> THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1928 ee -- etree er eee we ees ny hlhE RETURN EXHIBITION 4 ) BOWMANVILLE BOWLING DRAW 66 IN PLAY FOR TORONTO LEAFS; ROACH ILL SHAMROCKS AND Oshawa Students Win by 14 to 13 from Runnymede Rival Juniors Specialize in Yie Games; Extra Series | SPOR? SNAPSHO1S Now District Champions Local Collegians Play Bril 1 Soccer Notes RTS in on Tuesday, h 6, at 8 pm. Business impor- "sw How would oy like to be at Fir rk today This is the best game Ta the card for the Seottish Cup. Celtic will have to go all out, to stay in, * % % Tom Morrison, the old St. Mirren half back, who was out here last summer with the touring Scots, is ying at the top of his form for iverpool, * % %¥ Willie Halliday, a brother of the eat Davie Halliday, who went to ewcastle from Queen of the South, has been tried as a centre forward. They say he shapes well. Jimmy 'Dunn of Hibs, is likely to o to Preston North End to partner Bex Reid, * * The Celtic tour to the States is de- finitely off, but the Light Blues will sail alright, 0% Feirier and Stevenson of Mother- well are considered the finest left wing in Britain. - Hughie Gallagher of Newcastle, is taking his suspension very sore to heart. The F.A, certainly dealt pret- ty harsh with Hughie in giving him two months, This keeps him out of the local Derby with Sunderland, and also his chances in the International. LE I Jimmy M'Grory of Celtiey.and Scot- land's leading goalscorer in the First Division, is fel to be transferred after the Cup games are over. I! will be a record transfer fee, * % 0% George Henderson the old Ranger, now in the States, is patiently wait- ing to meet his old clubmates. There will be lots of handshaking. George was a great favourite at Ibrox. FALCONS CLIMB INTO PLAY.OFF SECTION 0 Niagara I'alls, Ont,, March 2, Toronto Falcons climbed into the Canpro play-off section here to- night when they pulled out a 1 to 0 win in a stubbornly fought game. It was nip-and-tuck hockey all the way, but the Falcons, led by Cor- beau and Primeau, were good enough to earn thelr victory. De- fensive hockey was in evidence for the greater part of the contest, and close-in opportunities on either goal were few, WINDSOR NO MATCH FOR HAMILTON AND LOSE BY 7-2 SCORE Hamilton, March 2--Windsor Horn ets were no match for Hamilton's Canpro representatives here tonight, and the Yellow and Black vastly im- roved their standing in the league winning 7 to 2. The locals estab- lished a 3 to 1 margin in the first per- iod, fell away in the sccond and were outscored by 1 to 0, and then cut loose with a burrst of speed and stick handling in the final frame to run in four goals and clinched the victory. Hockey Results Hockey games played last night resulted as follows: Intermediate 0. H. A. zKitcheper ...2 Newmarket z--Round tied, 4-4. Canadian Hamilton ,..7 Windsor ...... Toronto ....1 Niagara Falls ..0 Stratford ....3 London ,,....2 In lant Brand of Basketball and Always Have Lead -- Losers Strong Defensively By defeating Runneymede High School in a sudden death game at Vaughan Road High School yes- terday afternoon hod a 46 to 13 score, awa Collegiate basket- ball team are now champions of the Toronto District High School Basketball league and have gained the right to enter the second round of ike play downs fir the High School basketball champ'onehip of Ontario The game which gave Oshawa the championship of the group was a brilliant and exceedingly fast af- fair, with the local boya always in the lead and impressing everyone with their surg and accurate pass- ing and their remarkable shooting. Runnymede, the winners of the western section of the group, had a husky team that was always dan- gerous and although Oshawa final- ly won by a comfortable margin, they extended the 0. C. I. quintette to the very limit in the early stages of the first half and at times in the second stanza. Runnymede was particularly good on the defensive but daspite this Oshawa forward line was able to show its basket-getting abllity to a marked degree. Besides the close in shots which they made in this game, they also excelled themselves in long shots and even more so in foul shots, of which there were considerable, although the game was very cleanly played. At the end of the first half the score registered 18 to 5 iy favor of Oshawa, while in the last period of the game, as the final score of 46 to13 indicates, both teams added considerably more to their efforts of the Pirst period. "Wink" Gummow, this time, was the leading scorer of the game, al- though his team mates, Hubhell and Young, on the forward line were none the less effective in their sharp shooting. Gummow seemed in take, and as a:result make, more shots while he certainly stood out with some wonderful effectiveness in his foul shooting. Oshawa's de- fensive work was shared abnut equally by Barnum, Davidson, Smith and Baird and all are to be credited with some very good play- Ing, especially in keeping Runny- mede's score to the low level that it was. Mewhort, their right forward and Lang and Lunney on defence were the hest for Runnymede, The teams were: Oshawa Collegiate--Right for- ward, Young (15); left forward, Gummow (23); center, Hubbell (8); right guard, Barnum; left guard, Baird; subs. Kohen, Dan- iels, Crothers, Davidson and Smith. Runnymede High School--Rizht forward, Mewhort (6); left for- ward, DBenam (2); center, Laning (1); right guard, Lang (2); left guard, Lunney; subs., Barrett (2); Coulter, Sanderson and Addison. Referee--Loehman, Toronto. ELECTION DELAYED IN NEWFOUNDLAND St. John's, Nfid., March. 2.-- Premier Monroe announced today that the Government plans to call a session of the Newfoundland Legislature late in April. The rea- son, he, explained, is the necessity of providing for the retirement of the war loan raised in 1918, which matures June 30. It had been generally expected that a general election would be declared this spring. The Apri) session of the Legislature will force postponement of the election until the autumn unless the Min- lary is overthrown during the ges- sion, oil wrappe handy packs RECREATION CLUB Cats ve Me Mace Schoenan .......ce000000. 128 Mic-Mace-- Miss REECE + ves rrsesss 183 saeeens 126 ETEK LEER Team total--1352, Salles ve. Lucky Strikes Mrs. Pritchard .... Mrs. Collins ..... Miss Berganan . Miss St. Team total--1004. Mrs, Roberts .......v00.. 108 1. Thompson «.vevevsesss 116 E. Webster ... teres M. Thompson .. P, Tutner y..:+ Team total--1421. Hart's Dairy Microbes vs, Truckers Microbes-- EJ, Hart ..vcveee 143 P. Mathews ...4000 132 Scammell .. +4404 151 M, G, Hart ,..1.ss 189 Team total--1933. Truckers-- Wilson .... Waran .. Stevens .. Anderson ....v0.. Team total--1967. Drivers No. 1 vs. Drivers No, 2 Drivers No. 1 ASION vs renstrery 212 Watson ... . 104 Staples 138 Thompson .. 120 H. Hart 207 Team total--2267. Drivers No, 2-- F. Gamer ...... Henderson, Sr, .... 146 185 160 222 104 135 168 198 162 140 110 152 179 101 75 202 155 EERE 149 108 155 100 166 . 138 9% 133 151 34 Henderson Jr. .... 142 103 Team total-- Roll off for monthly prize was won by M. Swartz who rolled 712 for high. The following are the scores: Johnston 183 134 187 Whittington ) 199 Creamer ' 177 Campbell ..,v0p040s 176 170 Cator ....«y 205 144 Wright 125 -- Swartz .. ,., 301 189 Broadbent ..., 129 Ry 200 219 seen Moonlights Johanson ,. ., 98 Murrey ,. .s »» 108 Dammy soy 128 H. Ward ., +». 18] Hughes .., .... 125 88 109 125 142 126 593 589 Total--1789. Lucky Strikes Fraser .». +s 0» 26 E. Tingley.., .. 167 Stubbins ,; . 89 Mitchell ,, ,.. 125 Snyder .. ad | | 125 176 116 158 125 633 694 Total--2023. Allrights +... 160 134 13 144 107 117 1056 143 193 156 706 666 Gorrie PEE Williams ,, ,.. Tingley ., +44, Cooper Sutton 111 149 133 143 687 Total -2058. Dypamites Haliger .. .."., 1642 J. Ward 149 Nott 125 Wood 135 Nelson 133 152 110 125 70 115 187 89 142 127 168 713 704 6502 Total --1919. USES BOMB AND | 25s: GON 70 COLLECT HIS WAR DEBTS East Afrcian Farmer Shoots Head of German Gov't pay Berlin, Mar. 2. -- An attempt was made this afternoon to blow up with an infernal machine the offices of the German Government War Compensation and Claims Department and murder its chief, Dr. Bach. An East African farmer, Hein- rich Langkoop, who was dissatis- ved with the amount paid him ! for the loss of his farm, arrived in Berlin today from Africa, armed | with an infernal machine and re- | volver, penetrated the office of Dr. Back and demanded $80,000 oth- erwise, he said, he would blow up the building. As the man held his finger on the operating lever of the infernal machine, which he held under his arm, Dr. Bach hu- mored him and wrote out a cheque, but Langkoop became sus- picious," and suddenly shot and | wounded the department chief in | | the breast. Ushers and clerks rushed up and struggled with Langkoop who, seeing that arrest was near, pull- ed the lever. Fortunately, hower- , the machine jammed and did t explode. An iavesiigation by police ex- perts revealed that the jianfernal casket contained enough high ex- plosives Lo blow to atoms half of Secretary Tackaberry, of the O.H.A. informed the Daily Times to- dag that a definite decision will finally be rendered anent the Oshawa intermediates" protest on Monday. The copies of the protest, it is alleged, did not reach the Kitchener team until late, and as a conse- quence they have not yet filed a defence. They certainly seem to be given every opportunity to cook up something, A team has 48 hours to file a defence but perhaps the regulations mean days. Well it will take the Kitchener team. about 48 days to figure out an cxcuse for a pair of pads that occupy the space generally taken up by the met. If the protest goes through, Oshawa intermediates will send Dick Smith out with a pair of pads so large next year, that all Dick will know about the game, will be the pucks he hears slapping against the other side of his pads. Oshawa have also decided that a puck that would be al- most invisible and would leave every goal a matter of doubt, to be decided by the opinion of the spectators, or even goal judges, would be an improvement on the great winter pastinte, Kew Beach, one of the strongest teams in the T.H.L., and senior champiofs of the same league, will meet Simcoes next Tuesday at Barnhardt's, if all goes well, This should be a good game, and will give an idea of the respective brands of hockey played in the City Leagues of Toronto and Oshawa. The Simcoes team are a real bunch of hockey players and will make any team step to pull out a win. After they acquired the championship, defeating Bihan one goal on the round, they repaived to "The House That Jack Built," where arrange- ments were made "so that a good time was had by all." Kitchener intermediates certainly play different hockey on home ice. After being three goals down on the round to Newmarket they went out and made the Newmarket team take their dust while they evened up the round, defeating the Newmarket clan, 3-0. Shirk as usual was the big noise in the celebrations, scoring from the blue linc with only a few seconds to go to even it up. The Czar of Orono, Mr. Orme Gamsby, arrived in Oshawa yes- terday, and before-he had left had arranged for three hockey games, all to be played in Orono, told about a new curling club organized in Orono, in. which, no doubt, he was the moving spirit, and attended the automobile show at the Armouries. Having spent a pleasant holi- day in Oshawa, Mr. Gamsby returned 'to his own, his native Orono. The first result of Mr. Gamsby's negotiations was a game with Ted Dash's Oshawa Shamrocks, for Tuesday evening. Friday night the Chevrolet team will engage the: Orono hopefuls, and the {following Wednesday Mr. Gam:hy decided that the twon needed some sport with a more religions atmosphere and the Presbyterians were solicited, and will appear on that date. He hopes to be able to wind up the season with a contest with Simcoes. the champions of the City League, and holders of the Daily Times Trophy. The curling club is holding a meeting for the organization for the election ot ofiicers tonight at Orono, and Mr. Gamsby would be obiiged to anyone who can put him in the way of some stones--we mean who can supply or give him informa- tion re the acquiring of some of tixe implements of the "roarin' game." Braves calling Rajah Hornsby has just signed a contract for the Motors em- for $40,000 a vear for thre Well, well--General ployees and collegiate pupils take notice, years, COBB WATCHES TH GIANTS PRACTICE Augusta, Ga., Mareh 2 Cobb, famous Georgia Peach, in" at Warren Park here this KITCHENER TIES NEWMARKET, WINS AT HOME 3 TO 0 ve ere 'gal Kitchener, Ont., March 2 af- Blanking the Newmarket inter- mediate 3 to 0 here tonight the Kitchener-Waterloo team fought back to a tie in the O.H.A. semi- |and glove for all finals, the round ne knotted at |he was coaxed back four goals each, The two teams will | show by Connie Mack. fight it out in a sudden-death game | 'I was really going to quit the tomorrow at Galt and the winuers | big leagues,' will meet PoPrt Solborne in the [asked me to play for another year finals nest week. - I before retiring. Kitchener hud the narrowest | still hit the pitching In the Ameri squeck possible, the tying goal can league, and I Eness that 1 wan coming with only 45 seconds jert | hold my own in flelding. I don to play, when Allan Shirk, the vet- |) eran of the team, whipped in a pretty goal from the blue line, the | puck catching the corner perfectly | op ap phkie-aigh shot, | the Athletics this year, Last year The goal came when the fans had he was reported to have received just about conceded the round to) eggs 000. ipeluding his bonuses the visitors who had played a stub- born defensive game throughout and had held the Panthers out des- pite the fact that they had distinet- ly outplayed their opponents from the outset, The first period was scoreless but in the socond the locals scored one goal and early in the third they added another. of the Giants, Ty declared that h was ready to time, but that into the big Lel this season now that Speaker is with the team." It is understood here that Cobb wil Ireceive ahout $35,000 from Mzaek offered Cobb a new contract at $25.000. This Cobh refused and it is now said that Mack rals- 000. The Georgia Peach to take part in the practice session by McGraw, but he politely declin- ed the offer. Ty is not getting any younger and does not want to prac- tice with the Giants for two days, then remain idle for several days and then resume practicing azain at Fort Myers where the Athletics are training. He will report to Mack on March 6. J sttrastive "Ty Cobb is still head and shoul- ns for vimsting ders above the average fielder," pe to Penn. Station - fn the | Connie Mack said yesterday at the of Garment Centre Fort Myers camp of the Athletics. hd 4 All the Athletics are now in ABERDEEN HOTEL camp except Cobb and Simmons, 37 "est p20d S¢., near Sth Ave. left fielder. Cobb will play. right. NEW YORK Jobo F. Downey, Mewsgrng Dirsstor Clark Grifith is not worrying about an understudy for second base if Manager Bucky Harrie of Berlin's Coverameut offices. the Senators weakens. After watching Gillis and Hayes, a' couple of youngsters, perform in that po- sition at Plant Field, Tampa. Grif- fith remarked that both could ap- parently play second as well as short. Roger Peckinpaugh, of the Cleveland Indians, has been work- ing out at his old position, short- stop, and rumor has it that he won't manage the Tribesmen en- tirely from the bench this sea- son. UNIVERSITY OF MANTOBA HAS ONE GOAL LEAD ON FORTS Fort William, Ont, March 2--Uni- | versity of Manitoba senior hockey ; team gathered a one goal lead over ! Fort William here tonight in the | first of home and home games for the i Interprovincial Thunder Bay-Manito- ba League title and the right to enter the Allan Cup playdowns. Meeting the strong Fort William at tack with a superior defence the stud- ents completely and consistently block ed the way to their own nets in ad- dition to handling the Allan Cup fin- alists of last year their first shut-out of the season, managed to gather one counter on their own behalf. And that score may go far towards deciding the issue between the two, | for if the same style is continued 1 | the next wccting there will not "many to the credit of either team Service-- TORONTO HAMILTON BRANTFORD WALKERVILLE WINDSOR -- and -- DETROIT Hill Mover 2 Mpadiza Ave. ir. be | Queoece-OUtiawa district ternoon during the practice s»ssion | put away his shoes | ' sald Cobb, "but Mack I know that I can | | know where Mack will play me | When the season ended last year | ed the figures in the contract $10.-| was invited | Toronto, Mar. 3.--Although the Falcons have transferred their re- maining home games to Brantford there is a strong possibility that one of the Canpo leaguers will be seen In action at the Arena tonight when the Maple Leafs tackle the Boston Bruins in the locals fifth last home game of the season. John Ross Roach was taken to the hos- pital on his arrival home from Pittsburg yesterday suffering from an attack of gall stones, and it is\ hardly likely that he will play to- night. If he is unable to take his place between the posts he will be succeeded by Joe Ironstone of the Falcons who has turned in three straight shutouts in the minor league, holding London, Hamilton and Niagara Falls scoreless, CANADIAN AMATEUR HOCKEY FINALS TO BE PLAYED MAR 24, 26 Ottawa, Ont., March 2.--The Allan Cup series for the senior amateur hockey championship of Canada will be played in Ottawa on March 24 and 26, with a third game if necessary on This was announced today by 3. P. Quilty, past president of the Cana- dian Amateur Hockey Association, and convener of the series, The draw for the junior playdowns 4i80 was announced, Eastern senior Playdowns Maritime champions v. Quebec, at Montreal, March 9 and Maren 12, Winners of tnis series v. Ottawa district, March 14 and March 17. If Maritimes «+ win over Quepege botn games will be played in UL- tawa, It Quebec wins over Maritimes, Quebnec plays Ottawa district home | and home games, Lirst in montreal. 'I'he winuer of the Maritimes- Series play vie OH.A. champions, If Maritimes win over Quebec and Ouswa district, Maricames Wi play O.H.A. in Toronto on marca «9, at Arena Gardens; Marcin Zeuu aL varsity If Quenee wins over and Coawa district there Alcua. Maritimes will be | Bolle and home games, 150 on UU. oA, dee, areca LY, return on Que- ~LC¢ Ice, Marcn 21. It Ottawa district wins over maritimes and Queonee thece will be | woine and nome LAL Ice, Marca 1y, awa Ice, Marcn 21, dJundr viaydown Vy eSLern belies Manitova cnampions play Thun- der bay, marca > and iv, at wW- gawes, Lust on uv. second on UL- weg, tne winners go into the Western unady Lugs, March 13 and 1o, at willupeg, bhsainst wilues os Laskaccnewau-alnerta-british Lili Series, SasKaleaewan champions play wiles ol the Alverta-oritish Col- ulubia series in iegina, mach » | und 10, Eastern Series Quebec v. udlawa, in at mount Royal Arena, Mach J, J Ottawa, March 10, Winner of this series v, U.H.A. cpawmp.ons, sudden death game. in Kingston, arch 17, Junior Capadian Finals Western champions vy. kasiern vhampions, in Toronto, March 21, at Arena Gardens, Marci 23, at Varsity Arena. If third game neces- sary, March 26, at Arena Gardens. FIST FIGHTING IN BELGRADE HOUSE Group of Radicals Pummel Leader of Opposition Belgrade, Mar. 3.--It was be- lieved Thursday that the Demo- crats and Crotians would abstain from the gafe sitting of the Skup- stina, or Parliament, as a protest against the fist fighting Wednesday. It was the first session in which the newly formed government had participated and was a vigorous scene from the start. The opposition to the govern- ment, headed by Stephen Raditsch, started heckling Mipister of In- terior Keroschetz from the outset. Then a group of radicals with doubled fists started pummelling Raditsch. The latter's friends welt to his ald and the president suspended the session. As soon as the president gone the fighting broke out renewed vigor, It was ann tings of the parliamrent. Marcy 28. Coi= Montreal, Rival Junior Teams Special] ize in Drawn Games, the . Score Being 6-6--Results of Last Series Show There is Little to Choose Be- tween the Two Aggrega- tions The fates preserve us--Bowman- ville and Oshawa Shamrocks play- ed to another tie last evening at Barnhardt's before probably the smallest crowd that ever attended a hockey game in the world, not excepting Czecho-Slovakia. The boys got together to have a merry time--and did. The score was 6-6, which gives a fair indication of the play. Neither team wanted the other to take it too much to heart, so they agreed to call it a draw, and departed at the end of the | .egulation sixty minutes, | Spanton appeared on the Oshawa defence again, and looked good, and it is our humble opinion that he would have looked the same way against Newmarket, Do¢ Rowden had a great time, and ran in five | goals all by his ownsome, He went | all over the ice, and scored from | all angles. The speed streak of the Bowmanville fiom the deience, | namely one Osborne, also had a gala night, and managed to siip | five in the area. occupied by the | twing. Someone must have taken the Bowmanville and Oshawa outfils out to lunch together, since their! hectic contest in the regular series. they certainly acted di.ferently. At that the teams played a fairly fast game of hockey, and gave the fans their moneys worth, that is uniess they crashed the gate with passes, Black's knee had apparently nealed, and he was his ° old self, skaitng mules. Once in a while the Bowmanville team, played a litle comiination, perhaps iiguring on next year, but the Shamrocds were | 'out for tun', and took the puck in themselves, if possiole, aud scoved. It must have been a treat to be aole to do tuat, and not be given Lhe well known razzberry. The gawe got a little more ser- | jous in the last period than tue players intended, and Harrington was hurt in a crash, and Jackman went off with a cut over his eye. ithe tume keeper not being in the spirit of the thung,, gave a tug at tne bell rope, and the rink was' shortly made as George Bernard shaw sald a.put the National Art Gallery, "Scarcely less populous (han the Sahara." The teams: Oshawa--~Goal, Fletcher; de- fence, Spanton Harrington; wings, Black, Rowuen; centre, Arundeil; subs, Grey and Benning. Bowmanville--Goal, James; de- fenee, Oshorne, Hooper; centre, _andler; wings, Jackman, Runde; subs., Mooreciv.t and cameron, . | O.H. A. Bulletin Newmarket and Kitchener intermed jiates will play a sudden-death game at Galt to-night to break the tie in their semi-final round, Newmarket baving won at home, 4 to 1, and lost { at Kitchener last night, 3 to 0. It was intended to play the game in Tor but that was impossible, ice not being available. Ii Newmarket wins to-night the first game of the intermediate finals will be played at Port Colborne, Tues day, March 6, with the return game, | Kitchener is the successful team to- * night the first game at Port Colborne ced that Raditsch has been suspended for three sgit- Newmarket, Thursday, March 8. n will be played Monday, March §, and the return fixture at Kitchener, Wed- nesday, March 7. {has run so ! Still Sees 1eams Matched | REBFIS AMBUSH U3. MARINES FORCE Five Americans Killed and Eight Wounded in Skirmish Managua, Nik, Mar. 3.--Five marines were killed and eight wounded in the rebel ambush on Monday at Daraili, it became known Thursday night as details of the skirmish reached Managua. Thirty-six marines and 85 animals comprised the American pack train. Several of were killed learned. Gen. Augustino Sandino, rebel chief, employed his favorite tac- tics by setting a machine gun am- bush against the small pack train column commanded by Lieut. Ed- ward F. O'Day. The attack took place at 3 p.m on Monday at a small rancho named Daraili, midway between Ocotal and Jinotega. After pouring his deadly, well- directed fire from his set machine gun position, into the American colnmn, Sandino took advantage of the n , momentary disor- der to disappear into the dense brush. Lieut. O'Day"s column was re- turning emmy from Yali to the base at Condega, when it was at tacked. That section of the mountainous Nueva Segovia country ideal for ambush of the kind Sandino employs. The latest engagement brings the roll of marines killed in action in Nicaragua to 21 it was said Friday night. The last big en- gagement took place Dec, 30, 1627, animals it was the pack or wounded, is | at Quilali, when five marines were killed and 99 a0 wounded. A few days later, at Sapotilla Ridge, near Qui'ali, another marine was killed and five wounded. From native gources it was re- ported Thursday night that Gen, Sandino's supply of ammunition that he avoids pro- tracted engacements and uses only simple rifle fire against troops who have had time to take to cover. Coming to Detroit? Ask Hotel Fort Shelby to purchase theater rickets, railroad reservations and do other errands and courtecsw for you in advance of arrival roll Ghia Lafayette at First DETROIT Player Pianos Pianos Phonographs Special Club Plan Without Interest Ontario Piano & Music Company, Limited 92 Simcoe Street North EE income Fax Act mow requires be kept by all SIMPLEX Service Department DOMINION GOVERNMENT INCOME TAX RETURNS The Oshawa Collection and Idemnity Co. Room 4, Bradley Block, 29 Simeve Street South, Oshawa Representing 4 Income and Sales Tax Expert, 59 Victoria St., Toronto Formerly employed by Dominlon Income Tax Departmeéni PROMPT SERVICE--COLLECTIONS, BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, AUDITS CONDUCTED ACCOU (Coprrighted) KENNETH E. DEVITT, Manager that a proper system of books business firms. ATING SYSTEM bd Telephone 31 RE -- To Mr. Farmer-- We will trade FEED PEAS for OATS, pound for pound HOGG © LYTLE Phone 203 54 Church St.