THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1928 PAGF SE' 'N EA. HIBBARD DIES | TD AT SHERBROOKE "25 alia Lf Former Montrealer Helped a - i ------ -- (ONTARIO GAINS ADVISORY BOARD BY LIQUOR SALES| APPOINTED INNS. Attorney-Gen, Price Says|Will Assist in Scientific Province Made $2,804,760 Study of Coast By Liquor Control Halifax, Mar. 2.--An advisory board to nesist im the scientific Toronto, Mar. 2.--With Attorney- | study and owubustion tests of General Price's three-hour explan- | Nova Soti: (cals, has been ap- ation of the working of the Liqu- | pointed by the Nova Scotia Gov- or Control Act,. Premier Fergu- [ernment at the recommendation son's announcement of the Gov- of Hon. G. 8. Harrington, Minister ernment's decision to refer the Mrs. G. Glover entertained about forty of the friends at their home The evening was speht in dancing and games. Refreshments were served at midnight. The friends some of whom came from Toromto, Courtice, North Oshawa and the city, departed in the early hours of the morning after having spent a very enjoyable time. The community extend their sympathy to Mrs. Wenn and family, in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and fa- her. The Boys' Club did not meet on Wednesday night of this week, ow- ing to so many being confined with the mumps. They hope to be able to be there next week and have a Nb urban and District News ES -------------- sion work in Africa. Everyone enjoyed Rev. Lloyd's talk very much and we hope he will came to o "a somes. a of rs. Walter Snider an rs. Herbert Nichols have Bl af ter a pleasant visit with the form- or's parents-in-law, at Wagarville March is here and seems to have brought the winds with it. ' . _ Gathered By Times Staff : EBENEZER ezer, Mar, 2.--The lar meeting of the Women's Society was held on h , March 1, at the home of Mrs, W. H. Nichols. The meet- § was In charge of Mrs. Nichols her group and the country to be studied was Africa, The meet- "Railway Development in East Sherbrooke, Mar. 2.--The death of F. A. Hibbard, C.E,, MEIC, of this city, has removed one, who for a long period was associated with many undertakings which have gone far towards the develop- More than $11,829,000 in surplus funds and investment reserves assure regular liberal dividend distributions to Mutual Policyholders, of Public Works and Mines, it V.EV R was announced Tuesday after- THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Mar. 2--March entered with a blizzard of snow and we hope to see a mild ending of the Old timers say we may look for an early spring. We are very soory to hear of the serious illness of Mrs, W. Luke, and e she will recover soon. many friends of 'Mr Geo. Beckett will be very sorry to hear of his serious illness at his home Scarboro Junction, Mr, Beckett was a resident of this vicinity for nearly all his life up to the time fo his marriage and is a brother of Mrs. A. Robinson. We all wish for his speedy recovery, We regret to say Mrs. A, Plow- man continues very ill. The box social and leap yea was a decided success and the en- ames also delighted e who came to en- ing opened with the president, Mrs. F. W. Rundle, in the chair, Following a short devotional per- congisting of Bible reading prayer, an excellent program was enjoyed by all. for the afternoon was Rev. Lloyd, a missionary on furlough from his mission work in Africa. He gave a very interesting talk on that country and his work there, It was especially interesting, since Africa is one of the countries of which we do not hear so much of. | of the program consisted of an instrumental duet by Miss Margaret Abernethy and W. R, Courtice and vocal solos by Miss Margaret Abernethy and by Mrs, Willlam Marshall. This completed a real godbd pro- which was followed by a with refreshments served by the ladies of the group Mrs, Nichols and her daughter, Mrs, Snider, proved to be very genial hostesses to one and all who were present, Sorrow entered another of the homes of our community when Mr. Wotten, who had been confined to his bed for some months, passed away on Tuesday last, which was held on Friday The remainder the young peop jjoy the evening night in the Sunday school. dainty and well-filled baskets made by the girls were very pleasing and could not pass a high price, Bennett made a very able auctioneer and complimented the ladies on their retty and unique asket which usually holds lunch for H.|Mrs. G. Hart brought her sewing good time. Several from around here atten- ded the Box Social held at the Base Line School on Thursday night, Something which was quite no- tipeable happened the other day ae funeral procession was go- ing along the road, Two teams- ters meeting it stopped their teams and waited for it to pass by, A motorist coming along behind the teams slackened for a moment, blew his horn for the teamsters to move on and then, before the pro- cession was all by, turned his car about and drove by, The car was a real, nice, large car. The owner was not known, but to the onloak- ers it appeared as though the peon- ple who can afford a car and make fast time while travelling, have not time to pay a moment's respect to the: dead, The sewing class at the school on esday afternoon had a good at- tendance. The curtains for the stage were finished and several ar- ticles of clothing fixed and made ready to send out for charity work. machine and it was kept busy all the afternoon. All worked hard and tried to accomplish as much as possible. It had previously been decided not to serve tea that dav two people. Proceeds of the gale of stray Ottawa ballots to a Royal Commission for an investigation and the disposal by an overwhelm- |. ing defeat of Frank Wilson's beer- by-the-glass resolution, the On- tario Legislature Tuesday had the busiest time of any day yet this session, Hon. W. H. Price's address was given in the debate on the ad- dress in reply to the Speech from the Throne. Quoting from a report from the auditors of the Liquor Control Board, Mr. Price said that the to- tal revenue from sales made by the Noard .from June 1, to Octo- her 31, 1927, had been $17.- 583.660.41 of which $11,116, 243.10 had been derived from the sale of wines and spirits and $6, 867,416.31 from the sale of beer and stout. $272,165.20 had been derived from license fees for breweries, distilleries, and ware- houses and from fines and mis- cellaneous income, making a total revenue of $17,586,650.41. The net profit of the hoard was $2,.- 804.760.25, The Attorney-General appealed to the people of the province tq| support the Government in the working out of the act, Criticism and opposition would not improve noon. resentatives of the Canadian Na- tional Rallways, Canadian Pacific Railway, Dominion Coal Company, Dominion Iron & Steel Company, Acadia Sugar Refinery, Nova Sco- tia Mining Society, Halifax Branch of the Engineering Canada, the N.S, Technical College and the Provincial Government. Minister of Mines, will chairman with Dr, F. H, Sexton, president of the Nova Scotia Tech- nical College, as deputy man, Further experts may be add- ed it desirable, partment of Mines made provision at the N.S. Technical College for apparatus to facilitate the testing of Nova Scotia coal. The work has now progressed to the stage where it was considered desirable that fit proceed in consultation with and under the direction of an advisory board. ture of the board, Col, ton said, was the fact that both the Canadian National and ways are being represented, This board will consist of rep- Institute of Deputy act as Norman MacKenzie, chalir- More than a year ago the De- One particularly gratifying fea- Harring- Railways Rall- the former by G. H. Jenkins, general the Canadian Pacific ment of Eastern Canada. Mr. Hibbard was born in Montreal in 1853, and was engaged upon rail- way construction nearly all his ae- tive life. His first important ap- pointment was in 1881-1885, dur- ing which time he was locating engineer and supenintendent of construction on the Canada At- latic Railway, now part of the Canadian National Railways. Upon completion of this work, he was afterwards engaged on many im- portant works of railway comstrue- tion and location, such as the Pon- tiac Pacific Railway system, and the Montreal & Western Railway, now parts of the Canadian Pacific system, and also chief engineer of the Chasetiquay & Northern Rail way, now part of the Canadian National Railway system. In 188% Mr. Hihhard was annninted loeat ing engineer ip charge of construc tion, of the Alexandria Bridge over the Ottawa River, hetween Ottawa and Hull. Later he was offered and accepted several resopnsible nositions on location and econstrue- tion work for several American 'ines, but returned to Canada to hecome assistant distriet eneineer for the National Transcontinetal Railway, For several vears failing health Standard Bank Building 7 Simcoe St. N. + = Oshawa, Ont. Hardwood Floors LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS ALL FLOORS FINISHED LIKE NEW afternoon at Ebenezer church, was largely attended, showing the es- teem in which the deceased was held. Interment &ook place fin Hampton cemetery. The sincere sympathy of the whole community iy eyiended to Mrs. Wotten and er little Aanohter in the loss of | 15 enjoy the delicious cakes and 8 loving hushand and father, iii) Tod a variety of good things Regular Sunday services will he | cooked in these beautiful and durable held at Ebenezer on Sunday, March | utensils, Many sales of the: dishes 4th, Everyone is invited. were made and the huyers were well The regular weekly meeting of | pleased. This meeting 'was one of the League was held on Thursday | the largest and most interesting of night, Tt was well attended and | the season. a splendid meeting was held. 'rhe. Mr, Jas, Luke and son Yoeman, speaker for the evening was Rev, | made a long trip with a truck load Mr. Lloyd, who spoke on his mis- | of furniture last Thursday to Ham- fon ilton, They returned home the same day. "How soft is 'soft' water?" In your household wash- ing can you tell for certain, how soft the water is? This laundry can, and does, accurately gauge the softness of every drop of the millions of gallons of water used for family washes. Similarly, the purity of the soap used is determined. In fact science has eliminated all the guesswork from laundry work, so that you may eliminate all the laundry work from your home work. Five different kinds of wash service, including the super-speed, overnight wash, offer you an excel- lent choice. Prices are lower than home costs. Let talk with you. but when the wprk was about done Mrs. Logue surprised the ladies by serving a light lunch, which was greatly appreciated by all, The church service last Sunday was well attended, there being a rood crowd present. FEveryone en- foyed the good sermon delivered by Rev. Mr, Maxwell. It is very nice for parents of small ehildren to he ahla to he out in the afternoon and attend service. When it is not econ- venient to get out at night and go to the city. We hope everyone wil! take advantage of these meetinms and eome as often as possible and help the services to he a success. Next Sunday tha service will he ronducted by Rey. Mr. Irvine, of Nedardale, from 3 to 4 o'clock, | Sunday School from 2 to 3 o'clock. With favorable weather prevailing, ).4 much larger crowd is looked for next Sunday than there was last Come and bring a friend, Anyone wanting to have their washing done away from home, or | knowing anyone who does, please communicate with Mrs, Cillies, first house east of Logue's Garage. She is prepared to do washing at home. APPLAVISE GREFTS NEPOSED TEACHER W. McAndrew, of Chicago, Gives Address at Edu- cation Convention the liquor situation he sald. The act was not perfect but fit was the hest legislation yet devised and could he improved after it had been thoroughly tested, boxes amounted to thirty-five dollars. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. M. Elliott, Kingston Road, last Wednesday afternoon. After the business hour was over an aluminum demonstration took place, This was a very interesting part and all seemed fuel agent, Montreal, and the lat- |, ter by J, A, Shaw, general elec- trical engineer, Montreal, The establishment of the board is for the purpose of bringing further expert knowledge to hear | 0vmerly Miss Harriet M, Gardner; upon the inquiries being made and [five sons and two daughters; G, is hoped to prove highly valuable |. Hibbard, CE..; F. H. Hibbard, 4 to both producers and consumers |"hief encincer of the Quebee Cen- At an Interval on the first night of coal, Other members, in addi. | fra! Rotlwny HIER, Sher- (of a new hl the producer en- i 4 : . Lak in. | tion to those already named, will | rooke; R. H. Hibbard, of Sher-|countered a critic famed for his Jeady have ibe franchise 2 aur | be H. J. Kelly, representating the | brooke; C. A, Hibbard, of the |destructive candor. "Now, look oninion thev have exercised ft | Pominion Iron & Steel Company; | lank of Montreal, Amherst, N.8.: | here," sald the producer, "let's /ith admirable judgment J. 8. Meisner, representing the |" A. Hibbard, of the Bank of have your honest opigion of this with a ah nggmens, Acadia Sugar Refinery and K. L,| Montreal, Bedford, Que.; Miss play." "It is absolutely worth- I ils Dawson, representing the Engin-| '2ble Hibbard, euncrintendent of | less," replied the critic contemp- A sudden sound of whistlinz dis- | coping Institute of Canada. the Watertown Civic Hospital, N.|tuously. 'Possibly, possibly," turhed the slumberous air of the . Y.: and Mrs, O. M. Thomson, of (said the producer quickly, "but class-room, and the strains of "An- let's have it all the same." nie Laurie" floated over forty small heads bent over small slates "Who's that whistling?" screeched the teacher, as soon as she had re- covered from her surprise. 'It's just masel," answered Sandy Mae- Pherson, with true Seottish imper- turhability, "Did ye no ken ah could whistle?" y . B. W. Raynes 161 King St. W, Office Phone 481; Res., 180-r-2 irs eompelled him to relinquish active life, and he has resided dnr- * his retirement ip Sherbrooke. He is survived by his widow, -- In the good old days, 8 man could go out and get rousingly drunk, and in the morning when he woke up with a splitting head- ache, he would put his hand to his forehead and say, **Gosh, I wish I were dead." Nowadays, a man goes out and gets rousingly drunk, and in the merning when he wakes up With a splitting head- ache he is dead, PLEASED AT THE VOTE (London Advertiser) The Quebec Legislature has re- *nged to permit women to vote in Provincial elections, They al-| A ---- HARMONY Harmony, March 2.--Miss W. Bernett of the city was a recent visitor with Miss Irene Terwillgar. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Found visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. Phair, at Courtice on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nash and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard, of the city, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Saunders. YL Miss Keeler, of Oakwood, is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. A, Taylor over the wek-end. Mr. J. C. Latta spent the week- end with friends at Tweed and Belleville, Mr. M. Elliott, who had his fin- ger quite badly crushed at the Spring and Axle factory, recently, is getting along fine now and hopes soon to be back at, work,' Mrs. R. Luke. ' 'ss Ialene and baby Murlin spei.. Tuesday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gordon. Mrs. Alisworth spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. W. Logue, and attended the sewing class and afternoon tea at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Cowley of the cfty and Mrs. Teer and baby of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peterson on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Allan of Thorn- ton's Corners, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oke on Sunday. Mrs. G, Glover and children and "Mrs. A. Terwillgar and children visited with Mr. and Mrs.' H. Tre- vail on Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Mackie and Master Stewart visited with relatives at Port Perry on Thursday, On Friday evening last Mr. and TL PR | lp Do You Own FOR OTHER POWERS England Ready to Sign | Treaty if Other Nations Do London, Mareh 2.--The British Government deems it "inexpedi- | ent" to artify the Geneva conven- tion prohibiting the use of poison or asphyxiating gas in warfare un- til all the other important powers have ratified it or signified their intention of so doing. Prime Minister Baldwin made this an- | nouncement in the House of Com- | $500 Down, New six mons yesterday afternoon, but to | $4 50 a question by Lieut.-Commander | ' room Cooksville rug Joseph Morggue Kenworthy, Lib- | brick, hardwood floors, built-in eral, who asked whether or not | kitchen cabinet, ironing board, re- ratification could not be effected | cess for buffet, chestnut trim; up- on the same terms as those by | stairs finished in white enamel, which France ratified, by which no | doors finished in walnut, 3-piece legal commitment was to be in-| bath, medicine cabinet, In good curred untfl other states had rat- | location, mear Motors. This is a! ified, Mr, Baldwin returned no re- | genuine sacrifice. Apply owner and ply. builder-- convention he was a speake SMART WORK BY 67 Bond Street East LOANS Although he made no direct el OFFICER PREVENTS IRE iii No Commission ferepcg to Mayor Thompson or his BLOWING OF SAFE LL BRADLEY BROS, experience in Chicago, McAndrew | ------ ---- told the audience after the enthu i silastic greeting that he appreefat- | Toronto, Mar. 2. -- Quick work Buys 2-R Cot- | ys <4-Room t ed "your sympathy but . on the part of a young officer of $140 s Api than ol ol | North % nol FA fod P. c. wil- j tage on lot 40" x son (251) early this morning, pre- | 200' on paved street with water, electric and garage. Cash on new home; demnation of the political treat- ment of a school system." vented the forcing of a safe in Charles Murphy and Sons' hard- $500 brick, six rooms, oak floors, French doors, verandah, ware store, Hillsdale Avenue and Yonge street, and resulted in the bath, furnace and hydro. Pric- ed right at $5,000. capture of one of the desperadoes. LYCETT'S The prisoner gave his name as REAL ESTATE ONLY vapors can reach colds direct. That's why Vicks brings such quick relief, When rubbed on at bed- time it is vaporized by the body heat and breathed right into the air passages and lungs; at the same time it stimulates the skin like a poultice, New 6-Room Rug Brick Bungalow, coal-fire mantel, well decorated, electric fix- tures, gas stove, also gas heater for hot water, gar- age; paved strePt just off King St. $700 cash, balance $38 monthly. This is a Jove. ly home. Price is right, Horton & French Phone 2606 i Mundy Bldg, Simcoe St, 8. | Cutler & Preston Insurance, Real Estate 64 King St. W. Phone 572 Boston, Mar, 2.--Wm. McAn- drew: who was deposed as superin- tendent of the Chicago publie schools as a resnit of Mayor Wil- | liam Hale Thompson's crusade against "unpatriotic" history text hooks, was warmly applauded by 8,000 members of the department of superintendence of the Nation- al Education Association at whose Bodedededode obo to RL BB 22 as ss sy EE "CARTER'S Real Estate $ King St. E. or phone 1380 le LIE | TWASE LAUNDRY © re r ---- & Ld 6 rooms, rug $4,500 brick, chest- nut trim. Oak floors. Near G.M. Every convenience. Immediate possession, $500 cash, Balance like rent. rooms. All $3,200 8 conveniences. Stucco. Fixtures included. North end. A real buy with $7570 cash, 'Balance yery easy. "Disney Phone a5 Peter Charbut, aged 35, no home. A confederate managed to make bis escape. Wilson was on beat, trying the doors of stores in the locality. He had visited the front door of the' Murphy store and was on his way to the rear when, passing a side window, he overheard a suspicious tapping. He discovered that the lower pane of the window had been smashed and that a hole large enough for a man to pass through had been made. Sticking his flashlight through the hole, the vivid white light re- vealed two men bending over a large safe in the office. One was tapping with a hammer, the other keeping watch, DOMINION TOBACCO BOARD OPENS TO-DAY IN CHATHAM Chatham, Ont, Mar, 2--Consider- able interest is being taken in the first meeting of the Dominion To- bacco Commission, 'which is to be RQ | held in the County Council Chambers Harrison Hall, to-morrow afternoon. Members of the commission are E. S. Archibald, of Ottawa, chairman; H. B. Aschibald, of Wallaceburg; and E. P. Tellier, of Essex. Dr. Gris- dale, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ottawa, is expected to be present at he meeting to-morrow. at which P farmers of the district will have an R opportunity to express their views. ADDING TO THE BIKE STORY The St. Thomas Times-Journa: says 2 man in that city has a bi- cycle he has ridden for 28 years. It's got to know the owner so well that when he splits the kindling in the morning that bicycle jumps out of the backshed and goes around and waits for him at the | front door. . REAL ESTATE Homes bull: to sult purchasers. R. M, KELLY 610 Simcoe st. N. Phone 1663W "» Homes Your Rupture Successfully Removed Without Operation Gallstones Removed Without Operation FOR RENT Modern APARTMENT Possession at once Apply J.C. Young 4, Prince St. Phone 7! Kidney, Liver, Blaader Weaknesess and Getting out of Bed at nights, Indigestion, Gassy Stomach, Infantile Paralysis, Skin Disease, 1onsils, Inflamed or Diseased Without Operation Dr. Thuna Balsam Reme. ies Ltd. 500 Simcoe St South 13 STORES Phone 2558 Nature's way is best - We deliver R000 0OCoO0CoOCO0O0O000000S We are now settled in our new office on the corner of Simcoe and Bond streets, We have choice listings of new houses and splen- did builders' lots, and we invite purchasers to look Our unlimited all risk Auto Policy protects you against all risks. Ask about it. W. J. SULLEY AUCTIONEER 41 King St. W. Phone 2580 and 7167 Real Estate listings wanted We have thirty lots in various parts of the city on sewer and water for immediate sale. The prices are right. URIAH JONES Real Estate I 34 Simcoe St. N. (Cor. Bond St.) Phone 2667 w=) -- ~ --