- + SOCIALand PERSONAL The Fimes iuvites the co- operation of its reader: in contributing items te this column. Send in » rastcard or phone 33. ---A pleasant evening was spent Quietly at the ho®M i of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Manning, brated her ninth birthday. Mrs. Manning is doing well, considering the few birthdays that she has cele- 57 Albert street yesterday when Mrs. Manning cele- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928 WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST not add much powder--about a ne , or if deep color is re- quired a little more.' Dissolve in a tiny bit of boiling water before adding to the potato. Add icing sugar to make it roll out like a bread dough. Put sugar om the board or table to keep from stick- ing. Make any shape you desire. Nut meats can be added, chop- ped, or have dates, pitted, ready. Cut them only enough to remove the pit and fill with the mixture, then roll themr in white sugar. If they seem too large use a sharp knife and cut across, This amount of paste will not make too many for a beginner, I do hope you can understand this, I should have said add icing sugar to make it very thick. It takes quite a bit of sugar. A TEAP YEAR BARBY brated, Qur Daily Recipe ROAST POTATO CREAMS One very (medium small plate (a pie plate will do). Mash while hot (with a very very, the candy kind of strawberry, orange or pineapple. plain 1 hot size), Turn fine. Then is a good use any roasted out on add icing sugar to thin out a little, This can be set aside until later, when the meal is over. Now, if coloring eof preferred use any jelly raspberry, If preferred kind of essence. his first birthday street. potato a | quietly among themselves. his neighbors and friends. CRISP COMMENT knife) lieve all you hear,.--Sault Star. powder, cherry, them They call ers' grist.-- Brantford Exposito Little Ronald Guscott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guscott, celebrated in four years vesterday at his home, 242 Golf $ The family is Naragtined v s os the day was spen with munmp y 3 peut received several remembances from When a locomotive whistles for a grade crossing it is best to be- mills because they take so much of the ratepay- rn NURSES' FATHERS THREATEN SUIT Are Prepared to Take Their Daughters from Guelph Hospital Guelph, Ont., Feb. 29. Six of the nurses in training at the Guelp Ceneral Hospital who since their 23-hour strike last week have been reduced to the status of probationers, were visited to- day by anxious fathers who now threaten to withdraw the girls from the school. The six girls who leave the hospital are: Miss Ariel Reed, Miss Gertrude Thomas, Miss Adena Dennis, Miss Lois Black, Miss Mary Darby and Miss Mar- garet MeNab. The first three are all Guelph girls; the others come from farms some miles outside the city, Tonight it was reported that one of the girls, Miss Thomas, who is on duty in the Isolation Ward, had been ordered by Miss Eliza- beth Shortrged, the superintendent, that she must repeat her two months' term in that section be- cause she had a conversation to- day with Miss Black's father. Girls Clesely Watched That every effort is being made may thus fe: 249 Oxford St, London "Such Rich Suds" "I always use Ringo for tlie family wash and the general cleaning, Loo, because it saves so much time, My clothes Bevel looked so white with other laundry soaps, Now I just son them in Rinso suds overnight, and in the morning they're ready to be rinsed and hung out, There's no hard rubbing at all, Rinso makes such sale, rich suds, I can trust my finest linens to it." Murs, ,, 249 Oxford St., London, Ont, ser aera ree Science gives you a whiter wash-- and saves you hours of hard work as well HEN Science said, "Here, in Rinso, WwW is a way to make clothes white with no boiling and little or no rubbing," women were skeptical, It seemed too good to be true, But once they tried Rinso they joyfully agreed tha t science was right, Rinso brought them a glad freedom from wash day toiling and and gave them white, fragrantly-fresh clothes such clean, as every woman loves, Rinso makes rich suds which soak out the dirt and grime, rub here and there No boiling, just a gentle and clothes are whiter than scrubbing can make them, Hours are faved, clothes last longer, work is made ter, 'Science is waiting in every package of Rinso to give you the surest wash day help the world has ever known. Made by the Makers of LUX Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto The granulated soap thet soaks clothes whitey Da---- No better coap has been found for use in all makes of washing machines. to prevent the girls from organiz- ing another walk-out, seems ap- parent from reports which have leaked out from the hospital, Last night, when the girls on the day shift went off duty, Miss Short- reed, it is said, forbade them to leave their rooms, It is further stated that graduate nurses have replaced the seniors who formerly had charge of the various divi- sions, except in one instance where one of the girls who did not go on strike has been placed in auth- ority, And whereas formerly, the nurses in training had their meals by themselves in the dining room, it was declared that since the walk-out a member of the staff has been present whenever any of the students sat down to the tables. Coincldent with the visits of the parents to the hospital, a Guelph woman announced last night that she would ba on the street tomor- row with a score of assistants cir- culating a petition for further im- mediate investigation of the whole trouble, phoned her yesterday, she said, expressing indignation at the fail- ure of the Board of Directors to reinstate Miss Grace Sunley and Miss Marjorie Rowen, and to re- turn the other girls who struck and are now at work again, back to their original status, and not, as they are now, probationers. Alderman Robert Grundy, one of the four directors who on Tues- day unsuccessfully attempted to have the Board grant full rein- statement to all, declared to- night that he intended to to introduce the matter into the Council meeting on Monday night by demanding a full accounting of the $32,000 hospital deficit which the eity has tommitted it= self to paying. No Action to Take Meanwhile Miss Shortreed re- mains apparently unperturbed, Questioned as to whether she had taken any action with respect to the reinstatement of Misses Sun- ley and Rowen, as recommended by the Board of Directors on Tues- day, she declared that there was no action to take. "The question has not come up," she said. 4d § have nothing else to say in the matter," Miss Shortreed is said to have told the directors that if these two girls were brought back she wonld resign. The girls themselves refuse to go baek to the hospital if she remains in charge. Miss Sunley stated today that one of the. prime causes of the strike was a rule announced two weeks ago by Miss Shortgeed, The superintendent called a meeting of nurses in training, and, with no other member of the staff present, told them, according to Miss Sun- ley, that henceforth girls in their intermediate year could speak, ey- en when off duty, only to other in- termediates; that juniors could talk only to juniors and seniors only to seniors. Miss Shortreed, it seems, was an | army nurse during the war. "She was always talking of what she did in the army and how the nurses were disciplined there," | said Miss Sunley. "She told us that nurses must be kept in their places. She repeated these things to us so often that her phrases became catch-words about the bospital. Mention of the word 'army' became a joke among the girls." Commenting on these and other rules in the hospital, one of the fathers who visited his daugh- ters today compared the instiju- tion to the Ontario Reformatory half a mile outside the city lim- its. JOAN OF ARC'S CHURCH Paris, Feb. 27.--The last Mass was said yesterday in the beauti- ful old church of St. Denys de la Chapelle, where Joan of Arc kne't and prayed just before she entered Paris. A crowd attended the fin- al services, and bemoaned the pass- ing of one of the most historie landmarks of the history of France. The church is to be de- molished, but, at the earnest solici- tation of influential persons imter- ested in preserving Joan's place of worship. that portion of St. Denys de la Chapelle where the young savior of France knelt will be sav- ed from wreckers and made a part of a national church, in honor of Joan of Are. Several women had tele- | un RT wl MAHARAJAH'S WIVES GIVE THEIR withheld and two wives of the Mahararajah | The Orange Pekoe is something In clean, bright TEA: good tea' extra--a special tea Aluminum CONSENT TO HIS 1.--The long the relatives March consent London, of ed his LATEST VENTURE The telegram alarmed and touch- wives and relatives, who of Indore to his marriage to Miss Nancy Anne Miller, an American, has at last been obtained, ascord- | ing to the Bombay correspondent of the Indian news service, fol- lowing the sending of an urgently romantic telearam. by the Mahara- jah to his sceretary. "The who! happiness of my life," the telezram read, 'depends on my marriace to Miss Miller. If the marriage does not take place vou may take it from me that [ am dead. Without ber 1 shall cer- tainly die." ying immediately gave their consent. At the same time the Shankaracharia, or religious head of the Hindu community, arranged for the con- version of Miss Miller, the date of which was fixed for March 8 when || the planets are propitious, accord- to Hindu astrology, because Mercury then begins to rise in the east. The marriage date has been fixed for March 11, the holiest of | holy marriage days. Elaborate preparations for the marriage are already under way at Barwal, near | Indore. CABINET DIVIDED IN M:DONALD CASE Montreal. Feb. 29.--Doris Me- Donald is by no means so sure of escaping the hangman's noose as might be gathered from re-ent de- spatehes, according to information here that the Cabinet is divided op the question of grantin commiu- tation. One report has it that five Ministers not lined favor- ably to pleas for leniency hosed on sex grounds; and stand for the law taling its course unless =iven pronf that the girl was a mere tool in the murder of Adelard Bouchard last July. That her fate rests with the fi- nal decision of the Cahinet, when the Ministers svall have consid- ered the court docket and the re- port of the Department of Justice law officers, who have reviewed evi- dence and other Crown documents showing responsibility, is well an- preciated. But the prominence which the girl's case has achieved, in stronz contrast to the relative- ly small interest evidenced in her hushand, George *Cross-eve" Me- Donald, has apnarentlv led to wun- official comments in Ottawa as else- where, Doris McDonald wants to see her are (husband, George. She has not seen him since they were both sentenc- ed to death at Valleyfield. Follow- removed to the women's jail on Fullum street, while her husband was taken to Bordeaux Jail. Chief Lorrain, of the Provinelal Detective Force, has stated tna such meeting between husband and wife can only be arranged by or- der from authorities at Ottawa. EDITH CAVELL FILM IS NOT SENSATIONAL London, Feb. 29.--The movie "Dawn' as shown today to repre- sentatives of the press, contains no such scene of the execution of Edith Cavell as Foreign Secre- tary Sir Austin Chamberlain de- s-ribed to the House of Commons, in which he asked that it be ban- ned. "Dawn' is not sensationalized, considerine the theme. The exe- cution of the nurse is not shown ot all, but is reflected in the agon- ized look of a German padre. The final scene shows the graves of the nurse and the German soldier shot for refusing to fire at her, side hy side. The film appears to follow closely the facts of the Cavell story. Sneedy Rel'ef From No sensible person will continue to suffer from these intense, aron- izing, throbhinz bunfon pains when the new powerful penetrating vet harmless antisentic Emerald Of can rérdily 'he obtained at any well stoked drug store, Avply a few drons over the in- flamed part and how enecdily the pain disanpears and the in- flummation is reduced velously pow | rful is Em-= soft corns seem to 4 np and dron off, ) Lovell gnarantees hottie to results and js dis- pensing it to many foot sufferers, one rive Brow na tone easily, a ly. safely tints gray or faded bair to any de- sired shade, Guaranteed absolutely harnless, per= manent; defles detection, 50), provides for 5 pew hair growths, only 3 pplication. Blonde to black t ug and t punters. Jor test bottle send 10e. HE KENTON PHARMACAL CO., 1552 Stoarns Building, Windser,Onfarle, Keonomy size ($ SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR 3 CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal Belts Lady in artendance AUTHORS & COX LTD] 135 CHURCH ST." TORONTO t STOP THE FAT AND GET THIN The way to reduction is to stop the formation of fat. Modern science has found that way--by turning your food into' fuel and 'energy --by supplying a nuteral element that helps do that. It is much better than starvation. That mod. orn, scientific method is embodied in Marmola prescription tablets, People 1ave used thom for 20 years--millions of boxes of them. Now the resulss in slender figures, new beauty and vitality, cre seen everywhere. Each box of Marmola contains the formula, oso the scientific reasons for res! So you know the effects are ficial, and why.they all occur. Learn v-hat so many have learned in 20 years cbout it. Do it now. Ask your drug- t for a $1 box of Marmola and learn Bunions -- Soft Corps The report of A. T. Hunter on the D.S.C.R., is being roundly criticized, From this distance it | re ads like the memoirs of W. T. R. Preston.--St, Catharines Stan- dard. | | A Smart One-piece Frock | This one-piece frock is an ex | tremely smart and practical style. An inverted plait at each side seam provides for the necessary fulness, and there are two set-in pockets, long sleeves gathered to bands, a vestee with convertible collar and shirring at the shoulders. No. 1659 is in sizesgB6, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 38 requires 35; yards 39-inch, or 3 yards 54-inch material, Price 20 cents the pat tern. PATTERN PURCHASE COV PON To The Oshawa Daily Times Patter), Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ......., cents. Please send patterns listed be- low: srrsnnsnsnninns BBD sepsrss seers assassin LEE I Name Address Fown PEOVIBRR , ,isrsprsprrrsrrs Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coi arefully, sssssssssssnssssprns ses sasssramespanen ses sssnssssssssssnss : ing the trial, the youthful wife was PAGE FIVE Fashioned HOSIERY from Orient and Puritan Maid Makers --for-- Spring 1928 . WW SZ So --S oo E ARE glad to be able to tell you that these. ewo fore- most hosiery manufacturers have maintained the superiority of their respective lines and have even sur- passed in quality and in value their own outstanding val- ues of the past season by giving even finer qualities at each respective price. A very complete new range of colors is now here -- Atmosphere, Champagne, Grain, Nude, Shell, Blush-Beige, Suntan, Beige, Mother Goose, Moonlight, Crane, Stone, Ectasy, Smoke and Black. Service and Chiffon Weights. $1.50, $1.75 and $1.95 pair B71/80i.008):0)(,1/0,/8VeRDi 38/8 /3,/0\/D\/B at it means to you, 4 Comfort Gold Uf Na Handy Ammonia Powder Soap 10. 45° Lux = For Fine Laundering Large ¢ pkg. 19°. Babbitt's Cleanser 9c tin Classic Cleanser 8c Charm - - Oc pkt. Nonsu Stove Snap Hand Cleaner Eruish 17C hot. 15¢ Clothes Pins 3 doz. 10¢ fo White Naptha Soap 10 =-39¢c §S.0.8. Brooms s.t.s 39¢ Extra Strong 69c Washboards Zinc 39¢ Glass 59¢ 1 4¢ Pkg. For Pots and Pans Pickled Red Cabbage 1 0°... Pineapple He? 23¢ Aylmer Crushed 8-0z, Sherbet Glass Jolly Good Peanut Butter 15¢ Pickles forks 30c Crossed Fish AR TE 2 mi 26¢ "TASTY" Wax Wrapped Bread T i ii O° of thousands of families Loaf Delicious Fruit Cake 355. Jelly Rolls 15<., Sardines Christie's rowroot Biscuits 1-1b, pkg. 33¢c Braeside Brand Stelna Corned Beef 25° Tin Finest Creamery Vitone ';» 33¢ Makes a rich chocolate malt drink Butter 42° 1b, Shirriff's Orange Family € Jar 47c [Paz 405, Mustard For Medicinal Purposes %b. tin 25¢ Golden Hallowi Dates 21s 15¢ Figs Finest Smyrna Cooking 2 ms. 15¢ Milk Nut Biscuits 25cm, 219-0 AXE I I XXII ® &