mW WAR A | PERSONAL PAGE TWO ------ ---- A SI CT i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 2. 1928 ---- -- ([ Woman' s Daily WE | SOCIAL and The Times invites the "co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. Mr. Moore, Lindsay, is taking up 'résidence In Oshawa. ' Mr, gratin Ndieovas Toron- is) was a visitor in town today, - * - Mr. A. E. Hopper and Miss Maud Hopper spent the week end with relatives in Brantford - . LJ «Mr. Gerald Kennedy, of De- troit, Michigan, spent the week- end at his home, 140 Church St. * * LJ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lavis spent the week-end at Alliston, Ont, vis- iting Rev, and Mrs .Donald Lavis, EL] - * Messrs. Eldon Stacey and Frank Black returned from New York City today, where they motored to spend a week with a friend of the former. * - . Mrs, P. A. Blackburn and daughter Millicent, 313 King street east, are visiting friends in Dunnville. LJ Ad * The Jury and Lovell firm made Miss Mary Hambly the recipient of a silver tea service on the eve of her marriage. * * Mrs, Witterick has returned home from the Toronto General Hospital to which she has been confined for some time. * * » Miss Audrey Neilson of Trenton spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Neilson, 463 King street east, » LJ *® Mr. and Mrs, E. Parker, Prince street, have returned home from Parry Sound, where they were at- tending the funeral of the former's father, Prevent the ir regularities that cause sleepless- ness with a daily drink of {The Morning Health Salt Mr, Arthur Moore, Napanee, Miss Eileen Potts and Mr. D. Neil- son visited Mr. and Mrs. Neilson, 463 King street east, yesterday. . * oe The office staff of the Fittings, Limited, made a presentation of a mantle clock to Mr, Gordon Pirie, before his marriage Saturday af- ternoon. 1 * * LJ Mr, F. Caddle, Buffalo, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Goold, Division street. * . LJ Mr, and Mrs, Jack Cartwright and Mr, Herbert Luke, of Toron- to, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Cul- ley Lloyd street. * * . Mr. BE. Burton, and Mrs, W. M. Cutts, Port Perry, and Mr. A, Mc- Knight and son, George, Napanee, were holiday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, W. L. Law, 71 Albert street. . . » : . Miss Edythe Cawker, under- graduate of Victoria College, Uni: versity of Toronto is spending the summer with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, BE. F, Cawker, King street east, Ll . LJ Miss Annie J, Menary, President . of the dian Business and Profes- sional 'Women's Qlub who has returned from Europe after touring the continent and in the British Isles for the last year, LJ * * , Mrs, William Allen and son, Ho- garh, of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs, J. Hammond and son Douglas, of Windsor have spent the last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Law, 71 Albert street. LJ LJ LJ The office staff of the Parts Department, General Motors, pre- seated Miss Velma Crouse with a tray of silver on Saturday before Miss Crouse left that department to be married. LJ Past Cana- LJ * Miss Jennie Budd of Brussels, Ont, is spending a week with her cousin, Mra, Gliddon, before leaving for Winnipeg and other Western points where she will spend the summer months, rN LJ * Among those present at the Bishop Bethune Old Girls' Day were: Mrs, Banigan, Mrs, Good, Mrs, McKenzie, Mrs, Lackie, Miss M, Tucker, Mrs, Morden, Mrs, Stead, Mrs, Douglas McKay, Miss Louise MecGlasham, Mrs. Dawson, Miss Louise McMillan, Mrs, Win- ston Burgess, Miss Kelly, Mrs. Neeve, Miss B., Rolph, Mrs, McCar- ter, Mrs. Stone, Miss Parsons, Miss Milne, Miss Snotsinger, Miss Amie Douglas, Miss Nettie Davis, Miss Stella Davis, Miss D, Lang- ley, Miss A, Lumbers Miss Me- Caul, Miss Nevitt, Miss Hepburn, Miss Scarlett and Miss Betty Bun- ting. Did You Visit Rompers, Dresses, Hosiery. wish. other ideas. How io Clothe the Little Folks and Save Money The Two Easiest Things to Accomplish Visit Our Basement Shoppe Here you will find avervibioe imaginable in the way of Overalls, Play Suits, . Children's Now that we have clothed them, let us turn our attention to something to amuse them. There's Dolls and Dolls and Dolls, from little ones at 39c and 49c to the big beauties at $7.50, Blondes, Brunettes, anything you Play Balls, highly decorated, all sizes, fancy designs, Rubber Aprons, China Plates and a hundred and one BY ALL MEANS VISIT THE BASEMENT SHOPPE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY WILL BE TRIPLE DOLLAR DAYS IN ALL OUR STORES See the Window Displays Read Wednesday Night's ad. in this paper. - It will save you Money! W.A.DEWLAND, Ld "The trustees and officers of the Toronto Hospital for Consump- tives mear Weston, sent out invi- tations for twentieth graduating exercises of the Training School for Nurses on Wednesday after- noon, June 6, at 3.30, - LJ LJ - The engagement is announced of Mabel Luella eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Redmond, of Hartington, to Mr. William R. Taite, of this city second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Taite, of Kingston, the marriage to take place early in June. . . - A most enjoyable evening was spent on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. H. Allin, King strest, when the Daughters of England gave a surprise party. After some games and a social time they pre- sented her with a rose bowl and wished her every success in her new home, saying also that they will be missing one of their most willing workers. Ice cream. and cake was served, Weddings FRASER.BAIN A quiet wedding took place at Knox church manse on Saturday, May 26, when Nelly Alberta Bain, 113 Fernmaugh Avenue, To- ronto, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Bain, Queensville was unit- ed in marriage to James McGreg- or Fraser, Oshawa. Rev, A, C. Reeves performed the ceremony. The young couple were unattend- ed. Mr, and Mrs, Fraser will live in Oshawa. DRAYTON--FREDERICK A pretty wedding took place on Saturday, May 26, at 10.30 in the morning in the Simcoe Street Unit- ed .Church, when Annie, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Frederick, of Oshawa, became the bride of Frank, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Drayton, Osh- awa. The bride, who was given away by Mr, N. Sorazan, looked charming in a period dress of white crepe back satin and lace, with a lace. tulle veil, caught with orange blossoms, The bridal bou- quet was of Angelus roses. Annie Prokebny and O)ga Golosh acted as flower girls, while Misses Paw- line Drayton, Mary Mancoe, Mary Drayton and Annie Roman were bridesmaids and wore white crepe dresses and picture hats, carrying bouquets of roses and carnations. The bridegroom was attended by Messrs. J. Pullman, P, Siwokowskl, 8S. Leskur and J. Malleck, After the ceremony a reception was held at 230 Bloor street west, after whieh Mr, and Mrs. Drayton left for Atlantic City, New York and points south, the bride travel- ling in a yellow sport suit with hat to match and a brown fox fur. On their return they will reside at 723 Albert street, Oshawa. Toronto and Timmins papers please copy. PIRIE-HAMBLY A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Saturday, May 26, at King street United Chureh when Mary Florence, youngest daughter of the late Mr. H, Hamb- ly, Charles street became the bride of Charles Gordon, only son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles J, Pirie, Drew street. Rev, C. VW, Da Mille performed the ceremony and | Mr. H, C, Treneer presided at the organ, The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. William Hambly, was becomingly attired in a gown of morine blue faille with a French lace hat to mateh and a white fox fur, the gift of the groom, Grey shoes and stockings completed the costume. The bridal bouquet was of Ophel- fa roses and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Lillian Pirie, sister of the bridegroom, acted as bridesmaid, and wore a light green ensemble suit a blonde fur, with hat and shoes to match, She carried an arm houquet of sweet peas and lily-of-the-valley. Mr. Jack E. Hambly attended the groom, Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Pirie left by motor for Cleveland and Detroit. On their return they will reside in Oshawa. ' NORIS-COPELAND On. Saturday, May 26, in St. George's chapel, Violet May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Cope- land, 477 Masson street, was unit- ed in marriage to Reginald, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Norris, 41 Drew street, by Canon DePen- cier. The bride was gowned in Pekin blue crepe, with gray hat, shoes and gloves and a fox fur. She carried a bouquet of bhutter- fly roses and lily of the valley. Miss Doris Copeland, sister of the bride was the attendant and wore a bionde georgette dress, trimmed with lace, and a hat and shoes to match. Her bouquet was of ros- es, carpaticns and fiorex. Mr, Eric Norris, bother of the bride. groom, attended tbe groom. Mr. and Mrs, Norris left, after the ceremony for Montreal, the bride travelling in a black kasha coat, trimmed with moleskin, and a gray mohair hat. On their re- turn they will reside in Oshawa. Household Hints Mustard mixed with vinegar is more appetising than when mixed with milk or water. Rusted steel and copper badly tarnished will come quickly clean if rubbed with vinegar and salt. A little vinegar fin the water will take all odour away when washing up plates used for fish, onjon or cabbage. ' A little white vinegar will help to make a jelly set, and tough meat will become tender if soak- ed in vinegar before it is cooked. A ANNUAL OLD GIRLS' DAY AT B. B.C. Dancing. Display. in the Af. ternoon--Delightful En. tertainment In spite of the uncertain weath- er on Saturday the annual Old Girls' Day was held at Bishop Bethune College. The entertain- ment for the afternon's wag in the form of a dancing display, which included an old English Fair, with appropriate songs and dances. Tea was served and was followed by a service in the school chapel. Misses Doris McKittrick and Violet Meyers enacted some scenes from "The Hunchback"! This annual gathering of the graduates 'and present students helps toward the friendly spirit of the school. Dyring the day "The Oracle," the Bishop Bethune college, annual magazine, was on sale to all the guests. The mag- azine has a list of the Old Girls in it and is, in consequence, of in- terest to all. At a Glance to few con- Friendship's a name fin'd, The offspring of a noble mind, A generous warmth Which fills the breast, And better felt than e'er express- ed. LJ * * Some Torontonians are cone vinced that the last Great War will commence Tuesday night, and that Mussolini will be responsible, It is also stated that the war will last eight years, We would suggest that Il Duce start in. terfering in China first, and perhaps after that was over, the rest of the war would be minus, LJ * Ld English surgeons are on a campaign for a longer noon-hour so that people may again indulge in their meal with pleosure and not have to rush right. back to work again, It looks as though some business concerns are cams paigning for no noon-hour at all, » EL] + Virtue isn't always its own reward, after all, Here's the new Ford car----so much better than the old one that it doesn't get half the free publicity in the funny col. umns that the old one did, , LJ Ld * Knowledge Whea first I drew an author's breath, I sang of Death, Now that I have truth, TI toss off little songs of youth, When 1 have tasted everything, I'll know enough, then, not to sing, Love and Life and tasted time and % * Md Needless to say, people are not carrying fans to church these fine warm (?) Sundays, LJ NM * Young Politician--" What can I do to gain the unanimous ap- plause of the Press?" Old Politician--*Die-" * Ld » The Egyptian affair was certainly hushed up quick. Jy, will the Chinese-Japanese affray disappear from the newspapers with such rapidi. ty? * LJ LJ The only way we have of tell- ing it is summer is that the leaves are on the trees. LJ * Ld In the good old summer time-- * » » By Renrut, What for Dinner? 'Neilson ICE CREAM TAKE A BRICK HOME iy You get what you want when you want it If You Order NEILSON'S ICE CREAM From Us for Dinner, Luncheon or Party. 38¢ a Brick THE REXALL STORE ury & Lovell Simcoe St. S. - " Phone 68 jor 4 y MYRTLE Myrtle, May 25. -- Much sympathy is felt for Mrs, Robert Britton in the death of her brother at Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs, Britton attended his funeral last week, Miss Lizzie Annan of Pickering is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Percy. Mr. and Mrs. F, Fairclough of Hamilton spent Victoria Day with their daughter, Mrs, H. Roy Bright, who with her children, John and Barbara, returned with them to spend a few days. : Mrs. Rancieu and Mr. and Mrs. David Ross were in Uxbridge last week attending the funeral of the late George Hart. Mrs, R. Long is visiting her son, Mr. Frank Harrison of Burketon. Mr, James MacKenzie shipped a carload of stock from the C.N.R. yards to Toronto on Friday. A number of old friends from here attended the funeral of the late Mr, Dave MacDonald, of Brooklin on Thursday. Those who had geyetakler coming up in their gardens were quite alarm- ed during the cold spell of the week- end lest perchance the frost might affect them, Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Christopher Wilson and other mem- bers of the McClintock family in the death of their mother, Mrs, Frances McClintock, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Wilson, at the advanced age of eighty-three years. Mr, George Ballard of Oshawa visited friends here on Victoria Day, Mr, Jack Birnee of Whitevale was renewing oid acquaintances here dur- ing the week. Mr, Prosser of Columbus, who is agent for' the Brookdale Nursery of Bowmanville was through here dur- ing the week taking orders for nur- sery stock and received some good orders which he is delivering this week, A number from here spent twenty-fourth in Uxbridge, Miss Dorcas McFarlane was .the guest of Miss Bernice Werry of Ked- ron on Victoria Day. ASHBURN Ashburn, May 25.--Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sutherland who were united in marriage re cently, Mrs, Sutheralnd was form- erly Miss Violet Summenhayes, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Summer- hayes, of this village. Their friends are pleased to know they are taking up residence here where Mr, Suther- land will continue his trade, Mr, George Ballard, of Oshawa, visited his brother here on the holi- day. Mr, Prossoe of Columbus, who is agent for the Brookdale nursery of Bowmanville was through here last week tdking orders for the company and is delivering this week, Miss Bernice Werry and Miss Dorcas McFarlane, of Myrtle, spent Victoria Day at the former's home in Kedron, Mr, Gordon Fisher makes regular trips to the city two or three times a week with stock for the farmers, Mr, and Mrs, James Lawrence of California visited Mrs, James Bal- four and other friends here recently. Mr, Lawrence is an old Ashburn boy being the son of the late Mr, Jimmie Lawrence. His old friends here are always glad of a renewal of his ac- quaintance, Miss Emma Fisher of Toronto is spending the summer with her mo- ther, Mrs, Edward Fisher, Miss Maggie Fisher, who has been in the Port Perry hospital for the past few weeks, where she underwent a serious operation, has returned to her home here and is improving nicely. Mrs. Slack was taken to Toronto last week where she is being. treated for goitre, A speedy recovery is hoped for. TYRONE Tyrone, May 23.--Mr. Levi Annis of Toronto spent the week end at home. Misses Myrtle and Rena Tarrell, of Long Sault, were anniversary guests of Miss Kathleen McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs, H. Treer of Bethseda, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Haywood. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wright, of New- castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne White, of Providence, were Sunday guests at Mr.. Harry Collacutt's, Mr, and Mrs, Sherwood Rundle, Grace and Jean, of Bowmanville, were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and Florence, of Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner, . Miss Sadie Virtue and Mr. J. J. Virtue, of Hampton, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, of Bowmanville, and Mr, and Mrs. R. 8. Virtue and Doro- thy, of Oshawa, were guests of Miss Virtue and Mr. W, 8, Staples. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Nally, of Orono, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Sunday school anniversary was a decided success; weather ideal, good congregations, excellent music and exceptional sermons by Rev. A. M. Irwin of Whitby. \ The Newcastle Male Quartette, Messrs. Walter Rickard, Wesley Bragg, Mark and Harpld Allin assist- ed with music and deserve much credit. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, May 25.--Mrs. Par- the and Mrs. W. Parker, Jr., for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fallitt, Thorn- ton's Corners, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8S; Sykes. Master David Sykes is under the doctor's care. Mrs. Mr. Art Pogson, Oshawa, Mrs. George Allin and Mr. Bruce Allin, Kedron, all with Mr. and Mrs. C. Pogson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Warren spent the weekend with the latter's mar- ker Sr. has been visiting with Mr.. Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspendents ents at Fenelon Falls. Miss Verna Porvell spent Wednes- day overnight with her grandmother, Mrs. Bradford Powell at Thornton's Corners, Mr. Northcott was home from Walkerville over the' week-end. We are glad to say little Eddie North- cott who had an eye removed recent- ly, is improving nicely. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Fice have moved into their new home near the garage. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry, Lyle and Mar- .Jorie motored to Lindsay returning by way of Orono Sunday. Mr. Gilles, supervising architect, Toronto, and wife and son, spent May 24th with Mr, and Mrs, A, Gerry. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover at her mother's home, 74 Kenneth avenue, on May 17, a daughter (Doro- thy Constance). Excavation work for the basement of the new edition to the school was begun today. Miss Florence Heaps spent the 24th with her cousins, Geraldine and Margaret Tattersall, BETHESDA Bethesda, May 25.--~Mr. Kenneth Fraser, of Toronto, spgng the holiday at home, Miss Winnifred Cole motored from Toronto with friends and visited her parents here, Mr, and Mrs, Everton White and daughters, Marie and Edith, attend- ed the 36th anniversary of Mr. White's parents, at Pert Hope, on May 24th, » Mr, and Mrs, George Arnold apd Babe, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, D. K, Fraser on Sunday. ' Mr, and Mrs, T, J, Cole and Miss Berta Cole, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. B. L, Cole at Newtonville on Wed- nesday, Several from here attended Tyrone and Enniskillen Anniversary on Sunday and report excellent ser- mons by Rev, A, M, Irwin and Rev, 8. T. Bartlett, CATHOLIC WOMEN MEET AT CALGARY League Arranges Important Program at Sessions June 25.30 (By Canadian Press) Calgary. Alta, May 28,--The eighth annual convention of the Catholic Women's League of Canada will be held in Calgary June 25 to 30 inclu- sive. Representatives from every province will be present and reports of officers and national convenors to be read will show a vast amount of work accomplished throughout the past year, "A Catholic welcome to new Canadians" has been adopted as the slogan of the league's immigra- tion work, the results of which will be the subject of addresses and dis- cussion, The fulfilment of the National Scholarship project decided upon at the annual meeting at Montreal last year to initiate an educational policy which it is hoped wift broaden and grow from year to year will be an- nounced, This scholarship was es- tablished as the result of an appeal made by Mrs, J, Coffey, Montreal, National Convenor of Education, Its object is to provide a Catholic high school graduate with a course lead- ing to the university degree of B.A. Because the scholarship was estab- lished in the year of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation the first year's test is an essay on Canadian History, showing what epoch had most influence on the development of Canada, Among the judges will be: His Grace Archbishop MeNeil of Toronto, Rev, Bro. Rogation, F.8.L., of the Alberta Catholic College, and Dr. W, Atherton, Ph. D,, University of Montreal, The scholarship' fund is provided by subscriptions from subdivisions of the league all over the Dominion. / Prominent speakers, both clerical and lay, will address the delegates at the luncheon and supper hours, At the opening meeting, June 25, his grace Archbishop Henry J. O'Leary, of Edmonton, honorary national chaplain, will speak, as will his lord- ship Bishop Kidd, of Calgary. The national president, Mrs. J. J. Duggan, Edmonton, and the Calgary sub-division are hostesses to the con- vention. Many social funetions have been planned as interludes to the business sessions. These will include a trip to Banff by metor. The con- vention banquet will be held Thurs- day, June 28. At this function mem- bers of the league will give addresses on the various national activities of the league such as organization, im- migration, traveller's aid, education, child welfare, social service, sisters of service, girl guides, laws, finance, tJ LJ] Piles Go: Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause. That's why salves and cut- ting fail. . Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has given quick; safe and lasting- relief to thousands of Pile Sufferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Jury & Lovell Ltd, and druggists every- where sell Hem-Roid with this guarantee. . For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. Fa. Wo Deliver A In clean, bright Aluminum A ------------------------------------ to be recovering after a long illnedsy but suffered a relapse on -Saturday. The Bishop, who is now described as suffering from insulin shock, re- turned from Toronto Saturday, where he had been in consultation with Dr. Camybell, a diabetic specialist. When he left Lon'lon a week ago he weigh- ed 183 pounds, but on his returst he had dropped to 154 poupds. Last night and early today he was in a delirious condition. Dr. W. J. Tillman, the attending physician, stated late tonight that the Bishop's condition was very grave, but he was hopeful that his Lordship would survive the night, Dr, Vin cent Calaghan is also in attendance: Ee magazine and juniors. The record of these activities will be recorded from year to year to encourage and stimulate a yet greater development of Catholic social action. His holi- ness the Pope has approved of the league's work and asked the faithful to pray for its growth. LAST RITES GIVEN BISHOP OF LONDON -- Ont, May London, 27.--The last' rites of the church were administer- ed to the Right Rev, Roman Catholic Bishop of tonight, It's hard to excuse Michael! Fallon, London, Bishop Fallon was thought " Al Guests arriving everything perfect except. Y dinner table, set with all my best china for[ our dinner to Jim's new friends, had never looked prettier. But it made my poor hands' look dreadfully coarse by comparison. They simply, broadcasted 'Dishpan!' "'And because I know it's just such little things that others judge us by, I became sélf-conscious . . . ill at: ease , . . at my own dinner table. : "Of course it was foolish of me. With Lux always in the house I was still using old-fashioned harsh soap for the dishes. Until that night I had not realized just how pitifully rough and red it made my hands look. "Now I use Lux for all my dishes. And for cleaning," too! My hands no longer are reddened and coarse. | I'm really PROUD now of my dinner-table hands." 'Many household: soaps--flakes, chips and cakes--, are made in the old-fashioned way, They contain} harmful alkali that makes the skin rough. There is no injurious alkali in Lux. Made by a re- | markable process, Lux actually SOOTHES the Yong | leaves it a little whiter and softer than before.* Instant, sparkling Lux suds, ready before you ever' put your hands in, are so rich and CLEANSING that' the dishes seem almost to wash themselves! The big package of Lux washes six weeks' dishes)' Lovely hands for so small a price! * Many beauty parlors use Lug in manicuring the nails; to safien and whiten fhe fingers. / Las beeps lovely the hands that wash dishes