Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Feb 1928, p. 9

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"|at the home of Mr. severity =~ e¢ was no church service Mr, J. J. Virtue fell on the fey street Thursday and severely himself. He was taken to e hospital om Satur- 8. Stacy, blacksmith, met very painful accident to one Ais knees while shoeing a horse week. He 1s confined to his and will probably be off for some weeks. : Mrs, (Rev.) BE, M. Cook visited friends' in Toronto over the week Mra. B, Knox, Mrs. Cook's mo- ther, 18 visiting at the parson- Mr, Hoskin Smith is now well enough to go out occasionally. Mr, and Mrs. Cook, latély of Toronto, have taken up residence heré in connection with Mr, O. Byer's new store. COURTICE Courtice, Feb. 21.--Mr. and Mrs, Albert Rundle were in To-: ronto over the week end with their son, Mr. Elmer Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Short, Oshawa, ole Sindny guests of Miss Ma- Iters, Little Master Ralph Found un- da nt an operation in Bowman- Hospital last week and we are glad to know he is doing nice- ly and was able to come home on Sunday, We wish him a speedy regovery. y Sorry to learn of Mrs, Ellis' sickness at her son-in-law's, Mr, Cecil Worden's, Our young people presented their 'Belles of Fol-de-Rol" In Hampton on Friday evening to a most appreciative audience. The hearty applause given, and the praise from many of our Hampton friends made us feel that our op- eretta was enjoyed. Also the splen- did way in which we were enter- med af the close, Long tables were spread with a most appe- tising lunch, which was thorough- ly' enjoyed by our people, Pro- ceeds over $60.00, On Saturday afternoon about twenty members of the Mission Oltcle met at the home of Mrs. 'W, H, Nichols for their monthly meeting. Mrs, Walter Snider's group had charge, The president, Mea Arthur Pascoe, was ia the ¢ ir and a nice program was giv- em. Mrs. Snider's group sang a chorus. Miss Norma Wade gave a reading, Mrs. Snider played the aceordion., Miss Aura Osborne gave ® pPading, and Mrs, Frank Rune dle gave a very fine talk on Bible Women, In the devotional part of the meeting the three groups, Miss Hdzel Rundle's group, Mrs, Walt- er' Snider's group and Miss Mary Pound's group, each recited three commandments, Afterwards, Mrs. Snider and her mother, Mrs, Nich- ols, served a lunch of hot-dogs snd coffee, which was much ap- preciated, it being a pretty eold day, Mrs. Snifler and her mother were most gi/nial hostesses. Sunday, although the weather was disagreeable, and the attend- ance at church not as large as usual, those who did attend were well-paid. The Rev. Dr, Williams, a returned missionary from For- mosa Island, preached very effect- fvely and gave a clearer vision of the inhabitants there and thelr modes of living, ete. At the Sun- day School session in. the after-' noon the attendance was good, Several from here are attending the poultry convention being held in Bowmanville this week, expect- ing to get information on chicken raising. Our young people go to King street church, Oshawa, on Thurs- day evening to present their op- eretta, "Belles of Fol-de-Rol." Wedding bells were ringing on Saturday last when Miss Christina Konapaski became a bride. About 8 a.m, several automobiles drove through the village decked In white ribbons going to mass. Masters Robert and Douglas Courtice, Clare Courtice, and Walter and George Shortt went to the rink in Bowmanville Satur- day night and had a very enjoy- able evening. The weather was pretty cold though, and one of the fads had the misfortune to freeze his ears on the way home from the bus. ORONO Miss Viola Gilfillan was home from Toronto, over the week end. Mr. John Edwards who has held 3 good position as tester with the General Motors has been advanced to the head of that department. Mr, Edwards, who is an old Orono boy, has been with the General Motors since the family left this ge. A jolly company of young peo- gp to the number of about 150, red at the Dewell homestead farm residence, Sixth Line, guests of the Misses McCutcheon on Wed- pésday of last week. Music was furnished by Messrs. C. Morris C. Cooper, harp and violin, dancing was indulged in un- the small hours of the morn- fng. A splendid lunch was served during the evening. Mr. E. J. Hamm and Mrs. J. R. Cooper were delegates to the Pro fal Horticultural Conven- ot Toronto, last week. Mrs. Patterson, of Lensland, Sa., accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. MacDonald, of Moose Jaw, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. R. Coop- rne Orono Continuation School hpckey team journeyed to Port w they met the sextette of Form 2 of the school there. It was game and the score was favor of Valley town. Our were entertained after the and Mrs. ay Rowan. Cornish r. and sister, Miss Julia, grandson, William, and nephew, Charles Britton, all of Oshawa, were Sunday ests of Mr, and Mrs. William ish, Master Earl Fowler of Oshawa, has been visiting his grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Robertt Fowler and other relatives at Kendal. The Town Hall was packed to the doors on Saturday last for the Chevrolet demonstration under the auspices of Mr, W. M. Davey. Be- fore introducing Mr. Ross Mounce who, with Mr, Irwin, took charge of the demonstration, Mr. Davey thanked the audience for such a large turnout and expressed the hope that they would enjoy the evening, Mr. Irwin explained the different parts of the Chevrolet in an interesting talk of about an hour's duration, and them gave special moving pletures showing how the car is tried out under all kinds of conditions and weather before being put on the market, Following the prizes presented by Mr. Wilson of the Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa, were drawn by Miss Margaret Wannan. The wine ners were:--1st, George A. Laing, who received a spare tire; 2nd, Miss Elizabeth Burgess who was given a motor rug, and 8rd, H. G. McKay, whose prize was a motor- meter. Mr, Bowman of Oshawa, handled the ticket box. After the show the floor was cleared and jan hour or so spent in dancing, | The music for this was supplied by an orchestra composed of Mrs, Morgan, pianist, and Russell Ed- gerton and Charles Cooper vio- lins, During the moving pictures one of the Ontario Motor Sales' staff played a piano accompani- ment, Everyone left the show sat- isfied that the Chevrolet was an | extremely good car and hoping that another demonstration will be given next year, The death of Mrs, Wade, which took place suddenly at Peterboro, last week, removes one time well known resident of Orono district. Deceased, who was a daughter of the laty James Bellwood, was formerly Mrs, James Pollard, and for many years lived on the Pol- lard farm, west of the town, now occupied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Milton Pollard. Some time after the death of Mr, Wade she went to Peterboro to reside with her sister, Mrs, Porter, and later | they were joined by their sister, ! Mrs, Cirambers, The remains were brought to Rowmanville cemetery for interment 'on Friday last, many relatives and friends being pres- ent, She was in her 85th year, She 1s survived by two sons, Charl. es and Milton Pollard, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Feb, 22,--Mr, Thom- as McNeil and daughter, Miss Theresa McNeill, spent Sunday at Mr. Howard Rowland's. Miss Alva Colwill had the mis- fortune to fall from a chair upon which she was standing and | prained her ankle, t Miss Bonathan of Bowmanville, spent the week end with her bro- ther, Mr. Sam Bonathan, here. The Misses Knight, of Newton- ville, are visitors at Mr. James Robinson's, Miss Salome Howard was home from Toronto over the week end with Miss Helen James. The Young People's League of King street United church, Osh- awa, were entertained by the young people of Mill street United church here Monday evening. The visitors furnished the music and the pro- gram which was very fine. About one hundred visitors were wel- comed, Lunch was served and a social hour spent, Mr. Charlie Hancock entertained 'his many young friends to a Valentine's party on Tuesday eve- ning, i MYRTLE Myrtle, Feb, 21.--~Mr. John C. Lawrence visited his brother, Mr. Wm, Lawrence, in Toronto, last week. Mr, Wm. Tarvis has returned from Cherrywood, where he was spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs, Flett, Mrs. Fred Beadle and Miss Ball, of Toronto, spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Regret to report that Mrs. De- vitt has been on the sick list. A speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. John Mountjoy, of Kedron, spent Sunday at Mr. J, C, rence's, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Swayne and . daughter, Marjorie, spent the week end with Mrs. Swayne's par- ents, at Shannonville. Mr. Norman Claughton of Stouff- ville, has been visiting his bro- ther, Mr. Joe Claughton. Owing to the mild spell and consequently poor ice of last week, the fancy dress carnival that was to have been held on Wednesday, had to be postponed until ¥ri- day night of this week, when some real fancy regalia and costumes will be seen gliding around the rink. Messrs. Jack ©'Boyle and Will Cook will have their hands full trying to judge the warious classes, as great preparations are being made for it. The Women's Missionary Society held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Levi Tordiff on Thursday afternoon, and a attendance was present. The president Mrs. (Rev.) Swayne pre- sided and after the usual business was transacted, an inferesting pro- gram was given, which Heron, proassd two carloads of hay ; r. Johy Elson, and Mr. Arthur Maw last week, which they sold to the Arnold farm near Picker- ing. Mr. Spears, of - Brooklin, hauling it away by truck as it was The Ladies' Aid held their monthly tea and concert the basement of the church on ednesday night. The special menu being pan cakes which were the "yum yum" kind, and suggest- ed more than one serving. After all were seemingly satistied, the chairman, Rev, Swayne called the meeting to het an an Infefests ing program readings and mus- oy rendered. The proceeds amounting to fifteen dollars and ninety cents. Messrs, Stanley and Carman Rodd gave a dance to a number of their friends at Cook's Hall last Wednesday night, when the fleet- ing hours were tripped away with flying feet until the early hours of the morning. Farmers have been busy get- ting in their ice supply from Mr, Joe Claughton's pond, east of the village. Mr. Roy Thompson, mail carrier, of Myrtle Station, No. 1, has so far been able to make the round trip via Ashburn, south to the eighth concession, thence to Bal- sam and Glen Major, then along the town line and back each day all winter, Although at times the road was a little heavy he arriv- ed in time to catch the 5.05 p.m. train. This is rather unusual as parts of the route have been al- most impassable other winters and only part of the trip could be made for days at a time, The young people who are In the drama, entitled the "Fate of His Folly," are giving it at Kin- sale on Friday night of this week, under the auspices of the Women's Institute. Mr, George W. Rodd and son Intend holding their annual ex- tensive Credit Sale of twenty-five first class farm horses on or about the 15th of March, and any one in need of a horse will do well to attend this sale as there will be prize horses in the bunch. The horses that were sold last year have given genéral satisfaction and this bunch promises to be of even hetter quality, watch for bills and fuller particulars later. Mr, Robert Duff and son now drive a fine new McLaughlin-Buick gedan, which they purchased from the Davidson Motor Sales of Whitby. SOLINA Solina, Feb, 18,--The Solina Women's Institute met 1p the Sons' Hall, Solina, with the presi- dent, Mrs, Thos, Baker, presiding. The meeting was opened by sing- ing opening ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer, in unision, This | meeting took the form of a Val- entine sodial and a program of | pure fun was put on by Mrs, Roy | Langmald and committee, mrs B. G, Stevens favored with vie- trola musie. Master Harry Buck gave a splendid Scotch reading, Then a peanut scramble was en- joyed by nearly all present, Mr, Gorden Leask's group being win- ners of first prize. Miss: Margaret Scott then gave a splendid read- ing; Messrs, Gordon Leask and Charles Shortridge view with each other regarding the proper mrethod and speed which is required to hang out clothes. Mr, Stevens gave some more music, then a& conun drum contest was indulged in, sev- eral couples dividing a first prize, this was followed by a bounteons lunch of sandwiches, tarts and | cookies. The Sons of Temperance met at Eldad church where the usual husiness was attended to, and two new members joined. The instal: lation to be on Thursday, March | 1st, Everyone welcome to join, | Mrs. A. L. Pascoe at home afte' a six weeks' stay with Mrs. No: val Wotten, in Toronto. Mrs. Wot ten is in Bowmanville hospital, do- ine nicely, : Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice and Murray, Columbus, and Miss Myr- tle Vice, at Mr. N. N. Pascoe's. Mr. Bert Hunt is moving to Bow- manville where he is engaged as foreman for Mr, Gordon Berth. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cook, Efl een and Doris, Columbus at C. Blanchard's. Mrs. Gibbens, Toronto, at Mr. H. Argue's. i Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webber, Brooklin, at H. E. Tink's. Mr, Jesse Van Nest in Oshawa with his sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams with her people at Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Luke and Mrs. Jas Shortt with Mr. and Mrs. 8S. E. Werry. . Miss Edna Reynolds, in Toronto, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaild in Toronto, attending the funeral of her uncle, Professor Squair. Mr. H. E. Tick with friends In Georgetown. Sunday services at Eldad were very well attended for such a stormy day. Sunday school was held as usual, followed by preach- ing service. Rev. J. R. Bick took his text fromr John 11 chapter, first verse. The sermon referring to John on the Isle of Patmos and our idea of the sacredness of church. Don't forget the Women's Ia- stitute meeting at Mrs. Silas Wil- liams on March 8th, at 2.30 o*- clock. Roll call, Irtsh jokes. Pro- gram in charge of Mrs. A. Balsom. On Monday, February 20th, sev- eral of the Solina Women's Insti- tute members met at the home of Mrs, B, Hunt. Mrs. Thos. Baker called the company to order after which Mrs. W. T. Baker read a week short address to Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. A. G. Balsom made the pres- entation of a silver berry spoon. Mrs. Baker then called on Mrh. R. J. McKessock, Mrs. J. R. Kivell, Mrs, John Baker, Mrs. H. Hardy, Mrs. Sam Bush, and Mrs. Balsom, who all spoke feelingly of their as- sociation with Mrs. Hunt and wish- ed her every success in their new home in Bowmanville. Messrs, John Baker and C. M. Mumford visited Mr. Cecil Philp, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin and family are moving into the house owned by N. E, Wright. About 47 players and fans at- tended a hockey match between Zion and Solina teams on John Baker's rink, The teams lined up as follows: Zion--goal, Murphy; G. Webber, G. Glaspel, R. Glaspel, Flintoff, Balson Bros.,, subs; So- lina, Goal, N. Yellowlees; M. Bak- er, A. VanNest, Tom Westlake, Frank Westlake, Bruce Tink, Jack Walker; Bobby Sonales, subs} Time keeper, E, Hockaday; refe- ree, N. Van Nest, A, Balsom; score 2-0 in favor of Zion. Although this was a losing game for our fellows, they are not afraid to come back again next Saturday at the same place and time with a 1it- tle less wind, it would be easier for both teams. RAGLAN Raglan, Feb. 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Knapp and daughters, Eunice and Jean, and baby Ralph, of Burketon, were recent guests of her father, J. BE. Nottingham. Mr. John Moyse visited over the end with relatives at Good- We are sorry to report that Mr, Orval Lyle is suffering from an attack of quinsey. Mrs. Frank Dring is spending yates with friends in the eity. The sympathy of the communi. ty is extended to Mr. Wm. Kell- ington in his great sorrow in the loss of his brother-in-law, the late Jos. L. Hodgson of Caron, Saskatchewan. His death occurred on Sunday, Feb, 12th, Miss Jean Miller, of Utica, visit- ed over the week end as the guest of Miss Rffié¢ Brawn. Mr. and Mrs, Noah Luke of Toronto recently visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luke. Quite a number from the vicin- ity attended Mr. Denning's sale at Whitby last Thursday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Squelch of Oshawa, spent Sunday with her father, J. BE, Nottingham. The Ladies' Ald Society held their regular business meeting on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Wm. Luke. The meeting was well attended and all business matters were transact few days as the guest vin Ormiston. next sociable evening at the home of Mrs. Wm. Avery, on W day evening, Feb, 29th. The e ning wl be your appearance om that evening, or you will miss a great treat. After the meeting a dainty lunch was sefved. The mext busi- ness meeting will be held at Mra. George Bray's the latter part of March. Miss Nellie Ormiston has re- turned to Whitby after Spending a Quite a number from here at- tended a dance at Columbus hall last Friday evening, where all spent a pleasant evening. The young people have been in- vited to visit Myr:le League next Tuesday evening, Feb. 28th. - Rev, Mr. Dodd of Port Hope, took charge of the services on Sunday afternoon in the absence of our \ Mr, Harry Blanchard of Whitby, spent Sunday at his home here. Misses Effie and Greta Brawn entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening when an enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Squelch visited at Mr. Garfett's of Brook- lin on Thursday of last week. Miss Gilbank spent the week end at her home in *Bowman- ville. Don't forget to attend the so- cial evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs, Wm, Avery on Wednesday evening, Feb, 20th, Mr, Jack Wilson wears a smile these days--It's a---1? Bethesda, Feb. 20.--Misses Es- ther and Mary Johms, of Thorn- hill, visited Miss Berta Cole, on Saturday. Mr. Kenneth F.aser, of Toron- to, spent the week end at home. Miss Ethel and Mr. J. R. R. Cole made a business trip to Toronto on Friday. Miss Florence Ashton, of Bow- manville, was a Sunday guest of Miss Berta Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Russel White, of Elizabethville, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everton White. Miss Amelia Nicholls who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. J. T. Cole, has returned to her home near Port Hope. Pastor Trumpour pointed out several valuable lessons in his dis- course on "Peter," the third of a series preached on the 12 Aposues. Peter was certainly an outstanaing Apostle and those who listened te this talk on Sunday must feel en- Sauraged, as Peter was sometimes weak. COLUMBUS Columbus, Feb. 22.--Miss Mary Dyer, of Oshawa, visited at home over the week end. Miss Mary Marchington, of Tor- onto, spent the week end with El- orna Cook. The dance at the hall on Friday night was the largest erowd yet All had a good time and good music. Miss Baby Cook is visiting her sister, Mra. A. W. Sutherland, 44 Hilleroft St. Oshawa, Mrs, Robt, Scott is on the sick of Elmeroft Mr. Bob Gilroy, of Toronto, was Sunday visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Ellins'. Miss Mary Peever, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at Wm. Dyer"s, Mr. Fred Wood has been laid up with a bad cold. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church of Columbus, held their concert on Thursday of this week, and there was a good turnout. The proceeds amounted to $35. Kedron, Feb, 21.--A titled "His Model Wife,» |] given by local talent on Friday evening, March 9th, in the Kedron church, under the auspices of the Adult Bible Class. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and baby, Lorraine, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch, Orono. Several from Kedron attended the hot supper and concert in the Columbus United Church on Tues- day evening. Mr. F. W. Lee and Mrs, John McGregor, attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Pascoe, Tors onto, on Wednesday evening. Friends of Mr. C. W, Hoskin wil} be glad to hear that he is improve ing after his recemt illness, Miss Ruth Cole was the guest of her friend, Miss Jessie Fox, Osh« awa, on Sunday. A------------------------ REVELS ARE PROFITABLE Brantford, Feb, 22.--Announce« ment that the Kiwanis Girls' Camp would benefit to the extent of be tween $2,200 and $2,300 as the result of the 1928 Kiwanis revels was made today. list. She is at her son's, W. Scott, Farm. en. be SU | | The Williams Piano Opens Friday, February 24th Club The Parents' Opportunity to Commence Their Children's Musical Education NOW. The many advantages and savings offered through this extraordinary, piano selling event make it possible for parents to have their chil. dren's musical education begin now, on a good reliable instrument, There is no need to miss the "golden age" period through waiting for a more opportune time. The Club Member Saves $68 $68.00 will pay for a child's music lessons for over two years at 75c a lesson, The child's music study can begin now, and on a good piano having a good action and good tone, the proper foundation for the child's musical ear, The Instruments The instruments are of a most reliable, trustworthy character--The Williams' Student Prince, in which the real -slue is put on the inside rather than in fancy cases, although the . ases are of genuine oak, walnut or mahogany, We have known the instrument for years. We know them to be as reliable a piano as was ever put in a home, They are made by good, Canadian workmen, in one of the best fac- tories in the world, The Deal We invite you to call, though you may be under the impression that there are some "strings" attached to the value and the advantages offered, to give us the opportunity to prove to you that all the features are exactly what they are represented to be in every par- ticular without a single thing hidden or unexplained. » THE CLUB PIANO "1 he Student Prince" ed The Value of Every Club Piano is $365 The Club Price $297 $15 Cash and $2.50 Weekly Are the Club Terms - Exclusive Club Advantages of THE WILLIAMS PIANO CLUB OASH SAVING--Every member selecting a piano saves $68.00 cash Very Specially Mrs. Frank Westlake has gone up to Toronto to the Lockwood clinic, to see if her general health , . Everett Cryder- man and Ross, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson and family and Mr. and' Mrs. W. T. Taylor. and Miss Lena, at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer's, celebrating Master Ralph Larmer's fifth birthday. Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, En- field, at Mrs. A. Millson's. Misses Evelyn, Jean and Mary at Toronto last week. The young people have been In- ( | PLAYER-PIANOS Williams Boudoir Player Pianos In Fumed Oak or Mahogany Finish $59 The Williams' is a Special Bargain It fiod of the Williams' Plano Club. Make Enquiry at Once, the Number is During the Period of terms also, more by piano or } the vited to give their play entitled, & GU, The Club Offices Are Open Even- ings While the Memberships Last The Johns Piano Store 80 Simcoe Street N. piano and city delivery FREE. Oshawa OLAB PAYMENTS=-Ths special Club prio. Ws poysiile on Yofueed weekly NO INTEREST----Club members pay mo interest on Club Pisnos if all pay- ments are made within twelye months from date. This is a great saving BELIEF INSURANCE---If a member is taken sick, or becomes unemployed, the privilege of making half payments is granted for as long » period as he has previously paid in fall. BEBATE FEATURE--A Club member can lessen the special Club. price still paying faster than the Club terms call for. EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE--Club members have the privilege of exchang~ ing their piano anytime within one year, without loss, for any other mew player-piano of equal or greater value Club piano is guaranteed for five years in writing,

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