Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1928, p. 12

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aS aE a PAGE TWELVE Many People May be Implicated in London Railway Investigation Charges Preferred Against U. S. Customs Officers and Employees of Four Lines -- Affidavits Ave Produced London, Omt., April 11.--A new turn was given the attack eof Mayor G. A. Wenige on the management of the London & Port Stanley Ralil- way today when it was rumored in railway and police circles that an investigation of the hauling of li- quor by the L. & P. S. R., which is owned by the City of London, will most certainly result in the prosecution of a number of em- ployees of the C.N.R., Wabash and M.C.R., if affidavits and informa- tion handed by the Mayor to Crown Attorney A. M. Judd are found to contain sufficient evidence to war- rant action being taken against L. & P. S. R. employees. Alleged Confessions At Monday's meeting of the L. & P, 8, Commission, Mayor Wengie produced a number of affidavits and letters from former employees of the railway, declaring they had handled illegally cars that had been "spotted" at St. Thomas for the purpose of being loaded with liguor by employees of the hig trunk lines. These affidavits and papers are now in the hands of the Crown Attorney and it is alleged they are PUBLIC Announcement M, SHULKA Opens new and up-to-date GROCERY STORE 80 FISHER STREET The stock will consist of a complete line of Fresh Gro- ceries, Meats, Vegetables, ete, Store Opens Today, Thursday, April 12 confessions of wrongdoing for which moneys were received by the parties involved. Tampering with Customs and car seals, falsifying of invoices and way bills and the like are said to be contained in the admissions made to the Mayor and which he in turn has placed in the hands of the Crown Attor- ney. Customs May be Involved United States Customs officers west of Detroit and Port Huron may also be involved in the investi- gation and prosecutions. Hon. E. S. Little, Chairman of the L. & P. S. Commission, has announced that the members of the Commission will most certainly ask that all persons involved, whether employed by the L. & P. 8S, R, or any other railway, as well as all Government officers affected, be prosecuted if the Mayor's charges are found true. Crown Attorney Judd stated that the Mayor had handed him the list of documents while he was in his office in the Police Court this morning, but that his Worship had not asked him to have any informa- tions laid against allegedly guilty parties. Mr. Judd added that when he has gone over the documents, if there is sufficient evidence in them he will ask the Provincial Police to detail men to secure fur- ther material needed for the prose- cution, From Chicago to New York According to the statements se- cured by the Mayor, the opera- tions concerning the handling of liquor shipments for illegal entry to the United States extended from Chicago, through Ontario, to New York. The first offenses, it is al- leged, were committed by railway- men and others in Illinois and Michigan false bills of lading hav- ing been issued for empty cars. These empty cars were then seal- ed with United States Customs seals and later hauled into Can- ada, where at such places as St. Thomas, they conveniently devel- oped hot boxes and were placed on sidings next to L. & P, 8S. R, lines, Next, they were picked up, if the charges be true, hy L. & I'. 8. R. employees, and were tak- en to places where cars of heer and whiskey had heen "spotted" and there the cargoes were switched. The United States Customs seals had to he detached and later re- placed on the cars that had come empty from the United States. Then the cars were taken hack to the Wabash, C. N. R. or M. C. R. sidings and crews from these lines picked them up and saw they en- tered the United States, Comments Vary Mayor Wengie stated today that, with the alleged evidence in the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1928 hands of the Crown Attormey, he had washed his hands of the whole affair, Chairman Little and Com- missioner Moore, and, however, in- sisting on a complete investigation, as being in the best interests of the city's railway, Alderman Frank Kay, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council, de- clared that the matter should mot ba allowed to rest until every charge was cleared up, and that the County Judge should hold am investigation. Alderman Paul Doig said "the charges do mot amount to a hill of beans" unless officials of the L. & P. S. R. are involved. Mayor Wengie today denied that 'he was out to "get" Manager Rich- ards of the IL. & P. S. R., right or wrong. But, he claimed, that he had frequently tried to get infor- mation concerning the railway, and had met refusal. He added that he believed there was ample reas- on for the suspension of the Man- ager until an investigation was un- dertaken. WYWANDOTTES' CHIEF IS DEAD AT WINDSOR Windsor, April 11.--Joseph White, last Chief of the Wyandotte Nation, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, F. L. Copeland, 601 Bruce Avenue, here today. Chief White--Capt. White, as he was bet- ter known, as he had been a Great Lakes mariner--was the grandson of the last elected Chief of the Wyandottes, Chief Joseph White's brother, the late Solomon White, was Mayor of Windsor in 1890 and for 14 years a member of the Ontario Legislative Assembly.. LIGHTSHIP PLACED Port Huron, Mich.,, April 11,-- The Corsica Shoals Lightship has been placed in position in Lake Huron about five miles from the shore east of Lakeside Park. The lightship serves as a guide to ldke steamers, Drink Hot Water To End Indigestion INSTANT RELIEF Thousands of unfortunate people suffer almost daily from stomach acidity, gas, sourness and indigestion after eating, li they would start the agreeable practice of taking a glass of hot water containing a teaspoonful or four tablets of pure Bisurated Magnesia, they would soon find their stom ach so strengthened and improved that they could eat the richest and most satisfying meals without the least symptom .of indi gestion, Nearly all digestive troubles are caused by an excess of acid and an insufficient blood supply in the stomach, Food fer ments and sours before digestion can take place. A glass of hot water draws the blood to the stomach and Bisugated Mag nesia neutralizes the stomach acids and keeps the stomach strong, sweet and heal- thy and promotes normal painless digestion, Bisurated Magnesia is not a laxative, is harmless, easy and pleasant to take, and can be ohtained from any well stocked druggist in either powder or tablet form. Try this today and enjoy your meals mm peace, Are Women Better Drivers? Opinions differ on this subject, but we do not hesitate to say that women usually are more careful drivers, And it would surprise some of you men to see how much useful life the average woman gets out of the battery in her car, Women have been quick to recognize the value of testing and filling at regular intervals, We welcome their patronage. : Ontario Battery 11 Church St. vie Service Phone 925 FACIAL BEAUTY BEING * SHOWN AS'LIABILITY London, April 12.--"My face is my fortune, kind sir," she said. At least, that is what, according to the old song, the pretty maid who was going a-milking replied to the inquisitive gallant. As her good looks were all she could offer him, he declared that he could not mar- ry her and so it is to be presumed that she did mot rise in the social scale. The question as to whether beau- ty is necessary for the achievement of social success has become the subject of keen debate and cou- flicting views as the result of a legal fight between two face spe- cialists, For d@dvertising purposes. one of them claimed copyright in the phrase, "Youthful appearance is a social necessity, not a luxury," ahd he sought an injunction to prevent his rival using that or any similar expression. 3 Defendant, for instance, had used the phrase, "Beauty is the best letter of introduction," and it was ascribed to Diogenes. Neither judge nor counsel could confirm this assertion that the phil- osopher who lived in a tub was the author of the line; but there is an old German proverb which reads: "Beauty is a good letter of introduction." What really started the discus- sion outside the law courts was the declaration of Mr. Justice Hum- phreys, in summing up the evi- dence, that "a great many women who are not beautiful have become celebrated." He added hastily those who ave dead." The views of many people have been solicited on the subject, which has been expanded to include a discussion of the value of beauty as an aid to feminine success not success, and that brains and charm are of much more worth. ciety, says: 'There are wonici London who are almost hideon "Of course, T am only speaking of | only in society, but also in busi- ness and the professions generally. |, Although opinions differ, the ver- dict appears to be that while good | looks are an asset in all walks of life they are not indispensable to The Marchioness of Queensherry, one of the younger leaders of so- and yet have thé most amazing suc- cess-- have scores of friends, and enjoy life immensely, An ugly wo- man, as a rule, is more intelligent than a lovely one. I should im- agine that it is rather an advantage not to be beautiful. A girl will not spend so much time on herself --will not be so spoilt, She will enjoy herself." PETITIONS MADE ON BEHALF OF NURSES Guelph, April 11 : Three peti tions asking reconsideration of the applications of Miss Marjorie "Theres Romance on the Road to Europe OIN the eager throng of students, J teachers and holiday wakerswha are going to Europe thissummery Canadian Pacific Tourist Third Cabin. There will be undergrads co-eds there from Canadian and American universities, The Tourist Third Gabin rooms i bright and airy. There is plenty of lounge space is | deck space. Themealsare good. And there is always something to do, ROUND TRIP 8184. 50 as low as ECONOMICAL TOURS All expense 32day tours visit- ing England and Continent $385 up. Extended Tours, 10 71 days, $410.50 up. Viait your local agenl to-day, or apply J. E. PARKER General Agent, Ocean Traffic C.P.R, Building, Toronto Canadian Pacific .. WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM Always carry Canadi acific Express Com- pany's Travellers' Cheques, N able everywhere. S.A R FOUND MURDERED AT RIGA The aged and 0 at a, p ncierge who fled Tl | covered two days altel the Iie American hanlk 1 if if $1,000, 000 hidden i s bed and matty ! vi 1varest rel- i f ) t, living with her | The World Over | The arrival of 10,500 dozen British Columbia eggs on the Cana- dian-Australian liner Aorangi, at Auckand, New Zealand, has caused a drop of betweem two and four cents a dozen in the price of eggs at Auckland. The eggs landed in splendid condition and they proved an unpleasant surprise for Auck- land producers. Alma Moore, a dancer in Zieg- feld's "Rio Rita," married Joseph Romano of Brooklyn the other day. The couple left immediately on a motor trip through the South. Miss Moore, or Mrs. Romano, will re- join the "Rio Rita" company when it arrives in Washington. An autopsy on the body of Geor- gia O'Ramey, actress, who died in New Haven, Conn. disclosed that death was due to natural causes. "Nize Girl," which was to have opened in New York shortly after a4 two-week's run in New Haven, has disbanded until a new leading lady can be found. Jack Shillaire, 11 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shillaire, of Pontiae, Mich., was run down and killed by the automobile ownad and driven by Floyd L. Losee, Oak- land county treasurer. Wooing of death proved unsuc- cessful for Helen Halla, a 21-year- old actress, in Los Angeles. When police found the girl in her room in a Hollywood hotel, unconscious from the effects of three bottles of poison, they found, too, a large as- sortment of '"'death notes' and let- ters telling of her wish to die. Miss Halla wen a beauty prize in Chi- cago in 1925, according to the notes, but illness cut short her career, Classius M. Bowman, §2, head of the firm of Joseph Bowman and Sons, and the oldest collar manu- facturer in Troy, N.Y., is dead. Having left sixty-three $1,000 bonds in a taxi while hastening to a train, Mrs. Ida Radam, 77, was on the way home to Austin, Texas, from New York. She had with- drawn them from a bank. They are not negotiable, At Whitestone, Long Island, H. L. Bowdoin, 60, engineer, has made an all-metal suit which he thinks will enable a diver to remain 200 feet down for forty-five minutes, It consists of overlapping units of aluminum. He hopes to salvage war wrecks, then present one of his 1,400-pound outfits to the govern- ment for use in lifesaving when ubmarines are sunk, Mrs, C, D, Burney, the former | Gladys High of Chicago, may be | the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. Her husband, Commander Burney, is slated to command the = | of 5,000 citizens and Rowen and Miss Grace Sunley, re fused' reinstatement Nurses' Training School were presented at the meeting of the Board of Directors. One was tabled and two others were voted down 8 to 5. The first bearing the strike, signature ratepayers, was sponsored hy Alderman R. H Grundy, City Council appointee to the hoard. J. W. Oakes moved that the prayer of the petitioners he complied were lost on the vote. Twenty-eight nurses presented the second petition, by mail, to J M. Taylor, Chairman of the hoard. It was worded identically with the one from the citizens and rate- payers, and hy vote it was laid on the table. The third, from the Trades and Labor Council, also asking reconsideration of the ap plication, was voted down, CROWDED RACE TRAIN WRECKED IN FRANCE Race Course this afternoon collided with another train just outside the yard limits of the Gare du Nord Sixteen persons were killed and more than 30 injured, some of them, it is feared, mortally, The killed and injured were French. The engineer of the outbound train, who is charged with running past the signals, is confined in jail. His arrest came after a personal investigation conducted by M. Barthou, Minister of Justice. Many of the racing devotees rushed back to the station, a mile away, in order to catch the next the first race. PEACE TOWER CARILLON MAY BE PLAYED BY GIRL Ottawa, April 11.--Canada's na- tional carillon in the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill may be played by a New York girls this summer, as Percival Price, the carillonneur, is * endeavoring to secure two months' leave of absence to go to Belgium for further study. Mr. Price said today the matter rested in the hands of officials of the Department of Public Works. If permission was given him to be away, the carillon in the "Singing Tower" could be played by some of his former pupils in New York. One of the most expert of these is a girl. FALLS CHILD Is KILLED BY MOTOR Niagara Falls, Ont., April 11.-- Stanley Mezzi, aged 4, this city, was almost instantly killed this afternoon when he was struck by a motor truck driven by James Chapman, also of this city. The boy died on arrival at the hospital. fye-witnesses said that the little lad darted sudéenly in front of the truck, giving the driver mo chance to prevent an accident. Chapman made a statement to the police and was not held. NIAGA following the EUROPE monthly | with, but the requests ! sleamers. See your local steamship agen! or write: | Paris, April 11.--A crowded race | train on its way to the Enghein-| train so that they would not miss | AS Y ous TOURIST ABIN THIRD Cor VIcE Bop R450 Go by this famous Tourist { Third Cabin Service to Europe this Summer, Weckly sailings from Montreal and Quebec 10 [ Plymouth, Cherbourg, and London by the Aurania, Alau- nia, Ascania, and Ausonia, ,, to Belfast, Liverpool and Glas- | gow by the Athenia, Letitia, | Andania and Antonia, | Cabin and Third Class' accommodation is d . correspondingly high standard on all 4.4 CANADIAN J SERVICE and Unore aids Anchor LINES The Robert Reford Co., Limited Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts., TORONTO (Phone Elgin 3471) I -- S-------- ___/Plan early for. _ / DEAN LAIRD'S 21-DAY TOUR *330*° From TORONTO ' & including oll expenses Corresponding fares from other points. nto by special train via Wir CANADIAN PACIFIC, ' Monday, July 23, 1928 Seeing 600 miles of Canada's Mountain Grandeur and} Brie World-famous Beauty Spots J YOHO VALLEY (Motor Drives'¥ Steamer Trips: Leaving) Illustrated booklet on application to Wm. Fulton, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, or to Dean Sinclair Laird, Macdonald College P0.,Que, n NewYork at the ABERDEEN HOTEL R-100, giant British dirigible, now being built for re_:l°r )assenge: traffic across the ocean, and Mrs. Burney may accompany him on the maiden trip. 'She is the daugntar of Mr. and Mrs. George H. High, 1242 Lake shore Drive, Chicago. aviary is planned at Dundurn Park, that the zoo will be 'done away with and the announcement of the latest plans is creating considerable interest, Passenger service on the Hudson between New York and has opened for the year. headquarters when who is staying at Verviers, await- ing the outcome of hi application for a visa to visit the free city of Danzig, Missing since October 18, Arthur A. Norris, 50, was found by two small boys Sunday behind some bushes on Prince's Island, Calgary. His throat, was cut and a razor, hearing his initials, was found be- side the body. A well was dug 363 feet deep in Jukutsk, Siberia, without getting below frozen earth, Because he spent 70,000,000 government rubles without show- ing results in a project to irrigate desert sands in central Asia, M. Rikunoy has heen sentenced by the soviet supreme court to six years' solitary imprisonment, It was disclosed by a woman at a London court that she had let a room to her husband, against whom she obtained a separation order, Mrs. John Fraser, a resident of Manitoba for fifty years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Colin Campbell, Pigeon Bluff. . Of the 3,066,000 passenger au- tomobhiles produced in the United States last year, the average retail price of the cars is estimated to have been $953. American forestry experts will visit Europe this summer to study methods in the famous forests of France, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Switzerland. Mayor Thompson and Senator Deneen accused each other of be- ing connected with the reign of crime im Chicago, but neither shows any inclination to sue the other for slander. Just how long and how far a Canadian five cent piece has been joy-riding in the Pacific ocean in- side of a 35-pound spring salmon is a matter of conjecture but it is quite possible the coin may have travelled thousands of miles. John Nelson, New Westminster, B. C., fisherman, landed the salmon and while cleaning the fish made the find. The reverse side of the coin was worn smooth, but the obverse side revealed the features of King George clearly. A new towm in Nebraska will be named Lindy, Six Yale semiors plan around th world trip in a 70-foot schooner. Albert Valler, 9, of Ashland, Pa lost an eye with an air rifle bullet. Mrs. Jennie Engler, 46, died tn the Lutheran Deaconess hospitai, Chicago, of injusies she eceived March 26, when she fell from a ladder while housecleaning at 1401 North Maplewood avenue, where she was employed. --d% Uttermost Quality Always in Fashion-Craft Clothes A Man Plays Safe when he buys a Blue Suit A Blue Suit fite in everywhere, It's alwaysin good taste, It never offends the conventions cf dress, It looks as well on the young man as it does on his elders, It's as becoming to one com- plexion ag it is to another. It will be as stylish next year as it A $7,600 expenditure on a bird | Hamilton, It is announced | Albany | The bomb-proof shelter and villa | where the former kaiser made his | visiting the| "front" during the World War, was | a chief attraction recently for his | brother-in-law, Alexander Subkoff, | The "Brocks" "Borsalino" "St. Lawrence' ....comsersrenrs $5.00 "Horton" .... is today, OKO (OUR KNOCK OUT) TRADE MARK REG'D. Special Blue Serge 34° ART SILK LINED By [ASHION-GRAFT 'The House for Hats" ani $6.00 rT ET TE Er i i a a a Si a J a ee a a a Se aN ae) rr. RR a J J da J aS a a , snfosforfrsfosdesio denier deirdre de dodo dolore rb dre i FREE! HUDNUT'S Perfume Vial-ettes With every $1.00 purchase of Hudnut's Toiletries THREE FLOWERS Vanishing Cream, Lipstick, Cleansing Cream, Compacts, etc., etc. Karn's Drug Store Next to Post Office EA"

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