Oshawa Daily Times, 31 May 1928, p. 9

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JANUARY TO JANUARY IT IS GOLF- ING TIME FOR ATLANTIC CITY Atlantic City, queen of watering resorts, will all its other charms, offers the lover of golf three courses over which to play the old Scottish ganie. The first ' that comes to mind is naturally the Country Club of Atlantie City, old- est and nearest to the city of wide- world fame. It was about 27 years ago that this club %ame into exist- ence. The Seaview Golf Club, at Ab- secon, came into being a few years ago. It is reached by motor on the famous Whit Horse Pike, its loca- tion making it easily acecessivte from either Philadelphia or New York. The Seaview Club is known wherever the golfers meet the world over. Its magnificent elub house contains all the features of far-famed hotels and clubs com- bined. Tennis and squash cours. bathing and other recreations are offered members and visitors. The course is 6,240.yards and is kept in excellent condition for . cham- pionship golf. The Linwood Country Club is 1o- cated on the Shore Road some dis- tance above the Country Club. It is making a strong bid for popu- larity, and a recent organization will work a great benefit to the club. Linwood has already staged 3 mid-winter invitation tournaments, where golf is played every month of the year. The Gulf Stream looks with Tavor on this particular sec- tion of the Jersey coast, and with the warmth of Old Sol's rays, even in winter, the courses are open. From Janudvy to January it is golfing time in Atlantic City. BAFFLED DOCTORS MAKE DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO SAVE PATHOLOGISTS LIFE Chicago, May 29.--Bamed over' the nature of the bacteria that has attacked his lung, a group of phy- siclans was making a determined effort here Sunday to save the life of Dr. Clyde Jensen, 26. pathologist who was stricken while conducting a post-mortem in the Presbyterian Hospital, It is believed that the infection entered the blood through a scraten on his hand when conducting the post mortem last month, Some hope was held out for him by the attending physicians when he show- ed a slight strength, His condition continues very seri- ous, however, and little progress is being made to check the lung in- fection which the doctors diagnose as empyema. Several persons have offered blood for transfusion, but hospital physicians have mot de- cided whether to use this method of treatment. Doctors are fearful that a sud- den hemorrhage would prove fatal and the greatest care is being used to prevent it, improvement in| Dr. Jensan's father was summon- ed from Omaha and he has remain- ed at his son's bedside almbst con- stantly. Dr. Jensen was certified as a doctor only a few weeks ago. He had served three years intermeship at the hospital and remained there as a pathologist, The young doctor was an huaor student of Dartmouth University and finished the Rush Medical Col- lege in 1925 with high honors. BABE RUTH IS WELL AHEAD OF LAST YEAR'S PERFORMANCE New York May 29.--~George Herman Ruth's two home runs against the Washington Senators in the second game at the Yankee Stadium today sent the great Bam- bino reeling forward to the great- est April and May campaign of his career. The Babe faces De- coration Day with 18 home runs in his bat bag, and has three more games in which to convert May, 1928, into the higgest month of his home-run history. oofredonfesd-slesfort g City of if unpaid. " " o of } of o ol o p " o r Re Rk E of o Ce a a San ae J Se J Je J J J mJ J Ji J J J Jn Jn J a J Jn J J J Jn Jn 2 2 3 with you, 0 Oshawa, May 31, 1928 Lode Ee a lode ER? TON) GRA Caras Sesferderdedofestocfodesdodforfeitoert CRE ecfosduafrefeciocfooduniocfosfordonfocdeodunieofoafunieofosdonfecdesdoniocforfocdesforioniodonis . 1928 TAXES An extension of time to June | Ith has been granted for payment of the first instalment without penalty, and also payment.of the full amount with the discount. date 5% will positively be added to the first instalment estes orgs 2. 5 5 Oshawa s Xe Jasted! = Tocgeiteitostesteitoiteideitecdest I eae a ea Joules; After that a a tesfostes] 22091 2, 2 5 Taxes may be paid at the Standard Bapk, the office of the Tax Collector, Simcoe South, or forwarded by mail to the Collector of Taxes, 106 Simcoe Street South. , Bring. your tax bill OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER, Sorlosfooforfosfosfososfosfontefonfosfontosonfostonfosiontosts foster in The Coal that Satisties-- We handle Lehigh Valley Cross Creek Coal 't Lasts Longer, Gives Less Ash anc Greater Heat" : A Ny x [3 boy 0 We oo \3 RE \W \ b, 2) N Ask for the Certified Stamp upon Every Ticket Try it and you will become a satisfied Customer. Hamilion By-Product Coke Wood, etc THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY. 31, 1928 FISH-GAME LAWS IN FORGE JUNE 1 New Ontario o Legislation Be come Operative First of Month Toronto, May 29.--Amendments to the Game and Fisheries Act, ap- proved by the Ontario Legislature at ils last session will come into force on June 1, These include extension to certain additional counties and areas of the Gun Li. cense requirement. Prior to 1938 the statutes set forth that "every resident who uses any firearm for the purpose of hunting or shooting any protected or unprotected bird or animal life in the counties of { Welland, Lincoln, Wentworth, Peel, Halton and York, except under au- thority of license, shall be guilty of an offence against the Game and Fisheries Act, but this sub-section shall not apply to farmers residing and hunting on theif own farms." The 1928 Act also inaugurates alt@red open seasons for deer, moose and caribou, North of the old Grand Trunk Pacific in North- ern Ontario it will close Nov, 25, instead of the 30th. From there south to the Mattawa River it is now Oct. 20 to Nov, 25. Between the main line of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway and Lake Nipissing the new season is Nov, 10 to 25, and south of the French and Mat- tawa Rivers Nov. 6 to 20, instead of Nov, 1 to 30, READERS' VIEWS THE BIRTH OF A FILLING STATION Editor of The Oshawa Daily Times Doar Sir: . There now, little corner-lot, Don't you ery You'll have a filling station Bye and bye, It the rescinders in the City Council don't do any more r1¢%- cinding, a certain corner lot at the intersection of Ritson Road and Gasoline Alley is likely to be the location of the ubiquitous fill- ing station, We were expecting' to see a hylaw introduced in coun- L cil that would separate the sheep businesses from the goat husiness- es and residences for the whole city, But after a session that ex- tended into the wee sma' hours, and for which the aldermen receive" nothing per hour, and nothing ex- tra for overtime, debating the to he or not to be of this question, the majority believing it better not to be, But at the next meet- ing of the council advantage was taken of a moment of weakness in the abseace of the strong man and like Penelope, the wife of Ulysses, they undid the work of the previous session by permitting the filling station to dig itself in. While not living close enough to he directly affected by the propos- ld station, T think there should be a zoning bylaw to keep unde- girable industries out of the com- munities in which people eat and sleep, plant small gardens, chase neighbors' chickens, tie the dog up promptly at mine, mow the lawn, pay their taxes and instal- ments by instalments on what the oral estate men are in the hab- it of referring to as homes, Be they ever so humble or cost- ly, there will be literally no place like home if the filling stations are allowed to settle down among us. They may not always confine themselves to corner lots for at' present rdte of speed the corner lots will soon. be filled with filling stations, It may be necessary to plan the blocks of new subdivisions octag- onal which would add four add!- tional corners. I believe it is possible to make a success of a filling station with- out a corner lot location, Wnen D. B. Hanna introduced hls experl- | ment in the public ownership of filling stations in Oshawa, he did not select a corner lot, We no- ticed that at that time Mr, Stac- oy was on the side of the filling | station now he is opposed to it. It may be just as well not to look too far into the future in re- gard to this question. Science may come to our. relief and we may buy our gasoline in tablet form at the drug stores or from slot machines in concentrated en- ergy in hypodermic needles, We must not forget the possibilities of the mail order houses or parcel post. In place of "How many gallons, mister?" your order may be taken in terms of calories, volts or thermal units or their equivalent. I try to be optimis- tic but one never can tell where this gasoline disease is liable to break out. It looks as if life were just one filling station after another. We cannot move for there appears to- be no place to which they have not beat us to it. AN EAST CITY RESIDENT. ---- Save Your ATRIA At a Glance The home of Messrs. Canning and Company was the scene of a delightful robbery yesterday, when more than 100 suits of clothes were taken from the racks. And what a respectable party. Not even the lights went out. .s = plane to Australia'---head- Belgrade students burned a pic- ture of Mussolini in open defiance of Mussolini-ism. Let the young- sters play, as long as they don't start shaking bands, or dancing while in Italy. . Now try and turn to the left the street-cormer intersec- and you'll be asked if you have a driver's lieohse or not. It is reported that 500 feet of new, fire hose is purchased by the Oshawa Fire Department. Yes, af. ter thorough consideration, this purchase was a necessary one, the firemen might get their legs burnt after all, ; CR To be or mot to be, that the question, when one speaks about the Farewell bequest, Will it be for Oshawa, or will it be for Whitby. At any rate much healthy exercise was tue result of the Whitby Hospital Board on the aftermpon of tne third anniversary of Mr. Fares well's death, when the Board (ituelf) went out and turned a row of sod : Another aby station opens its doors. Now owne may have gas poured into his tank without any ill effects from the fumes, LJ LJ It is believed that the double tracking of the Lake Shore Xoad for the radials will be done this Summer. Or if not this Summer, then one of these Summers, --~Mail and Empire. CR Bound My soul is with the high wind And my dreams are with the rain My heart is wit hthe twilight, That is deepening again, Mail and Empire, My thoughts ere always centred, And shal] forever be, 'Bout Howard and his attitude to The St. Lawrence Waterday. TRere now little corner lot, Don't you ery. You'll be a filling station, Bye and bye, ---T. J. L. LJ LJ] LJ S'pose you've hears? about the Galt guy named Vincent who called himself Vin to save the cent, 'S too true, . LJ LJ Anyone heard the annual "Hot enough for you?" J . LJ One feels like waxing hot and indignant towards the person who always has this for a greeting, As I said before-- 4 LJ . . By Renrut, 'CITY VERSUS COUNTRY HEALTH Every year the health officer of a community comes to the mayor, board, of control, board of aldermen or other ruling body, to ask for a fair appropriation of money with which to care for the health of the community, Some of these health officers, with high professional standing, cannot understand why there should be the least question about the needs of their department, They go on the common sense idea.that it is better to have a fence at the top of the hill to pre- vent accidepts, than an ambulance down in the valley." However, some of the figures now available should be of great weight in their arguments for an adequate grant, For many years it was knopn that the health of country rcsi- dents was or the whole betler thdn that of city residents, It was likewise known that the population was less in the coun- try than jo tLe city, ° This of course was only to be expected becavse of the outdoor lite, the plain food, regular meals, more sleep and less worry of coun- try lite. However, the . death rates in the cities since the year 1900 in- dicate that the 'country districts have lost this advantage. Why? Because the cites for their own protection, in the crowded areas, must give close supervision to the health of the community. Dr. P. W. Covington tells us that 'sur- veys show country children to have more physical defects, and give a history of having more ail- 'ments than city children." In other words, parents living in the city, whether rich, poor, or of medium circumstances, have right at their doors an cpportuni- ty of having the youngster get de- PAGE NINE 150 LBS. OF ICE with EVFRY REFRIGERATOR One of the special features we 'At offer to induce you to buy your refrigerator NOW! We allow you to pay for one in small sums--$1 Weekly and up! We allow you five dollars for your old refrigerator, deducting this amount from price of new one, or any regular $25 or over! At At 'And here are added inducements in price saving for Monday: $12.95--In oak finish; gal vanized provision chamber. Was $15.95. AT $15.45--0ak finished case, white enamel provision chamber, Was $17.50. $19.95 -- Oak case, white enamel provision chamber, wire shelf. Was $22.50. $54.75 -- Samples, white enamel cases and linings, eleven walls insulation. Were $64.00, Don't Delay-- Come and make your choice yet? at prices anyone can afford death rate in proportion to the: | MEN -WOMEN INSV-V ANT 2) Te TOMORROW ~~ A GreatiSpecial Event! NEW DRESSES «6.50 11.95 17.50 | combination. {The lowest of prices plus the easi-, "est of terms. | Here are the clothes you want most Three specialized price groups, Full size and syle range. "Maximum value at every price, A positively fascinat-| ing array of smart frocks for every woman. Prints, georgettes, canton crepe, crepe de chine, fla and they are yours without cash. On our charge plan you can dress better and never feel the expense; CREDIT FOR THE Takagi oukys {Paris styles. Berutiully {ashionea {and tailored, and now offered at a price within peach of all. ~ Men's SUITS that are. 6 Real "Buy" Here, men, is a real "ho Woned fabrics of remarkably lity an sll the latest whably § op lendiaiy Eyesight You simply cannot do | fects corrected before he goes to your best with defective | school. If they neglect to de this before the school age, then the rd defects are detected by the school ; : g ois ly physician, dentist, or nurse, and . the parents notified. What happens in the country? he defects are perhaps not no- or if they are parents are so far away from the help neaded that they do nothing about it. Thus bad tonsils. bad teeth, ade- noids, poor hearing, aside from measles, scarlet fever diphtheria avd so forth, do damage to the system the health condition is be- ing lowered, and the death rate tailored and wear like iron. These suits you will be proud of lori pe at howe in. A quantity of large size now on hand, also a complete sup- Don Valley Brick a =. $23 od H. M. Fowlds 'ana Son 81 King Street West w sight. Why not consult W.A. Hare OPTOMETRIST ~ 3 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Phone 91

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