PLANS OF NATIONAL CONFERENCE Plans are belilg formulated now by a joint committee composed epresentatives of the University of hiontreal and McGill University for ne annual National Conference of Canadian Universities which meets this jet, in Montreal, on 5, 6 and T. . Necording to the tentative pro- m which has been- drawn up for the conference will devide its attention between the two loeal universtiies and will attend ses sions at -the University of Mont- ea] and at McGill, sessions at the tter being scheduled! to take ace in Arts Building, where spe- al rooms will be set aside for the rious committees. The ope public meeting of the conference will take place in Qe gt. Sulpice Library where t teaching of social science will be --_-- NORTH OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS North Oshawa CEMENT BLOCKS for Sale 8" Blocks, 16¢ 9" Blocks, 17¢ Delivered any place in Oshawa All our blocks are made from the best gravel mixed with pulverized stones, Phone 2993W of ling Professor Arthur Over Stock Bicycle Sale All must be sold within 10 days to meet draft, Joycycles discussed, the principal Speaker be- ut-Plerre, professor in the school of. econom- ies, political and soclal science. Among the subjects which will be discussed at McGil will be the va- rious aspects of extra-mural work and the university's functions in this direction. Another subject which will oc- cupy the attention of the confer- ence, which will be attended by ed. ucationists frome all parts of Can- ada, will be the teaching 'of arts and sciences in the French colleges of 'Quebec. Dr. L. S. Clinck, president of the University of British Columbia and head of &¢he conference this year, will preside at the sessions, SPARROWS IN ENGLAND NOT COMMONEST BIRD A census of British hirds is to be taken this year, and profession- al and amateur ornithologists are getting ready to compile their statistics, Already some have been at work counting the herons, whose numbers have always heen in doubt. If asked to name Britain's com- monest bird, most people would readily give the first place to the sparrow, but this distinction be- longs to the meadow-pipity or tit- scientist. lark, according to Mr, BE. M. Nichol. son, of Hertford College, Oxford. It' is generally believed that there are millions of sparrows in the County of London, but their population is computed at 400,000 in that area, and 'if Londoners were not great bird-lovers, two-. thirds of the Metropolitan spar- rows and pigeons would be unable to subsist, 6,000 SCHOOL CHILDREN GREET THEIR EXCELLENCIES Moose Jaw, Sask, May 14.-- Greeted by hundreds of eitizeps and 6,000 school children, Their Excellencies, Viscount: and Vis- countess Willingdon visited Moose Jaw for three hours today and par- cipateq in several clvie ceremon- es. ! and Wagens to clear at cost, ' Everybody should own a Bi- cycle, Cash or Terms. Ride 8s you pay. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1928 ATH ANNIVERSARY OF GRAMOPHONE Was First Demonstrated in Public on May 16, 1888 'Washington, D.C., May 16.--At his home heer today Emile Berlin. er, scientist, philanthropist and iu- ventor of the disc talking ma- chine, quietly celebrated the 40th ahniversary of his first mblic in- troduction of the dise gramophone. The inventor was the recipient of congartulatory telegrams from many parts of the globe. On May 16th, 1888, Mr. Berlin- er stood before a group of dis- tinguished scientists gathered to- gether at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and gave them a lec- ture and a demonstration of his new invention, the disc gramo- phone. Mr, Berliner at that time made some statements regarding the development of sound repro- duction which were just as unbe- lievable by the general public as the possibility of a trip to Mars 1s still today. His Instrument had gcarcely come out of the labora- tory, yet here are some of the pre- dictions made by this far-seeing Bach one of them has come true, In 1888, forty years ago, he said among other things: "A standard reproducing appar- atus, simple in construction and easily manipulated, will, at a mod- erate selling price, be placed on the market. "Those having one may then buy an assortment of phonauto- grams (now known as records), to be increased occasionally, com- prising recitations, songs, chorus and instrumental solos or orches- tral pleces of every varlety. performers may derive an income from royalties on the sale ot their phonautograms, and plates may be printed and regis- tered to protect against unauthor- ized publication. Collections of phonautograms may become very valuable, and whole evenings will be spent at home going through a long list of interesting performances. "Languages can be taught hy having a good elocutionist speak classical recitations and sell cop- ies of his voice to students, In this department alone, and that of teaching elocution generally, an the gramophone, "Addresses --- congartulatory, political or otherwise--ean be des livered by proxy so loudly that the audience will be armost as if consicous of the speaker's pres- ence, " "A singer unable to appear at be represented as per program, and conventions will listen to dis- "Prominent singers speakers or' valuable |' immense field is to be filled by | dreds. 'The Mst includes artists such as: Caruso, Gigli, Martinel- li, Ponselle, Kreisler Heifetz, Paderewski, Marion Tally Stokow- ski and Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra a magnificent list too numerous to give in detail. These great artists have given all that is best in their work to the re- corded form of the musical art. Great symphonies have been re- corded, and can be reproduced at home, in their entirety. Thus again, thy scientist has tak- en his queer mixture of calcula- tions, experimentations and possi- bilitties; has stirred them into his fondest dérams, and has evolved another human convenience, The little toy instrument demonstrat- ed by Mr. Berliner forty years ago, highly improved and perfect- «1 through the years, has multi- plied itself by the millions until today no place is beyond its reach nor is it beyond the reach of those FELT the latefi design in COMMUNITY PLATE Teaspoons 34.2.5 Set of Six STABLISHING a new trend in silverware orna- mentation, the magnificence of this design and the hitoric interést it inherits, suggest that it will be prized by those who know and love fine things. BROS. The Leading Jewellers--Established 1886 12 Simcoe Street South "Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certainty" desirous of possessing it. It is so with everything from the steam engine, which first liberated hu- man beings from manual labor, to flying and television which will liberate them from the limitations of space. CHINESE APPLY FOR BODY GUARDS Vancouver Police Probe Wit- nesses Say Lives Threatened Vancouver, May 15.--Georgie Chow and Joe, Chinese, who are prominently mentioned as witness- es in the Vancouver police inquiry, have applied at the police station for bodyguards or other protection until they have appeared on the witness stand. Joe told officers that he had been beaten late Friday night in China- town, and threats were made from other Chinese against his life. He identified his prineipa] assailant as a member of the Shue Moy gam- bling faction. Joe also elalms that they had warned him against testi- fying regarding payments of mon- ey. George Chow declared that he had been offered a considerableq sum to leave town and refuse to testify. DEATH NOT GRANTED Charlotte, Mich, May 15.-- James Morehouse, aged 22, and Hawthorne Sutton, aged 21, con- fessed bandits and convicted slay- ers of Deputy Sheriff Leo Platt, were sentenced to solitary confine- ment for life in Jackson State Prison by Circuit Judge McPhee here this afternoon, They were found guilty of first degree mur- der, Morehouse was accused of hav- ing fired the shot which killed Platt when the officer arrested him and Sutton in connection with a series of hold-ups and burglaries, .| Morehouse claimed self-defense, You Are Cordially Invited to attend a special showing of Doherty Dresses in this shoppe on Thursday "and Friday, May 17 :and 18, from 10 am. to 6 p.m. ; Frocks Will Be Modelled . Afternoon Dresses Sport Frocks Graduation Dresses and . Summer Evening Wear of the highest quality 0 Cinderella Dress Shoppe 153 Simcoe St. South Phone 2879 Canada's SIBERRY'S SPECIAL SALE iy 2 I] I} «Ir / (/ te a concert may send her voice and' Fully Best Guaranteed 1000 tant sympathizers, be they thou- sands of miles away." Nine years later in 1897, when his instrument had already proven a practical success, the Institute awarded to Mr. Berliner the John Scott Medal, *'to the most deserv- ing," in appreciation for nis inven- tion, These statements (quoted fin this story) were made before the formation of any commercial or- ganization for the marketing of phonographs; and before the o01- ganization of the Berliner Gramo- phone Co. -- Mr, Berliner's own company which later became the Vietor Talking Machine Co. of Canada Limited. They were at the time regarded as a brilliant dream for the future. However, they have all come within the or- dinary sphere: of life, Prominent singers as Mr, Ber- liner predicted, did take kindly to the idea of having their voices re- produced for millions to hear. One by one they attached them- selves to this new idea until to- day it is the ryle rather than the exception for a great artist to be heard upon records, The large organization which grew out of Mr, serliner's ré- search and efforts, now known as the Victor Talking Machine Company, with affiliations all oy- er the world, reports that its list of artists runs into many hun- a -- She Took Her Friends Advice and Tried Them| Madame A. Tremblay Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills Quebec Lady Suffered With Bad : . We Realize= Kidneys and Was Completely Relieved After a Short Course : of Dodd's Kidney Pills Weimer i P.Q., Pid ga That the People of Oshawa appre- --"l was n t 4 pi " kidneys and a friend a (+ ciate our efforts to produce the Best 3 take Dodd's Kidney Pills," writes| Merchandise" --"* at the Lowest Price.' adame Tremblay, a well-known * nd : inet 1 " resident of this place. "After taking Comb ming this principle with Best five boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills| Service" we hope to obtain still greater } am Sonvisialy Selisved ot Lik results. For instance, if for any reason remedios but withoae any other! vou are unable to visit our store per sonally during this Special Shirt Sale just telephone 1110 and we will be glad to send on approval to your address any quantity of Shirts for your selection without the slightest obligation to pur- chase on your part. day I am enjoying perfect health thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills." Just try this plan. Thank you. G. & W. SIBERRY. : Now is Your \ Chance! MOTOR CITY CYCLE & TIRE COMPANY 10 Athol Street West, GENUINE BROADCLOTH 7/1 wif i y 1 W i) nig Lal ty wim * [ oli ly hg 14 / Qn : / En 4 oy il 4 Al Lola He (r! | : 1 ' hin ) " | wil ALY hi Genuine "Gordon" Broadcloth-"Arrow made" Broadcloth Regular values $2.00 & $2.50 THE MATERIALS THE COLORS Are genuine Silk-finished Broadcloth. They will Represent the choice of season's new and dis- not fade; they will not shrink. They are produc- tinctive patterns, Blue Stripes, Blue Checks, Helio ed by the two leading shirt manufacturers of Can- Stripes, Pin Stripes, Plain Shades, Plain Whites, in ada and are equal (and in many cases superior in fact, every popular and wanted color is included. quality) to the best $2.00 to $3.00 shirts ever sold. Each Shirt is perfectly tailored, perfectly laundered, They were secured by us at the greatest price con- and are fresh, clean stock, full fitting and finished Lession for cash, 'and on account of the quantity in- with soft reversible cuffs and separate soft eollar volved, we were practically able to name our own to match. This is absolutely the first time shirts of price. Now, we pass these Shirts on to the People this quality ever sold at so low a price. Please shop fr; of Oshawa at less than manufactures"s cost. They Thursday for best variety, i are absolutely and unconditionally guaranteed, We * will replace, exchange or refund on any shirt any SEE OUR WINDOWS TONIGHT J J TELEPHONE ORDERS FILLED our windows tonight. time, that does not give entire satisfaction, See &% aN | ar Opposite SIBERRY 'S PHONE i a A 7 nA Z \ oe 3 LAE - The Coal that Satisties~-- We handle Lehigh Valley Cross Creek Coal It Lasts Longer, Gives Less Ash anc. Greater Heat Lm >) \ : I . Wig 8 Hamilton By- Product Coke Wood, etc Don Valley Brick A quantity of large size now on hand, also a lete sup- ply of lime oo comp "Phone 3, $23 ond H. M. Fowlds ana Son ne ' There are many symptoms which point directly to kidney disease and warn you of a serious * danger ahead. Backache, headaches and aching limbs, and loss of flesh and weight. To 'their direct action on the kidneys is due the wonderful success of Dodd's Kidney Pills as a relief for diseases of the kidneys. | Dodd's Kidney Pills are ne cure- all. They are just 2 Kidney rem- edy that can be taken by old and young alike, Obtained from all druggists, or The Dots Magicine Co., Ltd., To- ronto 2, 81 King Street West Phone 91 Ld