WO SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. are attending the Dentists' conven- tion held in Toronto Monday, Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. * % % Mr. and Mrs. H. Barnes and daughter, Edith, spent the week- end with relatives in Hamilton. . LJ - Miss Elizabeth Elford is spend- ing a few days at her home near Woodville. L - Ld Mr. Stuart Fields spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fields; Sy denham street, Co- hourg. --Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, of Kingston, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Grace Walker, 47 Gibb strect, sver the week-end. x % 4 --Miss Olive Hughes, of Newburgh arrived in town on Sunday to spend yome time with he: cousin, Mrs. Hagerman, John strecl, ¥ ¥ % . --Miss Helen Turnbull, Picton, was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Turnbull, 146 Albert street, " Sinicoe at their Mr. and Mrs. 1. Stacey, street south, spent Sunday cottage at Caesarea. * * * --Mr. and Mrs. Ira Salisbury and Mr. and Mrs, Alkenbreck aud daughter, Francis, of Camden East, were the guests of Mrs. Grace Wal- ker, 47 Gibb street, over the week- end. * % % --The sincere sympathy of the many friends of Mrs. Gordon Sum- mers is extended in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Adeliie Loney, War- burton. Miss Gladys Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Thompson, Mary street, was among those who won scholarships at the Ontario School of Art, Toronto, \ iu o% Mr. Leon Frazer, Secretary of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, left this afternoon for Quebec City t attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 4 which opens tomorrow, --Mr. and Mrs.'C. M. Mundy have , 4» been called to the bedside of Mr. Mundy's mother, Mrs. E. Mundy, who is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cull, Orillia, Mrs. Mundy, who "is in her 85th year, is very ill. * Mr. and Mrs E. E. Rogers and daughter, Margaret, and: Mr. and Mrs. J. Simmons motored from Ar- mada, Michigan, and spent the week- end with the former's cousin, Mrs Edith Park, who accompanied them home after a three months visit in --Dr. and Mrs, Henry, Drs. Trewin, [hon Chicago and Armada. Phillips, Cook, Hubbell and Gifford ------------------------------ Perspiration Odour 80 unpardonable SO easy sp banish What quality is so attractive as personal charm}. .,". . and what social fault so obnoxious as perspiration odour. "Every person perspires, of course." It's "natural, it's healthful, Physicians say 'the perspiration of the average person ¢ measures between one and two pints , daily Nature takes this way of ridding nthe body of impurities through the mil- * lions of tiny pores of the skin. But perspiration need not be objectionable. Lifebuoy Soap, used in the bath, banishes the odour, Lifebuoy's creamy, mild lather not oily cleanses, but also purifies the pores -- anti- septically -- and keeps them sweet, open and breathing. Make sure of avoiding the needless social error of perspiration odour. Use Lifebuoy Soap, for hands, face and bath. LIFEBU i Health Soap Purifies and Protects Lever Brothers Limited Toroato Drink plenty of water, perspire perspiration odour MEN'S DAILY INTEREST |; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, he WERNESDAY. JUNE 6, 1928 L.0.B. A, LODGES VISIT PETERBORO About 35 Members Accom. pany Degree Team for Initiation On Tuesday evening about thirty. five members of the Victory L.O.B.A. No. 583 and the Oakleigh L.O.B.A. 'No. 151 accompanied the Past Mis- tress Degree team to Peterboro to pay a fraternal visit to Vimy Ridge L.O.B.A. No. 244, in honor of their cleventh anniversary, also to exem- plify the Orange degree, At the close of the initiation the Worthy Mistress of Vimy Ridge, on behali of her officers and members, presented Sister Hurst, president ol the Degree team, with a bouquet of roses and carnations. The Peterboro Lodge were then hostesses at a banquet for the visit- ing lodges." SUPERINTENDENTS W.G.T.U. ELECTED Fine Program is Given-- Mrs, James Delegate to Convention Ihe june meeting of the W.C, TU. was held yesterday afternoon in the Simcoe street church with Mrs, A. J. Stalter presiding. The first part of the mecting was given over to the presentation of the reports of all the departments. After the reports were presented Mrs. Stalter vacated the chair in favor of the new president, Mrs. Robertson. The superintendents for the year were also elected as follows: Evangalisticc, Mrs. R. A. Wright; flower, Fruit and Delicacy, Mrs. Ashley; law enforcement, Mrs. Booth; medal contest, Mrs. A. WW. Bell ; moral education, Mrs. Behbing- ton; parlor meetings, Mesdames Cawker and Harrison; press, Miss Burns ;;Red Cross work, Mrs. T. H. liverson, temperance in Sunday Schools, Mrs. 'S. Gummow, Miss Nash Travellers' Aid, Mrs. B. Clif- ford. During the afternoon an excellent program was presented. Mrs. Begg contributed a vocal solo, which was 'followed by a paper on Moral Edu- cation read hy Mrs. Bebhington, Mrs. Leo Gray sang a solo and Mrs. Booth and Mrs. H. James gave a clip sheet exercise on "The Insufficiency of the Government Control Act." Mrs. H. James was appointed delegate tn the County Convention to Be held in Port Perry, June 21 A bus load is heing planned and all those who would like to go may phone Mrs, Robertson or Mrs. H. James. Weddings WILSON CLEMENTS A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Clem ents, Scagrave, on Saturday, June 2, when Laura Irene the bride of Charles M. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Myrtle, Rev. J. W, Davidson, B.A, B.1).,, periormed the ceremony, The bride entered the room on the arm of her father the tune of Lohengrin's Wedding March, played hy Miss Myrtle Jeffery of Port Perry, The marriage was performed heneath an arch of evergreens and apple blossoms. The bride was gowned in white satin with an embroidered lace veil, carrying a bouquet of roses and lily of the valley. The sister of the bride, Miss Alma Clements, was bridesmaid and looked charming in a 'blue crepe gown and carrying a bou- | quet of roses. The groom was at-| tended by Mr. Leonard Beadle. After a reception Mr, and Mrs. Wilson left for Detroit, the bride travelling in a navy blue coat and sand hat and shoes. The gift of the groom, a brown fox fur, completed | the costume. On their return the young couple will reside in Oshawa, KING STREET LEAGUE HOLD FIRST OUTDOOR MEETING OF SEASON The King street treet. Young People's League enjoyed the first outdoor miceting or the season on Monday evening, when they visited Mr. aud Mrs. C. Pilkey, former members of the league, at their home in Myrtle. large number of young people were in attendance and entered en- thusiastically into the ball games and races, which opened the program. The group then went to the house where other games and a fively sing- song were held. followed by a well prepared service of worship on the theme "The Joy of Living,' led by Miss Evelyn Massey. Refreshments "were served at the close of the meeting and the thanks of the griembers extended to Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey for the enjoyable evens ing they had made possible. REGULAR MEETING LEND A HAND CLUB The Lend a Hand Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. ldella Spencer, president of the club. After the business was transacted the meeting was closed by singing "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," Miss Blanche Ball, accompanist. Refresh- ments were served by the hostess, as- sisted by her mother, Mrs. Caverly. Miss Freda Spencer entertained the guests with piano selections. to Clements became | SEA STRAIGHTENS ROMANTIC TANGLES a: " AoA =) SE oh CLIT luminur-- good ten N. SIMCOE HONE AND SCHOOL CLUB President Outlines Plans of Club--Enjoy a Good Program Fiulons The regular meeting of the North Simcoe Home and School Club was held Monday evening with Mrs. F. Chappell * presiding. . The meeting opened with singing "O Canada." followed by a few well-chosen" re- marks by Mrs. Chappell, in which she told of the aims of the club for the eusuilig year. After the minutes were read and various reports given, plans were made for the holding of the school picnic, on Thurschy after- noon, June 14, in Alexandra Park. The committee appointed to look in- to the matter of making a tennis court .on the school grounds reported unfavourably, on account of the great expense invhlved. An interesting program was given 1s follows: piano duet, Miss Zoe Rapson and Miss Helen Morrison; piano selections, Miss B. Galt; an illustrated lecture on "The Migration Birds" by Mr. Arthur Slyfield, librarian at the Oshawa Collegiate [ustitute. The program was greatly cnjoyed by all, At the close of the freshments were served half hour spent. ¥ BEAVER GIRLS WIN June 6-- at Exhibition day afternoon between the Beaver team of this city and a team from Trenton the Beavers won by 15 {o 11 When May Christie, whose novels and articles are read all over the North American con- tinent, reaches an impasse with characters in her novels, she '"'sends them on an Atlantic voy- age," to use her own words, be- cause their tangles are unravelled on the ocean. Miss Christie, now married to J. S. Mazzavini, New York broker, is shown here on the White Star liner Megantic leaving for England after spend- ing ten months on the North American continent in which time she wrote two 76,000 word novels, and forty-five articles, of CONSUL FOR COLOMBIA TO LOCATE IN TORONTO Montreal, June 5.--Word has been received at the consulate for the Republic of Colombia, in this city, of, the appointment of an ad- ditional consul to Canada, 10 be located at Toronto, Ricardo Leyva Pereira, a Colombian rancher and politician, has been appointed to the new post and will he in Mont- real some time this week for a con- ference with Consul-General (on-, zales, hefore going to Toronto, He is at present in' New York. re cial meeting and a s In a girls' soft- Park Mon- Belleville, hall game [ | te RITSON HONE AND SCHOOL CLUB MEET Pur Decided to "Hold Picnic! at Lakeview Park on June 13 The regular meeting of the Ritson Home and School Club was held last evening with Mrs. O. D. Friend pre- siding. There w as a splendid attend- ance. It was decided to hold the an- nual picnic on Wednesday, June 13. at the Lakeview Park, to which all are invited. It was also decided that the children should show exhibits at the Fall' Fair.* After the business had been trans- acted Gn Ferguson, convenor of the evening's entertainment, took charge. Mrs. G. McQuarrie sang a solo and Mrs, Dr. Harding contributed a read- ing. Mrs. Cornell 'and Mrs: Boddy played a piano duet and Miss Terrett gave a voc al solo. Mrs. Cornell con- tributed a piano sole and Mrs, O. D. Friend a vocal solo. Miss Irene Brown presented a pleasing piano solo, a '--depressed--try a ling glass of refreshing ABBEYS The Morning Health Salt SKE FOR THE BLUE AND WHITE PACKAGE rk- At the close of the program a hearty vote of thanks was extended to all those whe took part in the pro- gram. After singing the National Anthem refreshments were served by the men of the club. BIBLE SOCIETY TO MEET TONIGHT IN "y"; PLAN CANVASS As many terested in the Bible Sc quested to meet this Wednesday | evening at 2 o'clock in the Y.M.CA. building to assist in completing plans | for the annual collecting campaign. |* The Bible carries its life giving mes | sage to many places and people that missionaries have vet heen unable to | {hey reach. Tt speaks in nearly six hun | kin and shap are hecoming to all; dred different la ¢ Come af ter prayer .mecting this evel hl arms gain i8 lost he help the smartest of ¢ and cheerfully give the hest you can I nave practically Fashion Notes For warm weather middle of the day, egg To clean old oil over the potato, wipe with a wrung out in warm water polish with soft jinen a coat of thin picture then he applied Raintings. soft of those ciety are re as p sible in- A Paris correspondent 'Lace sleeves have 1 feature of not only become the of idealize texture the of arm, hack, no k at Every day, year in and year ott] % 2,000,000 Americans are ill. The| 'When you are haking average worker loses eight days a look to your oven first, vear through illness. What the |Pare Your cake tin, country needs is intelligent preveps [I' ¥ ith greased tion.--Los Angeles Examiner, lingredients ready a paper, weighed meal in the and fruit always make a ha PRY combination, reports: quite the afternoon but also of the evening frock and the and but what the for dresses all." rub whole surface with a raw cloth , dry and If needed, varnish may cake, Then pre- grease and line Have all hefore beginning in a mode in a quick oven. ar cakes and tied to th [from a dre to mix. Bake large cakes rate oven and small cakes The time for larg= to bake depends on the lepth of the mixture in the tim. When washing a woollen jumps per at home, there is always the risk of spoiling the shape during the drying process. If the coat is hung on a long stick, the full length of the sleeves outstretched line, this risk will and before the coat the garment can be nté its original shape dq at all he over quite gently pulled it it ome has drophe application of Freneh remove grease spots lay the garment out omewhere where it can stay for a day or two without being moved, and place a little French chalk lightly on the soiled part. Leave this on for some hours and then ghake the chalk off again, replaces ing it with fresh chalk and repeats ing the proce several times for a few days until the ehalk has ens tirely absorbed the grease mark. A time] chalk | i mn Thus you receive 3 boxes on payment of only $1.09 Made to acquaint all women with the remark' able protective features of KOTEX-- features found in no other sanitary napkin known O SHOW women the remarkable dif- ference and vastly greater protec- tion of Kotex over any other sanitary napkin known, this unique offer is made . . . three regular 75c boxes of Kotex, a $2.25 value, on payment of $1.09, Go today to any store in this city, or out of town, where Kotex is sold and take ad- vantage of this opportunity, But do not delay. All dealers' stocks are limited. If you come late, you cannot be supplied. The difference between Kotex and other sanitary pads Kotex is utterly different from all other sanitary pads. There is no other "like" Kotex. Thus -- Come to Atkins' FOR Take Advantage Of This Wonderful Offer TheArcade The club, cons SISting of all the Past Noble Grands of Oshawa Rebeka Lodge Ne. 3, will hold 'their picni op July 5 at Lakeview Park." A Simcoe St. N. Kotex is the one and only sanitary pad filled with the super-absorbent Cellucotton wadding, Thus Kotex has the amazing power of absorbing 16 times its own weight in moisture} absorbency of the ordinary cotton-filled pad! Think what this means in protection. 'Discards like tissue-- No disposal problem One uses Kotex, then discards it--as easily as tissue. Thus no WOMEN-FREE! You BUY 2 Boxes of Kotex for $1.09 You GET One Full-Sized Box FREE Offer Limited--Act Promptly laundry. No problem of dis. posal, Think, too, what this means. Another factor is that Kotex deodorizes thoroughly and absolutely as it acts. Which banishes another old-time fear of women. Accept this offer Today accept the remarkable offer named above on Kotex. Find out for yourself why millions of women use it. Find out why experts say, "Only Kotex itself is 'like' Kotex -- Only Kotex itself /s Kotex." Kotex has 5 times the Buy it NOW at stores displaying this sign co Mitchell's DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe Sireet, North Phone 49 KOTEX While Visiting Our Vids O Delivered at all hours ---- Buy Kotex ml -- Thompson's Drug Store Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA Phone 22 Always Available at Karn's DRUG STORE Opp. Post Office Phone 378 ¥ Co to Lamble's Koy, ow a JURY & LOVELL Drug Stores Simcoe St. § King St. E. OSHAWA"