Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1928, p. 8

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PAL EIGH I S-- "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best Features -- 800 p.m. Red Network: --Seiberling Sing- 845 WPG 23)--Atlantic Cit, lay let. ie J YN Cd ny oT WO CS. irituals, Wh CFCF, C, WHAZ, wet WWNC, 11.3% ER , Voir vie 10 . hy! SI hig dee 7 Silent. a- CNRO, XPOS. WOI, WOO, WRHM, CFCA. Regular Daytime Programs 0 aa BRE LV k. Moming gym. ron HOH 8 Nox Setting up exer- FE) (461)=Shenandoah. Sunrise con- cert. KMA (95)-Shenandoah, Farm talki music. 2.9 WuAQ (48)=Chicago. Y.M.C.A. emer- KSO (27) ~Clarinds. "Th » 2.43 WOC '(75)=Davenport, Happy Hour, 3.00 WEAF F (00-N, . Morning Deve. 428)--Cinel. Healthtul exercises. 8.15 WE y (Circ trom WEA, EEL, WGY, WRC. LNW e (= Berrien Springs, Early 2.00 WEAP® Got, Werth, Moming Risicale (370)=-Kansas City. Morning ai Tate Moines, Victor pro. i (5D~Detroit, "Tonight's Dia: REA State College. =Cincl, Women's hour, canta, Mus! 283)=Columbus. Scripture; 10.45 oH ime Housekeepers chat, 349)--N, ¥, Women's hour, LS (345)=Chicago. Home question WNAC (461)--Boston. Women's hour. 1.00 WEF (492)=-N, ¥, Music; household WGN (416)--Chicago, Home manage: Rent "Kosoin Fit," win io Runia, memaker's 0 Whiio Mpls, Museale HO (535)--Des Moines, Organ, ) CFCA (357) =Calgary, A 0=Shemndont. Songs, WADC (238)--Akron, Studio program, WAIU (283)=Columbus. Musicale, WEBH $360) Chica 0, Women's h WiA (454)=N. ¥, Luncheon music, 345)~Chic. R.F.D, Dinner bel. woo hoe Luncheon music. me economics, 2=-NMiln aukee. Organ, rim Y, Rolle's Orchestra, AT (405)--Phila, Religious service. 12.90 WCAU a This. Orchestra. WTAM (400) = Cleveland. Orchestra over (411)=Montreal, Mt, Royal Os. News; B.45 Toronto, Luncheon, music, M BR =Nannite. Farm snd home 0 em Oo) Mai = Council Bluffs, me; PY Ciarnds Luncheon music, [¢ Springs, Concert, weeo (405)=Mpls-St, Paul, y. WCFL (484)=Chicago. WDA (HO--Kanes City {VCR (08~Bullslo, Concert smpembl -Buffs ert WHN (394)=N, ¥, News ip sic, WHT (306)=Chicago. Organ, Al Car. Whiag (448)=Chicago, Melodies, WMC (517)~Memphis, Orchestra, WMCA (370)-N, Y, WSB (476)--Atlanta, uy (34) = Wiiwaubee Luncheon =Detroit, Organ. (78)=Detsoit, Tuller WHO (535)=Des Moines, The Ambass- ¥ (461) -- Shenandoah, My _soncent, AA (545)=Dallas. Address; music. i S (349)=-N.Y, Seri H I! 10 WON. Gio Ching. Boars musicale Wednesday Programs ' AFTERNOON PROGRAMS .m, WGHP (278)~Detroit, Home hr, (454)--N.Y, Dally, Meny, » 2,15 KOA (326)--Denver. Or, - WEEI (508)--Boston, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. , L718 (476)--Atlanta, Musicale, M0 CIE ie S-gusns. Musicale, 9)=Council Bluffs, Leisure WAIU (283)~Columbus, O, Afternoon ram. Woks" (349)-N.Y, Talk; vocal. WHB (341)--Kansas City, Ladies' hr, wirp (366)--Chicago, 7 is BA hildren, WM) (®4)--Milwaukee. Afternoon feature, '80 WGN oe) Chicago, Artist secital. 3.0 (35 Bt Toronto, Studio pr: BO (306)~Chicago. Sheridan ig -8 WBAL aimee, Salon orches, WDAF. (370)~Kansas City, String Farm 'Country. mupic, WWJ as 515 pm W Farmers' i Musical pot. CONCERTS TONIGHT ers: W. 7.00 AMA 0 Sherandoaly A KVOO (M9--Tulsa. Philip LaRoue, Ean. Ww (469)--Wash, Kitt Hour. 4 WWJ Demis. Recital, 30 Blue Network: --Plaza Concert Orches- tra: WJZ, WOW, KOA. RSAC (33)--Kansas State Coliege. Boys and Girls Club. KSO (227)--Clarinda, Vocal WCAH (23)--Columbus. Piano music. hf EAK (492)--N.Y. National Musice:- wene (278)--Detroit. Service Com- ny. y Wel (476)--Atlanta. - Sears Roebuck 7.45 weEs" (256)--Springfield, 0. Organ. 8.00 Blue Network: --Champion Sparkers, from WJZ, KDKA, Vv, & Ww BZA, WIR, WLW, NRHM, KW. CFCA (357)--Toronto. Music RFRU (250)--=Columbia. Old "time my- Wave (297)--Akron. "Heart to Home" YBaL (285)--Baltimore, Tenor. (33) ---Springlield, } Mass, "Music. Wesu (271)=Phila, Frolickers. WEaP (492)=-N.Y, Musical Minta- W FH (366)--Chicago, Brass quartet, WHAM (0) Rochester, Remington Band: WGY, WHO Des Moines, Featur WIP (349)--Phila, WIP Male Ouartet. WNAC {461)--Hoston, Vocal, WNYC (526)--N.Y. Songs. WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Studio con. WWJ (353)--Detroit. Musicale, 8.30 Blue Network: ~The Sylvania Forest. Wh from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WBZ, ZA. Red Network: --Works of Great Com posers, featuring Hans Barth: WEAF and other stations. KOB (349)--New Mexico College. Stu- dio, KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Concert or- chestra, WEAQ (283)~Columbus, WFLA (317)--Clearwater, Ww HAM (280)--Rochester, Vistas." WHAS (322)--Louisville, WHK (265)--Cleveland. program. WSAIL (361)--Cinci. Brunswick prog. WRNY (320)--N.Y. Concert, WSUI (476)--lowa City, -Musicale. * WTAG (517)=Wuoicester, Musicale, wisn (400)--Cleveland, Studio prog. VIC (335)--Hartford. Frolic, 8.45, w HA (333)--Madison, Piano and vogal numbers, WMAK (545)--Buifalo, Radio Frolicks Pianist, Band cone. "Musical Concert, Instrumental ers: 9.00 Columbia Chain: Hour, from WOR, KMOX, WGHP, WIJAR, WRRC, WMAQ, WNAC, WOWO, Blue Network: it 3 ariety Hour, . from Wiz KDKA, KWK, KYW, WBAL, R. Com pases w M AK. Kalster wins (385)--Hot Springs, Violinist, WAMD (222)--5t, Paul, Feature, WBBM £m ARE dy Vocal, WDOoD (244)--Chattanooga. band, WENR (288)--Chicago. Classical, WLS (345)-- Chicago, All-state hour, WOS (422)--)efferson City, Boosters Club. WRVA (254)--Richmond, Concert, WSOFE (270)--Milwaukee. Musicale, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Wisconsin Communities program, 9,15 KSO (227)--Clarinda, Vocal, 9.30 KPRC (294)--Houston, Studio concert. Pacific Chain: Fruit Growers Wake Hori KFI, KPO, KGW, KH], KHO, String KFOA, KOMO, WDHOD (244)--Chattanooga, Organ. WP. (273)=Atlantic City, Hawaiian troupe. 10m Columbia Chain ;--Columbia Hour, from Ww Ac hd AlU, WC AO, WEAN, VEBL, WOGHP, Ww KRC, Ww MAK, WMAQ, WNAC, WOWO, PWX (400)--Havana, Feature, KFRU (250)--Columbia, Concert. KOIL 19) Council Bluffs. Variety. KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Concert en- semble, WLS (345)--Chicago. Choral music, WOKT (210)--Rochester, Feature, WRHM (261)--Mpls. Semi-classical, © WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Zither, 10.15 KOA (326)--Denver. Folk songs of the rid, Network :--National Grand Opera, ) An WEAF, Tulsa Male quar- Harding Thea. Paul, Musicale. KVOO (348)--Tulsa. Wis (389)--Chicago, WCCO (405)--Mpis.-St, AAA ta Radio Electric 1) Prince St. Phene 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given op wiring jobs. Radio parts snd sets in stock, fHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1928 -- --- TT WDAF (370)--Kansas be a: EARLE W wig pr AR "Forgotten Uper- Ww MC (54/)=Memphis. Studio concert. WPG (Z73)-Atlantic City. Studio prog. WSM (337)--Nashville. Frolic WWI (353) - Detroit. Musicale 1.00 hh RW (#05)--Winmpeg. Apollo KEAR (319) -- Lincoln. Congert. xe RC (24)--Houston. Ford slenn, WAMD (222)--5t. Paul. Conc. orches. WHAM (280)---Rochester. Organ, WHN ()-N.Y, Organ. WIBO (W6)--Chicago. Stage Show. h Zz HN Slumber music. WAMCA (F0)--N.Y. Vocal win (389)--Chicago. Jazz potpourri. WIAM (00)--Cleveland. "Memories Garden. 14.40 WGN a= Cliioaigo. Melody time. 11.45 WSR (476) -- Atlanta. Concert. 12 mid. KNX (337) Hollywood. Feature 12.30 a.m. WCCO (105)--Mpls.-St, Paul. Ox gan. 1.00 KFI (469)--Los Angeles. chestra, \WEBH (366)--Chicago. Informal revue. RADIO TALKS--PLAYS .m. WBBR (256)--N.Y, Bible address. CEAF (492)--N.Y. Synagogue secr- 7.20 We Csi (428)--Portland, Me. News. 72.233 WIZ (5-H. Y. John B. Kennedy: al City. Folger Male and 11.30 Concert or- 0 so W . 2.30 KFNF (461)--Shenandoah, Letter bask- et. WCsO 0. Educa- tional tal WEAO (283)--Columbus, Travel talk, WHK (265)--=Cleveland. Health talk. WLW (428)--Cingi, Farm Council talk, 7.45 Blue Network: --" Political Situation in Washington Tonight": WIZ, WHAL, WHAM, LL VRC, WoC, WOW, WFAA, WIHAS, KOA. 7.50 WE ! (492)---N.Y. Youth." 8.00 wire (258)--~Charlotte. Farm school, CCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, American inh of Banking, WEEI (508)--Boston. Radio Skit. WGHP (278)--Detroit, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. , lecture, 815 WAMD Club, (256)--Springfield, National "Harvest oi Mr, and Mrs, Symphony talk. Northwestern 225)--Mpls. Radio Movie WEAO (283)=Columbus. Rural verse. 8.30 WEEI 308) --DBoston, Sport and Gar- den talk 8.45 bit C FL 8.55 flash) -- Chicago. Educational Ww PG (279)--Atlantic City. "Learning to Fly." 9.00 WHA (333)--Madison. 10.45 WLS (345) --Chicago. ers vs. Blackhawks 11,00 Pacific Chain--"Retold "City Zoning." Hockey, Rang Tales." KPO, KFi, KGO, KGW, KH}, KHQ, KOMO KFOA. PANCE TO THESE 8.00 PWX (400)--Havana, Military orchess tra. WRC (#69) --Wash., Ouchestia, Red Network--lpana Troubadours, from WEAF, KSh, KVOO, WEBAP, WCAE. WOCO, WDAF, WGR, WGY. WHAS, WHO, WLIB, WMC, WRC, WSE, WS A WIAR, KOA, WTAG, WCSH, WSAL KPRC, WEEIL, WTIC. KFAB (319)--Lincoln, PWX (400)--Havana. dours. Red Network--Goodrich Oichestra and Quartet, from WEAF, WEEL, WTIC, 9.00 Orchestra. Cuban Trouba- Question; How does emul- sified cod-liver oil increase the efficiency of milk as a protection against rickets ? Answer: Milk is deficient in rickets-preventing vitamin, A little emulsified cod-liver oiladded to or taken withmilk makes it a more perfect vita- min-food. Give it as SCOTT'S EMULSION For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S, We Deliver WEAR, WTAG, WCSM, WLIT, WRC, oN DAF, KVOO, W FAA MC, WSM, WSB, WBT. IL Toronto. Oschestia. W FLA (317)=--Clearwater. Dance. WNOX (265) Knoxville. Dance music. WRVA (254)- Richmond. Orchestra. WSBT (00) --South Bend. Dance wu- sic WAAM (319) Newark. Four Towers. WE (128)--Cinci. Orchestra. WHK (265)--Cleveland, Pirates. WMAK (45) =Bufialo. Dance. WMAOQ G8) Chicago, Dance. WRAY ( Dance music. WSEA (263) ork Jk. Dance. WrMJ (294) Milwaukee. dance. 5 Wea Popular (273) Atlantic City. Supper Manger, from ' ities night. WSAL (1) pe " Orchestra - weil Bluffs. Orchestra, WHN (193) =N.Y. Orchestra. WIRO (306) =Chicago. Dance WIRT (389)- @hicago. Dance 12.4 What (370) ~ City. hawks. 1.00 CN RV aps KGO (380) ---0Oakland. WERH (366)~Chicago. 2.00 KNX (33/)-Los Angeles. bassador (Copyrighted, 1923.) Kansas Night. (29)--Vancouver. The Night Frank Ellis. Dance. Hotel Am. ELM AND CHESTNUT TREES PIE IN GAS-FILLED AIR: PARIS HAS NEW PROBLEM Paris, Mar. 19.--Automobiles and elm and chestnut trees cannot live in. the same streets and the trees are moving out. It costs $60 each to replace the dying trees with varieties that can breathe the gas-filled air of modern society, As rapidly as maney is available old trees are giving way to hardier planes, cedars and other kinds. There are 83,000 trees along the streets of Paris and in the small green squares, but the number Is being reduced as trees die out he- cause often they were too crowded Once upon a time, hefore the ma- chine age, the trees were planted 18 feet apart. Now, it has heen found, street trees need more space to breathe the vitiated air. They are being put in 23 feet apart, SIGN SHOOTERS ARE DENOUNCED Destroyers Face Federal as Well as State Penalty Los Angeles, Mar, 19.--Malicl- ous destroyers of highway signs are liable to find themselves in ex- tremely hot water and be compell- ed to do time in jail in addition to having their pocketbooks badly dented, under the announced de- termination of the authorities to apprehend all such individuals and give them the limit of the law, It is also probable that the Unit. ed States Government will take a hand in suppressing those persons who delight in disfiguring signs with firearms, since federal aid highways now are marked with the official national Government num- bered shields. Although the Gove ernment signs have been up only } a few weeks some of them already have been disfigured by persons apparently shooting from passing automobiles. Just what type of human is low enough in the mental and moral scale to destroy these silent friends of the open spaces does not con- cern the state or national Govern- ment. But boty these Govern- ments are interested in having the signs erected remain where they are, unmolested and standing as safety warnings and guides to the hundreds of thousands of motor- ists traversing the highways. under the state guilty of double in- the malicious in- jury to signs is punishable by six months in jail and a $500 fine, An additional fine of equal amount and another six months in jail may Sign shooters penal code are fractions since STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. Low rental, CHARLES M. MUNDY ¢/o Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 35 or 312 be arms from any lic an whicle is in tons ne in A plant to clean and treat flax for export is being built at Pskov, Russia, discharging fire- vehicle on a pub- road. Hence the person with urge to spot-shoot signs from a_ liable to spend a year of $1,000, imposed for ------------------ Watermelons important fruit tine Jail 'and pay a fine are becoming an product of Paless 153,507,000 which is 13,000,000 tons more than pre-war years, Germany of arly produced last 5,000,000 in Great members of co-operas coal year, More than Britain ar tive societies, ELLA CINDERS---Romance On the Deter IsnT IT ' BEAUTIFUL. HERE 7 JUST IMAGINE WHAT A GREAT REAL SUBDIVISION BE IF ALL THESE ESTATE IT WOULD . Bl Comselman and Charlie Plumb BRINGING UP FATHER 7 WELL- MY POOR | , (N DOG 1S DEAD - - i$ You LOOK DAD, OLD Yor WHAT 1IDTHE T ROLL E 0, ©1928 BY [ MY Poor DOG 15 DEAD Int Feature Service. Inc By Geo. McManus fii | KIN IMAGINE HOW YOU FEEL! YES HE WAS AF FAITHFUL ANIMAL ~ [HE USED TO BITE | A POLICEMAN EVERY TIME HE THE JA ---- -- le USAIDS OF YEARS AGO, SEVERAL FISH OF Fr THE GOLDFISH IS A I NATIVE OF CHINA SON An IT WAS PURE GOLD OR THIS SULPHURIC ACID WOULDN'T HAVE HURT iT! WHAT DID YOU DO 10 THE GOLDFISH, TOMMY 9 75 DEAD} & VEAL os Y. Altesnoon music. t NYMPH 366) Chicago, Health talk, bis Who (535)=Des Moines. Music mapt- 5] is (330)--Saskatoon. Special mu- ; (545)--Dallas. Homemakers, wiz (454)-N.Y. Mahattan tsio, Wi (345)--Chicago. Homemakers his. £45 WOO {i=piils. Grand organ, 5.30 WGY Vas RATHER GOLDEN HUE WERE NOTICED IN A POND. 50 THROUGH CAREFUL BREEDING OF THESE AMD THROUGH SELECTION, A Nir RACE OF FISH WAS STARTED. JN CHINA THE "BREEDING OF GOLDFISH HAS BECOME A SCIENCE. Childeenis Stockings Speci. 19¢ Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 ly, Hotel 5.45 WCCO (405)~Mpls.-St. Paul. Readers' WAIU (283)--Columbus, ©. Dinner al WEAE Ra 7 Waldorf: WGHP 8)--Detroit. Dinner conc. Ais Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS chestra, WOR Gi_bufisl. Dinner. | music. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 7) $5 WAC (461)--Boston, 1 Hudson and 1 Essex Coach, late con, also N JAPAN GOLDFISH ARE SO POPULAR AS PETS THAT MORE THAN 20,000,000 ARE SOLD EACH YEAR __ 1928 by King Fontes Syndicate. Inc Creat Britain rights reserved . Lt Slee > a e---- a-- ANCESTOR OF THE GOLDFISH SWIMMING PROUDLY IN 175 SUIT OF BURNISHED GOLD OR BRIGHT RED JACKET, WITH BLACK OR SILVER TRIMMINGS, WAS A DULL-COLORED CARP D: AS WHAM (278)--Rochester. Dinner mu- Woc (375)--Davenport. Chimes. FOR THE KIDDIES £90 p.m. WESH (366) == nicago. wops G CRY. Uncle Gee Bee. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey Dream TILLIE THE TOILER--A"T, SOFFER; MACKEREL CVE LTT FRIEND Mal 15 BT 40 BUTT L26 PRL2Y TE 3 A OF THE PLANE SWASTIKA - WHAT a guy! OUT TAERE ALL ALONE PATTLING WITH THE ELEMENTS . AND NOY BEN A SANDWIC o Ms ROCKET. ane H Hima_ A "Bony " " of Adventure for Mac 6.45 WEEIL (509)--Boston. kis > Brother, 7.00 KYW $0-cteags le Bob. WIP A349)--Phila. Uncle "Wip. WSM (3%7)--Nashville. Bedtime story. 7.40 WGN So) -Lchicago, Uncle Quin. 7.30 KOA (326)--Deuver. "Tell me a story." A E THE "SWASTIKA" PASSED OVER. THE SHIP, HAM ANIA TODAY. PASSENGERS ON BOARD SHIP DISTINCTLY HEARD THE SONNE, YM TOUST ROLLING ALONG HAVING My UPS AMD Downs, Waterous-Meek, Limited Yards--Cedardale Uptown Office--66 King St. W. Phones: 660, 1288 MRE AT hoi 220 Fontures Syndies hy Sgn ATR

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