THE ODHAWA DAILY HiMed, THURSDAY, MA: a ---------------- BOWMANVILLE Melbourne E. Turner, Representative Phones: Office, 587; Res, 300 SRT TOURIST CAPO OPEN SATURDAY "Cream of Barley" Summer Camp Expects Great Season (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 9. -- It was stated today by J. Lake Morden. owner and operator of the Cream of Barley Tourist Camp that the latter place 'of recreation would open formally on Saturday next. Mr. Morden extends an invitation to everyone to attend his haven of pleasure on this day, as well as any other - day, and enjoy with him the warm days of the real Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and Jastign relief. by removing 'the cause--congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an inter- nal remedy ean do this--that's why cutting and salves fail. Dr. ' Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile misery or money. back. Jury & Lovell, Itd., and druggists every- where sell it with this guarantee. Spring weather. Everything will be in full swing on Saturday. Here and there in several news- papers have appeared articles on the Cream of Barley Camp, but never a combined and complete story on the whole camp under- taking in all the various angles which prove one of the most in- teresting features. Besides the Service Station on the :aain highway, operated by Mayor Preston of Oshawa and O. E. Cutler of the firm Cutler and Preston, there are a number of tourist cabins, and also furnished rooms at the disposal of visiting motorists. These prove a big at- traction. Probably the zoo is the main fea- ture. There are a sufficient num- ber of animals in this doo to war- rant a real comparison with any other animal park. The two small bears, which are the first to attract" attention, give much mer- riment to the erowd of bysanders. These animals box like profession- als. and indeed earn the offerings which are thrown in to them by the interested public. Mr. Mor- den states that he has had them since they were hardly able to walk, and that they have been residents of the zoo for two years. Two wolves right from the wild timberlands, are displayed in an- other cage. Their peculiar actions attract considearble attention and their size only strengthens one's impression of their brute strength and facilities for tearing into shreds anything which might come into their power. Besides these, there is also a coyote. ! In a cage off to one side are heamm---------- Diamond Jubilee SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH May 13th to May 20th, Inclusive SPEAKERS AT SUNDAY SERVICES 11 am. May 13th "DR. DOUGALL, Pastor 7 p.m. May 13th \ REV. A. J. JOHNSTON, B.A., D.D. Victoria College, Toronto ' 11 am. May 20th REV. S. D. CHOWN, D.D., LL.D. General Superintendent of former Methodist Church 7 p.m. May 20th REV. W. H. SEDGEWICK, D.D. Metropolitan Church, Toronto Satu-day. Johns Music Store, Special Music at all services. Special Programs every evening during week except You are welcome at all services, Souvenir Booklet with full Program available at INVINCIBLE means heBest' Tavincible olives are truly INVINCIBLE, They ins troduce the newest ideas in stuffed olives. Try them. Their quality is id Powders, Flavoring Extracts, Puddings and Custards, Spices, -- MCLAREN'S INVINCIBLE also means "The Best" in: Coffee, + Maraschino Cherries. 3 7 » Gelatine, Cake Icings, located the guinea pig, eavies and other small animals, These tim- id ceratures are hard to get a look at, and cantiousness is the only method to employ if a close view is to be obtained. he coon sanc- tum is situated about si; rods from these latter. and hous two of these animals, Mr. Morden's pet monkey has a cage all to himself. Here is one of the most interesting and active little fellows on the grounds. Day in andeday out the almost human monkey amuses those whom come to watch his antics, He is ex- ceedingly tame and delights to perform for anyone giving him nuts or candy. There are many different spe- cies of gees and ducks. A China Swan Goose and African Swan Goose, Snow Geese and every type of duck imaginable are fo ind on the park, or in the stream which flows through it, * Two goats are permanent residents at the Camp. Turkeys and rabbis are also there as well as other wild folk too nu- merous to describe, Work on the new bridge adjoining the 2 sections of Mr. Morden's property in ong re- creation ground is being rushed. The stream has been spanned, and now only flooring on the trestle- work is needed. It will be finish- $2100 steel 'the whole Re-Corn Borer Act, 1926 Every person who has corn stalks, pieces of stalks, or cobs anywhere on' his Corn Borer Act to destroy all these and also all coarse weeds among or alongside them, and in addition to spade or plow the ground so that all small pieces which have been overlooked will be buried: The best method of destroying the corn remnants and other refuse is by gathering and burning them. Inspectors will be sent around in May to see that * this work has been done. Anyone who disregards this notice will be liable to prosecution, : D. A. HUBBELL, Sanitary Inspector City of Oshawa, April 17th, 1928, property is, required by the ed soon, Mr. Morden is going to no end of expense to make his camp into one of the finest on the continent, and already it is well linown throughout the provinces, and in the States. On the northern part land will soon arise the physical instruction park. This newer portion of the camp is being pre- sided over by Alfred Shrubl, vet- eran runner, and breaker of many world's championships, Here will a baseball diamond, an athletic track and a lacrosse field be open- ed. Here also will events take place in the world of sport, under the watchful eve of one of the world's best posted crities and athletes, Mr, Shrubb gave out the information this eveniny that something was in the wind for May 24 but he would not divulge the nature of the business. It was understood that a celebration of some sort, However, would take place at the camp on this holiday, end there couldn't be a better place for a celebration, : On the extreme western side of area is a golf cours... True, this is not of the regular size, but once the grass is cut (and this operation is already under way) there could not be wanted a better course for this purposo. Natural bunkers and holes are al- ready there, and if residents of this community do not take ad- vantage of the opportunity of play- ing at the Cream of Barley Can:p, it is only to' their loss, Swimming at the camp is unex celled. A natural swimming hole with a gradual deepening makes it just as safe for the kiddies as for grown-ups, The water is fresh and not muddy and con- sequently cannot be beaten for bathing sports, The av. attendance last summer at the Cream of Barley Camp was 15 ears per night, These remain, ed through until morning and of- ten stayed to enjoy the liberties of the park for a longer period. Mr. Morden expressed a wish that the public know that privileges at the camp are absolutely free with the exception of the huts and refresh- ments booths, Two ocean waves, a joint stride, two slides ana various oth- er amusements are placed on the park for the pleasure of the children, There was alsa added of the recently a new type of punching | by bag, one for the tiny tots and one for the older boys, boxing gloves and other sport requisites. A platform will be built for the "sparring partners' of the gloves. Picnics are welcomed at the Cream of Barley Camp and a bet- ter host than Mr. Morden could not be found. BENEFITS OF HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Subject of Lecture Given Before School Club By Miss Gilbraith (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 9. -- "Bene- fits derived from the Home and School Club" was the subject of a most interesting lecture given Miss Flora Gilbarith, teacher of the South Ward School, at the lust meeting of the Home and School Club in the Central Public School here last tonight. The meeting was well-attended, In her 'talk Miss Gilbraith out. lined threg view points which might be taken in regard to the benefits of the Club for the mem- bers. These are social, monetary and educational. It was shown that the club experienced a suc- sful year, during the past sea~ son, and much optimism was. ex- pressed for the coming year, The musical porgram consisted of a piano duet by Gladys and Dor- is Jamjeson, a vocal selection by Miss I. Wood, an instrumental number by Mrs. Daniels and a so- lo by Mrs, A. Colville. Mr. John- ston, the principal of the school, spoke briefly to the club members expressing satisfaction at the work of the year, It was learned that the Club as a whole presenting to each roam of the two schools prizes in the form of educational books for the hest showing in kriting. The contest has aroused considerable interest, A soclal meeting. ce 15 hour concluded the FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS NEARLY COMPLETE Bowmanville, May 9.--The new fire alarm system is already in the final stages of completion. Sev- eral boxes have heen installed, the wiring haying been practically fin- ished for some time, The new system wlll satisfy and complete- ly uphold the tests required of it, and it will not be long before the whole system is ready for use again, Premier Baldwin professes a de- sire to write for the press, and pos. sibly he may have time on his hands next year for doing it. ---------- er = Bovril is both nutritious and delicious ------ MOF EATS (870) 1's BN." = I) | Made in Canada Nold the ] / | J PY SO Le Ranges er «Moffats Electric Ranges for sale by the ELECTRIC SHOP Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont. PET CROW CANDO ANYTHING BUT TALK Is in Possession of Miss Amelia Young, of Bowmanville (By Staff ) Bowmanville, May 9. --. And yet another crow comes to light. A short time ago a pet crow in St. Thomas sprang into the limelight by its alleged cruelty to children. It was condemned and executed. Miss Amelia Young, of King street, Bowmanville, possesses a similar bird. of course net a cap- tive, which is really quite a pet. It has stayed at her home since childhood, if you may say a bird was a child, and has grown to full size in the vicinity of.this resi- dence. The bird itself is sleek- looking, with its glossy black feathers well sheened. It appar- ently has a considerable educa- tion and is supposed to do prac- tically everything but talk. It is called Jim and answers readily to its name. Like all other modern crows, it eats corn, and anything else, this being the reason that Jack Miner, bird lov- er, is so death against him. It roosts in an apple tree beside the house where it retires at an un- commonly early hour to sleep, It is awake before anyone else and proceeds to gather its breakfast, which was placed ready for it the evening before. The bird is more than a year and a half old, and already has -become attached to its neighbor- hood, goin gaway verv seldom from the vicinity It winters in Mrs, Young's home and summers outside. Everything will be perfectly all right with Jim if he lets children alone; if he doesn't, experience is a good teacher. SPLENDID MEETING WHITE SHIELD CLUB (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 9. -- The members of the White Shield Club met at St. Paul's Lecture Room last night and held a splendid meeting. Mrs. T. Gatchell was in the chair, A small two-part play was given by Mrs. Hall, Mrs. T. Gould and Mrs. Gatchell proved an interesting feature, Miss E. Peardon, structor. gave several demonstra- tions of her work and members in- dulged in drills and physical cul- ture under her direction, Mrs, (Dr.) Bell accompanied at the pli- ano. Refreshments were the close of the session. ve served at physical tn- 70 ay, | a See Line of Mother Day Cards BEST IN ART AND LITERATURE AL & w-- heaped we. FELT EROS: py: ind ttt ALLL 0000 00m . Seed Potatoes IRISH COBBLERS--GREEN MOUNTAINS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED~CERTIFIED SEED HOGG & LYTLE Ltd. 54 Church t. Phone 203 -- Just a Week Ago Today Homesites in were first offered for sale. Today the first units of a largehome- building campaign are under construc- tion, and scores of your friends and neighbors have pur- chased sites for their homes. Have YOU chosen yours yet?