Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1928, p. 5

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(regular games, SOCIALand ' Pe RSONAL #0 --Rev. A. C. Reeves is in Tor- to today attending the regular jeeting of the Toronto Presby-' Et. L=Mr. and Mrs, F. Brant and Idren of Midland, Ont., are the Lgnests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Powless, % Oshawa Boulevard for a few daye. ¢« --The many friends of Mrs. A. leased to hear that she is improv- mm, Park road south, will be nicely after quite a severe at- influenza. - tai - NE and Mrs, Walter Solomann, |. Mus, ph Purne, Mrs. Wilfred Powless and Mrs, William Camp- bell attended the fumes! in Tor- onto on Saturday of Baby Mabel Edna, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F. Westlake, 4 Newman avenue. LAST OF SERIES OF EUCHRES TO BE HELD BY WESTMOUNT CLUB The euchre at Westmount School last evening he'd under the ausnie- es of the Home and School Club wag the last of the series and the special prize went to Mrs, Darling, who received a hridge lamp, alsn a Boston Bag as the winner of the Mrs. Orval Ben- nett won a pair of towels as sec- ond prize. Mrs, J, Cowle was gfv- en. a cup and saucer as consolation prize. Mrs. Bint playing as a gen- tleman won a foldine card tah'e as special prize for the series Mr, | Teffries received first prize, » la-ze lash light, The second prize was 8 thermos hottle, won hy Mr. Cun- lsse, and Mr. Cliff Porton, a. en a cigarette lighter as co tion prize. The ladies of the commitiee under the capable leade! of Mrs, Cranfield wish to thank the members who donated the prizes. SUNBEAM CHAPTER REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Sun- beam Chapter No. 74 0. BE, 8 was held in the K. P. Hall on Thursday, March 1. The Worthy Matron, Sis- ter Dunlop, extended a warm wel come to District Deputy Grand Ma- tron, Sister Francis Paton, of Bow- manville, who paid a surprise visit. Sister Paton gave a very inspiring address to the m A num- ber of visitors were also present from the Durham Chapter No. 181, Bowmanville. Wal ------ HARASYN==CHERKO A quiet wedding was solemnized at the King street parsonage on Monday, Mareh 5, 1928, with the Rev. C. W. DeMille officiating, when Lena Cherko became the bride of Mr. John Harasyn, both of Oshawa. WAGER--McCOMON On Sa'urday afternoon, March 1, 1928, at the King street United Church parsonage, Rev. C. W. De- Mille joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Hazel Evelyn, dau:h- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert D. Me- Jomon, of Hastings, and Claude Robert Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Wager of Adding- ton. BOYLE--PHELPS A pretty wedding was solemniz ed at the King street United chur~h narsonage on Tnesday, March 6. 1928, with the Rey, C. W., De Mille Officiating, when Florence Touisa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Phelps of Cumbermere he came the hride of Mr, Charles Wal lace Bayle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle of Bancroft. ei ---- % ---- |RSS / Ll ALWAYS In LINE ! THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1928 /OMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL PROBLFYS BASIS OF TAL Mr, A. E, O'Neill Address: North Simcoe School Club North Simcoe Home and Schoo. Club regular meeting was held last evening ana was presided ov- er by Mrs. H. Smith, The meet- ing was opened with the singing of "0, Canada," followed by the roll call and the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting Various reports were given, one specially of great interest from the treasurer. After the few business items were disposed of a short musical program was ren- dered, Miss Marion Ross favoring the gathering with a pleasing vo- cal solo, Master Bruce Halloran presenting an instrumental solo, and Mrs, T. Rapson also giving a much appreciated solo. The main feature of the evening was the ad- dress by Mr. A. E. O'Neill of the Collegiate wherein he spoke of the social problems we encounter today in the entertaining of the young people. At the close of the meeting dainty refreshments were served and a social half hour was spent. HOLD BENEFIT DANCE A dance for the benefit of the building fund of the Queen Mary lodge was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chin, north of Ross's Corners, when about 172 mem- bers and their friends enjoyed the music supplied for their approval by fifteen musicians. The even- ing of square and round dancing was brought to a close with the serving of refreshments, Mrs. BE. Duetta was the very capable con- vener and much credit is due her. The proceeds for the evening amounted to $50. OAKLAND PARK One of the beauty spots in Oakland Park on Cadillac Street North, 80 feet by 525 feet. Spruce, balsam and cedar, hill, dale and brook. An exceptionally beautiful residential location. Price $3,300.00. Come and see it. Phone 2770 for information. H. P, Bull. A silk handkerchief is useful for dusting old china. EEE ANT STAY FAT IN THESE DAY? You see countless people who have {rind new beauty, new health and vim y fighting excess fat, Some have don this by abnormal exercise and diet, som in a modern, scientific way, Why nc follow their suample? There is a way based on scientific re- search. It combats a cause of exces fat which starvation cannot fight. Th: method is embodied in Marmola p: scription tablets, now used for 20 yea Millions of boxes of them. The resu rou see wherever you look should in. duce you to accept them, Each box of Marmola contains the ormula, also the reasons for results, € here is no secret, no reason to fe: harm. You will know that all the goc results come in a natural way. Go le~: them now, by asking your druggist fo # $1 box of Marmola, _-- ve Hewest Hotes ili EXQUISITE CREATIONS In May 2 Belle Lingonis E answering Fashion the May Belle dec' achieved the ultimate in creating perfect. fitting, smart undies that really meet the demands of the mode. Every garment 1s truly exquisite! Every. thing that goes into their maki: ; finest possible quality--expert designing, perfect tailoring and lovely trimmings, And all May Belle Lingerie is made from our own superb Lockstitch Rayon, of softest, finest texture and carefully dyed in a host of charming pastel shades that will really outlast dozens of warm-water washings. There is a smart May Belle undie adaptable to every figure, every frock, every fancy, and all are poifect fitting, long wearing and very inexpensive to buy. When shopping this season ask for: the undies with the little May Belle label inside, Knitted, dyed and tailored by Ontario Silknit Limited, Toronto Lergest Makers of Rayon Fabrics and Rayon Garments in Ceonads. 's ea!l this season, Les ners have surely is of the -- WHITBY Representative James Holden Phone House 15 Office 431 NON-SUPPORT CASE IS DISMISSED Samuel Lowes Acquitted of Charge in the Local Court (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, March 6--1he charge ag- ainst Samuel Lowes, Brock street, of failing to support his wife and fam ily without excuse was dismissed by Magistrate Willis in police court yes- | terday aiternoon because the evid ence produced was not conclusive, In passing sentence the magistrate ad | vised the accused that it was not the wish of the court to separate fam- ilies but that consideration must be given chidren as to the environment they were raised in and its possible efiects upon them as future citizens. Lowes was further warned by Crown Attorney McGibbon that unless with- in two weeks time he corrected the unsanitary conditions alleged by wit- nesses to he found in his home he would be prosecuted under a differ- ent act, Children's Aid Superintend- ent Alger, of Oshawa, wiil subject the | premises to his inspect.on dur.ng this | per.od, Six witnesses were called by the Crown including Miss Latter.cn, V.0, N., Dr, 7, McGillivray, M.O.li., Child ren's Aid Superinctident Alger of Oshawa, Town Clerk Frost, Chiet Gunson and Captain Purdy of the Salvation Army. All these witnesses stated that the rooms occupied by the Lowes ;amily were kept in filthy con- dition and were too cramped for the number of persons occupying them. Chief Gunson testified that on one occasion when he visited these quar- ters he found the stove without a top on it. Town Clerk Frost claimed that relief had been provided by the town on different occasions but that Lowes was 'willing to work for the town whenever. employment was available, It was also shown by Dr. McGilliy- ray that the accuscd v.as unable to work for six weeks last fall due to illness, *W. H. Kennedy, acting for Lowes, then moved that the case be dismis- sed as he declared the evidence taken proved his client not guilty under the charge laid. Lowes himself was anx- ious to speak but his evidence had little bearing on the case. Mr. Ken- nedy's application was granted, SEVERE BLIZZARD INVADES WHITBY Worst Storm of the Season --But Little Damage Results (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, March 5.--The worst blizzard e:perienced swept over the town between one | and two o'clock yesterday after- | noon. Warning of the approach of the storm came when after a burst of sunshine dark, ominous clouds obscured the heavens and the wes! ' wind let loose with shrieking fury, driving befoer jt snow in such wild profusion that ong could. hardly see objects separated by a street width. For fully fifteen minutes the demons of the air held sway then to suddenly abate, although there was a fairly strong wind throu~h the rest of the day. With the exception of a few shinzles blown off house roofs, mo serious damage due to the storm | was reported. At this particular hour there was a discontinuance in the local hydro service but this this winter | § spring buying. PAGE FIVE For The Whole Month of March We have planned something unique in the way of stimulating early With every purchase of $10 worth of goods we are offering you an opportunity to secure a beautiful Hand Painted Pottery Table Lamp With Hand Painted Parchment Shade at less than half the regular price. $10.00 Lamps for $4.95 Complete with electric fittings, silk electric cord and bulb. Your receipt slips for goods bought at any time during March entitles you to share in this exceptional offer. You do not have to purchase th whole amount at one time. And you are given the privilege of using receipts from your friends, Our Spring Stocks have heen bought early and are now on display in a bigger and better variety than in any past season, CHOOSE NOW -- GET FIRST SELECTION Save Money and Secure One of 1hese Beautiful Lamps at Victoria College, Toronto, who was seriously ill with pneumonia a few weeks ago, motorcd home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rich ardson, Center street, last Saturday, Her Whitby friends will be pleased to learn that she is convalescing very rapidly and is now able to get out- side. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woodhouse of I.akefield, and 'Mr. and Mrs. D. W, \Voodhouse of Niagara Falls, were weekend guests at the home of Miss Fanny E. Woodhouse, Du..crin St. Mrs. J. B. Hopkins, of Montreal, spent last evening at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Blow, Brock street south, IF YOUR EYES HAVE -BEEN COTHERING YOU DO NOT DELAY Consult one of our Experienced Eye- sight Specialists who will tell you if you need glasses or not. Two Experienced Optometrists and Opticians in con- stant attendance. 'wry & Lovel Optical Dept. Phone 28 or 20 PERRET ARTE Hn (ENG ARETE ETERS RR Hm 'A Toronto tomorrow, TRIBUTE TO HAIG PAID BY PRINCE Praises Late Fie'd Marshal's Services After Armistice London, March 5. -- The Prince of Wales presided over a big meeting at the Mansion House Friday after- noon to maugurate an appeal for $2,- 500,000 to provide cottage homes for ex-service men as a memorial to the late Field Marshall Earl Haig. The Prince paid a feeling tribute to Earl Haig as a soldier and a irniend, prais- ing his services after the armistice in deyoting himself to the army men's interests as even greater than his great war services. "For it was then," said the Prince, "that the tiue value of his personality found its strongest expression." The prime minister, Stanley Bald- win, and former Premiers Lloyd George and Ramsay MacDonald at- tended the meeting. Ba'dwin Heads List London, March 2. -- Premier Bald- win has accepted an invitation to un- veil the memorial of Bonar Law in West United Free Church at Helcns- burgh Dumbartonshire. BISHOP CF LONDON IS CRITICALLY ILL London, Ont, March 5--Dr. M, F. | Fallon, Bishop of London, is reported | tonight as being in an extremely dan- | gerous condition at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, where he is suffering from pleu- ro-pneumonia and other serious com- plications. Bishop Fallon, who for many years has been regarded as one of the most eminent ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic Church in Cana- da, was taken ill at his own home some days ago. Tonight Dr. Camp- bell, a Toronto specialist, was called to London to confer with the Bishop's physicians. LABOR HEARING PCSTPONED Ottawa, March 5--Owing to the ill- ness of Miss Margaret Heenan, daughter of the Minister of Labor, who is undergoing an operation in the deputation irom the All-Canadian Congress of Labor has postponed its meeting with the Government, which was fixed for tomorrow, until a later date. was on account of certain lhanges beinz made in the power station and not traceable to the blizzard. PERSONALS Whitby, March 6--Mr. F. Irwin ac companied by Master Clarence Sleep motored to Port Hope, Sunday, re- | turning with his son Edward who 1s a student at the prep. school of Trin- ity College, destroyed by fire last | Saturday afternoon. Although the | prep. school was saved the building could not be occupicd over the week- end as the main heating plant was burned down with the remainder of the college. | Miss Helen Richardson. a student | wr RUS! E Vk S 3.5, Z TAS WE MAKE AND FIT CORRECT STYLE OF TEE TO HOLD RUPTURE } TRUSS AND GUARAN SECURELY. EXAMINATION FREE THORS & COX.LTp (A150) {al IRR SER gol (0) RES DRINKERS, BEWARE! Windsor, March 5.--The gemere al principle that a conviction un- der the Ontario Temperance Act will make a conviction under the Liquor Control = Act count as a second offense under the new act was applied today by County Judge J. J. Coughlin in upholding ail sentences ordered for Martin Brennan and Henry Lesperance by Magistrates D. M. Brodies and W. A. Smith. In the case of Brennan the sentence was three months, and was imposed by Mag- istrate Brodie at Thanksgiving der the O.T.A. A conyiction against Lesperance had also been registered under the O.T.A, BRITISH FLYING OFFICERS TRANSFERRED TO CANADA Saint John, N. B., March 5--~Among the passengers landed here today from the S. S, Metagama, from Livers pool, Belfast and Greenock, were Flight Lieutenant A. E, Reynolds and Flying Qfficer Brian Davy of the Royal Air Force, who have heen gaz- etted to the Canadian Air Force, Have stockings in the very news est shades; your old or faded stock- ings given any tint in the rainbow in five minutes; with fifteen cents' worth of Diamond Dyes! but use dyes, not synthetic tints, And be sure they're true dyes. Try a pair tonight! Use Dia- mond Dyes, and no one will dream they were tinted at home. And you can do real dyeing with just as per- fect results, if you will just use the true Diamond Dyes. FREE: Why not ask your druggist for the very useful Diamond Wye Cyclopedia? Valuable suggestions, easy directions, and piece-goods sample colors. Or write for free copy of Color Craft, a biz illustrat- ed book sent postpaid--address DI- AMOND DYES, Dept, N13, Wind- sor, Ontario. Diamond Dyes Just Dip to TINT, or Boilto DYE ---- $700 cash, price $4,700 for 6 room brick home. All city convenience. Paved street. A real buy. $8 00 for a splendd home on » King St., Oshawa, six room brick, every convenience. Oak floors, brick mantel, French doors, separate toilet, laundry tubs, double garage, wired for range. Don't pass this house up if you are looking for an up to the min- ute home. Terms given. $5,800 on terms for splendid § room brick veneer home. Chestnut trim, oak floors, separate toilet, garage. Lycett's REAL ESTATE j time, He had been convicted un- 25 King St. E. Phone 208

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