PAGE . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 SEAN ESNEN RENAN ENERNNNNERNANNNNNNANSNNNEEENEN ANNAN RSEENNRENEEE Chal Full Of SE -- ' The Greatest oiling Event Ever Staged Here ! 1 We must Yalis $3,000 in the next tem days--We have no other alternative. On account of the backward season we must raise the money as we can't afford to carry stock over. It's the chance of a lifetime. Th ds upon th ds of dollars worth of merchandise has been coming in and we can't take chances. Folks, this is positively beyond a shadow of doubt the biggest bargain carnival ever staged in this city, and we don't mean maybe. Prices have been marked so low that our store will be jammed with eager buyers every mi of this stup ten days, A PRICE SMASHING EVENT! "Nufsed" folks--Read these prices, see the gdods--and yom'll admit it's the biggest bar- gain feast you've ever witnessed. Look! Read! And you'll come early. Store closed Wednes. day--REMARKING STOCK SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MAY 10th STORE OPENS A1 9 AM. SHARP Just a Few of The Thousand and one Bargains, Come In--Don't Stay Away ! COTTON SOCKS 9 a.m. sharp Thursday $1 9 a.m. sharp Thurs day. Reg. T5c. 4c MEN'S COTTON SOCKS Reg. 35¢c. Must Raise Money 22¢ - OXFORDS AND SHOES Fine Calf and Kid leathers in latest styles, blacks, browns and tans, Goodyear welt soles. Reg. to $7.50. Must Raise Money. NEWEST SPRING CAPS For Men. Reg. $1.50. Must Raise Money MEN'S SHOES A large selection Fine and Work Shoes, black or brown in various styles. Reg, val- Her 92.98 Canvas Shoes $1. 29 and Oxfords .... MEN'S BALBRIGGAN MEN'S g 4.5 COMBINATIONS COTTONADE Reg. 31.50. PANTS so Money Extfa Strong Work Pants. Reg. $2.25. Must Raise Money , = 91. 19 MEN'S .. SLICKERS Money «vv revee 34:99 BROAD- CLOTH SHIRTS A large variety of shades including white, grey, tan, otc. Regular $2.25. Must Raise Money. OVERALLS Reg. $1.75 and $2.00, Must BOYS' Heavy quality in blue, black Raise COTTON HOSE . $1.39 or stripe, Reg. $1.75. Must \ Money Raise GS : Black and. brown colors, Money J Cl A ee, hs, Reg. 3Gc pr. Money Raising Sale 22¢ PENMAN'S "71" SHIRTS and DRAWERS UNDERWEAR Reg. $1.00. Must 69¢ MEN'S KHAKI MEN'S "PANTS Raise Money ... PENMAN"S "71" ; ATONE ug Combinations, Reg. COMBIN ATIONS MEN"S SUITS Money . Fine Wool Tweeds and Reg, $1.35. I Worsteds, latest styles. Raise Money Reg. to $30, We Must Raise Money WORK SHIRTS MEN'S OVERALLS Heavy Khaki, Blue : Railroad and Cham- bray Work Shirts. Reg, to $1.50 Must Ruse... 98¢ BOYS' FIRST SILK SOCKS Regular to 65c. Must Raise Money 80c pair, 3 pr. for $1.00 BOYS' CAPS Tweed Mixtures, Reg, 98c Must Raise Regular $1.25. Must Raise Money 89¢ OXFORDS AND SHOES In latest lasts, black and brown calf leathers. Regs values $6. Must Raise Money . $2. 98 Running Shoes, crepe soles, and Oxfords, 1st quality material $1.29 MEN"S WORK SHIRTS Blue Chambray, Khaki and Railroad Blue, large make. Reg. $1. Must Raise 64c Money Reg. to $25 Men's Wool Sweater A large variety of newest wool tweeds and - worsteds in latest Men's and Young Men's style, best of tailoring and workmanship. 'in various shades and all sizes. Must Raise Money $10.95 BOYS' BLUE SERGE MIDDY SUITS fon $2, 98 BOYS' KHAKI PANTS Reg. $1.26 value. Must Raise Money. 89c BOYS' WASH SUITS Reg. $1.25 value, Must Raise Money 98¢ ww. $160-$1.98 MEN'S CAPS Newest Spring Pat- terns. Reg. to $2.25, 98¢ LADIES' BROADCLOTH BLOOMERS Regular 75c¢ value, . Must Raise Money 69¢ LADIES' HOSE In black, sand, peach and flesh shades, Regularl 7be. Must Raise PURE SILK TIES Reg. to $1.00, Must Raise Money 49¢ MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Good Prints, Regular to $1.76. Must Ralse Money .. PR TR, OVERALLS Heavy weight, best quality blue stripe or black design. lg Mes, a 1. 59 MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS Medium weight Fine Wool Tweeds, various shades and patterns. Reg, to $3.50. Must Raise Money IT SURE IS GIVEAWAY PRICES!! CHILDREN'S PANTIE DRESSES Reg. $1.25 value. 98¢c Must Raise Money . . NOTE THE ADDRESS --- The LEADER Dry SIMCOE ST. CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS Reg. $1.25 value. Must Raise Money 89¢ SOUTH LADIES' PURE THREAD SILK HOSE All colors, Reg. $1.00 value. Must Raise OF v BOYS' COMBINATIONS In Balbriggan. A reg. 75¢ value. Must Raise Money English Worsted Suits! English Worsteds and I'weeds, newest patterns, all wool of course in latest models, Come in and see them. Regular $35.00, Must Raise Money, $14.95 Fine Broadcloth SHIRTS Including newest check and stripe patterns, best make. Reg. values to $4.00. Must Raise Moncey BOYS' SUITS Tweeds and Blue Suits with bloomer pants, Reg. $10.00 ney Si Rates $5.95 COURSE IT IS AT Goods Store raw OSHAWA LONGERS SUITS In tweeds of many shades. Regular $12.50 value. Must Money verses $700 SA lL LL L BOYS' FIRST LONG PANTS Odd Trousers in Tweeds of many patterns. Reg. $2.50. Must Raise Money RTS TI SPRING COATS Spring Coats, light shade. Regular $20.00 MEN'S CAPS Men's Caps, Thursday 10.00 o'clock. | Special, vu. ivieri 29¢ BOYS' SUITS Boys' 4-Piece Suits, large tize only... Just $3.95 a few left ONTARIO ' -' . .