Oshawa Daily Times, 18 May 1928, p. 15

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was given three months, to run comsecutively, and further indeter- minate sentence of not more than by [two years less one days. A and also to pay the costs of the court, y -- * Rev, Booth, M.A. of Schreiber, in the Diocese of Al- goma, has been appointed Rector of eat 11 Nx; daven in & o Rev, on ©, A. French, who will retire from by 'Anglican ministry on June 1, er many years of service. PLAN ROAD PAVING It is expected that construction of seven miles of permanent com- _ erete pavement, hetween Johnstown and Spencerville, on the Prescott- Ottawa Highway, will com ° about July 1, it was stated yest day at the Brockville office of the Department of Public Highways. There is no immediate prospect of permanent work being done on the road between Brockville and Prescott, it was stated. DOCTOR IS WANTED The Red Cross Hospital 4t\ Coe il], near Peterboro, is to be form- ly opened en June 4, when the management is planning a monster celebration for the day. They are appealing for a resident doctor in the hope that some young doctor will undertake that most necessary work in a needy community, Coe Hill and the surrounding - districts have for many years felt very keen- ly the lack of medical assistance, and a little over a year ago it was decided to open an outpost Red Cross Hospital, THREE HAD STILLS For having a still," Felix Cour- nyea of Huntingdon Township was fined $200 and costs before Magis- trate Casement of Madoc, On a charge of having liquor he was also fined $100 and costs, All fines were paid, Also at Bancroft yesterday, before Magistrate Jarman of Ma- doe, William Collins and William 'Whitefoot were each fined $200 and costs for having a still. The men took the six months in the re- formatory, in default, Whitefoot was found guilty of the theft of a copper hoiler, part of the still, and Buick Sedan Ford Sedan Service 26 Athol Street West MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Reports indicative of a success- ful year, election of officers for the ensuing year and comsiderable busi- ness occupied the attention of a large number who attended the an- nual meeting of the Peterboro' Manufacturers' Association, held in fthe Council Room of the Chamber of Commerce. The officers are: Chairman, Gordon S. Matthews; Vice-Chairman, W, C. Ackerman; Treasurer, John R. Marshall; Sec- retary, Robert Abbott, REPLACES SLAIN OFFICER Provincial Constable Harry Thompson has been transferred to take the place of Provincial Con- stable Norman Maker, who was kill in Peterboro' three weeks axa The vacancy at Napanee will be fill- ed by Provincial Constable McCoy, who has been stationed at Madoc. MeCoy's place will he filled by an officer from outside this district, according to information supplied by Inspector W, H. Lougheed of No, 5 District, headquarters of which is in Belleville, PROBE AT OAMPBELLFORD Inspector Alloway of the Humane Society, Toronto, and Inspector R. C. Smith of the Peterbaro' Society went to Campbellford this week to investigate a case where it was al- leged a citizen of that town hit a horse over the head with an axe, and, supposing that he had killed it, left it. A few hours later the Chief of Police in Campbellford found that the horse was still liv- ing and suffering a great deal, He immediately had the horse shot. The Provincial authorities intend to take action against the Camp- bellford man for cruelty to animals. SMITH'S FALLS CHAMPIONS A reorganization meeting of the Smith's Falls Softball League held Wednesday night was largely at- tended. Plans were made for the coming season's activities and the outlook is one of the brightest, The playoff system was discussed and it was decided that the win- ning team would compete in the Eastern Ontario Softball Associa- tion finals, and that a manager be Motor City Service Ltd. '26 Athol Stréet West A Few Spcials For The Week-end Cadillac Coupe - $I 850 Pontiac Coach Come in, look these over and you will be convinced of the extraordinary value offered. Motor City Oldsmobile, Cadillac and LaSalle, ~ \ $1275 $650 $400 -~ ~ Limited Phone 428 appointed at the end of the og to arrange playoffs. Each team be allowed to sign only fifteen play- ers throughout the emtire season. The schedule will be drawn up at a special meeting next weel MAY REOPEN NEGOTIATIONS Yesterday there was every in- dication that negotiations were likely to be reopened between the Master Plumbers' Association and the Plumbers' Union in Kingston, The whole situation which has arisen in labor circles has develop- ed from the decision of the jour- strike, on April 1, and thére is no doubt that if negotiations are open- ed between the masters and men in this trade, and some agreement ar- rived at, the situation as it affects other building trades will automat ically clear up. In spite of the "ultimatum" delivered to the Building Trades Council by the Magter Builders and Contractors, the plumbers and tinsmiths did not return to work this morning, but notwithstanding this fact there is a more conciliatory attitude apparent on both sides and it is hoped that by Monday the strikers may return to work, COL. O'FLYNN DIES Thera passed away in Delleville yesterday Lieut.-Col, Edmund Duc- kett O'Flynn, member of the lega! firm of O'Flynn, Diamond and O'Flynn, after a brief illness, The late Colonel O'Flynn was born in Belleville on Sept, 1, 1887, and had resided in the city all his life, taking an active part in the social, political and military life of the district, He was educated in the high and public schools of Belle- ville, proceeding to Albert College, and from there to McGill, Univer. sity of Toronto, and also Osgoode Hall, He was called to the Bar in 1913, and had practiced law with his father ever since, When the war broke out he was the first of- ficer from Belleville to enlist for active service, joining the Second Battalion at Valcartier as a Lieu- tenant, He went/ to France and rose to the rank of Major, Return- ing home, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and was in command of the defense corps till the close of the war, MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED The Brockville police are invest- igating the mysterious whereabouts of Edward Lawrence Davis, agent for a Brockville insurance com- pany, who has heen missing from his home since Tuesday afternoon, when he left for the purpose of meeting an unnamed man, who had arranged to take him in the latter's automobile somewhere in the coun- try to meet a hrother, who, Davis sald, desired placing some life in- surance, The missing man, who has been a resident of Brockville since May 1, 1927, when he went there with 'his wife from Peterboro', is a lover of his home, and is rarely absent after 10.30 o'clock at night, He is strictly temperate, and when forced to be absent from home later than usual he always advised his wife by telephone of his where- abouts, The money he had collected on his insurance route he left wita Mrs, Davis before he departed, and she states that he had between $5 and $10 on his person. He is 57 vears of age, and weighs 180 pounds, QUEBEC MAIL PLANE UPSETS IN LANDING Rimouski, Que.,, May 17.--Pllot Caldwell and Mechanic Boulanger had a marrow escape from injury here tonight when a Canadian Government air mail plane with 800 pounds of mail aboard got in- to difficulties when it landed here after making a trip from Quebec. The mail was not damaged, and was put aboard the outhound liner Minnedosa. The plane had just touched the ground when a wheel smashed, and the machine turned upside down. The pilot and the mechanic crawled out, and with the excep- tion of a good shaking up they were uninjured, THOROLD FACTORIES CLOSE St, Catharines, May 17.,--Three of the largest factories in Thorold will now be closed down next week on account of the wunwatering of the old canal, now used only for power purposes. Overseer J, C. Commerford said today that the capal would he emptied at mid- pight on Saturday next until mid- night on Sunday, May 27, for the annual general repairing, most of the repairs being in the St. Cathar- ines portion of the canal, Telephone 262 {4 Lines te Central) for COAL "Jeddo" The Best in America COKE "Solvay" We are Sole GMC W ts )D - Dixon Coal Co. neymen plumbers to go out om FREE FINE AR1 children can do best. Seats Free----Collection Only TO-NIGHT ~ John Tully NEW AWAKENING The first of a series of LEC TURES Applied Psychology and the TOMORROW EVENING the lecture will be | Temples of Character Question Period and Character Reading every night. Plat. form demonstrations of Mental Healing will be given also. Mr, Tully will give private Readings of Character and Vocational Analysis at the Central Hotel daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, Learn where you will Be with us tonight at 8.15, at Welsh's Parlors, King St. W, HEAR IN THE OF LIVING succeed, Know what your All Welcome ATTEMPT BANNED BY ENGLISH CLUB Campbell Cannot Try For New Speed Mark in Britain London, May 17--The Mail Wed- nesday says that the Royal Auto- mobile Club has hanned as too dangerous the proposed attempt by Malcolm Campbell to better the world automobile speed record set by Ray Keech in Florida last month, by racing aver the Pendine sands in Carmarthenshire, Wales. The seven mile stretch of sands is regarded as too short for the ac- celeration and the gradual stopping required of a motor car able to exceed existing records. Since Pen- dine is the only available eourse in Britain and no international PRINTING FIRM DEFEATED IN PRIVY COUNCIL APPEAL Ottawa, May 17.--The Supreme Court of Canada received a cable fromm London today announcing that the Privy Council had dismiss ed the appeal of the Dominion Press Limited versus the Minister of Customs and Excise, This was a test case to see whether printing firms would have to pay sales tax on certain classes of printing. The Supreme Court held that the tax had to be paid and the Privy Coun- cil has endorsed that decision, D.S.0.R. MEDICAL, ADVISER 1S APPOINTED FOR SAULT Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,, May 17, +-Announcement. has been made of the appointment of Dr, J, E. Gimby as Medical Representative of the Department of Seldiers' Civil Re-establishment for Sault Ste, Marie and district, to succeed the late Dr, J, A, McLean. record is valid here unless timed hy |} officials of the Royal Automobile Club, Captain Campbell will be nn- able to make his attempt. "All these attempts involve a | risk of life and if I choose to take the risk I don't see why the R.A.C. has any objection," Campbell said. "Now I shall have to go abroad, which means additional expense and trouble. I intend to get the record back." Campbell formerly held the world record, which he set in Florida. GERMAN DIRIGIBLE [5 GOING TO POLE Norwegian Scientist Makes Announcement in New York New York, May 17.--Dr. Fridt- jot Nansen, Norwegian scientist and explorer, said Tuesday night, at a special meeting of the Ameri- can Geographical Society held in the Engineering Societies Building that a German dirigible larger than the "Los Angeles" will leave next spring on an Arctic expedition over the North Pole. Plans have not been completed yet, Dr, Nansen said, but the ship pow being built in Germany will be able to carry, besides a large party, provisions, equipment and tents, for a stay that may require three years in the North Pole region. Dogs and sledges may also be tak- en along and the ship will be out- fitted with a radio se. and wireless which will keep members of the ex- pedition in daily touch with the outside world. The dirigible will take off from the Siberian coast and by easy stag- es will explore the unknown area along the Siberian edge of the Are- tic sea. Jt will then proceed to Nome, Alaska, and from there fly east, \ CHILDREN WITH OLD DANCES OBSERVE AZTEC NEW YEAR Mexico City, May 17.--Imitating ancient dances, school children to- day celebrated the Aztec mew year, a custom pevived through re- searches into the centuries old Az- tec rites conducted by Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, archaeologist, long a resi- dent of Mexico City and one of the foremost authorities of Mexican history, ' IMPROVEMENT CONTINUES IN STRESEMANN'S CONDITION Berlin, May 17.--Foreign Min- ister Gustav Stresemann, who bas been seriously ill with a kidney ailment, continued today to show the slight improvement begun yes- terday. His doctors said there had been a further reduction in tem- perature, | - J ' LICENSEE FOR "FIFTY YEARS Man Who Started Barge. men's Aid Society Only Survivor Entering the Guadulph Hotel, Rochester, 50 years ago, three sail- ing barge captains asked the licen- open a subscription list for barge captains who had met with mwior- tune. Instead he said: "Give me threepence each and fancy you have had a pint of ale, and then see what I will do with your money." The next day eight more eip- tains called on Mr. Ashton, and the Bargemen's Mutual Aid Society was instituted, This society, wueh recently held its 40th annual meet- ing, accepts subscriptions from captains of sailing barges and makes money grants in the event of any member being drowned. Mr. Ashton, who is 77, told a newspaper reporter that he was appointed honorary secretary and has held that position for the 50 years of the society's existence. Of the 12 members who formed the society with him he 1§ the only survivor, The sociely has made grants to charities and during the Boer War gave part of the proceeds of a con- cert to the "Absent-Minded Heg- gars Fund." Mr, Ashton last year celebrated his 50th year as licensee of the | Gundulph Hotel, GRADUATING CLASS RECORDS BROKEN Alberta University Awards 210 Degrees and 45 Diplomas Edmonton, May 17.--All previ- ous graduating class records at the University of Alberta were shatter. ed by the 1928 list containing 210 degrees and 45 diplomas which were conferred by Chancellor Dr, Rutherford at the 18th annual con- vocation of .the University Tuesday afternoon. : Professor J. E. Browmlee, who gave the convocation address, and President Dr. Troy, gave his last annual address to the students were both admitted to the degree of doctor of laws, honoris causa. High appreciation of Dr. Tory, the retiring president, who leaves shortly to becomé head of the Ca- nadian Research Conucil and of his services in building up the univer- sity from a small, beginning in 1908, was expressed by Premier Brownlee, see, Charles Ashton, 4f he would |, . SMART SILVER. SERVICE COMMUNITY PLATE OSPITALITY upsteedate! The gor geous oval tray lends tone to the ser- vice of tea and coffee or is a highly decora- tive sideboard ornament, The silverware is charming -- dignified --lasting. The velvet rack keeps it snug in any drawer.) $41.75 i BURNS' 231, Simcoe St. S. Phone 389 Cash or Terms Jewelry Store 'A GREAT LINIMENT A liniment possessing exceptional healing and soothing properties, for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, colds, coughs, bronchial afflictions, sprains, strains and all the common ailments of man and beast, Be prepared for emergencies--buy a bottle of this old reliable household remedy to-day, Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, LIMITED - TORONTO, CANADA THE ARCADE- 39th BIRTHDAY SALE SATURDAY WILL BE A GREAT DAY OF SAVINGS FOR THE THRIFTY SHOP- PERS--BE SURE TO COME AND SHARE IN THESE BARGAINS SATURDAY, Saturday--A Liean-up of Odds and Ends Wash Goods Bargains Polly Prim Voiles. Yard, ,....0000000.. 28¢ Pretty Prints, Yard, ....ovsmsrrrerrrssr 336 Ginghams, 31 inch, Yard, +s 50r1000000+. 186 Rayon. Crepe. Yard, ....or0sssi000rsr2000 BBE | | Ladies' Hosiery Bargains Silk Hose, first quality, Pair, ,,....,+.,, 858¢c Art Bilk Hose, Pat ,ires:0rerssrreveer SOE Children's Socks. Pair, ».ssssssrscssssrss 308 Harvey Silk Hose. Pair ,,,,5000r5020005:: 396 A Big Bargain! LADIES SPRING COATS Saturday will be your Spring Coat at a great saving. Birthday Price, ,::rrr0r000r» chance to get a real stylish $11.95 A Great Dress Bargain New styles; new designs; 100 dresses to choose from. Fresh and stylish, from ' +) 5 ® Household Staple Bargains Turkish Towel Mill Ends. Yard, .........,., 18¢~ Turkish Towels. Each, press psrrsrrrrrrr, 29c Sheets. Each, iter rer ti attr re snree DOE Curtain Beri, Yard, ,2+rrrreerrrrreree 1236 Cretonne. Yard, Brressrsisiesrrrrrrrrrrry 29¢ > the maker's showrooms. Birth- BY PIE, c11riritresirisrm J . . Ladies' Lingerie Bargains Rayon Vests; ..ovssirinvsrrsesrsrivrin BE Bobbettes rE Er APRS nn rr res res DE 'Rayon Bloomers, irs srisissiriirrerrrn Ok Ladies' Cotton Vests (B28. #70 0 pZ0. 0 0 » 2.0.0 ABZ, » 39¢c Harvey Silk Bloomers, ........0055,... $1.49 SAVE OUR CASH COUPONS Coupon No. 5611--1st Prize--#$5.00 Free Goods ---- Coupon No. 4783--2nd Prize--$2.00 Free Goods Look for the numbers on the Coupons you receive. SHOP AT THE ARCADE PHONE 1000 PROMPT DELIVERY

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