Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1928, p. 12

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Bame Steps Present Most] ination. Serious Problems to Missionary London, Feb, 21.--Rev. A, B, Ba rent ca, spent a eo teaching natives of Darkest Af- ; riea to al certain ' gugges- tive dances, He has just come to dondon to learn that civilisation ds doing the very steps which he asked the natives to omit m their repertoire. "Bach kick and each wriggle 2 thane dances has its own par- icular meaning," Mr, Guest ex- plained, "and I feel certain that f British dancers had any idea of these meanin ever dance the bee-Jeeble or e Black Bottom n,"* Shocked ~The minister was "shocked be- d words," he sald, at an Is- ington Church, "This is the most gerious prob- em that confronts the mission. ary in Africa today. One of the ¢hief reasons for the prevalence { of this immortality ia the per- formance of dances similar to the Black Bottom," he declared, "The Black Bottom which I saw per- 'formed by scores of young people #t London Dance hall is nothing Dolla they would ped a ---- be left to the imag- Gives Right to Wed "When this dance is over the th goes and takes as many ves' as he wants, 30 being a- bout the usual number." To dances in general, the min- ister sald, he had no abjection, but he knew from first hand ob- servation that the Black Bettom and the Heebie-Jeeble were mno- thing less than exhibitions of primitive animalism, "At Quibocolo," he said, 'we suspended native Christians for even watching the Black Bottom; yet I come home and find my white brethren performing the same immoral dances that are the curse of darkest Africa. They must positively be stop- FAME IN THE STIORS (Wakarusa (Ind,) Tribune) Yep, there 1s a difference, To get your name in a city paper, you have to shoot your wife, get gored to death by a flivver, marry a movie star, or do something sensational But to get your name in The Tri- bune all you have to do is have a guest, go a visiting, have a baby at your house, buy a pure-bred bull or improve your property, r Day SPECIALS 20 lbs, Rolled Oats $1.00 CR UE SAE A SE A BEAT A A IE IE CIE OE RL A PU for 3 pecks Potatoes for $1.00 FRPP IIIRIRIRIIRRIRR RRR RRR RORY 30 te, Granvinted Wheat $1.00 PPP PRR IRRI RRR I IRERRERIRRRRRRRROY 24-lb, Sack Graham Flour for for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 PPP PPR IRI RRIRRRE TERI IIYRIERRRRRRRRY 24-lb. Sask Wholewheat Flour pkgs, each of Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes, Peps and Wheat Flakes . . . 7-lb, Sack Five Roses, 7-lb. Sack Pastry Flour and 14-Ib, Sack Table Salt or 3 Cans $1.00 ser I RL RIRP PNY $1.00 PIP PRP IPP R PIP IRIIRERRIRRNRIRRPRRYS 35 Ibs, Superior Poultry Mash for $1.20 pkg. Hog Tonic for LE A I A 40 Ibs, Poultry Scratch Feed $1.25 Mash Hopper, or $1.25 Grit and Shell Hopper with Can Lice Powder , , . $1.00 rrr. 3100 $1.00 $1.00 CER NN POP PPP ERP PPRIIP PIPER IRIOIPIRRRIEY 2 cans 60c Cow Remedy $1.00 CRRA I I I EE I) for rg snd Disinfectant, Can Lice Pow- Package Pratt's Poultry Regu- $1.00. Call on us to make further combinations if these do not meet your requirements, Cooper-Smith Company Phone 8 Just South of P.O, 16 Celina St. SELBURY, "DIRECTLY FACING THE SEA" THE OSHAWA DAIL a ry in full 3~Netre Dame Snowshoers' Association which was American Snowshoers' Association, The convention takes on an international character by with over 1, Ten Thousand Snowshoers Meet 3A little diversion--the bounce Church of Mortreal, Around ten thousand snowshoers and their friends visited Montreal on the occasion of the 20th anniversa of the Canadian February 8-6, he fact that the members in the of the foundin, Meted in that cit also attended the econ- states of New Hampshire and M. vention, Canadian Club, which was celebra anniversary, wh and The convention was hel shoers' Clubs of Montreal an " LONDON'S AIRPORT NEARLY COWPLETE A number of snowshoers trave foot to Montreal, but the malority teok advantage of offered in excursions at reduced rates by the ile unattached snowshoers from all the United States went to Montreal for the function, under the auspices of the United Snow- was featured b the grand snowshoe championship of the world was ship Mayor Martin was the patron of the convention bration a banquet was given at the City Hall, at which were the guests of the city, on Bunda In addition there were representatives from the Manitoba Snowshoers' Association and a large attendance from the St, Henri same time its fiftieth ng fhe arts of Canada which s Wor- and in its cele- the snowshoers February b, ue to 300 miles on: e special facilities nadian Pacific Railway, rnival, durin A oc ied evening, lled distances PETTY THEFTS ARE REPORTED Campbellford Police Active in Cases--Have Sus- pect in View .Campbeliford, Feb. 26--For some time there has been practically no evidence of petty thieves in Camp- beliford, but during the last two weeks there has been two incidents which leads the local authorities to believe that some one from the town or district ought to be numbered among the light-fingered gentry. When one of the Hastings hockey teams met a local team in a friendly tilt here, there was a sum of money stolen from one of the dressing-rooms at the pew rink. Though every ef- fort was made to apprehend the guilty party, it was apparently im- sible to do so The last offence is quite different. The money was stolen under much the same circumstances. but the money stolen was in bills of unusual denomination in this district and is easily traced. The police will not say who is the guilty person, but they feel certain that they will have the money returned in a very short time. After interviewing the loser and the police, it is believed that un- less the money is returned at once, the case will come to court inside the next few days, § : JIE Li H ¢ £ HY ginishd < HE port companies, British and for- eign. Passengers will be put to a minimum of trouble, and gong out to board the machines will Montreal, Feb. 22.--"It is more dangerous to be a baby in Montreal than anywhere else, except in Que- bec." This statement was made by Miss Charlotte Whitten, of Ut- tawa, executive secretary of the Canadian Council on Child Wel- fare, before the Columbus Forum. Her subject was "A Community Challenge," and she sald it was her belief that Montreal is inter- ested, but not sufficiently interest- ed, In the preservation of child life, Miss Whitton presented the last statisties available, which show that of every 1,000 bables born alive in Montreal, according to the Dominion Bureau's calculation, 144 died before they were a yeas old. In Quebec, 185.6 per thou- sand died before one year of age. The Montreal baby had a 25 pot cent, better chance of getting had the Quebec baby, but if that baby from Montreal had been born in Teronto, his chances of life would have been nearly twice as through his first year alive thay |rate .5 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1928 good. (Toronto's infant mortality rate, by the same tables, was 75.6). In Winnipeg he would have avercome the that these infant itable. There is ample that your capable health Dr, Boucher, and his staff are inter- ested. Through their efforts the death rates babies has been dragged do per 1,000 births in 1920 to what it 1a today, which is somewhere about 119 or 130 (which is the as calculated by the mwuniel- pal authorities), but are the pub- lic of Montreal equally interest. ed? 'Public health is purchas- able'™ 'Beaton's Twin Dollar Days! ~ Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24-25 Those are the days that will make everybody's Dollar go just a little farther, We are giving bargains in many lines and everybody will find something they are needing, | Look out for colds these days! Builds the health that protects Gives body warmth and energy Serve it hot with warm milk, * MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS -- CAL'S NEW PYJAMAS bags. The president may be tempt. (Hamilton 8 ) ed, we think, to pass them along An economist h & sense of [to the rural member of congress humor has sent President Coolidge | who boasted a year or so ago thai & pair of pyjamas make of flour |"he slept in his underwear." Deller Jar, ... walk across a concrete pavement. The aerodrome offices are in one this roof will be avaliable for spec- tators. A roof tea garden seems to be Indicated, The new control tower rises from the centre of the main building, and is BO feet in height. It con- tains, on the first floor, the Mete- orological office and sleeping apart- ments for officials. All around this floor is a verandah with a glass wall, giving a clear view on all sides. Above it are the wireless inptallation and the directional wireless control; but the main wireless masts and serial are be- ing taken to Mitcham, where they will, of course, be operated from the tower, The space at the foot of the control tower contains the pilots' rooms. The night-landing srrangements are substantially the same as be- fore, namely, the Neon beacon and the "flood-}ght"'; but the old land- ing ""L" of Bunken lights is to be superseded by (llumipated wind-di- rection indicators. No steps are at present being taken to install the Leader cable for guiding aireraft through demse fog to the vicinity the landing ground. The cost would be very heavy, and would not be justified, except in view of continuous air services in all wea- thers. Imperial Airways which controls the pir port under a 10-year con- tract with the Afr Ministry, bas from the first pursued a policy of steady, but sure, progress. The company fis the steward of public mohey, inasmuch as it is suvsid- asy 5 i F £ fs i g FH ly i 3 £ bt 2s : g i ii ih bl Ba Fest 22% 3 E i 5 EE: 7 long building with a flat roof, and 40 oz. Jar E. D.S, Orange Marmalade, J&L: sinners sisiii sire 16 oz. Jar E. D, S. Orange Marmalade, spree rerereseINeS EIT IITIIT Argo California Peaches, large tin, Ti crsisvieerssirirsssssorsivsiesom Altex Oexas Figs, heavy syrup, 13 oz tin Tine orreeier EEE HY Altex Oexas Figs, heayy syrup, 40 oz, jar, JAY creer i Comb Honey, White Clover. BOEHOM, ierriinsiiveiititini Fresh Fruit and Vetgetables at Market Prices, De liveries to all parts of the City--8,30, 10,30, 2.30, 4.30 serene PIRIIIIRIIIRIIIRIIRINIIIS pene reres srenerereeer rererree sere EINE INRRIIRINIPIRIIISIRIISY China, Crockery and Glassware cont discount off the price of anything in ow Chins, Crockery and Glassware lines purchased for Cash on Days, February 24th and 26th, 1928, C 1 d bring your Dollars and get some of the Cash Bargains we are offering for two days. This is a rare = getting a set of dishes or replacing articles that have been broken, 39¢ 19¢ 29¢ 19¢ 75¢ 29c PR RRIIIIRIRIRIRIRIIIRIRIRIISY LITT ITT Chateau Cheese, % Ib. pkg, SR DION 20¢c 25¢ 14¢c Tin, Harvest Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Serer RRRIIIRRRRIIIIRIISSY PR RRERIIIIRIIRIIRIIIRRIRINIIRIIRIIIRRSS Tin, rt Snider's Cooked Ham Lb., it 50¢ Clarke's Chicken Soup, | RR RR ERA FRAME 16¢ Heinz Pork and Beans, Til, 1uetisstraivsionssveersrstiinn sree 306 386 25¢ n, Libby's Prepared Mustard, Jar, ' 5¢ CITI IT rere PHONES 757 and 758 Beaton's Busy Store 10 SIMCOE ST, S., OSHAWA LEADER snd shades. Regular $1.75, years, On Sale, Suit , Men's fleece lined $2.50. Op Sale, suit Dry Goods Store Boys' Sweaters Boys' Wool Pullover Sweaters, all sizes OR BER 22: 05020770 PrP IIS ] ww maB iu. .. SL19 Combinations man's make, all sizes. Regular OPEN YOUR EYES! To the Most Astounding Bargains Ever Offered A brand new stock of Ladies', Men's and Children's Ready-to-Wear, Boots, Shoes and Dry Goods to be sacrificed at prices that will cause a sensation in Oshawa, RE-ADJUSTMENT $ People in Oshawa and hundreds of miles around are taking advantage of bargain prices that are unbelievable. Come and be the judge. Men's Merino Underwear Men's Merino Upderwesr, Penmean's make, Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, Reguisr $1.25. On Sele, each . Men's Work Mitts 89¢ Men's leather work Regular 85¢c pair. On Sale, peir ,..., Fleece Lined Combipttions Pen- $1.29 On Sale LEADER DRY GOODS STORE Men's 100 per cent. pure wool work Socks. Regular 50c pair, Is the Talk of the Town 1d Men's Suits of men's Al Wool Tweed snd Suits, mssorted patterns, D.B. Regular to $22.50. On Sale PARP IPPPIAS Work Shirts y, Bhs and Navy Men's Fine Shirts Negligee Shirts, assorted patterns. . $1.39 Ligh Wool Tuaid £ Coats, AOS with flan- yes. Sree $1.95 ,. 89¢ sass Mitts and Gloyes. 49c popper rrrrs EEE ETT Y FRYE Regular $1.50. On Sale, each ....-» NPN 32 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA ONTARIO.

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