Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Apr 1928, p. 5

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- --_-- Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. --Mr. T. Baresie visited friends in Port Perry over the week-end. --Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Gale, ac- companied by Mrs. Chubb, left to- day for a trip to New York, where they will spend a week. --Misses Veta and Merle Steph- enson, Aberdeen street, a'tended the Graduates' Reunion of the Claremont Continuation Scho»! Fri- day night. Weddings STONE--CORBY A very pretty Easter wedding was solemnized at St. George's Rec- tory on April 5th, when Gladys Irene, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Corby, Simcoe street south, became the bride of Arthur Stone, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, 8. Stone, Albert street. Rev Can. on C. R dePencier officiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked very charm- ing in a powder blue dress, trim- med with lace, corresponding hat of mohair and blonde shoes and hose. She also wore a powder hlue coat, trimmed with moleskin and carried a houquet of sweetheart roses and lily of the valley. Her bridesmaid, Miss Beatrice Morris, wore a rosewood dress with sand mohair hat and blonde shoes and hose, Her bouquet was composed of Butterfly roses and fern. The groom was attended by Mr. A. Pat- terson. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a silver compact and to the best man a set of euff links, After a delightful lunch at the home of the bride, the happy couple left for Toronto and points west, For travelling the bride wore her bridal costume. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Stone will reside at 886 Simcoe Street South, A ---------------- slip REGULAR MEETING ST. GEORGE'S A.Y.P.A. St. George's A. Y. P, A, met as usual last evening (Monday) at 8 o'clock, in the Parish Hall, Centre street. The evening's program was given over to a euchre party, Priz- es were awarded to Mrs, Laurie and Mr. J. Short. Refreshments were served, and the evening closed shortly after 10 o'clock. The even- ing"s entertainment was much en- joyed by everyome present. REGULAR SESSION OF BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION There was a very good attend- ance at the regular weekly session of the Baptist Young People's Un- fon last night when Mr. Joe Wil- kins' group had charge of the pro- gram. The president occupied the chair and conducted the opening and business periods, during which time much business was disposed of. It was arranged to hold a Sunday eve- ning session of the society at the close of the church service on Ap- ril 29 in order that the Oshawa Young People's Christian Union might be taken in on Monday, the thirtieth, without affecting the pro- gram of toples as outlined in the syllabus. & committee. was appointed to make arrangements for a trip to Toronto on Friday next, to hear Gipsy Smith in his spécial addris~ to young people. A solo, "Whatever Is, is Best", was well given by Mrs J. W James and the Scripture Lesson was read responsively, led by Miss Jean Et- cher, The topic for the evening was "What Should We Read?" and was taken by Miss Beulah Galt, based upon the thought, "As a man think- eth in his heart, so {8 he." The study period closed with a service of worship conducted hy Mr Don- a'd Rice, the theme of whih was The Bible, This concluded the meeting, A girl wrote "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and called it a career at 30, .and Edison sleeps only four hours a day because so much re- Nothing to Slip-- Nothing to Bind! HE May Belle Combination Brassiere Top Bloomer is much loved because of its real comfort and competency! firmly in place at the waist by the no-elastic bloomer, the brassiere can neither bind, Smartly cut and beau. tifully tailored, of soft, lovely lockstitch in fascinating _ past mains to be done.--Nelson News. Held nor catch and peste] ALWAYS IN LINE You'll Get Them at WARD'S SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "The Store That Supplies Values" Maybelle Lingerie SOLD AT H. ATKINS Ladie's Tailor and Hosiery 115 Simcoe Street South and durable, this dainty undie is indeed a trea- sure and is typical of all May Belle Let the May Belle label inside each garment be your guarantee for smart, desirable lingerie. adorable May Belle ior Lingerie ranges from - 2 to 14 years, Lingerie, The WITH THE MODE -- Fitted Hipline ~ The charming frock shown here has a bloused bodice with a deep V-shaped front finished with a col lar that terminates in a tie with a bow and loose hanging ends. The two-piece skirt is tucked at the top to achieve a snug effect below the blousing, and the long sleeves are gathered to wristbands. No. 1706 is in sizes 16 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 36 re- quires 33% yards 36-inch, or 2% yards 54-inch material, and % yard 274nch contrasting. Price 20 cents the pattern. The secret of distinctive dress lies in good taste rather than a lavish expenditure of money. Every woman should want to make her own clothes, and the home dressmaker will find 'he designs iI- Justrated in our new Fashion Book to be practical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the mode of the moment. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. PATTERN PURCHASE COTPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ,,,..,.. cents, Please send patterns listed be- BIBd i000 size , sige , EE IEE EE EE EE EE EEE EEE EE EE EN] Name Address foOwWD soo vee 'rovinee . +. . Price, 20 cents each, itamps or coin. Wrap coin se sess r IRs RIRN wrefully, WHIST DRIVE WAS A FINE SUCCESS On Monday evening a most en- joyable whist drive was held at avenue, by the Doughters of Eng- land, there being eight tables, The ladies' prizes were won by, 1st, Miss Cowley; 2nd, Mrs. Reed: 2rd, Miss Freda Perry. Gentlemen's prizes, 1st, Mr. Carey; 2nd, Mr. Balley; 3rd, Mr. T. Pollock, After the prizes were distributed supper was served by a committe of the ladies, CONMUNISH IS ROOTED IN JAPAN Government is Taking Ac. tive Steps to Suppress Agitators rms Tokio, April 12.--Communism is apparently beginning to take deep rootin the Japanese Empire. Be- cause of this the government has begun a series of active steps to suppress agitators and to round-up extremists. Dissolution of the Ron- oto an extreme political organiza- tion, as well as two other extremist bodies, has been ordered as they were declared to menace order and security. In connéction with the recent arrest of many Communists, the procurator-general made the statement that "the predominant aspect of the whole affair is the serious fact that Japan now is con- fronted by unusually grave nation- al difficulty, inasmuch as revolu- tion is pretty well diffused." The official opinion was that "the present attempt to undermine the foundation of the Empire from within is more serious than the threat of armed force from with- out." The strength of the Communist movement in Japan js attributed in part to the return from Russia last year of "leaders trained in fighting =~ethods by the leaders of the Third Internationale." i i! The reason a girl puts on more when she goes to bed at might than she wears in the daytime is because she doesn't expect anyone to see ber.--Los AnAgeles Examiner. Ww REDROSE TEA isgood ted ' Red Rose Orange Pekoe "In clean, bright Sv cee wean LIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1920 A ---------- =Top Quality Aluminum ------ HOW ENGLISH WOMEN DO PROPOSING DURING LEAP YEAR London, April 15.--Granting that women have (hd™ight to pro- pose during Leap Year, the ques- tion arises, "What is the best way 0! doing iL?" Real-life love stories sent to the Daily Sketch in connection with the Leap Year brides competition show that although hundreds of women believe they can propose during Leap Year without being considered unmaidenly, very few seem able 'to bring themselves to ask the question straight out. "Will you marry me?" In the vast majority of cases they go to considerable trouble to ensure against scaring the shy bachelor away, or causing embar- rassment to themselves by too di- rect an avowal. In other 'words, 'they clothe their proposal in feminine subtle- ties, and the man falls into the trap or embraces with joy the op- portunity he was too bashful to make for himself---whichever way you like to look at it. How to Catch Him Here are a few hints on how to catch your man, by those who have done so, taken from real-life postcards sent to the Daily Sketch. "I knew the man I wanted had a secret liking for me," wrote one Leap Year bride, 'so on February 29 I decided to help him. "I sent him a card which bore the inscription on the front: 'Why don't you take me seriously?' On the back I printed: 'From a great admirer, thinking he would not 2uess who sent it (hut hoping all the time he would). "The result was good. We mar- ried, and are very happy." Here is another way: "One sunny June I went on holi- days to the Italian Lakes. 'I'he glory and grandeur of them sank nto my very soul, and writing to my undeclared sweetheart, I said: 'The scenery here is so magnifi- cent that one simply longs for one's dearest to be here to - show its beauty.' "He wired back: 'Shall T come?' This is quite ingenious: "I won first prize at our loenl whist drive--anything I liked to choose from the shop of Mr. X, the bootmaker. On the day fol- lowing I went to Mr. X's shop and to his astonishment told him I would like to choose his chief as- sistant, with whom I had been very friendly for some time." Need it be added that the mar- riage was a success? This is how a Leap Year bride won her policeman hushand: "I wrote to him (she says): the home of Mrs, Carey, Gliddon | i Shur-on Glasses q I el - mg { | =v smi Jit (mT Q Styles in White Gold Rimless Spectacles ave now in style in vari- ous white gold mounts. Call in and see our large assortment Optical Dept, Jury & Lovell OPTICAL PARLORS Phone 28 or 68 TE ENT ETTRTITY = op An Eye OnYour Eye EE TO HOLD RUPTURE EXAMINATION FREE . in BELTS FAVRg (ol Wa oo) NETS 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO THEIR 'Dear Friend,--'Tis Leap Year, so you'll please excuse the liberty I'm taking, and oh, I hope you won refuse the offer I am making, I heard that you'd made up your mind to disregard the fair--I hope you won't be so unkind to leave me in despair. How can you lead a bachelor's life?--a wretched life 'twould be. Pray take unto your- self a wife, and let that wife be me" The policeman made a case of it and the lady has been very happy in his custody ever since. - Dancing to Happiness A clergyman's daughter propos- ed: to her father's curate in this way: "I knew he loved me, but he was poor and I was rich, One evening at our house the story of Jacob serving seven years for Ra. chel was mentioned. I took my courage in both hands, and said to him: 'You need not wait one year if you love the woman who loves you.'" (Married and ideally happy). And this is how it happened at a Leap Year dance: "I chose the shyest man pres- ent. I waltz rather well, so he thunked me for the pleasure and for my courage in asking him. "To which I laughingly replied: 'It was only as a dance partner [ proposed---not for life.' 'He. sald, 'I suppose you not go that far?' dare "Being challenged, I dared. and was accepted." (Blessings on Leap Year for a happy marriage.) The Gate And here are some other ways of winning your man which should prove helpful to would-be Leap Year brides: "Out for a walk one evening, I sald to my sweetheart: 'Do you think women are forward to pro- pose? 'Certainly not,' he replied. So I became forward!" (Married, and a model pair). "He stood shyly by a kissing gate in a Sussex lane. Blushing furiously, brown eyes shining, he sald 'will you kiss me?' Looking up under long lashes, I said, 'I shall only kiss the man I mean to marry." * (They kissed and are lovers still, though married). And if you need further en- couragement, two other postcards give it: "There are many good, shy Lovers - Form bachelors only waiting to be pro- . posed to." Corset is a bone- "Faint heart never won shy hus. band." less Corset, HER SALARY IS $18,000 A young girl from Switzerland made herself so valuable at the stocking counter of a Fifth aven- ue departmental store she was taken into the buying department and now makes three trips to Eu- rope yearly, with all expenses paid and a salary of $18,000 annu- ally, A department store manager tells me most promotions are the result of gratuitions compliments spoken or written in by customers, Attention is called to their alert- ness, they are watched and a big- ger job is the natural result. Few enter a clerkship to re- main in that post and almost in- variably it is politeness that re- leases them for bigger things, Tt is often not with the firm hy which they are emploved, but with other emnolyers who come in contact with them and make them hetter offers. A New York merchant prince once said "There is nothing hum- ble ahout a clerkship, It excels any other job I'know in giving a man or woman a chance to ex- nress worth and personality, I have watched thousands .and a good clerk never remains a clerk long." Lover's Form Corsets suitable for all ages. The grow- ing girl -- the athletic girl--the business girl -- the society girl-- the wife -- the mother -- and the grandmoth- er, Everygirl and every wom- an who wishes to appear smart, sleek and pleasingly smoothly 3,500,000 Pairs New York, April 15,--How a corporation went ahout disposing of 3,600,000 pairs of a former na- tionally advertised brand of hosiery valued at approximately $4,000,- 000 obtained more than 5,000,000 new customers for its product, swept aside competition and paved the way for future sales in cities and hamlets throughout the coun- try, embodies a tale in which an i intense. newspaper advertisirz cam- ' paign of a single week's duration played a conspicuous and almost sole part. Onyx Pointex Week, heralded in nearly 700 cities by a strong advertising program in which the jothamr Silk Hosiery Co., Ine, the manufacturer, joined with its 10,- 000 retail accounts, ended with a few odd sizes and colors left of the vast assortment shipoed from the 14 mills of the concern prior to the week of March 5. For 3 months these mills had heen oper- ating on an over-time schedule in preparation for the event, but scarcely had the week go under wey before merchants in widely scattered sections of the country begun to wire urgent requests for more merchandise. They had been allotted the goods on a basis of past sales, and were not wholly prepared for the rush that foilow- ed. Some asked for depleted styles, others for broken sizes, and still others for colors that had been sold out, More stated they could use twice the amount sent them, while others were kept so busy they had not the time to fill in h.fore they realized it was too late for further: deliveries. Toward (ie end of last week letters from stores in the East and wires from the West, congratulat- ing the company on fits initiative in conceiving the event, began to pour into Gotham's headquarters at 389 Fifth Avenue, New York, Early in the week there were numerous additional mnressages, the majority of which came. with clippings of advertisements attached. These ad- vertisements, ranging all the way from quarter-page to full-page layouts, contained fin mst in- stances the reproductions of one or more of the 168 mats mailed to each of the stores by the manu- facturer, A check-up on the drive was still in progress at the conmeern when an Editor and Publisher re- presentative called, but it was learned thal the $4,000,600 con- signment had been absorbed by the public with the exception of some odd colors and sizes. Previous estimates had placed the advertising expenditure at $300,000 for the week of March 5-10 alone. Roy E. Tilles, vice president of the manufacturing concern, stated that virtually all the stores had co-operated with individual advertisements in a tie- up with the firm's rotogravure layouts that appeared in news- papers of "key" cities on Sunday. March 4. Gotham also announced Onyx Pointex Week in a number of dailies March 5. foilowing those advertisements with reminders om the 7th, and in each instance had the ec-cperation of a large major- ity of its accounts. An impressive file containing clippings of the various advertisements used im daily newspapers by the retail slores during the week told a story of ce-operation, which Mr. Tilles Daily Newspaper Advertising Alone Sold prop or tionate should wear a Lovers Hosiery in a Week can and indicated as evidence of the suc- cess of the event, | "The fact that many of the stores sought more inerchandise than we could send them is indica- tive of the week's rasults," he re- warked 'Our newspaper advertis- ing covered such a wide area that there was no question in our minds on that point however, The dailies unquestionably: made the gale a sliccess,"" Form, Electric Range heats so quickly HE Beach has a patented element available TYE Beach tig 2 putenead Only one coil in thirteen touches the heat-absorbing porcelain, All the heat thus saved is f cooking utensils, ts on the Beach runner ight minutes, 8 quart of water will boll 0a a » WIL range water at the start, terminal troubles are practically eliminated, Burner are The heavy body of insilation, finish, roomy, y-cleaned oven--these features of the Beach that make it 80 desirable, An examination at any Beach dealer's will convince you, the rich porcelain enamel are other OFFAWA TORONTO * WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER BEACH ELECTRIC RANGES ARE SOLD IN OSHAWA BY S. COWELL, 15 PRINCE STREET

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