{HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1928 rr SS -------- | Woman's Daily Interest "Canadian Martyrs may be can- onised within two years'--head- line, We have heard of martyrs being burned at the stake, and even shot but when they start shooting *efa with canons----, It is better to have loved and lost than to be the other fellow. NOTHING IS LOST Nothing is lost. The drop of i rain Which falls in silence to the ground Abideth still: its life is found Transfiguged in the golden grain, Nothing is lost. The Lowly flower Which grows unnoticed by the way well in praising through its day, The God who made it by His power, Lives Nothing is lost, The falling tear, The word of comfort, lightly given, Shall still abide in yonder heaven When earth's rich fruitage shall appear, --The Outlook, Well, it seems both the time and place to mention the coming event when big men and small men, lean men, and fat men, will all take to wearing the straw hat again, A sure sign of this much-looked for occasion was evidenced in the beau- tiful sunny weather over the week- end (?), At the rapidity the weather is warming up, we might venture to say that the straws will be worn perhaps in August, Which reminds us that dur. ing the ing basebal M those people who have the habit of punching the crown of the summer chapeau through when their team wins will be well advised if they purchase one of the new paper hats, It's cheaper and easier, And yom can give more vent to your glee by tearing the hat into shreds, thus satisfying the an- cient instinct. (TUNE OF HORSES, HORSES, HORSES Baseball, baseball, baseball, Crazy over baseball, baseball, baseball, Always playing baseball, baseball, baseball, Whether rain or shine, When the umpire hollers "out" Then it's him gets knocked about, about baseball, Gonna play baseball all the time. Gone baseball, baseball, FAMOUS LAST WORDS oJ think I can beat that train," S'long. By Renrut. Ra BUILDING FUND CONCERT Preparation for the concert in ald of the Albert Street United Church Building Fund is being carefully made, A larger plat- form will be erected for the use of the orchestra, consisting of thirty piece, while the mixed choir of 75 voices will occupy the choir loft and gallery. It {is hoped that citizens of Oshawa will not miss this musical treat, pofrelssdrforfofosfoorfords Exceptional Value! Botte de teed PRR EE A) A Family Treasure Keep a Picture Diary of the Children No, 2 Cartridge Hawk-Eye Model C CAMERAS $1.19 For Sale at The REXALL Store Jury & Lovell Simcoe 8S, King E. Phone 28 Phone 68 BJ hh Ji J J J J J J hd dh J nS a a a a a a 3 - --Miss Marion Kitching, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, W,. J. Sulley, Simcoe street south. ~--Mr, and Mrs, Lepnard Pelow and son have returned to this eity after spending two weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pelow, Gananoque, ~--Miss Marjory Warburton has returned to her home in Toronto af tre spending the Easter holidays with friends here, - --Miss Annie Allman, 281 Sim- coe street south, is spending a few days visiting her brother, Mr, Wil- liam Allman, Toronto, ~--Miss Marjorie and Dorothy Hancock were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. F., Montgomery at the Ontario Hospital, Whibty, --Miss Muriel Morison, of the Toronto Normal School, has return- ed after spending the Easter holi- days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, G. J. 8. Morison, Masson Street. --Miss Allie Barrowlough, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Barrouelough, Brock street east, has returned to resume her studies at the Toronto Normal School. «~The program of the Oshawa Music Study Club tomorrow even- ing will include two paino concertos by Miss Helen Johnston and Miss Marjorie L, Kisby, numbers by Miss Woodhull and Miss Bolton of Bishop Bethune College and vocal solos by Miss Helen Bunner of On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby. Weddings COOPER---DOWN At the home of the bride's par ents, Napanee, on Wednesday, 'Ap- ril 11, by the Rev, Mr, Sthruthers, the marriage was solemnised of Ruth Lillian Cooper to Russell Ed- win Down, son of the late Edwin Down and Mrs. Down, of Oshawa, - A splendid program was provid- ed including a very interesting Easter story read by Mrs. J, Wil- son. Mrs. Kinder ably accompanied on the piano by Mrs, Cornell, ob- liged the audience with two pleas- ing violin selections. Two fine readings were supplied by Miss Dorothy Young while Mrs, Lider- assisted to the extent of a beautiful soprano solo with encore, The meeting was concluded with a hymn and prayer after which dainty refreshments were served. The . program convenors were Mrs. 8. Crozer and Mrs, T. Bird, while Mrs. W. Winters aotad as refresh ment convener, BALTIC STATES AFRAID OF WAR Plan of Boviet Russia to Invade Latvia Feared Warlike Move Warsaw, April 15.--Alarming reports have been received by both the Esthonian and Latvian Govern- ments from their Ministers at Mos- cow concerning the intention of the Bolsheviki to invade the Baltic States in the next two months, The Cabinets of both countries discuss- ed the information, which was sup- ported by the presence of new Gov- ernment troops along the frontiers, There is considerable anxiety, es- pecially in Latvia, since the Lat- vian Minister at Moscow has been there seven years, and is consider- ed one of the best diplomats in the Baltic States, Both Latvia and Es- thonia are united with a defensive treaty. They are preparing to hur- ry the spring manoeuvres, which will be held jointly along the east- ern frontiers. To Prevent Loans According to current information these reports are connected with the visit of A. A, Tilney, President of the Bankers' Trust Company of New York, to discuss financial questions with the Poles, Moscow is sald to be so eager to spill Pa- land's chances to obtain new loans, and the opinion is expressed that the Red Army's spring manoeuvres will again be directed against the Baltic States in an effort to give the financiers the impression that Poland or the Baltic are poor plac- es to invest capital, When the Polish $70,000,000 sta- bilization loan was arranged last summer, the Soviet Government held hig manoeuvres along the Pol- ish frontier, which prevented the New York bankers from floating the Polish bonds until autumn, It is believed here that Mr, Til- ney's arrival resulted in new threats fromy Moscow, and the spring Red Army manoeuvres really are being held for his benefit, Polish Finance Satisfactory Yesterday Mr. Tilney and Will- fam Lippincott, the Bankers' Trust, | Paris, representative, along with John Foster Dulles, the attorney, conferred with Charles 8S. Dewey,' the American Financial Adviser to | Poland, the President of the Polish | State Bank, and the Finance Minis ter, This meeting did not discuss the matter of granting a new loan iv the Polish Government, and the Poles did not ask for an additional loan. Instead, the New York bank- ers found the financial situation of Poland satisfactory, and further Polish borrowing will consist of private loans for industry and eco- nomic institutions not connected with the Government, MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Miss Emily Palmer entertained 3 i En ® | ; "J g 5 g 3 li ; §: t § i i : i Th gp¥ » ES m ; ; Hits Ji it! ill : g Enc! Please send be- low: sosssnsmssirrn PIED ows sm owemw ne Pers a ss mes pie, wien ooo RL EEO TEPER TREY PY NAme ,.mssssswsomsowsmmss 00 POT OSB ERT IT FOWR oops sosmpssmesowassss Pp, TEER EE RN Price, 20 cents essh. stamps or coin. Wrsp cols wrefully, losed 8nd ......,, CORES. patterns listed dd dd td ad add RE -- - shower at the home of her brother, fourteen girls from Oshawa and Bowmanville at a miscellaneous 352 Arthur street, Friday evening, in honor of Miss Viola Stevens, who is to be married soon, As the bride-elect entered the room the wedding march was play- ed and she was led to the chair of honor, over which hung the hap- 'py bell, Master Douglas Palmer then wheeled his carriage decorat- ed in white, laden with parcels to Miss Stevens, After the parcels had been op- ened and the verses read, the girls were invited to the dining room, where a dainty lunch was served. The table was decorated with white, centred with a silver basket of yellow roses and lighted by yel- low candles. Mrs. Harry Palmer assisted Miss Palmer at the table. OXFORD PROFESSOR PASSES London, April 15.--Edward Arm- strong, an Oxford Professor, noted for historical research regarding the Italian Renaissance, died at his Oxford home today at the age of 82. He spent many years as tutor, bursar and finally as provost at Queen's College. So deeply did he delye into the history of the Re- naissance in Italy that he had a virtual monopoly of that subject at the university. BOSTON STATION BURNED Boston, April 15--The Back Way station of the New York, New Hav- en & Hartford Railroad was de- stroyed by fire today, with a loss Your Doctor next time E will tell you to use sanitary napkin, Kotex, the new scientific That is why the majority of women today have changed their personal habits. The doctor knows the home-made pad was dangerous to health, Made of softest material -- absorbs 16 times its weight in moisture! It is simple to dispose of---directions in every package. Scientifically shaped to fit perfectly, non-detectable when being worn, Deodorizes, thus ending all embarrassment. Ask for Kotex by name. At all drug, dry goods and departmental stores, KOTE X Wade In Canada. Sanitary Napkins Plan Cycle Club in Motor City Cycle clubs which had their or- igination in England and which have been spreading in popularity since, are steadily numbering new adherents, The latest addition to the ranks, will come from Osha- wa if present plans materialize, Plans are being formulated which will make the contemplated Motor Cycle Club one of the largest in the province, C. Glecoff, W, Snudden and William Tay are he- hind the formation of the club, and state thta already many have expressed their willingness and eagerness to join such a club. Field days and long trips would be a main item in the itineray of the proposed club. Every kind of sport and entertainment that can be devised b ythe fembers will be undertaken, It is also thought that annual races, in which cups, medals, and trophies would be presented to the win- ners, would he an attractive fea- ture, The Motor Cycle and Tire Company are backing the project enthusiastically, Races from OOshawa to Toronto and other neighhoring points has been sug- gested, Any young people who would consider joining such a club are asked to communicate with any of the above named of the scheme, The first races are planned for May 24th, if all goes well, NEW BAPTIST CHURCH SUFFERS AN EXPLOSION Windsor, April 15.--A blast of coal gas, due to a defective fur- nace, Saturday night shattered windows and partitions in the basement of Mount Olivet, the new Baptist church at Howard and Logan Avenues; Windsor, The Fire Department responded to a telephone call from a resident of the district, but the outbreak of fire that followed the explo- sion had been subdued before the fire-fighters arrived. Services were held as usual today, and the damage will not exceed $1,- 000. GIRLS (Chicago Daily News) "Bob told me I was the eighth wonder of the world." "What did you say?" "I told him not to let me catch i with the other seven." y ARE BETTER WAYS (Hamilton Spectator) Twenty-one woollen mills in Canada have heen closed since Mackenzie King took office, There are better ways than this, how- ever, of discouraging moths, An Unsightly Skin Needs This Corrective "It is working marvels with me," wrote 1 grateful man who, suffering from pain- ul and disfiguring eczema, got complete :lief, and regained a clear and health; Lin, by using TRU-BLOOD, As its name implies, TRU-BLOOD is a rue blood tonic. It removes the underly- g cause of eczema, pimples, blackheads, "hing rashes, boils, carbuncles and every her skin trouble due to impure or .mpoverished blood, So many have benefitted from taking RU-BLOOD, you should try it, Get a llar bottle at your druggist's today, and i , ove, for yourself, its worth, | Buckley's OINTMENT is highly re. :ommended for speeding up the healiny znd softening of the skin, U-BLOO!/ drives out the poisons the ointmer heals magically, Try the combinatio: treatment, TREZED00 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs rHOMPSON'S | 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver I Look at Your Silver-- YOUR GUESTS DO? estimated at $500,000, As lovely as old lace # THE #» PAUL REVERE DESIGN Newest of the many blessings we owe to our ancestors of the Colonial period is this melt- ingly beautiful pattern in Community Plate, At your jeweler's now, ,.come in and see it! Teaspoons set of sis, $4.25 PLATE * % BASSETT'S DRAYTON HEADS LIQUOR CONTROL Succeeds D. B. Hanna as Chairman of Ontario . Board -- Toronto, April 16.--D. B. Hanna is retiring as Chairman of the Onta- rio Liquor Control Board and will be succeeded by Sir Henry Drayton. Announcement to this effect was made last night by Premier G. How- ard Ferguson, Hon. Robert J. Manion, Vice- Chairman of the board, has also expressed a desire to be relieved of his duties. His successor, Mr. Ferguson stated, will be named within the next tem days. Whether or not Sir Heury Dray- ton will resign his seat in the Do- minion House to take over the "Strong Man's" role will be for himself to decide, it is understood. It is believed, however, that he will resign his seat without delay. He and Mr. Hanna will confer either today or tomorrow as to when the former will step in and the latter will step out. After Year's Trial In making public the informa- tion as to the change in the per- PAGE Flvk -- WITH HOMICIDE Detroit, April 13--A 19-year-old youth held by police here on a homi- cide charge, and who has allegedly confessed to the fatal shooting of Patrolman Frederick Blumm in a re- cent battle during a hold-up on Woodward Avenue, has said his right it Preston of Smith's Falls, Ont. hospital suffering, from two bullet wounds in the head. He is expected to recover. - Police allege that Sauters and Earl Scheltreau of De- troit were the hold-up men who en- tered a saloon and, when interrupted and Scheltreau are in custody, Has Police Record Smith's Falls, April 13--Grant Pres- ton, held by police of Detroit, Mich. for th: murder of Policeman Fred Blumm, according to reports received here, is a Smith's Falls boy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Preston. The reports state that Preston was injured in a gun battle and that he is in a Dettroit hospital. Grant "Dinty" Preston spent most of his life in this town. He had left Smith's Falls in December, 1926, and gone direct to Detroit, residing there ever since. Dinty had been arrested in Smith's Falls on other occasions for minor breaches of the law. He was regard- by Blumm, opened fire and wounded | the officer so that he died. Sauters | eston, who went by the name of Ralph O'Connor, is in a | Preston, Earl Why Not End Constipation? "Fruit-atives" a sure remedy I% your tooth were aching would you put painkiller in it all the time and let it get worse, or would you have it filled and made strong again? Thesameapplies to correcting constipation. The only satisfac- tory remedy is one which, while relleving congestion, strength- ens bowels, liver and kidneys to actwithoutdaily medicine. That is why Fruit-a-tivesis the public favorite. Made only of fresh fruit juices and tonics, its whole effect Stonpthoning, Try it. 25 and strengthening. t. an 50¢c a box. ed merely as a wayward boy and had many friends in this vicinity. Anthony Preston, father of the lad would not speak to newspapermen to- night and refused to talk about his son. THIS SHOULDN'T BE (Ottawa Journal) Canada's apple crop in 1927 was 3,000,000 barrels. And yet we still pay as much for Canadian apples as California oranges. sonnel of the Liquor Commi " Premier Ferguson sald that Mr. Hanna had undertaken its chair- manship on the condition--if not exactly a sitpulation--that he might be relieved of the duties af- ter a year's time, "He accepted the appointment," said Mr. Fergu- son, "purely from a sense of pub- lic service, His response was a splendid one, and he had done ex- ceptionally well on the job, Per. sonally, T feel greatly indebted to him, and I think that the Province owes him a great deal of gratitude as well," In respect of Mr. Hanna's sue- cessor the Prime Minister said: "Naturally, I was delighted to se- cure the services of an outstanding man like Sir Henry Drayton. He has to his credit a long career of public service. He has had wide ex- || perience as an administrator, and, more than that, he understands hu. mran problems." Desire For Service Chairmanship of the board car- ries with it a salary of $20,000 a year. '"'But it's not a question of money," said Mr, Ferguson, last night, "Mr, Hanna did not look at the work from that angle, Nor does Sir Henry, Mr. Hanna's ae- ceptance of the post--as is Sir Hen. ry's now--was actauyted by a desire to do a real service for the Prov- ince of Ontario." While Mr, Hanna declined to comment on his retirement last night, it is learned from other sources that the business of the Liquor Control Board has become so great as to engross practically all of his time, to the detri- ment of his many other business connections, This condition, it is understood, is solely responsible for his leaving, Dr. Manion {is leaving for the same reason. A year ago, when ap- pointed to the board, he intimated that he would be unable to stay with the Commission any longer than a year, Because of this situ- ation, it is understood, he never resigned his Fort William seat in the Federal Parliament, Sir Henry Lumely Drayton, K.C,, K.B.,, M.P,, rapidly rose from the position of a comparatively un- known lawyer to that of Corpora- tion Counsel of Toronto, then to the chairmanship of the Dominion Rail- way Board, and in 1919 to the of- fice of Minister of Finance in the Borden Administration. He has re- tained his seat in Parliament since that date, and during the Conserva- tive Government's famous 'three days in power" two years ago he acfed as House Leader. And now, with his fifty-ninth birthday only a few weeks away, he enters the Provincial field of public service, Sir Henry was born in Kingston and received his early education there and in England, He was call- ed to the Ontario Bar in 1891 and two years later was appointed As sistant City Solicitor for Toronto. After seven year's service in that capacity he resigned to enter a law partnership and acted as counsel for the Ontario Government on sev- eral important commissions, In 1904 he became York County Crown Attorney, and in 1908, while he still held that pesition, he was created King's Counsel. In 1910 he was appointed Corporation Counsel] for the City of Toronto and 8 year later the representative of the On- tario Government on the Toronto Power Commission, On July 1, Mabee as Chief Commissioner of the Dominion Railway Board, He was in Epgland at the out- break of the war and was appoint- ed by Sir George Perley, Acting Canadian High Commissioner, to take charge of the work of getting Canadian women and children out of enemy countries. In 1915 he was created a Knight Bachelor, During the later years of the war Sir Henry was engaged in the di- rection of the movement of food- stuffs and munitions both in Can- ada and the United States. In 1916 he served on a special Railway Commission which inquired into the entire question of transportation in Canada. He entered the field of politics for the first time in 1919 when he took the portfolio of Finance in the Borden Government. In the by- election which followed he was elected member for Kingston, and in 1921 he was returned to Ottawa from West York and has represent- ed that electoral district since, In 1892 he married Edith Mary Cawthra, daughter of the late Jo- seph Cawthra of Toronto, and he has three daughters, 1912, he succeeded the late Judge | standards, embarrassed by Dishpan 1 ar ease... at ber own dinner table I knew that he had the fastidious standards of a man of culture and wealth, "] was so eager, as Dick's wife, to meet those De 'chief' was pleasant and friendly, but "It was a little thing which upset me--just the merest- change of expression on his face . . . I was smooth and white, 'dishpan' hands," to wash themselves. Lous keeps lovely 6 the hands thar wash dishes pouring coffee, and for the fraction of a second his glance had rested on my hands, "I knew my hands looked red and rough from housework and dishes--and knew he had noticed them , . . I became self-conscious, ill at ease. "Foolishly, perhaps, I felt the evening was a failure, "Now I know how NEEDLESS it was, have been using Lux for dishwashing, for all cleans- ing my hands have to do--my hands are soft and I'm never embarrassed now by Since I So many soaps--whether flake, chips, or cakes-- contain harmful alkali which makes the skin harsh, There is NO injurious alkali in Lux! Made by a remarkable process--Lux actually SOOTHES the skin, leaves it a little whiter and softer than before, * Dissolving instantly, before you ever put your hands in, a little Lux foams up into a mountain of suds--so rich, so cleansing, the dishes seem almost The big package of Lux washes six weeks' dishes, Lovely hands for so small a price! * Many beauly parlors use Lug in manicuring the nails, to soften and whilen the fingers, ad Lever Brothers Limited, 'Toronto.