 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2968. (97-40) Sr ------ re -- once NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Parlor. Marcel and Curl, 50 cents. Hot oll shampoo. 551 Simcoe St. N. Phone 918M for (June 8-July 8) TWO RESPECTABLE GENTLE- men roomers wanted. Willing to share room. Apply Miss M. Wilson, §6 Simcoe St. N. Apt. 2. (136b) Also lessons in MARCEL AND CURL, 50 CENTS. Irene Robertson, 45 Albany St. Phone 624]. (May 15-June 15) BOARD AND ROOM FOR 2 OR 3 men. All conveniences. Apply 278 Albert St. (135¢) WANTED--CAPABLE GENERAL Sleep out, Phone 463W. (136¢) WANTED--EXPERIENCED STE- nographer, Apply Employment Dept., General Motors, Oshawa, (1356-d) GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Mrs, Dime, Lead- er Store. Phone 740. (1387%c¢c) For Your Drug Needs' THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver HOUSEMAID WANTED FOR UP- stair work and to take charge of children's laundry. Girls under 20 need not apply. Mrs. W. A. Coad, 448 Simcoe St. N. (127tf) GIRLS WANTED, SPEND HOLI- days picking cherries, raspberries, twenty years or plder, stamped ad- dressed envelope. Miss Mason, Farmerettes' Camp, Beamsville, Ontario. (137-1) EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted for Police Magistrate's of- fice, Apply to Major A. F. Hind, 11 King St. East or 121 Simcoe south. (137¢) WANTED EXPERIENCED STENO- grapher or hookkeeper. Apply (Jon- ant & Annis, 7% Simcoe street south, (134t1) Buy Yow STRAW HAT NOW at the Dominion Clothing Co. From 95¢ to $2,98 68 King St. W. Phone 3141 23, = HOUSEKEEPER FOR ADULT family. 109 Alice, Phone 1874W, after five. (136¢) GIRL, WANTED TO CARE invalid lady. Phone 2220, (137th) FOR Lost and Found LOST-- MONDAY AFTERNOON on King St., Westmount, pair of --_-- Radio Electric 148 Simcoe St. S. S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers gold rimmed glasses in black case. Finder please phone 1336J or call 225 Arthur St, (137a) Auction Sale Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets in stock.' Ki el eas HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from Mrs. Eleanor Hart, to sell on Thursday, June 14, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at her residence, Simcoe street north and Alexandra St., all her household 'furniture consisting of kitchen range, gas stove, kitchen table and chairs, five oak dining room chairs, sofa, two small tables, three up- bolstered living room chairs, two white enamel beds complete, two dressers, one commode, pictures, curtains; linoleums, stair carpets, garden toois. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, W. J. Sulley, auctioneer, (1 Notice of Proposed By-law TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY A by-law for closing and stop- ping up and for selling the soil and freehold of part of the highway or original allowance for road be- tween lots fourteen and fifteen, Fifth Concession, Township of East Whitby. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby enacts as follows: -- 1.--~THAT all the highway or original allowance for road be- tween lots 14 and 15 in the Fifth C 37b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE young man. Three minutes from G. M.C. 318 Division St. (136¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen. Close to G. M. C. In private home. Apply 276 French St. (135¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG gentleman willing to share room. Must be respectable. Private fam- ily. All conveniences. Central. Ap- ply 143 Centre St. (136¢c) WANTED--TWO BUSINESS MEN, willing to share room, with private family. Home comforts. Central. Board may be arranged. Phone 1634F. (131-c) i of the Township of East Whitby, excepting only the Southerly 300 rods of the said highway or original allowance fer road be and the same is hereby stopped up or closed. 2.--THAT the soil and freehold of the said highway or allowance for road so stopped up and closed be sold and conveyed to ROBERT SAMUEL McLAUGHLIN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above is a true copy of the By-law proposed be p d by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby after the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publica- tion of this Notice. The said Coun- cil will hear in person, or by his Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying and selling. 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. June 7-July 7) IF YOU HAVE A GOOD SECOND mortgage or agreemeni you want to sell see W. G. Miller, 9 Simcoe St. S. (436d) 1, solicitor or agent any per- son who claims that his land will be prejudicially effected by the sald by-law and who applies to be heard. Dated at Columbus, Ontario, this 29th day of May. A.D. 1928. WARREN DEARBORN, Reeve. P. G. PURVE2 Clerk. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office ON MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you not meet your present pay- ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pay- ments for any term wp to twelve months and insure your car. See Swanson, Gers man & McKenzie, 2 King street cast. Phone 940. HOUSE - For Sale Beautiful new 5 room brick veneer house on Warren Ave. All con- * Cash payment, $500, bal- ance like rent. Phone 1288 Evenings, 168-W (Tues. June 12)

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