He OSHAWA DAILY EY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1928 tions, of dramatic situ are pre. are good the follow Dunning, Shatte. Ogden, Mr, Gordon Co pleting "Installation of ont ny ampletin at Radio Station gd! cr Taba, Dorothy Dunning, vi Vora" Cook: Melinda Jans H e place in Toronto the a wil Ris E88, i D. Luery; Sarah quet for the mew sion. "yuioh hich 7 Ay Mrs, R. 1 Ti mpton: Polly will be held in the Mrs. L. 1} Hotel, Here will the egncerts hy Jack Dunning, the victim of his timately take place to be relayed on folly, is introduced as having, by ae i Aud telphone ger- (unknown to his wife, bet, and ap- he wh ete th lar srontly Jon oh his, Sis, nd is Wife: 8 ertain ho ie There the ther bo ake he Intend 4 WY his a Te points inhebitation y By no! (By Staff Bowmanville, Feb. 28. -- Opera: n th a date tions of installing the new modern and super mechanical instruments at the Gooderman and Worts Ra- dio Station here are being slowly pleted. Already it was stat- De the large apparatus is set up and every day the station Ws nearer to completion so at on March 6 they may try out the effectively new broadcasting system. States. and over most of the Unite ry yy begs Bowmanville Accompanie to n the love of her former oy Deven saves hm in 3d - a go biror own yo fit 's i te the duck but ein 0! wite, fort college 8 n 1 Grandon. The shad- 8 % Mice gt com= Assisi Noted Singer in Chicago|iis hits, lis vil (By Stal Bowmanville, Feb. 28. -- Miss Gwendolyn Williams of Bowman- ville, will have the distinction of being the accompanist to Madame Dousseau, former leading soprano in the Chicage Grand Opera, in an with Galli-Curci and Mary Garden extended tour of the provinces to Sommenes at Ottawa on March clation of © been announce ported by the anada and the tory of Music, clude ern Ontario in in the Fall, brne plans for the nation-wide concert tour to make known his- Heporter pond dian songs by the Ass nation is relieved. dian Clubs bh Jo in Interest is" mingled with tion Museum of Bb ronto Conserva- The tour will In- estern Canada and North- the Sprig Lower Ontario an Concerts will not on- ly be held in the larger centers but also the other places where Oanadian Clubs exist. Ay OW ata he but at o- 08 8 friend er fl he sup: mor all the way through Flinders, and [funny ways. Melinda Jane Himes Junipervil Sarah apd hearted owners of Cowsli and their hired man Wm, WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB HEAR ADDRESS | »r Pp BY PROF. PRATT (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Feb. 28. -- BE. J. Ppatt, Ph. D., Associate Profes- sor of English, Victoria College, Toronto was the speaker at the | club, presided. regular meeting of the Womey's | were present. ¥ Was ap DEWLAND'S Simcoe St. North Week-End Shopping Items That Make Shop- ping A Pleasure And Also Profitable To The Shopper The best k ak: the market today. a rin, champagne Rr all sizes. Our venules y 25 line, This 79 c blush, Week End Special. Pair, ........ 'ee oy Canadian Club held this afternoon in St. John's Parish Hall. rgtt took for his subject "Newfoundland Sea-Faring and during his lecture gave many readings fro mhis own poems which went far 1 fllustrate the living conditions a ittle colonies of w ABabItant. Mrs, Senkler, Ad habits of the h he former- | president of the large number EB VSTIVE SEARCH XHA Yor Feb. 28. Washington, safety hope for their dwindling, army an der T, G Lite" they hopped off today. SPECIAL For Saturday ONLY Every little girl under 12 years of age i a ihe cause Inds to the unhappy sit The strongly by the Tom of the characters. Polly # black diamond, gonvulses the audience with her who Boggs, the old hia aun supt of Cowslip farm, Hiram Boggs the old fashioned but warm farm enry. B LOST AVIATORS --With hourly an Intensive search by navy craft for Comman- Ellison, Lieutenant Com- manpder Hugo Schmidt and Liept. Roger Ransehounsepn, missing since from Hampton Roads at 2 a.m. yesterday morning for Annapolis, was prosecuted with re Dozen's and Dozen's of Pairs of) Penman's Fashioned All Wool Colors sre ivory, atmosphere, pearl LADIES' er ow Fancy cuffs, stitched backs. A washable glove of exceptional quality in vari- 49 ous shades and sizes. Special, PBIT, ..ooserrsrrrssrrssesttssrsssosssssssssassrrssss RE Cc Ladies' Sweater Coats and Pullovers The biggest bargain in the store. Values to $7.50 voek ond Each, . erase re veo------------ Basement Shoppe SPECIALS Table Oilcloth, White Only Women's Purses Pouch and underarm bag styles. Special for the Delmore Shirtings 36" wide, stripe patterns, oa J like oni fast color .. 48c Vater i " 49c . 67¢ ERE 2 yds. 21s 67¢c "2 yds. x 13 yds. Hand Towels or Barber Towels. Speci. All Kinds. 3 for Ladies Hose, pair, 25¢ Weighted P 1, Bridgs Pencil. Reg, 81. Week End Special, 65¢ Novelty Styles W. A. DEWLAND Wa Two Stores a [r-- HEAR FINE TALK ON NOTED POET Miss Maxwell Discusses Keats' Works Before Castle Chapter Alumnae (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb. 20.--A splendid address on the great English poet, Keats, given by Miss Maxwell, with , | discussion of five selections from e his works featured the regular monthly meeting of the stle Chapter Alumnae of the Ontario Ladies' College, held in the draw- ing room of the college, Monday evening. The five selections read included "On first looking into €hapman's home'; "Ode to a Gre- of St. Agnes;"? "The Eve of St. Mark;" "La Belll Dome Sans Merel." Following the transaction of business, Mrs. Leo Gray, of Osh- awa, who acted as chairman, sang a heant!fnl soto, entitled, Coming Home." Upon conclusion of the meeting. Miss Ball, teacher of dramatics, invited the members of the chapter to her studio where dainty refresh- ments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Three trays of the old commun- lop set, belonging to the Whithy United Church will be donated to the United Church at Kettlehy, pear Aurora, according to a de- cision made at a meeting of the quarterly hoard especially conven- ed last Monday night. ' An item recently published in the New Outlook, official organ of the church, reported that fire had destroyed the parsonage of the Kettleby circuit, all the contents 'neluding the communion set he- ing lost. Rev. A. Monse'l Trwin, pastor of the local church, at once communicated with Dr Moara sugresting that the Whithy church could doncte its old communion set. With this end meeting of the quarterly board was ca'led and the gift wi'l be forward. ed immediately to Rev. Jas 8. Ste- venson, pastor of the Kettlebhy church. HEAVY EXPLOSION DAMAGE IN TOLEDO Five Men Removed to Hos. pital --Of' Stills Blow Up Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 29.--Explo- sion of 13 crude ofl stills of the Sun Of! Company wrecked a large part of Toledo Sunday night. Five mep, including two firemen, were removed to the hospital. One is expected to die. Flames shot high into the air and it was feared that many other tanks ip the field wonld let go at any minute as the fire began to spread. Company guards were thrown about the field and report- ers and camera men forelbly eject- ed. Vern Sinclair, 29, and Earl Mil- ler, both employes of the oll plant, were reported as the most serionsly injured. Hospital attaches held ljt- tle hope for Sinclair, who was burped from head to foot when caught in a mass of oil in flames that followed the first blast. Every fireman in the city was sent to the scene when the flames spread to seven other tanks. Thir- teen million gallons of oil were either endangered or destroyed. Search was begun for an em- ploye named Cruz, and two fire- men who were reported missing. The plant employed 250 men and althoueh a hurried check failed to show the number of men at work when the explosion occurred, it was believed all except Cruz es- eapned from it. Thousands of spectators lined the adjacent railroad lines and the main Detroit-Toledo hichway along which the @ plant 1 was located. READ 1 THIS ONE An old lady walked into the Canadian Pacific ticket office at King and Yonge streets. Toronto, and asked about the trains and routes to New York. "Do you wish to go hy Buffalo?" sald the clerk. she replied, "by "Oh, mo," train." Had she been going to Vancou- ver or anywhere ip the West she would pot bave asked at all, as she would know as mostly all do, that the Canadian Pacific "Van- couver Express," which loaves Toronto Union Station at 9.00 p. m. daily is really the ideal Ay This train of highest grade all- steel equipment provides the wut- most in travel comfort; the exeel- lent euisine and the oulsianding eourtesy |] bave earped for it an enviable re- putation. When going to the West travel "Vancouver Express," nearest Canadian Pacific Agent will gladly Sutton West, Feb. 28.--Bishop Sweeny, of Toronto, on the occasion of bis annual visit to the parish of Georgina, Monday, inducted Bev. Edward Ormiston Twiss, M.A., as rector. A large class was confirm- ed. Associated with Bishop Sweeny in the services was Ven. Arch- deacon Warren. clan Urn;"" "Endymion;" "The Eve! "On | their wartime fleets with the idea in view, al arrange every detail of your trip. ; INDUCTION SERVICE IN SUPYON | C. P, LONDON DIVISION. WILL BE IMPROVED London, Oat., adit 0. dio or | to Woodstock; a Il be lane will srected ' po 0.000 will be expended for rock Sg between don and Windsor. Many og men will thus be necessary when the summer construction is begun. REPORT ANALYZES STATE SHIPOWNING British Chamber of Shipping Says Britain Least . Badly Hit London, Feb. 29.--'State own- ership resulted in heavy losses and is now on the wane," declared the annual report of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdow in analyzine the injurious effects of national ownership of erecantile fleets in trade disturbance and hampering trade revival. It is pointed out that when the war ended the British Government re- jected State ownership, sold its merchant fleet for $108,000 000, equal to $185 per ton, avoiding the after-war slump and economic problems. Canada and Australia retained from gadivh of making them the nucleus of immense State services, with serl- ous enough results to these Uo- minions, but the United States. fol- 'owing the same program, have lost in the Inst seven years no sess than $280 000,000, and ip order to keep vessels working have invad- ter of the milk wi through British Columbia's next election campalgn. prediction with the provincial vote predicted for with official Vancouver up in arms against. a sweeping control move to curb all tay eats. B.C. MILK LAWS | 2 | STRONGLY OPPOSED | Will Unismataly Bring About Monopoly, it is De- clared Vires of Provincial Legislature Vancouver, Feb. 20.--The clat- will resound That 1s the! this summer and That movement, declare van! couver officials, will ultimately! bring about milk monapely to the Mii Bg Flowers w wil raise prices to the eity. It there- fore will be fought to the highest courts in the realm and will, they claim, result in wiping out all Rritish Columbia's market coptrel lexiglation which is now branded | bv its critics as ultra vires of the | Provincial Legislature, Another far-reaching effect, it is forecast, will be that labor will seek to apply the same compulsory feature to its unions. Mayer L. D. Tavioy, of Vancouver, a leader in the fight against the milk eon- trol, predicts labor will follow wp its initial move seeking leglsla- tion to force all workers into their respective unions where 75! ner cent of those unions petition for such a law. The milk Ilezislation, originat- ing with the Fraser Valley Milk Producers' Association, is design- ed to equalize profits. The asso elation. endorsed in its claim by NOTICE The Public of Oshawa are hereby notified that the Exclusive Agency for HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE IN OSHAWA is held by the following McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lu 120 KING 8ST, Ww, oir H. M. FOWLDS & SON 81 KING ST, W, te Phone 91 The Public are requested to please beware of imitations as wo other dealer can handle this produst in this city, HAMILTON BY-PRODUCTS COKE OVENS LTD. HAMILTON, ONT, Hon. E. D. Barrow, Minister of od the Indian and other trade "ontes, with the resnit that every ' ailing has sustained nranv thon- ands of dol'ars' loss on freights, vhich loss is horne by the Amerl- n taxpayers. British shipning is hit by this 'pe of subsidized shipping, and 'te British Government and ship- ing Interests have only refrained 'rom bringing pressure to hear 'vainst those responsible for rate 'utt'ng because the American | 'nsses, which must run into mil-| lions, cannot he continued indef- initely. even by the wealthy Unit- ed States. ER REAL ESTATE I$ BECOMING ACTIVE Several Transfers Reported This Week in Whithy-- Others Pending (By Staff Reporter) ; Whitby, Feb. 29.--Real estate In Whitby seems to be taking on new lite with several transfers noted this week. A Jackson, real es- tate agent, reports the sale of the Holtzauer property, St. Johp St., to Mrs. Frank Henstock, also the Mrs. W. H. Johnston property on Euclid street to Mr. Moody At- kinson. Both these purchasers will occupy their new homes by the first of April. It is understood that several other real estate deals are now pending. LIEUTENA ANTG( WERNOR'S TERM EXTENDED IN N.B. Fredericton, N. B., Feb. 28--The term of office as Lieutenant-Gov- grnor of New Brunswick to which Hon. William F. Todd of St..Ste- phen, N.B., had been appointed in 1923, as successor to Hon. William Pugsley, since deceased, expired to- day. The expiration of the term, however, does not end the perform- ance of gubernatorial duties by Lieutenant-Governor Todd, as an extension of his term' has heen made pending an arrangement for the appointment of a sugcessor. "Seeing is believipg, you know." "Not always. I see my hus band frequently, but I rarely be- lieve him." RE-FLOOR WITH | SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING ( THE BEST THAT $S MADE IN EVERY CRADLE Agriculture, declares that inde- nendent prodneers sell all of thelr nroduct in the city in fluid form while the association disposes of | only 46 per cent in this form and the rest in butter, cheese and other nroducts which pay less pro- fit. Their solntionp is fo transfer nart of the profits from the hirh- er paving to the lower paring "ranches of the business. Phe association offers a guar- antee not to inecrensp prices to Van-ouver over a term of years, | hut that makes no difference | the prinienle, grorues oMeinl Van- couver, whieh fs in brief the mak- ine of a monopoly. It would be enly a question of time until these producers would have city con- sumers at their mercy, officials argue. Cut Party Lines Greater Vancouver represents half the ponulation of British Col- umbia, and its opposition will eut across party lines to some extent in the next election. "The milk fssue will unques- tionahly be featured in the next provineial eampaign and | know of two propvinent citizens already who will enter the contest against the goverpment should the bill Dass." Mayor Taylor declares. One large Vancouver corporation will t the measure to the highest |] aw snd Independent concerns in the city will be adversely sf- fected, he adds. Should the fieht |] go to the courts and mitimately, if necesspry, to the Privy Counell. the issue will be the broad one of market control generally. Should that be found ultra = vires, .the whole structure which now ecop- trols fruit and vegetables would go by the board. Effect of such a decision would be far-reaching in Canada as it would form a pre- cedent for sll other provinces In market control legislation. CANADA AFFECTED BY DOCK DISPUTE American Shipping Lines, C.N.R. Vessels Cause Misunderstanding Washington, Feb. 20.--Unless an amicable sgreement is over the dock faellities in London snd New York used by the goy- ernment-owned shipping lines of Canada and the United States, an interesting diplomatic dispute sgems probable between Washing- no and Ottawa. The British b lheritios are un- ferstood to have served motice on the American merchant lines thet May 1, He docking farilities be American service shi ing hoard Is sald to on the withdraws} from the 0 STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT About 12,000 ft, of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. Low rental, CHARLES M. MUNDY ¢/0 Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 35 or 312 CHEVROLET OWNERS Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Enjoy Mh CO on all re- pig § pairs, however Get our prices first-- Then Decide The leadership of our Service is based on merit, Prompt, efficient and courteous. See for yourself, Write Call Today Phope or Factory Trained Employees at Your Service *DIBECTIY FACING THE SEA" AlTANIK ary Remow Pooch Gri ens Restowront "A rengezvose for boss whe sesh abr best" ae SHELOURND 230 45» ORCHESTRA Pope 109