{THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, BF Sm 2, 1928 ED SECTION. eller "39008000 - : " SLE ~~ meets fk S. BBS BARRISTER CRs Blix, bu ( OT Ee {aneh Natyics Sc s py A 2A: ud t A. Annis, BA. LLB. ia: » ah en c a fd Se, street. Phone "we Coa: | ARTHUR LYNDE, VOOAL TBACH- i) fo) pusie apared tr ron | 1} oh exams. Oshawa, Mondays, 9 coe St. North, Phone THN * (129t) Ww. SINCLAIR, KC, BANK of EX. Building. (116-1yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A --BAR- mister, 5 Solicif Public, = noer, Rog to loan. Phone iw Hk ne CY Awa. one ult & CREIGHTON=BAR. risters, Converincers, Notaries eA over Standar n| Rh Simeoe St. Phone 13. i F. Grierson; BA, T. K. Creighton, BA. . Ae-- SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and Douglas, barristers, solicitors, conveyancers, notaries public, Money to loan, 2 King St. E. Phone 940, 2454. D. A. J. Fwahsan, F. G. enzle, §. B. Douglas Merona (130t1) ig S. "HYMAN AND COM. arristers. Money to loan. o% Dowiand's Store, 16 Simcoe ol perth, Phone 67, residence. 1807 , (tf) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- Fas ty Money to loan, Disney Bldg., opposite post office, Phone 1614, . A, J, Parkhill, A. Ww. 8 Greer. (49tf) -_--= Medical R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- %® surgeon, and obstetrician, Of- fice and home, Simcoe street south, Phone 25032, (114t0) DR, HAR! Ww. TRICK, PHYSI- clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe- cial reference to maternity work and diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience, Office and residents hor Blilitoe st. N,, , Broe ne + {oon SENS y (119440) DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher, Office and resi ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 9%. NT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, | m DR. Gan Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1156, DR. A , HAZLEWOOD, PHYSL cian "Surgeon, special attention given bi X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050. Office open § a.m. to 9 P. m. Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. (tf Esr, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat onl Appointments maye be m at Sirus iy Phone 97. (49-tf) Dental Dk. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St, South, Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex- , Phone 231, res. 2082. traction, Phone (148t1) PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetts'. Phone 95y; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST, i, h over Mitchell's Drug, Store. Gas 7 extraction. Phone DR L E HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid OXYEeD gas for extrao- tions. Office, Royal 5 Bank Bldg. dence, 1378M Phone 948, resi re GIFFORD, OFFICE Bldg. Phone wm DR. S.J. DR W, Regent Residence. J those desiring to ) sand and gravel, WILLIAM CHARNLEY, VIOLIN Teacher. Careful attention extend- ed to beginners. Phone 1187TW, (May 31-June 30) done at reasonable prices. Anly 21 Rowe St.. Phone 1347M, (19tf) IPTV PVP PTPPET PVP VN Notice Re Classified Ade] optics, Smt, am Monday to Friday and | 3 Montay fo for Too Late to Clas: 3 aed Coming Events, Sais | Lup to 1 am. 9 4 S542 2802 20080000000 ss dss PP a ne | RESSMAKING PLAN, FANCY sewing.. Miss Flossie Boyd, 362 Leslie Street. Phone 1842], (May 30-June 30) a] «Contracting A BIG ASSORTMENT OF HA. wallan guitars, ukeleles, tenor ban- jos. Lessons given by H. Wagner, teacher. Apply Harrls' Music Store. Phone 1490. (May 16-July 16) BOB CARTER, SAXOPHONIST, Roy Longo, banjoist, of the Blue Marines will take a limited num- ber of 'pupils. Apply Jubilee Pavi- lion, (1291) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire ency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Cora (118-¢f) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and vour intbrests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr) BRANT AND MUNRO, CARPEN- ters and contractors, any size job, Give us a call. Estimates free. Phone 384J. (May 20-June 20) PLASTERING WANTED. 30 cents a yard. 127 Ritson road south, (1301) CARPENTER WORK' DONE. New repairs or alterations, Apely 127 Elgin St. EB, (May 29-Juue 29) TTT TTT TT TTT TTY Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr, 26-tf) 1 DOLLAR DEPOSIT SECURES delivery of your order; Rogers Sil- verware, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all kinds, and the bal- ance payable on very easy terms, O.. H, Dell, 26% Simcoe St. 8, Phone 1656. (May 29-June 29) GRAVEL AND SAND FOR SALE. Phone Oshawa 1689), Whitby phone 433. W. A. Hall. (May 28-June 28) PLASTERING work done. Phone 29157. AND REPAIR 181 Oshawa Blvd. (132¢) FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Phone 896, (127t1) 6 Transportation COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 8 Bond St. West. Phone trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse C. E, HEPBURN, 11 ONTARIO ST,, District Representative for the Great West Life Assurance Com- pany. Phone 1365J. (Feb, 1-1yr) INSURANCE ~~ OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Local agents for one of the best Hupglish companies, Office 38 Simcoe St, N, (86-tf) Money to Loan LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction. Conant and Annis, phone 4, (75-tf) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their motor cars, of re-linance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson 3 King Bt. B, 14411) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST s, Building loans arran, Bradiey Bros. Phone 169, 420. ( CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- ress loans arranged. 'Parkhill & reer, Barristers, ete, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (4011) Building Supplies FOR SALE--CEMENT BLOCKS. Quality guaran- teed, Good loam for lawns, Bors rowdale and Foskett, Phone 920 r 6. (80t) BUILDING SUPPLIES ~--CON- crete, Brick and Block, Plain and fancy. Urns, etc, Wilkinson and Bews, Rogers Rd, Phone 1840W. (May 17-June 17) BUILDING MATERIAL--BUILD. ers protect yourself and buy pres- sure tested concrete bloeksg at the West End Block Plant. Phone 202R11, (129-1) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished completely with sanding machine, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give' us a 'trial, Sylvian and sSte- vens, 164 Alice St. Phone 2619W, (May 81-June 30) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Deh. awa, phone (69-tf) SAND AND GRAVEL, CRUSHED and screened for all purposes. Con- crete poured, Oshawa Concrete Co. Office 492 King Sirens 'East, Phones 2770 and 1840W, (May 21-June 21) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTARIO Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. BE, Phones 25323 or B5n, tf) Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW - ~House cleaning, wood SAND AND GRAVEL HAULED. Any part of city. Phone 161 r 4. (1298) GRAVEL, DIRT AND CINDERS ON dump truck to rent by hour. Phones 274J--1666J. (May 12 tf) SAND, GRAVEL, SOD, BLACK loam, for sale. Delivered prompt- ly. Lot '12, first farm east of C. N.R. Station, north side of road. Phone 920r22. (June 5-July 5) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics, Old floors fin- ished like mew. Screen windows, combination doors. General con- tracting. B. W. Haynes, 161 King St. W. Phone 481. Residence 180 r2 Painting and Decorating OSHAWA PAINTERS. YOUR CALL to us will save you money. Pure materials used. 14 Nassau &St Phone 1495W. Mygland and Lins- tad. (May 8-June 8). R GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- | Parlor hanging, oa, Ti Hot ol German and McKensle, (133tf) ud ggage transferred to and from all. Cr (64-21) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long dlstance moving, 81 Ritson Rd, N, Phone 2860, (o0tf) 8. BROWN, CARTAGE, DAY OR night, 140 Alma St, When think. ing of moving, think of me, Phone 1400F, (May 8-June 8) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. Eas Ambulance. 69 King ast. Residence, 19 Division St, street Phone 210), DISNEY COTT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance, Phone 1082 (96-tf) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER. fields made to order, We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Constable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1696J. LL east. | TWO LADIES' SUITS, SLIGHTLY USED BICYOLES, boys' and girls', $12 up. 12 Rich- mond St. E. Phone 2774. (129-g) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE in good condition. 10§ Prince St, (181-4) TO BUILDERS AND CONTRAC- tors, Face stones for sale, for foundations. Bargain prices, Phone IF. A. VanGunten, Jeweller, King St. W. (131-¢) LAWN MOWERS NEW AND USED for sale. Mowers sharpened. Ad- justed and repaired. O'Regan's, 58 Prince St. (131c) FOR SALE-- STEEL RANGE. 86 Brock St, W. Phone 967J. ¢ (131e) 1 GREY tweed, size 36; 1 Navy Tricotine, size 38, 16 Brock street west, (132-0) J'OR SALE--ONE BRASS MEL ody saxophone. Nearly new. Apply 140 Agnes St., between 6 and 7 @'clock or phone 1104M. (1 33¢) FOR SALE--ONE COOK STOVE, Saxonet Treasure, white closet and back, wood and coll grate. Only used 5 months, "Will. sell cheap, Phone 2866W or 625 Carnegie Ave, (133-c) O"DANIELS, welding, cutting, brazing, lead burning, earhon butning, auto and radio battery service, . 240 Divi. sion St, Phone 1802W, ' (May 18-June 18) GENERAL BICYCLE REPAIRING, baby carriage tires put on. All work guaranteed, 12 Richmond St. E. Phone 2774. (129-8) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic nimals Cat and Dog Hospital, 2 308 Ki (5810) west, Phone 629, C. S,. DICKENSON, V.S: DISEASES of all domestic apimals scientifically Yeates. Do gion SOE eterina 1 . ne 105]. " bg (131-tf) nt Auctioneer SEND YOUR FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our yard, Sales weekly. Sulley's Real Estate, 41 King Street West. Phones 2580 or 716J. (69Lr) IF YOU WANT SATISFACTION and highest prices, call on BE. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. BE. Phone 013M. Plumbing H. A, LYALL, PLUMBING AND bot water heating, Good materials, efficient workmen. Prompt ser- vice, 178 Centre St. Phone 1025W. (May 30-June 30) Machinery Kepairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church ool, repair work done on all weld- ing. y Aig [ wecisliy, ORT ACETYLENE | + A ADANAC GARAGUE AND aids Help Wanted--Male MANAGER, ONE OF THE WHITE Castle system, refreshment booths. State experience in busi- ness. Require investment, Box "K" Oshawa Daily Times, (132d) WANTED--ACTIVE MAN EX- perienced in delivery work. Apnly in writing stating age, experience in delivery work and handling of cash, Chauffeur"s license neces- sary. Give references. State wages expected. Box "N" Oshawa Daily Times, . (1310) For Rent ROOMS TO RENT, FURNISHED or unfurnished. Breakfast if de- sired. Apply 166 Ritson Rd. 8. (123-41) SEVEN ROOM_HOUSE TO RENT, 217 Hillside Avenue. (120t1) OFFICES FOR RENT IN DISNEY Building. Opposite Post Office. Phone Disney 1550. (129-1) GOOD BRICK HOUSE TO RENT. Stove, hot water heated. Garage. All conveniences. Apply 131 Albert St. (131¢) FOR RENT----ONE BED SITTING room. Suitable for 2 men. 165 Simcoe St. 8. (131¢) FOR RENT-- THREE UNFUR- nished rooms, bathroom flat, 357 Jarvis St. {131¢) TO RENT---FOUR ROOM APART- ment, new, hardwood floors, fir trim, electric refrigerator, stove, hot water, rent $45. Apply 9 Ce- lina St. Phone 1400. (1832p) APARTMENT SUITES FOR RENT. Location, 82 Simcoe St. 8., oppos- ite St. Andrew's Church, and 304 Simcoe St. South, and* 17 Quebec Street. Full particulars may be had from L. V. Disney, owner and builder, phone 1650, (120tt) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Apply 202 Celina street. (132-0) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for light housekeeping, Apply 236 Verdun road. (132-¢) A FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM in selegt home. Hot water always. Central. Phone 627F. (132-0) TWO UNFURNISHED ROQMS TO rent for light housekeeping, youug couple, No children, Apply 315 Leslie street, (131-¢) VOR RENT--NICELY FURNISH. ed bedroom, with bath,' "suitable for one gentleman, aol 0 share roof with another, Appl§ 31 King street. east, Apartment i (181-0) FRIGHT | FRONT ROOM TQ RENT, Phone 1284 (£83-c) USE THESE COLUMNS AND SAVE MONEY From the vantage-polant ot these columuns you can spot every chance to save money and time in getting the things that you may want today, to- morrow, and every day throughout the year. Take a good look at the opportunities that are now open to you. There are big bargains today. Find Five Ways 0 Improve Bill's Grammar alan | Dear Bob: Your impression is absolutely correct. John as well as 1 are go- ing, but there is no neecssity of you being there. There were less than forty apples in the box and 1 am enclosing herewith the Real Estate for Sale and Land Co, Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to suit you, Office 38 Simcoe 8g N. (86-t1) 1BEAL ESTATE-~OSHAWA HOUSE receipt. Cordially yours, Bill. YESTERDAY'S LETTER COR. RECTED Dear Bob: I am not going away (omit at all) this week, as there would be no one (omit « else) but FOR SALE--SIX ROOM FRAME house, situated 158 Willlam st. E. Must be moved off lot, Price $500 for real snap. Apply 106 William st. BE. (1271) HOUSE FOR SALE--NEW rooms, rug brick, Apply 387 Me- Laughlin Blvd, (98tr) AGENTS FOR DEARBORN RIDGE, Bickell Real Estate and Insurance, 430 Simcoe St. 8; L.V. Disney, Real Estate and Insurance Disney Bldg.; M. C. Rose, Real Estate and Insurance, 153 Simcoe 8t. N.; W. J, Sullye, Real Estate and Auctioneer, 41 King St, W, SIX (May 17-June 17) $4,900 BUYS AN 'EXCEPTION- ally well built new house, Rug brick veneer six rooms, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, French doors, plenty of built in cupboards and closets, wired for electric stove, mantel, side drive, on paved street. $700 cash, Box "G" Oshawa Dally Times. (120tt) HOUSE FOR SALE ON ELGIN ST. KE, with five bedrooms, separate toilet, hardwood floors wpstairs and down, French doors. Good size kitchen, pantry, gavage. All newly decorated. $7,000, with $1600 down, Apply Box "A" Osh. awa Daily Times, (1290-1) ROOM TO RENT FOR TWO MEN. Board it desired. Behind Fittings, Close ® Motors, 224 Eulalle Ave. ' (181¢) ONE INIBHED BEDROOM TO rent, gditable for one or two gen- tleme 149. Albert St. Phone 2617TW, 0.) (181¢) FOR | NT=TWO UNFURNISH- ed "roo '262 Eulalie avenue. ' " (132-b) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. No children, Phone be- tween 5 and 7. 1078M. 168 Bar- rie street, (132-¢) FOR RENT----NICELY FURNISH- ed room, very centrally loeated, with breakfast, Gentleman win clean work, Phone 391), (132-¢) TO RENT--TWO DOWNSTAIRS rooms for light housekeeping Well furnished. Every convenience. Phone 774W, (132t1) WANTED--SINGLE MAN" TO work on dairy farm, Ope accus- tomed to De Laval milker prefer- red. Bimeroft Stock Farm, Osh- awa, + (132-D) WANTED-- EXPERIENCED DE- livery man, Must know the city and be competent driver, Apply R. 8. Virtue, Hardware, 48 Simcoe St, N. (132¢) HELP WANTED -- ASSISTANT yard man one accustomed to seal- ing lumber. Apply I". L. Beecroft, Whitby lumber yard. (132e) YOUNG MAN TO MANAGE WHITE Castle system, refreshment booths. Must come well recommended and capable, Smal] investment. Box "K" Oshawa Daily Times, (132-d) WANTED -- CITY SALESMAN, married man not over 40 years of age, Advancement ahd splendid opportunity for right man. Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (133c) PURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent, Suitable for two gentlemen. Breakfast if desired. Phone 2078J or apply 362 Jarvis St, (132c) TWO NICE PLEASANT ROOMS for rent, Suitable for light house- keeping. No children, 322 Col- borne St. E, (182¢c) FOR RENT--NICE COMFORT- able four rooms. $16 per month. Conveniences. Apply Mrs. Neskel, Dundas St, Whitby. Phone 2. (133a) TO BENT--BBAUTIFULLY YOUR nished double bed sitting room. Very central, All conveniences, Suitable for business couplé or two friends, Apply 78 Bond St. W., or Phone 804, (133a) ---- NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO rent. Suitable for ong or two gen- tlemen, Very central. 17 John St. Phone, 2382. (133¢) YOUNG LAD WANTED FOR bakeshop. 142 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1715W, . (133-c) Notice WILL THOSE 'ATTENDING THE recent Psychology lectures and other - inte "Class Fprming write Box ud hawa Daily Times. (132b) aba -- WILL THE PARTY ~ WHO WAS seen picking up brown Pekinese dog, Sunday at lake, please return to number 27, the lake (large store and h ), at once or they will be prosecuted, - child's pet; (133-2) TO RENT--ONE . OR TWO UN- furpished front rooms very central. Reasonable remt. No objection to children. Apply 140 Albert St. (1332) TO RENT--TWO PARTLY FUR- pished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Gas, water and telephone. Phone 1658W. (1382) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 214 Clarke St. (138c) FURNISHED BEDROOMS rent. Apply 169 Celina St, (133-¢) BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Permanent wave, special $7.50. Mascelling. Sing finger waving, 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2968. (97-41) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Marcel (May 7-June 7) 942W, 135 Brock st. E. (May 18-June 18) WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1053. me) PAINTING AND PAPEREANGING. Work guaranteed. Peeling and Stecle. Phone 2337J. May 18-Jupe 18) ' MARCEL AND CURL, 50 CENTS. Irene Robertson, 45 Albany St. Phone 6244. (May 15-June 15) CINDERELLA DRESS SHOPPE; 153 Simcoe St. South. 'Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6: eve- nings by tment. Phone 2879. appa {May 9-June 3). A Lost and Found LOST--SINCE LAST FRIDAY, Boston bull dog. Has on harpess. Finder phone 508. Reward. (132¢) For Exchange WHAT HAVE YOU, TO EX- change for an equity of $1,700, in a good farm? Would take car and some cash, or house in or out of Oshawa. Apply Box "@" Osh- awa Dally Times. (132-b) a Public Stenographer PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT your service, between 9 and 5 234. 24 Church St. Phone 811. Rates FURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent. Suitable for two gentlemen. 41 Bound St. E. Phone 1871M. i (133b) Motor Cars FOR SALE-1926 STUDEBAKER sport roadster. Al condition. Ap- ply 26 Gladstone avenue. Phone 2449W. © A132) "Pets and Live Stock BABY CHICKS--WREITE LEG- horn, Tancred Strain. We do cus- tom Phone Virgil N. hatching. Clymer, 423 BR 21. (May 16-Jupe 16) AMay 22-June 22) PUPS FOR SALE. SIX WEEKS old. "194 King St. West. (133) BOWN REALTY CO, Phone 2746 6% Prince St. 6 room brick veneer, 8 piece bath, hardwood floors, closets, cabinets, pantry, electric, fire place, mantel and fixtures, Few minutes from Motors. Easy terms $4,750, 5 rooms brick veneer, 3 plece bath, All oak floors, chestnut trim, fur- nace, closets and cupboards, Cen- tral. 8 minutes from Motors, Easy terms, $4,000, Lots--Choice inside sections of city, Westmount Heights from $525 up (1%1e) BRICK HOUSE, SIX ROOMS AND attic, lot 44 by 100, newly decor- ated, immediate possession, Apply 79 Ritson Rd. N. (131e! NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, OAK floors downstairs, fir trim, 3 piece bath, furnace, close in. Jmmedi- ate possession. Four thousand dollars, $400 down. Balance monthly. W. G. Miller, » Simcoe street south, (132-¢) SIX ROOM BRICK, CLOSE "TO Motors, All conveniences, $3,800, $400 down. Balance as pent. W, G. Miller, 9 Simcoe street south. (132-c) THREE ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale. 248 Quebec street, Phone 2335) (132-¢) FOR SALE--FIVE ROOMED BUN- galow, exceptionally well built, fully cemented and tiled cellar, hardwood ceilings, water, light, lot 46 x 234 ft. All kinds of fruit trees, low taxes; on good street, Oshawa. Phone 19767, ihe owner, (132¢) CHOICE BUILDING LOT FOR sale. Excellent location. Park road south. Opposite Mill St, $325. Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times, (13310) Room and Board Wanted GENTLEMAN DESIRES BOARD and lodging in private family. Ap- ply Box "L" Oshawa Daily Times. (131-¢) BY BUSINESS MAN, ROOM AND lots in all located. No boarding houses. Box "I" Oshawa Daily Times. (132b) TWO MEN WOULD LIKE ROOM and board, Reasonable and central. Box "C" Oshawa Dally Times. © (132¢) GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD TO land room, south of King. Private family preferred. #Box "V" Osh- awa Daily Times. A132-¢) TWO. RESPECTABLE GENTLE- man boarders wanted willing to share Toom. Apply 631 Somer- ville Ave. (133b) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--AN UNDER- wood typewriter. Phone 1287. (132-¢) WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OF six or seven rooms. Must be good locality. Write Box "H" Oshawa Daily Times. (133¢) Uni HT Aschitects c & STENHOUSE ~ GENERAL Second floor. Kors Ba sti 1496. ors Bank Sudtng. hone, S45 breakfast in quiet home. Centrally Frank left in the of- fice, asd he is at home today. Each of the men has been in- structed to attend the meeting 'tomorrow night, when Mr, Ede wards will give. a person inter- view to whoever wishes It, Cordially yours, Bill, Help Wanted--Female WANTED--COOK GENERAL. AP. ply 20 Royal street, (131-¢) GIRL TO HELP WITH STENO- graphy and office work, Must have had good experience. Apply Mr, Harp, Eaton's Groceéteria. (132-c) KWXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED for general housework. Fond of children. Apply Mrs, Alloway, 478 Simcoe St, N. (132t0) HOUSEMAID WANTED FOR UP- stair work and to take charge of children's laundry. Girls under 20 need not apply. Mrs, W, A. Coad, 448 Simcoe St. N, (127tf) WANTED--GOOD GIRL. APPLY in person to Mrs, Disney, 190 Sim. coe St., South, (120-tf) WANTED--EXPERIENCED MAID Mrs, H. B, MacConnell. Phone 448, Whitby, (131-¢) WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework and plain cooking, for two adults. Apply Miss Ruth Jones, 266 King street W, Phone 115%: ADULT Phone (133¢c) SCHOOL "after- (133b) WAITRESS Oshawa Daily (133¢) Roomers Wanted TWO ROOMERS WANTED, CEN- tral. Very close to Motors, Break- fast if desired. Phone 2693W. (181-¢) WANTED RESPECTABLE young gentleman willing to share room with board. Private family. All conveniences, Apply 143 Centre St, (188c) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--4 scres of good farm land, orchard, and well, The land is fenced, and is situated 'on Lakeview Gardens. Will exchange for house in the city. Apply 110 Bloor St, E. (131c) Agents Wanted THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS AD- dressed to the man or woman who would care to earn extra money, during their spare time. Call 2770 Mr. Clugston for eppointment, (131e) WOULD A SALARY OF $35,00 per week interest you, I will pay this to the man who qualifies. Call 2770 for appointment, Mr, Clugston, (131¢) Room and Board CARGE FRONT ROOM AND bord for two young men, Good cogntry home. All conveniences. Use of phone and garage. Also top flat, 3 rooms. Easy run to Mot- ors Phone 723 r 22. (132b) M AND BOARD -- SINGLE , 203 Drew street. Phone 2700W, (132-¢) TWO SINGLE ROOMS TO RENT in private family. With excellent board. For gentlemen only, Phone a (132¢) FOUR YOUNG MEN MAY HAVE board and room at 169 Oshawa Bivd. "(182e) ROOM AND BOARD AT 282 JAR- vig street. Phone 1186F. (133-b) BER Position Wanted YOUNG MAN, 27, MARRIED, wapls steady work of any kind. Bog. *Z" Oshawa- Daily Times, (132b) Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying and selling. 136 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M x June 7-uly 17) RP ul dL Personal . BABY BOY. 6 MONTHS OLD, FOR adoption; Phone 2921Ws (133:¢) HOUSEKEEPER FOR family, Apply 109 Alice St, 1874W after 6 p.m. WANTED--RELIABLE girl to take care of baby, noons, Phone 1044J, EXPERIENCED wanted, Box "0" Times, 3 A pi 1] Impossible. --Louls NOTICE of the closing of an of Oshawa Street as marked oa Plan 159. NOTICE is hereby sive that the Council of the City of Oshawa have been requested by the W. B, Phillips Company Limited to close that part of Oshawa Street lyihg between the Southerly limit. of First Avenue and the Northerly limit of 'Third Avenue as marked on a plan of Lots laid out on part of Lot number Ten in the First Con- cession in said City and in the Registry Office. for he Registry Division of the Couaty of Ontario as plan number 18%, AND FURTHER notice is here- by given that a By-Law has besa prepared to close sald Street as above requested, and that the same will be considered.at a Meeting of said Council to be held at the Qity Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M. on the 3rd day of July, 1928. At the said Meeting any person who claims that his lands will be prejudiciously affected by the Bye Law and who wishes to be hig in regard thereto may appear be- fore the Council in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, and be heard in opposition to said By-Law it he so desires, DATED at Oshawa, this 6th ud of June A.D, 1928. F, E. HARE, ' City Clerk, (June 7-14-31-38), PATRONAGE AGAIN (Manitoba Free Press, -Lib,) i (By a bill passed in the House ' on May 16 the Minister of Customs will be empowered to sppefat men to the service over the heads of the Civil Service Commission.) Tt nray he quite true that Mr. Ruler, Minister of Customs, may desire to. choose employees on the is of merit and special qualifications, but anyone who knows anything about politics, 'party 'organization and the system of rewards for the faithful, will realize that Mr, Bul. er is going to have the time of his life keeping himself from being swamped by party appointments, He will be under terrific pressures to provide jobs for men who have heen good party workers, A pups er-man might he able to ht .« against this form of patronage for services rendered. Mr, Euler is highly respected and is regarded as a man of capacity, but he bas made no claims of being a super. man, He is now about to put him- self to the test, with the publie keeping a sharp eye on the pers formance. a LINDBERGH'S NEW JOB (New York World) - Since the federal government un« fortunately has not been able te adjust bureaucratic methods in.s way to make a worthy place for Col. Lindbergh in its own sere tic service, the public 4s gla learn that the recently organized Trans-Continental Ade: Transport: has appointed the famous yo aviator chairman of its techa committee, Admirers of Col, Lindbergh have speculated concerning his ture in aviation. For the present' he has a job which will 'giye full employment. of his sklil, energy and industry, He announces that he will devote all his. time to the* work of carrying out the plans. ef the new concern, putting in opera tion the air lines proposed by it, The progress of commercial snd' , civil 'aviation depends . largely on the attitude to be adopted toward it by the land carriers of the coup. try and of the world, - The en«:: gagement by the new company of an aviator of Col. Lindbergh's ef ficiency, vision and resourceful- ness §s to be construed as a pon ll id of vigor and courage on the pa past $ of its directors and priscipal : ers, : ---- pa! gi the average. cleantiness 18 It is next In the case of. healthy small boy not next to Godl ville Times, Jpg Experience desirable, but not essential Apply by Jottar or in per. on to Fk