Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1928, p. 11

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TROD BILL ~ TOFIX EASTER Wl He Bite Mev anus Setting Festival Rn "MOVED Bishops Favor Scheme; Other Nations to be . Consyhted ' London, Feb. 21. 21.--Considerable interest attached to the debate in the House of Commons Friday om the bill, introduced by Capt. R. C, Bourne, Conservative, Oxford City, .which provides for the fixing ter every year on the Sun- ay. Jollowing the second Satur- April, so that Raster al- wa woud fall between April 9 and 0 The bill received see- ond, reading, but one clause pro- vides that an Order-in-Council is necessary to make it operative. Discussing the bill, Capt. Bourne said it would obviously be impossible to stabalize Easter un- til the Government took up the matter with the League of Na- tions, The bill as it stood would not apply to the Dominions. Sir "H,_Slesser, Labor, Leeds, moved rejection of the measure on the ground that no adequate rea- son had been shown for altering the system of fixing *this sacred religious festival which has ex- isted 1,600 years." It was a deep- rooted religious tradition of Christendom and a matter for the religious authorities, If the Bill passed there would be a danger of creating two HEasters, one se- cular, the other religious, leading to "terrible confusion." Lord. Hugh Cecil, Conservative, Oxford University, also opposed the bill, suggesting an enquiry into the matter, Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Home Secretary, declared that trade circles throuhout Europe supported the plan of a fixed Easter, Bishops present at the Lambeth conference were all fav- orablé to the scheme, provided Easter "was fixed on Sunday, If the Bill were passed, he said, the Government would adopt it, but ft would not be enforced until a vesolution in favor of enforcement was passed in both houses, Mean- while' the Government would con- sult other nations and religious bodies, : Sir H, Slesser then his motion of rejection. withdrew According to the Hon, George Hoadley, of the Farmer's Goveru- ment in Alberta, the farmer will not milk cows unless he has to, The majority of prairie farmers will agree with him and this fact has more to do. with the problems of thé dairy industry than has the Australian trade treaty, Paris, Feb. 21.--The noise of Paris automobile horns is being | aggressive photographed by a novel method | legal and as part of the campaign to quiet Paris. The police are doing it. have classified noise three ways. Agrecable noise, almost harmon- ious! supportable noise; and in- supportable noise. : Instead of using its ears to judge the varying . degrees and qualities of harmony in. the noise of automobiles, the ce have adopted a camera which trans- forms sonorous - vibrations into luminous vibrations and then takes pletures of them. It is a compara- tively easy matter to compare photographs with a stanaara photograph of ap agreeable moise, For the time being, the police are testing various makes of horns and 'classifying them as merely de- They | sirable or undesirable, Eventually: they will forbid use of the latter. Later, if a policeman hears a dis- agreeable horn, he will send the driver to: have his neise: ~hoto- eraphed. A stiff fine awa'! an unsatisfactory photographie proof. The camera does away with the policy of protest on the ground that a policeman's ear is not train. ed to detect harmony or caco- nhony, Paris taxicabs are the prineipal Y*fenders for they have a honking horn which has a disastrous effect on unsteady nerves, Paris has ney» er before had a serious anti. nerve campaign and chauffeurs have gone noise wild. When traf- fic does not move smoothly or swiftly enough for cars the drivers engage in incessant tooting which adds to the din of Paris streets, er As an opening move in the eam- paign the policemen have begun to enforce a century-old by law which forbids news boys to cry their papers on the street. Early in the discussion Fernan- do Gonzales, Roa, of Mexico, In- behind,. . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1928 PARIS AUTOMOBILES TO HAVE NOISE OF THEIR HORNS PHOTOGRAPHED troduced a resolution im which all declared il- was that interna- tional disputes should he settled by pacific means. Hughes : This proposition the fullest support of Mr. Hughes, when he spoke soon afterwards. - "The United States joins moat heartily," he sald, "in the declara- tion that there shall be mo more war of aggression in America. We must show that this hems dedicated to Boace and Jeo {] fic solution of difeulties. Turning to the concrete prob- lem of preventing the employment of violence, Mr. Hughes proposed that the American countries im- prove their mutual relations and avold war by the establishment of joint international commnrissions erican-Canadian boundary commis- sion by the conclusion of pecu- niary claims conventions. as ex- tensive in scope as possible, and finally by establishing firmly the principle of arbitration for the settlement of international dif- culties, This will be minimum limitations, which the soverelgnity of countries requires. Arousing a further great ova- tion, Mr. Hughes pledged 'all the energy and strength I possess," to promote the pacific settlement of disputes. 11 means to that end, tinued, fell under three headings--periodical conferences or meetings for candid exchange of views on controversial sub- jects; measures of congilidgtion, namely, practicable provisions whereby 'reason may have play hefore force takes thhe field," and judicial settlement, for which de- finite institutions would be neces- sary, as reason and justice are net, as he. expressed it, 'mere abstrac- tions, to which we give verbal 'de- votion. " subject only to he con- main THE IDEAL POLICE CHIEF (The Orangeville Sun) Nothing has occurred to change our opinion of what kind of a man a chief of police of a live town ought to be, We still think he should be neat, clean and tidy, one who would be presentable. on all occasions, a man who would be favorably remembered hy tourists and 'visitors to our town. Our ideal of a real chief of police was Thomas Portland, who filled the position for a term a few years ago, Don't you remember how proud we were of him? You re- call how often you used to hear the remark: "He's a real chief," Garage owners and hotelkeepers never had any 'reason to register a kick against him, for the simple reason he never bummed around their places of business "sprawling on seats, puffing away at an old pipe and dotting the landscape with dots of expectoration," EVERYBODY SAVES When you spend your dollars at the Dominion Clothing Co. 'Friday morning at 8.30 a.m, we will sell three Overcoats at, each, $1.00 Men's Penman's Fleece Lined Shirts, Regular 95¢ each. Dollar Days Special. $1700 00 2for;:;..... PARE PPP IPPLEIIIPIPIPPEIPELELSP Men's Shoe Packs. Regular $1. 95, Dol - $1.00 lar Days Special, . _ Men's Strong Cottonade Work Pants. Dollar Days Special, .......... $1.00 as Hor, Mo Ears To $1.00 Coats. Reg. $2.50 : Blouses, Broadcloth. Regia 75, Bas Sues, Geen 2 for : > $1.00 Men's Military Wool Work Shirts. Res $1.00 - $1.75, all sizes. Dollar Days Special, nN Men's Caps. Regular $1.50. Dollar $1.00 M ISICANS OBJECT 10 RADIO PROGRAM Inter-stations Hook-up Used To Avoid Payment of An Orchestra Chlingy; Peb, 2, --Action of the American Federation of Musicians to' prevent 'broadcasters from 'us- ing inter-station hookups - as a orchestras may ' influence fally the Federal Government's radio problem, the United Press learned Friday night, Since broadcasting by control became a common practice, organized musicians have com- plained that the employers were getting more than their money's worth from, orchestras used in the hookups, First definite action has been taken in Chicago to rectify the situation from the standpoint, and while chain hook- ups have .not heen affected so far, officials of the Chicago Music Congress Union intimated that na- tional action was contemplated, "in a week or two." Meanwhile, Chicago stations have been ordered either to em- ploy ten musicians full time or stop plaeing microphones in dance halls, theatres, hotels and cabar- ets. Three of the 19 stations af- fected in the Chicago area have agreed to do so. Three others have indicated they will obey the union injunction, and the rest have been given until Saturday night to meet the union demands or face 8 walkout by members of the or- prepared on the lines of the Am-| Come to Waid for ONE HUNDRED EXTRA LARGE SIZE Flannelette Blankets Much larger than the largest stand- ard double bed size, Actual mesaurement, 72 x 96 ins, A spe- cial purchase of Makers' - Seconds, White with pink or blue border, Each Blanket, $1.00 This Store joins with other progressive Oshawa Mer- chants in extending to our Citizens and to the People of the Surrounding Country a Welcome to Come and Share in the numberless { ol Any Quantity | at Special Sale Prices That have been prepared for this Great Semi-Annual Shopping Event, Dress Goods and Silks that can be bought for $1 yard Most of them well worth two and even three times the money. Don't miss these. 54" Check Charmelaines An all wool fabric in the proper texture for early spring dresses; was $1.00 formerly $2.95 yard, Yard, Black Duchess Satin A genuine Swiss make that possesses un- usual weight and lustre, Good value we count it at half as much more, Raycot Celanese Silk Is a popular fabric for slips and bloom- ers, Comes in a full range of $1. 00 plain colors; width 36", means of avoiding the hiring of || mater- || remote || musicians' | 39 DOZEN Women's Artsilk Hose Puritan Maid, Ist quality, Reg. 75c quality, Colors are black, gun metal, grey, stone, sand and peach. Sizes 8 to 10. On Sale, 3 Pair for $1.00 chestras and other union artists. HERRIOT PROPOSES FILM COMMISSION Restrictions in France Limit Use of Foreign Pictures Paris, Feb..21.--A new project for the creation of a "Superior Commission of Cinematography" was submitted to the cabinet Sat- urday by Minister of Arts, Edour- 2d Herriot. Under the plan, 32 members, balf producers and theatre owners, will be charged with the exchange of foreign films iii the permitting the importation of mine meters of foreign film for ' Sine meter of French film that fis exported. The restrictions will 'be limited to super-films, featuring big stars, be restricted. * In order for a film to be call- ed French, 75 per cent. of the act- ors, operators and directors must be Fremch, according to Herriot's Thus, if circumstances warranted, mext year the ratio will 9-2 or even 9-3. B.C. PRESBYTERY Is OPPOSED TO ORDINATION OF WOMEN Prince Rupert, BC., Feb. 20.-- i The Prince Rupert Presbytery of {the Upited Church of Canada, session here, passed Jems. In against the admission of women to the ministry of the Church. 15 DOZEN Women's Fine Cashmere Underhose in natural flesh color, sizes 8! to 10, Reg. 65c. Makers' Seconds, 3 Pair for $1.00 Sample Crib Dedineds in white dimity and crochet Co) Sale Prices Show Generous Reducti~ns on Bath Towels ced Pzth Towels 4 for $1 Colored Bath Towels 3 for $1 White Bath Towels 2 for $1 Three Wonderful Values in this every day needed household article that it will pay you to see, Luveska Silk Stripe Shirtings You see them advertised in almost every English paper and magazine. It's a na- * fills a host of Baronette Satins and Chiffon Taffetas Into this Dollar Days Sale comes some of the richest of Satins, and some of the opular shades of Silk Taffeta, 36 inch id that have been priced as high as Gotbiethe money. ~~ $1.00 16 oz. Cotton Batts for Comforters 3 Rolls $1.00 Check Cashmerette for Kiddies' School Dresses, 36" wide, new season's patterns, Days Sale, 4 yards for Printed Silk Mixture Crepes Choose from this fine range of pretty patterns. A dress length or two in read- iness to make up into Summer dresses; for printed materials, as you know, are highly favored fabrics for the coming season, 36 inches. Rea 79c to $1.25. 2 yards for .... % $1. 00 72" Bleached Cotton Sheeting A good sturdy Canadian weave of cotton sheeting that will give excellent wear. Dollar Days Sale, 2Y; yards for Buy a Supply of Linen Tea Towels These are the good old fashioned twilled linen with red typed centre. Size 20 x 32 inches. Dollar Day Sale, - $1, 00 5 for, New Spring Ginghams in a quality that is unrivalled anywhere for anything near the price, 32 inches wide; small and medium check patterns. Dollar Days Sale, $1 00 LJ 6 yards for ........, RI English Oxford Shirtings A quality we import direct from an Eng- lish manufacturer. They are shown in white and grey grounds in striped pat- terns, 32 inches wide. Regular 39c yd. Dollar Days Sale, 314, yards for Irish Linen Tea Toweling Red or blue check, 20" wide. $1 00 Dollar Days Sale, 4 yards for » Pure Linen Roller Towelling A special purchase from the mill, extra good rn Dollar Days Sale, 5 yards for Linen Lunch Cloths With oliinctivg ost Yasling ord bor- s. Sizes 52 x 52 ins. r $1.00 Housefurnishings -- Sta ew Spring les -- Household Linens apery Chintz reine pA ia schemes and attractive patterns, hiabl for drapes and fo com $1 "00 forters and box coverings, 36" wide. Dollar Days Sale, 4 yards for 34" White Saxony Flannelette An exceptionally fine sturdily woven quality, finished with soft velvety 00 Dollar Days Sale, 5 yards $1.00 Ld Who Needs a Few Extra Table Serviettes Buy these discontinued patterns on Dollar Days at really sensational prices, Pure Irish Linen, Sizes 20", 22" and 24". Regular $5.95 to $7.50 Jeter... S100 $1.00 Regular $15 doz, 2 for ... Rayon Silk Knit Bloomers and Vests Mercury and Watson makes, Ist quality in a very complete range of colors and sizes, $1 00 LJ Selling at, garment, Women's Medium Weight Combinations in. a white, fine,. fleecy. finished cotton, Clearing lines that were Mgr 1B) Women's Colored Dimity Nightgowns Made in a plain style with square and V. neck and short sleeves, Colors are mais, peach, pink, helio, blue, white and orchid. Dollar Days Sale. 2 for Odd Lines of Women's and Children's Summer Weight Vests and Bloomers that were all grouped together at stock-taking time for just such an occasion as this Dollar Days LRA LE 10 Doz, Watson's Fleece : Lined Sleepers Sizes 2 to B years, white or natur- al. Regular sold at $1.25 to $l. 50. All one price, = 81, 00 Horrockses' White Flannelette Painted Cushion Tops (with backs) - velvet and tapestry, made a nn a].00 i

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