Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jun 1928, p. 13

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7 ---- BELIEVES - STABFIZATION-OF FRANG 15 DIVIIED "Mikiater's- Reis eo : 'With. -- Paris, Jie Zosibiiation 'of "the franc, within'the next now rega "as more probable ever, in , as certain 'as finamic.al forecasts can Fo en be. due to new so 8 in "Government and fs An' address ' "hy ening, ublic Works Andre Tar- dieu at Belfot on Sunday, in which he emphasized the necessity of stab- - mg vith lithe delay" has had 8 pronounced repercussion in Paris, where the significance of any cabin- et members other than Premier and Finance Minister Peincare breaking hisiplience b oldiy:ta discuss:the. finan cial! situation for the first time in the' history of the ministry. of na- tional union is fully appreciated. Added to this important fiscal wea- th ane, the Bourse. Menday plo: du er one pointing in the : dite Re For the. first time in bi 1 uotations on both, the pound and the Sellar shifted rom. their long rigid figures and in both cases the potnd. and the dollar gained, while the franc fell wery slightly. The pound jose, from 124.02 to 124.20 and the doflar from 25.40 to 25.43. The changes were very slight, but Se ------ Pile Sufferers $ou can only get quick, safe and lasting. relief by removing the cayse----congestion of blood in the lower bowel, Nothing but an inter nal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail, Dr Leou- havdt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tab- let, is guaranteed to quickly and safetly banish any form of Pile mis- ery or money back: Jury & Lovell, Ltd., and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee. aN An Oatmeal Feed! Just what Baby Chicks : should have No wohder haby chicks hive so heartily on Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter, The base of this remarkable feed is good pure oatmeal--just the thing for tiny, tender + Some, Combined with the oatmeal are Liver Oil and Cod Liver Meal, to . ther: with essential minerals and . ogee valuable ingredients. ately mixed! . All ready for feeding, ust as it comes from the sack, { Chicks grow 'faster, stronger, and resish unfavourable weather when you give them this wholesome oatmeal-hase feed, . Quaker FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER 'Made by The Quaker Oats Company , SOLD BY COOPER-SMITH CO. Phone' 8 BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS 3p ELT Ltd. F. Flintoff & Sons e Fox Hardware » FR Trick Co., Lid. if the published words of dh eek a n Cong ric pation dee fo 1 FANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED wet¢ hailed-omn the Bourse as a move 'by the Bank of France to serve no- tice cn foreign speculators that there will be no revalorization. Ag the same time, the comviction was expressed yankly in financial journals that the approaching 'stabilization appears mere certain than ever. | Nor-have officiais and banking ex- perts failed to pay great. attention to enator Mil an, president of {! fund, de- "claring that if stabilization is not decreed soon Emile Moreay, the gov- +f ernor of the Bank of France, would bresign. This information was ublish- ed last week, but now for the first time is generally known: in Paris and is regarded as most significant. M, Tardieu's sudden ingasion of the nlficld of financial affairs, which had long * heen a ded as the sacred preserve of M. Poincare, may well stir -up a sharp controversy. behind 'the _cenes 'in the Cabinet. One must conclude either that M. Tardieu was actually commissioned by the Pre- mier to forecast stabilization--which is extremely improbable~or that the Minister of Public Works was so ex- asperated over the Government's delay that he decided openly to make a move to force M, Poincare's hand. The latter' appeags to be what M. Tardieu has done and, 'even though it may cause friction in.the ministry, it has the virtue of bringing the fight for immediate stabilization into the open. Appatently giving a slight dig to the Premier, M. Tardieu said, "If T were qualified to" speak, I would say the financial battle is now," and "added that it remained for the Gov- ernment to act with little delay, and declared that "this Chamber, which is searching its way, will find itself temorrow face to face with reality, and reality is stronger than words." Carefully Deleted Both of these passages were earc- fully deleted and toned down in the official version of the speech printed in Le Temps Monday night, ajthough every morning newspaper carried the other version. Le Journal des Debats, alse semi-official, naively announced that all the morning press migquot- ed M. Tardieu--which seems to ndi- cate that minister overstepped the bounds and assumed authority to say things which were in no way pleasing to' M. Poincare. Whether or not this incident will mark the beginning of a showdown battle for and against immediate sta- bilization in the Cabinet time wll show, hut it may well mean that, But the reaction of a considerable All thoroughly and 16 Celina St. - For Sale WatsioundMesk: Limited id - McLaughlin Coal & - Supplies Oshawa, Ont. 5» Oshawa, Ont. wa, Ont. wa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. ---- Pe rs Rorioa ok the press is Tardjeu's speech is sound and as a xing of a coming return to Ri ard by many a ther ev that publi is. grow the ong. ripe and that M. Mor- cau and other bankers are winning recruits to their position that - the h Ke Cabinet cannot ord to de ly muc nger. ¢ listinguis historian, Jacques Bainville; in La Liberte Monday night, declared: "On the decision which will be taken on the monetary question all of the future wil depend, and the decision can no longer be postponed without peril. It is necessary to stab- ilize the franc or else, giv Way to the attack on foreign speculation, let it be revalorized," Faced with this alternative, M. Poincare with safety can only ¢hoose to stabilize, "PREFERRED LIST" derers--Stewart Willing to Have Probe Ottawa, June 6.--Charges as to the existence of a "preferred list" of politically accepted tenderers for Department of Interior and De- partment of Works supplies were launched in the House of Comg ns tonight by Hon, Richard B. Ben- nett, Conservative chieftain, and immediate promise of a public ac« counts inquiry next year furnisi- ed by Hon, Charles Stewart, Min- ister of the Interior, Mr, Bennett, in reality, was but supporting portions of what are known as the McClymont charges --dllegations by a former depart- mental employee involving alleged political patronage, Inefficiency in the department, and failure to carry out the six-year-oid Alex- nder Smith report recommending, amang other things, reductidns from 80 to 12 in the number of departmental branches. Mr, McClymont, in published allegations ,has declared that ex- partment for supplies, Says Prices Too High IT have satisfied myself," de- clared Mr. Bennett tonight, 'that that can he abundantly proved, and that the Government's purchasing agents do not preperly function, because supplies for that depart- ment (Interior) can now be hought for lesser prices than are now paid, Tenders are invited for sup- sons, and prices are fixed out of proportion to what they should he. "I know of a case where B soap manufacturer tendered, and his cheque was returned. And, what Is more, one of the superintendents of the department said he had to | consult with the defeated candidate before he could do business with respect to the department." Mr. Stewart, with' some vigor, demanded the name of the soap manufacturer concerned in the Bennett statement, and Mr. Ben- nett gave the name of the Royal Crown Soap Manufacturers of Cal- gary. Mr. Stewart declared his en- tire willingness to have apy ar all Department of Interior matters in- vestigated before the Public Ac- counts Committee, al Alan WW. Neill (Indépendent Liberal, Comox-Alherni) thereupon aroused some laughter on Liberal benches by reading a letter which he said was from the Government purchasing agent to a prospective recipient of a Government order, advising him that the Government had changed since his low tender had been virtually accepted, andl "a revision would now be necessary. 'The. date of the letter," said Mr. Neill, "is August 16, 1916"-- a date, of course, which would make the late Meighen Government responsible. Need for Whart Wuile the House in mmitice of Supply was in the midst of a hot ments of the Anticosti Island Cor- poration for $300,000 worth of harbor improvements, Hon. Dr. John W. Edwards (Conservative: Frontenac-Addington) suddenly interjected, by way of contrast, the needs of Simcoe Islanders, near Kingston, for a $600 wharf. Inferentially, the Simcoe Island- ers get their $600 wharf, because the Prime Minister said he was impressed and promised copsidera- tion. But it is not so sure that the Anticosti Island owning corpora-' tion get their improvements be- cause opposition to it was severe. .| The Anticosti Island matter stood | over. The Anticosti' vote met strong opposition from Herbert B. Ads- head (Labor, Calgary East), Char- les G. Power (Liberal, Quebec South) and other members, who protested at the alleged supreme power of the corporation om the Brussels, June 6.--Two army aviators, Dé. Croos and: Groenen. landed. Monday after "a flight of 60 hours, 7 minutes, and 32 sec- onds, peaking the world's dugation racord estab) shed Friday by the Ttalian They remained in the air by re- uelling from another airplane. La King Albert congratulated the ers when they landed. Girls used to blush easily, but 'now jit takes thirty minutes to get jit made up right. --Quebec Chron- ' in_favor of action prey ) BENNETT CHARGES. |} Of Politically Accepted Ten. I BERLIN POLICEMEN cessive prices are paid by the de- plies for a limited lumber of per- | discussion today upon the require-|§ It is economical to use and easy to apply. Sop at de BEAT VICE-CHIEF} Trounced During Commun: istic Row--Identity Was Unknown Berlin, June 6.--All Berlin was laughing maliciously Monday at a sound trouncing administered to the Berlin vice-chief of police, Dr. Weiss, hy policemen during a Com- munist demonstration on Saturday night, The pleasure of the burghers was all the keener because they have been complaining for a long time of the rough handling of com- mon citizens by the '"'schupos," as the Berlin police are called. The*row started when the police ade to allow traffic to pass. Then they drew their clubs and hegan hitting right and left. The Com- munist Reichstag Deputy Hoffman, seeing Vice-Chief of Police Welss sitting in civilian clothes in an automobile, pleaded with him to order the police to quit their prom- fscuous clubbing. When Dr, Weiss commanded the "schupos' to put away their. cudgels, they hegan lustily pounding him on the head with their clubs, despite Dr. Weiss' cries, "I am the Vice-Chief of Po- lice. Don't you know me?" Chief of Police Zoerguebel has ordered a strict inquiry into the circumstances of the scandal, hut no official] report will be issued un- til 'after the return of Dr. Weiss from Cologne, izéd for not carrying any docu- ments on hig person to establish his identity as a high official. Chief Zoerguehe] said that the incident was due to the "regrettable mistake of an official," adding: "In sueh affairs a situation de- velops fn a' few" minutes, and it is therefore always possible that such unpleasant episodes may happen. I am not of the opinion, however, that the police must let themselves he beaten to death before they are permitted to draw their clubs." The onjy human "thing: eheap now dre talk and human life.-- Montreal Star, NE Save Your Eyesight "You simply cannot do your best with defective sight. Why not consult * W.A. Hare OPTOMETRIST 3 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses Men's, and and Young Mep's Sleeveless = Pullovers. As- ay 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Othans Luggage | YOUR INITIAL "REE On 8c Oats or Club Bog hw hi h was then full tried to held up a Communist par | Dr. Weiss is critics |B ACTS OF COURAGE ARE REWARDED Two Workers Given Edward Medal for Brave: Rescue London, June 6.--~Twa acts of exceptiopal courage are recorded in the London Gazette. It is announced that the King has awarded the Edward medal to James Marron and James McMul- n. Last January, while a furnace was being tapped at Acklam Iron Works, Middlesbrough, ortion of the brick flooring AB the fur- nace was forced upwards by an explosion. = Flames' and several fans of . molten metal belched Soon all the ground near the furnace was covered with molten metal; flames were leaping into Jthe air nearly 15 ft. high and it Was almost impossible to see on account of steam. A man of 76, named Davies, was partially overwhelmed and took 'refuge in a water channel surrounding ' the. furnace. Two vain attempts were made to res- cue him by the foreman, but he wag 'beaten back. Marron and McMullin ran to the scene of the explosion, and ju d 'over the tapping channel, of molten meta The world is never going to be 'really happy until pacts make pax. -- Louisville Times. Silver Jubilee BARGAINS Hmm -- A 25¢ tin of TINY TOT TALCUM FREE with a pair of BABY PANTS - '50¢ ---------------- BOYS AND GIRLS A good TOOTH BRUSH and a real RUBBER PLAY-BALL Both for , TE SPECIAL $1.25 Lather Brush and a large tube of KLENZO Shaving Cream Both for |suLTaNs s PALACE. TL IN §EZ ROBBED Fez, June Fresca Sultan's pals] ace reported the loss of valuable} gold and silver orhaments, jewelry and furniture and one of the "prin- cipal officials of the late Sultan Mouley Youssttf was dismissed Monday. The losses are sald to h o ia cluded several gifts to the San from Kings of France and from Napoleon. ATTEMPT MADEON LIFE OF ARCHDUKE | Hungarian Nobleman Dis. covered Parts Removed "| from Racing Car - London, June §.--The Exchange Telegraph yesterday in a dispatch from Budapest HE that aw attempt had been made on the life of Archduke Albrecht. of Hungary: at Nyrregyhaza, Hungary. The Archduke was participating' in an automobile race. Just bes fore the start an inspection: was mada of the motor car and it was discovered that vital parts: were missing. Had the start been made with the parts missing, a fatal accident probably would have occurred, the report said. a ; "Married commercial travellers | are the best talkers," says '® writer. They are away from home so much.--Toronto Star. ----------y isette Toilet Waters - Atomizer .... .... $2.00 Lorie Enamel Compact . . sa 7 wo Stores SPECIAL- Toilet Waters and Perfumes 85¢ Riker's Lilac Vegetal Lotion... 15702080: $1.50 Narcissus Cher- Household Bath Salts 69¢ $1.50 Pocket Perfume 15 Pine Needles Toilet Soap; 2 for Eres RE A& FOR THE BEAUTY MONTH = DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE TO GET A RELIABLE WEATHER PROPHET KNOW THE WEATHER FOR WORK OR ,» PLEASURE Coron wm 69c Good for One $1.00 Weather Prophet AN EXCELLENT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS It is surprisingly reliable on focal weather conditions; Madde on strictly scientific principles. We have secured a special price on a quantity and as long as they last will: sell- them for exactly what jt costs us to retail them--only 69¢ Hi you bring this coupon.. When the weather is to be fine the two children will come .out; when stormy weather is approaching, the witch will come out from 8 to 24 hours ahead of rain or snow. The house is made of hardwood, in Pwiss- cottage style, "and is decorated as in-the picture, with 'thermometer, #lk's head, bird 'house and bird, etc. It has four windows and two 'doors. Advertised for $1 00D Price for a Limited Time with the Coupen Mail Orders 10c 'Extra Leathir Key Tainer and tube of KLENZO DENTAL CREME GEORGIA Ne ROSE Toilet Articles Lit Hs Rese - 5p 8c $1.25 size Georgia Roc. Body Powder ...... 39¢ "19¢ 50c Georgia Rose fos Poller x,» 2rrser5r. 25¢ Georgia B. Rose Talcum : : When in r-- a rhe Rensll sur Jury & Lovell Ltd. ' 19¢ [| poder KING E; SIMCOE 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 > 69¢ || $1.19 $1.19 i. $1.39 ,.J5¢ Klenzo Hair Sfim- BIO: 25,355, 000010 ".50c Riker's Greasless 'Brilliantine .......:.. . We Riker's Solid Hair AEBS rasan Boe Cocoanut Qil Shampoo ELECTREX CURL. "ING IRON 50c Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste. cnenbis | We deliver ] Jubilee Toilet Goods Sale The June Rexall Silver: Jubilee Toilet Goods Sale | ONE WHC™E MONT] OF BARG.."NS FOR YOU-- op ---- * Silver Jubilee - BARGAINS. . A 25¢ cake Jonteel Toilet Soap. FREE with every. 3e box - JONTEEL " 'COLD CREAM ° | FACE POWDER MR HURRY DON'T' MISS THIS A 35c tin gentleman's talcum and a 50¢ bottle GENTLEMEN'S SHAVING LOTION © Both for a : : SPECIAL! A 35c Bathing Cap and a 50c WRITING PORTFOLIO Both far -- 59 Ne =39¢ For The ec 39c 39¢ iiss DOE $1.49 39¢ to all parts. of the city |

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