PAGE £IGHTEEN THE OSHAWA' : : DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1928 Ontario Has 51,989 Miles of Public Roads for Traffic Pontiac Engines Kept Up Latest Developments in Engineering; New Carburetor Pump-Feed Type of Fuel Supply, G.M.R. Cylinder Head and Improved Mani. folding -- Guard Against Flooding of Engine. The second "'birtha sary" of the Pontiac hg By ed recently by the first public dis. Play in dealers' showrooms of the New Series Pontiac Six Which is ny 3a Surpass in beauty, power 'orman BBC pertunm ce all previous Pon- The new Pontiac Six chassis four-wheel brakes, Lovejoy Sa with le shock absorbers, gasoline pump, an entirely new type of radiator which prevents evaporation, semi- coincidental lock, improved car- buretion, crankcase ventilation, new cylinder head, higher com- pression, new clutch and steering gear, heavier frame and other mechanical advances, appears (o Justify the statement of the manu- facturer that it is "new from radia- tor to tail light", Briefly stated, the company is offering infinitely "more car' at the same base price. Although the new series has the same number of cars that com: prised the 1927 line, two of the new models carry new types of bodies representing the latest advances in Fisher design, The two new body types are the Sport Landau Sedan and Four-Door Sedan, which super- sede the former Landau and De Luxe Landau Sedans, The Two- Door Sedan, the Coupe, the Sport Cabriolet and the Sport Road- ster again are included among the six body choices, but all have been completely re-designed and closed models carry the latest Fisher body creations, mew Duco colors, new fenders, headlamps and many other refinements, But the beauty of the New Ser- fes Pontize Six is not "skin deep." Under that sleek new hood is an engine which develops 48 horse- power at 2,600 r.p.m.., a substan- tial Increase over the power of the previous Pontiac, This greater power gives even better acceleration, while the new equalized and mechanically opera- ted four-wheel brakes provide cor- respondingly sure and rapid de- celeration, The front brakes are internal and the rear are externgl, If the brakes are applied while the car is making a turn, the outside front wheel automatically rolls free, a safety factor which enables the driver to retain full control under all conditions. A separate internal parking brake is provided on the rear wheels, One of the outstanding ploneer- ing features of the new car is a radically changed principle of en- gine cooling as embodied in the unique 'cross flow" radiator, from which it is practically impossible to lose either water or anti-freeze golution by evaporation, The water flows horizontally through the radiator cells instead of vertically as in other radiators. The water circulation fs thermostatically con- trolled and the flow is maintained by a new weter pump of the bal- anced impeller type, Among other important changes on the engine are the adoption of the G-M-R cylinder head and the replacement of the conventional vacuum tank with a gasoline pump, two late cCevelopments both of which are pioneered by General Motors engineers. The new G-M-R cylinder head (developed by General Motors Re- search engineers) eliminates spark knock and roughness. It gives an impulse to the car comparable only to the smoothness of the steam en- gine and has also enabled the Pon- tiac compression ratio to be raiscd to 4.9 to 1, This is chiefly respon- sible for the increased power while retaining the same 186.5 cubic- finch cylinder displacement which rcinains larger than the displace- ment of any six cylinder car under $1,300, This higher compression, the anti-spark effect of the new head which permits the spark to be main- tained by the automatic distribu- tor at the point of highest effiei- ency, a new carburetor designed especially for this car and a com- plete redesigning of both intake and exhausy manifolding systems, combine to produce exceptional power and performance, The gasoline pump, operated from the camshaft, assures a proper supply of filtered fuel at all speeds. A combination pressure and suc- tion type of crankcase ventilator has been added, which preyents fumes from entering the body com- partment and decrease dilution of the engine oil by condensed water vapor, the vapor beinz discharged underneath the car before it has reached the condensation point. The new design clutch may be shifted with even greater ease than the clutch on the previous Pontiac Sixes, requiring only a light pres- sure on the foot pedal, & feature especially atiractive to women drivers. A mew steering gear design of higher ratio and with burnisa- ed bronze bearings together with a new 17-inch wheel carrying fing- er grips on the inside of the rim has immeasurably improved steer- ing ease, another factor of import- pnce to women drivers. A new semi-coincidental lock has been incorporated in the transmis- sion. It is operated from the igni- tion switch by the switch key. Thus a turn of the switch key locks both ignition and transmission v-ithout danger of soiling hands or A position has been pro- gloves. vided so that the ignition may be turned off without locking. the transmission, : The combination ignition and transmission lock and light switch are on the left side of a completely changed instrumental board. Choke and throttle unit are on the right and the central assembly consisting of speedometer, oil gauge, gasoline gauge and ammeter is enclosed in a glass-covered, indirectly lighted metal case. The dials of all three instrument assemblies have an en- tirely new antique finish, The con- trol buttons and switch lever match the body hardware, Besides continuing the conveni- ent foot-operated tilt-ray feature in the improved headlamps, a tom- bination stop and tail light has been added, the powerful stop light being so wired that the driver may turn it on for use as a backing light, Although the New Series Pontiac Six retains its former wheel base of 110 inches for ease of handling and parking, the car has the ap- pearance of being considerably larger and more sturdy than it's predecessor, This effect is achieved principally through the larger, deeper radiator, surmounted by its Indian head radiator cap. This year the radiator and the new raised panel on top of the hood are nearly two inches higher than in 1927. Full crown fenders with hood sills completely covering the front of the frame give distinction to the front of the car, From the side, the larger hubs and spokes, the solid appearance given the front wheels by the front brake drums, the dropping of the front window lines and raising of the body panels, all combine to- ward an impression of low-slung comfort and safety. LABOR DEMANDS PROBE FOREIGN OFFICE SCANDAL Party Leader Sees Chance for Inquiry Into "Letter" Which Lost Election London, Feb, 29, -- The Labor party, which attributed its defeat at the last election largely to the publication, under mysterious cir- cumstances, of the famous "Zinov- {eff letter," is determined to prohe this incident to the full, Ram- say MacDonald drew from Prime Minister Baldwin in the Commons today the promise of a half-day debate on the issues raised by the report in the francs speculation case, as a resylt of which J. D. Gregory, Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, was dismissed and other officials disciplined. But what the Labor party reativ] wants is an opportunity to press for an inquiry into the Zinovieft affair, which was incidentally re- opened, in the francs inquiry re- port, in view of the alleged con- nection of Gregory not only with the francs transactions but with what Labor claimed was 'a plot to publish the faked 'Red letter" to discredit the party at the last election. Interest has rapidly shifted in political circlés from the currency speculations by Foreign Office officials to the question of how a copy of the Zinovieff epis- tle and information regarding the official action on it came into the possession of the Daily Mail. Probe Held Essential Lord Parmoor, who was a mem- ber of the Committee of Inquiry which was set up by the Labor Government to go into this ques- tion, but which was unable to conclude its work owing to the Labor Government's resignation, holds that a full public inquiry is essential, since "there was no evi- dence which could reasonably be regarded as proof of the authen- ticity of the Zinovieff letter. What the Labor party wishes to do is not only to prove that it was the victim of a Conservative plot at the last election, but to disso- ciate itself entirely from any con- nection with the Communists. Not only did its alleged sympathy with Bolshevism injure its chances in the last campaign, but the declared intention of the Bri- tish Communist party to run can- didates at the next election is con- strued ®8 an attack upon the La- bor party rather than upon the Government. Once for all, therefore, Labor would like to clear fits skirts of all suspicion of Communist sym- pathies. MOTOR PAGE FILLS WHEN INCLINE GETS ICY of built-in garages are reached by meaus of drive- ways that are sharply inelined. Ca rowners who have had experi- ence with this type have learned that when they become icy, as they often do in winter. the task of getting tle car out is well night impossible. Although it fs hard to reconcile with one's thought of providing the car with the best shelter, there are times when it is better to leave the automobile out of the garage. This is par- ticularly true when one is plan- Thousands MAMMOTH PLANTS OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED . le Sm EN ped <TILEf} GREAT AUTOMOBILE PLANTS OF GENERAL MOTORS AT OSHAWA AND (inset) THE TINY BLACKSMITH SHOP WHERE THE INDUS. TRY HAD ITS INCEPTION Embodies All Smart Features, of Previous Model To- gether With Increased Beauty, Speed, Power, Economy and Riding Comfort, The new Oldsmobile is not only a strikingly beautiful car, as ple- tures clearly show, but also it is of a wholly new and most inter- esting design from a technleal standpoint, despite the alsence of radical features, Two years ago the engineering department of the Olds Motor Works started to design an auto- mobile of exceptional merit, und as plans progressed this high sim was focused on the idea of produe ing an automobile which wonld run 50,000 miles without major adjustments or repairs. So it was ordered that cost was not to be considered, in the belief that af- ter the best possible materials and methods had been selected, the most modern production processes would permit the building of the new model at an unchanged price. So different frames and engines were built, some of the latter cost- ing as high as $20,000 each; and the experimental cars were tested by runnirg them a million miles. The cars, fourteen of them, ran a minimum of 700 miles a day, over concrete, -gravel and dirt roads, and on the Proving Grounds speedway at fifty miles an hour. Inexperienced drivers were select- ed, to give the cars surer tests When all details were settled and the tests fully finished, unusu- ally complete histories of all the cars indicated that the goal of 50,000 miles without major ad- justmrents had heen reached, that engine bearings, pistons, clutgh, axles, and all other parts would stand up for this long period with- out attention. Nothing was left to chance in the work of develop- ing a 50,000 mile automobile. The camshaft runs in large bronze bearings, selected for their added wear. Along with the mechanical fea- tures have been incorporated new improvements in body design which give the Oldsmobile an air of smartness and sturdiness of 1928 Oldsmobile Model I Entirely New In Design; Many 'New Features Appear RB. 3. McLAUGHLIN President of General Motors of Canada, Limited. and a 4 18 stroke. It has a piston displacement of 197.5 cubic inches. The compression ratio is.5 to 1 or 96 to 98 pounds and due to special combustion chamber dest#en does not require special fuel despite the high compression. This combustion chamber is shaped so that following ignition of the mixture the *'pressure rise" within the chambers and cylinders is progfessive and the pressere peak more continuous than in the conventional type." The step-like profile of the chamber roof and the four curves that form the side of each chamber govern the rate of expansion of the burning gas and bring about the advantages of high compression without the "roughness." The "silenced chassis" is a hich- ly interesting fezture of the new car, This is brought about through the use of rubber engine mount- ing, a rubber core in the clutch hub, fabric beading between sheet meta] parts, rubber and felt Insu- {of the crankcase and is driven hy the camshaft, A gasoline filter eli- minates dirt and water from gaso- line as it is pumped to the car- buretor. This fuel pump furnishes its proper supply of fuel to the carburetor in relation to car speed of travel. In the carburetor, choice of an air valve untiring efforts were | | made to get a carburetor that meet the demands of all types of drivers. Carburetors were installed on test cars operated hy dozens of non-mechanics re- presenting a cross section of aver age automobile drivers, In this would tions of the different types of drivers. For igaition, the Delco-Remy ignition is used with full automa- tie spark advance. Ome change which has met much favor is the adoption of a manual engagement starter. At the first pressure the drive gear engages with the gear- ed flywheel, making a positive con- nection before the electric starting motor comes into action as pres- sure on the starter pedal progres- ses. A steel ring gear on the fly- wheel is but one evidence of the quality extending to the smallest Hidden parts in this New Oldsmo- bile. In the transmission the sear ra- tio 18 3 to 1 in low, 1.75 to 1 in second and direct in high speed. In reverse ft 1s 8.857 to 1. A heavy one-piece propeller shaft with two universal joints is used The front joint is flexible rubber fabric while the rear univers: fa mechanical and of the douhle ball and socket slip-type. This re- lleves any pull on the forward uni- versal and glves additional strength and life. The fabric uni- versal acts as a preventive of road noises being telegraphed along the drive shaft, Four wheel brakes are used, the rear ones being external contract- ing on a 14 inch drum. The front wheel brakes are internal of self- energizing type. A total braking area of 244 square inches assures a good factor of safety in emer. gencies, A simply designed equal- izer provides a proper distributor of braking effort. Easy steering is insured by using split bronze nuts, so piloted as to work on a single plane, bringing the front wheels automatically to a straight line after turning corners. fhe chamber of the front wheels is 1.45 degrees, to eliminate road shocks heing transmitted to the steering wheel, | The wheels are 18 inch diameter and of artillery type with 10 ellip- tic spokes which are unusually heavy and symmetrical. Tuare disc and natural wood wheels are optional on the landau, sport way a carburetor was selected that would function easily and perfect- ly under the variable manipula- coupe, and the open models, Full halloon 28x5.25 tires are used. Front and rear springs are semi- lation where wire or pipe lines are attached to sheet metal par's, se'f-energizine factor re-actine in relation to the severity of the shock. The core of the single plate dice clutch has a triangular see- tion of rubber confined in metal throuch whieh the toraue is trans- line. In this car the engineers and designers seem to have worked to- gether with such perfect unanimity that they have reached the ulti- mate of endeavour--grace in de- sign 24d perfection in performance, iz sort a perfeet balance. Bodies are distinguished by high radiator hood and cowl design, the sweeping forward of the substan- tial cowl rear molding toward the bottom edze of the hood, the light and wide belt panel beginning un- der the windshield post and con- verzinz into the body-line molding under the rear edge of the quarter window, sweeping crown fenders, larze bullet-type headlight, town- car style roof front cadet wisor and bail-back curving. Larger, faster and more power- ful than the six cylinder line ft replaces, the new car has register- ed 73 miles an hour at the General Motors Proving Ground. Its high compression engine develops 55 horsepower at 2700 r.p.m. and will accelerate from 5 to 25 miles an hour in 83% seconds. Longer, with an over-all length of 171 inches, the New Oldsmobile weighs approximately 120 pounds more then the preceeding car. The latest efforts of the Olds- mobile and General Motors Re- search Laboratories have beep co- ordinated in the new engine. It ning on a hasty leave-taking for the office the following morning. {the disc. mitted, this rubber filler reducine the shock of sudden engagement ond insuring correct alienment of A quiet driving system is thus created. A full pressure lubricating sys- tem is used, the pump being ver- feally driven off tlie camshaft, If the oil pressure becomes too ~reat a ball check valve by-pass al- lows the oil to return direct to the pump. Excessive oil pressire on the filter is prevented hy a roe tary tvpe valve in the camshaft threnzh which the oil is delivered to the oil filter mounted on the crankcase. The entire oil eapae- v is filtered every ten minutes when driving at 25 miles an hour. Crankecase ventilation is provid- ed by a constant air stream being drawn through the crankease, which sweeps with it water form- ed ip internal combustion engines by condensation and unburned zasoline vapors, This air is drawr in through the encine from a erankease breather port and throngh an air cleaner attached to the carburetor. This prevents dilution in the crankease, increases engine life and permits 2.000 miles of driving in summer and 1.500 in winter to each oil change after the car is broken in. In the fuel supply system the motor driven pump replaces the is a high compression, six cylinder L-head type with a 2 3-16 bore conventional vacuum tank. The pump is mounted op the right side | elliptic and two inches in width. The front springs are 35 luches long and the rear 54%. Four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers are standar dequipment. The cellular radiator is equipped with a vertical shutter controlled from the instrument board. EDWARDS-FORKE DISPUTE AGAIN UP IN COMMONS Ottawa, March 2--The denial by Hon. Robert Forke, Minister of Im- migration, of the charge directed ag- ainst him on Tuesday of this week by Hon. J. W. Edwards (Conservat- ive Frontenac-Addington) that the Minister had violated a written pledge given to Lord Byng, when he was Governor-General, that he (Mr. Forke) "would stay with the session i and with the (Meighen) Governmen: until the business of the session was finished and supply voted," was again aired by Dr. Edwards in the House of Commons this afternoon. Hon. Mr. Forke yesterday, in denying this charge, had said that "this was an entire mistatement of facts and were I permitted 'under the rules of Par- liament to do so I would use a very much stronger term." Hon. Dr, Ed- wards today expressed regret that under the rules of the House he "had to accept this explanation." Time would disclose said Dr. Edwards, whether Hon. Mr. Forke's state- ments or his were more worthy or credibility, GASOLINE PRICE CUTS SAVES WEST MONEY Winnipeg, March 2.--Manitoba mot orists have saved approximately $10, 000 since the drop in gasoline which went into effect last Saturday. The drop was three cents a gallon, al- though in some parts of the province a reduction of from four to five cents was reported. A possibility of another reduction is foreshadowed by authorities, The teacher was giving a lesson on the seasons. "Now, tell me, Johnny," he said, "which is the proper time to gath- er fruit?" "When the dog's chained up," replied Johnny, -- But When You Do-- You don't need a speed of 70 or better often-- But When You Do-- You don't need four-wheel brakes every time you stop-- But When You Do-- You don't strike detours every day you don't expect to run 1his The Seiberling Tire Grows In Popularity Daily-- 1ry Seiberling's Year intc mud and sand on every trip jou take, scrape the si tires again you park--- need to stand ---- nt ou don't alwavs -walls of y~2 the curb when But When You Do-- It's a Seiberlin Tire that you pressure: Seiberling Tires are Sold in Oshawa F.J. McDONNEL Cor. Park Road and King Street, W. - Phone 1568