THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1928 Bicycles are one of the great necessities in the life of the citizens of a large Industrial City, such as Oshawa. Men and boys save hours of walking by riding a comfortable C.C.M. Bicycle. Oshawa Dealers are prepared to supply, on a moment's notice anyone with one of these modern "'time-savers." There is also much pleasure to be derived from the use of a. C.C.M. Bicycle. The boy may now own one and much of his spare time will be spent in enjoying ~himeelf that he otherwise would perhaps be denied. : "Dont B Zo a y; Jay Rider ii ( 10 Commandments for Cyclists Keep to the right and near the curb. Meeting traffic pass on right, over taking traffic pass on left, Turn right close to curb. Turn left around centre of intersections, Raise one arm when stopping, and slowing up and to indicate direction when turning, Ride straight. Don't wobble, Watch for STOP signs and traffic officers' signals, Give traffic coming from right the right of way at intersections, Do not hang on to moving vehicles. "THE BICYCLE isoneof he safest vehicles Don't "cut in" in front of a moving of locomotion, "says Mr F. H. Wyse, General Bo Dr a peters Manager of the Ontario Safety League. Let's make it safer. A C.C.M. Bike for $10 Down Balance on Easy Payments We Give Free Service We service what we sell and guar- antee a first-class article at the minimum price. give you a frame of great strength, Last year out of over five thou- sand traffic accidents, in Ontario, involving automobiles, 'trucks, busses, Phd ha and pedestrians, * There's quality in every one of a C.CM's 1761 parts, And skilled workmanship in their making, Many of these parts are machined to closer there were only five fatally serious limits than the time fuses on shells bicycle accidents involving chil- durin g the war, You can pin your dren under 16, faith to a C.C.M. y But even these may be lessened. They can be reduced to zero, Let Don't forget to look over our new This is your big chance to get a genuine C.C.M. for your boy. Cycling develops strong legs and deep lungs; places your boy among right companions and makes him useful on messages. He needn't wait any longer. Bring motorists show every care for cy- clists, Let bicycle riders this year ride still more carefully. Obey the traffic rules and signals, Safety First! Watch out for the traffic, Take no chances, Don't be a jay Big C-C:M- Features 1 The Triplex Hanger, for smoother, easier pedalling, ~ stock of C.C.M. Bicycles and Joy- cycles which are sold at one price all over Canada. vider, 2 The Hercules Coaster Brake, TIRES : LIGHTS - Ride a Bicycle ginnt grip" TUBES LOCKS 3 Gibson Pedals, one piece, CHAINS HORNS You Can Depend On aluminum frame, rustproof, SADDLES BELLS C.C.M. Bicycle i ro Dunlop Tires, full The cycle is a strong, "4 op res y guaran, . BABY CARRIAGE TIRES, ETC. him along this week and let him pick out his bike. He'll say you're a real Dad! sturdy, reliable piece of conscien- teed, Ride a "Massey" tious workmanship in its every Our stock is complete--Let us show you this part. You can depend on the Her- © Twenty-year nickel-plating. Wonderful Buy 4 ge cules Coaster Brake in any traffic A bicycle of class. A C.C.M. will never emergency, Cold drawn seamless 1 d if BEE steel 1 I reinforced joints, a Yop west it falsly and : ' Flintoff & Sons £ CCM Bicycles mone 2 | § Sa. 0 PERFECT--MASSEY, \ « and Joycycles for Children Dingman & Mason The C.C.M. Bicycle Dealers Cor. King and Centre Sts Phone 930 We handle the very best de of Bicycles in B u Yr ton 's Cy cle Shop 21 Prince St., Oshawa . PHONE 1264 Agents for C.C.M. Red Birds Also a good supply of Second-hand Bicycles. I WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL _ New Motorcycles sold on easy payment. Come in and talk it over with us * Also a good supply of Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackie always in stock, NOTE THE ADDRESS: -- 21 PRINCE STREET The Famous C.C.M. Bicycles and Joycycles Bring is your children and see these Joycycles. We also handle Bicycles that ave in good condition but have been slightly used and are reasonably priced. We also handle all the accessories. Our repair expert will guar- antee a first-class job on your repairs at a very reasonable price. OSHAWA CYCLE WORKS 12 RICHMOND STREET EAST PHONE 2774 Sr