Eighteen Models Comprise New 1928 McLaughlin 2,000,000th Car P: distributed Eighteen = models, series which are de- lengths, Buick line the "Spring | « at Motors cars in interest at: to the Me ; this Xi of fact that 2] completed ta. 2.000. . its 2,0 I" 000th car, thus gaining undisputed leadership among cars of more four cylinders, . There are seven models, design- ed to meet a wide and varied range of requircments, in Series 115, « Series 120 includes three models, and Series 128 the Telaluing eight. A new car in the line this year fs Model 47-8, the five-passenger town Brougham of Series 120. Its mechanical specifications are iden- tical! with those of Model 47, but nickeled headlamps, and several modifications of body treatment, including lendau hinges and a special handling of the interior, make luxury the dominant note in this model. A point about its line on which McLaughiin-Buick lays heavy stress is the uniformity of engineer- ing and mechanical detail, as well a8 of comfory and operating ease, throughout the entire line of 18 cars. Diiference in wheelbase length, and consequently in weight, are the prireipal distinctions be- tweon the cars of Series 115 and those of Reries 128, Thus the 1928 advances which have resulted in McLaughlin- Buick's record-shattering sales are without exception, found through- out Series 115 as well as in Series 128, Among them are hydraulic shock absorbers front and rear, in conjunction with re-designed canti- lever springs on each model; ad- justable steering column, with light controls centralized at its top; redesigned steering wheel to' fit small as well as large hands; new double lock on steering col- umn, and wider and deeper wind- shield for greater safety in driv- ing. All closed models, in every series, have rear seat arm rests. Other McLaughlin-Buick feat- ures which of course extend throughout the line include te vib- rationless six-cylinder valve-in- head engine, with counter-balanced crankshaft, torsion balancer, air cleaner, oll filter, gasoline strain- er, and vacuum-ventilated crank case; the sealed chassis whereby every moving part, from the fan .advance a car's ine roduced fast 4 H 8 i i i, it numerous. There 1s first of all the new stylish low-slung effect, achieved by means of the double- drop frame, without sacrifice of head room or road clearance. There is a new vogue in motor car beauty, achieved by new colors in lustrous Duco and a new interior treatment. Comfort of riding has been mater- fally increased by the addition of hydraulic shock absorbers front and rear on all models, in conjune- tion with redesigned cantilever springs, In the driver's compartment re- finements are everywhere in evid- ence, Women the country over have praised the new and thinner steer- ing wheel, which fits their smaller hands as comfortably as those of men, Centralization of light con- trols on top of the steering post, and arrangement for the adjust- ment of the post itself to suit the individual! driver also have found favor, Still another refinement is the grouping of instruments on the dash so that a eingle glance tells the entire story of gasoline and oil supply, engine heat, speed, mile- age, and rate of charge, Not least important is the new double lock, at the junction of the steering post ard dash, which enables the driver to lock both {ignition and steering column at ome operation. There is no operation incidental to the control of the pew McLaugh- lin-Builck requiring a "reach", a point which women particularly appreciate, The same Improvements which standing among women have their effect upon its position among men. Most Luxurious Cadillac Ever Produced Is the 1928 Model; Is Most Powerful The largest, most powerful, and most luxurious Cadillac ever pro- duced 18 on display st this year's *'Spring Salon," of General Mo- tors cars which is being held at the various dealers' showrooms, "Phe engine Js bigger and morc powerful than in the cars shown fn 1927, the chassis is larger, hodies are more spacious and their designs, colors and appointments are entirely new since that date, The latest Cadillac Js pointed out 88 the crowning achievement of a quarter century of manufac- ture by an organization which has always produced cars of the high- est grade, Incidentally the Cadil- lac Motor Car Company of Cana- da is this year showing two dif- ferent cars--the LaSalle and the Cadillac, At the time of its Introduction last Sepember, the mew Cadillac, known as Model 341, was an- nounced 8s being designed for the ultra-exclusive class of owners who desire, irrespective of price, the finest automobile obtainable, with all of the prestige and satis- faction that go with the owner- ship of a vehicle closely approach- ing motor car perfection. The "341" model 1s large in every dimension excepting heiglt, distinguished in appearance, and extra-comfortable. The chassis is more rugged, snd has been lengthened 'to a 140-inch wheel- base. The engine is larger than in previous models, having 8 341- inch piston displacement, instead of the former 314, with an S.A. A. rating of 35.0, actually develop- ing 90. It is of the V-type eight, proven ip a quarter of a million Cadillacs. The car is presented in 26 body styles -- fourtecn by Fishor and twelve by Fleetwood. It is evident from the examples on display at the "Spricg Salon," that ithe body styles follow the moderuistic trend, yet possess great restraipt and digoity. They reflect 3 sincere and suecessfv) ef- fort op the part of the designers to create a line of bodies distine- tive in their beauty, comfort, lux- ury and richness. From the handsome, distinctive radiator, deep slung in the chas- sig, creating a low, fleet and pow- erful appearance from the front, to the detail of the slat-covered gasoline tank in the rear, these bodies are a plainly evident depar- ture from the past. The radiator itseif--which has set a new fashion in the automo- bile industry--is of a design orig- inated by the Cadillac Company and first used in modified form in the LaSalle -- deep and narrow, with its depth emphasized by ver- tical shutters which are operated thermostatically. Its base is 8 beautiful curve instead of the more usual straight line base and a large crank cap fis let into its lower portion, emphasizing the depth, The head-on appearance of the car is deeply impressive. Head- lamps are large--twelve inches in diameter--of the bullet type, wich a windsplit tapering to the apex. This device is duplicated ia the bullet-type side lamp which sre mounted on the pnickeled cow! band. A pew feature fis the battery box let into the front of the right- hand dust shied, tho cover of which forms a "kick-pad". An- other "kick-pad" is located in the dust shield beveath the rear door, a step being placed between. In the left side dust shield is a tool box with combination cover snd kick-pad and a second kick-pad beneath the rear door. It fis interesting to mote in the instrument pad a new develop- ment which is really an old ony. The instruments aie not srranged ia 8 central group put across the dash individual assemblies. The dash color is alco 8 return to plain black. Numerous other features are {acorporated fm the car, not the least of which is a simple device by which the driv- ing seat can easily bo adjusted to NER COMPLETES 51 YEARS IN CIVIL SERVICE ttawa, March 1. -- J. A. Res sell, Com:issioner of Tariff ia the Department of Finsese, completed bis £ity-fivst year iu tho Civil Ser- vice today. [Dniszicg the Depart- ment of Cusioms gt Pictou, N.S, jo the year i377, lr. Eussell hes seen nin Prime Ministers of Can- fds pads acros the politics] stage during his team as g public ser- Alexander Mackearie wien Mr. Russell gn- 2 {Le sorvice. 3 DILOTYIN BEGINS Lezias with the zZaso- 2, accordirs to fiud- xperis of the United of Standards. | A that has many slow com- ponents. The spark falls to se' them off and they recoadense and slip down into he crankcase, work- icz Levoe with the jubricant. When the engine is run on such 8 fuel in warm weather, it is moe or less able to (ake care of itself. It is different in winter. POLICE SHOOT TWO Detroit, Mazch 1.--Two negroes were shot, one of them fatally, in eccouaters with police early today. Jobe Jackson, aged 19, was shot and by Patrolman Lawrence Bronson wulle aitemuting to es- care with a stolen automobile. Holston KFenderson, aged 35, was skbot in the right arm by a negro AN i? the mo- | patrolman in 2 scuffle that follow- wsoline of low vola- {ed 2 police raid on a negro blind- titer. he aceuires 2 motor fuel pix. THEE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 19:0 3 Driving Easy for Women in the ALL DRIVING CONTROLS AT MILADY'S FINGER TIPS; INTERIOR FINISH ATTRACTIVE 1928 Essex ~ CONVENIENCE~--The instrument hoard is the acme of convenience, There is an anti-thief Electro. lock, clean and within easy reach, The starter is on the dash. the recording instruments, includ. ing a motormeter, ave grou der one glass, indirectly lighted, plece of steel, specially shaped and re-enforced, with a hard rubber cover surrounding the steel. This wheel, heavier than wood, absorbs minor road shocks admirably and controls the car easily. Richly patterned velour uphol- stery and form-fitting seats are Believing this is the day of | woman in motor cars, the Hud- son Motor Car. Co, has designed | its 1928 models--both Hudson and KEssex----with a number of special features for feminine hands and eyes. For instance: On both cars the slender new | steering wheel is shaped to fit a | woman's hands. Yet it is one of | designed to please women es- the strongest wheels in the whole | pecially. The windshield panel industry, for its skeleton is one | and window ledges in both Hud- dictate olce TYLE, beauty, luxury, power, smoothness and agility these are facts which McLaughlin. Buick owners have weighed to their satisfaction, All ped un. Every item contributing to McLaughlin- Buick long life and performance has been proved on the General Motors Proving Ground, The improved McLaughlin-Buick valve-in-head engine has * en proved better, It has been proved that the . . :d Chassis with Triple Sealed Engine increases McLaughlin-Buick efficiency and longevity . . . that the counterbalanced Crankshaft, Torsion Bal- ancer and Rubber Engine Mountings prevent vibration , , . that the Lovejoy Shock Absorbers son and Essex are of burl wal- nut finish; the instrument board is a polished dull black lacquer, resembling ebony, Essex continues the starter on the dash--a great convenience to women. Both Hudson "and Essex employ the Electro-lock, which is not only safer than old locking devices but much clean- er and more convenient. The G.M A.C. Deferred Payme Plan offers many auvantages to buyers of McLaughlin- uick cars, MECHANICAL FACTS REVEAL | | Engineziing Trend Makes for Better Balazced Automobil: | --Problems of the Past Have Ezen Neatly Overcom: i By Automotive Editor of The Journal Mechanically the motor show of 1928 offers much that is new and interesting, In tabloid form, these are some of the latest developments in automobile details: Bodies are still lower, some 'wheels are smaller and the tire equip- ment is larger in some cases, The third quarter side window on sedan models is disappearing and rear doors are resultantly wider. Four wheels brakes are practically universal in all classes of auto- mobiles, with a separate emergency or service brake. Engines are more powerful, the makers having returned to the power plans developing 100 horsepower and over in some cases, There is a strong swing to the aluminum piston, being found on some 70 per cent. of all new models. High compréssion engines are prominent with various makes and these make particularly good use of the special gaselines, . Trend Toward the Gasoline Pump There is a strong trend toward the gasoline pump in the fuel feed systems, thus displacing the vacuum tank, Shock absorbers are to be found on hoth small and large cars. Some of these are of the spring-control type. Expensive cars have shortened wheel-bases while a number of low-priced cars have longer wheel-bases, making things more equal. Square-cornered closed bodies are now passe. Backs of sedans and coaches sweep into a graceful curve, Rear quarters are brightly pol- hed, Further headway has been made fn the overcoming of vibration and noises through the adoption of rubber engine mountings and rub- ber shackles, Much improvement has been made in cooling' systems through thermostatic control and water jackets extended around valves. Radiators of practically all models are narrow and higher. Some provide lateral flow of liquid to offset evaporation. Circulation pumps are now grouped with the radiator fans to save an extra mounting and an extra drive loop from the engine, Fan shrouds are quite common once more and are guite necessary because of high radiators. Crankcase ventilation has been provided in many models so that water condensation is avoided as much as possible. Steering wheels, ia many instances, ero now of a composition material baving a stzel core. These are easy to hold and are more stauach, The chassie is still more rigid, thus preventing distortion and sag and makiog the front ends more firm where, in the past, there has been some twisting. The spiral bevel gear cont «s the popular mode of final drive and only afew models have wori. or other forms of gears, Spark plug cable tubes cre now in evidence on mary automobiles, baving been adopted by small car makers, Protectors ::c also found on spark plugs, Four Specd Transmissions Are Adopted Five or six different makes of passenger cars now have four- speed transmission in place of the three-speed gears. Lubrication systems have been made more effective but they re- main largely as they were during the past year. There is oze prominent make of automobile with a multiple-disc clutch but practically all others cling to the single-plate mechanism, Steering mechanis:a has beeu improved to permit still easier driv- i ing with balloon tire equipment. | There is & pronounced tendency to make steering posts adjustable as to slope to fit the individual driver. Form fitting seats are now more in evidence and some front seats are adjustable to confor:a with leg-length. Manifold or intake heativg to add to the volatile nature of the gas ! mixture is common with many well-known makes of cars. There are more eight-cylinder models while the number of six- | cylinder models has increased slightly. The "fours" are still numerous, however, 2 | Eugines, generally speaking, are lighter, more powerful, higher | in speed and are more firmly mounted on frames. : | There are many adherents for both the all-steel and the wood-and- | steel types of closed Lodies but front pillars are mere slender in each | There has been a further adoption of what might be called "slow- | breecking" glass, particularly for windshield. | AJ { | All Under Immediate Glance of Driver A tendency is noted toward centralizing ignition, gas and light controls within the steering wheel. | Instrument boards bave become things of beauty and practically | all instrument paneis are indirectly lighted. i A great range of choice is to he found in the various models but yet there are some engineering principles which have become stand- ardized. : The average automobile today is a well-balanced piece of mechan- | isw, incorporating many devices which overcome the probiems and nuis- | ances of the past. l it is more of a pleasure to drive a car now than ever before. | tremendous neutralize road shocks. McLaughlin- Buick has BEWARE SUDDEN BLOWS won its reputation upon FACTS, It is not always straight wea: that sends tires to the scrap heap. Ihey would provide many more miles if all they had to do was carry the car over smooth streets and highways. Sudden blows cause a strain on tires, The ciiect of striking a sharp-edged depression in the road or crossing u railroad track at high speed is very similar to imparting a sudden blow upon a toy balloon. The balloon breaks immediately. The tire may go on for 'a while, but it has been pointed on the way to destruction, M:2030-8 CLAUGHLIN-BUICK MOFFATT MOTOR SALES 88 Simcoe St., North Phone 91. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUNT =-- McLAUGHLIN . BUICK WILL BUILD THEM -- - em rg ree em---- | u------ re -- | HEAVENS MADE TO PERFORM One of the features of the sum- mer exhibition in Vienna is a per- manent planetarium showing the heavens, the earth and their move- ments, Oshawa TS ---- an op = Your Car Needs / ATTENTION, NLY a.few more days until the nice motoring weather will be with us, The roads will dry and the air will be filled with the hum and whir of well tuned motors. The real time to have your motor inspected is now--do not wait until the good weather comes as you will only neglect it and neglect costs money--we are equipped to give expert service and prompt attention to all orders. Leave your car here and let us put it in shape. Then when the time comes you need it most you will have a motor that's simply Specializing on all makes of Automobiles "Rarin to Go" Do not delay. See that your car is left with us at once, II Agency for the famous ROGERS Batteryless RADIOS GENERATOR STARTER SERVICE LTD. George Alchin, Mgr. 15 Church Street, Oshawa Phone 1438