Oshawa Daily Times, 9 May 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST 'SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. Mrs. M. Rowe. Bethel, spent & few days with her daughter. Mrs. ¥arrell, Oshawa, . Ta Mr. Percie Maybee spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. B. Maybee, Rossmount. - . = Mr, and Mrs, Bert Smith and son, of this city. were recent visi- tors at the home of Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr, and Mrs, Lightle. Rossmount. LIE Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson and family, Miss M. *B, Peters, , R.N., and Mrs. Leo Ke-ler motored to Garden Hill Friday evening and at- tended the play 'Mother of Mine", given in the United Church of that village. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Everson and children, Margaret and Robert, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mullen, Lindsay. KING ST. SCHOOL ASSOCIATION MEET Last evening the King street Home and School Association held its last business meeting of the year. The president, Mrs. Hart- man, presided. ' The pupils of the school have been given flower and vegetable seeds for exhibits at the Fall Fair and the Association is anxious that they take an interest in producing the best exhibit possible. Mrs, G. Norris will again donate prizes for plain sewing. The cooking after having been judged will be given to the Hospital tent. i On June 2 a parent and children picnic of. the school will be held in Alexandra Park, Mrs, Jarrell was appointed convener of a com- mittee to take charge of the sports. The association pienic will be held on June 12, at the "Cream of Bar- ley" park. In the near future the Entrance So easy now fo prevent Perspiration Odour Margaret's frocks were always charming, her headdress lovely and her skin beauti- fully white and smooth , , , she seemed literally a picture of personal refinement, but, . , perspiration odour! So offensive, yet now wholly needless, Millions of refined persons have learned thdt to keep the skin.wholesomely sweet and clean, it is only necessary to change to Lifebuoy Soap, purposes, for all Toilet Soap : This delightful aid to personal charm, gives every service you expect from the choicest toilet more, Lifebuoy's antiseptic lather not only cleanses and + prevent perspiration --- Neutralize it Physicians say the sverage human body It's a healthful pro- cess. Don't try to smother it. Just use Lifebuoy Soap in the bath. keeps beautiful the skin, but actually puri- fies the millions of tiny pores and banishes perspiration odour from bath to bath. And there is ne Price Penalty The attractively pack- aged, orange red cake costs less than many "soaps" which being just: soap, lack Lifebuoy's priceless purifying IFEBUO Health Soap Purifies and Protects Class will take a trip to Toroamto to the Art and Museum. The officers for the ensuing year were elected and are as fol- lows: honorary president--Mrs. Myers; president--Mrs. G. Norris; first vice-president--Mrs. Eadie; second vice-president--Miss C. Cruse; grecording secretary--rs. Pipher; corresponding secretary----- Miss M. Adair; treasurer--Mrs, Harper; press reported--Miss E, Lyons; executive committee--NMes- dames Haverson, A. Garbutt, Arm- our, Baird, Rutledge, Jarrett, Salt- er, Storie, Twilley, Thompson, and Misses Barrowclough, Gilders. and Kaiser. Miss Kerr's room won the monthly prize and the program by her room was greatly enjoyed. Miss M. Haines and Master Jack Sherwood coritributed recitations and Miss Helen a piano solo. Mr. C. Young, of the Oshawa Collegi- ate read several articles from the Acta Ludi and Mr. G. Maxwell sang a\solo. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Weddings BROCK--McKNIGHT A quiet wedding took place on Saturday, May 5, at King street United Church parsonage when Marjorie Jane Bernice, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs. David McKnight, Bowmanville, became the bride of Gordon Garfield Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brock, of Darlington Township. The young couple were attended by Miss Gladys Brock, sis- ter of t groom, and Mr, Nelson Hamlyn, "512 Simcoe street south. Just Suppose If all that we 'say In a single day With never a word left,out, Were printed each night In clear black and white, 'Twould prove queer reading, no doubt, And then just suppose Ere one's eyes he could close, He must read the day's record through Then woudn't one sigh, And wouldn't he try A great deal less talking to do? And T more than half think That many a kink Would be smoother in life's tang- led thread, If one half that we say In a single day Were left forever unsaid, Taghiony A Smart Schooltime Frock Practical yet decidedly smart is this attractive one-piece frock having the two-piece effect. The box-plaited skirt is joined to the bodice and the sleeves may be long and gathered to narrow wrist-bands, or short. A becoming round finishes the meck and a trim belt # buckle in front. NO. Eff ga SE NN To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find ......., Conts, Mother's Day SUNDAY MAY 13 Give Her a Hat There is ne way so prac- tical to express the spirit of Mother's Day than by giv- ing her a hat. It's a gift she'll appreciate, for an ex- tra hat is always welcome to every woman. A large selection of smart styles awaits Your imnspee- tion in all colors with large head sizes well represented. And if the hat you choose is not becoming, we will gladly exchange the hat or refund your money, CLEARING $2.98 Here's a special that shouldn't be overlooked. Every hat in the lot has been marked down regard- less of cost. Included are soft braids with veils, bril- liant straws trimmed with smart pins or ribbon motifs _ and- fine crochet viscas. A wide range of colors and head sizes makes the lot un- usually attractive. Regular to $6.50, Specially reduced to $2.98. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED # KING ST. EAST PTS PF EFT EERE YT FE Name Address TOWED. ..0 sopnssonmoswssnss Provines . .sscssssvsnssnns Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap cols arefully. FEIT EIT ERE sss BaF ra Eres, EVER READY CLASS HOCD SOCIAL AND BUSINESS MEETIN An interesting meeting of a so- cial and business nature was held Tuesday evening in the Sunday School rooms of the Simcoe street United Church by the Ever Ready Bible Class. Mrs. Bull gave a read- ing and Mrs, Germond and Mrs. Bartlette contributed piano selec- tions, During the evening a shower of groceries was received from members of the class, which are to be used to support needy families of the city. Refreshments were served by the committee, assisted by Mrs, Adair and Mrs. Perkins, | Household Hints SIPPOTLESS TOWELS If you rinse your tea towels out in borax water daily, they will stay spotless and have a refreshing odor, SOOTHING MASSAGE A massage often soothes a pa- tient to sleep. Try dipping the fingers in quite warm olive oil he- fore rubbing the back, It Is twice as soothing. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Hot biscuits, split and buttered } well, make ideal individual straw- | berry shortcakes when covered with crushed berries and sugar, OFF-WHITE Off-white hosiery is the thing to wear with the brilliant colored evening slippers now. It aceents the color of the slippers and is summery. PASTRY CARE Have care where you stand pas- try just out of the oven. A cold or draughty place often condenses the steam and makes it heavy. THIS IS THE END (West Point Pointer) She (tragically): Stop, this can't go on! Shoe Salesman (soothingly). Very well, madam, we'll try another size, PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION NEET Enrolled--Hear O.E.A. Report : The regular meeting Westmount Parent and Tea p Association was held Monday even- ing, with Mrs. C. Barnes presiding. There was a splendid attendance and nine mew members were en- rolled. An interesting report was read by the president of the O.E. A. convention, which she attended in Toronto during Easter week. Ar- rangements were made for a rum- mage sale and also for a candy saie to be held sh-rtly, Mrs. Childerhose will be convener of the rummage sale and Mrs. Mathews of the candy sale. A request for baseball equip- ment had been recei cided to provide these at once, returns from the Pond sale, which were very gratifying, were turned over ing closed in the usual manner, Lunch was served by Mrs, Potts and the committee. t At the next meeting the club is to have the pleasure of hearing a talk by Dr. Chloa Brown and a musical program is being arranged. Fashion Notes FLOWERED GLOVES Paris sends us delicately colored kid gloves that have pansies, for- get-me-nots and other colored kid flowers appliqued on their cuffs, CONVERTIBLE SUNSHADE A new colorful beach sunshade on a long handle is found to fold up and slide away and be convert- ed into a walking stick. WILLOW-GREEN UNDIES Willow-green chiffon and crepe de chine fashions some lovely sum- mery undies, One gown, teddy and petticoat set has signs of the zo- diac on it in five paste] shades. BOLERO STYLES A printed bolero tops a moulded- form cherry colored frock and gives a piquant note of style, The same print makes a cute hat to top the outfit, COLLAR'S IMPORTANCE Collars are in again and thelr importance is shown by their in- dividuality, . The sailor collar fis very new and good for sports, PORCUPINE SALAD Drain stewed or canned halygs of pears, Into the small end of each half stick 2 whole cloves. Cut 1 cup almonds into heavy shreds, Stick these into the pears, Lay on a bed of shredded lettuce pd serve with fruit sala dressing. The pear hollow may be filled with a cream cheese and grated pine- apple mixture if desired. MOTHER OF SIX CHILDREN - BENEFITED Read how Lydia E. Pink~ ham's Vegetable Com» pound Helped Her ham's Vegetabl solved to take it, me more strength. I and now I am ver work without y one of ters who was very wi sak snd | recon ittoall A%oinen. I reply to women Ww me." --DAMB Lauzon, 679 Diamond Jubilee SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH May 13th to May 20th, Inclusive SPEAKERS AT SUNDAY SERVICES 11 am. May 13th DR. -DOUGALL, Pastor 7 p.m, May 13th REV. A. J. JOHNSTON, B.A, D.D. Victoria College, Toronto Il a.m. May 20th REV. S. D. CHOWN, D.D,, LL.D. General Superintendent of former Methodist Church 7 pom. May 20th REV. W. H. SEDGEWICK, D.D. Metropolitan Church, Toronto Saturday. Johns Music Store, Special Music at all services. . Special Programs every evening during week except You are welcome at all services. Souvenir Booklet with full Program available at the] from he boys of the school and it wag de- he to the treasurer. The meet- Which came in too late for last week's sale. 10 different styles in first qual. ity, pure Silk Fugi Broadcloth, mostly in white with a small proportion and 18 only, Thursday TORONTO WOMAN TEACHES 30 YEARS Miss Mary Cherry, Principal of Western Avenue School Retires in June » Toronto, May 9.--Thirty years of school teaching have only 'deep- ened the twinkle in the eyes of Miss Mary E. Cherry, principal of West- ern Avenue Public School, who is retiring at the end of June. She is of Irish extraction, born in Dun- das, Ont,, and has that keen sense of. the ridiculous--that fine sense of "humor--which is simply un- quenchable. Teaching was never work to her, she declares. "Don't think I'm re- signing because I'm incapacitat- ed," Miss Cherry said. "I'm npt a bit worn out, but I'm going » give some one else a chance. What am I going to do? Why, nothing, of course." Miss Cherry is the only woman in Canada who ever trained a School Cadet Corps. During the war, when no man teacher was available for the purpose, she took charge of the boys, drilled them hard for three months--and the school obtained third place in the district "I took them down to the Ar- mories, and, of course,.I was the only woman around," said Miss Cherry, "Everyone stared, but what did I care?" RIN-TINTIN AT NEW MARTIN THEATRE COMING THURSDAY Mvi-- Rin-Tin-Tin comes to the New Martin theatre Thursday for a run of three days in "A Dog of the Regiment," a Warner. Bros. pro- duction. The exciting film is Char- les R. Condon's picturization of the Albert S. Howson story, and de- picts the adventures of a German Red Cross dog during the stirring days of the World War. The four- footed hero saves a former pal, now an American aviator, from a burn- ing plane, hairbreadth escapes and braves many dangers by land and air. Rin- Tin Tin becomes a flyer in "A Dog of the Regiment," and does it with a swaggering enjoyment which sets the crowd yelling with delight. Tom Gallery, Dorothy Gulliver and Jobn Peters are in the cast. Ross Lederman directed. Recent Deaths MRS. SAMUEL MARLER Word has been received of the passing of a former well known resident in the persom of Isabella Sproule, wife of Samuel A. Marler, whose death occurred at Edmon- ton, Alta., on Monday, May 7; The 4 of the following colors: pen Blue and Nile Green, and afterward makes of 60 Only Fugi . Dresses 0) Peach, Co- Sizes 16 Regular $3.95 Dresses. On Sale $2.55 --_--_"n deceased who lived here for a num- | by motor at about 3 p.m., daylight ber of years was loved and re- spected by all who knew her, SARAH JANE NOBES The death occurred yesterday of Sarah Jane, widow of the late Matthew Nobes, late of this city, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John, W. Schram, 93 Strath- more Boulevard, Toronto, The late Mrs. Nobes was well known here and her death will be much regret- ted by a large cirele of friends and acquaintances. The deceased had reached a hearty age and was in her 82pd year, A private fyneral service will be held tomorrow, May 10, at 1.20 p.m., at the above address, inter. ment to be made at the Union Cemetery, Oshawa. The funeral cortege is expected to arrive heres saving time, SLICKER PARKS BEATEN Rochester, May 8--Rochester took the third game of the series against Reading, 7 to 3 here today, Jim Me- Cracken allowed nine hits, but went the full route for the home outfit, Parks was hit hard, while he was in the box for the visitors. i ----r A reputation of over thirty, years is at stake every time a ckage of Red Rose Orange ekoe Tea is sold, So highly is this reputation prized that the makers have authorized sour grocer to replace any sackage free of charge that does not satisfy you in every, particular, your old watch won't keep time--trade it in for a fashionable BULOYA WATCH. No matter how old your watch may be or how badly it needs fixing-- bring it fo us. We will make you a liberal allowance on it towards the purchase of a beautiful new BULOVA RONA --This beautifully engmved Jo ¥iceed with 15 jemel $2475 movement >. s oe proof case, radios din, 15 89 475 Investigate this TRADE-IN SALE plan--' and be sure to bring your old watch with you BASSETT'S ON OSHAWA'S MAIN CORNER WATCH sated fled, ci hoot Se fom $500 EE I... L

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