Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Feb 1928, p. 11

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Y 13 CHOSEN HICKMAN CASE Me. » dragist, during & hold. ne, a uring a ho! LA of six men as wo and sworn-in Mou- ibfore the final make up of the 3 been determined, 101 men were called to the jury box dna summarily dismissed for a reasons they advanced, The defence used 24 of their preemp- hallenges, while the prosecu- on 'used nine, kman and Hunt, who was 17- years-old Monday, sitting beside their attorneys, appeared glad that the ordeal! of choosing a jury was over and they relaxed somewhat 'when they understood that only an alternate juror remained to be sel- acted before the taking of testi- Moly was to begin, i upying her usual seat In j'court, was Mrs. Thoms, widow of ; the slain man, whom the two youth® ! ful bandits are alleged to have shot to death on Christmas Eve, 1926. TOR 1S CHOSEN ' R BIG CONVENTION Chicago, Feb. 22--The National al wil F Congress I held it t commen + 'oronto, Ont., ig Jo - usty the Board of Directors, meetin a today , decided, The Fraterna Re composed of 87 societies . '8 membership of 8, 400 40,000 Editor of is Arbiter for New York, Feb, 23.-- Although it is still led by the Vanderbilts, the Astors and the Harrimans, that exclusive circle of New Yorkers "really worth knowing" has creased 400" to t "40,000." The new #rbiter of sighing for the elite is the editor of the 1928 club directory, whose tabulations show that 40,000 men and women belong to the city's 45 "smart" clubs, Harry Payne Whitney, Corne« Hus Vanderbilt and Clarence H, Mackay belong to more clubs than any other men in town--168 each. The cost of this large scale social participation runs into hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. J. P, Morgan clubs and George F. Baker, junior, to 15. Other prominent men Hst- ed as belonging to several clubs each include W, Vincent Astor, Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, W, Ver- ell Harriman and Chauncey De- pew. REPORTED HOCKEY G RIOT FOUND LARGELY * EXAGGERATED Woodstock, Feh, 22.--An after- math of the demonstration made against the London Battery hockey team after its game here last week was heard today, when Crow Attorney Ball stated that, ask by the Attorney-General of On. tarlo to make an Investigation into | ing the alleged riot, he had replied to the department to the effect that the reports had .been greatly ex- an : | nto." beet totalling $2, Hardwood Floors LAID BY MECHANICS ALL FLOORS FINISHED LIKE NEW @ B. W. Haynes 161 King St. W, Office Phone 481; Res,, 180-r-2 Dollar Day 3 yards Rayon Silk, best quality. Reg, 79¢ ard, for Bath Towels serresrn Each, 3 pair for : } pair Ladies' Stockings, all wool or ARERR niin 4 pair Ladies' Lisle Stockings BOF 1iireerrismrmmmrtisniosiivesssirionsy Boys' Sweater Coats, all wool, Reg. $1 PL I TE TL PT TP TTP TT TTS All sizes, 26 to 34, for 4 yards Lace Curtains, for OPER RRRI SR RRRRIR RRR IIIPIRIIISS OPEN SATURDAY MORNING M. GLAZIER 583 Albert Street I' Good Linen Table Cloths, large sizes, sesrrrns Prrsnrsrsssnsiess PEIRRRIRIRIRRRIRIIRIIIIIIIRINIS PER RERIIRIIRIIIIRIIITS . regular 59¢ yard, pRrsssrRsssssRRS aggerated, EXPERT C00000C Speci $1.00 $1.00 $ $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 sersnserssrsy Prrrrnssss "95, . Oshawa, Ont, Make Your Home Comfortable by using the Famous Coal P. &R. and Hamilton B) Product Coke Sold to Hundreds of Satisfied Customers by the McLaughlin Coal & Lo lies Ltd. st West -- Pigns 1246 in in- | rainfall tn some in three decades from "the |ed belongs to 14} R Walker, ' | Routley, John MelIntvre and Ken- R'neth Studeaford, each one taking R [social was held when some delici- R' It is reported tht Mr. George BR Whitby. ; B! Mr. Edgar Heron is confined to . I? the mumps, home of Mrs. John Miller last * | Tuesday afternoon when the mem- Bi Women's Guild met and an old 2 R 'ansuze of the Royal Canadian notice today of his transfer to the Jmopey cheerfully refunded. FRFSW FLOODS IN AUSTRALIAN AREA $2,500,000 Te ---- Sydvey, N.8.W., Feb, 23.--Tor- rential rains which Jegan again Monday, saturating the: watershed with as much as five inches of have cau damage estimated at about $2,- 500,000 in the town of Grafton and its vicinity, about 350 miles nort of this city. The northern rivers have be- come so choked with debris that steamers have heen held up at their mouths. The islands in the Clarence river, on which Grafton is located, have been nearly sub- merged and thelr highlands are crowded with dairy cattle which cannot be rescued. The heavy rains have also disorganized traf-y fic on the Queensland Railway. These fresh floods followed close on the heels of the slowly subsiding waters in the southern part of the state where four deaths have been reported and where widespread damage was caused, including disruption of railway service, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Feb, 22.---Mr. Nat- lan Knox, Mr, Jolin Knox and Miss ola Knox all motored to Hamilton Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Ross entertain- ed for their sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Marshall, of Califor- nia, with a dance on Thursday even. There were about sixty-five guests, A dainty lunch was served at midnight. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Burrows and Mr, Percy Burrows attended a party and dance given by Mr. and Mrs, Bob Wood, of Gibbs St, Oshawa, last Friday, it being in honor of their 23rd wedding anniversary. The mothers are invited to the Red Cross meeting on Friday after- noon of the senior oom pupils at the school at 3 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Glovery and aby, Kathleen, are in town for a 'me with Mrs. Alex Walker, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Skinner, of Ty- 'me, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs "eorge Scott this week. Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Scott and Bil- ie and Jean and Mr, Stanley Den- ris motored and spent Sunday with friends in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Alexander en tertained Wednesday with a card party, Mr, Chas. Bennett, who has heen tite ill is much improved and is able » be out again, ASHBURN Ashhurn, Feb, 23.--Mr. Frank Pisher has purchased a new sedan Chevrolet car. The p'ay that was given hore last Friday night by the young people was largely attended and well given, to an appreciative audi- ence, The artists were Miss Rhoda Blackwell, Hazel Mole, Bernice Werry, Messrs, Harold and Russell Billie Burgess, Wesley their part in a very creditahle manner, After the concert, a ple ous ples were disposed of. The proceeds amounted to sixty dollars, Holiday has bought a farm in East A number of the young penple here are attepding the weekly 1ances at Claremont, Mrs. Will Walker had the mis- 'ortune to fall on the ice at the chureh last Friday night and break her arm. his home with a painful attack A happy time was spent at the hers of the Missionary Soriety and tashioned quilting bee was held. TBANSFERBED TO TORONTO Halifax, Feb, 22 -- Inspector e.D. Mounted Police, Halifax. received Ontario District of that organiza tion, with headquarters at Toronto. His new duties will, it was stated, be largely in Western Ontario. He will leave here next week, Tender, Aching Swollen Feet In Just Fiye Minutes Those Sore, Tender, Aching Feet Get Amazing Relief. Moone's Emerald Oil is Go to W. H. Karn, Jury & Lo- vell, Ltd.. or any other good drug- gist today and get an original bot- tle of Moone's Emerald OIL The very first application will give you relief and a few short treatments will thoroughly con- vince you thet by sticking faith- fully to it for a short while your foot troubles will be a thing of the pas Don't expect a single bottle to do it all at once but one bottle we kpow will show you beyond all question that you have at last dis- covered the way to solid foot com- Remember that Moone's Emer- ald Oll is a clean, powerful, pene trating Antiseptic Oil that does pot stain or leave a greasy residue and that the very first bottle must give complete satisfaction or your s |from an attack of pneumonia. MThe first thing was some musie, y®owing they'd come to Enfield, Enfield, Feb. 20.--Mrs. Edgar Prescott visited in Oshawa. Mr. - Fred Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Pascoe at- tended the Griffin-Mackey wedd- ing at Brooklin last week. Mrs. Alfred Prescott and babe, recently spent a few days in Ty- r. Roy Huater, who has been Tiatting of Ma Wiltest Ferguson hag retruned to his home at North iss Wilma Smith is recovering OUR BOX SOCIAL It came to Jat on Wednesday eve, The weat! man did smile, St. Valentine's storm had disap- peared, The girls turned out In style. At vont pelock they gmbuwed Ry promptness an patch, The ladies all brought boxes, With appetites to match. The various gents were halted, By the at the door, Who asked each one for twenty cents, If he saw they nad no' more. And when we'd got them seated, And hushed the little stir, The chairman took the platform, (He didn't take it far), Reverend Cook, our pastor, For chairman's not so bad; His funny jokes and stories, Kept no one feeling sad. The poor old organ swayed, And as Miss McCulloch pumped It The Pascoe. violinists played. l- When the crowd again got settled The chairman said, "And now We'll he favored from Solina," aud Blake Stevens made his ow, He told ap awesome story; Of how his daughter Bell, Eloped with a feller on a wheel, And they both rod off lke. The next time we were favored, By Miss Margaret Scott; To have so many artists, Solina is a favored spot, Mrs. Watson rendered us, A tale ahout the sea, And we held our breaths in won- der, To the song of Nancy Lee," Our chairman sang some 8008, His volce was fine and true, Apd Mrs, Ormiston's reading, Was very thrilling, too, And all too soon it ended, With a scene from Gypsy Isnd, And seven Gypsy lasses, Who formed a pretty band, They sat around a campfire, In the wood at the dead of night nd with their songs and dancing, Filled people with delignt, »d after thev had sunk to rest, With their heads upon their paws, e o'd Hall shook and rattled With the wild burst of applause Then L, C. Pascoe took the floor 'Oshawa Gets Profits From Dollars Earned Elsewhere Does It Pay To Bring Visitors Here? Tourists are on a Holiday", and spend money on the 'necessities of life during their stay. ey also buy cloth ing, jewelry, candy, cigars, etc., to take home to friends and family. The presentation of these gifts calls for the "Singing of the Praises' of the Motor City of Canada. Membership Drive MONDAY Feb. 27 to THURSDAY, March 1 Oshawa can have as large a share of the tourist busi- ness as we are willing to bid for re ---- Realizing that new business only comes where it is invited, the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce is determined to advertise her industries potential resources and nat- ural advantages to tourists, convention delegates and pro- spective workers and home-owners, - We believe that the more people who pass through Oshawa, the greater the City will be in the estimation of the public at large, and the more permanent will be its future growth and prosperity. The Oshawa Chamber of Commerce is the medium through which all interests can be best served. rl v ~~ FOR INQUIRIES PHONE 2771 OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SIMCOE STREET SOUTH With a box in either hand, And sald. "How much am I offered For the box with the tinse' band? The bids camve fast and furiov Like rain on a summer day, And 'twas only a matter of mi nutes, Till all were auctioned away. Each lucky gent and lady, Rushed to find a seat; The boxes were all emptied, According to size and weight a after all was sald and done Y ach went his homeward way. On next St. Valentine's day, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Feb. 22.--On Tuesday evening, February 21st, our League visited the Ebenezer League. Miss Hattie Osborne, president of Ebenezer League opened the meeting and extended a welcome to the visitors after which she called on our president, ' Miss Mabel Stevens, who took . charge and the following program was given. Bible reading, Mar- jorie Stevens; devotional topie, Edna Swallow; solo, Mrs. Jobn Hopps; debate, Resolved that rural population is due more to social than to economic considerations. The affirmative was upheld by Mr. Ronald Courtice and Miss Alice Arnold, Ebenezer, and the negative by Miss Annie Laird snd Mr. Ross Stevens, Maple Grove. Tac judges, Miss Williamson and Mr. bur Found, Ebenezer and Mr. CTY Freeman, Maple Grove, decided in favour of the affirmative. Mr. John Cator then favored with a mouth organ selection. Miss Win nie Lancaster gave a reading. Mr. Young then took charge and an enjoyable social time was spent by all, after which lunch was served Mr, and Mrs. Sam Snowden visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Macklin, Cobourg, on Tuesday. PAPER IN MEXICO EXPECTS CANADIAN Mexico City, Feb. 31.---R. A. C Henry of the Canadian Nations Railways will be the pew presiden of the National Rallways of Mex' eo, El Upiversal Grafico anpounr es this afternoon. He fis exper ed to assume his duties soon. A shake-up in the Mexican rai' waye was predicted when Sir Hen» Thornton, head of the Canadis system, made 8 recent survey here The Mexicap lines are rup at » beavy loss and it is expected the administration will be reformed and an effort made to purge the system of its political character. "All the News While, it is News" "4 The Oshawa Daily Times tirst in Vews first in Circulation first in advertising Circulation Over 4800 Copies D.:ily

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