Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1928, p. 16

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS AAAS ASSL ASSL AAIS PPP TPPTEETTEEEET DIES ON TRAIN Travelling between Montreal and Chicago on the C.N.R. fast train yesterday, Stephen J. Hayde, of Kansas City, Mo., was suddenly seized with an attack of acute in- digestion when the train was be- tween Lancaster and Cornwall and in a few minutes had expired. MAN HANGS HIMSELF Joseph Theodore Hicks, aged 53 years, and a resident of Prince Ed- ward County ,uhng himself from the rafter of his barn. The Coroner from Picton with the Provincial Police investigated and considered an inquest unnecessary. Mr, 'Hicks had' been in ill health for some time and this was given as the cause of his rash act. WANT DAYLIGHT SAVING Petitions containing about 1,100 signatures of Brockville residents were received at the Town Clerk's office there Tuesday praying for the enactment of a daylight saving measure in Brockville from June PPT T TPR ORES Ww ww www ws a CN a i 1 to Sept. 30 of this year. Mayor Reynolds today instrructed Clerk Dewey to issue notices to the mem- bers calling a meeting of the Coun- cil next Monday evening to discuss the matter, 4 CAPTAIN GLASSFORD DIES Captain James W. Glassford, a well-known and highly esteemed resident of Prescott passed away yesterday at his home, St. Lawr- ence street, Prescott, after an ill- ness of several momths. Captain Glassford was born in the Town- ship of Augusta in 1845 and had resided in this district all his life. He was widely known in marine eircles, having sailed the §t. Lawr- ence and Great Lakes for many, years. He is survived by his wife. OPEN NEW CATARAQUI What may he regarded as the official opening of the new course at the Cataraqui Golf Club will take place on the occasion of the visit of the Governor-General fa Kingston on May 25. It is under- stood that his' Excellency has sig- Sm -- SE -- TULLY reveals the law, answers the questions that entertaining, and MENTAL HEALING. GREAT EVENT IN YOUR - COMING The Great Event A Series of Free Lectures on the : WELSH'S PARLORS, KING ST, WEST These Lectures are scientific, yet simple; educative, yet Platform Demonstrations in CHARACTER ANALYSIS Arrange to Hear Every Lecture. Science of Psychology and the Art of Human Understanding JOHN TULLY Friday, May 18 TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23RD, (Inclusive) Lectures at 8 p.m. demonstrates its operation, have so long disturbed you. THIS MAY PROVE THE LIFE. MISCHA ELMAN The Internationally Famous Violinist endorses and re- s Williams-made The Living Room Medel, the result of threequarters of a century of piano making, The Williams Piano Co., Ltd. Established 1849 80 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Canada "THE JOHNS PIANO STORE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928 nified a desire to have while in the city on that day, and arrangements are accordingly be- ing made to this end, with the President of the club, Dr. Fred- erick Etherington, as likely being paired with the Governor-Gemeral. TAKE PART IN TOURNEY A"special C.P.R. troop train, carrying the cadets of dhe Royal Military College, of Canada, with their horses; the detachments from A Battery, R.C.H. A, with thelr horses, guns and equipment, and the R.C.H.A. band, left at noon yes» terday for Montreal, where the trops will take part im the naval and military tournament which commences on Thursday The cadets of the R.M.C., numbering ninety- four were under the charge of Major R. L. Fortt, Staff Adjutant at the college, and Major J. Jef- fery, 0.B.E,, M.C. 23 GEESE FOR SANCTUARY Wallace Havelock Robb, the na- turalist, and Walter Turner, prime mover of the Hastings Jack Miner League, have placed in the sanctu- ary at Bleecher's Woods twenty- three Canadian geese, seven of which were received from the Ar- thur T. Stone farm at Madoc, The geese acted strangely when first put into the sanctuary, but now they are a very contented family. Two of the geese escaped from the sanctuary today, the fence mor being secure close to the ground, but they were soon recaptured. Besides the geese there are a num- ber of English call ducks, mallards and other species of the duck fam. ily in thé sanctuary, ° W. NORTHUMBERLAND LOOP HAS R. E, DROPE PRESIDENT Cobourg, May 16.--The annual meeting of the West Northumbers land Baseball League was held last evening at Harwood, The follow- ing officers were elected: Presiaent R. BE, Drope; Vice-President, F, W. Ball; Secretary-Treasurer, C, Gilylespie, League Ropresenta- tives--F, Wade, C. W. Varcoe, B, Mann, E. Crowe, N, D, Mcintosh, W. Raby. The league consists of teams from Alderville, Baltimore, Cold Springs, Precious ' Corners, Harwood and Roseneath, Qpening games are to be played on May 24; Baltimore at Rose- neath, and Cold Spirngs at Har- wood, FASTERN ONTARIO LEAGUE A meeting of the Eastern Ontario Amateur Baseball League was held this evening at Prescott, delegates being present from Brockville, Smith's Falls, Prescott and Spen- cerville, Clubs from the above places will constitute the league this season, The league will open May 24, with Prescott playing at Spencerville and Smith's Falls at Brockville, The remainder of the schedule will be draw up and an nounced at a alter date, A double schedule will be played and the teams finishing first and second will play off for the championship and th eright to enter the play-offs with other league winners of the Eastern Ontario Baseball Associa- tion, GANANOQUE OLD BOYS Gananoque Old Boys and Girls, filling the City Council Chamber in Ottawa last night, formed =a Gananouque Home Club, adding another link to the chain which has been formed in Toronto, Hamilton and Oshawa, J. F, Gillespie pre- sided, and, on behalf of the City of Ottawa, Controller McElroy gave the new organization his blessing. The following officers for the new club were elected: Honorary Presi- dent, W, T, Heaslip; President, Ford Gillespie; Vice-President, Miss Victoria Sullivan; Secretary-Treas- urer, eHctor Thompson; Commit. tee: Mrs, J. W, Jefferson, Mrs, L. A. Miller, eMssrs, O Gorman, Dris- coll, Vernon Chadwick and Rex Cosh Mayor W, F, Wilson of Gan- anoque addressed the meeting, stat- ing that the main object of the or- ganization just now was to arouse interest in Gananoque old home week, to be held in August, MILITARY CAMPS It has been fgund impracticable to adhere to the original plan for holding the big military camp at Barriefield, commencing on Aug. 21 and continuing for 12 days, for the troops of this military district, made for four different training and arrangements are now being periods at this camp, The first detachment of troops to go under canvas at Barriefield will be the cavalry regiments, which will be in camp for a period of twelve days, commencing on June 19. From July 9 to July 13 the Ottawa Signal I Telephone 262 [4 Lines to Central) for COAL "Jeddo" The Best in America COKE "Solvay" +. We are Sole Agen = Ls # G.M.C. WOOD Dixon Coal Co. Battalion will be under canvas. The largest camp will probably be from Aug. 21 to Sept. 1, a period of tea this period will be immediately follow- ed by three days of intensive train- ing to be carried out by seven city ine-gu ban centres, T. B, TESTED HERDS Since the County of Prince Ed- ward was made a restricted area for T.B.-tested cattle the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa has been endeavoring to have the East- ern Ontario' peninsula, extending from the Ottawa River to the St. Lawrence east of Kingston, placed on a similar basis, Many of the towns in that district have been endeavoring to improve their milk supply, but efforts to pass pasteur- izing legislation have men with con- siderable opposition, On Monday night the Gananoque Town Coun- cil passed a resolution providing that on and after Jupe 1 next all milk sold within the limits of the town must come from T.B.-tested herds. This wil lshut out a few smal lvendors, unless they have their milk pasteurized before that time, Petitions have been in cir- culation among the farmers and milk producers in Eastarn Ontario counties for some weeks looking to the establishing of a restricted area, and considerable progress is being made, Scout Notes The news that a new scout troop will shortly be formed in the Holy H. | Trinity parish in South Oshawa, brings up once again the oft-discus- sed question of a central scout or- ganization for this district, Under the rules of the Dominion Boy Scout Association, where a sufficient number of troops are running in any locality, that lo- cality, must have a b local Association, composed of all the registered scouts and scouters-in the district, and any persons interested in Edu- cationa lor Boys' work, who are suf- ficiently interested to give their support to the movement, Oshawa, with, its seven troops (including the Salvation Army troop) should have a local Boy Scouts' Associa- tion as soon as possible, The duties of a local Association are many and varied, Its first con- sideration is to keep scouting going in the district which it sponsors, and experience has shown that scouting cannot develop to its full- est extent without the stimulus provided by a central group; a con- necting link is also provided be, tween 'individual troops, and Do- minion Headquarters since all reg- istrations census returns, and sim- flar communications are conducted 'through the medium of the local Association, The driving force behind the Association. is provided by an executive committee which is elect- ed at a yearly meeting of tlie whole Association and consists of at least as many other members as scouts, It is suggested that these other members be such men or women as school-masters, clergy- men, social workers, who wiil be conversant with the best methods of furthering the aims of the scout movement, i.e., training in the high ideals of the good citizenship. It is also one of the duties of the Association through fits executive committees to appoint a Commis- sioner, and assistants if necessary, for the district, This position is usually held by a man with some scouting experience who visits and inspects the troops annually, takes charge of all district parades and generally watches the progress of each troop, Scouting is at a standstill in Oshawa at the present time from lack of a central branch of the movement and it is hoped that at the scontmasters' meeting which is scheduled to take place shortly this subject will take first place in the discussion, : These troops urgently need all possible support in order to carry out their summer plans. Ticket sales have already exceeded all ex- pectations and any who have mot already booked their seats are ad- vised to do so early as only limited accommodation is now available, We regret to announce that C-M F, Harding 6th Oshawa pack has resigned owing to his health, His duties are, however, being per- formed by Mr. H, T. Saywell who has accepted the position of C-M fn Mr, Harding's place. . Troop Notices 2nd--Church parade on Sunday pext 20th, meeting 6.45 p.m, at Troop H.Q. 4th--Boys must be down at Con- vention Hall on Thursday at 7.00 pm. in full uniform. Meeting as usual at the Y.M.C.A, on Friday next at 7.30 p.m. Sth--AillL boys must be at the Convention Hall at 7.00 -p.m. on Thursday. Meeting in the Y.M.C.A. headquarters at 7.30 p.m. on Fri- day. 6th--The Court of THE ARCADE- 39th BIRTHDAY SALE FRIDAY A GREAT DAY of Bargains Every' department in the store has prepared great bargains to make Friday a Banner Day of Savings. : : NE EET A Fancy China and Ornamental Pieces Beautiful pieces of Fancy Japanese Ornamental China. 100 different pieces to 'choose from. Many of these are worth up to $2.50 and $3.00. Be early Fri- day morning. Very Special. EACH, .......voiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiian, A Big Bargain Friday New Silk DRESSES Brand new styles, made of heavy quality Crepe and Silk. Sizes for misses and women. Friday Bargain, § a EEE -- 99 Ladies' Silk Hose First Quality Silk Hose, new 8 5 ; FAN, eraser ude Eras Eres hades, all sizes. Friday Bar- Ladies' Rayon Vests 5) Fan: PAIR ya srnansrion Fine Quality Rayon Vests in all 1 Oc iN the wanted shades. Friday Bar- Ladies' Triangle Scarfs ° Regular $1.50 Triangle Scarfs, o 1) o pretty colors, Friday Bargain, Fancy Print Remnants 4 300 Yards Fancy Prints, Just 33¢ " Silk Panels Regular window size Silk Panels with neat designs. Friday Bar. 231, Each, a seevernvennes the thing for wee girls' dresses, $1.98 Friday Bargain, Yard, ....... ee ---- SHOP AT THE ARCADE PHONE 1000 From the days of the old- fashioned runabout to the drawing-room on wheels of today, Silvertown Tires have always given that distinctiveness in appear- ance and priceless measure of comfort and service which makes driving a car a real luxury, PROMPT DELIVERY

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