= he Oshawa Daily Times lhe Oshawa Dai Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928 VOL. 2--NO. 58 "Bar Eacont Sundars ed Puble Hkdare + Gen. Motors Stock Climbs to $159 BRITISH NAVY ESTIMATES $286,500,000 New Program F Provides for Two Cruisers, Eight Destroyers SIX SUBMARINES Flotilla Leader River Gun Boat and Four Sloops (Cable Sepvice To The Times By Canadian Press) London, Mar, 9.--The net total of British Navy estimates for the coming year is roughly $286,- 500,000, The original estimate for the current year was two hundred ninety millon dollars, but the sup- plementary estimate of two and a quarter millions was issued today to complete the current financial year, The net total, therefore, will be tive and three quarter millions less than ourrvent figures as amend- ed by the supplementary estimate. The new program for this year includes provision for commencing construction of these new ships: two cruisers, one submarine depot ship, one flotilla leader, eight destroyers, six submarines, one yviver gun boat and four sloops, MOTHER AND TWO CHILDREN PERISH Fire Destroys a Home in St, Jerome, Quebec, Today (By Canadian Press) St. Jerome, Que., March 9--A mother and two of her daughters were burned to death when a fire destroyed the home of Leon Du- quette here early today. Therese, another girl member of the family, was severely burned. The father and six other children escaped. DAUGHTER OF LABOR LEADER RUNS FOR HOUSE OF COMMONS (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) London, Mar, 9.--Ishbel Macdon- ald, daughter of the former Pre- mier, has been elected as Socialist representative of poplar by a large majority, She aspires to a seat in the House of Commons, and this is her first political venture. TO INVITE TURKEY TO PARTICIPATE IN DISARMAMENT PARLEY (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Geneya, Mar. 9. -- Turkey will be invited to participate in the work of the Preparatory Commis- sion on disarmament under the decision reached by the council of the League of Nations today Sov- jet Russia, which suggested this step, will be notied to this ecect. Turkey is mot a member ol the Detroit, Mich, March 9--Eddie Stinson and G arge Haldeman's at- tempt to establish a mew endurance record cuded far short of its object- ive shortly after three am. today when a sudden snow storm forced big Stinson Detroit monoplane to earth. Plane had been in air since 829 aan. yosterday when it took off with load 0" 3845 pounds from ice of Lake St. Cair and began circling Seliridge Feld, over which entire flight was made seems to -- Guelph The modern nurse Ivow her anesthetic. Mercury. Violent Speculation Sends G.M. Stock Up $8 Share; New Record (By Associated Press) General Motors stock closed at 159 New York, Mar, 9,----~Violent speculation in the common stock of General Motors Corporation broke out anew on New York stock exchange today, carrying the price up nearly five dollars a share to $156.25, representing a gain of nearly twenty dollars a share during the past week, The buying movement re- ceived an unexpected stimulus Managers' Securities Company, from the announcement that the owned by executives of General Motors, had purchased 200,000 shares at approximately $30,- 000,000, or $150 a share. Frenized trading in General Motors common, which advanced more than $6 a share, to a new high record at $157, started a wild outburst of speculation in ried scores of issues three to ten final quotations, today's stock market, which car- dollars a share above yesterday's Thirty or more stocks attained new high levels for the year or longer as brokers struggled frantically to execute buying orders which poured into the market in enormous volume from all sections of the country Saud Repudiates Story He Has Even Lent Any Support to the Tribes Sheik Haziz Wahabi At] tempts to Settle Disputes and Irak -- Are Trying to Quiet Tribesmen Whe Re- volted BRITAIN TAKES NO CHANCES Uneasiness Felt in Britain Over Report That Attack Has Already Been Launch- ed -- Indian Troops Add- ed to British Garrison (Cable Service to The Times by Capadian Press) London, March 9--Uneasiness over threat of desert warfare in Arabia prevailed in London today with some reports current that an attack had al- ready been launched and others. that hostilities were expected hourly, Despatches from Basra, Irak, said that Ibn Saud's fanatical Wahabi tribesmen had Jaunched their "Holy War against infidel" by attacking and capturing villages in Transjordania. None of usual near eastern ncws cen- tres, nearer scene than Basra, men- tioned any outbreak of fighting, how- ever. Three Wahabi camps were report- ed for Amman, Palestine, to haye been located, but this was not con- firmed. Such concentration would in- dicate that attack was planned on Transjordania. Cairo, Magch 9--Denial that Ibn Saud, picturesque desert king of Ar- abia, has declared a "Holy War" or that he is even lending material Sip- port to tribes who are raiding British Mandated Territory was made today. Denial came from Sheik Hafiz Wah. abi. He Las just returned from Koe- weit, near head of Persian Gulf, where he tried, on behalf of Ibn Saud to megotiatc a settlement of difficul- ties between frontier tribes of Nejd or of Irak. Sheik Hafiz said that in- stead of fomenting warfare, Ibn Saud is trying to quiet tribesmen who re- volted against British Air raids, which in turn were in reprisal for raids over border made by complain- ing tribesmen in violation of treaties among clans. Basra, March 9--Indian troops have been added to British Garrison at Koeweit to guard that town against threatened attack by Wahabi tribes- men. 12 BRISTOL PLANES REACH VERA CRUZ (By Associated Press) Mexico City, March 9--Twelve Bri- stol aeroplanes bought in Great Brit- ain for use in Mexican Air Force have arrived at Vera Cruz. Two other planes were sent on approval and if satisfactory more will be or- dered. . WEATHER Strong winds and gales east to past; with smow or pant sleet. Satmr- it oold- or. ONLY NAMES ON BALLOT CAN BE FLECTED DIRECTORS Oshawa Chamber of Commerce members should understand that only those whose names are on the ballot ean be elected to the Board of Directors, The present Chair- man of committees, who has car- ried on during the organization pe- riod will automatically go out of office once the new Board Is elected unless they are elected to the Board by the members. STILL OPPOSED T0 POWER SALE Standing "Pat" on Hydro Export from Quebec Province Quebee, March 8. -- Protest by the Toronto Mail and Empire against I"Evenment's opposition to the export of Quebec hydro pow- er to Ontario: bas led the local newspaper to stand pat in its at- titude, making nwnote of the fact that Ontario is increasing the ex- port of her own power to the United States. "What would be the situation for Quebec," L'Evenment asks, in 20 or 30 years if we then talked of suspending transmission of several hupndred horsepower to Ontario because we needed them in this Province for our own in- dustries? That would then be branded as an act of enmity, if not of hostility, and we would be threatened with reprisals. "The Mail and Empire speaks of the French-Canadian families that have gone to live in Ontario. They are, for the most part, farm- er famijlies. It is in following their vocation of agriculturists that they have been drawn to lands richer and more casy to cul- tivate than those of the St. Law- rence Valley. Ontario has matur- al advantages over Quebec -- an- other reason for not disposing of ours lightly. If ever industrial progress in Quebec lures to us thousands of Ontario families, they will be received with open arms. After our own children, of whom a considerable number de- sert their native Province be- cause work is lacking, we ask nothing better than to receive On tario volunteers. But if we wish to keep our people and to increase our population, we must also pre- pare fo rthe economic future of the Province of Quebec. HAS HOME BOMBED ON LEAVING JUNK (By Associated Press) Chicago, Mar. 9.-- Withdrawal from the Junk Dealers' Union was given by Manuel Rudman as the reason for the bombing of his home today. Rudman. his wife and five children were thrown from their beds by the explosion 1 hat were pet injuced. {RIVER OF BUS AVERTS MISHAP ON THE HIGHWAY Bus, Three Light Sedan Cars and Bread Wagon Figure in Incident (By Staff Reporeer) Whitby, Mareh 9.--Prompt ac- tion on the part of a bus driver narrowly averted what might have proved a serious accident on the Kingston highway between Oshawa and Whitby late yesterday morn. ing, Three light sedan cars were being driven east on the highway in single file in the course of a test. Directly ahead of them was a bread wagon and approaching in the opposite direction a Garton bus hound for Whithy., The driver of the foremost sedan turned out and managed to pass the hread wagon before the bus met it, But when the driver of the second car tried to dq the same thing he found him- self heading straight into the hus. Fortunately the latter machine was not travelling fast and the hus dri- ver managed to bring it to a stand- still just as the light sedan skid: ded broadside into its path, swerv- ed into right position and passed by barely missing a collision. Apparently the man 'in the sec- ond sedan was following the lead. er when he attempted to pass the bread cart and not his own good common sense. He would have had himself alone to blame if the heavy passenger vehicle had smash- ed right into him. JEWISH COLONY 10 BE FOUNDED Soviet to Set Apart 9,000 Square Miles in Eastern Siberia Paris, March 8.--There will be no further extensions of Jewish colonization in the Ukrainian Re- Soviet Ambassador to France, M. Dogalievsky. Henceforth the Soviet Govern- ment will urge the Jewish popula- tion of Russia to take up land in a new territory especially set aside for colonization by them. This new territory is a vast tract of the most fertile land on earth in East- ern Siberia, within 500 kilometres (300 miles) of the Pacific shore and the harbor of Viadivostok. The new Russian ambassador took the place recently of Chris- tian Rakovsky, who was recalled to Moscow upon the insistence of the French Government. the new "What the Soviet Government plans for the Jews is the building up of a distinctive Hebrew state, with home rule, their own schools, their own banks, places of amuse- ment and adorations, and co-opera- tive shops to satisfy their special requirements. If sufficient Jews migrate from the cities to this new district it will not be long before there will be a Jewish Soviet Re- public within the great Unmion of Soviet Republics," said M. Dogal- ievsky. DEFEATED THEIR HANDICAPS (American Magazine) Many of our greatest men were handicapped by disease and somehow surmounted it. Milton and Handel were blind, Beethoven was deaf and Keats had tuberculosis. Pope was deformed. Cacsar suffered from epi- lepsy. Lamb and his sister were sub? ject to attacks of insanity. Fielding wrote his rollicking book, "Tom Jones," while melancholy. Florence Nightingale did some of her best ex- ecutive work while bedridden. The list, indeed, is a long one. These pco- ple achieved in spite of a handicap. LINDSAY HIGHWAY BADLY BLOCKED BY SNOWDRIFTS (By Staff Reponter) Whitby, Mar. 9.~Although the highways cast and west of thas the govenument snow plough to go through but The boys are out with their marbles, which is an infallible sign of spring.--London Echo, publie, according to a statement by | IS REMANDED FOR SENTENCE ON CHARGE OF CHICKEN THEFT Peter Zavowney, wha plead. od guilty on February 28, to the theft of chickens and other poultry, was further remanded for sentence until Friday, March 16, when he appeaved before Magistrate Hind in po- lice court this morning. Zarowney was convicted of stealing forty chickens and other poultry from the hen coop of Frederick Ferguson, #435 Bloor street west, on Febs ruary 24, [Police are still ine vestigating the case, and the other poultry thefts which have occurred recently in this neighborhood, STERILIZATION BILL MEETS WITH MUCH OPPOSSITION People's Protective League Promises a Test of Constitutionality Edmonton, Alta., March 8.--Def- inite opposition to the sexual ster- lization bill, which has had its third reading in the Alberta Leg- islature, and is ready to be ap- proved hy the Liuet.-Governor has originated with the People's Pro- tective League, which claims the constitutionality of the new legis- lation will be tested on the grounds that it interferes with the rights of the people. H. H. Parlee, K.C., will be re- tained by the League, which is sald to include 200 members, among them Rice Sheppard, one of the founders of the United Farmers of Alberta; J. W. Leedy, ex-Governor of Kansas; and Rev. J. F. Knight, of Westmount Church, This seems to be the only organ- ized effort" against the hill, as Hon. George Hoadley, who spon- sored the legislaion, stated in the House that practically every women's organization in the prov- ince was in favor of the measure. When a division was taken on the third reading, Government bers voted solidly for the bill, and had the support of three Labor members. The 11 votes against the bill were registered by Liber- als, Conservatives and two Labor members. Manitoba Considering Winnipeg, March 8. -- Legisla- tion to establish sexual steriliza- tion in Manitoba is being counsid- ered by health authorities of the Province, as a protective measure, it was revealed here today. It is expected that Jegislation to this effect will be brought down at the next session of the Legislature. Many states of the union al- ready have measure of this kind, and it is considered the only ef- fective method of dealing with a, very serious problem. Hon. Dr. , E. W. Montgomery, Minister of Health and Public Welfare, stated today. APPROVE SARNIA-PORT HURON BRIDGE BUT NIAGARA HELD UP Ottawa, Mar. 8.--The fight over international bridges continued in the Private Bills Committee today. It was a foregone conclusion that the application of the St. Clair Transit Company for a charter to build a bridge across the St. Clair River between Sarnia and Port Huron would be granted. The bill was spousored by W. T. Good- ison M.P. West Lambton aud this gave a political slant to the fight. In the United States Congress, Representative Frampton, of Port Huron, will take charge of the in- terests of this company. the Government members rallying to the support of their coleague, Mr. Goodison, the representatives Sarnia | of the Port Huron and Bridge Company and others after a similar charter, realized - they were fighting a losing battle. While they protested and presented strong arguments against Mr. Goodison's proposal, the bill pass- ed the committee. FORCED TO LAND AT FRENCH FRONTIER (Cable Seryive To The Times By Canadian Press) Brussels, Mar. 9.--Flight Lieu- tenant Thieffry was forced to land at the French frontier today, nine- ty minutes after he started 2 flight to the Belgian Congo. 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. MAY REDUCE CITY TAX RATE HALF MILL L F inance Committee See Possibility of Lower Taxation Rate Here Despite Large Amount of Money Required By Var. ious Departments Rate May Drop from 44 to 43} Mills for Current Year REMARKABLE REDUCTION Rate of 45 Mills Was First Expected -- Public Health Fire and Police Depart- ments All Require More Money Oshawa's rate of taxation will, in all probability, be reduced this year from 44 to 434 mills. While this is not absolutely definite, it is the confirmed opinion of members of the finance committee, Alder- man D.A.J. Swanson, chairman of the committee, informed The Osh- awa Dally Times today. This reduction is remarkable, in the face of the large increases in monies required hy almost every one of the standing committees of the council. Chief among these is for fire protection and for the p1- ministration of justice. One pm alone, that of fire protection, sh8ws a jump from $19,000 last year to $43,000 fn 1928, hut this, in the opinion of the Finance Committee and of the council, is quite justifi- lable and well within the best in- terests of the city. The increase provides for the placing of the des partment on a pernranent basis and the engaging of sufficient men to raise its personnel to 16, as well as for the purchase of new equip- ment, A considerable increase of allot- ment will be required in the ad- ministration of justice, largely due to a reorganization of the police department, engaging of addition- al constables and a police conrt clerk. The Board of Health is also requiring additional funds, to pro- vide more school nurses and school dentists, but the finance commit- tee is well pleased with the ef- forts of the Board. of Health to mem- | With all | keep down their estimates. On the other hand, the Board of Works' estimate this year is $10,000 under 1927, although the contract price | for the collection of garbage shows a considerable Increase. The Parks Commiss'on has also kept its esi- {mate well within reason to the sat- isfaction of the committee. It was not thought possible, two weeks ago, to any member of the finance committee, to keep the rate down below 45 mills, which would be one mill Increase above last year. However, with the co-opera- tion of every member of the coun- cil, this has been done and, of ! course, the increase in assessment bas helped considerably. Every alderman was invited to attend the finance committee meeting last night, for the criticism and sug- gestion, and almost every ome ac- cepted the invitation in an 'effort 'to make himself conversant with the city's financial affairs. The tax rate will be finally struck with- in about two weeks, it is expect- ed. POPE PIUS PAYS A SURPRISE VISIT TO ST. PETER'S (Cable Special to 2, Pima by ress Rome, March 9--Pope Pius paid a surprise visit to St. Peter's yesterday when Basilica was closed to general public after vespers. Pontiff inspect- ed work of restoration of Chapel .of Sacrements. HALF A BLOCK OF CAFES IN RUINS IN JUAREZ. TEXAS (By i Press) El Paso, Texas, March 9--Half a block of cafes and bars in Junrez was | in ruins today. Firc caused damage estimated at more than hundred thou- sand dollars. Much whiskey was de- stroyed but considerable equipment was saved. . JUDGE GODSON IS BACK IN TORONTO Toronto, March #.--Judge God- son, who has been in Timmins con- ducting enquiry into the Hollinger disaster, returned to Toromto to- day. No comment was forthcom- ing from his office in connection with the probe pending submis- {sion of Judge Godson's report to Government, 40-MILE GALE SWEEPS PROVINCE (By Canadian Press) Toronto, March 8.~A heavy snow swept along by a forty mile-an-hour gale effectually blocked traffic on many South. ern Ontario highways today, and although the snow creased to fall Jater in the da;, there was no moderation in the wind, Up to the present no serious delays have been reported by steam or electric transportation companies as all snow plows have heen in operation since carly morning, PASTOR AND WIFE GIVEN RECEPTION AT CEDARDALE Rev, and Mrs, G, W. Irwin Take Charge of Dale Pastorate Cedardale United Church wel- comed the first pastor of the church last evening, when the Rev. G. W. Irwin and Mrs. Irwin were the guests of honor at a re- ception held in the chureh, Mr. Hugh Hoy, representing the Official Board of the church, Mr, H. B. Wilson, the Sunday school, Mrs. Percy Bartlett of the ladies Aux- iliary, Miss Phyllis Harlan, of the C.G.1.T, and Miss Marion O'Con- nell of the Young People's League gave addresses of welcome to the newly-ordained minister and his wife, Rev. A, R. Whattan, the superin- tendent of missions for all the churches of the city, spoke briefly and asked for the hearty support of the conregation for Mr. Irwin, in his new field, and said that the city and the churches in the city would be behind him, to make his new venture a successful one. The Rev. Mr. Irwin and Mrs, Ir- win replied in a happy vein, and were optimistic about the future of Cedardale United Church. They invited .any members of the con- gregation to visit them at any time at their home, 610 Simcoe Street North, Miss M. N. Robertson, deacon- ess, also addressed the gathering briefly, expressing her pleasure at seeing the Rev. Mr. Irwin install- ed as pastor of the church. Mr. A. E. Henning sang a pleas ing solo, and Miss Lillian Wilson gave some clever and {interesting readings. Mrs. Frank Wright rendered a piano selection. The ladies served refreshments st the | close of the evening in the Sunday School where the entertainment portion of the gathering was held. RECORD MINERAL OUTPUT IN QUEBEC Quebec, Mar. 9.--Mineral pro- duction in the Province of Que- bec during 1927 was nearly $3,- 500.000 more than during the pre- vious year, it is stated in a pre- liminary report issued Wesdnes- day morning by the Provincial Mines Bureau. The value was $29,211,001, and the year was a record one. These figures are based on reports ob- tained direct from mine and quarry operators, and the preliminary statement points out that they will probably be increased when all reports are in. F, ¢ Pri Plans to Purchase Villa at Naples (Cable Seryice To The Times By Canadian Press Naples, Mar. 9.--It is reported that former Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany is negotiating *he pur- chase of a villa on the Bay of Naples. The price of the desired place is roughly a hundred thous- and dollars. POSTPONE FLAGHT Detroit, March 9.--Unfavorable weather caused Eddie Stinson and George Haldeuran to, postpone their second attempt to Establish a new flight endurance - record. announced a postponement of the flight until "after Sunday". | now repose Where grandma's gol clubs once was a crock full of zinger cookies.--Brandon Sun. TEN PAGES RECEIVES 75 APPLICATIONS FOR FIREMEN Positions Will Go to Local Men, the Fire Chief States MANY UNEMPLOYED Only Five Positions Open --To Start Double Platoon System Already 75 applications have heen received by Fire Chief W, O, Elliott for positions on the city fire department, the chief informed The Oshawa Daily Times today, The applications have been received from several points in the district, but the positions will be filled from the city. A large hulk of the applications which have heen recelved are from unemployed men in the city, many of whom have come to Oshawa this winter in search of work but who have been unable to find a job, The chief states, however, that he pre- fers citizens of Oshawa, who are married, and who weigh about 160 pounds or more. There are only five positions open on the departe ment ta bring its strength up to sixteen men approved by the city council Monday night, An increase in the personnel of the department, bringing its strength up to eleven permanent men including the chief, was authorized by last year's coun ¢il in December and put into efs feet, Under the new system the fire department will operate on the dou- ble platoon system, necessitated by Ontario cities by Provincial order, There will be fourteen men, exclys sive of the chief and the station man. The latter will reside in the station and be required to remain in the station at all times, when the department is answering a fire alarm. Each platoon will be com~ posed of seven men, but since each man has one day a week off, as per Provincial statute requirements, this will leave six men and the chief on duty to answer fire alarms, The two platoons work on the ten and fourteen hour shift basis, al- ternating with a ten-hour shift for a certain period, then a fourteen- hour shift for a number of days as will be regulated by the chief, CANADIENS FLASH TO 4 TO 3 VICTORY OVER N. Y. RANGERS Stinson |. . Montreal, March 8--Showing fairly consistent flashes of the form which carried them to the top of the Can- adian division of the Nationgl Hockey League in the first half ny the sea- son, Canadiens tonight flashed to a 4 to 3 victory over the New York Ran- | gers. It was the second defeat on Montreal ice within three days for the Rangers, and seriously impaired their chances of finishing at the top of the heap in the American division of the league. The game was a stren uous struggle, with sixteen penalties being imposed, the majority of them coming in a hectic second period. IS ACQUITTED OF AL ITTING (By Associated Press) Mexico City, March 9--Max Ho- lung, described as a German engineer and bomb expert, who was aricsted with a priest on a charge of to kill General Obregon an Press dent Calles, was released today when he & his innocence. U. S. Financier is Serioudy Hl and "Undergoes Operation (Cable Service to T to The Times by Canadian Press) | Nice, France, Mar. 9.--Howard Gould, United States financier, today was reported seriopsly iM at a hospital near here. was learned that an operation had been performed on Mr. Gould yetserday by lord Dawson of Penn, King George's personal New York, March 9--Rodman Wanamaker, head of Wanamaker Stores, died today at Atlantic City, it was announced here. He had been apparently in perfect health until con- tracting a cold two weeks ago.