I'HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1928 . . 11.00 Red Network: --V Kiacent Lovea, nave KF1 (#9)--~Los Angeles. Dance orches. dress. 10.30 KNX (3%) wood. Playlet, orchestra, from V KSD, ok THESE WH, Who, Ww Ne ow, Wrie KYA (39)---San Francisco, Clift Ho- 8.00 p.m. W (246)--Jersey City. O:- KTHS (334) --Hot Springs, Dance. tel. ; ches (Copyright, 1928.) PAu 4 seen EEN 10.00 KMA (35)--Shenandoah. Little Sym Kei: @9=Council Bluffs, Uncle this (80--Hot Springs. Music Lov: ers Hour, they have found a correlation he- | tween the speed.of nerve impulses SOUND WAVES MADE BY NERVE CURRENTS |and the intelligence of the subject. From a series of experiments they WILL BE BROADCAST have learned that the reaction (o hawk frolic. WAMD (225)~St. Paul. Dance." WCAU * (3%7)--Phila. Club Madrid. r music. (Continued from e 13 2.05 KOA {0 --Deaver, On Mic ) 215 Whi" 7 Mo air seastic 23 KA (230)--Clay Center. Afternoon Koit (i (319)--Council Bluifs. Leisure hr. Yaa } 2 A a hicago, Musical, --Newa termoon 100 NRO {Cia Oniaws, Mion prog. KMA (3M h, Ja. Ruby Trio. WHAP br als Worth. Vocal, WCSH (428)--Portland, Me. Maine music hour, WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular re- WE (405)--FPhila. Piano solos. WGBS (349)--N.Y. Musicale, WHB (337)--Kaunsas City, Ladies' hr. WIP (349) --Phila, Artist recital, WJID (366)--~Chicago, Children's pro- _ gram at Mooscheart. 15 WHO (535)--Des Moines. Music. WGN (416)--Chicago. Artist recital, WLS (345)--Chicago. Homemakers hr. KIN (257)=~Muscatine. Home folks Stas (345)--Dallas. Belcanto Male X (400)~Havana. Feature hour. Whi (8 )~Cleveland. Morgan Sist WiLA Gi Clearwater, Cup awards n Golen contes WoO 0 Prile. iy Theatre. WOS (422)--Jefierson City, Christian College. Wee (273)~ Atlantic City, Studio pro. $i r (400)--South Bend. Studio prp- 10.15 Kor (326)--Denver. Concert. PRC (54) Houston, Studio concert. 100 Wher WE Wi AR, Wri. Wesk! C, IT, WEBH, WRC, WGY, WGR, i wwi, WFAA, \WHAS, WMC, WSB, WBT, KSD, WCCO, WSAT, KPRC, Noe. Ho, WOW, WDAF, KVOO, TMJ, WRHM, WOAIL, WSM Blue Network:--Moon Magic: WJZ, WHAM, KDKA, KYW. WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Minnea- polis Symphony. WEA (545) Dalla Collegians. on Rroubadauts. WHN 8.30 Red Net EI, Rol THS Waco (405) --Mpls. - (og bonds. Wsuit bok) MJ tra. 9.00 WIAX (M1)=Jacksonville. Orchestra. YOR? (219)--Rochester, Merrymakers. 9.05 WK ( 2.3 was (341)--Kansas City, Dance music. 9.45 WBAP (500)--Ft. bia Wo The 10.0 Colum from Ww Wag, wa WNAC, WOWO. 1 whan pase -- Baltimore. Orchestra. [] WBZ ¥, KSb, Weak, Weak WDAF, (394) --Se: Seville T work :--A, psies, from WGN, WGY, WHO, WIAR, : WoL WRC, WSAIL, WTAM, * (319) --Council Bluffs, Orchestra. (385)--Hot Springs. Orchestra. hy Vaga- WTM 145 WNA VS (476)--lowa City. Orchestra, (294)--Milwaukee. WTM) or 337)--Nashville. Orchestra, )--Cleveland. Buckeye Seren- Worth. Dance orches. C aptivators, WAIU, » WFBL, WMAK, WJIAS," WKRC, 9)--Newark, Four Towers. (333)--Springiield, Mass. Bart (261)--Mpls. Dance, WGR (303)--Buffalo. Su WLW (428)--Cunc. WOS (422)-- Jefferson City, The Ramb- Jers. WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Follies Ber- 12 mid, WHN : wor RD Chicas, 12.45 a.m. WDAF (370)--Kausas City. now Made" Topcoats at ollis £9 Sons service to Atlantic City via Phila- 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W\ Opp. Centre 8 ere. Fre (469)-Wash. Le Paradis Band (2M) -- Milwaukee. Frolic. . Kah) toston, Orchestra. .Y. Cotton Club, "Night- time for Easter, Measure Suits | atres. STROLL ALONG THE - BOARD- WALK Enjoy the Colorful Panorama of Spring Fashions in Bright Array. Atlantic City is thronged with those who delight in' catching a pre-season glimpse of the season's vogue. Of course Atlantic City offers other attractions apart from the world of fashion. It is famous as a place to celebrate the passing of winter. Right now you can enjoy riding, gclf, motoring and the the- Choice of 55 hotels assures every accommodation and every comfort. Canadian National offers rapid delphia. Full information, rates, hotels, ete, at any Canadian Na- Des Moines, Iowa, March 14.-- Messages that travel over the net- work of nerves in the human body create sound waves that can be measured and magnified loud en- ough to be heard, according to two University of lowa seientists, who will broadcast the sound of a hu- man nerve current April 15. The men, Lee E. Travis, assis- tant professor in psychology, and Theodore Hunter, technician in speech pathology, have worked on their problem for nearly three years, measuring the speed and re- ooding the sound of nerve cur- rents. The sound, magnified $00 times, will be broadcast from (he Univers- ity of lowa, station WSUIL The two experimenters say that a stimulus by a keen mind is fas- ter than that by a person of only average intelligence, and that the response of a persom with a dull mind is slower, Two electrodes, which are fas- tened to the subject, an amplifier of great power, an oscillograph which records the action of the nerve current, and a motion pic- ture camera, which makes a perma- nent record of the experiment, DETROIT make up the apparatus Which {he | scientists use to measure the pic- ture, and record the speed, action and sound of the nerve currents. One nice thing about spinach and egg as an edible dish is that if there is enough egg you can leave the spinach.--Kansas City Star. Get Your Spring Suits and Overcoats at the Dominion Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 3. 3.2 3.30 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Studio music. 4 j tional Railways Ticket Office. WRHM Eo Ee Is 270)=Atlanta ohn --- wis B--cuicuso. YMCA. Glo ELLA CINDERS--Friends and Relatives By Bill Conselman and Charlie Flumb Vib (317)--Memphis. Canover conc. : Sil dal - . - - WOO \06)-Fhila: Pentayivania Male SSNS, gg 3 oy / ET =------1 HESE ARE MY Py re Ne = 00 KSO (227)--Clarinda, Ta, Women's hr. WRAL (285)--Baltimore. Salon orches, WCAU (261)~Phila, Musi Academy, » EAF (492)-N.Y. Afternoon musi. w E EDH (366)--Chicago. Songs; x WiBo (306)~Chicago. Sheridan Thea. NDAF (370)--Kansas City, String Tra Woo (7)~Davenport, Home manage- WHE 3s) --Hatlord, Play Boys. 4% C NRE (329)--Saskatoon, Special p. 11,00 Pacific Chain: --Shell Hour, fron sr ENS (46!)-Sheuandoah, Mothers i KF v J, (322)--Louisville, Concert. . WHO (53)--Des ky Rc etle. (294)--Houston, Ford and WAAT Nut Light- Trio, WEG S7D-avlantis City, "A Radio GO, KGW, KOMO, K KPRC Glenn, Na AAT (246)--Jersey City. White (81) Berrien Springs. house ensem! WIZ (450)--N. T. Slumber music, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical . pot- pourri. WRR (461)--Dallas, Music, WSM (337)--Nashville. Studio conc, 11,10 WIAX (341)--Jacksonville, Organ, 11.20 WEMC (484)--DBgrrien Springs, Sacred concert, 11.30 ha (435)--Calgary, Vocal, ( WN Via (454)--N.Y, Variety prog. VFAA (545)--Dallas. Homemakers. 4.45 Wech (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul, Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, KSAC (333)---Kansas State appreciation, 416)--Pitts, Studio ensemble. (492)--N.Y. Dinner concert: "AE, WEEI, WRC, WTAG, WNAC (461)--Boston, Theatre hour, 5.30 way. (380)--Schenectady, Hotel Van 5.45 WEED (405)=Mpls.-St, Paul, 6.00 KMA (394)--Shenandoah. Sunshine con- cert for shut-ins y AAT (246) oY City, Twilight mu- Old § Ww Alu (283)--Columbus, 3 2A) -- 5 11.45 WSB oh Atlinta., Melody artists, we He aA Detroit. Dinner music, 12 mid. WHO (335)--Des Moines, Organ, 6.30 KYW (526)--Chicago. Congress Hotel, | 12.30 a.m. Pacific ls ain: = Jroadware, aud WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass, Dinnes Ho vards 10, music, 517)--=Edmonton. : FOR THE KIDDIES EXRE aiIn=kd 5.00 p.m. WHN (399)--N.Y, Uncle Robert. KVOO (319)--Tulsa, 6.00 Vinh (366)--Chicago. Dream Daddy WRR (461)--Dallas. Javis A C WGEBS (349)--=N.Y, Uncle Gee Bee, 115 c NRE 17) ~ Edmonton, he. MAQ (448)--Chicago, Topsy Turvey "Rapio FF AYRS-FEATURES ime. 161)--Shenandoali. The WEEL (308)--Boston. Big Brother, 700 pi, RERF (61) WHK (265)--Cleveland. Uncle Ned, weeo North- ly a Pile, Uatle wip. b. est Boy Scouts IK (526)--Chicago, Uncle Bo S| ah, Letter Bask- WGN (416)--Chicago. Uncle Quin, 730 KFNF (461) --Shenand CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Cosy Corner, WFAA (545)--Dallas. Story hour, 7.45 WGHP (278)=Detroit, Evening chat, WJAX (341)=Jacksonville, Children's period, CONCERTS TONIGHT 6.30 p.m. Blue Network :--Buis program, from WIZ, WHAS, W NC, ws, WBT, KD WLW, 7.00 WC Sh (236)- Springfield, 0. Concert, tions. WGHP (278)--Detroit, "Lady Moon," WRT WRR (461)--Dallas. Organ, 8.10 WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, 7.15 CECA (357) --Toronto, Organ, Who." WEAF (492)=N.Y, National = String | 830 CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Radio address, Quartet, "The Vanished Red Indians in New- Ww) foundland." 7.30 Blue Network:--Roxy and His Gang, KOR (394)--New Mexico College, Farm from WJZ, KDKA, KVOO, WBAIL, talks, ' KWK, KYW, W HT, WBZ, ww BZA, WOO (349)--Phila, Address by Rev. WHAM, WHO, WFAA, WO! Dagar, W Be, Ww SM, WIR, WREN "KORE, 8.45 WHA (333)--Madison, view, KSO (227)--~Clarinda. Old time music, Woi (265)--Ames, WFLA (517)=Clearwater. Open air] 000 WHAZ (306)--Trov. band concert, WwWoc Gn) -Davenport, 8.00 CNRO 35)--Ottawa, KMA ( --Shenandoah, Vocal. KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs, Enfertain- « HEAVEN WE ARRIVED IN TIME! \ S| College. Readers' bdanaits were Drought alown on the win 9 roses 469)--Los Angeles. Philhar- monic orchestra (400) Cleveland. Memories WTAM Garden, wie S535) -Hatiord, Dinner mu- "Melodies for Concert or 4 di. IM Wy wh 77 VAAN BRINGING UP FATHER YOu SAY THEY WANT TO SELLAT JUST AS) STANDS - Organ, D-Xers Jamboree Instrumental YES - THEY LEFT EVERY THING IN IT AS THEY HAD TO SAIL FOR EUROPE - JUST GO IN AND LOOK AROUND- © 19 THE HOUSE | WOUR WIFE LIKES s| BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS" A LARGE GARAGE" HE HOUSE |S COMPLETE LY FURNISHED- (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul, | HOPE HE LIKES IT AD THERE 19N'T ANOTHER HOLSE FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE - W AlU Gans 'olunibus. Shoppers hr, WEAF (492)---N.Y. "Thrilling Experi- ences of a Human Fly. hod RW (217)--Buffalo. VLL WAIT - i iin il ~ 7.50 Ww N: Ac (461)--Doston, "Newspaper Side- i $ 0 works iteat. Moments in } ; , il History," from WEAF and other sta- ; 10 9 & BER) ' i & 258)--Charlotte, Spiritual half- Farm school, "Who's . (353)--Detroit, Musicale, Economic re Ames Arboretum. Educational ad- © 1928. by Int'l Feature Service, inc reat Britain rights reserved Music, Concert orches, TELLING TOMMY ers, PWX' (400)--Havana, Military band, WADC (287)--Akron, "Heart to Home" Hour, WAIU (283)~Columbus, King Taste 2 WHR GE Y, Concert oO THE FIRST RAINBON IS SUPPOSED TO WCFL (484)--Chicago. Popular prog. HAVE SHOWN AFTER THE FLOOD, TOMMY, | | AS A PROMISE THAT THERE WOULD | | TCT THERES A POT OF | GOLD AT THE END | T ASKED HiM FOR A OF A RAINBOW, dl DIME T DONT THINK TOMMY ? THERES GOLD AMYHHERE ill FAL 1OUGH WE MAY HAVE HOPED TO FIND A POT OF GOLD AT THE RAINBOYS! 7 A END.WHEN A CHILD, NATIVES OF MIAS, WEEL (508)--Boston, Vanifies, WHAZ (306)--Troy, Concert, WNAC (461)=Boston, Vocal, WNYC (526)=N.Y. Concert, WRVA (254)--Richmond. Concert, WSAL (361)--Cinci, Musicale, WEEA (263)~Norfolk, Harmony Four. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Musicale, WITMJ (294)---Milwaukee, Pianologue, WWJ (353)--Detroit. Studio, B15 WLW (428)--Cinci. K.LO, Minstrels, 8.30 KPRC (294)=Houston, Studio, WCAL (234)--Northfield, Vocal, WHAS (322)--~Louisville. Studio prog, WHN (39 .Y, Loew's Theatre. hi JAX 3H)--J acksonville, Old time RUBBED on throat and chest, the effect of Vicks in reliev- ing spasmodic croup is two fold: (1) Its medicated va- pors, released by body heat, reach air passages direct; (2) At the same time it stimulates the skin, thus W ( 08)--Omaha, "One Minute helping the inhaled vapors £35 WE Gh) --Chicago, Harmony Girls, nD: woe 8.45 CNRO (435)--Ottawa. French Canadian AT THE SIGHT OF A RAINBOW. THEY BELIEVE IT TO BE A NET SPREADBY A | xX POWERFUL SPIRIT TO CATCH THEIR SOULS. | 5 Nn Ye ~~. A: T E OLD NORSEMEN THOUGHT THE RAINBOH WIA = ls nusic, Ww M A) (448)--Chicago, Musical Calen- MJ _ BRIDGE OVER WHICH THE GODS RODE HOME. 7 op CJEMBERS OF THE KATISH TRIBE OF CENTRAL AUS- : % TRALIA BELIEVE THE RAINBOYY IS THE SON OF RAIN STANDING ARCHED ACROSS THE SKY TO PREVENT HIS FATHER FROM FALLING. NR NT, D \ a ne ' i 4 ~ - eKs § ' : : : © 1928, by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Great Britain rights reserved > a. a aera PORUBS | = d v 1 DIDN' KNOW HE WAS THE SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT HE SAID "HOw ARE Woke (375)=Davenport. Voss Vaga- WPG (273)~Atlantic City, Popular program, 9.00 Blue Network:--Riverside Hour, from WiZ, KDKA, KWK, KYW, KV WIR, WBZ, WBZA, What, WEBT, WBAP, WLW Ww REN, WHAS! WSE, Columbia Chain: Modern Love Stor. ies, from WOR, WAC, WOCAO, WCALU, WFBL, Walp, WJAS, WMAQ, WNAC, CECE (411)--Montreal, KFARB (319)--Lincoln. KMMJ (230)~Clay Center. KSO (227)--Clarinda, The KTHS (334)--Hot . Springs. artists, KMOX, SOX, A AYA WERC, WOWO, Studio, Musicale. Vocal. Newsboy. Popular WMAK, WHAT DO you MBAN BY STICKING YOUR TONGUE ouT AT MISTER MSCRACKEN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL (5 ZUPBRINTENDENTS MRS. DUGAN! JUST WAITLL YOUR SON SIMMIE STUCK HIS GET HOME YOUNG MAN OUT AT MISTER GOING To CATCH MECRACKEN OUR ire SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT} For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S We Deliver (285) Baltimore. Concert, (333) Springfield, Mass. Fea- WDOD (244) Chattanooga. Hawaiian Guitar Duo. wa (2 Ames, lowa. Jowa State lege. 10 Simcoe St. S. Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1888 12 Simeoe St. South "WniC, Kv T™T, | Ti WWJ, Be Neto pul |1 Hudson and 1 Essex Coach, Jate Snels, in perfect order, new duco WHAM. KDKA, KYW, WBZ Chadburn Motor Co, KOA (326)--Denver. Aporeciation prog. KFAR 319) --Lincoln. A. C. Instru- HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR Phone 1160 > City Hou WRHM (261)---Mpis. Popular program. WRR (461)--Dallas. Musicale, WSB (176)--Atlanta. Concert, WTAG (517)--Waorcester, Studio prog. > ul (294) Milwaukee. Musical high 'Madison. U. of Wisclnsin 9.15 WHA (333) 30) --Richmond, Concert. 9.30 Rec d Network: ~Lieneral Motors Family ©, KSD. WCAE, ,» WCCO, fess NY TRIBUNE, INC: TILLIE THE TOILER--An Inexhaustible Subject I LIKES YOO [YES, THis 's TILLIETTHRELLO, TALK OVER CAPTAIN LA FLEUR. SURELY THE RADIO I'LL BE READY To HOP OFF ALL RISHTIE mental Sextet \ Worth. P (500)--Ft. IF YOURE GOING TO HoP oF F MONDAY, V'M Somes To GNE AND SOUR FRIENDS 'A "Sunflower WBAL (25)--Baltimore, Recital, I'M NOT GONNA WASTE My 9.30 WLS (345) Chicago. WLS Hippo- TIME SLEEPING WHEN | CAN drome. WDOD (244)--C hattanooga. Musicale. |® Prince St, Oshawa | Waterous-Meek, Lumted | Yards--Cedardale Uptown Office--66 King St. W. Phones: 660, 1238 TO ORAM dZA Fs ek LER ] i 38 0 iE