PAGE EIGHT -- Central League Opening . is Only a Thursday, May 24, will see the re- turn of Central Ontario Senior base- , ball in this neck of the woods after an absence of some years, and it surely will be good to sce the Old Giant of Senior ball on its feet a- in, stronger than ever, and entire- en. 3 And what a peppy League it is go- ing to be! All concerned have had strict instructions from President McFadyn that everything must be conducted in real bang up-to-date style,~the games must start right on the button, also the players are to get instructions from their various managers that smappy baseball is what the public wants to sce, and that it is up to the managers to see 'that the players make the games that way--no loafing around, or dawdling will be allowed to get by. That is the way it should be. Peterboro "Petes," last year's O.B. A.A. senior championship finalists, come to Oshawa on the holiday ai- "ternoon for the opening engagement here with the re-vamped General Motors team, and it looks as if it will be a red hot battle, as the "Big Sixes'" management feel that things will not be right until they take a fall out of the team that put them out of the running in the play-offs of last year, Manager Schultz and Coach "Stan" Burgoyne will not mention any names when pressed as to their pos- sible line-up for the opening contest, --all they say is--""Be on hand, it will be good," so Motors Board oi Strategy are apparently confident that they have the goods this' year, and their work-outs seem to look that way too, The "Petes" this year have done considerable re-building and will pre- sent a much, It is more than likely that their hurl- ing ace, "lTeff" Hardill, will get the assignment here in view of his suc- cesses of last year, He was reported to have refused a good contract from the Toronto Leafs last fal, Tommy !Tolyman is' managing the Petes this year, and the old "Al" Heckman, "Hap" Harrison, "Max" Swanston and "Shiner" Johnston Week Distant Board 'of Strategy will be right in behind Holymah "this year. The famous Kingston Ponies trot into Belleville on the holiday after- noon to take the lid off there, vou can bank on the wily old Joe Daly having a real club behind him when he starts out on the war path, "Bubs" Britton, short-stop sensation and hitsmith de Luxe, is lined up with the Ponies. Also Dame Rumar has it that Joe is pretty sure of "Red" Batstone, about whom the To- ronto papers have been painfully quiet of late. Red is a real third sacker. , ¢ The Kiwanis Club at Befleville, and the .whole city in general are right in behind their Club, and have dug up some new material which reports say is sensational. Manager Gerow is always produce a real good team and right now he thinks he has a mighty good ene. The Oshawa General Motors team hops down to Kingston the following Saturday to give their best in the opener at Kingston, while Belleville will pop out to Pecterboro on Sat- urday and start the pot boiling in the "Liftlock City." The league will be pretty well started by then, Last but not least -- Deloro, and their "Smelters" Foxy old "Bob" Elliott figures that last year's inter» mediate championship finalists -- and a team of real senior calibre too, would be best served by having a few games away before opening at home, and he pulls the excuse about the playing field not being ready, so he too figures he has *the goods, Pretty good! - All said and done, all five clubs are apparently figuring on being in on the play-offs, so, fans, it looks like an evenly matched league, and lots of fun this summer up at old Alex- andra Park also a real come-back for Central League ball, A Chinese general has ordered that none of his soldiers marry un- til the war is over. He believes in one war at a time.--San Diego Union. 3 | Bic DAYS STARTING TOMORROW MAX DAVIDSON in--*Pass The Grayy" - sl, ig Screen Snapshots Paramount News SE---- § CHEVROLET OWNERS Reduce the Mechanical Upkeep Have a skilled craftsman service and check your Chevrolet regularly. It's a simple operation that takes only a few ar young forever, Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work ~ Factory Whithy - Hazard of And it will keep your L THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1928 ~ SPORT SNAPSHO1S Chevrolet men's softball team will evening at 7.30 o'clock. andra Park hold its initial practice at Alex- The management re- tomorrow . quests that all old and any new players who wish to turn out, be on hand for the imitial workout, The Central League team is out every night at the quite evident that they will be inmid-season form when rk and it is e schedule is to start which is a week frem tomorrow. Little gossip is heard from the Peterboro camp about the team which will oppose Manager Schultz's clan in the 'opener, but it is an assured fact that the Lift- lockers will be no weak by such notables as Max egation particularly when they are' jheaded wanston, Al Heckman and "Hap" Harrison. Manager Schultz has given no indication as yet as to the probable line of the local C.O.B.L. team for the opener against the Petes and will likely withhold all information until just before the big day. The infield and the hurlers too, are going great guns. Fans who have been watching the senior O.A.LA, team in action up at thé park are more enthused than ever over what the coming sea- son is expected to bring forth, Such teams as Brampton, Weston, To- rontos and other old senior clubs will have something to reckon with in the Motor City's representatives this year. Oshawa's first year in the senior series should be a banner one. BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, wawesatae 16 © 9 G40 -- 13 9 .591 mete' J3 10 96 Newark -- 12 12 500 BUfa}0 .esunee- 11 13 418 Jersey City eee 11 14 440 Baltimore ....ew-. 10 15 .400 Reading ..uilmee T 12 368 TUESDAY'S SCORES .... .. Buffalo ,....16 Jersey City ...2 Newark --..--.f6 Rochester ...2 Baltimore .....4 Montreal _...2 Reading at Toronto (postponed). GAMES TODAY Reading at Toronto (2 and 4 p.m.) Jersey City at Buffalo, Baltimore at Buffalo, Newark at Rochester, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. New York ewe, 21 5 .808 Philadelphia o..., 16 7 .082 Cleveland .. - 13 13 .G00 St. Louis ..,.veee 17 452 Washington 15 .423 BOBtOR -- cnn 16 .423 Detroit 21 364 Chic3B0 meee tmmm= 20 .333 TUESDAY'S SCORES .. Toronto --------t stm. Philadelphia ..6 Cleveland .0 Boston -......3 St. Louis ,....1 Chicago --....3 Washington ...2 GAMES TODAY Detroit at Boston, Cleveland -at Philadelphia, Only two games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 613 613 .600 542 519 481 B63 23 Cincinnati Chicago at. Louis ..40sema 18 New York .ewse- 13 Brooklyn eee o 14 Pittsburg -.--. rag, 1 Boston ---,.s» Philadelphia .. TUESDAY'S SCORES ... -_ Chicag0d --....100 New York.. ..7 Brooklyn ...... 10 Pittsburg -..-3 Philadelphia ...5 Cincinnati St. Louis .....3 Boston . GAMES TODAY Boston at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. Only two games sehedujed. RICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost P.C, St. Panty ......--- 20-11 043 Minneapolis ... Kansas City . Indianapolis Toledo -.... Louisville .... TUESDAY'S SCORES ... .- Toledo 5 Loulsville ....4 Indianapolis ..11 Columbus ..8 Minneapolis ..9 Kansas City 3 St. Paul -...10 Milwaukee GAMES TODAY Indianapolis at Columbus. ng: v Louisville at. Toledo. 4 Milwaukee at Bt, Paul. Kansas City at Minneapolis, RUTH HITS TWO HOME RUNS, YANKEES WIN New York, May 15-With Babe Ruth leading the charge with his tenth and eleventh home runs of the season, the New York Yankees made it four straight from Detroit here today by a score of 12 to 8. Ruth's tenth homer was made off Whitehill in the fifth inning and the eleventh off Smith in the sixth, No ohe was on base either time, Babe also hit a triple. The Babe's eleventh homer last year was on May 23, the two today putting him three ahead of his 1927 record. On May 15 last year he had the hit for the circuit eight times, The Yankees hit with their usual vigor, knocking out Whitehill with I1 hits in five innings. They got four more singles from Smith and S in the remainin, s. site Hoyt was driven from the mound in the eighth, but Shealy held the laedifor New York. HOME RUN BEAT BRAVES St. Louis, May 15--Home runs by Hafey and Harper, the latter with one on base, gave the Cardings 2 3 to 1 victory .over the Boston Braves here todsy. The game was called because of rain after two of in the first half of the rventh mw ing in which Boston scored its run. #1 ------------------ FIRE AT WELLAND Welland, May 15--Fire suddenly broke out at Derrick No. 5 of the Atlas Construction Company, caus damage on which no estimate could be given today and which i ed by insurance. No cause given for the fire, which fo threatenedto reach spectad portions, [Crp = STANDING OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SOFTBALL LEAGUE TO DATE The league standing in the se- nior section to date is: Northern Division Won St. Gregorys -...-- 1 North Simcoe Mary Street ....... 0 Centre Division Centre Street ...... 1 Ritson Road «cee..... 0 King Street ........ 0 Southern Division Cedardale ews -= 1 South Simcoe ew 0 Albert Street ....... 0 ASK WAIVERS ON GEORGE SISLER Washington, D.C., May 15--Wai- vers have been asked on George Sis- ler, once considered the best first baseman in baseball, and no Ameri- League club wants him at the waiver price of $7,500. Announcement that Sisler was no longer wanted by the Senators was made today by Clark Griffith, presi- dent of the Washington Club, and in turn came a statement from Presi- dent E. S, Barnard, head of the American League, that there were no claimants for Sisler's services. If no deal is made involving the player and Griffiffth does not decide to keep him, he must give him his uncondi- big leagues more than ten years, breaking in with the St. Louis Browns in 1915, and as a ten-year man is entitled to his release as a free agent. He went to the St. from the University where in his college days he was a pitcher, His hitting and fleetness afoot caused him to be given a trial at first base. 'He fas a star almost from his first game, and in 1922 he was voted the most valuable player in the American League. Sisler was purchased Browns by the after the close of last season. reported price was $15,000, resident Griffith announced also that waivers had been asked and granted on Foster Ganzel, outfielder, bought last year from the Birming- ham Club of the Southern Associa- tion. He will probably be returnred to the Southern Assaciation, SENATORS OUTHIT CHISOX BUT LOSE FINAL GAME 3.2. Washington, May 15, -- Wash- yngton outhit Chicago today, but the White Sox made better use of theirs to win the series final, 3 to 2. The teams dividea the fours game series, Lost 0 v 1 Louis Club of Michigan, from the Washington Club The The Beautiful Home Sites With the advantage of LOCATION. Moderate- ly priced; sold on easy payments. BICKELL Simcoe S. King & Simcoe ROSE Simcoe N. SULLY King WwW, Only the old and well esta- blished realtors handle WEST DEARBORN 1he Beautiful Lawn Grass Seed One of our consecutive victory, Specialties "vers Melita une 8 | "July 6 Montcalm une 15 | uly 13 "Duchess of Dedio rd Via Greenoch, i "Via Belfast and Greenock. Te Cherb South May 23] 7 13 i ia 3) hme oy Tse ad Aupialia June 6 | June 27, Empress of Scotland Cabin class to Liverpool, Te *May 26 | **June 23 + Montroyal tune § ....... Sree rT Tara are Montnairn *Goes to Hamburg. $---Calls at Antwerp and Cobh. **--Goes to Cobh and Hamburg, Apply Local Agents or J. BE. PARKER, General Agent, Phone ADelaide 2105 L.C.P.R, Bidg., Toronto. = CUBS SWEEP SERIES FROM N. Y. GIANTS Chicago, May 15--The Cubs pound- |.04 ed 16 hits off Barnes and Clarkson today to sweep the series with the Giants and move into a tie with the Reds for first place in the National League standing. The score was 10 to 7, and it was the Cubs' tefith stragiht victory, _ Percy Lee Jones, the Cubs' start- ing pitcher, held the Giants to four runs in seven innings before he was taken out for a pinch hitter, . Guy Bush 'finished the game, let- ting in three runs in the ninth, New York made six double plays during®the game, all of them when Barnes and Clarkson were in tight places,» Chicago had two, BALTIMORE EVENS SERIES WITH ROYALS Montreal, May 15--Baltimore even- ed the series with the Royals here this afternoon, rallying for three runs in the ninth to triumph, 4 to 2. The game was a battle of left-handers between Bolen and Falk, the latter faltering in the ninth with the vie- tory apparently stowed away. Brower, Oriole right fielder who sent Monday's game to eleven inn- ings, started the rally with a double, Onslow went out at first and, with the tying run on third, Falk edected to walk Maisel in the hope of stag- ing a double play on Urbanski, the next man up, Urbanski, however, ruined the strategy by smacking, a triple 8 centre fiel, scoring Brower and Maisel for the winning runs, TWO HOMERS FOR MALONE Buffalo, N.Y. May 15--The Buffalo Bisons buried the Jersey City Black Cats under a landslide of hits to win their second straight triumph from the Gilhooley faction here today. The score was 16 to 2. The Bisons slammed Horne and Starn for nineteen hits and Lou Ma- lone of the Herd clouted two home runs. Fisher and Monahan also hit for the circuit each driving the ball over the right field fence, Maury Archdeacon whacked three singles and a triple retiring in the sixth inning, ERRORS BY HOWLEY'S KID INFIELDERS HELD RED SOX Boston, May 15--Boston won its fourth consecutive victory at home when Ruffing set back St. Louis 3 to 1, The game was the third and last of the series with St. Louis. Singles by Hofmann in the seventh and eighth inning, together with errors by Kress and Brannon gave the Red Sox two runs. Ruffing held the Visitors to five hits, and the Boston batsmen col- lected nine off Ogden, BILL KELLEY'S SUCCESSOR HITS PHILLIES TO VICTORY Concinnati, May 15--Don Hurst, » Philadelphian recruit, who plays 'the initial bag, wrought a lot of destruc: tion when he poled a Homer inte the right field bleachers in the Cin cinnati Park off Red Lucas with two on base today. He beat the Reds, 5 to.3, brought Philadelphia out of a ten-game losing streak and cost Lu cas his second defeat of the scason, PIRATES CAN'T GET GOING Pittsburg, May 15--The Dodgers casily defeated the Pirates here to- day by a score of 10 to 3. Three Pittsburg pitchers failed to stop the, attack of the Brooklyn batters. Doug. eeny went the route for Brooklyn, holding the Pirates to seven hits, one of them a homer over the left field wall by Barnhart in the ninth inning. Miljus, started in the box for the kome team, but was missing before the second inning. Tauscher and Bartholomew, twe recruits, followed but had no more success, 3 DOUBLES FOR SPEAKER AS ATHLETICS BEAT INDIANS Philadelphia, May 15. -- With the veteran Jack Quinn pitching his second shut-out and his fourth the Athletics today evened the series with I ng bold the Indians to six Tris Speaker carried off the of- fensive honors by- hitting three two-baggers. . er a hn wie OPEL 7 1, ctr OA HAMILTON OLYMPIC CLUB HOLD ANNUAL SERIES FROM DETROIT Hamilton, May 15. -- The re- markable progress of the fore- most track and field club in Can- ada today, the Hamilton Olympic Club, was never more clearly shown than at the annual meet- ing here tonight. Reports from all officials, the president's address, and those of other executives, proved steady progress and re vealed great strides mot only in popularity but in the winning of championships and in pregtige with other clubs of a similar na- ture in the United States and Can- ada. . M. M. Robinson, president, who occupied the chair, reviewed the year's activities and polntea out several prominent facts. The club did something that an athlet- fc organization was not generally supposed to do, and that was to show a cash balance. 'The sup- port from the city and its people had been most commendable, he said, partly because all the world loves a winner, and the Olympic Club had been most fortunate in having its share of winners. Votes of thanks were passed to the coaches and others who had helped greatly during the -past year. In the financial statement the travelling expenses of the ath- letes were shown as $610.24, with othe rexpenditures bringing the total to $1,473.29. Athletic meets during the year brought in $809.85. The club won 31 cham- plonships during the year just ended, BODY OF WOMAN FOUND _. BELOW AMERICAN FALLS Niagara Falls, N.Y, May 15--The y of Mrs, Anna-Austin, 50 years old, Buffalo, who went over the American Falls last night, was recov- er from the foot of the cataract to- day by guides of the Cave of the Winds, » : § The body was found about 13 feet back of the curtain of the waterfall, The guides climbed over the large ice mound and went down the inner side cn a ladder that they lowered. and made fast to the rocks. Vicious criminals get too much rope of wrong sort and too little of right sort.--Wal] Street Journ- al, CONTEST FOR REEVESHIP Owen Sound, May 153--Alex. C. Sinclair and Alex. Atcheson will go to the polls in Holland Township on Friday of this week for the Reeve- ship, an election becoming necessary since the resignation of Reeve David Gardiner to become Road Superin- tendent of the township. Mr. Sinclair was previously De- puty Reeve. Ronald Comber, member of the Council, was by acclamation as Deputy Reeve at the noininations held in H q . Centre. Lo The electors will also vote on the statute labor question, statute labog being still in vogue in Holland Towns ship. Both candidates for the Reeves ship are men of experience, and the reports indicate that the election will be close. SSSSsYdli EE Hoot's Heroic Rescue ! The Circus 'Shooting u west Hoot as a barebackrider The Cross-eyed knife Thrower! When the trapeze broke! NEW MARTIN also ' CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "The Fireman" And Up-to-the-Minute Snappy Comedy Cyclone! " a wild how ! 1927 Chevrolet Sedan, driven small mileage. Had the best of care priced at $650 O.K, Used Cars: MeLaughlin six touring, model did condition. A real buy for ATTA ee ----- I'm searching the horizon For bargains good and sound, When any I lay eyes on I pass the wor around And put an O.K, Tag on it That all my friends may benefit, Okay Karr, or Good Values WE are always wide-awake, looking for good values to offer our Used Car buyers--and recent- ly we've been unusually successful, Not only are these cars priced at arrestingly low figures, but they are good cars * dealers' OK. Tag. That means a lot in the purchase of a Used Car . . . it means that the condition of each car is clearly stated on the O.K. Tag, so that you can buy with every confidence. Let us show you an 0.K. Used Car that will suit your needs. "USED CAR with an OF thatCounts Here are a few representative values in Chevrolet Cab. 1927 model with wire wheels and many other ex- tras $675 price 1924 in splen- $450 .. good enough to bear the Chevrolet Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 99 Simcoe St. S.-- Oshawa Phone 900 i Dundas and Centre Sts.--Whitby Phone 408