THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1928 "CLEAN-UP WEEK" IN OSHAWA PAGE NINE NOW IN FULL SWING Special Permission Given by the Fire Department to Permit Special Clean-Up in City Next Week Clean-up Week is Being - Well Observed in Oshawa All Bodies Uniting to Pro- mote General Clean-up of Rubbish --Beautifies City and Eliminates Fire Haz- . nr The "slap" of the paint brush and the hum-m-m of the vacuum cleancr are heard in the land, for this is Clean-Up and Paint-Up Week. The city council, the fire department and the Board of Health have united in roclaiming May 7 to 12 as Clean- te Week, with both especial privil- eges and Certain obligations which we ordinary citizens should observe. Among privileges of this weck, (be- sidé the eternal 'John, there's the din- ing room carpet yet ot beat!) is that of burning up, in good old bonfire fashion, all the rubbish that has been accumulating for the last «51 weeks, more or less , Fire Chief W. R, El- liott has announced that, providing veasonable care is used, open fires will be allowed during the week, which will make the disposition of rubbish considerably easier. Fires must be attended, however, and may not be lighted after dusk in the even- Mimination of the fire hazard is one of the chief reasons for Clean- Up Week, although it is by no means the only one. But it is considered sufficiently important that Provincial statutes give the Fire Marshall's de- artment, and through it, the Fire Ehiet of municipalities, the power to cause premises cleaned up, and, if necessary, have the owner prosecuted if there is an accumulation of mater- ial of sufficient quantity and of such nature as to be deemed a fire hazard. Occasionally the Fire Chief of this progressive city finds a business place or other premises with wooden boxes and crates, excelsior, oily rags, ctc, stuck away in odd corners and once in a while measures have to be taken to persuade the man to protect his own property and that of his neigh- bors. : The health of the city is also touch- ed vitally by Clean-Up Week, hence the concurrence and support of Dr. T. W. G. McKay and other members of the Board of Health, and of D. A. Hubbell, Sanitary Inspector. Accu- mulations of dirt and waste material are the paradise of flies and disease germs, and sometimes develop into a menace that affects the whole com- munity. Hence the Provincial Health Act provides that citizens observe Clean-Up Week as it is proclaimed in the municipality, by cleaning up refuse and all kinds of rubbish. And so Clean-Up Wétk causes Mr. Average Man to look about his pre- mises, and while he is doing so, he notices that the verandah really should be painted this spring, or that a couple of boards have worked loose over the winter, and that the hole in the concrete drivq hasn't improved any with the action of the frost. And that is where the 'Paint-Up' part of it comes in ,and painters and other men are busy repairing and re-paint- ing houses and stores and offices throughout the city. But Mr. Man .just gets through letting his painting contract, when his better half appears and informs him that the woodwork in the sit- ting room is a disgrace, that she wants the attic cleaned up right away, and that if he doesn't get his golf clubs out of the way they will fol- low his old trunk, full of love letters, into the yard bonefire. And so its Clean Up and Paint Up; and hurrah for housecleaning time! U.S. TO ESTABLISH SCHOOL FOR DIVERS . Washington, May 9.--The open- ing of a scheol for deep sea divers and the equipping of five vessels for submarine rescue work has been ordered by the Navy Pepart- ment. The schoo] will be opened about July 1, and it is planned to build up a force of about 52 deep sea divers of whom nine will be master of supervising divers, EFRIGERATORS ...allenamel and porcelain household equipment... BAB-O makes them twin- kling white. It does not scratch. Are you proud of your home street? If it needs painting, do it this Spring. For the sake of appearance and for preservation of thé-wood, do not leave it another season. TMB cheapest thing about keeping up a house is paint. The most expensive is not to paint when painting is needed. Flo-glaze Paint covers 259% more surface, lasts 25% longer, looks 25%, better. Ask us to demonstrate this to you. Because of an exclusive scientific treatment of selected raw linseed oil, brush marks self-level and disappear leaving an .enamel-like surface which does not easily crack or blister and reflects light perfectly. Come in and let us tell you about paint and varnish. We know which Flo-glaze product will do best on every kind of work. * PAIN Let Us Estimate on Your Painting & Decorating FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR SURFACES A Canadian product, better made when you look at it from the TTE'S Phones. 125: Res. 1846 {retary, REFUSE GAROL'S PLEA IN ENGLAND Helpers of the Rumanian Prince Charged With Treason Bucharest, May 9.--~Those con- cerned with Printe Carol's plot to fly from london to Alba Julia during the peasants' congress last Sunday will be tried for treason and given the maximum penalty, the Government made known to- night. Police, who were tipped as to the plot and themselves informed Scot- land Yard as to the Prince's acti- vities in England, say Carol intend- ed to fly by plane under the strict- est incognito to Vienna, where he was to await word from his lieu- tenants that the time was ripe for his return to Rumania. . Maniu Denies Connivance It was planned also that a sec- ond plane was to 'carry certain of his accomplices to, Alba Julia with a proclamation to the peas- ants, Juliu Maniu, the peasants' lead- er, 'today emphatically repudiatea the charges that the peasants had connived with Carol to bring him back to Rumania, "It is preposterous," he said. "We never had the slightest thought of encouraging him to re- turn, nor was his name mention- ed even once In Alba vsuna,* Prince is Hurt London, May 9.--Prince Carol, chagrined by the British request that he depart from Engana, ceived a reply today from Bir Wil- liam Joynson-Hicks, the Home Sec- to whom he had protested against the invitation to leave. The nature of the Government's response to his appeal wfll be an- nounced tomorrow in the House of Commons, but meantime. it is generally understood that tne tor- mer Rumanian Crown Prince fail- ed to get favorable consideration for his plea. Early Departure Seen Police dy remained su vows of the Surrey country house where Carol is a guest. The shades were drawn, .and inquirers refused an entry, The coming and going of sev- eral "mystery cars' this afternoon led to the belief that the unwant- ed visitor will soon be on his way. i0- SHE MIGHT ANSWER (Stratford Beacon-Herald) It's a matter of some months since Miss Macphail during a de- bate in the Commons made some very barbed comment about the war in China, Evidently she was under the ini- pression that the British had stir- red up all the trouble there, A missionary in Southern Shan- tung has just sent out a few mea- gre details regarding the murder of Dr. Walter Seymour, Superin- tendent of the Presbyterian hospi- tal at Tsining, The missionary further request- ed that no mention he made of his name or location, "due to the pra- carious position of all the mission- aries in the area." Who is causing this "precarious position?" Is jit selves? " Or is it the meddlesome British? Miss Macphail might be able to furnish the answer, the missionaries them- SEIBOLD CHECKS RED WINGS Rochester, May 9.----Rochester lost the final game of "its series with Reading here today, 9 to 7. The Keys scored 6 runs in the first inning and worked well behind the pitching of' Seibold, who relieved Wisner in the third inning and allowed but three safe hits. «BR. H. E, Reading ...601 100 100-9 15 1 Rochester .213 000 001--7 9 6 (; CITY OF or before the above date. REGULATION 'of the enforcement. DR. T. W. G. McKAY, M.O.H. D. A. HUBBELL, Sanitary Inspector - "NOTICE May 7th to May 12th Is Proclaimed As CLEAN-UP WEEK The most important interest of every Citizen is to look to HEALTH, and SAFETY FIRST. We appeal to the citizens of the city of Oshawa, to observe the requirement that all rubbish, and refuse he removed from yards and buildings of the premises which they occupy, on This 1s a request coming from our Local Muni- cipality, It is also an instruction issued under a HEALTH ACT, 1927, and will necessarily require We feel that the individual Citizens will appreciate the neces- sity of compliance with the appeal made, and will give the best co-operation in an endeavour to fulfill this requirement. SN OSHAWA PROVINCIAL PUBLIC W. D. PRESTON, Mayor W. R. ELLIOTT, Fire Chief i "4 GIANTS OF SPACE (From the Quebec Chronicle- Telegraph) Few people know that approxi- mately six per cent, or one in every cightecen, of the stars wher vicwed "through. one of our largé telescopes Js seen to be double. Certain of these double stars are known a: cclipsing variables from the relatiou- ship of their orbits to the earth, and the most massive of these eclipsing bo Ph oy known as H. D, 1337, has been investigated recently at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory at Victoria, British Columbia, The star was observed by an elec : photometer in Germany during 1920, and an accurate determination of its changes of brightness was published However, this. complex curve could not be interpreted for want of pre- cise information obtainable by mecans of the spectroscope. When the mat- ter was taken in hand at Victoria Observatory further investigation brought to light an extraordinary system, The following illustration may help us to visualize this great star, If the carth were @ l-inch sphere--much smaller than a golf ball--the sun would be represented by a great sphere 9 feet in diameter, filling an ordinary room. More than 1,300,000 earth-balls could then be thrown in- side such a hollow globe and there would still be plenty of space between them. On this same scale the larger star of this interesting system would be 214 fect in diameter and more than 13,000 sun-spheres and seventeen billion earth spheres would be re- quired to make up its tremendous volume. . Picture, then, these. two gigantic globes of flaming gases, practically mn contact and revolving about cach velocities exceed 150 miles per scc- 36 and 34 times that of the sun, The surface of these stars arc at tempera- tures of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, about 20 times that of molten iron. This intrinsically high temperature combined with the enormous surfaces of the stars makes the system 28,000 times more luminous than the 3un, and yet, so inconceivably remote is it that' the star cannot be seen with the naked eye. Light, which travcls at the prodigious velocity of miles per second, and speeds to from the sun in cight and a minutes, requires a journey of 000 years to come tg us from extraordinary double star, Senn ---------- half 10,- this Mohammedans will not wear silk because it 1s the product of a worm. American women encourage the worm to produce more silk by point- ed: references to what the husband of the woman next door has given |da, other every 3-1-3 days, whose orbital! | 5d; ond and whose respective masses are | 186,000 | us | ARE CANADIANS SPONGERS? (I'rom the Toronto Globe) Surely in defense matters the ad- vocates of "equal status" cannot hold high their hea today. They picture fon among the. natio , Which in ma » enough, ct and not re- Parlia- Accord- 'anada as but a countr sense of 1 lity vealed by the recent Bri mentary return on defer ing to this return, t contribu- tions by Great Britain and the Do- minions 1 rd naval defense for 1927 timated as follows in, £58,000,000: Can- ($1,725,000); 6,000; New Zealand, ,024, including the first instal- ment of its coniribution to the na- val base at Singapore; South -Afri- ca, £125,479. When it comes to the proportion of expenditure on naval defense in relation to the en trade of Jritain the infons the showing this country, the sixth in the world in volume, is no beiter. Here is the percentage of naval contributions in relation to imports-and exports, respectively, for 1927-28: Great Britain, 2.87 and 2.83 per .ceit; Canada, . and .08 per cent; Aus- tralia, 1.63 and 1.91 per cent; New Zealand, .60 and .70 per cent; South Africa, .09 and .07 per cent. When it to expenditure per head of population there is still nothing to ing of the heads of Canadians in pride. For Britain the expendi- tures in 1926 and 1927, respective ly, were 25s 8d and 2 Cana- Sd and 93d (16 19 cents); Australia, 16s 18s New Zealand, Ss 9s 4d (contributed hy the Iluropean sec- tion of the population only). Could disarmament go f Is it not a case of spouging on the Motherland without even having the grace to admit it, and at the same time seeking to promote the "national" spirit at the sacrifice of unity in the British Common- wealth? and for for comes occasion od; cents and 8d and A VIVID IMAGINATION (Brantford Expositor) Miss Megan Lloyd been making the assertion that a Welshman discovered America be- fore Columbus reached those Shores and that he was shot by an Indian. As the red men did not have fire-arm$ at that period it would seem as if Miss Mezan had about as vivid an imagination as her distingiushed dad. George has Aus- | trading | the rais-* jand many others are.after them, | CORSET MAKERS ANOTHER PROVINCE TO PAY PENSIONS Ottawa, May 9.--Hon. Peter Hee- nan, Minister of Labor, today signed on behalf of the Dominion Govern- ment the agreement with the Pro- vince of Saskatchewan for old-age pensions. The Cabinet had yesterday passed Orders-in-Council authorizing Mr. Heenan to sign the agreement, and endorsing the plan of adminis- tration proposed by the Province. The agreement provides that pen- sions will be payable from May 1. Saskatchewan has already passed the necessary Orders-in-Council. The agreement was signed on behali of the Province by Hon. Charles N. Hamilton, Provincial Minister of Ag- riculture, under whose jurisdiction the pensions scheme will be operated by the Child Protection Bureau. The signing by Mr Heenan was witness ed by Premier King and a number of his colleagues from Saskatchewan. British Columbia has been paying old-age pensions since last Septem- ber, and has disbursed about $260,000 up to the end of March, the Federal Government having reimbursed the Province fos half this amount. Sas- katchewan will be the second Pro- vifice actually to begin old-age pen- sion payments. Manitoba has passed the necessary legislation to take advantage of the 1at payments will begin there ime during the summer, It is cted that an agreement with the n will be consummated very oh RO of Garden and RAKES %® HOSE, HOES L NETTING SPADING FORKS Ld Our Stock is now Complete and Prices Right. Get that garden ready--We stock all kinds F. Flintoff & Sons Hardware 13 King St. W Phone 1500 Flower Seeds. $300,000 FORTUNE London, May 9--Joseph Pember- ton, of The Mount, Neston, Che- shire, whose estate has been valued at $420. was for many years a"prominent member of the Liver Underwriters' Association, George Edinmore = Gather, of Ashbourne, Derbyshire, whose will was proved at $308,000, was chair- man of Richard Cooper and Co. (Ashhourne) Ltd., corset manufac- turers, and of the Knitted Gar- ments, Ltd. Lady Benn, of St. Ermin's, West- minster, widow of Sir John Will- m Benn, Bt., and mother of Cap- tain Wedgwood Benn, has left $60,000. John Forbes, lingion street, 00, pool i outfitter, of Wel- St. John's, Black- burn, who died without. a will on January 31, leaving $35,000, was STOCK BUYING ACTIVITY animation of here surpasses anything known in many years, are rising, and railways striving equally to augment their stocks on change, adopted whereby, in order to gain admittance to the exchange, agents must first Government and afterward pass an examination before a tribunal com- posed of brokers and Ministry of Finance representatives. Maxwell heard an unusual case iu city Police Court today, a Bayham Township woman, Mrs, Eliza Stil- HAS SPREAD TO SPAIN Madrid, May 9.--The present the stock exchange Nearly. all securities with banks, industries the ex- A new rule has just been be designed by the NOT GUILTY St. Thomas, May 9.--Magistrate well, being charged by George W., Hewer of Tillsonburg with stealing two cows, seventeen chickens, two dresses, a pair of fence stretchers, a spade, a shovel and an auger on or about February 17 last. After hearing the evidence, the Magis- trate dismissed the charge. The in- formation given the court officials was that Hewer ran out of feed for his cows and chickens last winter, and Mrs. Stilwell took come passion on the stock and fed them, When Hewer went to get his proe perty in February a dispute arose over ownership, Husband (after heated argument) --But, dearest, don't you admit that I'm usually right in such matters? Wife: 1 don't admit anything of the kind unless you'll admit that I'm usually right, too. a director and foumerly éaptain of the Blackburn Rovers Football Club. He had also played for Scot- and against England, Ireland, and Wales, and was a member of the Backburn Rovers team which won the Association Cup thirty-seven years ago. VERACITY OF N.Y. WOMAN, PROBLEM Albany, N.Y., May 9.--A ques- tion of veracity between two wom en will be one of the chief prob- lems before the jury in the grand larceny case against Mrs. Florence | E. 8S. Knapp, first woman ever se- fected to state wide public office in New York, according to the line- up of evidence yesterday. Mrs. Knapp is on trial] for alleg- ed misuse of a 1925 state census pay cheque to her step-daughter, (Clara Blanche Knapp, Middlebury College teacher. FOR WALL STREET? . Sault Ste, Marie, May 9.--The hear crop in Algoma this year will have to be healthy to supply the demand, according to orders for cubs now arriving fromr this side of the border as well as the States. The Ontario Government wants half a dozen eubs, Game Warden Garnett Magill is told in a letter from the Department of Game and Fisheries, and two more cubs are sought by the United States Gov- ernment for menagerie purposes at Washington. A eub has just been secured for a tourist from Indiana, R. L. Gray. Middle row--W. A. Glass, A. Wilson, W. H. Scilley, Mrs, H. Bottom row--A. F. Annis, B. J. Gay, T. H. Fursey, Rev. Dr. H. 8S. Dougall, S. J. Taylor, E. Fleming,0, M. Alger, S. Dougall, Mrs. O. M. OFFICIAL BOARD OF SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The members of the Official Board of Simcoe Street Umited Church which will all next week celebratethe diamond jubilee of the erection of the church, are shown in the above picture: Top row, left to right--W. H. James, J. C. Anderson, T. E. East, Joseph White, E. 0. Phillips, A. Weir, R, Snowden, Dr. G. L. Bird, Alger, John Wil-son, S. F. Howard. leaking tops make bright Send for this Sample Beauty Kit Beautify your car at our ex- pense. Send us this coupon (with 10 cents to partiall cover cost of mailing) po | we'll send you the a . 1 Sample sa No. 7 $B Set No. 7 1 sample can of No, 7 Auto Top Finish, No: 7 Duco Polish ae, SE car, ines the finish, FLINT PAINT AND Toronto 9, Ontario. Send me your to help psy mailing Name..cvussssssssssesesssssssss SUCLL..00usisnnessssnsssessssnns A POTTY radiators, grime and grease marked bodies, dingy to fix them with the NUMBER SEVEN GROUP. Three handy helps to car pride -- one for the body -- one for the top -- one to the whole kit. prised how easy it is to keep that showroom shine ! Made by the Makers of DUCO VARNISH LIMITED, sample Beauty Kit for my auto, I am enclosing 10 cents cost. CitYusinnasnnssnnsssesssnrsasonssonnses PIOVINE. .00vensesases or -- no trouble at all parts brilliant. Buy You'll be sur- No. 7 Auto Top . Finish Gives a lasting, brilliant finish that waterproofs all kinds of auto tops. EE EP] EE