Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1928, p. 10

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death Lot 8 wl intrigue the Danube nations, has heen solved at last. Rudolph, | Emportt ik Joseph's only son, not commit suicide in x with the beautiful Maria Vetsera, but was murdered in his father's hunting lodge. forty years ago the whole on was thunderstruck as the news came from na that the Crown Prince Rudolph, heir to the ' vast Hunga rian Empire, been found - in the hunt- : lodge of Mayerling, With him Hy found, it soon was learn "the body of Baroness Marfa Vet- pera. A whirlwind of rumors followed. The first had it that Marla, in a fit of jealousy, had blown out her JJover's brains, The ugliest rumor had it that Rudolph had beem mur. dered .by masked assassins sent by his own father, * Both Slain br Count A Czecho-Slovakian writer, M, nizek, now announces that life- Jong research enables him to de- clare without fear of contradie- tion that Count Baltaszsl, guardian of the seventeen-year-old Baroness who died with Rudolph, was the murderer, | The first official bulletin at the time of the double tragedy stated that the Crown Prince Rudolph had lost his life through a shooting accident, Nobody in Vienna be- Meved it. Public indignation fore- 'ed the Government to issue, with- 'in twenty-four hours, a second bul. letin to the effect that Rudolph had committed suicide, That was not believed either, It was figur- ed that so thoroughly Catholic a 'gourt as the Viennese would never have admitted suicide, the unpar- donable gin, if it were not to screen a still worse version of the tragedy, The Crown Prince was buried in consecrated ground, mnotwith- standing the official statement of his suicide, Baroness Vetsera's body was propped up between her two uncles in a cab to muke ner seem alive and was taken to the Benedictine Abbey of Hellingen- %kreuz and buried in the dead of might by two silent, cowled monks, That was the end of the drama, but rumors have never ceased, and mearly each year saw a new vers * gion of the affair pring "y Vienna or some other city in ¥- nld dual empire, No official ever uttered a word, no witness ever came for. ward, Francis Joseph had impos. ed silence and his order has been obeyed. No document shedding light on the tragedy has ever been found, .. mot even when the Austrian wi "ghives were opened after the col. om RE- YT Y WITH SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FEOORING C2 Room at a Time~ It's So Simple! 'By getting that re-floor ing job done piecemeal, you'll hardly feel the expense, But oh, . . , how vastly' it will improve the appearance of your "home! And the work it will save your womenfolk | Ww, J. TRICK CO,, LTD. Oshawa Service-- TORONTO HAMILTON BRANTFORD YWALKERVILLE WINDSOR --- a) _-- Hill = Mover Horo Spain. AE: aioe RETA JHE OSHAWA DALY TIMES. WEDNESDAY. i ep TORONTO MAN PURCHASES KITCHENER PACKING PLANT Kitchener, Ont, at. Feb. 21.--Announ- cement Was here today by R. > Rol Mortison, § AT Toronto, that he has 'the empire in 1918. ter ht at te only authentic ver- by the Papal Nuncio at Mio at y time of the dra- ma, rests in the secret coffers of He Vatican and never will see by Physician The first man to be called to Mayerling on January 30, 1889, the morning following the tragedy, was Prof. Eduard Albert. He was charged by the Emperor to per- form an autopsy and write the death ertiticate. At last he has broken silence, He has told his story to M, Penizek. The doctor lapse of is thou ed, | lives in Prague, formerly Austrian territory, "I threw upon myself a triple odium,"" 'declared Dr. Albert. "In the first place, I disgraced myself as a man of science by undertak- ing to examine the bodies and giv- ing a false cause of death, and, in the second place, by attributing | The death to an act which had obvious- ly nothing to do with the tragedy, and, thirdly, by obeying the Em- peror in publishing the proces-ver- bal of the finding of the bodies." Contrary to general belief, Fran- cis Joseph know nothing of the love affair between his son and the Baroness Vetsera, But the Baron Baltazza, uncle and guard- fan of the young girl, was incens- ed over her conduct with the Aus- trian heir-assumptive, Warned that the Archduke had left for Mayerling, a place of de- bauche known to all Viennese, the guardian set out for the hunting lodge to see whether his niece had followed the Crown Prince, He arrived at Mayerling shortly after Rudolph, He managed to push past the guard at the door and entered the main dining hall, where he found Rudolph, Maria Vetsera, Philip of Coburg and a danseuse of the Vi- enna Opera who was implicated later in a jewelry theft case, The Count of Hoyos was also there. Baltazsl began a violent tirade against Rudolph, calling him a swine and a coward, The Crown Prince grew so angry that he seized a billiard cue and rusnea for the guardian, Seeing himself threatened, and knowing something of Rudolph's violent character, Count Baltazzi grabbed a rifle that hung on the wall and struck Rudolph a smash- ing blow on the skull, Rudolph died at once, The others fled In panic, leaving Maria Vetsefa with her uncle, In his fury he also killed her, This is Dr. Eduard Albert's story, and in substantiation he cites the banishment of Count Baltasei from Austria by the Em- peror, Incredulous Vienna still does -_ | not believe this latest version. Dr. Albert's declaration that he was told to find traces of a mental diseese in the brains of Rudolph 80 that he might he declared to have acted in a fit of insanity when he committed suicide and, therefore, was not liable to the church's strict provision against suicides, does not convince them, They believe Rudolph committed suicide, but they doubt it was out of love for Maria Vetsera, Against the doctor's assertions that the Crown Prince's love affair with the beautiful Countess was unknown to the Emperor, they point to a secret communication from the Pope to the Emperor Francis Joseph received at Vienna 8 week before Rudolph's death, in which the Pontiff complained of the Austrian Crown Prinee's con- Yduet, It is also known that Fran- cis Joseph had a stormy interview «with his son on the afternoon pre- ceding the tragedy snd that the father exacted a promise from the son that he would break with the Baroness and return to his wite, the daughter of the Belgian King, Leopold II, Then there is the mystery of John Orth, which comes again w- to play, John Orth, or the Arch- duke of Tuscany, had in his pos- session a steel box with papers be- longing to Rudolph which held 8 state secret, The contents of this box would solve the mystery once end for all But the Archduke of Tuscany disappeared, Some say he went down with 8 ship off the South American coast. Others maintain that a dignified old geptlemag who died 8 few years ago in New York was no other then this member of the Hapsburg family who had tried to hide his identity under the pame of John Orth, Rudolph was the very opposite of his father. He was 8 libesaf, 8 secret writer in the most liberal himself on the throne. He was surrounded by sples snd Suaincas his city 0) i) it Duke Bn Javeat- EY ng concerns eighty men. SAULY MAY OFFER REWARD DRIVER OF DEATH CAR Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Feb. 2 A~ The demand in the Sault is awing for action by the ce in tl of Mrs. Henrietta Bell, who died ne the result of injuries received last October when she was struck by an unknown autoist here. Citizens of the city are becoming daily more insist- ent that alleged inactivity is due to the fact that prominent people of the Sault are said to 'be implicated. City council is now considering the offering of a reward for the dri ver of the death car, SURVIVAL AFTER DEATH IS UPHELD BY CANON DOYLE "| Author Cites tes Curious Case to Refute Edison's '© Statement -- Crowborough, Eng, Feb, 22. I opened my paper he other day and the frst item which met my eyes was the pronouncement by 'Mr, Edison, the venerable inventor, that the question of survival was a 50-50 ome, and that the chances were equal whether mankind had a future or not. What a bleak outlook for hu- manity if such an assertion were true. But it is not true, and we have the means of proving that it is not true, If Mr. Edison was really in touch with the evidémce he would newer have said a thing which will cast a shadow on many a heart apa weaken many a spirit. He has, like #0 many honest thinkers, been re- pelled by those ea and ob- vious flaws for which our move. want # is Jot really respomsible. But i. he is much to blame the weight of his name to uth & statement concerning a su 2 1a alvia not exam- Parke -hand 100 "cases -- my own knowl. | room, edge which would show that here 18 no 60-60 in the matter. but that one can safely claim to be a 100 per cent believer fin the life to come. I have just room to give ome case for consideration, apd ask '{him, if he honestly faces it, whe- ther it does not eut the ground from under his feet. I will use names, for I am by nature a down- right person and I have no use for stories which concern Mr. Rlank ko Mrs, X. This matier is too tant for us to stand upon pun and ceremony. Some months ago the Hon. D. Duncombe, the young brother of the Earl of Faversham was killed in a motor smash on the Great North road. His car, at two In the morning, ran into a lorry and his neck was broken. Young Duncombe was a member of a little coterie of youths all at the same tutors, and all of them very keen on high speed racing mo- tors, My two boys, Denis and Mal- colm, were of "the gang' as they Days | shades; some der patterns, way $2.95 and $3,560 Poin, ocvinerierener Congoleum Matts, ly Bess srsrsssssssspsssssss Prana RsIRIRIIIIIILY ." Carpet Matts, 24" x 38" A Special Range of New Spring Dresses | Picked out for ing on Twin Dollar at $9.00 ea. l This rack has dresses on it il that range up to, each, SECOND FLOOR Large Size Blankets First quality, extra good nap, good [f ht mistakes in bor- || orth in the regular for Twin Dollar Pays MAIN FLOOR Our Basement Shoppe Is Boiling Over With Red Hot Bargains for Twin Dollar Days some of which are listed below. Remnants of every description at real jnock-out prices, em-- $1450 | | py gi i Silk Broadcloth A most complete range of all shades --29" wide, lar Days. 1,000 Yards Special for Twin Dol- 2 yards pair. Special | Big Range of Crepe- de-Chines 36 ins. wide $1.00 per yd. mena, ete., , and wrongly, that they had & meaning. he went to consult Mrs. Barkel, a well-known medium at the psychic college in Holland Park. The rule of the college is that no name is given to the medi- um, so that until my son entered the room she knew nothing of the matter, Notes were tak listened, and they lle before me as 1 write, The medium falling nth an apparent tramce, young Dun. ™ |combe at once came through, He erected Denis by name and refer- red one after another to all of the gang. He gave his own nick- name, and the nickname of the others, This without any question- ing or prompting. He then denied vehemently that he was asleep, as stated, when the accident oeceur- red. uy deseribed the accident mi- , drawing a diagram with the med! um's hand, and he comment- ed "a the evidence at the 18-| mer ques! by Denis as he entranced woman, he could mot have talked more freely of all that was of mu- tual interest, sidera That is ruled out. pathy or the sub-comsecious knowl edge in long extended conversa. n by that whieh explal is itself imerplicable. These are the facts duly noted at the mo- ment. It is one of a 100 cases, but taking it alone, I claim that|® Mr. Edison's 50-50 vanishes into smoke, and that my 100 per eent contention must hold the fleld so long as there is logle and sanity and clear perception in the world. SEAFORTH GIRL TELLER REMANDED FOR WEEK Goderich, Ont., Reb, 4 --Catharine (Kay) ) Kerr, Sn ae Mc of Seaforth, for. who was arrested He remarked upon a physical 'DEWLAND'S Twin Dollar Days Friday and Satu y on i . 14 charged with th theft of $11,000 from the Dominion idland, has been to G. L. Campbell, of Montreal, it is announced here. This is a rush job, and, motwith- standing the winter eather, has to be completed by April in a Nady haul grain at the opening of a DISAGREED ON SALARY New York, Feb, 21.--Dazsy Vance, the speedball king, is still at odds over the salary arrangements offer- ed by the Brooklyn Robins, despat- ches from Wilbert Robinson's ren- dezvous »t Dover Hall, Georgia, dis- close. It was reported Robb ie had made an offer of $18,500 to Fi Nazav to come to terms, Vance wants $20,000 per annum and a contract of two years' duration, according to un- official sources, For the first and Rayon Silk Ginghams 32" 59 60c quality. Goes on gna posi- tively for the Twin Dollar Days Only 3 yds. for $1 100 oy Patterns to Choose From. MAIN FLOOR last time this season | ues up to $2.50. On Sale A wonderful Selostion of ll all our New . ll ured Crepes, Rving Pi. ll $1.25 to $1.49, Co on | sale Twin Dollar Days Yard, .oovieneese has just arrived, pr we are still offering them, at that won. derful price, $7.50 walue, En. Children's Sweaters A range of Travellers' | Samples arrived just in [i time for our Twin Dollar Days Sale. Regular val- Fri ,and Sat, for, anch, vv. 91,00 "BASEMENT SHOPPE" I Another Big Sale Feature for $1.00 MAIN FLOOR Another Shipment of Silk Bedspreads $5.95 Dimities, all Colors, 38 ins, wide 5 yds. for $1.00 for Twin Dallas ar. Dag, white or colored, 3 Towels fora $1 You Will Want Bath Towels 39¢ Dress Crepes in all Colors, Regular $2.25 and $2.50 yard $1.98 5 Twin Dollar Days, 35" "White or Colored Flannelette Yards for .......... $1 00 $1.49 Huckaback Towels (Barber size.) 10 for $1.00 Pillow Cases, plain or hemstitched, 2 Pair for Splendid Quality Black Duchess Satin 36 inches wide, per yd. 98c¢ $ Combinations Sizes 36 to 40, Reg. $3.75 to Days, Suit, ..........., Ladies' Pure Wool 4.75, Twin Dollar $2.98 $1.00 Ladies' Rubber Aprons. Eac Lingerie Crepes, Plain and Figured 4 yds. for $1 Fingering All colors, ng Dollar D, 00 Pound, Sway Yarns 29¢ Childe 's Rubber Aptos, Each, sssrns 19¢ Best Quality Rubber Sheets, Each, Beautiful Silk Failles, all colors 36 ins. wide, yd. $1 69c Babies' Rubber Pasa; white or pink, heavy quality. Each, .. Many others too numerous to mention. REMNANTS! REMNANTS! REMNANTS! | Watch the Windows They Will Save You Dollars We never advertise merchandise un- less it's actually in our store, follow- ing our regular line of procedure, we are not able to advertise several out- standing values that won't arrive un- til tomorrow, WHITBY, s00s000) LL LLL] 19¢ 4 Phone 318 A Chamber of Commerce will do for the Oity what the individual would Mike to do A he knew how to start. Suppory the $12,500.00 Chamber of Commerce Fund and give i capital with which to work. Japanese Kimona Crepes, Blue, Rose, Black and Green with Gold Thread Patterns Dollar Day, per yard $1.00 MAIN FLOOR Special Twin Dollar Day Sale in Our Ready-to-Wear Department Second Floor All Dresses, Coats, Hats, including Spring Coats--All $1.00 less than regular price , Twin Dollar Days "TWO STORES OSHAWA, Phone 2595 PIE, srcsrsssesrsremriorion IL I $1.00 ys de TARAS S; Bis AR $1.00 56" wide, good pat- MN & terns, 1% yards for Chamoisette Gloves Domed Sin $1.25 line PLL LE TT ir $1.00

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