Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Sta Reporters and Commpondents COURTICE Courtice, "May 16.--Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle and Miss Mary, To- ronto, spent the week end with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Al- pert Rundle, and Mr. and Mrs. Rundle accompanied them to the city where they are spending a few days. Mrs. H. F. Osborne attended the Women's Missionary Society Branch meeting held in Lindsay last weck. Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Miss Annie Holt, Mr. and Mrs, W, R. Courtice took in the Sunday School anniver- sary atJIrinity United Church, Bow- manville, on Sunday and were guests of Mrs. T. G. Mason and Mrs. Jas. Courtice. ; The Young People's meeting on Thursday evening was well attended. In the devotional period Mrs. Ross Pearce read the Bible lesson and the topic, "The Blacksmith's Ham- mer," was ably taken up by Mr, Clarence Peniound. The next part of the program was in charge of Tuxis group and a good program was pre- sented. On Friday evening, May 4, about thirty relatives assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Flintoff and gave them a real surprise, it be- ing the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding day. The very first intima- tion Mr. and Mrs. Flintoff had was the tooting of the horns of several cars. and on going outside to see what it meant were greeted by their many friends. Games, etc, were en- joyed and about 10 p. m. the crowd was called to order and Miss Annie Holt read a nicely worded address and at the proper time Messrs Ross and Glen Flintoff, Oshawa, nephews, and Messrs Herb and Jack Flintoff, sons, presented Mr. and Mrs, Flint- off with a beautiful dining room table. Lunch was served to all the guests among whom were Mr, and Mrs, Mclvor and Miss: Joan, Ham- ilton, Mrs. Meclvor is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Flintoff. Services on Sunday were exceps tionally good, Our pastor, Rev. J. Stainton, preached two splendid sermons and in the evening service a pageant was put on by members of the Sunday School, which was suitable to Mother's - Day. Special music was rendered in a solo by Mrs, (Rev.) Stainton, and a duet hy Miss Hazel Rundle and Miss Francis @® Recapture the Romance of Adventurous Days thisYear The Saint Lawrence--7 the cradle of Canada --offers one thousand miles of historic - heauty for your enjoy- ment, A variety of cruises provides ad. venturesdin happiness, Excellently gppointed steamers offer comfort --service--~luxury, / Make your reservations early this year, For full particulars write, J. R. BECK 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, or your local Agent CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES Garden Seed -- Lawn Seed ~ Certified Cobbler Seed Potatoes Fertilizer SEED CORN--12 VARIETIES MANGEL SEED--6 VARIETIES TURNIP SEED--4 VARIETIES These are tested seeds Cooper-Smith Co. Just South of Post Office 16 Celina St. + Phone 8 McLaughlin Coal & ta. { Cleve Fox Hardware i W. J. Trick Co., Ltd. For Sale By Waterous-Meek, Limited Supplies, Booklel > fossils Big es Finn . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Hancock, and while the offering was being taken the "Chimes," was very sweetly played by, Miss Louise Os- borne on the piatio, In the afternoon at Sunday Sc the same pageant was presented and readings on Mother's Day given by Miss Louise Courtice, Miss Jean Vinson and Miss Gladys Reynolds. : . Next Sunday morning Rev. W. S, P. Boyce will occupy the pulpit and there will be no service in the eves ning on account of the anniversary at No. 3 school. Sunday School will meet as usual 4 Mr. Russell Gay is provements to his house, 1 some changes in the rooms inside and building a fine new verandah in front. Also putting in waterworks which will make quite an up-to-date dwelling, Glad to see Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Clark (nee Elinor Boyce) with us on Sunday, They, with little Billy were guests of her sister, Mrs, Clar- ence Penfound. Courtice is a busy place these days. The farmers are on the land every day making up for lost time and reparations are on the way for the an School anniversary. Pleased to see Mr, Sid. Nichols around Courtice again after his ill- ness. making im- CLAREMONT 9 Claremont, May 16.--Mrs.. C. O, Bennett who has been visiting Miss Mary Miller has been called back to Toronto, owing to the fact that her daughter, Mrs. Frank Spencer was removed to the Western Hos- phat suffering from a fracture of the eg. Miss Ethel Gray, of Coldwater, is visiting Miss Margaret Graham. Mr. and Mrs. (i. Duncan, of Rich- mond Hill, and Mr. H, E. Bemrose, making' Toronto, were guests of Rev. and rs. A. Machellan on Sunday. Mr. Thomas Condy has purchased a building site from Walter Ward and teams are busy hauling stone for the mew house, which 5. Condy purposes' building immediately. Ivan Benson's dog which has been a familiar figure around the post of- fice corners ior some months was struck by. the train and killed a few days ago. There are still a number of cases of mumps and influenza in the vil lage and vicinity. Mrs. Thomas Sandersen is visiting with her daughter in Toronto. Ivan Benson is moving this week into the house owned by Mr. Ward, and formerly occupied by Mr. Heath, Dr. and Mrs. WV, Bryan and daugh- ter gud Miss Myrtle Thompson of Toronto, spent Sunday 'with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson: Mr and Mrs. M, J. Wilker and Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Overland and family were in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Parker, of To- ronto, called on friends in the vil lage on Sunday. A joint meeting of the B. Y. P. U and the Anchor Society of the Uni- ted church was held in the Baptist church on Monday evening. The program was presented by the Anch- or Society, the meeting being pre- sided over by Miss Clara Underhill. Interesting papers were given by Miss Ruth Stuttiford on "What Con- stitutes A Successful Life," and by Mr. A. J. Stevenson on "Jesus And Sinners." The scripture lesson was read by Lyman McCullough. Other interesting features of the meeting was a pigno duet by Misses Spoffard and Burgess, and a vocal solo by Miss Aldine Ward, After the meet- ing the young people, numbering about sixty, indulged in games and Mary Forsythe. Lunch was provi- ded by the members of the B.Y.P.U. All voted the evening a very enjoyable one. It is hoped that many of a similar mature may be hell in the future. KEDRON Kedron, May 15.--Tha boys and girls' classes of the Kedron Sunday School held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Marjorie Park- er the first week in May. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and daughter, Lorraine, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott, En- field, on Sunday. Master Leslie Aldred is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Gimblett. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Gibson, Osh- awa, and Mr. Albert and Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke on Sun- ay. * Mothers' Day was observed in the Sunday School here on Sun- day afternoon. Miss Lorraine Love, the pianist. played an opening se- lection, Miss Jean Love read a story "About Angels." Master Mark Hancock gave a recitation en- titled "As They, So IL" ani the Golden Links Class sang "I would be true." \ We are glad to know that Mrs. George Scott, who has been quite ill, ig recovering. COLUMBUS Columbus, May 16.--Mr. Harold Wilson, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. John Bromell had his ton- sils removed at the Oshawa Gener- THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928 Glad to report he is doing nicely. Mr. Carl Grass, of Oshawa, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Grass, on Sunday Miss Sinia Coulter," of 'Toronto, spent Sunday at W. Bromell's. Mr. Edmund Tink is home again after spending the past few weeks with his daughter, Mrs, Taylor, of Pickering. Master William Grant and Bev- erley Smallman, spent the week-end with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. W. D. Dyer. Miss Marjorie Ashton, of Toron- to, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Ashton. There' was quite a large attend- ance at Sunday School Sunday morning. Mothers' Day was ob- served and a pageant was given by some of the members, Mr. Ross Murison, of Madoe, spent the week with his pareats, Mr and Mrs A Murison Miss Mary Dyer and Miss Marion Ostler, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with the former's father, W.. D, Dyer. GLASGOW-BELFAST AEROPLANE SERVICE Glasgow, May 16.--A company has been formed in Glasgow, under the title of the Aerial Taxis (Scot- land) Company, with the obbject of inaugurating a daily aeroplane ser- vice with Bellast, and also opening up services to various parts in the North of Scotland. The intended route between Scotland and Ire- land is via Dumfries and Stranraer, and it is expected that the service will be inaugurated early in June. The estimated time for the. air journey between Glasgow and Bel- fast is five or six hours, and the return fare will be about $40, contests under the direction of Miss Sem m-- Used al Hospital on Wednesday last. Aeroplanes capable of accommodat- of Port Perry, | ployed. ing 12 to 20 passengers will be em- company is to provide taxi-planes available for hire to any part of Besides this regular service, the | the country at short notice. ar Touring, 7-Passenger Touring, 4-Passenger Roadster Coach, 5-Passenger ,., Victoria, 4-Passenser Coupe, 5 Sedan, B-Passenger - Passenger .. edan, 9- imperial, 7-Passenger Cadillac Type Type Type Type 61 Model 63 Model 814 Model 34 Model 1922-28 1024-25 1936 192 $2000 $2000 $2000 $2200 $3200 $2400 Shin $2050 fine ss "wh ne Chevrolet $100 s100 1024 1028 1 S130 1! 150 $38 $iis 8350 5200 Hi '$ib $100 Chrysler Touring sseessenpesssssesesss sess Ph 1022 Ay 1925 192% 1925 1935-8 1326-7 1101-21412 21413 WY5905 AWSHIE and up and up and wp 81200 $1250 $500 $400 $850 .. $1050 $930 $1050 $1150 and model of cars. May 185, 1928 This data is published for the protection of pur- chasers of used cars, Keep it for ready reference. Serial numbers are shown to indicate correct year Latest copy should be dis- played wherever used cars are sold, Buyers' These are maximum sale prices for cars with mechanism, tives, finish and upholstery in good saleable condition, Guide | - SR Jordan SIX-CYLINDER Touring +, Blueboy .,. Roadster (Playboy), Sedan ..., Brougham .. re Roadster (Playbey)., Compe for Fou Sedan rare egs Roadster (Big Playboy),ooeese Soups, 2-Passenger, Se rons Victoria .. 1023 1924 Serial Touring , "S37101-388580 S8B030-444238 444333-4020%4 ses S135 5175 i $250 $300 $350 $325 ~FOUR-CYLINDER 1923 McLaughlin-Buick MODELS-- ~--SIX-CYLINDER MODELS 1924 1925 1926 1923 Seria) Touring Roadster Sedan .... Zandan Sed. rW. he's ne » Touring Roadster Coupe ,. Touring, Standard... 1924 Series 1925 Scries 1927 Series 1928 orgies 4182707 i Anez24s A934. ° A130000 A3700( Series 105 to en $225 $325 LH $575 8575 5325 $800 $825 $725 S122 $1250 6-70 $550 ih sn oi Sule sues 'mone 'mio Pe Touring, 7-Passenger. Touring, §-Passenger Brougham "imousine toss £ Louring, Touring, B-Passenger.,....» 5-PASSEDELT 0000.0 $350 00K. soup 0es senssne r------------tPECISL BIE: 1928 Roadster, 2-Passenger. , sess nsssessenaaias $455 uring, B-PAsSeBEOr.. co geessssrssss sors A er ANNA SIX. ass sere $i SB Compe, ¢-Passenger, Sedan, 5-Passenser. Sedan. 7-Passenger, , Limousine, 7-Passenger. MODEL 33 Pieres rrow