Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX | e-- 3,200 OF AMERICA'S WAR VETS REMAIN MISSING OR UNKNOWN * Washington, May 16--Hope that America's unknown soldier mignag be identified by the process of eltm- {nation has faded as 3,200 mem- . bers of the A. E. F. remain miss ing or unidentified 10 years after the close of the world war, Three full regiments, the last of America's heroic dead, are scatter- ed over the battlefields of France. Many of them will never be found, 'Since the first of this year only 12 bodies have been recovered by workers of the Graves Registra. tion Service overseas. Of the hundreds of thousands who bore arms in France and Bel- glum, 1,542 are resting in unlocat- ed remain unidentified--making a total of 3,187 listed in the War De- partment records as "missing.* When the world war closed, ap- proximately 235,000 men were on the records as missing, Many of these were found, some of them dead, others in hospitals or prison camps. bi Gradually, through painstaking search and careful check of inform. ation, all except the "three regi- ments" have been located and iden- tified. This is regarded as approxi- mately the number of those who will go down permanently on the rolls of the missing. | cE CHEV a -------- ROLET OWNERS pairs, however Whitby Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory flat rate prices on all re- Get our prices first--Then Decide The leadership of our Service is based on merit, Prompt, efficient and courteous, See for yourself, Factory Trained amy A , , / Write EE 1 ROLL LA large or small. "ws Jin The Care and , Feeding of Babies They mre books every Mother will find helpful. Clip coupon at right, Eagle Brana Healthy, Strong and Happy , 1% [4 n'A - NN 'Ba i reps trl on if ly to to i = SENG done for my ninemonthsold baby who now weighs 23 Ibs, Previous Eagle Brand. If YOUR to faling Hagle Brand he baby is not gaining, and pee lis vouiseet, the is the week after taking Eagle food, try Eagle Brand. Brad he ied 17 ovat Nearly always the child : week after he gained con- shows noticeable im- ed graves and 1,645 bodies recover-| ON PROHIBITION Plan Cooperation Against um-Running and Drug Seattle, Washn., May 16--Thirty officials of various Government de- partments have assembled here to formulate a plan of co-ordination against rum running and narcotie smuggling on the Pafific Coast, which, if successful, would be ad- voeated for other districts. "I consider this the most sig- nificant conference on prohibition ever held," said Alf Oftedal, assist. ant Commissioner of Prohibition in charge of Enforcement and Per- sonnel, "The Pacific zone is the onl section in which the co-ordination plan has been tried and results are encouraging, If we can prove the worth of the plan out here, it prob- ably will be applied to other parts of the United States." Fixing of responsibility and tightening up of guards and ne spection of border points and along the coast were understood to be objectives of the executive forum. DOCTORS EXAMINE BRITISH EMIGRANTS 30,451 Intending Settlers * Asked to Attend Medical Inspection London, May 1€.--In the House of Commons Monday H. C, Haslam (Conservative, Horncastle) elicit. ed from Col. L, C, M, 8S. Amery that, from January to April 30, 451 persons were requested to pre. sent themselves to Canadian doe. tors with a view to emigration, Of these 29,209 were examined and the remainder would be examined promptly, Col. Amery was unable to say how 'many had been rejec'- ed on medical grounds, Answering a further question, Col. Amery promised te keep in touch with the Canadian authori ties so that no able-bodied ami. grant. was deterred, Answering Col, A, P, Heneage (Conservative, Louth) Col, Amery said that a foreign offer for an {sland near the Singapore naval base had been made to tha Sultan of Johore, and he was !nquiring further, JELLTED SALADS, Jellied salads, cooled in faney pudding dishes, make much dress. jer luncheon dishes than plain ones, Any flaked fish, with pinven- to and a hit of egg makes a good one, i your baby gaining 2° J ies Are. .. "My baby Violet won a silver cup in the recent baby show. She was brought up on Eagle ' Brand since 6 weeks old and has made such good progress as far 8s health is concerned that I feel I must write you. She is now 11}4 months old, weighs 23}4 Ibs., walks quite freely, and is Baby Wes Silver Cup | | entirely an Eagle Brand Baby." : (CONDITIONS GOOD THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY: 17, 1928 BRITISH SCIENTISTS London, May. 16.--While the Economic Commission of the League of Nations is considering at Geneva the problem of over-pro- duction of coal throughout the world, British scientists are work- ing feverishly to rejuvenate a lan- guishing industry by means of pro- ducing benzole from coal. A vision of how this might be accomplished and Britain supply most of her own oil requirements is described by Sir Hugo Hirst, elec- trical expert, who points out that it British chemists succeeded in producing benzole on an industrial scale, Britain would be freed from paying out $200,000,000 every year for imported oil, while simul- taneously cheap power would be provided for the whole country. WORK FEVER- ISHLY TO RESTORE COAL TRADE By such means the British coal industry would again be placed on its feet. Meanwhile the desperate condi- tion of the coal trade is revealed by figures for the last quarter of 1927 which show that, taking the industry as a whole, there was an average loss of 36 centa per ton, In view of this the Cabinet is considering a scheme for reducing the railway docking charges on coal, while innmediately pending is the operation of a rating - relief scheme contained in the budget. It is expected that a reduction of eight cents a ton on the car- riage of coal by the railways would help Britain recapture some of her lost markets. IN WEST CANADA Crop Prospects Are Good, Say the Latest Reports Winnipeg, May 16.--The en- couraging crop prospects in West- ern Canada this season, which WANTED TO BE RIGHT, (New York Evening World) They tell a funny story in the hotel zone about a mew bellboy in a side street hotel who wanted to he right when asked the first ques- tion by a prospective guest. A 'man approached him the first day with this question: "Have you a live lobster here?" "Just a moment, sir," responded the new boy hurrying to the manag- er's office, When the manager looked up the boy exclaimed: have been emphasized in all ad- vices received to date, are borne out hy the first report on seeding progress, issued today by the Bank of Commerce: The report follows: | "Manitoba--Excellent progress | has been made with seediny | throughout the entire Province. | Wheat seeding is practically com- | pleted, and where an early start was made, the wheat is well above | the ground and showing an even | growth. Moisture conditions are | satisfactory, although rains would prove beneficial to keep the crup sprouting evenly, . and to check drifting, Heavy winds prevailed during the past week. Theg" caused some drifting, but no seri- ous damage has so far been re-| ported, Seeding of coarse grains | is' going ahead rapidly. The in-| crease in wheat acreage is estimat- ed at about 10 to 15 per cent, 80 Per Cent, Seeded "Saskatchewan--Wheat seeding became general the last few aays in April, and, once started pro- ceeded without interruption, Ap- proximately 80 per cent. of wheat is now seeded . Seeding is from two to three weeks ahead of last year, There is sufficient reserve moisture in the soil for germina- tion to carry the crop several weeks. High winds have been general and soil drifting is In evi- dence at many points. Damage so far has heen slight, but geod rains would be welcome particularly tn central and southern areas, In- crease in wheat acreage is estimat- ed at 5 to 10 per cent, with little change in acreage to be sown coarse grains, Satisfactory in Alberta "Alberta---seeding conditions are good, and satisfactory progress is heing made. 1t is estimated that 60 per cent of wheat fis seeded. High winds have caused some soll drifting, but little damage has been reported, Benefleial show- ers occurred in some localities in the southern portion of the Prov- ince over the week-end. There is ample moisture in the subsoil, but the surface soil generally is dry, and rains would be beneficial to the seeded areas." BEAM WIRELESS MARVEL IN SPEED Montreal, May 16.--What beam wireless has done for long-distance communication was explained by J. H, Thompson, chief engineer of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, to the members of the Montreal branch of the Engineer- ing Institute of Canada recently. Using slides the speaker produced a graphic picture showing a tele- graph operator at Drummondyille using an instrument resembling an ordinary typewrit-r and sending messages at the rate of 150 words to the minute, to be received al- most instantly by an' operator at Dorchester, England. Mr. Thompson illustrated the process made in wireless trans- mission by showing the crude in- struments used in the early days of wireless, the progress having been so rapid that eqliipment of stations used 15 years ago is of no use to- day, The beam system itself, he said, was the result of experiments by which all the energy available at the sending station was suc- cessfully sent in one direction thus establishing 2 beam Of energy. GOVERNOR-GENERAL TO PLAY Kingston, Ont, May 16--Arrange- opening of Cataraqui Golf Club Jinks on May 23rd. His Excellency Lord Willingdon, will be here that day to visit the Royal Military College. His Excellency, so it was learned, expressed a desire to have a game while in Kingston. The president of the club, Dr. Frederick Etherington, will be paired with the Govermor- General. | "There's a man downstairs to MAN CONDUCTED HIMSELF AS DOG Crawled Among Crowd at Derby Biting Girls "on Ankles London, May 16--James Higgins was charged at Derby Monday with: crawling on all fours among the crowds in the market place on Sat- urday night and biting girls on their ankles. Higgins described his novel conduct to drink. He was fined £5 for biting and five shil- lings for drunkenness. "Anyhow, 1 got a kick out eof it," said Higgins, exhibiting a black eye made by the imprint of a girl's high heel. MORE EQUALIZED CIVIC VOT. ING WILL BE ASKED FOR ST. THOMAS St. Thomas, May 16.--The poll- ing subdivisions in this city are being revised and ingreased In number for the 1929 municipal elections in order to equalize the voting. A special committee of the City Council met today and drafted a new plan of division, whieh provides for four wards, in- stead of five, and 32 polling sub- divisions, as compared with 15 ua-~ der the old plan. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal and Railway Board for approval about May 20th. J.C "414 Prince St. 1 GARAGE ON SITE OF QUEBEC CHURCH Quebec, May 16.--The Wesley United Church, located at the cor- ner of Dauphine and St. Stanislas streets, is to be razed to make room for a 250 car garage, if permis- APARTMEN For Rent Oshawa's Finest Apartment House, Simcoe St. North, Four and five room apartments, soundproofing between cach apartment. electric refrigeration, electric ranges, incinerators, wall beds, individual radio connections, roof garden with splendid view. Ready for occupying Nezerve Your apartment now, Apply Young ------ IS Phone 793, Res. 909.) An option has been obtained on the church property, and if the permit is granted by the city, the Structure will be demolished, and © garage ready for occupane the middle of July, Vagey 48 ---------------------- , Little more aviation and we'll have to start zoning the ozone. ~~ see you, sir™ of the proposed changes. sion can be obtained from the city, |Arkansas Gazette, ments are being made for the official |- a ------ ALL THE YEAR ROUND /' We are enjoying good times in Canada; let's keep it that way by buying Home and Empire Products all the year round. On our shelves you will find a . splendid selection of the very finest of Home and Empire F@ods, al' plainly marked at the lowest possibly, prices. Store open from 8 am, till 6 pm., Wed, till 12.30 p.m., Sat, till 10.00 p.m, 30 Simcoe St, N,, 156 Simcoe St, 8S, Loblaw's Fruit Cake Delicious Cherry Cake Rich Fruit and Nut Cake = ry nin ais Haters varie: ibe S08 i Fresh Valencia Cake : Lb, 21¢ Deliveries--Mon., Tues, and Thurs. at 3 pm.,, Wed, at 11 am, Fri, and Sat. 11 am. and #8 p.m, Delivery charges 13¢ SOVEREIGN BRAND SALMON "The Pick of the Catch" HALVES 2 2 o TIN J FREE! FREE! A limited supply for those who were disappointed at our previous offering of LOBLAW'S PENCIL BOXES ; with pencil, pen, eraser, ruler and pen-holder One pencil box free with each purchase of one-half } : Finest Quality Cheese pond of loblaws Own Blena'Zes me oteail Rowuelort Cheese BLEND bik While large supplies were on hand at all stores Fancy--French-- during our original offering of this free gift, the Imported ,.. Packed in Damptite Cartons--AKlways Fresh J ALE demand was much greater than we expected. «Canadian Cheese ~~ Prime Yah 48¢c "alb 25¢ : Special rere] Special : LUNCH QUEEN NONSUCH LIQUID New Process -- Homemade OLIVES { { STOVE POLISH § { PEANUT TAFFY 2 Bottles 25¢ Lb, 16¢c Boneless Chicken Beaver Brand-- PRPIPIRRINRIRRRRIRIRSIIS SHIELD BRAND MAYONNAISE Mayonnaise Delight 8-0z, Jar 3c 4-0z. Jar 17c® | Pimento Mayonnaise Ydoo! for HF 8-0z. Jars 31c Salads ..vo0 ut. deoz, Jar 17¢ Try Loblaw's Famous EGYPTIAN T E A -- A Sandwich Spread (P0Tol0le® pr 070 0 ole 0700 » serssnnene Ol sovvsnnvsrsssrsrrnre Calif, Evaporated-- Apricots Exceptional Value , Lima Beans See, .. Lb, 1c Blanc Mange Powder Po at oovrrrrsrrsnsssnss PRE 16 Marshmallows Maraschino Cherries BR rrrsiserensrs BE: Tin 34c Bettie orrvrsninnnnr 2 Btls, 26¢ Crab Meat} iwi Tin 33c ' LIBBY"S Sauerkraut is. Tin 1 2726 Red Currant Jelly ~~ ~~ Junket Powders ~ Maple Butter Glass' +..11000000000 120%, Jar 22¢ fusoried Pkg. 11c Qé% 1b, Tin 34 Pi ple and A Flavors ..osssnssssssssssrssse ysl Maple Sorin an a Tan 23 Bien 2 Phys. 23¢ (un Bd. 33¢ Ra, ---- ed r » Paper we Bes ruk Bend Pkg. 12¢ Chef Sauce Bel. 23¢ Lazenby's Meat and Fish Pastes Oat Cakes : ual _ 1.Ib, Tin 54c Tin 33c Floor Wax swe 1-Ib, Tin 41c Cocoanatise: suzist-- Lb, 21c Health Salts ini 2 Tins 25¢ Beefsteak Sauce TEE RRP TE RE PRT RT) Prepa red Mustard B sssssssssrssssssssnsnsssse Btl, 28¢ Jar 13¢ v PORRRRSRRIRIRIIRIRIISS Large and Meaty PRUNES 2 lbs 21¢ »d, Clean, Bright Stock WALNUTS sez ib 33¢ EE KEEP THE_BALL ROLLING Gr Lb. 28¢ SS . --------

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