Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Mar 1928, p. 11

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& OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928 BE -- Suk om and Listrict News Gathered By Times Stal Reporters and Correspondents BETHESDA Bethesda, Mar. 28.--Miss Berta Cole 1s visiting her sister, ' Miss Winnifred Cole, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White were in Port Hope on Thursday visiting Mr. White's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. White. Miss Ethel and Mr. J. R. R. Cole were in Toronto last week. The Misses Cole were entertain- ed at the home of Mrs, Thos Tod, of Bowmanville, on Monday. The little gathering was in aonor of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Wright, of Hamilton. ' There passed away on Wednes- day morning, Mr. James Nixon. Mr. and Mrs, Nixon have lived in this vicinity for a number of years. Several from here attended the open meeting of the Women's Can- adian Club in Bowmanville on Mon- day, and were delighted with hoth the personality and address given by "The Homemaker," Mrs, Purs- er, Mrs. Purser's remarks were largely about her page, and the wonderful letters she receives. Every listener must have realized the value of such a column. It must be most satisfying to the writer, as well as beneficial to those seeking assistance in such numerous avenues of thought and lite. Weather still = continues lion- like, Fierce March winds, some- times accompanied by snow re- minds us that last week's balmy days were too good to belong to changeable March, SOLINA Solina, Mar, Reeson, of Columbus, Mrs. Harvey Hardy's, Mr, Harold Pascoe held a suec- cessful wood bee on Friday after- noon and entertained several neighbors " Some one's strayed dog has been making trouble around Solina by killing several valuable hens of one party, 4 Mr. Russell Reynolds, of Toron- to, spent the week end at his home here with Mr, A, J, Reynolds. Miss Nora Werry, of Kedron and Miss Mae Werry, of Enniskillen visited at Mrs. A. L. Pasroe's, Quarterly meeting at Eldad next Sunday at 10.30 o'clock. Sunday School will fellow this service. Mr. Frank Shortridge, of Osh- aw; 28k his home over the week e Pt Vd 4 y i Bush, 'of Columbus, vi 'at his home. me -Mevdrwin Bragg, of Providence, visited at Myr, John Baker's over t eek end) « : ds in '® terrible condition just now and motor cars are plow- ing through mmd to the hubs. acafile Mrs. Silas Williams at- tended fungral of Mr; Johns. at Cart hv Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe and Gorden visited at Mr. John Nay- lor's, of Oshawa. Mr, Allan Balson, of Blackstock, od 26.--Miss Ruby visited at visited at home over the week end. Mr. Arthur Goring, of Oshawa, visited at Mr, C. Blanchard's. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley with Lindsay friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Baker enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, of Hampton, and Misses Helen and Muriel Baker and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Black and Miss K. Markan and Mr. and Mrs. W, T, Baker and John recently, it being the ocea- sion of Mr. Baker and Miss Muriel's birthdays. Miss Ida Jones, of Toronto, visit- ed with Mrs, Roy Langmaid. Mr. Chas. Werry visited at Mr. S. E. Werry's and with other friends, Mr. and Mrs, W., T. Taylor en- tertained their several relatives on their wedding anniversary and al- so celebrated Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Balson's wedding day. Mrs. Roy Langmaid entertained some twenty friends at a shower held in the form of a St. Patrick's decoration, ete, and were in the green and white idea. Miss Helen led the procession of friends to gifts, carrying the image of St. Patrick for Mrs. Roy MecGill, of Enniskillen, (nee Miss Elsie Lang- maid.) The League program at Eldad will be put on by the Solina divi- sion. Mr. Silas Williams has purchas- ed a new Whippet car. Mr, Jim Reynolds visited at Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy at- tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs, Balsdon, at Pickering on Sat- urday. The Young People of Eldad are giving their play, "What Doth it Profit?" on Thursday, March 20th, and at Tyrone on Friday, April 6, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cook and Eileen visited at J. Moorey's. Mr. and Mrs, James Moorey went to Toronto on Saturday. The League meeting at Eldad was in charge of the Solina divi- sion No, 40, but was postponed on account of stormv weather: ENFIELD Enfield, Mar, 28.----Death called a well known and well respected citizen of this place last week when Mr. John Hobhs passed into his final rest, Mr. Hobbs had been in poor health for some time and when finally stricken with pneu- monia, his days were hastened at the end, In spite of wet weather and heavy roads his funeral was attended hy a large gathering and the beautiful floral wreaths and sprays paid and esteemable tribute to the one who had passed he- yond, Interment was made in the Union cemetery, at Oshawa Be- sides his sorrowing wife he leaves to mourn his loss two daughters, Miss Myrtle, of Toronto, and Miss Vera, at home, and one son, Mr, Mervin, whn is teaching in the school here, also one brother, Thomas, of Harriston, and four 1 sisters, Mrs. E. Vanston, and Mrs. H. Fisher, of Whitby, Mrs. Daniel Jackson, of North Oshawa and Mrs. J. Coolidge, of Saskatchewan. The ladies of the Aid will hold their meeting for the month of April on Wednesday, April 4th at the home of Mrs. W. G. Smith. All ladies of this community are cor- dially invited. The meeting will start at 2.30. Mr. Arthur Ormiston held a very successful stock and implement sale here on Tuesday. The stock sold for unusually good figures, in spite of the fact that the weather was far from desirable. COLUMBUS Columbus, Mar. 27.--Mrs. Bea- cock and daughter, Miss Margaret Beacock, of Blackstock, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W. Knapp. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clug- ston visited in Toronto one day this week. Mrs. A. Murison and Stewart spent Sunday with relatives in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Knapp attend- ed the funeral of their nephew, Mr. Gordon Cochrane, at Oshawa on Monday. Owing to the strike at the Gen- eral Motors at Oshawa, several of our young men are not working these days. Mrs, A. Cook, of Brooklin, visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Elling, one day this week, KEDRON Kedron, Mar, 28.--Congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hep- burn on the arrival of a baby girl on Monday night. Miss May Werry, of Enniskillen, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Luke and called on other relatives. Owing to the unfavorable wea- ther and bad roads there was a small congregation at church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, in Oshawa, on Sunday. Communion service will be held at Kedron on Sunday after- noon, Mr, Leslie Hancock had a very successful sale last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Conlin, Miss Marguerite and Mr. Fabian Con- lin, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F. Love, of Oshawa. Miss Nora Werryv is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry of Fnnls. killen Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin visit. ed in Orono last week. The farmers are busy their wood these days. Miss Luella Hepburn is visiting her uncle's, at Enfield. THORNTON'S CORNERS cutting Thornton's Corners, Mar. 28.-- The attendan-e at Sunday School last Sunday was not. as large as usual. The muddy roads and rainy wenther kept a number home. evening's entertainment, given by our young people of this section. We are sorry to hear that a few more cases of mumps in the vie- inity have been reported in the last few days. The auction sale of farm stock and implements and household fur- niture held last Tuesday afternoon on the French homestead, recemt- ly purchased by Mr. A. Fisher, of Oshawa, was quite a success. The: cold windy day was very disagree- able, but a large number of peo- ple came out to the sale and every- thing was sold at good prices. Mr. French is expecting to move to fake up residence in the near future 1a Oshawa. Jack Frost came to the rescue Monday night and the mud was frozen very hard in a few hours, for which we all feel very grate- ful. The roads have been very rough for the mail carrier, Mr. Saunders, but he has not disap- pointed us a day yet and we ase glad to receive the daily mail. TAUNTON Taunton, Mar. 28.--Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walter, of Toronto, visited his brother, Mr. Murton Walter. Congratulations. are due Mrs. Emma Cornish who reached her eighty-third birthday today. The weather man has given us a great variety of weather during the past week. The roads have been very bad, but the cars have continued to run, although some have to be assisted in getting out of the mud holes. Miss Helen Scott who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Bowmanville hospital has been seriously ill. We hope she will soon be better. Mr. Blake Oke, of Ebenezer, visited at Jesse Arnott's recently, Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Vandyke en- tertained a few friends and neigh- bors to tea on Tuesday of last week. A very pleasant evening was enjoved by all. "ZION Mar. Zion, April 1st, at Eldad church, when the Zion members are especiaily invited to attend. usual, Mr and Mrs. Deb, Flintoff again held a party on Tnesday night and Mrs. Anson TPalson was high lady in "Lost Hn'r'" and Master Cordon Wilhyr wna hi~h eentleman Mr and Mrs Nalann spent Wadneedav fn Oshawa. the rnects of Mr, and Mrs. Ross West, Division street. The roads are in a terrible eon- dition now and the milk producers have to take their cans to Cour- tice to meet the milk truck. The storm on Monday was very severe in this district. Althourh it was very disagree- able weather on Sunday. 38 came out to the church and Sunday «chnol gervires, Rev. Mr. Bick {1s evnecting ton ho'd snee'al gerviecs a weer from Anenn The Young People are practicing for the drama. entitled, *Such A Girl," to be given Friday evening. March 30th, in the Sunday School hal!.. Do not miss this event as we feel sure you spired coats that will their flaring scarfs, swinging capes, intricate stitching and unusual collars, cuffs and pockets. And then their love'y tints. Fashions here are always first fashions, yet our prices are right. i THE "FAIR" Will Fascinate You by Their Details EASIER brings an excellent collection of Paris in- positively intrigue you with will enjoy the] inow if the weather and roads fm- nrove, and geveral other mintefops will asciet and he will hold theee co viena in the church, The Pndg of Promise and Glean- ers' clasces are preparing a con- cert, to be piven in the near fu- fure. Two short plays will be put on, one entitled, *Avnt Virginia's Far Trumpet," and the other in the form of a debate, the anestinn under discussion being, Which Is preferable, a clean and eranky wife or a dirty good-nrtured Other numbers consisting of musie, sinving and readings are also be- ine prepared, Watch for the date later. i Jair. We heard of three new cases PORT PERRY Pert Perry. Mar. 28 --Mrs., 0G. Woods and Master Terry spent couple of days in Toronto last rook, Mr. Robert Wallace visited De- troit friends last week. Mrs. Baker, of Sunderland, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Archer, Miss Marion Foster, of Toronto, wes home for the week end. We are sorry to report the fll- ness of Mrs. Wm. Real, but hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Nugent and family are moving this week to their new home in Greenbank. Mumps still seenr to be in the this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson and Miss Aileen Burnham visited Oshawa friends one day last week. Evangelistic services were held in the United Church last week by Rev. C. I. Campbell, secretary of the United Church. The ser- vices were very inspiring and much enjoyed by all who attended. Miss Marie Cherrie spent Sun- day with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Ellsworth Beacock, of De- troit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mcintyre left here last Tuesday for their new home in Hamilton. They will be greatly missed by their many friends. The good wishes of all follow them. We are glad to report that Mr. James Lucas is able to be about again after his illness. Miss May Cockburn, of Toroneo, spent the week end' with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cockburn, Mr. W. 8. Short, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Rolit. Collacutt, of Oshawa, was home for the week end. ---- MYRTLE Myrtle, Mar. 28.--Mr. Roy Thompson has sold his farm at Prospect to Mr. Ed. Conlin. Mr. Simpkins, of Markham, who bought Mr. Charlie Luke's farm, = '"jover here on Saturday and Mon- has moved onto it and are being welcomed to this community. Two heavy thunderstorms passey 28.--Quarterly ser- vice will he held Sunday morning No preaching service here but Sunday School ae one?" | day, which were followed by a cold wintery spell. Mr. Andrew M. Lawrence of the school of Pharmacy, of Toronto, spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lawr- ence. Mr. Will Quinn, of Whitby, spent the week end with his brother, Mr. John Quinn. Mr. George Collier has moved in- to Mr. W. J. Lawrie"s house, south of the village, that was recently vacated by Mr. Ted Gammon. Mr. Collier will still continue to work for Mr. Ed. Whippey. : Mr. Charlie Andrews who has been occupying part of Mrs. A. Fisher's house, has moved to Mr. E. Whippey's house. a mile and a quarter, south of the village. Mr. Devitt, of Whitby, who has been peddling through here for a number of years for the Rawleigh People is giving up this business and made his final trip last week. Mr. Russell Decher spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Albert Moore, of High Point. The frosty nights of late has been a great help to the local maple syrup makers. Mrs. B. H. Beacock, of Union. ville, visited here last week. We are told that each hair root grows something like an onion. A merciful Providence does not let it smell like one.--~Kingston Whig- Standard. EMIGRATION AND CAPITAL NEEDED John Walter Says Present Relations with Home Land Should Continue Toronto, Mar. 29.--Sympathies and aspirations common to the peoples of the British Mother Country and Canada demanded that the flow of emigration and capital from the Old Land to Can- ada be accelerated by every means, declared John Walter, co-proprie- tor and director of The Times, of London, speaking to the Canadian Club here Monday. 'Present re- lations between Canada and the Motherland should be continued only more so," sald Mr. Walter One need not be in Canada very long before the strength of the common bond was realized. Speaking on the subject, "The Times, past and present," Mr. Wal- ter traced the development anu vicissitudes of that newspaper from the date of its founding by his great-great grandfather in 1785 to the present day. Jerusalem now has a population of 70,000. PAGE ELEVE No matter what you want in Brick, we guarantee to meet the price of all outside competition, McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Limited COAL, COKE, WOOD, SEWER PIPE and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 110 King Street West le Brick, Lime, Tilc c1( (nr BRICK We still have a few cars of the old size which we can supply at the old price. Anyone thinking of building should get in touch with us at once as you will save about 10 per cent on your purchase. Sand and Lime Brick, $18.50 per thousand in truck loads Several cars of Pressed Brick at the low price of $27.50 per thousand, delivered on the job. Phone 1246 . * "AEE ENEEFEEER ey = Uriah Td Ns -- mii ---- ' a PNG wd oa TIT ST NINTNT liable Shirt Manufacturer These shirts are absolut madras, represent most c there are scores of new rich designs and patterns to choose from, including checks . and stripes Fancy designs and plain hades of white, blue, sand or helio. 1 Each ghirt has attach | ed collar or separate E collar to match Size E 13% to 17. I MEE EEERER"T requested not to advertise) ro 500 Men's Shirts A special cash purchase from two of Canada's most ree s (whose trade name we have heen enables us to make this offer, ely new in color design and ma- terials, and are fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, Genuine Broadeloth, satin striped Scotch sephyrs and English of the high grade materials and spring patterns or black and white or blue and white pin stripes. Perfectly tailored and hand finished in single or double breasted models, suitable for men and young men, Feature val- ue, $ The new *"Russett'", "Bric" and Scotch twisted tweeds, al-o r shades in Irish ds in fancy and heat! English wo A complete shipment of this season's latest shades and patterns in the new "sporty" herringbone tweeds, overchecks or plain shades. Very dressy and correct in every detail, Feature val- ue, new New Spring 1opcoats ® --, Men's Soft Hats, silk | {37 bined, ...:.00000:, 9 Men's Caps, new col OFS, sosvvscnnsnnses 1.45 Men's Chamoisette Gloves, .......s.0.0 1.00 Men's Balbriggan Combinations, ........ Men's Zephyr Pyjamas, .......o00r0sss Men's New Silk Ties, ..............;. Men's Fancy Check Socks, ».....000000s Men's Flannelette Nightshirts, ss ss esas ns Men's Navy Blue Trousers, ..........., $1.95 SIBE RRY'S 27 King Street East Opposite Post Office Phone 1110 .49 | New &pring Suits Open evenings till 7 o'cleck Saturday might till 11 o'cleck. ~& HENNE ENEEE NNN E NO EEEEEEEENEERAED EE att ett cost ot owt ot EE cmt Ste tf oi ptt SIBERRY'S ot a el yo SENSES EEEE NEES NAEENOEENINEEEEDLW o

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