LEETRRTE ve Fr SY mca rome OCEAN VESSEL AT BELLEVILLE Viking Crew From Norway Brings SS. Rein To © + Quinte Port Belleville, May 9.--For the first time in the history of Beleville a deep-sea ship called at this port yesterday morning and unloaded fifteen hundred tons of coal, con- signed to the Schuster Coal Com- pany of this city. . The boat was flying the Norwe- gian Merchant Marine flag and is owned by a Norwegian company. It started frony Norway some time ago and called in at Glasgow, Scotland, to pick up the load of coal con- signed for Belleville. She is nam- ed the "SS. Rein" and to eyes used to seeing the lake freighters is 'a huge size. The cargo consisted 'of a load of Scotch anthracite for the Schuster Company, one of the extensive coal concerns in Belleville, A tug was hired from the Frontenac Dredg- ing Company of Kingston to bring the vast freighter from the Lime- stone City here and apparatus was borrowed to unload her when she tied up at the Schuster dock at an early hour yesterday morning. Quite a large crowd of curious on- lookers gathered at the dock yes- morning. : The "Rein" had to be slightly lightened at Montreal before she made the trip to this eity, as she would not have been able to make several of 'the shallow places on the way up. Norwegian Crew The crew of the boat, of course, is Norwegian, but all speak fairly good English. The commander of the freighter is one Captain Johan- sen, and one can see he is a sailor from his appearance. He is a short, stockily built man and speaks ex- cellent English. He stated that he thought that Belleville was a fine looking city, what he had seen of it, and hoped that he would be back again. His ship carries a crew of sixteen including the cook. The Canadian representative who came to Belleville from Montreal yesterday stated that this was the first of what he hoped would be' many great ocean ships that would call in at Belleville. "We, have four all told in this district mow," he stated, "and two of them are at To- ronto now." : The "Rein" took twenty-one days to reach Montreal from Glas- gow and another three days saw the hoat docked at the Schuster wharf. i Stratford has been called the "Classic" city, but now that it has staged a gunfight on a public street it may prefer to be known as the classy city.~Hamilton Herald. Shoes that get hard wear need care NUGGET" Shoe Polish the' shoes soft and pliable---waterproofs them--- makes them last many extra months. There's & Nugget For Every S| ONTARIO DIVORCE {Most Everyone 'COURT UNPOPULAR Hon. E. Lapointe Out of] jeed Sympathy With Proposed Senate Legislation Ottawa, May 9.--A deadlock In parliamentary procedure is indicat- ed. The Minister of Justice, Hon. Ernest Lapointe, has declared himself out of sympathy with Sen- ate legislation to create divorce courts in Ontario. Monday it was declared that the first Senate veaction for the next year will be to refuse to serve on di- vorce committees. This year there are more than 250 applications be- fore the Red Chamber and some 200 have gone through the entire process. Members of the Senate who permit themselves to be ate tached to divorce work are the only senators who do not enjoy an un- attached freedom, fixed by adjourn- ments, Senator Willoughby, who suec- ceeded the late Sir James Loug- heed as chairman of the commit tee, has enjoyed no respite from work since assuming the duties. Family Uprising Ninety per cent of the cases or- iginate in Ontario as only Quebec and Ontario are mow without ma- thinery for instituting divorce cas- es, The percentage from Quebec is normally small. The percentage from Ontario is abnormally large and the contestants are mot anx- ious for local courts. In the first instance, local courts bring family uprisings within the sphere of home acquaintanceship. The Senate does not do that. In the second place the home courts establish rights as to alimony and as to dependants. The senate does not do that. The viewpoint here is that dai- vorce actions from Ontario would be cut by at least 60 per cent if they were transferred to local courts. And. the vision of the Sen- ators who are members of the com- mittee may not be wholly unself- ish, but they, too, figure they would sweduce their duties by half. Apart from the threatened refus- al of Senators to sit upon the com- mittee, is another suggestion that the Senate as a whole will tie up certain' Government bills to assure consideration of the Ontario court bill, the Minister of Justice not- withstanding. Men's Oxfords, all sizes, Panco Soles $2.75 Special Sale, Co. Dominion Clothing 2141 Your "Spare" Needs This True Blood Tonic NOW--in the Spring--most people Men and women of all ages are bene- fitted by taking TRU-BLOOD, a safe and proven tonic for the blood. First successfully used as a doctor's pre- iription, TRU-BLOOD is wonderf ailments are caused by impover- shed or impure blood. And while correct- ing. blood disorders--of which disfiguring rashes, eczema and painful boils are the outward evidences--TRU-BLOOD gives you a clear skin of velvety softness. The doftuses o any jorm o sila STNTHENT" ercome b in _conj -BLOOD, Besides hea! MENT softens and iy A Buckley products today at asy drug store. beautifies the REVIEWS SPLIT ON NEW PRAYER BOOK Archdeacon Thorne Gives Three Reasons for Op- position to Revision London, May 9.--Writing on the Prayer Book controversy J. H. Thorne, Archdeacon of Maccles- field, says: "There are three mrain things in the new Prayer Book di- viding us, which we contend have no certain warrant of Holy Secrip- ture, and the first is reservation. "This was not ordained by Christ nor is it capable of sound deduction from His instruction as recorded in the New Testament. The use of it as viaticum for the dyin#has no warrant, we submit, in Holy Scripture and is inconsis- tent with the rubric in the .Com- munion for the Sick, which refers to spiritual communion. "The second is the mew conse- cration prayer where these words occur: "We, according to Hie holy institution, do celebrate anc set forth before Thy Divine Majes- ty (the Father's) with these Thy holy gifts, the memorial which He willed us to make." Where is there any account of this institution, any authority for these words and their content? "No Authority "And third these words arc also introduced: "With Thy holy life- giving Spirit vouchsafe to bless and sanctify both wus and these Thy gifts of bread and wine, that they may be----." Can anyone produce any passage, word or phase in the Néw Testame: which justifies the invoaction of the life-giving Spirit on the material elements of bread and wine? Such invocation in our view Is utterly without. support from Christ's words and frrecon- cilable with his teachings." Rev. Alfred Fawkes, Church of England vicar of Ashby-St.-Ledg- ers, whe for 28 years was a Rom- an Catholic priest, in a book "Shall we Disestablish" is very candid re- garding the source of the disestab- SAFE LOOTED IN LIQUOR STORE Vancouver by Sky- : light Robbers : Vancouver, May 9.--Safecrack- ers cleaned out he safe of the gov- ernment liquor store, 7568 Powell street, during Thursday night, ac- cording to police reports. - At 4 am. Constable J. Mor- rison, while patrolling his beat, noticed that the premises had been entered by means of a sky- light in the light well, and proceeded to investigate. He found the safe apparently in- tact, but on closer inspection dis- covered that the combination was held in place by means of some sticky substance, which proved to be chewing gum. On the door being swung open, it was found that the combinziiem dial had been wrenched off, the tumblers taken out and the door opened, the contents, amounting to $732.65 being removed, together with 624 government liquor seals and five insurance policies. In order that the safe would appear intact, the cracksmen had then returned the tumbl. ers, replaced the combination dial and fastened it in place with a large piece of chewing gum, the safe thereby retain- ing its usual appearance. Careful] examination of the sur- roundings have been made by de- tectives with a view to discovering whether the thieves left any fing- erprints, while carrying out their work, and there, if found, will be carefully tallied with others in the rogues' gallery at police head- quarters, . Chil has rou RUBBED on » throat and chest, the effect of Vicks in reliev- ing spasmodic croup is two fold: (1) Its medicated va- pors, released by body heat, reach air passages direct; (2) At the same time it stimulates the skin, thus helping the inhaled vapors ease the difficult breathing. Pr 2 Jip APORUB En ARORYS PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs > $732 Secured From Safe in| G | fe magic : With the hew Orthophonic Victrola : the music is real---you may have any kind-= and you may have it when you 'want. it, There is always a "first time" during which we form certain impressions that never again leave us) So it is with that amazing new instrument, the new Orthophonic Victrola. Whether you first meet it during day, or night --you will never forget that great Surprise at hearing real singers, real players, 2 orchestras, ~real music. Liquid trebles, --gruff basses,--all there! How do they come here so completely ? put them there?--to release them for you, in such profusion of choice, at the precise moment you command ? ne ne Orthop "True in For this magic of the new Orthophonic Victrola,--you and we must thank "the scientists who spent so many of their ¢« in developing the principle of "Matched Impedance" or "smooth flow of sound". | Placed in Victor's hands only two years ago, this principle swept away old methods and traditions, and has been transmuted into' all the music of all the world, to be spread, into millions of homes. ° So now you may have beautiful, real music, as you wish and when you wish,~f{rom | raceful cabinets which anyome can own, rom $1400 down to'as low as $115. Electrical drive, if you choose, at slight additional | eliminates winding. At all His Master's, Voice dealers on convenient payments. y, onic wt Sound * ) TradeMark Reg'd HIS MASTER S VOoICe Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal m3 Sold in Oshawa By kine sT.W. D. J. BROWN KENTUCKY CAKE PHONE 18 a ---- cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two | one-half teaspoon soda, the eup of eggs, one-half teaspoon each cin- raisin water when cold, also raise THOMPSON'g minutes in one cup water. Pour |namon and cloves, two small cups ins. Bake In layers. 10 Simcoe St. S. We Deliver the water off and let cool. One; flour, one teaspoon baking powder, ------------------------ ele -------- lishment agitation, He says In his hook, "The bit- i 'er unscrupulous attack now bhe- ing made on the existinf church establishment is from within, It is i from the Anglo-Catholic camp that danger threatens--thfs party re- sents what it calls state control of religion as vehemently as does el- ther the Church of Rome or the Liberation Society." . Fawkes describes the bishops to whom supremacy was transferred by disestablishment as "like Plato's captain----a little blind, a little deaf, and ignorant of seamanship." S-------- TAX LAW GHANGE BENEFITS FARMER New Regulation Places Him on Basis with Manu. J@% facturer ke Loy Ottawa, May 9.--Changes In the income tax regulations which will place the farmer upon the same ba- sis as the manufacturer are being made by the Department of Nation- al Revenue, Whereas in the past the farmer has paid upon a cash income basis, he is to be allowed to pay on an inventory basis in the future. This means that in- stead of having to pay upon what- ever may be his cash receipts for '| his produce, the farmer may take an inventory at the beginning of the year and another at the begin- ning of the next, and subtract or add any shrinkage or increase which he has suffered or achieved. , He may then take this into ac- count in computing his tax. This new method is expected to prove of particular advantage to the type of large-scale farming which is car- ried on in the west. One cup raisins boiled a few needs expert attention too QUALITY. ..STYLE---VALUE For DAD As Well as The 'LAD In these suits at $25.00 ' 18 oz. Navy, Serges, 18 oz. Plain Grey Worsteds, Fancy, Tweeds, Fancy, Stripe Worsteds, Single and Double Breasted Styles. "OSHAWA'S GREATEST CLOTHES VALUE" a HATS the good of a' "spare'"if it won't take you home when you need it? Just because it hasn't been on the-road much is no guar- antee that it is fit for work. The rain may have run inside and rusted the rim. The dust may have crept ini. The tire may have picked up nail ends or flints when you used it last, and a few more miles will force them through the casing. It may, not be inflated upi.to-itsscorrect running ipressure. uy ; When you.drop in"at your Dominion' Tire Depot for the weekly inspection, let the tire expert examine the "spare" inside and out, and inflate it to its correct pressure. Then your "spare" will be ready for work when needed.' High Class Workman- ship All Wool . Materials \ You are never far away from a " DOMINION TIRE DEPOT . * | |GIRL KILLS SELF BY INHALING GAS ; Buffalo, May '9.--Dulcie Whel- . dom, 30 years.old, believed to be JAMIESON & JAMIESON bing gen + Dominion, Tire Depots are spread like a network aceo's the length and breadth of Ontario and Quebec. Scarcely a towm but you : will find a shop with the distinctive orange and blue from, Each i offers the most expert and courteous tive service obtainable in its locality. v' ; . 1 2 OSHAWA 5 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH suicide by inhaling gas in an Elm- wood Avenue apartment house Monday night. She left a note ad- dressed to a sister Phyllis Perry, 663 Vaughan Road, Toronto, ex- pressing remorse for the trouble she had caused.