THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1928 ------ an, Youal walk WGR (303) Buffalo, Celebrities might. -------- . fs QA-Nashilly Frolic. Vl huwbus, Tael tah. WSAL (361) Cings, hari . \ 3 » hh wl ~ Detroit. Musicale. 5 y HX (¢ Sie cland, Hea h talk, 12 mid. ROL (319) ~Cotneil Vluffs, Orches. DR b 'T H @) MM A J 6 to-Fina 11.00 CNRW (405) --\Viumipeg, Leckie Sist- )=Cinci, National Farwu W HN (35)~-N.Y, Oschestra. asy- rs, Harmony Singers. hh ik WEBO (306) Chicago, Davee, FAB O- Lincoln, Congest. 45 Blue Network :-- "Political Situation in WIBT (89) -Chicago, Dance, KPRC (294)--Houston, Ford and Glenn. Washington Tonight: WIZ, WUAL, | 12.30 a m. WTN] (20M)~ Milwaukee. Dan WAMD (222)-5t, Paul, Congest o1- WHAM, AAA, W KC, AWK, WO, Russo, Ue chestra. WOW, WF 'AA, WHAS, ROW, AYW. | 1245 WDAF (370) Kansas City. Nighthawks, WFLA (517)=Clearwater. Twin guitar, WE. Al (492, . Frank Belay, 1.0 ¢ Niky (291) ~\Vancouver. 'The Nignt -------------- NY HAN (280)-- Rochester, Organ. 5.00 WAHL (258) --( Charivite, Farm schou). . . n 300)~Chicago, Stage show, WCCO (WA--Mpls.-5t. Paul. Americas Hrd (38H) ~Oakland. Frank * Ellis, European Workers Find it ) ers: WJZ, WBZ, WBZA. 4)=N.Y. Slumber music, Austitute of Bankiug. WEBMH (366)-=Chicago. Dance. to ) J1¢ Tonight's Best Features y Shenan oa, Blade: Jagd ol Fo-N. Vocal . : WEE CUS) Boston, Mr, aud Mrs. Ra- | 2.00 RNY L397) Los Angeles. Motel Am. Hard to Believe DY 1¢ { | by re >. . . oo N . --- cago. lazz potpourii. Skat, basso dor, 2.30 pm. KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Tulsa Univer WIAM . » BEL 1925.) B l | rR N % This nfment has (400) --~ Cleveland. - "Mewmoties (228) ~ Detroit, Symphony talk. (Copyrighted, joy 8 mus WR 169)--Wash. Kitt Hour, & " AL hicage, NO ¢ mm ----a---- Reports 8.40 Sua (48) Chicago. University of] Tis do-w, Resival : 1. don -Ahicago, Melody time. 2 JH Chicage. Northwest OL n MASTER FOUND ear od ing hi ba 30 Blue Network:--Plaza Concert orches- oS FR pe Aly woo cature. 8, 5 W AU (3) Columb Rural verse. ore 3 fy Tt i on. ba? Nagy Woe ROR one |i Woe (eh Rie A NE 50 Count, Haat se PAPERS COMMENT a10)348 than half & century wr OI SAC NSS ale vilcge. \ % 3. J) ITH Shu i a p op . are BQ -- al hJ Blue ti loi rood "Cine bh Wh 1% FL Ci Cicago. Tlornal revit. WEEL Lous) bust it and Gade | Warsaw, March 26.--A painting i, » There are good rea. 2 wid, K2 (337)--Hol KSO (227)~-Clarinda, Vocal. RADIO TALKS--PLAYS 6 Werl, (8)--Clicise. Educational believed to be a genuine Rem-, | HRC ) Ja N | for th lar. alre WCAH (23) ~Columbus., Piano music. | 6,30 p.m. WBBR (256) -N.Y. Bible address. brandt was found stored in a tow- London Outlook Says Amer- tv of thi a ondert 1 \ is won u hea Silen t after PAC, CECE, WEAF (92)-N.Y. Priscilla Parker, 7.00 Ww EAF (92)-N.Y. Synagogue ser-| 35 \ A " NRO, KF 1, Ay MC, WHAZ, : { 1 : bali J Vii (ZH =Adautic City, "Leaning | of All Saintg Church here . eas 1'T ¥ 2 Or, Woo, WRIA WSBT," WWAC, Re etna Service Cat) 728 WS" GRA Jom BK] 0, XG toate Mosher guns | today. The full signature of the icans Bye Politicians INTERNALI healing liniment. H also Wi 0 Pacitic Cha "Retold Tales": Ko, artist appears in a corner of the t Cor t y N 'S 4 3 k h. Lette . Appel . 0 TY) ' » Waki co Atlanta. Sears Roebuc! 7.3% RENE (461)--Shenandoah. Letter bask Rodi "ko KGW, KHJ, KHO. canvas. "which 1a called 'Idaae | J ¢ y I X | § RNAI ; Regular Daytime Programs 5 WCSO (256)--Springlield, O. Organ. Wego (256)=Springlield, ©. Educa NCE "10 THESE Blessing Jacob." The faces of 1 Ma 26.--F i . Y ---Ch i ki £.00 p.m. PR 100) --H Military o- nan: fietkes a8. We "eSerVE ondon, Mar. 26.--Europe is )) Blue Network: pion Sparkers: pn (100) ~Havana, Military or- | three figures ave well preserved, reading stories of unemployment ! AINS kt ~ [T4] a ed Network t=" Wiz, K KY KWK, WIZ, chestra. ; 3 anc atv Ww WEAR. Wen "WR WiZAT Wi WIR, Wi, WRHAM, WRC (469)--Wash. Orchestra thoush the painting generally 1810, % 0" United States with wonder CECA (357)--Torontp. Music. 9.00 Ked Network:--Ipana 'Lroubadours: | in very bad condition, and can be : wo i (@ eran Tone K¥RU {as0)--Colunbia, Old time mu: WEAF, KSD, KVOO, WEAF, WCAL, | restored only 80 per cent, accord- and dismay. is the idea impl 1 y Wave 297)--Akion, "Heart to Home" TN WOW Ct] Ing to experts. A commission willf, Sa firmly is the idea "a anted | = ? : = Kine (461)--Shenandoah, Sunrise con: Hou (297)--Akro Wie Whahh, Nat 0 YAM: [be called to pass upon the genus n old-world minds that the Unit- | years. Along wity the economic | Repub!cans. wi WRAL (285)~Baltimore, Tenor, vay fat WIAR, KOA, WTAG, WCSH, WSAL | jneness of the find. ed states is rolling in gold, and [reports, newspapers and weekly "The muddy waves of the of} KMA (¥5)-Shenandoah. Farm talk WIZ (333)--Springfield, Mass, Music. nd butely vege h KI'RC, WEE VIC, that all workmen receive high | periodicals are featuring reports [scandal are lapping the steps of the WeAu 7= TTrolickers. of tha KEFAL (319) --Lincoln, Orchestra, o wages and have automobiles, that [of the oil scandal hearings at [imposing monument built in mems tl 1. Ww cago. Y.M.C.A. emer. VERE (192)=N.Y. To be anuounceu. HAY uble, KTHS (38)--Hot sprigs, Orchestra, ! a 4 We 130 \ ia 0 (H8)~Chicago. a Yih me RAL Big fe ay or ied a cl howl: PWX. (00 --Havana, | Cuba Trouba it is difficult for the average man [ Washington, ory of the late President Harding, i --Claringa. "The Boss. WHAM (280)--Rochester, Remington n. Ae picasa dours, y to believe reports. The oil stories serve 'merely to | at Marion, Ohio," says the Times! eT rte Hao Hour. and: WGY, WMAK, 30 Red Network: edjoudrich Orchestra The dismay Is caused by fear in| confir oh 2 'merely 0 Washingto > Hr ont "%"" Morning Devo: WHO (335)--Des Moines, Feature. gL the test wits and Quartet: WEAF, WEEL WTIC, ly ie 3 confirm the general European gton correspondent, WIP (39)--Phila, WIP Male quartet. AR, Ali, SH, WLIT, ig / continental Kurope that an eco-| opinion of American polities. Th bcc Health exerci. WXAC (461)--Toston. "L'Africaine 3 R(', . 3 ; Wan, DODD | nomic crisis in the United States | "1y would seem that the sean- ---- 815 hd Network :="Chee rom ' "nsemble, ve t Nh : ' A would affect Europe severely by | dal al Ariz 4 WNYC (320)---N.Y, Songs, . AF, KVOO, A \ Be ly 0 al ought to jeopardize the Re- ! . ie tly secrie Springs. Early WEG = Atlantic City. Studio con. WEAN, WIHAS, WAC, WSM, wi | #8 fl | shutting off the flow of millions | publicans in the following elec- morning mus WWJ (353)--Detroit. Musicale. WIT, - . i of dollars in loans and credits tion," says the "Outlook." ¥ 4 a oo WHAPY pA Worth, Morning | 815 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Musicale. WHAP (GU)=Ft. Worth, The Ramb. | {98 Responsible observers believe a pi ys | Out 2 che i hi Hus ARTI Rw es ty WELA (17) Clearwater. Dar 9, crisis in America would affect the But it will have little effect on AR ' J . arwater, ance. hte ' ' a ) rd i ry srrles . " Wha¥ {Fw Kamae Cit. Moraing Wii Wiz v RORY, RYW, Wi, All seven Oshawa druggists WIZ (15)=N.Y, Tango orchestra: also [ entire world economically and fin- the ordinary Ameriean, who is | ol either completely eynieal or bored, les Wiz HAE ro. 349)=Ne Mexic lege. . WHAL. : ane ih ar Buro- WH {5 'ee Moines. Victor 9 RUB © (3)-New Mexico College WNOX (#65) ~Knoxville, Dance music. { anclally, and -might harm Euro- 1,4 ovpects politicians to be cor Studio. of er ¥ 5 i . p odern, -] " . 85) ~ Spri ¢ WRVA (230)= Richmond, Orchestra. \ \ . ¢ pean interests more than it would . 1 by re 2% Wy (359) =Detroit, "Tonight's Din RTHS (33)~-Hot Springs: Concert of ) WSL (400) South Bend, Dace tins [ 220 henefit them TRE Bel She fue v T 's N ose to Peas, adi chestra, ' VILA (317)=Clearwater, Band cone. 00 WAAM (3) Newark, Four Towers, { HAM 4 Daas Stkas a I'he Daily Telegraph's New Yor! wa lll, gan-Keamse Ste Colge | (LLL, CH eater, Mwai PHONE 22 WHEW (10 ~Cunci, Oichenira BaD oe er nme | correspondent says 1 is general SSEhat dtrment Cmte "428 ~cinci. Women's bour. Vistas." A S=tn) 1 eve ath, rates, | Dh KAS HY ¢ ¥ lo BiH 2 possi) helicved that the Republicans fi, WHAS (322)=Louisville, Concert, : WMAR (Gia) =luffalo, Dance, Ih 0 § ouP change in what they have regard- i 1 tepublican ue a fy Tuna, Mee totre; WHK (265)=Cleveland. Instrumental For Your Drug Needs , Ny La Yin ag Dance. ) i ER TRL ed since the world war as holier chances may he jeopardized, ABERDEEN H HOTEL prey (320)=N.Y, Dance music. ¥ dole y Thi mT i ' , oe WSEA (203) -Norlolk, Dance. than-thou attitude by the United he Morning Post's Wasnington had, % St., "R Sth Ave. VOS (120)--=Tefierson City, Wesley : we Pi EN yt won Chapel Congregation, . A THOM PSON'S fal) iad A ilwankee Popular duties States, correspondent says that "attempts Joba B.D WLS (345)=Chicage, Home question LE (eb -tinc Brunswick Prog. | . Wiis tlantie City, Suppe There Is more interest in Anrari- | 10 hesmear Governor Smith of New a F. Dowaey, A isis Diveener, WNAC (461)=Boston. Women's hour. WTAG (517)=Worcester, Musicale, 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver WMCA (370)--N."¥, Frohe, can news than at any time in| York show the desperation of the | ' ht WTAM (400)=Cleveland. Studio prog. 11.00 hd Ef (492)=N, ¥. Music; household EET (335) --THartford, Thi # WON cor-chicago. Home manage: | 845 KTUS, )--llor Springs. Mis, Mas ELLA CINDERS--Where Is It? ; =. By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ment peri " WH Filing Madison, Piano and vo. WRNY' (6)-N. ¥. "Keening Fit. cal numbe ¥ WCF (9h atlents, omemaker's WAAK (345)=Buffalo. Radio Frolick- y ers 'GY, bas Wien Sw ones. gen, 9 Columbia Chain: Kolst Composer \ ; OR RMON, WBE WoT, Bo Neon 'crea =Colguy- News WKRC, © WMAK, WMAQ, ather, JAR, RMA (394)--Shenandoah, Songs. NAC, WOWO, fa Blue Network :i--Variety Hour: WJ iC' @M-Akron. Studio program. KYW. WHAL, W ie KDKA, KWK, ward (283)-Columbus. Musicale. WBBM (38) Chicagd. Vocal. wiz tne Cinhean mine WDOD @#4)=Chattanooga. Sting THEY'RE $ (345) =Chi F.D. Dinner bell. band, Cath WOO (Harbin. Luncheon music WENR (s)-Chicago. Classical, ROUNDING | Wal ssl Chic, Roms seonomics, WOS (122)--Jelferson City, Roop trio THE BEND: MI" (2) -Milmaukee. Organ, WRYA (350 Richmond, Concert | Ld) EAT {652)=N. ¥, Rolle's Drehestrs. WSOE (270) Milwaukee. Musicale WLIT (405)=Phila. Religious service, WTMS (204)=Milwaukee. Wisconsin their first 12. WCAU ML dA Richestis, b Ci mninitie program, ? » Jimpse of WTAM (400) = Clevelan rehestra 15 KS (227) Clarinda. Vocal, b4 30 KPRC (299)--Houston: Studio goncert, that 12.3% Ever (411)=Montresl. Mt. Roys) Or. Pacific Chain; aha oer at e iid ria Ga ar smYeremin.. Eupgionn mel Kho, KET KPO, KGW, Ki], RHQ, holds the Wil anally, Farm and home Woon (244)--Chattanooga, Qrgan. radi al A WPL (273)--Atla City, Hawaiis -- 2.00 pm KOIL (819) = Council Bluffs, Whi; gur-Atantie Chy, Hawaiian ed poke Luncheon music, A Taha KOR Wah hia wally Wea 4 'OR, MOX, ANC, AlU, Zod, Kus in ot WE pa WOAD, Weal, WYEAN, WEL, 4 =Mpls-St, au arm WGHP, WIAR, KRC, MARK, WMAD, WNAC, WOW. WE (484) =Chicago. Organ. | PWX (400)---Havana. Feature. What 2 T0=Fantes City. Country. KFRU (250)--Columbia, Concert. KOT. (319)-=Council Bluffs, Variety. iy inate, concn Engmble. KTH (385)=Hot Springs. Concert en- , Y, News flashes; mu. semble, Ln ne ADE CD tn tt & WIS (345)=Chicago. Choral music, -_ War (306)=Chicago. Organ, Al Car. Chicago, Madrigal Club, : - - - - - --_ " WOKT (210)--Roches ger Feature, By Geo. McManns Ch ies. WOS (422)--Jefferson City, Fulton Band fkso Siero aliltisr. WRHM (261)- Me. | Semi-classical, WMCA (370)! e Y. String ensemble. WTMJ (204)--Milwaukee, Zither. O0D OT FIC MISS Mock BETTER. | 1 mm ay 115 KOA (326)=Denver, "Songs We | \ YOU ARE INDEED I DID NOT- I! Woke "ase ate d Seer Ere | OE JIGGS: HOW 19 YOUR DOCTOR: STEP MUCH BETTER DEAD IF | we 7 LTE | | [ Re- 294) = Milwaukee, Luncheop - ay CL 30 Red Neworki National firand Opera FATHER THIS MORNING? RIGHT IN PLEASE | THIS MORNING: THE WINDOW P ; R R, WCAL, n y B28 pm. WGHP (78=Detroit. Tuller wo Wil Wiki Kh. XCAL: Do YOu FOLLOW " } 7 WOW, WHAE, WSM, WSB. | M PTI ? Who (535)=Des Moines. The Ambass- KVOO (348)~Tulsa. Vocal. i : - RR mI ION Lo K NY (461) = Shenandoah. Farmers' WhnN Le St, ss Lid of : nner fi Dall A WDAF (370) as City, Musicale. we jo) RVs be adrem) music, WENR (288) cago. Popular rok. 0 WeR® a isda icago. Drake ensemble, Blue KWEK, Ww BAL" the Fano: ws, (345)=~Chicago. "Forgotten Op- ras." Wednesday Programs WMC (317)--Memphis. Studio eoncert. AFTERNOON PROGRAMS WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Studio pro- 4 WGHP (278)--Detroit, Home hr, | s-- RE -- 15 K 30 W JZ (456)=N.Y." "Daily Menu." A vB Denver. Organ, (508)--Boston. Musicale, Wilko (448)--Chicago. Musical pot- [] ' Wer SB (476) -- Atlanta. Musicale. Radio ectric 3.00 CNRO (435)~Ottawa. Musicale. KolL (319)--Council - Bluffs. Leisure Ww Valu (283)--Columbus, 0. Aiternoon 1 Prince Sk. Phene 2477 DIOR ral - Wit (Hi (349)=N.Y. Talk; vocal, RB. 1028: by 1671 Fasbure Service. Ins. Sommer Bt rable muesrmd. WHB (34))--K. Shr o ¢ rar od Hel: §. COWELL, Prop. hk. Sorin : er - (294)--Milwaukee. Afternoon Beach TELLING TOMMY _ 'hicago. ridan Thea, 4 1 is 4.00 viz ie, Sgt Tt Radio parts and sets in stock. EDWARD MACDOWELL WAS AN A: Canon vo) ! ; 0) LIKE 10 BEA HUH! 10 RATHER WEBM (3) Clicago. Heath tak, Dr AMERICAN PIANIST AND COMPOSER, A! GREAT COMPOSER ff COMPOSE "JAZL" WFAA (545)---Dallas. Homemakers, 4.45 WOO (349)--Phila. Grand organ. [Forewo racooneu vins sow 5.00 wii (283) =Columbus, O, Dinner con, WIP (349)--Phila, Orchestia. WGR (303)--Bulfalo, Dinner music, {1S COMPOSITIONS HAVE AN ATMOSPHERE OF THE He 75)--Dav rt. mes. : 2 . ; f S Woe (o---puenpecs. crimes 12 Simcoe St. South " HE MET MARIAN NEVINS, WHO WAS AMD WOODLAND SKETCHES HAVE INDIAN THEMES. (448)--Chicago. Topsy .Turvey | Hudson and 1 Essex Coach, late PRL Bundes: ] EE ---- ¢ #15 Who G35) Des Moines, Music Mast. ; RANK WHITH THE FOREMOST AGHIANS h : | B I | iY | ( AND HAVE ALL AND HAVE ALL 420 CXS (330) Saskatoon. Special music, | / ho X | | | nN \ | THE HORLD AT 1 THE WORLD ON --- attan trio, MEN'S T ! . 3 ANNI, Nn al |. 8 | wiz ike aes hr. MENS TOP OATS l OF MODERN TIMES. RPE £7 aed » fa / : P Road 4 | 14 (as i | MY FEET. THER FEET. 5% wor. (380)~Echenectady. Hotel Van D » » - Co si ? r | 13 A | 5.45 WSs (405)~Mpls,-St. Paul. Readers' 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 ' . ; a ; WEAF (492)~N.Y. Waldorf: also WRC. En C ¥ ih 1661. WGHP (278)--Detroit. Dinner conc, y HE STUDIED IN PARIS, WIESBADEN Pia M Sao) Clevelas , Orchestra. ; wit Shs | Felt B < i oe nos nons | bl ¥ 37 _ Y. gol pd 4 The LE POS, GREATLY ECORIGED I RIS Wl | PINAR 6.38 WAAC I ocisn, Ding dance. he LEADING JEWELERS ) EARLY WORK BY FRANZ LISZI Tit | | : 1 i000 AND HE INTRODUCED INTO THEM TOUCHES OF 646 WHAM (7) --Rochester, Dinner mu Rutablished 1588 | GREAT HUNGARIAN PIANIST. it GERMANY 7 AMERKAN FOLKCMUSICNOTABLY INDIA. HIS INDI SUITE HE a: webu )--Chicago. Dream | FIRST HIS PUPIL AND AFTERWARDS HIS WIFE. "HE -- a A Time, s WEES SO)--oson Bg Brother Kodcls, in pd order, new duco io Kaw SRI adie Win j : 710 i" niet. hd Codi Motor Co. . "Fr OFFIC ERT Tupr Line A All." SOL ARE ESCAPE - IT'S ALL OP IF) 9H KoA non "Tell me a HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 7; CS HRIMP WAS FLIRTING y " | ZF FAMOMS AE i A A As © Prince St, Osha: h & #4 ) ba. a SF Tol) TANE TONES -| [BACK IN THE UNITED STATES - hid po 52 seve ieids Rihana: id wa Phone 1169 | > . ) 2 AT EES ZE WAY| [HERE VWE GOT A GANG OF : Ah AWA \ 4 - / "1 HE SHOWS ADMIRATION |FRRENCHMEN AF TER ME ANDI FLIRTS HAVE TO GO AROUND NMITH A > , BRUSH ON My FACE - sz FIAT