PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1928 I | comin "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best Features 10 pom m. NBC Red Chain:--The Sentinels, 7.50 Cote? Chan -- The Two - Jacks:] nadia ain -- The Two CNRO " Orchestra: CNRM, CNRO, ~ . CNRQ. 8:00 NBC Blue Chain--Maxwell concert. 940 CKNe (517)--Toronto, Eveready ¥Y ran f= Lincoln. U. of Nebras- 30.00 Ke8"6 81 Oakland. Week program. National Music 361)~Cinci, Musicale, wes Sa) Homemaker's hr. 11.30 Ble Nstwors --Luncheon music: )2 BZ, WRC. WAID (283) --Columbus, O. Dispatch WCAH (234)=Columbus, O, Food for Jiought, : NS 261)=Phila. Orchestra, HO (535)--Des Moines. Organ. Grek OD Momtrea) Mt, Royal or- 11.45 aa (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Musicale. CKCL (357)--Toronto. Luncheon music CKGW 31) ~Toronte, Studio music. -KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Organ. h £1144 A Cmmbus, Artist conc. 484)--Chi opular music. WCSO (256) Spring held, ©O. Piano; vo- Wito (535)~Des Moines, Musical, waar (545)--Buffalo, Fro Joy Hour: Iso WGY. 7.15 Vw @N-Buffalo, Coflcert. 30 NBC Blue Chain: ¥ Rok Concert: WJZ, WBZ, WB PA Kw /K, WBA, w HAM, KDKA, WIR, WLW, KYW, WR CFCF (411)--Montreal. Vocal RSAC | @hr-Ransas State College, 4- 0 (227)--Clarinda. Concert. WAAM (268)--Newark. Organ. WNYC (BHNY. Concert, Yoo (349)--Phila, Verdie Brass Quar- Wiac (517)--~Worcester. Fowler's Ha. waiians. 7.35 WMD (448)--Chicago. Musical Calen- i 8.10 WCSO 5s ringfield, 9 Concert. 8.15 WRVA (254 ichmond. Vocal, 8.30 CFCF (411)-- Wig Marconi Comp- any program, KOB (394)--=New "Mexico College. Mu- WGN )=Chicago. WOO Shien RS Concest Singers and LE Fg (469)=Wash. Lord Calvert en- semble, WTAG Belco Male quartet, Columbia Chain: (545)--Worcester, La Palina Smoker: KM WNAC, Hour: " ) WIAR, "TAG, SH, WLIT, W WGY, WGR, WCAE, "WI AM, WWJ, Ley WRHM, WOC; WHO. WOW, WDAF, WHAS, WSM, WMC, W St, WET, IT KVOO, WF AA, KPRC, CW AL WMAQ, Chain i--TLalmolive EEL Wi LW (428)--Cinci. Studio program. 10.00 KP (294)--Houston, Studio. - KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Studio mubic, Kw (526)--Chicago." Movie Club, WADC (238)--Akron. Studio prograni. waz (333)=Springfield. Suffolk Sym- Weda ce Wash GBs a, Organ, Dallas WE] (51 learwater, Band, w. gry Y. Slumber w EB WM AG (448)--Chicago. Musical Wid 10.15 WEED (503)--Boston, Organ. 10.30 CKLC (257)--Edmonton. Capitol Thea. KOA (326)--Denver. KOA orchestra. WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Quartet, WFAN (224)--Phila, Organ, WHK (265)--Cleveland. Moonlight trio. WIOD (284)--Miami Beach, Organ. MJ (204)~Milwaukee. Mello cello, fic Chain: Wrigley Program: KFI, KGO, KGW, KHO), KFOA music: pot- 254)--Richmond. Southern wT 11.00 SEC Pa SPECIAL FEATURES---TALKS 2.45 p.m, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Chicago Cubs vs Brooklyn: also from WGN 6.13 KDKA (316)--rLitt Week-end Tours.' 6.30 WKBW (461)--Bufialo. Prayer. 6.50°'WW]J (353)=Detroit. Baseball scores, 7.00 WAIU (283)--Columbus, Farm talk, WGN (416)=--Chicago. Sam "n Henry, 7.30 K a1) Suenadoat. Sunday WGY (80) ~Schenectady. WGY Play- Ww ir (461)--Dallas. LB.S.A, lecture, WTIC (535)--Hartford. Connecticut School of the Air. BERL. (230)-- Columbia, Radio schoc WHN (394)--N.Y. Period. 5 WIAs (322)--Louisville, Sunday School CSS, CNRT (357)--Toronto, Address. Ww Ritu (261)--Mpls. Chat to peopl CNR! x (476)--Moncton., KSO (227)--Clarinda. wWiBC )-- Brooklyn. farm American Literary young Travel talk, The Newsboy. Boxing bouts The Canadian Pacific train De Luxe will for the tenth season make firc+ 1928 trip May 13 'SLEEPING | CAR PASSENGERS ONLY Arrive WI Arrive CAI Arrive VA! J WGN, KSD, WOAI, WJAX. NBC Blue Chain: Hour of Cirantber Music: WJZ: and others. CKLC (357)--Toronto, Studio, CNRT (357)=Toronto, Concert, CNRA (476)--Moncton. Concert. KDKA (316)--Pitts, Reymer's Trio, KTNT (256)--Muscatine. Home folks hr WBAL (285)--Baltimore." WBAL en- semble. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Music of Am- erican composers, WLS (345)--Chicago. Metropolitan choir. WNOX (258)--Knoxville. Studio. WOO (349)--Phila, Philadelphia com- posers WRR_ (461)--Dallas. Beaumont band. WSATI (361)--Cinci. Studio, WOS (422)--Jefferson City. oid music. 5 KSO (227)--Clarinda, KTHS (500)--Hot Singers WDOD (244)--Chattanooga. Music. WFLA (517)--Clearwater. Music club. WSAL (326)--Cinci. Music, At Home with the WCAU, WNAC, WMAK, WCAO, WAIU, WKRC, WOWO, KMOX, CFCF, WSUI, WCO0A, 12 noon SHY (306)=Chicago. Organ, Al Wp Y349)--Phila, Luncehon music, WLS Taro "Dinner bell." WM. MAD NT . Melodies, 1218 pm (294)~Milwaukee, Organ. 12.30 WGBS KV. Scripture; musicale. 12.45 WSM (337)=Nashville. Farm and home rogram, 12.58 GF ca (357)=Toronto. n, 1.00 KTHS (500)~Hot Noon conc. WCCO Cr Paul. Farm hr. WDAF p= City, Country- gp ex- side chat WRVA 354) Richmond. Noon prog. LE 5° Adana Music. 353)--De Organ, Ywie BN Askeville, N.C. Lunch- 115 WGHP * (78)--Detroit, Detroit trio. WHO (535)=Des Moines, Talk; lunch- eon music. 1.30 CNRA (476) Monct: N.B, Musical EFNE (461)=Shenandoah, Ia. Farmers KoIt '& 9)--Council Bluffs. Friday's Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS . CKNC (517)--Toronto, Victor hr. Ww VEDA (389)--Chicago. Luncheon dan WOBS (349)--N.Y. Afternoon prog. Wisk (492)=N.Y, Parnassus Trio: 1.30 wiz " (454)--N.Y. Music. OR (422)--Newark, Organ matinee. 1.45 Wia0 (448)--Chicago, Musical pot- 2.00 SKeL (357)--Toronto, Studio music, WENR (288)~Chicago. Popular music. WEHD (278)--Detroit, Home hour, WIP (349)--Phila, Pianist and soprano. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Farm service; music, 2.15 KOA (326)--Denver. Instrumental con. 2.30 Red Network: --U.S. arine Band: WEAF, EEL CH, WRC, WGR, WCAE, WWJ, W HO. CKCL "By foronio 'Studio musicale. WGN (416)--Chicago. Artists recital. WLS (345)--Chicago. Homemakers hr. 3.00 CKLC (357)--Red Deer. Matinee prog. CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Musicale, bf AIU (294)--Columbus. Good Will lub. Wer (303)--Buffalo, Tea music. WW] (353)--Detroit. Studio music, 3.30 WBAL (285)--Baltimore. WHK (265)--Cleveland, WSAI (361)--Cinci. 3.40 WCAU (261)--Phila, 3.45 WE AF (492)---N.Y. WRC. WOO (349)--Phila. Grand organ. 4.00 KOIT. (319)--Council Bluffs, Pianist; ki vocal KSO (227)--Clarinda. KYW (526)--Chicago. WBAL (285)--Baltimore. chestra. WDAF trio. : WCAU (261)--Phila, This Revue. WJZ (454)--N.Y. Studio program. » WOC (375)--Davenport. Home manage- ment w TMT (299)--Milwaukee. Studio prog. 4.05 WEAO ~~ (283)--Columbus. Afternoon program, 4.30 CNRS (330)--Saskatoon. WHAS (325)--Touisville, WCFI. (484)--Chicago. recital. : 5.00 WRAP (300)--Ft, Worth, Musicale, WOC (375)--Davenport. Crescent or- chestra, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Ruddies hr. WWI (353)--Detroit. Tea dance. 5.30 WDC (238)--Akron, Dinner news bulletins, WGR (303)--Buffalo. Dinner concert. Ww Ir (349)~Phila. French lesson, W Cc (461) -Boston, Dinner dance. 5.45 > co (405) = Mpls-St. Paul. Women's 106th Infantry Armory. wDoD (244)--Chattanooga. talk, WOS (422)--Tefferson Citv. 9,10 WHN (394)--N.Y. "Poetry." 10.03 KPRC (294)--Honston, Amos" 'n Andy. 12 mid NBC Pacific Chain: Retold Tales: | KFI, KPO, KGO, KCW, KHJ, KH(), KOMO, KFOA, R DANCE TO THESE pm. WHN (394)--N.Y. Roseland or- chestra HMA x0 OMO. KVOO (349)--Tulsa, ' Leon Seivcicn baritone. WHT (306)--Chicago. Your hour. WOC (375)--Davenport. Concert, ~ WRR (461)--Daths. Beaumont band. WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. Concert. WW] (333)=Detreit. Piaro recital. 1L0 WW) (353)--Detroit. Hollywood ¥Friv- olit 11.45 WSB' * (476)--Atlanta, Concert. 12 mid KFI (469)--Los Angeles. ette. WAMD (225)--Mpls. Request program, WNON 2n~Kuowville, Popular en- ~tertaine. w TM) 294)-- Milwaukee, Organ, Silent tonight after 7.00 p. m.: NRA, ~ CNRT, WAIU, /RNY. I 8.00 NBC Red Shain, --Whittall Anglo-Per sians: KSD, WCAE, WCCO WDAF, Wh AP, WEEI, oo WLLIT, CSH. Yow. "WRC. \ Science Re u, WDOD, WNOX, WOO, Farm talk vi Railing or .30 a.m. fourth M CARY DAY CTS : rigger pr Mag arin Rr oot Re wig All important commercial and tourist centres reached at Spovenjent hours will be operated until September 29 WCAU (201)--Phila. Archi- WHO (535)--Des Moines. Dance orclies WIAX (341)--Jacksonville, Dance or: chestra (254)--Richmond, Hotel Rich. WRVA mond. eal (366)--Cinci, Roy Miller. "FI. (484)--Chicago. Orchestra, 11.30 CKLC (357)--Calgary. Orchestra, KOA (326)--Denver. KOA orchestra, 12.30 a.m. CNRE (517)--Edmonton, Old tinu dance, (Copyrighted, Regular Daytime Programs 5.45 a.m, Red Network:--""Tower Health," fron WEAF, WCAE, WEEI, WGR, WaGY, WRC, WOR (422)--Newark. Morning 6.00 CKCI. (357)=Toronto, Setting ercise, WAAM (268)--Newark, Sunrise '(448)--Chicago. Y.M.C.A, ex- ercises, . KENB (461)=Shenandoah, Ia. Sunrise concert, KSO (227)--Clarinda, la. "The Boss." hk AF (492)--N.Y. Morning devotions: 7.30 Re d Network :--*'Cheerio," WEAF, WEEI, WGY, WRC 7.45 WOC (375)--Davenport, Happy hour, 8.00 WLW (428)=Cinci.© Healthful exer. STEEL EQUIPMENT Dining car Standard sleeping cars : WV Chimes from WREN, | WRHAL WRVA, WSM, 'WSB, WMC, WhEA! Ci olumbia Chain: True Story Hour: ADC, AIL KOIL, WCAO, E/ WGHP, WIJAS, WKRC, KMBC, WMAQ, WAU, WNAC, WOWO, KMOX. CFCA (375) Toronto. Concert. CKGW (312)--Toronto. Concert orches. CNRA (476)--Moncton. Instrumental quartet, CNRM (411)--Montreal, CNRT (357)--Toronto. WAIU (283)--Columbus. WCAH (234)--Columbus. tertainers. WCFL (484)--Chicago. Popular tunes. WCOA (250)--Pensacola, Vocal, WCAU (261)--Phila, Feature, WENR (288)--Chicago. Classical. WLS (345)--Chicago. Silvertone hour, WSEA (219)--Norfolk, Musicale. , ase oe ey MM A J » 18 Simcoe Strset South Symphon- @95)-Shenandoah. Dance or oe it I . * (319)--Council Bluffs. dance. PWX (400)--Havana. Orchestra, WBBM (389) --Chicago. Coon Sanders. 0; las. Orchestra, . WOO orchestra, Chain:--La France orchestra: KSD, . WCAE, WDAJ WEBH, WGR, WHO, WI. IT. WoC, WOW, "WTAM, WTMJ. WWJ. WAAM (26 Newark. Four Towers, WGHP (278)--Detroit. The Arcadians. SW hour Bam Give it Fair Play not decide NOW to giv | WU o3 Tal] he 0 Av co or che, a vial? 9.00 Cl If there Is any doubt fa your mind K sto the worth of these tablets o; 54 tek armiessnoss, try them and KNOW Don't sacrifice your comforton ao ouSi Surv udice of shapes Try th ablets and know. 3 t dealers or fill grapaid B. N, a Leg': aticook, of music, WMAQ : time Concert, Concert. Telling Fireside Music. Springs. Roanoke Trio. en- from Pianist. Columbia Chain: SquAre Masters: WOR, / EAN WFBL., WADC, (312)--Toronto, The Strollers. Musical (500)--Hot Springs. Dance, WHT (306)--Chicago. The Ramblers, 9.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal, Jack Denny. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Dance period, WCAH (254)--Columbus, Dance. WJZ (454)--N.Y, Frank Winegar, WOO (319)--Ph Dance mus NBC Red Chain:--LDLen Bernie orches- tra: WEAF, SD, WHO, WMC, Wow, W i, WTMJ, WWJ. CKCL (357)--Toronto, Goldkette's, koa (326)=Denver. Solitaire Serenad- Karp (22 St. Paul, Chicago prog. WRAL (285)--Baltimore. The . tects. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Supper Club, WIBO (306)--C} go. Orchestra. WLS (345)--Chicago, "Showboat." WLW (428)--Cinci, Castle Farm chestra, WJIAS, WGHP, WMAQ, KMBC, KOIL. WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, bers. WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Ramblers. WCSH (361)--Portland, Me. Hunters, yey (380)--Schenectady, Lcho WHAM (280)--Rochester. dians WHN (394)--N.Y. Vaudeville. WHK (265) --Cleveland, Accordion en- tertainers. cises, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. U, of Chicago lecture, WEMC (484)-- --DBerrien Springs. morning music, Blue Network :--Roya! WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WIR, WRC CRGW 31 2)= Toronto. Morning musi- 1.00 p. Early or- Popular num- Arcadia, Paul. Dance: FS. land: WBZ, Copland: Merry Treasure sid WSOE '(270)--Milwaukee, Serenaders. WW] (353)--Detroit. Dance music. 10.30 WBBM (389)--Chic ago. Dance. WGN (416)--Chicago, Dance program. 11.00 KFAB (319)--Lincoln. Orchestra. g WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. program, WHK (265)--Cleveland. & Co Cathedral bec. 1928.) Melo- Ke IL (319)--Council Bluffs, Recorded music, WBAP (00)--Ft, Worth, Morning mu- The Speaking of popular and effective combinations, it is hard to beat that veteran pair of Fair and Warmer, Dance landers. Morning WBBC (227)-- Brooklyn, Rosemont, sicale, * a WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Bible lesson, WHO (535)=Des WWJ (353)--Detroit, ner." Ww ¥ S$ (345)=Chicago, he We I'L. (488)--Chidago," Municipahk prog. WGN (416)--=Chicpgo. Home manage- ment period, WHT (306)=Chitago. Women's hour. WLW i. Womén's hour, Grand organ. Orchestra, Victor prog. Din- Moines. "Tonight's Home question ELLA CINDERS--The Boss's Orders By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb [Sua hured ker stepfoonily as Zouseworkers-theyre brove-as nas lla Li Ske was thelr pritilss. Hg THIS IS THE KITCHEN, IN CASE NOT FAM AMILIAR WITH ONE! | EXPECT MY MEALS ON TIME, YOU WILL SERVE, PRISSIE, AND YOU, LOTTA, hr 222 THE CLEARING GOOD FOR YOUR 7 woey ' JS MBER THIS: Ram iM EVER ABE TOW 4 oT SAME NAME. SR YOUR WALKING _J8 PAPERS! WRNY (20 5 Red Network: L FEAF, WEE, i WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WGR, WTAM, WWJ, WSAT, | KSD, WCCO, WOC, WDAF. (283)--Columbus, 0. Devotional 0. Organ, Recital, Musicale, Scrap Book. Time. Temple University French lesson: WATU D \F2 THEY'RE service. WADC (238)--Akron, WAMD (222)=St, Paul. Aunt Sammy. (WERT (366)--Chicago. 'Women's hour. WOO (349)--Phila. Luncheon music. WOT. (148)--Chicago. Home economics. > lea C2 pu COOK GETS m- ------ NN Women's hour, Women's hour. Salon or- City. and That --__ Radio Electric Phene 2477 String (370)--Kansas 1% Prince St. S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets In stock. . Special music. Studio prog. |. Twilight organ 4 JUST THE SAME! pe ofayse Elia wasn't so Srmcort ir faking these two-legged vy nens 1 the boson or" reer forne! BRINGING UP FATHER : By Geo. M % : y Geo. McManus | TOLD THAT NEW MAID TO CALE ME AT SEVEN-ITS NOW - NINE O'CLOCK. Reg 1! S Pu OF. Copynght 1928, by Merropoiuan Newspaper Scrace music; WELL- WHERE'S THE BREAKFAST? I'VE BEEN UP AN { HOUR: GO IN THE KITCHEN AND SEE WHAT IN THE WORLD THAT MAID 19 DOING - {[ YOU KNOW "THAT TRIPE You ORDERED FOR BREAKFAST ? WELL: SHE'S STANDIN' THERE | r LOOKIN' AT IT WITH HER [| 9? 7) TEE) { ) Club. 6.00 CKGW (312)--Toronto, King Edward Hotel, y AlU WaHP (278) --Detroit WHO (335)--Des Moines. orchestr WWI (375)--Detroit. 6.30 WRAL (285)--Baltimore. chestra, WTIC (533)--Hartford, Bond trio, 6.45 WOC (375)--Davennort. Chimes. FOR THE KIDDIES 5.00 p.m. WEB (366)--Chicago. Daddy Davis. WGRBS 349)--N.V, Ungle Gee Bee. 515 WM a0 (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey Pied Piper,» We Repair Anything Bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner (283)--Columbus. Twilight mu- Thea. Capitol Wood Walt Dinner concert. Dinner or- es Dream Correct Glasses Corrcctly, Fitted W. A. Hare Optometrist 3 King St. W. Phone 838 Tim 5.40 WI S (345)--Chicago. ©45 WEEI (508)--Boston, Big Brother, 6.00 KYW (526)--Chicago. Uncle Dob. WIP (349)--Phila. Uncle Wip. 6.10 WGN (416)--Chicago. Uncle Ouin. 6.15 ye C "0 (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. Children's ho 6.30 Witty (294)--Milwaukee. Cousin Lai- 5/0 Story i ¥ i CoNCERTS ToniGHT be : > 3 © 1928. by Int'l Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain rights reserved 5.30 p.m. NBC Blue J) : Gold i Spot ; Pals: WJZ, WBZ, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WIR. CFCA (357)-- Toronto, 21.0, London, 6.00 NBC Je Chain: WJZ, WRC. (37) Toronto, Organ, WEAF (492)--N.Y. Wonder hour. WSB {i767 Atlanta. Mrs. Gertrude L. Johnso! 6.30 NC ie Chain: 'Old Melodies WIZ, WHAM, WIR, XV00, WFAA, KOA. WEAF (492)--N.Y. Happiness Boys. 6.45 WIBO (306)--Chicago. ng recital, « WPG (273)--Atlantic City. "Songs You Forget to Remember." WRNY (326)--N.Y, German hour, 7.00 NBC Blue Chain: --Cities Service Con- cert Orchestra and Cavaliers: WEAF, KSD, KVOO, WCAE, Ween. WDAT, WRC, WSAI, WTAM, WW KOA WEET, WFAA, WGR, "WEBH, WLIT, wow, WoC, CFCA (375)--Toronto. ers. from Program of Broad- Stardom SORT OF COLORED STONES AND SEMI-PRECIOUS JEWELS. Ce TAJ MAHAL WAS BUILT BY THE OLD INDIAN RULER,SHAH JEHAN, AS A FINAL RESTING PLACE FOR THE REMAINS OF 'ab FAVORITE WIFE, MUMTAZ-T-MAHAL (THE FAVORITE OF THE PALACE), MOORE IN HIS POEM, "LALLA ROOKH 'CALLED HER. NOOR MUMTAZ, WIFE OF HUH! OUR PRETTY HOME IS A TOMB FOR DADDY'S BANK ROLL! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUILDING I THE WORLD 15 & A TOMB,BETTY, } MOTOR CARS We your motor car, will loan you monies on or if you can meet your present pay- we will pay off the and renew your pay- for any term up to months "and insure vour car. Sce Swanson, Ger- & McKenzie, 2 King Phone 940. SHAM JENAN BUNDER OF THE BUILDING IN THE WORLD, and KYw not ments claims ments twelve man street cast. N Star entertain: Ph MEHAL THE LIGHT OF THE PALACE" - DESPITE THE FACT THAT 20,000 COMPULSORY AND UNPAID WORKMEN BUILT THE TOMB, ITS COST 1S ESTIMATED AT $10,000,000. Ns, ky King Featured Syndieats, Inc. "Great Britain rights reserved. To vou EVER BUILD A CASTLE IN THE | "AR? THE TAJ MAHAL IS ONE BROUGH) DOWN TO EARTH. IT 15 BUILT OF PURE StoBiE-FORLONG &([© STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Bre OR eg S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private. Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above CPR. Office | Phones 143 and 144 : By Russ Westover VES iL) AND VD LIKE | To SPEAK To You ALONE |F YoU CAN SPARE RL i THERE'S A SLY BY THE NAME OF diCk HARRINGTON N "THE OFFICE To SEE You, TILL\E MLLIE JAS BEEN ACTING AWFUL QUEER THE LAST FEW DAVS BUBBLES I'M DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF AND EVERY THING | BUBBLES + WHEN DI\Ck RANG UP LAST NIGHT * WANTED HIM TO COME A HERE, Dick HARRINGTON FOR SALE-- CRUSHED STONE CHIPS for DRIVEWAYS a ---- WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED . Phone 1288