Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Apr 1928, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE SCOTLAND WANTS | "DESERTERS' BACK Glasgow Parish Council Spends Large Sum Every Year Supporting Wives Glasgow, March 17.--There are some people -who go from Scot- land to Canada, and are taken back again whenever they can be caught. Neither country is spe- cially anxious to have themr, and yet both must look after them in some way or other. They are the Scots (or at least, the men living in Scotland), who desert their wives and families. They emigrate to Canada on the pretence that they are to improve their position in the world, and that they will But quite a lot of them forget all about, or at any rate, seem to forget their dom- estic obligations. They send little or no money, very soon they cease to write, then their Canadian ad- dresses find them no more, and-- this is where Glasgow comes in-- their wives and families come "on the parish." Their dependents have to be supported out of pub- lie funds supplied by the ratepay- ers, There are hundreds of such cases every year, and the local au- thorities: go to a great deal of New Spring Suits and extra $25 Pants, made to measure, . 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. [hone "330 Opp. Centre St, Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS BEetablished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Ws trouble and expense trying to trace the deserters. In this they are helped cordial- ly by the police and other authori- ties in the Dominion, and every now and then a deserter is brought back to Glasgow and charged be- fore the courts. One got three months' imprisonment the other day for having "meglected his wife and four children" by going to Canada and sending them mo money. But that is only one case in 600 which Glasgow Parish Council have on their books. The Council are spending £35,000 a year in supporting the dependents of such deserters, and no wonder they try to get back, and get pun- ished, as amny of them as pos- sible. . If Canada could only find and send back the whole 600 it would be a great thing for the Parish Council. Not that many of them would then work for their wives and families, but they could, al least, be punished, and their pun- | ishment would do something to stop. the business of desertion. Just at present, however, there are many emigrants that Scotland is really sorry, and Canada, no doubt, very glad to get. Some seven hundred sailed from Glas- gow the other day by an Anchor- Donaldson liner--the great major- ity of them for permanent settle- ment in the Dominion. Many were building trade and engineering trade artisans, of whom there is almost certain to be a scarcity as soon-as trade improves in Scotland; some were mineres who are looking forward to getting employment in the mining districts of Canada. CONSERVATIVE COMMITTEE WILL MEET ON APRIL 21 Ottawa, April 4--The National Committee of the Iederal Con- servative party has been called to meet here on April 21 for organ- ization purposes. The composi- tion of the committee was deter- mined last fall, but not its per- sonnel, The latter will be com- pleted at the coming meeting, 1t will be composed of four from On- arie, four from Quebec, one from Prince Edward Island and two from each of the remaining Prov- inces, John RN, MacNicol of To- ronto is Chairman, General A. D. MacRae, who was seriously injured here a short time ago by a fall is progressing favorably and expects to leave the civic hospital in about two weeka. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1928 AIR MAIL SERVICE WILL BE RESUMED Connections With Liners at Rimouski to Be Increased This Summer Ottawa, April 5.--With the opening of navigation on the St. Lawreyce about the end of this month, the air mail service from Rimouski will be resumed. Last year the service was confined to Montreal--although one trip was made to Ottawa. This year, however, 'there will be an ex- tension and both Ottawa and To- ronto are included in the air mail program, The first mail liner of the scason is expected at Rimouski on the night of April 27 or the morning of the 28th, The mail will be put on board the airplane 'and brought to Mon- treal where it will be re-distributed on 'planes for delivery in "Toronto and Ottawa. Further expansion of Canada's air mail service is contemplated and ef- forts may shortly be made to reach an agreement with the United States in regard to connecting up with the trans-continéntal air lines at Albany, Would not be Without Zutoo Tablets At Any Cost Mr, A. O, Norton, the millionaire Jack Manufacturer, ot , who re. cently died, was a great "booster' for Zutoo Tablets, 'Te suffered from headaches from child. 100d and when he found Zutoo Tablets these h hes in afew minutes an no bad effect, he began recom. mending them to his family and friends, [n an unsolicited letter, Mr, Norton says in flosing ? " ty family use them when ever needed with equally results, I have fre. quently given them to friends who were suffering from Headache and they neves failed to give quick relief, always carry Zutoo Tablets in my er on the road and WOULD NOT WITHOUT THEM AT ANY COST." 13 cants pes box~~at all dealers, A ---- Each one of 'em's told me, "That Used Car you sold me |, Is the finest I'f'] car on the street." "Satisfied" Says Okay K "You bet All my buyers are" 'F you want to buy a Used Car with the full knowledge of what you bu getting a square bs 4 OK didi, arr » » » if you want to feel that you are » » » if you want to know you are to be satisfied . , . if you want to get honest value for ov every dollar you for whom this , K. Used Car policy . »'» then YOU are the man was established. By using the Chevrolet O. K. tag on our Used Cars we are offering you the utmost Look for the tag on the car you buy. USED CAR protection and satizfaction. OK-628 with an CK that Counts Let us show you these representative vaiues'in O. K. Cherrolet Sedan "27 model, only driven very small mileage, looks and rums like price, 9690 Price, .. Used Cars. every £90d motor, A $475 Chey, Coupe, 1926 Dodge Touring, five model, in first class = Mearly condition way. Price, .. tires, real Ontario Motor Sales Simcoe Sreet South SEE OTHER OEAY KARR SPECIALS ON CLASSIFIED PAus> | CANADA ATLANTIC FLIGHT New Type of Airplane to Be Used on Westward Hop --r-- Ottawa, April 5.--A projected west-bound flight across the Atlan- tic to Canada mn a new type oi air- plane next summer is being assist- ed by the Dominion Government. It has been decided to remit the cus- toms duty and sales tax on the $75,- 000 machine which is to be utilized for the projected test flight. F, T. Courtney, the British flier is behind the scheme and the concessions sought have been secured from the National Revenue Department. The machine is to be a Canadian regist- cr. Thecrait to be used is a Dornier allmetal flying boat now being built in Italy. It is described as entirely different to the aeroplanes used in successive and tragic attempts inthe past year to get across the Atlantic and repeat, west-bound, Lindbergh's feat, east-bound. The route project~d will be from Great Britain to the Azores, New- foundland the Maritime Provinces and up the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes. The return trip would be di- rect to Great Britain via the St Lawrence and Newfoundland, The flying boat, though being made in Italy, will be equipped with four Bristol Jupiter engines, A condition of the concession ex- tended by the Dominion Government, in the remission of some $13,000 in cutoms and sales tax, is that the machine shall be used wholly for ex- perimental and not commercial pur- poses. TRUCK INJURES MAN, CRASHES INTO HOUSE Grimsby, April 4,--Struck by a truck while leaving his home here this evening, Edward Lampman is in a serious condition at St. Jo- seph's Hospital, Hamilton. W. I. Mitchell of Hamilton was in charge of the truck. According to the police, Mitchell lost control of his mochine, which first hit a tree on the south side of the road and then swerved across the street and mofdnted the curb on the north side. The truck, police say, continued on its course and hit Lampman as he was walk- his home, It came to a halt after ing down the sidewalk in front of it had demolished the front veran- da of J, Stadelmier's home, Police tested the truck ofter the accident and reported that it was in perfect running order. The condition of Mr, Lampman was said to be slightly improved to- night at St, Joseph's Hospital. It was necessary to amputate four of his fingers, GREAT FUTURE FOR PARAGUAY President Ayala Paints Rosy Picture at Congress Opening Asuncion, Paraguay, April 5.-- President Ayala, opening the 59th session of congress Monday paint- ed a rosy picture both of inter- nal affairs and relations with for- eign countries. The internal situation, he said, was satisfactory, particularly now that the new electoral law had oh- viated the danger of an overthrow of the Government, Relations with all foreign coun- tries, he said, were excellent. Regarding the Paraguay-Bolivia boundary dispute, President Ayala said that the conference held at Buenos Aires had made great pro- gress, It would meet again in May, he said, and was expect:=d then to reach an agreement, CANADA TO SOUTH AMERICA ROAD IS APPROVED BY U. 5. Washington, April 4.--A resolu- tion of Representative McLeod, Re- osublican, of Michigan, calling for *0-operation of the United States vith other nations of the Western "Jemisphere in the construction of in international highway linking the American continents was adop- ted by the House today with a rec- cord vote. Endorsed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the resolution calls for a survey through existing Governmental and private agencies for such a highway, which would run from some point in Canada across the United States, Mexico, Central America and the countries of South America. The project was approved in principle by the Pan- American Conference at Havana, and is to come actively before the Pan-American Congress of High- ways at Rio de Jameiro in July, 1929. "Not only will this highway be used for automobiles and motor trucks," the committee report on the resolution said. "but it will serve those who in the future will travel and transport matter by air routes. With this purpose in mind, the highway will be of such width that it will at any point and at any time afford landings for aero- planes that may be compelled to descend for safety." Jack Dempsey says he's done with fighting. Mr. Dempsey must be expeeting another war.--Kit- chener Record. They didn't motice leap year. YT BAKING 210A" A] 3 MAGI AL POWDER en Da ri CARDINAL ROULEAU SCORES PERJURERS Habit of False Swearing in Pastoral Letter Quebec, April 5.--A strong pro- test against perjury was made by His Eminence Cardinal Rouleau in a pastoral letter which was read on Sunday in the churches of Que- bec. His Eminence stressed the necessity of truth for human so- ciety and called attention. to the MINISTER 5 1. London, Apr. 5.--Sir Arthur Stecl- Maitland, Minister of Labor for Great Britain, who has been ill with influenza for the past week has de- veloped 4 lung congestion, which makes his condition more serious, it became. known Tuesday. Right Hon. Sir Arthur Steel-Mait- land, Bart, has been Minister of Labor since 1924. He entered Parlia- ment in 1910, and served successively as Under Secretary for the Colonies and Under Sceretary for the Foreign Office before receiving the Labor portiolio, proneness of mankind towards ly- % . ing and making false statemrents. An oath, he said, is or should be a guarantee against this hu- man weakness, and it was univers- ally recognized as such a guaran- tee. "What is an oath?" His Emin- ence asked. "An oath is the calling upon God as a witness to the truth of what one affirms or of the prom- ise one makes. An oath is a most serious and sacred thing, because by it we make God Himself the '| pledge of the truth of our state- ment or promise." An oath, therefore, should not be made except when necessary or a just cause demanded it. Per- jury, or the taking of a false oath the pastoral letter pointed out, whether in Court or out of Court, was a great crime, for by it God was called upon sacrilegiously as a witness to a lie or false promise, And one was guilty of this sin even if he merely pretended to take an oath; for example, by feigning to kiss the Bible or by making a mental reservation that he did not intend to bind himself to tell the truth; committed the double sin of taking God's name in vain and of deceiving his neighbor. Is Mortal Sin "Bear in mind, then, that perjury or the taking of a false oath, even LW ron oR Mil {i [IW 4 L | The girls were privileged to make advances but they couldn't think jup any new ones--Brandon Sum. Goodyear Toes ore buils of SUPERTWIST Cords ~61% more stretch end life then old-style cords ».' / for trifling purposes, 1s always a mortal sin, for it entails a very great irreverence towards God. "Almighty God Himself has threatened, with the severest pun- ishments, all those who commit this sin, and if these punishments are not visited upon the guilty ones in this life, they surely will come to pass in the life to come," the pastoral letter added. Canon law, which was the TT A Th and enjoyed fro moked Rafe jee lo Atlantic Seaboar by every age and every class Church's law, also inflicted penals ties for the taking of a false oath, the letter continued, and in the Quebec diocese, for example, absos lution from this sin is reserved ore dinarily to the Archbishop, The civil laws, mindful of the dangers to society caused by this evil, are also very severe, and in flict Imprisonment for many years in the penitentiary on those who are found guilty er perjury, OR PUNISHMENT BACK-COUNT RY roads! Pot-holes and deep ruts! The car or truck is swung from side to side--slides near the ditch--pulls back on the road with a lurch, Such roads play havoc with ordinary tires, tires can't stand up, Heavy loads! Six people in a five passenger car, Weighty samples in the back of a sales. man's car. An overloaded truck, Ordinary to go and only an hour todo it , , . bus out, schedulesto keep . . . burning up the road all the time! No wonder ordinary tires give Goodyear has produced specie! Heavy Dufy tires for buses, trucks and cars in the most severe types of service, strong. Tough, rough, Weather Tread. Heavy rubber ribs on the sidewalls, These tires are bears for punish. ment. If you have unusual roads, loads or, Goodyear Means Good Wear GOODFYEAR

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