Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Feb 1928, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1928 11.30 Red Network: --Amold Johnson' n Ted Prod on eT chester WEY, brio | Increase in Produe WHN (334)--N.Y. Dance. The total increase of lead pro- hihi @73)=Asiantic City. Follies Ber- duction in Canada in 1926 was 15,- 12 mid. KOIL (19)--Counsil Bluffs. Osches. | 159 100s or nearly 12 per cemt of WR 2=iph. Scandinaviau | that produced in 1925; and of zine fice PLoge: 20,335 tons or between 37 and 38 B0 Mitwaukee. Orchestra. per cent of that of 1925. Inecreas- es in both are indicated for 1927. WTM) 12.45 WhAY (370)--Kansas City, Nighthawk 10 am. ARRY (291)--Vancouver. Popular ee ---------- Po" A) San: Frafciecs. Dna Canada's Leading Power Position Weo (105)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Coliseum Canada's position in respect to orchestra. water-power development is one of 2.00 KNX BY -Holoaod, Dance. outstanding Pier Ly Although . only a little more thay eleven per cent of her water-power resources has been developed, her aggregate installation, 4,778,000 horse-pow- er, places her second to the United States in the countries of the world. Canada's per capita devel- opment, however (502 horse-power to 1,000 population) exceeds that RE Eh Ce SS Os i EE ER "WN ede Vaudeville period. WIZ (#50--N.X. Slumber wm TE RSS, Player Pianos Pianos Without Interest Ontario Piano & Music Company, Limited 92 Simcoe Street Nerth | | -- I S------ of the United Staves, and is sure passed by one other country oaly, viz, Norway. WEE (508)-- Boston. Lido Venice. WGHP (278)--Detioit. Arcadians. WIAX (31) Jacksonville. Dance. WRC (69)--Wash. Le Paradis Band. 10.453 KTHS (330)--Hot Springs. Frolic, 1.00 WAMD (225)--St. Paul Dance. WLW (428)--Cinci. Dasce. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Music Makers. WMAK (545) Buffalo, Orchestra, WMCA (¥0O=N.Y, Emic Golden. WNAC (461)--Boston. Dance. WOR (122)~Newark. Dance. WSUN (517)--St. Petersburg. Dance. ure (297)-- Asheville. The Trouba- dours. CHIROPRACTIO D. E. Steckléy Chiropractor and Dr less Therapist, will HE the office, 1 i% Simcoe sireet, worth, every afternoon and Monday, Weduesday aud Friday evehings. Forenouns by appointment, Residental calls made in town and sur. hgpC A Hltation is free 8.30 WBT (258) Charlotte. Bible studesits. | Xune @n- --Detroit. Hockey, Ameri- Ans VS. rot. Neu (Sin Pia. Radio fo Apis SCC Fae tzaak (265)=Cleveland: Basketball ctiord. Medical talk. THESE = © .. "Easy-to-Find" "RADIO PROGRAM SREY Lo TONIGHT 7.00 p.m. Blue Network: --U.S. Marine WRC, WJZ, WOW, WREN, CL (357)-- Toronto, M A Prog. NA | WEAF (92)-N.Y, Mid-week Hymn Sing. 5 WWJ _ (535)--Detroit. Vocal Red Network :--Comfort Hour, from 1 WTIC, WIJAR, CSH. oR peal, Mixed quar- 2%5)--Cleveland. 1.B.S.A. Ea. 9.00 0.00 \ wk 14 A WHE (5) DANCE p.m. Red Network: --C kimos, from WEAF WE 9% Ww EEL WEI, WGN, WGR, WGY, WJAR, WRC, WTAG, WWI. KMMJ (230)--Clay Center. OM Trusty Orchestra. KTHS (381)--Hot Springs. Dance. iis WEAO (283) Columbus, Neil dour, ALS 4 2.30 10.00 PWX WD Har Oschestra, WSM (337)--Nashiville. Dance. 10.13 WTIC $85) Hartford. Club Worthy. 10.30 Red Net k:-- Pennsylvanians, from WEAF, WHT, WGR, WGY, WTIC, WWJ, WHO, WOW, KS. WCAU (261)--Phila. Piccadilly. rounding district, DAF (370)--Kansas City. Jean Gold- at office. Phone etic. program, CNPO, REL KGO, KGW, KHO. Ki Ni, K 100 a.m. KF1 (469)--Llos Angeles. Modern classics. FEATURE TALKS | 2.00 pam, WOEL i) Chicago, Federation ot. "ys ~Davenport. of Abraham Li 720 waar (326)--Cinci, Better 2.2 WGY 00 chenesiady Union Col: lege: WHAM 8.00 Blue Network t~Reto Clarion Call" Ro WW Re KYW, WHA AG IT) Worbapter. 8.25 WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Health Herman N. Bundeson. "Intimate Life incoln." Native Animals Increase im Parks The operation of the national parks of Canada as game sanctu- aries has demonstrated that the sanctuary idea is the most success- '{ ful method of bringing back na- tive animals once thought in dan- ger of extimction. Business hr aha Leap ox parts Ps (476)--Atlanta. American ten go a sm WES: Wve PL "The NZ KDRKA. RY ib Y talk. CN WAAT, WGHS, talk, By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb WLW (428)~Cinci. Studio features. - WBER_ (26)-N.Y, op icale, edn, 00 Red Network :--] Presen from WEA, FREY "wile WAR: TA we = WCAE, Vira 2 \ : wr WEBH, WRHM, WT, oc, WHO! WOW, FAA, WHAS, WSM, WMC, WSB, WBT, WGR, KSD. KFNF (461)mShenandoah. Sunrise cum. cert. + CA By Ro ra, , CN 0 Waag (#8) ~Chicago. Y.M.C.A, ener- KMA (34)--Shenandoah. Mandolin mu- sicians. --Clarinda. ) : 7.45 ie a Hour, Roi. (19)-Council Bluffs," Marvel 400 WV Morning Deve. KSO' (Fn Clarinda. Po ogular music, Hosa: h R KSAC (33)-K ansas, tate College. WLW (428)~Cinei. Healthim exercises. "Calle of the Air." 8.15 Red Nelrod het * from WEAF, PWX (400)--Havana, Vocal, 0 WEMC (ah Berrie Springs, Easly WAAT (246)--Jersey City, songs. ; ning WHAL (285)--Baltimore. Joint recital. 2.00 WAP" GOOF, Werth, niusicale, WCAH (23)--Columbus. = Columbus Mandolinistica, WDAF (370)=Kansas City, WCAU (21)--Phila. Blue Anchor vau- Bj 500. (535)=Dea Moines. Victor pro- gram, 2.30 WWJ (353)=Detroit. "Tonight's Din. n deville. WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular, er, 10.00 KSAC {30 =FRamas State. College, HEA school WFAN (224)--Phila, Hawaiians, WGHP (278)--Detroit, Organ. WGST (270)--Atlanta, Concert, AH (428)~Cinci. Women's hour, 10.30 C % (357)=Toronto, Music. WAI (283)=~Columbus. music, Housekeepers chat, WIP (319)--Phila. Lord Calvert hour, WNYC (520)--N.Y. Concert, 10.45 WFI (405) ~Phila, WGBS (M9)-N, Y. Women's hour, WLS (M45)=Chicago, Home question WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Concert, WOR (422)--Newark. Vocal, x, NAC (461)=Roston. Women's hour, VEAP (492)=N, Y, Music; household WRVA (25)--Richmond, Concert. WGN i Home manage. He vover Sentinels, 1Y 326)=N, Y, "Keeping Fit." Wed aN tata. omemaker's our, hh RCS (222) Mpls. Musicale, 35)~Des Moines, Organ, 12,00 Noon , SFCA (NN ~Calgary, News; ite {n0=Shanandosl Song. 1 ho ¢ Kron, Studio rogram. i anim Musicale, 366) ~Chicago. Women's hour, wv 5 RN. AY unch music, Ww nner bell, Luncheon music, , Home economics, ilwaukee, Organ. =N. ¥, Rolle's Urchestra, T (405)=Phila, Religious service, 12.30 WAU (%1)=Phils. Orchestra, WTAM (400) = Cleveland, Orchestia 12.38 CPCF "11)=Montreal, Mt, Royal Or- chestra, '.45 I) (357)=Toronto. Luncheon music. au S337) Naswville, Farm and home TO RUN frie 2% Ect HicHLL PRICE DOWN NRE AND B THEN, IF ELLA Popular Morning Scripture; y DA WHAS, WAC, WSM, WSL, RV WFAA, WLIE, Blue Network :i-- Ampico Hour of Music, BRINGING uP FATHER from WIZ, WBZ, WDZA, WBAL, WLW, Rw. WHAM, KDKA, WIE, a sia ; ns Gee bin iii ons es aims i ulimit Esti a a =o LL Chain: Chamber of MAGGIE: | PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP MY PROMISE BUT: MAGGIE" DoNY A RE CNRO, CNRM, CNRQ. BECAUSE | WANT TOGO | TELLNYOU I LIE TO E WEAQ (283)--Columbus. Concert. I'LL STAY HOME TO-NIGHT HAVEN'T BEEN | | ®1X TIMES AND YOU WHILE YOU'RE OLT IF YOU'LL. TO THE AXE-HANDLE i NEVER ANSWERED LET ME GO QUT TO" 'MORROW: MAKERS, BALL TO-MORROW THE PHONE- WGBS (319)-N.Y, Concert, WJAX (31)~Jacksonville. Recital. NIGHT WITH DINTY WLS (315)--Chicago. Symphony orches, WMCA (370)---N.Y. Concert. WNAC (461) Boston, Metropolitan Theatre. WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Revellers. b WSUN (517)--8t, Petersburg, McCabe Jubilee Singers, hd TAG (517)--Worcester. String ensem By Geo, McManus music: Playground ea tn a W i IC (333) Hartford, Capitol 'Thea. Blue Network :--Maxwell Hour, from WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, WHAL, KDKA, ' 4 WEBAP, WHAM, WLW, WHO, ' MC, WOW, ws, WSM, W TMJ WRHM, KSD, KOA, KPRC, WJIAX, WDAF, KL.DS (289) --Independence, Mo, Conc, KTHS (384)--Hot Springs. Popular mu- (294)! (492) sic. KTNT (256)---Muscatine, Old time fid- dlin'! 2 WAAT (243)--Jersey City. Concert. WANDC (297)--Akron, Mount Union College (Girls Glee Club, WBBM (39 ~Chicago. Vocal, WOAH (231)--Columbus, Recital, WORD (345)--=Zion, 11. Mixed quartet yoo (405)=-Mpls.-St, Paul. Hamline -~ W cr i (484)--Chicago. Popular music. WENR (288)--Chicago. Classical, ae aa Nee © 1928. by Int] Festure Service. Inc a Th Coest Britain rights reserved af) Earns, Luncheon muysie, KTHS (385)~Hot Springs, Concert, WCCO * (405)~Mpls-St, Paul, Farm Wee « (484)=Chicago, Organ. WDAF (370)~Kansas City, Country- side chats, T------ Pan § WGR (303) Buffalo, Concert ensemble, WHN (394)=N, Y, News flashes; mu. Warr (306)=Chicago, Organ, Al Car- Wii AQ (448)~Chicago, Melodies, wi (517)=Memphis, Orchestra, WMEA (370) =N, » Siring ensemble. WIID (366)=Chicago, Maoseneart hr. WLW (428) -Cinci, Voc a WM! AK (545)--DBuifalo. Dietrich, Nanis W MAC) (448) Chicago. Musicale, WOI (265)--~Ames, la. Musicale. WRR (461)--Dall Concert, WSAT (361)--Cmci, Studio program. WELL, TOMMY, SOME OF THE TRUE STORIES ARE MORE AMAZING FISH THAT FISH ©, WITH POLES ONE THING T LIKE ABOUT DADDY'S FISH STORIES 1S THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE TO HAVE A BIG FISH TO MAKE IT INTERESTING, 5 KMMJ (229)--Clay Center, Studio. w AMD (222)~5t, Paul, "Chuck and } (319)--Lincoln, U. THAN THE ONES THE FISHERMEN TELL . - Wiwanhos: Luncheon Wwr (358) =~ Detroit, Organ. | AH] i WGHP (278)=Detroit, Tuller who (535)=Des Moines, The Ambass- 10 RENE (461) -- Shenandoah, inner concert, WFAA A L-Baia Address; Basic, ripture; m y 1.40 wen® $16) Chicago i tore neemble. W§B WH of Nebraska 10) m, KAU (285) -- Boise, 1daho. Musicale. KTHS (384)--Hot Springs, Soprano. WMAK (545)--Buffalo, Ukelele Girls and Harmonica Band, WTAM (400) Cleveland. Willard Cava: Show, Farmers' *The PUFFER from DAF, A / -- WRC, » 7 v --ra? = - MONG THE CURIOUS FISH OF THE SEA IS THE PUFFER. -- WHEN IN DANGER OF CAPTURE BY SOME LARGER FISH, ~ THE PUFFE}2 DEFENDS HIMSELF BY SWELLING UP SO ~ THAT THL LARGER fi Cation SWALLOVY HIM Brothers, , WCCO, W , WOC, IT LOOKS LIKE SOME PYGMY DRAGON OF A FAIRY TALE WITH M9 HEAD LIKE A TINY PRANCING CHARGER E FROG FISH OR ANGLER FISH ,L)ES ON THE OCEAN BOTTOM WITH ITS MOUTH OPEN. HIS WAVING FEE) ERS ATTRACT SMALL FISH AND HEN ONE COMES CLOSE - > E0uGH, THE JAWS FLY SHUT AND THE ANGLER DINES. SB iw Keng Foe mda lnc. Cros: Bavem nghts marred. | Thursday's Progams OON P| AMS 200 pnt We (278)-- ae it, Music, WOR (422)~Newark. Vocal; piano, Wen (476)--Atlanta. Farm service; music, 2.15 KOA (326)--Denver, Organ. 2.3% Ky' (230)~Clay Center, Neb. Musi- Weer (508) ~Boston, Musicale, WGR Gohan: Radio concert, WMAQ (448)--~Chicago. Musical WAT 3.00 WAIU (283) Columbus. Music. WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular re- sts. Wri /405)~Phila. Musicale, WGRBS (349)-N.Y, Address; music. WHAM (280)--Rochester, Studio prog. WMCA (370)=N.Y. Service program, 5)=N.Y, The Troubadours, WHN (395)=-N.Y. Loew's Theatre, 3.30 ght, (357)~Toronto. Radio Movie Club. Rol, (319)=Council Bluffs. WGN (416) ~Chicago, Artist recital, whl (a0) Chicago; Organ WEBH, WEES, WSAI, WIAC, WWJ. KFI (469)~Los Angeles, Symphonette. ROIL (319)--Council Bluffs, Crosley Hour, KPRC (294)--Houston, Concert KTHS (384)--Hot Springs. KTHS Lit- tle Symphony. WFAA (545)--Dallas, Music, WF (405)--Phila, Studio concert, WGY (380) --Schenectady. Carborundum Band, from WMAK, WFBL, WGY. WHAM (280)--Rochester, The Melo- dia Wik WHO (535)~Des Moines. Music, WIBO (306)--Chicago. Studio. WIOD (248)--Miami Beach. Concert, WSB (476)--Atlanta. Utah program, WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Studio, WSOE (278)--Milwaukee, Feature. KOIL (319)~Council Bluffs, Classical, K (525)--LChicago. Feature. YA (389)~Chicago. Studio preg. WCCO (405)--Mpls. 5 36 Paul. Musicale. WOC (375)--Davenport, Oriole Chorus of Augustana College, wWpPG Lr. Atlantic City, Concert. KFRU (250)--Columbia, Me, Popular music KVOO (349)--Tulss. Baritone, KGO (384)--Oakland, De Valley Sing WEAN (224)--Phila, Cheer Up Club, WFLA [(517)~Clearwater. *k and Trades pot- (265)--Cleveland. M By Gene Pree ; PooR FELLERS BORN oN THE TWENY-NNTH SE THDAY PRESENTS ONEY EVERY Tell-the- MJ (294)~Milwauk Huda FAB (319-1 preity gh rg oi: EAF (492)-N.Y, Afternoon concert, WEBH (366)~Chicago. Afternoon mu' LW C428) Cine, Piano selections. NAC (461) Boston, Tea dance. HO (335) --Des Moines. WHO orches, RS (330)--Saskatoon, Special music. DAF (370)--Kansas City, String (454)-N.Y. Afternoon program Viz os (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul. Readers' CFL,_(484)--Chicago. Rest hour. 04 {32)--Denver, Matinee for house- ERY FC ral YY, Waldorf Astoria; Dinner music, EE ST Fs (375)--Detroit. Di concert, ye Baltimore, Diner music, : Mamma." - | THE BEST IN 0, Dream Ho. Y. Uncle Gee Bee. Chicago, Topsy Turvey 508)--Boston. Big Bi thes, BE. void Uhdte Bob B COAL - COKE - WOOD | Waterous-Meek, Limited Yards--Cedardale Uptown Ofice--66 King St. W, Phones: 660, 1288 SWE 'EM | (AAC / HR TR

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