Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Apr 1928, p. 12

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~~HAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 190 Helen of the Old House | in county court on Frday. The Act | CHAPTER XXX provides that vehicles must not |oms LIKE THE RISRPARTER § 3 p PAGE TWELVE carry more than 250 pounds per inch of tire width, during Mareh and Apr, | Se {| {a NEW U.S, CONSUL ing of the trial yesterday afternoon DIES IN BROCKVILLE IL & George Gregg Fuller of Niagara |at Cobourg by Frank Regan, coun- | appointed American Consul in | sel for Mr. Wilson. Mr. Preston did ton to fill the vacancy caused | not enter into crosg-examination the death of Felix 8. Johuston, | of either of the plaintiff's tg wit- over his duties yesterday. nesses today. | ARANDLLAH VISIT or Austen 'Chamberlin wing a long illness, aged 70 Deceased ©. CLEARS AT KINGSTON 2 Out of a fleet of sixty vessels tering in Kingston, the steamer fax, of the Coal Carrers' Cor- tion, Montreal, commanded by pt. Charles Willard, was the first clear port early yesterday morn- in tor Sodus to load coal for Ham-, n, : *'. TRANSPORT OWNER DIES " Alvin Vanluven, aged 61, prop- tor of the Kingston Rapid Trans- died very suddenly during Sun- day night, following his return 1 a visit with relatives at News rg. He is survived by his widow one son, Harry Vanluven, of Aurora, Ont. HIS OWN COUNSEL *"w. T. R. Preston® will conduct own defense in the libel action Jie one against him and F. W, Wison of The Port Hope Guide by Arthur Currie. An intimaflon to is effect was made at the open- A 'CARETAKER Alexandra Park Applications for the position of Caretaker of Alexandra Park will be received by the undersigned until twelve o'clock noon, Saturday, Apr. © 21st, State experience and * galary expected, For infor- mation apply to Dr. F, L, Henry, 231 King street east, F. E. HARE, Secy, Park Commission, ER SS I SI I peddle die 2 2 2 I i i i 2s ----- was born near Mar || 3, 1y goubtful- if ta all Mills. | Where 4TH HUSSARS TRANSFERRED The localization 'of "B" Squad- ron, 4th Hussars, has been changed from Kingston to Iroquois, Ont. At least a porton of the 4th Hussars has been located in Kingston for over fifty years, and the unit until now has been generally recognized as a Kingston one. NURSES' CAR IS STOLEN A few weeks ago a new car was given to the Victorian Order of Nurses in Belleville for use in their professional . calls, The car wds stolen early this morning as the nurse, Miss Gray, was making a call at a home in the city. No trace has been found of the car. BOY DISAPPEARS and a home boy, left his foster not been heard of, It is under- stood the lad had nothing but his working clothes on and little money. Mr, Kerr could give no reason for his disappearance, as contented. An effort is being made by the police and Children's Aid Society to locate the youth, WEIGHT OF VEHICLES LAW Provincial traffic officers have received instructions to the highways. Fifteen charges were laid yesterday at Ottawa before Magistrate Joynt by Provincial Traffic Officer charged offences are have been committeed during the Maple Bark, Rug, Pressed, Stock, Sand and, Lime, Cincrete 26 Albert Street oO T= Seeds - Seeds strictly | Emmanuel, enforce the provisions of the On-| Milan to inaugurate the Industrial tario Highways Act in regard t0| Fair was made the occasion of a heavily laden vehicles running over | hombing outrage, left bardy capital on his return journey to Rome, At all the stations along b the way he was loyally greeted hy Ferguson, The | enthusiastic demonstrators rejoice claimed to | ing over his escape. mora, Hastings County, and went to Brockville when a young man, Shortly after his arrival in Brock- wille he entered the service of the Grand Trunk Railway as a train- man, a position he retained for 25 Jears, Later he became teamster for the McLaren Lumber Company and continued this position until a few years ago. Besides his widow the late Mr. Barnum is survived by two daughters, two sons and one stepson. They are: Mrs. William Yeldon, Syracuse, N.Y.; Messrs, Lloyd and Harry Barnum, Toronto; Mrs. William Miller and Frank M, Lake of this town, He also leaves two sisters and two brothers, name- ly, Mrs. William Gano, Wain wright, Alberta; Mrs. Ella Rose, Marmora, Ontario; Messrs, Edward Barnum, Toronto, and Samuel Bar- Orland Cundle, aged 16 years, | num of Belleville. . home, W. H, Kerr's, in Tyendinaga Township near Belleville over the ITALIA S IC week-end, and to the present has AT KING'S ESCAPE the boy apparently was happy and Queen and Princesses At- tend Service for Victims of Bomb Outrage Rome, April 16. -- King Victor whose brief visit to the Lom- Many thousands of residents of week-end on the Montreal Road,| Rome, however, too impatient to between Ottawa and St. Joseph Or-| wait for the arrival gathered in the of the King, spacious Pjazza 'burgh there was a soul who felt a personal loss in the passing of their "esteemed citizen" Adam Wara. During the years that followed his betrayal of Peter Martin's friend- ship the man had never made friend who loved him for himself-- who believed in him or trusted him. In business circles his reputa- tion for deals that were always carefully - legal but often obvious- ly dishonest had caused the men he met to accept him only so far as their affairs made the eantract necessary. Because of the power he had through his possession of the patented process he was known, His place in the community had been fixed by what he took from the community, His habit of boasting of his possessions, of his power, and triumphs, and his way of consider- ing the people as his personal debtors had been a never-failing subject of laughing comment. Men spoke of his death In a jocular ve'n --made jests about it--wondering what he was really worth. But one and all invariably concluded their comments with some word of sin- cere sympathy for hia family. Because of the people's estima- tion of the Mill owner's character, the publication of his will created a sensation the like of which was never before known in the com- munity, One half of his estate, including the Mill, Adam Ward gave to his family, The other half he gave-to his old workman friend, Peter Martin, Millsburgh was stunned, stupe- fled with amazement and wonder, But no one outside the two families, save the Interpreter, ever knew tha real reason for the bequest, The old basket maker alone understood that this was Adam Ward's deal with God--It was the contract hy of his business Ww. J. TRICK CO. Limited Units, Hollow Tile is Phone 230 thing, plantations in Salvador, America, have smoking fad. smoke cigarets as they cut coffee beans; now longer and stronger smoke, Venezia around Victor Emmanuel monument, near the Tomb of .the Unknown Soldier, to cheer the Sovereign's name, while the Gov- ernment moving picture organiza- tion projected a film of the open- ing of the Milan Fair by the King. Office workers on their way home at 7:30 in the evening had an opportunity to see the film and show their sentiments of fealty in an impressive setting, Premier Mussolini, who is de- tained in Rome by the presence of the Polish Foreign Minister, M, Zaleski, with whom he is to confer on matters of mutual interest, has charged Signor Belleni, Podesa of Milan, to represent funeral of the 17 victims of the bomb explosion at Milan. him at the Queen Helena and the Royal Princess attended the Te Deum ser- vices in the Church of Sudiri and were given ovations both going to the church and on returning. WHERE BLONDES ARE RARE (New York Evening World) New York doesn't lead in every- Women on the coffee Central a cigar- used to started They they go in for the Jose Gutierrez, thirty-year-old which he was to escape the hell of his religious fears--the horrors ofl which he had so often suffered In his dreams and the dread of which had so preyed upon his diseased mind, When the necessary time for the legal processes in the settlement of Adam Ward's state had passed, Jo called the Mill workers to- gether, In his notice of the meet- ing, the manager stated simply that it was to consider the mutua. in- terests of the employer» and em- ployees hy safeguarding the future of the industry, When the work- men had assembled, they wonder- ed to see on the platform with their general manager, Helen and her mother, Mary and Peter Mar. tin, the city mayor, with repre- sentative men from the labor un- fons and from the business circles of the community, and, sitting in his wheel chair, the Interpreter. To the employees in the Mill and to the representatives of the peo- ple the annoupement of the final disposition of Adam Ward's estate was made, The house on the hill with the geantify) grounds surrounding it ecame the property of the people --with an endowment fixed for its maintenance, It was to be convert- ed into a center of community in- terest, one feature of which was to be an institute for the study of patriotism, "We have foundations for the us have to do is to work. And I'd like to see Jake Vodell or any other foreign agitator try to star another industrial war in Mills, burgh." It was the Interpreter who asked the assembied workmen to eudorsa a petition to the governor asking clemency for Sam Whaley, The ground upon which the petition was based was that the gullty prin- cipal in the crime was still at liberty--that others, still unknown, were involved with him--that Sam Whaley by his confession had sav- ed the Mill and the community from the full horrors planned by the agitator, and that under the new standard of industrial citizen ship the former follower of the anarchist might in time become a useful member of socley. ' A solemn hush fell over he com- pany when Peter Martin, Mary John and Helen were the first te sign the petition, The old house is no longer empty, deserted and forlorn. Repaired and | repainted from the front gate to the back-yard fence--with well- kept lawn, flowers and garden-- it impresses the passer-by with Its air of modest home hoppiness, To Helen 'and her mother there, to John and his wifey Mary, and to the old workman wno live in the cottage next door, the spirit of the old days has returned. The neighbors in passing always stop for a word with the gray haired woman who works among her flowers just as she used to do before the discovery of the new process, or with her swect-faced daughter, The workmen going to or from the Mill always have a smile or a word of greeting for the mother and the sister of their com- vade maneger, Nor is there a man or woman in all the city or in the country round about who does not know and love this Helen of the old house, who 1s glving herself so without reserve to the people's need, who has, as the Interpreter says, "found her- self in service." But when the deep tones of the Mill whistle sound over the city, the valley and the hillside, there is a look in Helen's eyes that only those who know her best urder- stand. And often in 'these days the neighborhood of the old house rings with the merry voices of Bobby and Maggie and their play- mates, From the Flats--({rom the tenement house--from the homes of the laborers, they come, these children, to this beautiful woman who loves them all and who calls them, somewhat, fancifully, her "jewels of happiness." "Yer see," explained little Mag- gle, "the princess lady, sne jest couldn't help findin' them there happiness jewels--'cause her heart was so kind--jest like the inter preter said." THE END THE CLINGING WIFE HANDICAPS FAMILY "| more or less definite neutralization London, April 16.--With the end of King Amanullah's visit to this country coinciding not only with the curiously reserved official de- nials that an Anglo-African treaty was negotiated during his stay here, and also with the report that the Eastern ruler's planned visit ta Moscow may be "deferred," a new round seems to be opening in the diplomatic tussle between |. Great Britain and the Soviet. That no secret treaty--complete with the establishment of the British Military Mission fn Kabul and the flotation of the Afghan loan on the London market--such as the French newspapers claim to have bared, has been signed between the ruler of the buffer state be- tween India and the Soviet and the British Government may bé regard- ed as certain. At the same time there is scarcely less doubt that conversations have been held be- tween Amanullah and Sir Austen Chamberlain looking towards a of the Soviet influence on the pol- icy in Afghanistan. Efforts in this direction would, in fact, naturally be equal to what apparently was the official British policy during the Afghan mon- arch's visit to impress him with the visible testimony of the British Bmpire's land and sea and air power. The preliminary success of this policy will be registered if Amanullah should, as the reports indicate, finally abandon his scheduled visit to Moscow as the first chief of state to go to the Soviet capital since the Bolshevik Revolution--though, as already pointed out in these dispatches in some qaarters here it is felt the British hospitality will have heen a trifle overdone if it deprives tho Afghan king 'of the opportunity of drawing his own comparisons, from personal observation, between the evident status of the development of Britain and Russia. Observers of Sir Austen's latest "informal" conversations--which, in accordance with the precedent now well established by the British Foreign Secretary, may lead to no- thing at all or to diplomatic hap- penings of the first .magnitude-- link them up with another set of conversations equally "informal" which Downing Street is known to be watching with the closest in- terest, These are conversations coincidently staged in Rome be- tween Mussolini and Andrew Mich- alopoulos and Tewkik Rushdi Bey, the foreign ministers of Greece I ll i gs E Ed Hi § nN and Turkey, respectively, a aa Don't rip off the old roof! Cover it with BIRD'S ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES Then you'll have a weather-proof, fire resistant roof that will stand for years with. out a cent of repair cost, Choice of three non-fading colors -- Red, Green or Blue- Black, There is a Bird dealer near you, BIRD & SON DIVISION BUILDING PRODUC Hamilton FRODLC id TED BIRD'S Roofs FOR SALE BY CLEVE FOX HARDWARE 20 Simcoe St. South p> ARCADE NEWS Sale of Felt Hats 15 Simcoe St. North plantation owner, now on his way to Paris, says it's nothing at all to see young women and old smok- ing in the streets of San Salvador promotion of the sciences, vf art and of business," said the legal Nagging Spouse, Also, Berated gentleman who made the an- s nouncements, "Why not an institu- as Obstacle in Way of Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy Seed GOVERNMENT DED, NO, 1 Wednesday Afternoon at 2 O'clock Sugar Beets, Mangels, Turnip Seed , Germination Tested. CERTIFIED COBBLER SEED Potatoes From Prince Edward Island Lawn Seed Specially Adapted to Local Soil Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package For Lawn and Garden | iy _Cooper-Smith Co. FEawi en __16 Celina St, jill whole country," but added that he did not mean that gentlemen there do not pre- fer them, For Stiff Joints while on their shopping expedi- tions. The rarest thing in Salvador is a blonde, in the says, "There's not a = dozen Gutirrez Pharmacists say that when all other so-called remedies fail Joint- Ease will succeed, . It's for joint that is why you are advised to use ailments only-- for sore, painful, inflamed, rheu- matic joints, Joint-Ease limbers up the joints --is clean and stainless and quick results are assured--Sixty cents a tube at Jury & Lovell Ltd., W. H. lidlj Karn and druggists everywhere, Telephone 262 [4 Lines to Central) COAL "Jeddo" The Best in America COKE "Solvay" We are Sole Agents G.M.C. WOOD Dixon Coal Co. tion for the study and promotion of patriotism---research in the fields of social and industrial life |' that are peculiarly American--lec- tures, classes, and literature cn the true Americanization of those who come to us from foreign countries --the promotion of true American principles and standards of citizen ship id our public schools and edu- cational (institutions and smong our people--the collectonp and study of authentic data from the many Industrial and social experi ments that are being carried on-- these are some of the proposes activities," This Institute of American Patriotism would be under the 'leadership of the Interpreter and would stand as a memorial to the Bemory of Captain Charlie Mar- n. When the mayor, in behalf ot the people, had made a fitting re- Dp to t pr tation, John told the Mill men that their ewmn- ployer, Pete Martin, would make an_anpoucement. The old workman was greeted with cheers. Some one fn the crowd called, good nmatyredly, *How does it feel to be an owner, Uncle Pete?" Everybody laughed %nd the veteran himself grinned. "I guess I'm too old to change my feelings much, Bill Sewold," he answered. "And that's about what I was going to tell you. The lawyers say that I own half of our Mill here and that I can do what I please with it. But I can't some way make it seem any more mine thae it alwayz was. Marr anc I are agreed that we'd like to do vhat we know Charlie would be in 'or if he was here, and we've talk- d it over with John and his folks Md they feel just like we do about "The lawyers can explain the ~orker's of the plan to you better than I can: but this is the main idea: The whole thing has beep made over into a company John and his mother al Ithe employers will be em- Ployees. With John and me and Male Career BROOKLYN, April 3,--The mid- Victorian clinging type of wife and the nagging wife who insists she is going to put ambition into her hus- band were listed among the serious handicaps confronting many men by Professor Harry A, Overstreet, head of the department of philosophy, at the College of the City of New York, who delivered the third in a series of four addresses recently on "The Psychology of Personality" at the Central Y.M.C.A, His topic was "Overcoming Your Handicaps." The speaker divided handicaps into two types, internal and exter- nal. He said in part: "What are the handicaps of per. sonality? Steinmetz was a hunch- back, but became one of the great- est electrical wizards of his time. An organic inferiority is Inherited. Steinmetz, whether consciously cr unconsciously, went into a compen- sating activity in his youth and did not try to be an athlete, The great Alfred Adler, of Vienna, says that if one has on inferiority complex he does not get anywhere." Among the outside handicaps Professor Overstreet listed "stupid parents" and said that many eases of shyness can be traced to unwise parents. "Take a shotgun and kill the father who says to his shy son, 'Look at John blush,' " the speaker advised. Fear, shyness and depres- sion were described as some of the more important handicaps which come from within an individug), Professor Overstreet continued: | "The race has hypnotized itself into a belief that sex is one of the most important things in life. Wo- men attain sex maturity earlier in life than mien, ------ BY SIMPLE ALGEBRA (Vancouver Sun) "A forty-dollar saddle on 2 twenty-dollar hoss" looked silly; and that may explain why a college boy doesn't wear a hat, ONE EXPLANATION (Atchison Globe) | Men are so unpopular that a man- nish woman is never admired. "How many times have you fail- ed in your exams?" b "Tomorrow's will make the third me." SESS a nesday Afternoon, peir Real Wed- $ 5. Sale of Ginghams WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK Full 31 inch wide Ginghams. New Spring patterns and colors. Note the width of this Gingham, 1,000 YARDS ON SALE WEDNESDAY Sale of Ladies' Gloves Chamoisette with fancy cuffs. good quality. - Sizes 6 to 7Y2. r2 Shop At The Arcade The Home of the Cash Coupon Pro. pt Delivery | 15c 00 Free Goods THIS WEEK

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