Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1928, p. 22

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PAGE TWENTY-TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRU:.... 22, 1928 ---- A RY re -- ---- --- ---- i -- WTAM (00) -- i WPG (23) -- Atlantic City. Negro | 8.05 WTAG (517)--Worcester. Travel talk. WTAG, WWJ, by mie, Roe IM = Celfen Blufly Orch. 3 a Hp Fisitvals, Oriole Glee Club, 8.30 WBT (258)--Charlotte. Bible students. KMM]J (230)--Clay Center, OM Iruvty WARHX 0 - Mpls. Nome % ec : LL) 29 10.00 Red Ni ~ Smith Brothers, from | 11.00 RU (250)--Columbia, . Mo. Popular WGHP (278)--Detroit. Hockey. Ottawa Orchestra. dance program. ON asy-to- | WEAK'KS Rab VCE, WOO, WDAF, music. v. Detroit. KTHS (384)--Hot Springs. Dance. WTM) (2%) -Milwaukee. Orchestra. WGR, WOC, WRC, KV @o-Tulsa. Baritone. WHA (333)--Madison. Basketball, Wis. WEAO (283)~Columbus. Neil Hour. |12.45 aan. WDAF (370)--Kansas City, Night- WSAL WIAG. WWJ. Na N20 bila, Cheerup Clu Y. Purdue. 9.30 WBZ (333)--Springfiell, Mass. Dance. hawk irolic. Blue Network--The Continentals: Wiz, KGO Calpet Hour. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Basketball. WCAH (23) Columbus, O. Orchestra. | 1.00 CNRV (291)--Vancouver. dance others, WFLA on --- i, Ce "Ed and | 9.00 WIP (39)--Phila, Radio forum. 10.00 PWX (#00)--Havana. Orchestra. KGO (384)--Oakland. Fr. Ellis. - FI a Angeles, SS Smphonetts. Mamma." 10.00 WTIC (535) -- Hartford. Medical talk. WSM (337)--Nashville. Dance. KPO (422)---Sam Francisco. Dance. OIL (219) Crosiey WHN (3)--N.Y. Vaudeville period. WCCO (405) -- Mpls.-St. Paul. Izaak | 1045 WTIC (535)--Hartford. Club Worthy. 2.00 Xro (337)-- Hollywood. Dance. WIZ (459--N.Y. Slumber music. Walton League. 10.30 Red Network -- Penns: wicanians fron (Copyright, 1928). WGR, WGY, iC, C (294) iol WMAQ ( HE) -Chicage, The Aerials. DANCE TO THESE WEAF, WFI, Best impr fom OV i FL WA, oF Hot Spring 2 WRR (461)--Dallas. Music. 9.00 Red Network -- Clicquot Club Eskimos, ASHION RCH Tonight's AG, Wi Fr We, wy ht! 8 )--Dallas. i 11.15 WRHM (261)--Mpls, Popular revue. from WEAR W WCAE, WEEL, Wii, NW (261)-- Phila. Piccadilly. F. MINAS ALR oc W --- 'enice. y Sketch) WG -- Schenectady. Carborun- WGY (380) --Schy 3 . a Y Band, from WALAK, FHL, WSN (>= Naseer" Pipe organ. i ante St Gearge's, Hanover Square, ead a ve Ohio. Siete. Jax Gil)-Jacksonvi London, the church Miss Betty 3% Blue NETWORK Sylvania Foresters x nadia, y (280) Rochester, Studio. 12 mid Pacific Chain--Dodge progra gas = "an >Chain--Cha u_ Laurier (265)--Cleveland. ~~ Monomotor ic: KPO, KF, KGO, he | = no or cA (SD--Toronto. Versatile Cana- 40" cantain Michael Bowes-Lyon 1018 Koa (326)--Denver. Washington's CFCA ED Terme Music. . WHO (535)--Des Moines, Music. 100 am. KET (469)--Los Angeles. Mode KMA (34)-Shenandoah. Mandolin WIBO Gh h "hicago. Studio, classics. i a ( hd a x used to be the most fashionable . rogra Utah program, WHK (265) Cleveland, Music makers, four Prime Ministers on this oe. 1 ah pro; wih Lian pues nt after 7.00--CNRC, CNRO KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. rvel bit eA, Vocal. Labor, talk, WMCA (70)-N.Y. Emie Golden. ago, in fact, 1 believe over a thou- WCAH, . WNAC (461)--Boston. Dance. .|sand weddings were solemnized | Reré. 100, and untold fortunes have AE. 1 ke on bo a my yp El WHHL Sera Phila. Studio concert. 1.0 CNRC (05--Caligary. Organ. WGN, WGR, WGY, WJAR, WRC, WEE (508) Boston. Lado Columban WHA, aan 'WMC, WB, Wea: GY. 11.45 WSB (476)-- Atlanta. Or - gan, : hh. C (#9) -Wash. Le Paradis Band. | 40n nag chosen for her wedding RED 5 NETWORK--The Troubad rom. CNRM, "ONRO, NRO. Twi Na KFOA. === dians. § WaMD (225)=8t. $i, Paul, Dance, the Duchess of York's brother, 1.3% WM hie American Le- musicians. WIOD (248)--Miamn Beach. Concert. TALKS : Koi (27 --Clarinda, Popular m 00 wert Chcage ® devation WMAK (545)--Buffalo. Orchestra. church in London. Some time an A FAU, LDS, WAAT, WSEA (263)--Norfolk. Studio. WOC * (375)--Da rt. "Intimate Lif = REA. WEMC, WFAA, WF1, WGES, KSO" (227)--Clarinda. Popular music. WSOE (278)-- Milwaukee. Feature. Stadion. of Als YE car te Lie = = WOR (422)--Newark. Dance. b fered b : College. $ 4 8 . = A 4 p . Fla. |there each year, and sometimes as | Deen offered by American collee- WSUN (517) -- St. Petersburg, Fla ¥ tors, not only for the register, or os k : oh Folli Ethics of Pig." from WJZ, KDKA, WHG (73) -- Atlantic City, Follies which the book always rests. 7.00 CKCL (357)=Toronto, Setting up exer- vaudeville, FMA (95)-Shenandosh, Farm talk: AS 8 lin Schoo m Ghat just Ol welcome 800 WEAF (492)-N. Y, Moming Devo. WOR (422)--Newark, Concert. WEEI, WGY, ANOTHER DAY'S fay! Blue Ay WHAR, WHAZ, WIAX, WWNC. KSAC GN) Kansas State 10.30 Canadian Chain -- Hawaiian orchestra, | 7.25 5 Weal (326)--Cinci. Better Business \ : ace, many as six each day. It is all : even the page, where his witnes- . WG a -- Dav Siler t F A 4 4 WCAE, WEE! uartet, WUC (iS)=Davenport, . yunsel Koup WIR, KYW, WHAM, KWK. ENN = Bergere, register shows the signatures of WENR (288)--Chi Popular. ii . WFAN (220)--Phila. Hawaiians. ELLA CINDERS--The Whole Truth Music, wip 0) Phila. Lord Calvert Hour. TO 7.30 wNAQ (48)--Chicago. Y.M.C.A. exer: WNAC (#62)--Boston. ~ Radio Carol that woula would reese the whiskers off RUN-AROUND! oA SEEN eae OF ions: WRC, WRVA (230 ~Richmond. Concert. wou I TO N AN tions: 25 1ichmon oncer -r 4 SENT MISS CINDERS! D |F_THAT_ ISN'T "Clos You E TRUTH, 1 HOPE WEMC (480)~Berrien Springs, 'Early ° weeor 'KSD, 'WDAF,' WHO, ' WOW, . \ AGES! TLL TALK f Music, \ WDAF™ (70)--Kansas City. Morning from ZW ok WEA, WEAL: A 3 [i 3, NR Bur FWX (400)--Havana. ' Vocal, CRO, CNRM, CHRO, Classical, | 2.30 WGY (380) Schenectady, Union Col- === ||; 3) Red Network -- Amold Johnson's Or- | being re-decorated throughout in 645 a.m. E00 Network :--'Tower Healt WHAL (285) Baltimore. WBAL String WBBM (39) Chic. Studio program. | 800 Blue Network -- Retold Tales, "The X WHN (3)-N.Y, Oxford was married here, and the | Father rare gate-legged table on ao. . C (239)--Columbus. WOR (422)~Newark. Morning gym. WCAU (261)--Phila. Blue Was 60 Atlanta, Lefimgwell Vi TED NOU ON TUNA a i) --, ant; he Atlanta, Leffingw io D 158 "on r A) i 78 WOC_(¥5)--Davenport. Happy Hour. WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Concert. : BYE, GOOD LUCK, OR Z WE + ~ U / ; SOMETIME, ADIs, FR FAREWELL SOM wou or Red Network :--""Cheerio," from WEAF, WEAF, WEE WGY, WERIL' WRC. i, 80uUT VTAM, WCAE, WSAI, WOC, NG NOW 7( NEVER DRAN WHAS, WHAP® (S0)=Ft. Worth, Moruing WFAA, WLIF "College of the Air." fo ; , (319)--Council Bluffs. i Regular Daytime Programs NAAT @GorfJesy Ciy. Poplar KYW "in Chul Feature. lege: WHAM. chestra, from | WERE, ks (SD, WHO. | readiness for this occasion. Lord {568 signed. but also for the round WGY, WR RC. { SAH (234 Vocal. Male Quartet. KFNF (461)--Shenandoah, Suarise con \ By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb vault (278)--Detroit, Org rs. X80 (227)--Clarinda. "The Boss. WNYC (526)-N.Y. Concert. ---- YOU, AND nope Sou WLW (428)~Cinci. Healthful exercises. .30 Red Network--Hoover Sentinels, from / /'S S VOo, morning musi WaiE, WSM, WSB, K ANHILE~ ¢, WHAM, KDKA WHO Des Moines. Victor pro- KWK, W TNT. WRHM, gram. Canadian Near oh Neo ee music > wor ' ¥ ine CNRO, CNRM RO. y 3) ) 0.0 WWJ (§N~Detroit, "Tonight's Din WEAO a Columbus, University 4 a G - ) Rt School : [ad A : WGES Ey. Concert. Jomen's hour. WGR _(303)--Buffalo, Studio, t} WIJAX (341)--Jacksonville. Recital, 10.3 CKCL lo Music. WIS (345)--Chica ry h p gO. ymphony or- WAY (283)--Columbus. Scripture; Bday oo WMCA (370)--N.Y. oncer los WIT (109i. vio ackeepare hat, WNAC (461) --Boston, Ns iropalitan =N 3 Theatre, wis (#5)--Chicago, Home question WG © (273)--Atlantic City. Play- « Revellers., WNAC (461)--Boston, Women's hour, SUN (G17)--St, Petersburg. McCabe WEAF (492)-N, Y. Music; household Tubliee ts, eters i lk, 6 jeago.. Home 'manage Wiad (517)--Worcester, String en- --Chi i semble, ment period. Ww Te (335)-- Hartford. Capitol Theatre, WRNY' (320)-N. VY. "Resping Fie," 00 Blue Network--Maxwell Hour, from By Geo. McManus iii (476)--Atlanta. memaker's wie W BZ, Whe: BZA, KER, WAR! BRINGING UP FATHER hou 11.0 WAND (222)--Mpls. Musicale, WDAF, WHAM, TAS " 4 ee. oon i =H £13 (= ~ THERE, JIM BLUNT! That ought to make You eat crow- Ra US Of, Copyright 1928. Jui 2 ana season it whith apologies! 1-22 by Meuopolitan Newspaper Service i A | 0 (535)--Des Moines. Organ, WIR Hi /RVA, 1200 'Noon 'CFCA (Sn~Caigary, News: WMC WOW, WSH, WsM, WTMJ, ARE YOU WAITIN ON ME NOW DON'T LEAVE Town WRHAM, KSD. WOW: HEY: WAITER- ARE YOL HARD OF NT sat es Shenandoah, Songs, Canadian Chain Optra Pi OR TRYIN' TO AVOID ME? AGIN- STICK AROUND- COME RIGHT BACK HEARIN'? | ASKED FOR rom i i Girl, NRO. ; CK N' WARD Sidon a program. KES | (28%)--Independence' Mo, Cons BRING ME A SHARP KNIFE I MAY WANT SOME- -- HERE - LIVER-- THAT'S cert, - \ - - Wiz SONY. Luncheon musle. | KTHS (Hot Springs. Popular, [| WANNA OTe WER THING ELSE LEATHER Os RED. Dinner bell K KT Ni, (256)--Muscatine, Old time hi me eRsnomica: WANT (246)--Jersey City, Concert, 12.15 WEAF (492)=N. V. Rolfe's Urchestra. bit (oy ---Aleron, [Seen T (405)=Phila. Religious service, WHBM (349)--Chicago. Yoga 12.30 WEAD (261)-~Phila, Orchestra hd 234 Rts Ladies! quar WTA M (400) = Cleveland. Orchestra WCAH (234)--Columbus. Ladies' qu. tet, CBD (345)--Zion, 11. Saxophone quar. 12.35 CFCF *(11)=Montreal, Mt. Royal Or NO Eo a. U, Four. 12.45 CKCL (367)--Toronto. Luncheon music. 'CFL (484)--Chic. Popular music. WSM 35) Nashville, Farm and home werk 54) onli Ry TOgra WIID (366)-Ch 0, Mooseheart hour, 1.00 pm KOIL (319) = Council Bluffs, Wik con --Chicaga, Mons ews: music, WMAK (545)--Buffalo, WMAK Male KSO (227)--Clarinda, Luncheon music, Quartet. KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Concert, WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Musicale, naa i WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Farm TOI (265)--Ame Ta Musicale, . { | i h i i § f i hour. KR (461)--Da . Concert, - ! J WCFL (484)~Chicago, Organ, WSAT (361)--Cinci._ Xylophone, < : ; : ll i T y | i | 1} WDAF (370)=Kansas City, Country-| 015 KMMJ (229)--Clay Center, Studio. Side chats, b.50 KFAW (319) Lincoln, U. of Nebraska WGR (303)~Buffalo. Concert ensemble, program re Serer hr WHN (394)--N, Y. News flashes; mu- KFAU (285)--Boise, I. Musicale, Great Brita ahte yoeerved KTHS (384)--Hot Springs, Specialties, | Wir (306)--Chicago, Organ, Al Car. WiiAQ (448)--Chicago, Melodies, a [ELLING TOMMY . i " 0 v " o WMCA (Tory. String ensemble. ZN EFL INE WORDS OPEN SESAME ARE NOW OFTEN WIM) 5 Miiwaubee: Luncheon THE EXPRESSION AM OPEN SESAME, (/ "mom, USED TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING THAT UNFAIL music, COMES FROM THE STORY OF "AL! SE fill INGLY OPENS OR ADMITS; A MAGICAL OR WWJ (358)~Detroit, Organ, v : | BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES IN Es i TH IRRESISTIBLE KEY. ig WGHP (278)~Detroit, Tuller who (535)=Des Moines, The Ambass- 1" ARABIAN NIGHTS , TOMMY. ANA on ~Vern Teves woe adors. i of} vi lll. KFNF (461) -- Shenandoah, Farmers' dinner concert, WFAA (545)=Dallas. Addre ic. : WGBS (349)-N.Y, Ia BA The discovery of a Toronto physi- WGN (416)--Chicago, Drake ensemble, cian who used it for years with x amazing results wherever a tonic hesild , 1, A Thursday's Progams £7 Notte bilder 1s Yeq Oat AFTERNOON PROGRAMS ou WGHP (278)--Detroit, Music, AT Y R DRUGGIST'S WOR (422)--Newark. Vocal; piano, 0-124 WSB (476)--Atlanta, Farm service; music, KOA (326)--Denver, Orga: KMM]J (230)--Clay Cente" Neb, Muy- : 4 2 = > 7 ) { 7 vy A |i , Sealey (508)--Boston, Musicale, oe P ¥ ey) N KE 22 3 bn AL - VV " J / { | | Ro Buide, Reda Trvies {eleen sesame WAS THE MAGICAL 4 {x TROPICAL REGIONS OF AFRICA AND INDIA. Wie) oa)-Cucus. Mwicsl oi | For Your Drug Needs | COMMAND WHICH OPENED THE DOOR 220M 115 SMALL FLATTISH.SEEDS YIELD A Wary (283)--Columbus, Music, Lb ar » WENR * (28)--Chicago, Popular se: 9 OF THE ROBBERS DEM, IN THE TALE OF : OIL AND ARE USED AS FOOD. THOM P » 0 N n | *ALl BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES: - Wir 405)~Phila, Musicale, yi oo DN.Y. Address; music. | 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Deliver a D198 by Kins Fontwras Syndicate. Ine, Coupt Briar whl smerved WHAM (280)--Rochester, Studio pro- - ---- oii . - ai ram, A -- : . By Gene Byrnes $iica (370)--N.Y, Service program, WRNY (326)--N.Y, The Troubadours; x HN (395)--N.Y, Loew's Theatre. 8 ' : « -- CRCL, (357)--Toronto, Radio Movie 3 . bg Koti, (319)--Council Bluffs, Tell-the- Radio Electric rs : IN FACT HE WON (416)--Chicago, Artist recital, IN WAS ONE OF WIBO (306)--Chicago. Organ THE BEST FATHERS "mn HE WAS ONEY Biky (iil ior Bias ir. || 1 Prince SK. Phone 2477 / ANY COUNTRY FATHER OF HIE ] cert, EAP (2)-N.Y, Alternoon concest, ever HAD? WESE (BX. Aeguoon concert 8. COWELL, Prop. ; COUNTRY? WiW (428)--Cinci. Piano selections, WN AC (461)--Boston, Tea dance, Beach 4.15 WHO $35)~Des. Moines, a WHO Or- Hurley W, anges 4.30 5 iin Special music. Estimate given on wiring jobs. og ty. St trio, WIZ (50-NY Alte a iBgin Rig Radio parts and sets in stock. 5.00 Wi (405)--Mpls.- -St. Paul, Readers > WCFL (484)--Chicago. Rest hour, 5.30 KOA (325)--Denyer, Matinee for house- EE 6.00 WEAF #D-N.Y, Waldorf Astoria: | | ---- wie (508)--Phila, Di usic, | We Repair Anything Bought AM (400)--Cleveland. Orchest WT, M4 0 end dL Om ra. In a Jewelry Store 6.30 wis (285)--Baltimore. Dinner mu- I (405)--Phila. Adelphia Hotel, Wir ao (303)--Buffalo. Dinner music. On Oshawa's Main Cormer . 4 WTIC IC (535)--Hartford. Dinner music, ids rp. 6.45 WHaM (2/8)--Rochester., Dinner mu- | ©0280 J Woc (375)--~Davenport. Chimes con- cert, BEDTIME STORIES a - RY nn SA. ha : 6 WEDH (66)~Chicago. Dream Daddy || |EVERYTHING GOING f | [DID YoU SE " zs dE : 4 ' \ STOR N THE Ss ps SEE MIE \ WBS (4)-N.Y. Uncle Ges Bee AT HALF PRICE : Nees PAPER . g 203 0 IA SECOND, MR | A ra Bw FL HE ab 77, : / . 5) WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey Tne" AT THE fr | I (308)--Boston. Big Brother. wo Go Gi, chee BS (| Loader Dry Goods Store Is the Talk of the Town! WFAA (545)--Dallas. Story hour. 1 RGO 380 Dakland. | CF riend to Boys' Network--U.S, Marine Band: --_---- WRC, WIZ, WOW CKCL (357)~1 Toronto. Musical pr program MA (394)--Shen. KV00 tetas Barney ray, " : ROOSEVELT FIELD- Mis REE @9D)N. Y. Mid-week Hymn ROOSEvE a 74 15 WWJ (353)--Detroit. " ONE. ASPIRES| 2. Net k--Cs ade, TV WEE, WIIG, WIAR WiAC JOSH Subnormal B N, rk--National Mixed Quartet ¥ Wiz, WIR, WREN, curacy, inefficiency and eyestrain. ed an WHK (265) LBSA. En " 258 feat: poamed tn Bia am cnc. Suto fete {ipig pmONE-- 1516 . MINSTER MOT REAL ==" 7.40 WBBR (256)--N.Y. Pardura Trio. £00 Red Network--Dodge Presentation," Disney Block Opposite Post Office

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