a ea detent i TT TOR TTY THE iii DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY '10, 1928 WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST | SOCIAL and PERSONAL p-- The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this' column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. r. and Mrs. A. T. Neal, Marmora, visited their son Clayton in Oshawa recently. : John Delve was a recent guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Delve, Lyn, LJ - - Mrs. Adams. Hamilton, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shemilt, Young street. L LJ Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Gale have returned from a two weeks' trip to New York. - LJ Miss Dorothy Harris, Enhiskil- len, is visiting Miss Eileen Huggin, Church, . Mr. and Mrs. visited friends in cently. . LJ A * Miss B. MacWilliams, superin- tendent of the Oshawa General Hospital, was in Toronto yester- day. - Clarence Heard Woodville re- LJ] * LJ Misses Leah and Lillian Gar- row, 245 Athol street east, wish to announce that they are closing thelr Beauty Shop on Saturday afternoon commencing Saturday, May 12, until the end of August, * * LJ An afternon tea was held yes- terday at the home of Mrs, Kar! Cliff, 258 Bruce streeet, under the auspices of the O.E.A, The pro- ceeds, which amounted to $25, are to be used for the Sunbeam Cot in the Red Cross Cottage at the Lake. The Worthy Matron, of- ficers and members of the lodge ELASTIC HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT, AND PRESSURE. ACENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS, ELASTIC HOSIERY dt Abdomir ~1 YORE [eo] LW Nelo) GND 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO take this opportunity of thanking Mrs. Clift for her hospitality and Mrs. Powers and the other women for their assistance, Major and Mrs. E. C. Hodgins and son, Roger, returned home yesterday from Hollywood. Cal, and have taken up their residence at 296 King street east. Mrs. Hodgins and Roger have been in California for the past six months and Major Hodgins joined them about a month ago. * " * Mrs. H. MacDonald and Miss Elmsley, of this city, were guests at the tea given yesterday at the Government House by the Lieuten- ant-Governor and Mrs. Ross, in honor of Matron-in-Chief Margar- et MacDonald and the Canadian overseas nurses, Weddings ALLISON-HARLAND A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, May 9, at St. George's rectory, when Una Winnifred Har- land, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Mark Harland 894 Robson street, became the bride of John Henry Allison, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Allison, Athol street, Rev. Canon DePencier performed the ceremony. The young couple were attended by Miss E, M. Harland, Oshawa, and Mr. C. S. Harland, Toronto, sister and brother of the bride. CHOSEN FRIENDS' RALLY PROVES TO BE FINE SUCCESS The Chosen Friends Rally last evening was a great success--and the program unique in as much that all present were given a chance to contribute something to- ward the evening's entertainment, Mr. Lint, convenor of the Social committee, presented interesting games in which all took part, Miss Rubina Black, toe-dancer, gave several exhibitions of her art and was heartily applauded. The Chosen Friends orchestra is to be complimented for their part in the program; Alex. Durie, District Deputy, was chairman and called on Mr, Lint, Sr.,, and O. Hall, who has been a member of the lodge for 28 years, for remarks. Worthy Chief Counsellor Wm, Luxton was Master of Ceremonies and made it his business to see that everyone had a good time, The lodge is holding a euchre next Friday evening in the Osha- wa Club rooms at 8 p.m, and all members are asked to be present. Honey and green is a modish new color blend A coat and blouse to match is a new vogue. NORTH SIMCOE CLUB OFFICERS Mrs. F. Chappell, President of Home and School Association The North Simcoe Home and School Club met on Monday even- ing, May 7, and elected the follow= ing officers. Honorary President-- Mrs. H. Smith; President--Mrs. F. Chappell; first vice-president-- Mrs. C. Ewing; second vice-presi- dent--Miss H. Batty; Secretary-- Mrs. S. Perry; Treasurer--Miss Taylor; Pianist--Mrs, F. Germond; Executive--Mrs. I. Gillette, Mrs. A. Durie, Mrs. H. Baldwin, Miss Ford, Miss Garrow, Mrs. (Rav.) Patterson, Mrs, G. Henley, Mra. BE, Bradley, Mrs. C. Fox, Mrs, N. Gowdy; Mrs. C. Spilstead. Reports were given by the treasurer and the convener of the flower commit- tee. The main item of business was the appointinent of a commit- tee, with Miss Lick as convener, to look into the matter of using the skating rink as a tennis court for the summer. Mrs. H. Smith, the retiring president, was presented with a bouquet of roses by Eeanor Walker, and Jack Gillette read the address in which Mrs. Smith was thanked for all the interest she had shown in the work while she was in office and the members ex- pressed their belief that the sue- cess of the club has been largely due fo the efforts and constant in- terest of Mrs. Smith. Piano solos were given by Thelma Meal- ing and Miss Muriel Gillott, Daisy Hill contributed a recitation and Jack Germond, who won a medal recently in a local oratorical con- test gave a reading, Mrs. Ayling, accompanied on the piano by Mra. Cornell played a delightful violin selection, Mrs, Norval Wilson, the delegate to the convention of the Home and School Clubs held in Toronto recently gave an account of the meeting, At the close of the meeting refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. SIMCOE ST. LADIES' AID SOCIETY MEETS The Tadies Aid Society of Sim- coe United Church held their reg- ular meeting on Tuesday after- noon with a very good attend- ance, Plans were completed for the tea-meeting to be held on Fri- day, May 18, during the week of the Diamond Jubilee of the church, 1 WERE MARRIED ON SATURDAY weddings of the One of the smartest vl ry Gertrude, Saturday 1 Mz: late Mrs 4 1 of this city, They will reside at bride 495 season was. solemnized in Oshawa daughter of A Sicoe r, M. L. Argall, and the Thomas Bruc ¢ McTaggart, street n rt! X. --Photo by Campbell. Mr, N Fashion No Premet, 1 again present half ball m steel, colored these are them in sever: cluding favor 12 delightful shades, i blue and a dcli duck-cog ate Longer skirts are aj Paris mid-scason fashion that the little the latest d* chiffor ocks, Paris reports gette cardigan i to the painte crepe de Chine fr geor- addition patterned and these di , or clse arranged in neck- ) ef color in the de sign, give a sh effect to a simple fro NUSIG STUDY CLUB. ELECT OFFICERS| Mrs. J. H. Bateman Chosen President--Had Successful Season (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 9.--Mrs. J. H. Bateman was elected president of the Music Study Club at the last meeting of the year held this even- ing in St. Paul's Lecture Room. The meeting was well attended and much enthusiasm was shown over the work the club had done through the past season, Other officers elected tonight were: Honorary president Mrs. T. W. Cawker, first vice, Miss Aura Caldwell, second vice, Mrs. M. A. Neal, recording secretary, Miss M. Allin, corresponding secretary, Miss E. Morris, treasurer Miss Nina Neads and pianist, Mrs, Cecil Dud- ley. The executive was composed of Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. Fred Palmer, Mrs, George Hall, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. D. 'W. Best. Besides this form of business the usual splendid program was held. Several fine selections by an augl|E mented orchestra were much ap- preciated. "Ye Olden Dance" was the first number by the orchestra which consisted of Mrs, M. A. Neal, Mrs. E. Anderson, Francis Sutton, 0. Jamieson, H. Fletcher. The or- chestra responded to the encore "Springtime, A Ladies' Sextette composed of Mrs. C. Dudley, Mrs. W. J. Morri- son, Mrs. M. A. Neal, Mrs. D. W, Best, Mrs. H, Foster and Mrs. E. Anderson gave the number 'Spring Song". "In Springtime' a vocal duet was given by Mrs, G. Hall and Neil Stewart. Francis Sutton con- tributed a fine vocal selection '"Pro- logue from Pagliacei'", Mrs. George the last May". earnest to make the 1928-29 season one of the best. Enthusiasm runs Hall sang "Open Secret" in splen- did style. The Ladies' Sextette gave number on the program with the singing of "Madrigal in With a reminder that the club was such a success during the 1927- 28 season, work will be begun in E-------------- ---- Steadily | You have on --You shou IVS Suid by all our grades. Ask demand for "SALADA"" to test ""SALADA" to realize iy not miss the pleasure "SALADA hE to a per Ib.-- OAT AD A" TEA 284 high, and the type of pragrams pre- sented with the study of classica! music is certainly appreciated by all the members as well as the visit. ors who attend the meetings throughout the year. WHY AND WHEREFORE I know not whence I came, I know not whither I go, But the fact stands clear That I am here In this world of pleasure and woe And out of the mist and murk Another truth shines plain-- L is in my power ch day and hour To add to its joy and pain. I know that the earth exists, It is none of my business why, I cannot find out What it's all about-- I would only waste time to try; My life is a brief, brief thing, I am here for a little space, And, while I stay, I would like, if 1 may To brighten and better the place. The trouble I think, with us all Is the lack of high conceit; If each man thought He was sent to the spot To make it a little more sweet Jow soon we could gladden world, How easily right all wrong, If nobody shirked And each one worked To help his fellows along. Cease wondering why you came, Stop looking for faults and flaws, Rise up today In your pride and say-- "I am part of the first great cause, However full the world There is room for an earnest man. It has nced of me, the Or it wouldn't be-- I am here to strengthen the plan rr ---------------------------- In cleansing wal surfaces as well a woodwork, only a small portio should be immediately dried with | clean cloth. Use an up and dow stroke in cleaning, never a circula motion. PIVPLES ON FACE AND HANDS Were Hard and Red, Red. Could Not Do Hard Work, Cuticura Heals, "Small pimples broke out on my, face which later grew larger and were hard and red. Later pimples broke out on my hands and kept getting worse each day. I could not do any hard work with my hands on account of the breaking out. "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they helped me. I continued the treatment arid after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) A. W. Babychuk, Wishart, Sask, Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort end skin health; the Soap to clegnse and purify, Ointment to soothe and heal, and Talcum to powder and refresh. foe Bh Lo Jog, Are, Cag Ebmnt 2% and Se. Taleam Cuticura Shaving Si 28c. '90000000000000000000000000000 24996494939022040400008098040) ARE ON SALE AT THESE: VERY LOW PRICES MAY 1.17% 90000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 'SPECIAL Delivery: Tues., 8 pm. & 11 am. and 3 n.m. Re ---- Mon., Thurs. id Wed., 11 a.m. Fri, Sat. BARS OF Dates = A Special Combination Deal COMFORT 8 a.m. 156 Simcoe S. p: m. ." Sat. 30 Simcoe N. til 6 p.m. Wed,, 12.39 10 p.m, 2 SOAP Pancake Flour Clip and try these tempting recipes to learn how much more appetizing and nourish- ing such foods are when mhde with doubly-rich and creamy St. Charles milk! Be sure to use St. Charles milk, though! Also mail the coupon and you will receive FREE beautifully illustrated book with 85 tested recipes. Aunt Jemima Brand mina Phy, I7c BAR OF LUX 2 5 : C Buckwheat Flour ot Aunt Jemima _ Pkg. 22¢ TOILET SOAP ALL FOR Brand be 2 lbs. 11c Pure Maple Syrup ' 3 i po Bottle 33c Brand ..ie0eeee Tapioca and Sago Min white ...... 2 Ibs. 17c Goldens Hallow! 2 bs. 21¢ Marshmallows ro Bi Grapefruit Graham Flour Stone Ground, Whole Wheat Mako deal Mutting ,, Corn Starch 26¢ Lg. I1c mS Tin Toe Tue Boroen Co. Limrren; MoNTREAL gn rh Rinso sols. , free, St. Chases Book Youwwn'tngud tobofl them Roy goo gece 've.and there'll belittle or no rubbing to do Yo you'll be delighted wi e snowy whitenessof your clothes, Bottle 19¢ | cRosSE AND BLACKWELL'S MALT VINEGAR sorie 29¢ SPECIAL AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY PORK and BEANS 3 sz 25¢ SIZE TINS | Baking Chocolate - Hid esessssanssssssssas Tou on Alea Spina mW, 2 pkgs. 25¢ Wheatsworth Biscuits . The Health NAME. sssssevessse Appress 548 ~ Pkg. 21c -. Pkg. 14¢c | Harry BOme's ......oiiX5ss 5, { phgs. 23c Shrimps Teva wg Tin 21c Mushrooms Dard, _ 'Tin 23¢ Carrots - > im Win 16¢ or 5 + : » Lb. 17¢ Pkg. 8c like Rinso. It's the easiest way toa whiter wash, Buyitat your nearest grocer's. i Made by the makers of LUX eggs; T cup Borden's St. Charles Reis 2 cups flour; 14 small tspn. salt; 1 cup water. Beat the ten minutes and then add the milk. Gradually add the sifted, and the salt, Beat until Sow, sities, 1d Turninto hi hot, well-ciled gem pans and. bi quickly. Black Figs Calfoenta vos, Bisto JR, Seal Sie Quaker Cake Fiour «Chili Sauce vides Beni 34 cup Borden' 's St. Charles Milk; 24 cup hot water; 14 3s sugar; 4)% § thlopns, corn search; 1 tspn, butter; 2 cag; Real Tasty . juice 2 lemons; grated rind 1 lemon; (few grains salt; x cooked pastry shell. i ' - yg Combine the milk and water in a double boiler top, add the &h elery; Relish Beanie. Jar, r/Ec; Maple Leaf sugar and cornstarch, thoroughly mixed together, and cook pe ---------- -- H ; it Wy MATCHES Ry. -- 5 Siders AL . 2 M d in C. da CREAM OF ASPARAGUS SOUP 1 bunch or can s aspa aragus; 4 cups cold water; 2 slices onion; 14 tspn. sugar; blade 'of mace; 2 tbispns. butter; 2 tblspns. flour; I tspn. salt; 1-8 tspn. pepper; 2 cups Borden's St. Charles Milk; 1 egg yolk; d ash of paprika. If fresh asparagus used, remove tips and cook them in a little boiling s alted water untif tender; if canned, cut off tips and lay bir Cut up stalks. Cover with cold water. Add onion, sugar, and mace." Cook until tender. Strain Shisueh sieve, pressing asparagus well to extract flavor. Melt butter in saucepan and stir in flour. Add salt, pepper, and, aspar. puree. Continue stirring until thickened. Add brn a half cups St. Charles Milk and the asparagus tips. Bring to boiling point, and simmer five minutes. Combine beaten egg yolk with the remaining milk and add to mixture. Let come to boil. . Serve por portion with a dash of paprika over top. ST. 3 Pkgs. 23c {3 Tin 14¢c fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. arate the beat the yolks igh ight, combine them with a little of the Red. ¥ IR milk, stir into the thickened mixture and cook five hi ido Ben, Era Aol] < longer, stirring occasionally. Then add the salt and when somewhat cool fed stir in the lemon Juice and rind, into the pastry shell, heap wit a meringue made of two egg whites, and a third cup of powdered sugar, and cook in a slow oven for fod minutes until the meringue is firm and delicately browned. sessessoneesiesvenss : ki § Baker's Snowdriff 37: Shred, Finest Qual | eless' Chicken = Mier Dent 4Tin 43¢ NI FLUSH 24c} § WE SELL FOR LESS Lb. 21c SPECIAL--PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 26 Borden's CHARLES MILK | Unsweetened ) tion; $1.50 ze containg enough for ar posh 'haar "srowihe, oui roid fh appli- fation, A All shades, 'Blonde PH CAL H+ Stearns Bultding, Windsor oie 0,