It is true that in Russia today there are few workmen (I do not, of course, speak of the Commun- ) who believe that the dictator- v1 of the Commuaist party is the dictatorship of the proletariat. On the contrary, the barrier between them" and "us" grows more and more evident to the Russian work- fog class. And that is natural enough, Nevertheless the Govern- ment is not looked upon as though it were something mot of the Rus- sian people. . The masses were not the main motive force at the begipning of the Bolshevik seizure of power yet in the course of tha struggle to save the achievements of the Revo- lution the destiny of the masses was closely allied to that of the Belshe- vik dictatorship in so far as the counter-revolutionaries of all shades fought under the anti-Bal- shevik flag and made the Russian Revolution itself and the Russian working class, as the carrier of this Revolution, responsible for all the Tell Skinny Men How To Put on Weight If the flat chested man whose ribs are almost bursting through his skin doesn't' try to make hime self look like a real man, no one else will, When any man or woman needs more weight, they ought to be told that the greatest of all flesh build- ers iz McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee, If alter taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Mc- Coy's Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn't gain at least § pounds and feel completely satis- fied with the marked improvement , in healfh--your druggist ie author- ized to return the purchase price. Ask Jury & Lovell, Ltd, J. 8, Mitchell, W, H. Karn or any good druggist. EE ---- Project Your Clothes Free Kennedy"Moth Bag, with on Red Cedar Flakes 25¢ BM, AM i ------ a real or imaginary crimes of the Bolsheviks. This being so, there ing masses into the apparatus of their dictatorship, writes a corresponglent in the Man. chester Guardian, The Communist The N.E.F. (New Economic Pol- icy) which was introduced under pressure from the peasantry, brought a psychological change. The work of restoring Russian in- dustry was accompanied by an un- exampled' exploitation of labour. "Rationalisation" in the West Eu- ropean sense siniply does not exist in Russia--the technical and ad- ministrative leadership is far too corrupt and dishonest to allow of such a thing, The working class gradually came to the conviction that it had committed a! political error somehow and somewhere, and that the Government does not really defend the interests of labor. This process of estrangement from the Communist dictatorship has reached great intensity amongst the laboring masses, Warkmen who join the Communist party now- adays are not, as the Pravda' boasts, of the "best." On the con- trary, they are the scum of the working class--careerist and "men on the make," bent on personal gain and advantage, But thera are not many of them. The "hun- dreds and thousands" af new mem- bera who ostensibly come "straight from"the mine or factory" are most- ly young Communists or Commun- ists who have "come of age" (that is to say, young Communists whe have reached the age of 23) who are admitted into the party, A self-respecting Russian proletarian nowadays does not join the Com- munist party, the members of which are looked upon not as "the defenders of the working class," but as "defenders of their own skins' The workman who does joia the party is usaully quite frank about it--*'I shall get a het- ter job," he will declare, 'and I shall not he dismissed." This, in fact, is what a workman admit- ted to me the other day, He was one of those whoehad joined the Communist party after the Oe- tober manifesto--*I shall sgon get a job through the party La@@r Ex- change," he added, 'you can wear out a pair of hoots hgfore you get one through the ordinary Lahor Exchange." He had been a "young Communist," These things are THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928 Protein and Minerals | to keep up the milk flow Your cows will fall off in the milk supply at this time of year unless you feed the right quantity of protein and minerals. All milk cows mist have both or they will give less milk. : .. is a scientifically 'blended and concentrated feed, and is guar- anteed 18% protein, Also contains one per cent. calcium edible minerals. No guess wark about feeding Quaker Dairy Ration since it is a [) ble bone meal and © te, one per cent, er necessary N waste for cows eat it clean. Kiln-dried, The most economical concentrate because it produces most milk for the money. Qualier DAIRY RATION Made by The Quaker Qats Gmpany Many Dairymen in this neighbourhood are getting more milk at lower feed cost with Quaker Dairy tion, Ask us, HOGG & LYTLE, LTD, 54 Church Street said aloud as though they were pers fectly obvious and natural, Another highly characteristic thing is that there were always po lice spies amongst his relatives: 'A cousin of mine," he said, "has join- ed the G.P.U, The pay's bad, but they 'make it up,"--What he meant was that his cousin supple mented his pay by acecpting bribes, And this man is typical of the wohkmen "straight from the mine or factory," who have been trying to enter the Communist party dur- ing the last two or three years, But amongst the broad "masses of the Russian working class contemp- tuous hostility towards the Com- munists i8 growing visibly, A ------------ -- | AVE WITH SAFETY '| "NFRVICE' | -- -- -- 1 Phone 203 The vanguard qf the old Lapor sqovement has almost vanished from the factories, The more intel- ligent workmen who fought in une Great War and in the eclvil wars have all been absorbed by the aa- ministration, What remains of the older proletarians is suomergea In the vastgmass of urban youth and of the 'Villagers'? who have never seen or read anything but the fruits of Bolshevik wisdom, 'These do not understand the many symptoms and are unable to generalize, They do not see that it is the dictator. ship as a system that is throttling them, : "Indusrial Democracy' Ostensibly "factory democracy" pa -- Enjoy Your Holidays with a Camera No. 2 Hawkeye Cameras $1.19 ATISFACTION MAY-DAY SPECIALS Once again we, your Rexall Stores, in our endeavor to convince you that we give you a DRUG STORE SERVICE which is second to none, offer these week-end bargains for Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIAL 25¢ Size 2 for 29c GIBBS' DENTIFRICE 40c Size 2 for 49¢ THIS WEEK ONLY 25c Carter's Pills ,, 20¢ 75¢c Carter's Pills ., 60c 40c Castoria ........., 29¢ 50c Dodd's Pills 3 for ........... $1,00 50¢c Gin Pills ........ 35¢ 75¢ Kruschen ........ 68¢ 35c Listerine ....sv0.» 25¢ 60c Listerine .......... B0c $1.00 Marmola ...... 85¢ Cut down on the overhead Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste The giant size tube, Reg. 50c, Sale Price, 39¢ 35¢ Minard's ......00.. 30¢ 50c William's Pink Pills, 3 for $1 65c Scott's Emul- BION 0111s Pirie 49c $1.30 Scott's Emulsion ..... we 99c 35¢ Dr, Chase's K. and L. Pills 25¢c 60c Italian Balm .... 489¢ 50c Fruitatives ...,,, 45¢c Men! A whale of a tube KLENZO SHAVING CREAM Reg. 50c, Sale Price, 39¢ FREE One Package KOTEX with a purchase every 2 boxes at- ; of $1.09 Delightful and Refreshing GEORGIA ROSE . DUSTING POWDER Reg. $1.25. Sale Price, 98¢ Order one today Cars Nome Face Powder Regular size $2.00 Trial size, 25¢ A refreshing dash in the morning makes each day seem brighter. $la btl. The original little black pellet from the British Isles. Protects the throat from hoarseness and loss of voice, 25c a box Keeps your hands soft and white; relieves sun- burn. French Balm Reg. 50c. Sale Price, 39¢ Just the thing for picnics. Genuine ; Reg. $1.50. Sale Price, $1.00 The famous Aladdin Knife Sharpener with the purchase of a 25¢ package of NATURE'S REMEDY TWO TORES IN OSHAWA When In Need of Drugs "Phone Jury & Lovell Ltd. Simcoe St. S. Phone 68 WE DELIVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY . prevails everywhere. There are factory councils, trade unions, "producing committees," delegates, factory elections, amd all the vari- ous methods of "control by the working class." Of late there have been no violations of electoral rules as there used to be. The mas- ses mow realizegsout of their long amd bitter experiemce, that they cannot break down the wall by dashing their foreheads against it, and that it does mot matter in the least whom they elect--whatever they wish or decide, it makes no difference, the real decision always remains with those who are "on top." The weariness and the apa- thy of the masses, the monopoly of the press and of public meetings, and the threat of dismissal from the factory are mow sufficient to keep the spirit of revolt in bounds. In times of crisis (now, for ex- ample, when there is a shortage of food) the workmen are allowed to fee] their priviliged position. They reeeive extra rations, and none: except those who are em- ployed in the factories are admitted to the co-operative stores, Nevertheless, in spite of such concessions, the working class is beginning to realize its true state. The Communist Opposition has done a good deal in this respect, The Opposition derived what force it had from the ever-growing, dis- content of the masses, who, with faltering steps, are seeking a way out of the blind alley into which the dictatorship has thrust them The workmen have not entirely ceased to feel that the factories, in- deed industry as a whole, are "theirs," but complete disillusion- ment is Goming, for the pressure on the working masses is too great, the conditions of labor, are too hard, and the management of the factories reveals the '"'employ- ers' mentality' much too plainly, As for the trade unions, they are always on the side of the manage- ment, Indeed, this is where the breach is widest and where the new awakening of the Russian working class has really bexun. "Our trade unions do not defend us. We have no organization that represents our interests." Such words are heard more and more often, WINNIPEG BEER PARLOR CLOSED Manitoba Starts War ; on Bootleggers in Earnest Winnipeg, May 16.--The war on hootleggers in Manitoba is being enforced drastically, and the new "padloek' law, inaugurated with the establishment of the cash and carry system and sale of beer in parlors, is to be inflicted on all offenders with two or more convic- tions, Monday, for the first time, the 'padlock' law was invoked The owner of a suburban resort was found guilty of a third offense, The place was padlocked hy pro- vineial police and the building will have to remain closed for an inde- terminate period, not exceedipg a year, WITHOUT A PAUSE (The Passing Show) A Liverpool man fs stated to have talked for twenty hours with- out a pause. I understand that he is an ardent golfer and angler and is as proud of his garden as he is of his one-year-old son, SOAKS RIGHT IN AND LIMBERS UP STIFF JOINTS Pharmacists Call it "Joint-Ease" Because it's for Swollen, Sore, Painful, Creaking Joints Only It took a good many years to get together ' a combination of pain subduing and swelling re- ducing agents declared to be the one remedy that almost instantly penetrates through skin and starts right in to make swollen, inflamed, creaky, pain racked joints as good as new.. They call this new and wonder- ful preparation "Joint-Ease" be- cause the medical man who turn- ed the trick, worked for years to perfect some low-priced remedy that would really benefit the mil- lions of people who have ome or more joints that need helpful at- tention. So "Joint-Ease" only ofr people who have a swollen, painful, creaky, distort- ed or stiff joint, whether it be in knee. elbow, shoulder, ankle, neck or finger and whether if is caus- ed by rheumatism or something else. ' Of course, fit can't help but quickly put an end to such super- ficial ailments as Jumbago, neural- gia, neuritis, aching muscles, stitch in the side crick in tie neck or sore feet because ofyits penetrating action, but what it is really recommended for is joint ailments of any nature whatever. Ask for a tube of "Joint-Ease." You can muse it several times fim one evening for quick results, be- cause it goes right through the skin with oply-a few seconds rub- bing. It surely is a swift pene- trator and when it gets under the is prepared skin, it starts pight in to clean up |' all joint trouble. Jury and Lovell Limited,K and W. H. Karn dispense is daily for about 60 cents a tube. as do first class druggists everywhere. Do You Own PAGE SE""N DYDD ALA § WLAN RN Rose's Real Estate Houses and Lots in All Parts of the City for Sale Our Terms and Prices Will Please You. We Also Handle Fire Insurance. Cor, Brock and Simcoe St. -N. Phone 538 -------- A -- 3-Room House with one acre o good garden land; wonderful place for chickens,, 15 minutes' walk' from Motors, This is a snap at $1,500. Easy terms, Apply Horton & French Mundy Bldg, 87 Simcoe St, South eth Hlhiophe REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit parchasers, R. M, KELLY 610 Simcoe St, N, Phone 16G63W RA HONE 793+ . C.YOUNG 4% Prince St. Oshawa, Ont. - { $1,70 Disney Real Estate 31 King St. E. Phone 1550 $4 20 --Frame cottage, 7 bl rooms. Electric, Fur- nace. % acre garden. Garage. On Kingston Road at Harmony. A well built home and must be sold, Ask to see this, --Cement block cottage. $3,000 Furnace., 3 piece bath. Electric. A real home. Very easy terms. As low as $300 cash. Bal- ance like rent, --3 roomed frames, €n paved street. Close to Motors. Electric. Water. A real lot to build a real home. Has garage as well. $500 cash, $60 --Lot 40 x 126. All city conveniences, Near Mot- ors, $50 cash. Balance monthly, We arrange building loans. We write all kinds of Insurance. We sel] brick--Get our price, Disney Real Estate 31 King St, KE, Phone 1350 A few choid® 40 ft. lots, Highest point in Westmount, near Highway, $360 while they last, J. H. R, LUKE OSHAWA, ONTARIO Office: 52 King Street East Phones: Office 871-031 Res, 68TW CARTER'S | Real Estate. § King St. E, or phone 1380 e---- RITSON ROAD $5,300, Six good rooms, oak floors throughout, - micely decorated and in perfect condition, 'garage and pri- vate drive, BURK STREET $6,200, New solid brick, 6 exceptionally large rooms, oak floors, chestnut trim, built-in kitchen cabinet, ironing board, ete, Will rent to responsible tenant if prospective, buyer, Cutler & Preston 64 King St, West Telephones 572, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F -- ; AMERICAN VESSEL'S MAINSAIL FOUND Jeddore, N.S., May 16.--A main- sail made of American canvass and belonging to a three-masted schooner was picked up at sea 100 miles from Boston, by the lohster smack Chester Marshall, which ar- rived here Monday, vid -- Neither the sail nor pieces of Ly EE -- . f SDN EYN YY . U 3 Simple QUR En spar that kept it &float bore any marks of identification, "Love at first sight is easier nows adays., You see so much more, Sault Daily Star, New. Spring lsulTs 22, A wonderful showing of the new Spring Styles in single and double-breasted models; womleds 'cheviots, serges and fancy, x Women's and Misses' JN / i 4 ! { JSD 50 / '=32. | "COATS 3 ; br a an08 fa fe ers i, '24 98. KE CRED $9096] ae will 25 elaborate styles of the pewes TPL ECE GLASS BROS. Simcoe at Richmond Oshawa phone 2378