REPRESENTATIVES IN US. Powers asd Stome, Inc, New York and Chicago. [i hr z WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 EEE PROCRASTINATION In his preachments Elbert Hubbard re- flects "I am not sure just what the unpar. donable sin is, but I believe it is the disposi- tion to postpone and evade the payment of small bills," How vast is the army of work- ers-for-their-fellowmen who can say amen to that little sermon. Perhaps there are sins more unpardon- able than "the postponement and evasion of bill-paying," but at least it cannot be said that there is a sin more frequent in commis- sion, Tradespeople, professional men and other public servants will attest to that lat- ter as a declaration of fact. To be sure, no one would place the brand of "dead-beat" upon all who are slow in pay, There are extenuating circumstances in all phases of life and financial reverses, pov erty and ill-fortune are visited upon most members of the human family sometime during their worldly existence. Toward such the creditor-world gladly shows pa- tience, But Hubbard remarks that "curious- ly enough, the people who are most given to this sort of sin are not the poor nor the il- literate." ; Hubbard might have mused over the mat- ter further and found that the "postponers and evaders of payments of small bills" may be divided into two groups, those, who must gratify a mania for buying, knowing they have not the wherewithal to pay for their extravagances, and those who, without any perverted intent to defraud or cheat, have allowed themselves to acquire the habit of "slow-paying."" The former in time lose their credit but the latter lost the respect rd : of their fellowmen, which man is entitled to the dollar he has and if you accept service you admit his to his "pay" for that service. ALL CAN HELP While Oshawa has much to be proud-of as it considers past achievements, it would be 'sheer folly at this stage of the city's devel- opment to rest on the oars and be content with laurels already won, Oshawa's present high standing among communities of its size has been won as a result of foresight and aggressive policies on the part of those who in earlier years believed in the home town and, armed with that faith, fought along, uphill fight for the things that make Oshawa a better place in which to live. Never before in its history has Oshawa been in position to go forward in such rapid and substantial development as right now, But to do the things that must be done if the community is to continue to pro- gress there can be no diminution of that * spirit which made it what it is today. In this work of building the home town everybody may and should contribute his bit. In fact, it is unfair for the great body of citizens to stand idly by while a minority of more public spirited citizens takes upon its shoulders the whole burden of making Osh- awa larger, better and more prosperous. A few energetic citizens can accomplish much but no matter how great their work it would be dwarfed by the achievements possible from 100 per cent, community co- operation, It required thousands of slaves to build the pyramids and the Chinese wall. With every citizen talking and working for Oshawa there can be no retrogression, EDITORIAL NOTES Two popular musical instruments are the dinner horn and the horn of plenty. How dull business would be if every man refrained from buying until he could afford it, Who can remember when the peroxide blonde was about the most dangerous men- ace to husbands? It is easy to acquire a reputation, but it -takes a lot of hard work to make a good one, Just to demonstrate how busy we have been with stern reality, it can be cited that a year has passed and failed to bring out a single new breakfast food. | ana Ae, sitio. A Sign of SATISFACTORY REFINISHING OOK for this sign--it means that we are fully authorized to refinish your car with Genuine Duco--under the com- plete Duco System specified by Flint Paint & Varnish, Limited (Sole Cana- dian Manufacturers of DuPont Duco), Our shops are fully equipped, Our work- men are experts and our workmanship has been approved. Phone or call and let us give you an - estimate of the cost and a delivery date. - MERRITT'S PAINT & AUTO BODY REPAIR CO. 20 Church Street »ie Oshawa, Ont. FLINT PAINT & VARNISH LIMITED, TORONTO, ONTARIO Subsidiary of Canadian Industries Limited There is only ONE Duco--DUPONT Duco Re. pth 4 At a Glance The gemeral impression of the wargin China to the layman thro the reading of newspap- ers and novels is that a number 'of generals sit in back parlors and smoke opium look wise and talk c¢ontingously. E | Ye . WHat a lot of trouble those residents must have gone to when news came into Table Rock Cove and the Saluda Valley that the dam was going to burst. And all for nothing. The dam didn't burst after all, LJ . Governments don't seem to be a very good thing, now-a-days. Peadts in Rumania demand the govemnment to resign. Mexico seergs also to have been mixed up with its government. . LJ . n A fine thing these Americans are ng to do. Let Lindbergh fly t Atlantic again? One of these times there might be some reason for complaint if he fails to arrive at his destination. Keep him going while you've got him. LJ LJ LJ From pow on henceforth and forevermore, ye aldermen of the town of Oshawa, remember this: that in future no alderman will speak of, mention concerning, at- tempt to influence, or in any oth- er way decide for another alder- ma whether that said alderman will second a motion or not, LJ * LJ Thirteen diamonds in one bridge hand, Well, the pessimist would say that neverthless there would be no diamonds in the opposite hand to lead into, LJ ® * City Clerk is already receiving literature about the proposed air port near Whitby, This morning there came a pamphlet on "How to deal with the y Nuisance." LJ] * LJ Shantung is again captured. It seems that from force of habit the city looks forward to changing hands when any uprising occurs, LJ * * Try It Don't go handing out your troub- les To your busy fellow men-- If you whine around they'll try to Keep from meeting you again, Don't declare the world's agin' you, Don't let pessimism win you, Prov# theer's lots of good stuff in ' you-- Keep sweet, * LJ . remember that a of the world a certain We can't single prediction coming to an end on date ever came true. LJ LJ LJ The Moon The moon is different from the sun, It doesn't give forth any light like the sun, but acts as a mirrgr so that the sun can see the top of the earth when it is at the bottom, Sometimes the moon is covered so that no light may he seen from the earth, This is be+ cause there has come a cloud be- tween the two, The moon sees many things. At least, it would if it were a live moon, but it is- n't. When the moon 18 out, many more dates are made." Why? Be- caugg. you can drive the car with- out light so as to break anoth- er traffic law, Thert should be 'y Qfferoncs between moon shine an oonshine, because the form- er is literally correct and the lat- ter is rather hot, quite apart from the soft and cool radiance of the moon, * 0» To tell the truth. * . * By Renrut, ' DISTINCTIVENESS Montreal, May 9.,--Since the thing that each person holds mos: preciousgin his distinctiveness, that something which makes him differ- ent from his fellows, social case work is now taking as one of its primary tenets the recognition of the intrinsic value of each person- ality, Miss Ruth Hill, of New York, and of the American Association for Organizing Family Social Work, stated in an address on "Infinite Differences." One field which was apt to forget this, she said, was the mission or lodging house for old men. Another outstanding fea- ture of modern social work, she continued, was the acknowledge- ment of the importance of child training. i ¥ NARBOW ESCAPE Ottawa, May 8.--A blll to incor- porate the London & Port Stanley Railway was blocked, but not de- feated, by the Railway Committee of the House of Commons today. After passing the preamble of the bill at a meeting last week, the committee this morning defeated one the clauses respecting capi- talization, It was pointed out that at both meetings the attendance at the committee had not been repre- sentative, and, rather than kill the bill because one clause was reject- ed, it was agreed to sit again, "I WOULD I WEBE A BIRD" St. Thomas, May 8.--The vaca- tioning spirit is even affecting poultry in this cty, and affecting them early in the season. In order to erect a new chicken house at the rear of his residence, Walter Wilson, local business man, is ar- ranging to send his flock to the country for two or three weeks op vacation. 'The poultry are being moved to a farm near the city te morrow, where they will enjoy the: country air and rural simplicity IS REAL SERMON g ) oAILINGg TO EUROPE FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool May 17 .... May 25 | Jum *June 1 .... «+ Melita June 8 | luly 6 Montcalm June 15 | July 13 . Duchess of Bedford * 2 Via Greenock. *Via Belfast and Greenock. Minnedosa Montclare To Cherb South Antu JAUME 2B uaa sissiansarersnrnransns Montrose To Beliast-Glasgow JURE J aii arian raany Melita June 14 | July 12 ......... Minnedosa To Antwerp (Via Greenock) June 20 tyrenesennesiranenaanne Metagama FROM QUEBEC EMPRESS EXPRESS SERVICE May 23 | June 13 Empress of Australia May 30 | June 20 -mpress of France June 6 | June 27, Empress of Scotland Cabin class to Liverpool. To Cherbourg-Seuthampton *May 26 | **June 23 Montroval TUBE 3 Co irrrancitsssains an Montnairn 3 *Goes to Hamburg. ? Calls at Antwerp and Cobh, **--Goes to Cobh and Hamburg, Apply Local Agents or J. E. PARKER, General Agent, Phone ADelaide 2105 C.P.R. Bldg, Toronto. -- MANY EELS USED FOR TABLE FOOD Toronto, May 9.--Eels--not the species of lamprey that attached themselves to the swimmers in the lake marathon last summer, nor yet the conger eel, hut eels none the less--to the extent of "many tons come to many a Toronto tas ble as food. The silver cel is sold by one dealer at the rate of 10,000! pounds a year. 'The Jew will not touch an eel. It is against his re- ligions principles. Generally speak- ing, they sell at from.12 to 18 cents a pound, and are brought from Prince Edward Island, Quebee, 1iri- tish Columbia and Nova Scotia," The dealer said eels were palatable to. taste when served up either fried or as a vealed jelly. "Recause of their healing quali- ties, very often the skins are used in the treatment of sprained wrists," FEES NOT ENOUGH (By Canadian Press) Toronto, ©Ont., May $9.--Extraet from a case in division court: -- "The secretary of the club said in his evidence the fees were $65 per annum for single' men, and $75 for married." His Heanor: "It should be $175, so that the men would stay at home." Man So Nervous Feels His Stomach Jump "I'got so nervous my stomach felt like it was jumping. Vinol en- tirely relieved the trouble, I feel better than in years,"'---J. C. Duke, Vinol'is a compound of jron, phosphates, cod liver peptone, ete. The very FIRST bottle makes you sleep better and have a BIG appe- tite. Nervous, easily tired people | are surprised how QUICK the iron, | phosphates, ete., give new life and | pep. Vinol tastes delicious, Jury & | Lovell, Druggists, N Coming to Detroit ? Ask Hote) Fort Shelby to tickets DETROIT 4 | I ----_--_s lu | against Mr. Chaplin. (Chicago Daily News) "There's a gifted couple." "I'll say.e His father gave them a house and lot and her dad gave 'em $50,000 and' a new car. AH, HE FOUND OUT (Mail and Empire) De Valera has got ahead of May- or Thompson of Chicago by his dis. covery that the Irish Free State representative in Washington 1s merely part of the British Embas- SY. BUSINESS (Boston Glabe) Mae: "Jack asked for his'ring?" Jean: "Yes, but he won't get it. Ipromised to pay him what it cost him when he bought it. Diamondd are more expensive now, HE DOUNYS IT (Hamilton Herald) Leader Sinclair is a comparative. ly young man, and therefore might be pardoned for his remarkable statement that in the days of the Ross government there were not nor could be any élection irregular- ities. AN EXPERT NOW (St. Catharines Standard) On the occasion of his stumping the St. Catharines riding the pro- vinelal election of 1923, Mr, W, T. R. Preston threatened a libel suit By this time he is no doubt an expert in that phase of the law. HUNTING BY AEROPLANE (Vancouver Province) Instead of "mushing'" for many weary days over trail and stream, Indian trappers in the Yukon mow | reach the haunts of the fur-bearing animads in a few hours via air- plane. Even the wise old fox does not know what is going to happen next, TEETH EXTRACTION (Toronto Mail and Empire) The death of a young married woman of Richmond Hill from in- fection that followed the extrac- tion of some teeth is by no means the first case of the kind to be noted. Indeed, serious illness fol- lowing teeth extraction is heard of all too frequently, and suggests that either the extraction has been clumsily performed or, what fis more probable, that the teeth should have been permitted to re- main, 10,000 TRACTORS FOR PRAIR. TIES, (Government Bulletin) An increase of 64 per gent in the sales of farm tractors in 18927 over 1926 is revealed in statistics of the farm implement trade, The sales. of tractors in 1927 in the Prairie Provinces werg: Manitoba, 1,414; Saskatchewan, 5,727; and Alberta, 2,885, The total number of tractors now in use on farms in these provinces is 50,136. Along with the sales of tractors there is a corresponding market for larger implements than are handled by horses, An important facto in the tractor market has been the suc- cessful introduction of the combine harvester on the Canadian Prairies, BALANCE IN INDUSTRY (St. Catharines Standard) A total of 490 unemployed men at Winnipeg, are registered for farm work, A great many of the number have been in Canada only a matter of a year or two. The news from Winnipeg is indi- cative of a condition jin Canada which is a matter for the study {and direction of statesmen, In recent years, Canada's policy has been to put all her eggs in the izricultural basket, The result is, employment on a large scale in ies like Winnipeg, for many ynths at a time, . This country should establish a <lance in industry, There may al- ays be seasonal unemployment, In + northern clime that is unavoid- ible. But we have resources in anada which should make this yuntry one of the greatest manu- cturing countries in the world. o steel which now goes into tomobile manufacture should be iilled in Canada; our iron ore should be developed. RTIN-SENOUR and Travel Regular saving dur- ing the year will -make it possible to travel at holiday time. Bank a definite por- tion of your income. "THE BANK Established 1871 Oshawa Branch T. W. JOYCE, Manager Tr ---- OFFICES AT: -- TORONTO, ONT, BUFFALO, N.Y. OSHAWA, ONT. SARNIA, ONT, , OWEN SOUND, ONT. Oshawa Office Times Building Tele phone 270 ERS A.L. HUDSON & Co. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE STANDARD STOCK and MINING EXCHANGH NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE (Ass'ts) NEW YORK CURB MARKET (Ass'te) DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE CONNECTIONS | TO ALL PRINCIPAL MARKETS THROUGH. OUT CANADA and UNITED STATES A 0. : Resident Manager: C. N, HENRY : One Thing Is Certain You make no mistake when you use An- thracite Coal, Its even burning quality and real heat making power cannot be equalled in any other coal, You doubly insure comfort and satisfac. tion when you use- The Coal That Satisfies We can make prompt deliveries of all sizes ASK FOR THIS STAMP BRICK, LIME, WOOD, CEMENT H. M. Fowlds 81 King St. W, Phone 81 It Pays louse 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES A Special product ~ for every purpose-~ for every surface NEU-TONE VASILE able paint while their new home is being con-§ & SONS OSHAWA A fo 't