Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1928, p. 9

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IP ---------- 7 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1928 . Profitable Way of Purchasing Every Possible Need -- Undertaking NALD, BARRIS ten cae Samer and Rich JOHN BH. RENWICK. ORGANIST LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. Ambulance. Residence. IY Smecoe United Church, teacher of] East. plano, organ and sincing. Studie streets. Phone abd (108 ti» | 11 Conmaught weet Pg RANK § EBES BARRISTER Hv. Fa. 3M 2 $ oi. Notary Public, Conveyancer | MRS. J. W. JAMES {8 PREPARED {money to loan. Rom 2 Roval' Bank [to give vocal lessons to beginners 4 mcoe and 'Bond streets | 284 Festubert Ave., Phuae 15514. 1496 (121 mo) (Feb. 2-Mar. 2) NT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS | HERBERT C TRENEER IS PRE otaries Public. Ete. Con | pared to accept in piano, or and general praciee ou fan and vocal use. A {ite boakig meoe " . ir nt fan ol gts 68 Drew awa Phone 63 GD Cona : 'LLB.; AF Annis, BA. is Ww. 'LAIR, K.C., BANK of FAR (16 1 yr) EPH P MANGAN BABAR , Solicitor, Notarv Public. Con street east Phone 466. tf ARTHUR LYNDE. VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, ronto) pupils prepared for all exams we, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. North Phone 371) (1390t1) King st Ean pF Prone t, East, awa one R e phone 837. Insurance GRIERSON & CREIGHTON-BAR | DAVIS AND SON INSURANCE, Conveyaricers Notaries Pub | 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest ete. Office over Standard Bank | Fire Agency nn Oshawa 30 Re Simeoe St. Bhane 13 ion putable Fire Companies. (118th) : "| WHEN PLACING INSURANCE LA. SWANSON. GERMAN & MAC K Barristers, Conveyancers. Notary Public, etc All branches of minal and Civil Law Money to foan. Office over Lamhle's store. 2 King St. cast. Phone 940 A {i wanson, H. N. German, F. G ackenzie. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey ancer, money to loan Disney Bldg. ite Post Office Phones, office tion residence, 2239) (62H LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COM id Barristers Money to loan street Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe north. Phone 67, residence consult R. N lohns, 80 Simcoe north Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected (Oct 11 lyr) Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their meteor cars, or those desiring to refinance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 2 King St. B 1440 UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages Building loans arranged Bradley Bros Phone 169, 420 (96 tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission Building loans. Legal LE in work dene at this offer. A arkhill, Barrister isney I Medical Phone 1614 (176-tf) CO. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, =r TR Obstetrician, office and Building Supplies vesidence, 666 Simcoe street north Cor. Arlington. Phone 2116, (Feb.18-Mar; 18) DR. RE McMULLEN, PHYS! clan, surgeon, and, ohetetrician Of- home, 4F imeoe street Rg hone 25032. (1140) DPR. HAROLD W TRICK PHYSI clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Spe. elal reference to maternity work and diseases of women Two years post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N., (eor. Broek) phone 308, (119-tf) ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors--larye stock used timbers, joists, planks, sheeting various dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft, piping from % in. to 10 in, plumbing, struc tural steel, complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limited Salvage Department, Toronto, Ger- rard 4100, (Dec. 30-Mar 30 WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim FL Beecroft Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh awa, p 324. 169-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR: , Accoucher. Office and" resi- ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 9. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and -pesidence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1166. DR. B. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI elan and Surgeon, special attention ven to X-ray work and Electro , Ofhce, Disney Block. Phone $050. Officy open 9 a.m. to 9 p m. Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. (tf) Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business Dr. Dean, specialist, 40 Gerrard St. east, Toronto. (Feb.18-May 18) Ee aa A sme Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist .F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR eet West, Toronto, will be at his over Jury & Lovell's Drug ve each Saturday, from 1 till 4 for consultation and treatment diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments maye be made d store. Phone 97 (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specielist PRE" B ¥. RICHARDSON, IN- tornist and post graduate New York, over a years study on the Continent. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a m, 2¢to 4pm, 7to8 pm; , Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointment. (Feb. 21-Mar. 21) Dental . BR. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store. Simcoe St. South Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for es traction. Phone 231, res. 2082. (148t0 R 8 J PHILLIPS, DENTIST OF over Bassetts' Phone 950, Be one 306. : 41yr DR H M COOKE. 9 SIMCOE 87 over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas extraction. Phone 54 L E HUBBFIL. DENTIST irons oxtd nsygen gas for extrae tions. Office. Roya! Bank Bidg Phone 948, residence. 1378M 36-u WwW. H GIFFORD. OFFIUF 2 t Theatre Bldg Phone 1780 Residence 669. 66 tf : . Engineering and Surveying NEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR DONEY Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. Bradley Block Oshawa. Phone 1635. (1044f» Orchestra Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING, kalsomining and graining, in oil or water colours, Old floors grained like mew In quarter cut oak. All paints mixed on job with pure lead and oil, Let me give you an esti- mate, Bert Stewart, 31 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 247F. Late of Robert Simpson Company, (40d) R GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hanging, graining, etc. Twenty years' experience. Prices right Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street Phone 2067W. (45-tf) Be] Beauty Parlors MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina St, at Watson's Barber Shop, Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2653. (Feb, 13-Mar, 13) CECIL HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, 19 McLaughlin Blvd., phone 452). Marcelling, Facials, Superior Hair- cutting, Scalp Treatments, Onen evenings, (Feb, 7-Mar. 7) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESS- ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampoo- ing, and manicure. B51 Simeoe strcet north. Phone 918M for appointment. (Jan. 31-Feb. 29) Transportation COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age. 86 Bond St West. Phone 82 06 trucks for prompt service Moving van and storage warehouse age transferred to equipment B and from all bois i64 tf) Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY. VPTERINARIAN. Division Phone 210). Woodworking ------------------------------------------ C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. BE. Phone 2354). We speclailze fo storm sash, screens, cupboards dnors and frames. (nh EER Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHUP, 32 Elgin east. Mra. Aanle Peat- land, managing corsetiere. Even- ings by appointment. Phone 442J. (133th) Watch Repairing F. A. VON QUNTHEN: EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 4% King Street West. - Your t- fonage is solicited. (29-tf) Architects C. C STENHOUSE - GENERAL architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 Res. phone 909 Dressmaking 6 King street cast ALL KINDS OF DRESSMARING | done at reasonable prices. Apply | Phone 1347M. (10tf) 21 Rowe St., Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and storm windows put on and removed "hone 1303W. Batteries USL SALES AND SERVICE Car and Radio Hatteries recharg ed, rented, repaired Callen for and delivered, Adanac Garage and 'C.Cc.M. "HUMPHREY" BICYCLE, Real Estate for Sale Notice Re Classified Ads} . veneer house. 159 Agnes St. Dee Effective immediately in By clos mg time for classified ads 9.30 am Munday to Friday and 830 am Saturdav. Ads for Too Late to and Coming Events, up to 10.30 id dd i i i Bond St. W, evenings and 9. am (20-40) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK orated, electric fixtures, French doors, three piece bath. airsd for electric Raw, Sarqwaed garage, cement drive, deep lot. For price and terms apply 16 between 7 | Rates for Classified Ads. Chestnut trim and oak floors. Front sun parlor, First insertion--134 cents per word. ings after 7 p.m. (431) NEW SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale at 112 Frederick St, Being | occupied at present to keep house 'in good condition, Electric fixtures installed and range connected. Kitchen cup boards. Divided concrete cellar, (J; Laundry tubs in cellar, Five or ten | minutes walk from four corners, . Call at house or phone 2535 even } | I Minimum charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion le per word. Three consecutive inser eral Motors, on paved street, easy terms. Apply 276 Jarvis a (38 HOUSE FOR SALE; NEAR GEN. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cembe. Boz number 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per menth for 20 words or less: 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH house, sewing hall and attic, hard- : wood floors, chestnut trim down, conveniences, fireplace. utes from Motors, Must be seen 'to be appreciated. Apply 102 Wood street. (41-0) FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW FOR sale. Large lot, on paved street, i All conveniences, $3,000, Easy payments, Wm. D, Peebles, 9 , Bond St. BE, Phone 869, (41-0) REAL SNAP. NINE ROOM HOU'SE for sale, brick, two minutes walk FOR SALE---NEW SIX ROOMED i fir upstairs, built in cabinet, All Ten min- brick bungalow. Three piece bath, out, chestnut trim. Price $3,800, in good condition. Also two burn- er gas plate. street south. Phone 730M. (41-¢) phone 2437W. (42¢) Machine Shop, open evenings 181| SOR™ SALE GRAMOPHONE, ' ¢3 801 SALE w- a + $3,800 NEW 00) ICK King street west. Phone 1214. |davenport and other articles ot ss Big ALR, oy going (R11 furniture. Apply 228 Bruce Sty hardwood floors, all conveniences; Letween 7 and 9 p.m, or phone central, Private drive. Apply own. Work Wanted 464F. (420) gp 248 Albert St. Phone 2658W. PF. BOKO, 198 OLIVE AVENUE. | ONE DOLLAR DEPOSIT SE. | (+20 hauling gravel and sand. $1.75 a yard, Phone 2208. (Feb, 20-Mzr. 200 WOMAN WANTS WORK DY THF day. Box "D" Oshawa Dally Times, (43-b) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS chesterfields made to order Work manship guaranteed. G A Con viable 74 Mechanic St Phone (72th) Help Wanted--Female WANTED «- STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced Quick at dic- tation, Apply Pedlar People Ltd, (49h) MAID WANTED, SLEEP OUT. Mrs, D. A, Valleau, 91 King St, E. ( 43d) COOK, REFER- Apply Mss Chas, (42d) WANTED--A ences required, Robson, 387 Simcoe St, 8 cures a 97 plece dinner set, prices FOUR RCOM BRICK VENEER rom $25 complete; also silverware houss $2,500, $200 ¢ sh £25 per wateles and rings, jewelry of all month. Apply owner P. Bolo, 19% kinds. Pasy payments. O. H Olive Ave. Phone 2298. (4210) Dell, 26% Simcoe south, Phone - 1656. (Feb. 14-Mar, 14) TWO STOREY HOUSE AND BIG lot for sale, House not completed, FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW Cheap for quick sale, For parti- laid egas in any quantity. Delivered culars, call corner house Perk Rd, anywhere in city. Phone 89. and Bloor St. W. Phone av, (Jan, 30-1mo) ! io >t di x AE FOR SALE--HOUSE AND LOT, APPLILS! SPIES, SWEETR, ' Baldwins, ete. Also potatoes and ©8¢t of Wilson Road in Kast Whit. vegetables. Sold by peek, bushel PY Townshp, must be sold to wind or barrel. Delivered. F. Shaw, UP estate. Further particulars may "be obtained from Messrs. T. B. Mitchell, Willlam Morgan or from their Solicitor, Joseph PI. Mangan, HOT WATER HEATING PLANT'14% King Street Kast, Oshawa, for sale Good condition Low price Phone 445, (85-57-30-41-43) This plant was used to heat the 3 Cla 'RE Mundy Block, ahout 10000 square FARM YOR SALE. 1 ACRES feet of floor space, before new addi- fo o® Ni own Iv H AR : tion was erccted It should be just For pastich a spp N. AWN, the thing for a glort or apartment : Fudd 4 block. Apply C M. Mundy, Oshawa . Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106 tf), Room and Board Phone 631, (Jan. 24-Feb, 24) 84 Park Rd. 8, Pets and Livestock BABY CHICKS FROM BRED-TO- lay white leghorns of 300 egg strain. Order some of these husky electrically hatched chicks now Phone 723r21. (Feb. 11-Mar. 11) = RRR Ser TTS Help Wanted--Male WANTED--CHEF AT ONCE AT Olympia Cafe, Bowmanville, Steady position, good wages to right party. Apply at once," (43tf) SALESMEN WANTED FOR OSH- awa's finest rea] estate sub-divi- sion, Liberal commission, for first class, industrious full time men. Phone 2770. (40tr) WANTED--DRIVER FOR DU- very truck, with experience, Must know eity., Apply E. P. Cawker, 46 Simeoe Bt. N. (43h) Situation Wanted SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST class butcher with nine years' ex- perience in groceries and fruits. Good window dresser, capable of managing store, Apply cn PLN 3a) Specialist Siseasts "y lie amals. Oshawa Daily Times, at and it asson 52 nr 5. (56-46) Agents Wanted C. S$ DICKENSON, VS DISEASES | FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Domimon Government Veterinary 34 Brock St. E Phone 105). (131 tf) Insurance wanted to represent Strong Tariff Fire Co. Preference given to men now writing Life Insurance. Ap- ply with references and full par- ticulars. Confidential. Box "U" Oshawa Daily Times. (43-c) C. E. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- lin Blvd., Oshawa, District' Repre- sentative for the Great West Life Assurance Company of Canada . (Feb. 1-1yr) Machinery Repairing ADANAC GARAGE AND MACB INE Shop, successor to Durrant Machine Company! All xinds of machisery repairing, cracked mo tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded. Conpecting rods rebabitted, Fly wheel start ing teeth installed. 161 King St W. Phone 1214. (840) REGENT DANCE ORCHESTRA, music for all occasions. Phone J. Watson, 2334M, or G.. Rey ao'ds, 693. (Jan 23-Feb.22» Fiano Tuning PIANO: TUNING AND REPAIR- . Brown, Phone 1132M. ng Mr (Jan. 28-1 mo.) Cleaning and Pressing IF IT'S A SOILED SUIT OR Dress have it cleaned at the Uni- versal Cleaners and Dyers. with Lost end Found LADY'S AUTO BKATES A AND BOARD FOR TWO sale, size 6, Nearly new. 370.59" gentlemen, Phone 774W. (41-c) (42¢ Phone 1488), " a BOARDERS AND ROOMERS FOR SALE--GAS STOVL, FouR | BOARS Also extra meals given an plates, excellent oven, Price $15.1 4 2 meals at 11.30, Apply 87 Colborne Phone 339M, Apply 62 Division Bt. |g FE (Jan. 30-Mar., 2) (42¢) | 2L Boarders Wanted TWO TABLE BOARDERS WANT- ed, close to G, M. C, Phone 1367J, (41-c) For Rent TWO NICE ROOMS TO RENT FOR light housekeeping, partly furnish- ed. Apply 220 Clarke St. (43c) TO RENT---FURNISHED BED- room suitable for two gentlemen, breakfast if desired, Apply 147, young couple, two small unfur- Oshawa Boulevard, Near Motors. nished housekeeping rooms, pri- d (43c) |vate house preferred. Box "N" Osh- i mes, (43b HOUSE TO RENT, NO SCHOO)» Dally Ti ) children. Apply 71 Gibbs 8t.,, or WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR phone 299W, (43c) three furnished rooms for lizht 'h keeping, No children, Box "N" TO RENT--PART OF RESIDENCE | 0ghawa Daily 7imes, (43¢) centrally located to quiet ple. N» children, For particulars apply P.O. WANTED TO RENT--FOUR UN- Box 234, Oshawa. (33th) furnished rooms in vicinity of El- gin or Aberdeen streets, Use of 350 ACRE FARM FOR RENT conveniences and must be warm near Bowmanville. Give particu- Will pay thirty or thirty-five dol- lars of equipment and experience. lars. Apply Box "C" Oshawa Apply by letter to Box "K" Usn-/ Daily Times. (43-b) [ , 1) 1 d ava Daly Times 1) | USEKEEPING ROOMS WANT- Wanted to Rent WANTED--MARCH 17TH - BY 4TO RENT--DOUBLE ROOM, SUIT ed by married couple. Near Mo- '|two chums. All conveniences. Cen- tors. Box "J" Oshawa Dally Times, tral * | 3 tally located. Apply 185 Arthur | ANTED ROOMS IN PRIVATE family, by two busicess women. ROOM TO RENT, SUIT TWO |Box "W" Osbaws Dally Times, gentlemen. Close to G.M.C. Apply' (43-b) ] --a---- 292 French Bi: (42¢) | STANTED TO RENT BY APEIL TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS | 1st, small house. Phone 3377W. for rent. Reasomable rates. Apply (43-2) 623 Christie Ave, A | TREE BE. LOST--BROWN FERRET ON Saturday. Finder phone 1714M. Reward. (42¢) LOST--BEADED PURSE CON- taining wrist watch and other ar- ticles between Burk and Gibbs Sts., and Gladstone Ave. Reward. Phone 20397. (43¢) FOUND--TUESDAY NIGHT, SUM of money, in downtown district. Owner may have same by describ- ing purse, and proving property at 168 William St. E. (42b) LOST--GENTLEMAN'S RAIL- road standard gold watch, between corner Park Bd. S., and Bloor St. to Simeoe. Phone 690). 729 Cedar street. Reward. (4341) LOST--GOLD RIMMED GLASSES in black leather case, Saturday confidence. Repairing and altera |npoon, between Gepera Motors and tions done by expert tailors. Prompt service. Telephone 509. ; (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) Westmount. Reward. Mr. M. Dick, 246 Joby street West. Phone 1316W, : (43D) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT |room in private family, situated Apply 21 Mary St. 42h) Bear High School. Rolorences it - uired. Apply Box "8" wa FOR RENT UNFURNISHED Dei timer"? Pox "8" Ostens bathroom flat, two rooms, 57 | === nt Buckingham avenue. (43-b) Notice SIX EB USE TO RENT. or commen ing. St Ww. |"WILL MR. WILLIAM DEVON- Phone 160. 'ald, formerly of Burton street, Oshawa, or anyone knowing of his NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM | present whereabouts, commupicate for remt, suitable for two gentle- | With the Estate Service Bureau, ment, Breakfast if desired. Ap- 85 Richmond street west, Toron- ply 31 King street east. Apt. 2. to?" (41-¢) dia Ro i Board W, ted THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rest for light housekeeping. All ROOM AND BOARD WANTED IN couvenlences, to carpio] Le refined home for young English- out « rem. pply 0" man ang Laughlin Bivd. 3-b) pus. Apyy Boy 2 Oshawa Dally TELEPHONE 3% from Motors, Garage. Five thou- Ask for Classified Ad Depart: sand, Three hundred. Easy ment, J terms. Wnr. D, Peebles, 9 Bond ee -- ina .'f§ St. E, Phone 869. (41-c) Articles For Sale [FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM RUG furnace, hardwood floors, through- with $600 down, Balance as rent. Apply 666 Simcoe \pply K, MeKay, Wilson Road or e) Mr, Motor Cars EI -- ADVERTISER HAS EQUITY ON new or used Chevrolets and will sell same at liberal discount. Phone 1941F evenings. (42¢) 1927 CHEVROLET CAR FOR 'sale in good condition. Phone 803M, (420) Wanted to Buy MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals sap varie, So Gv dng poly Residence 99 Mill street. (111th) WANTED TO BUY-- MODERN five or six roomed house. $150 cash ment. Apply Box "R" Osh. awa ly Times. (43h) SINCLAR AND PREMIER BATTLE (Continued from page 4) said the member for Russell, "has been for political purposes," The Government, sald he, was to be commended for introducing its bill, throwing open the doors for an inquiry as wide as possible, But why bombard the Liberal! Leader at this time in the House? The | committee might be the place for the Premier to drop his barrage, but his tactics in the House were [ "a little unfair," "It is unfair," | sald he, "for the Leader of the Gov- ernment to anticipate any refusal jon the part of any member of the ' House," Mr. Ferguson interjected the re- mark that it had to be proved that "the alleged ballots are ballots." The second reading was propos ed by the Speaker and carried. The House went into committee to eon- sider the measure further, and came to a clause providing that no a] TIME TABLES CNR TIME TABLE (X) wndicates W terme: time tables (Etec Mav 1) Lastbouna | ramns 38 Satay except Sunday, 38 am. Sunday -miv 9.5% a.m ~ bay L13 pm. ~Daily except dunday, om. ~Daily except Sunday, om. Daily except Sunday, HE vo Saturda; 130 a.m hay. --_ «1225 a.m.~Daily, Traine 4.4 a.m. ~laily. ° is a.m.~baily, Sta 4 am lly excep Hi le What Price do| «:;:>5: : 458 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 2.22 p.m.-- Daily except Sunday, 814 pm. v You Want to | ime we ily. 845 pm. --~Daily except Sunday, Pay? | $350 Sw. 8 Saas A Buys 1925 Chevrolet $375 Coupe, five balloon CPR. TIME FABLE Eastbound Trains 10.07 a.m. Daily. BE EH eee un pm. ~ Daily it Si I. 1.10 Dk I, ep ay 1209 a.m.~Daily. Westbound Trains / 45 a.m. ; tires. ia pr except Sunday, C a.m,~dunday only. $ 400 Buys 1925 Chevrolet [ 4 sm = huis escent Sunda, Coach, driven small Rha i 7.34 p.m.~Daily except Sundav, one be immune from giving evi- dence on any grounds, and that subpoenas could be issued for any witness, Thumbscrews and Stake Mr. Sinclair was on his feet again, declaring "the thumbscrews and the stake are to be applied to every person, No one is to be ex- used from giving evidence, 1T see the cunning work of the Govern. ment's draftsmen----after the tirade Just delivered." Col. Price explained that the | amendment was not drafted on any | | Instructions from the Prime M'n- | Ister or himself, "We knew noth. ing of it," he stated, "It was draft. ed by the Chief Elect'on Officer." Sinclalr--~There is nothing on which I ean give evidence, and I don't intend that any committee is going to make a fool ont of me. I am not-op trial, though the Pre- mier is trying to assert that I am {the one to be tried, If I had want. 'ed to play party polities I womd have allowed a year to elapse--the ! ballots to be destroved-----and then I'd have got up and produced tie nineteen ballots, Instead, I wrote the only official I eonld write, He could, seid he, {illustrate his remarks with his file of correspon- dence, Unfortunately that file was at his hotel. "I hone." he added, "that none of you fellows get in and get It," ( 'You'd rather make a monkey out of the committee," sald the Premier, sotto voice, Then the House in Committee milage, L) $ 425 Buys 1925 Star Sedan. Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville See this one. BUS LINE $45 Buys 1925 Chevrolet WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Sedan, extra good mo- Going West tor. Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Bawlan, Sshava Whitty Hospital 43 aan, JS a.m, 25 a.m, $475 Bove 1925 Dodge Jam 10a EB m 3 15am. 11.00am. 1120 am, fowring, five good | MMBam. Ulam HOam oO pm, tires, i p.m, 30 p.m, 2.20 p.m. p.m. ow p.m. 3.20 p.m, $500 Buys 1925 Oakland *410pm. 45pm 4.35pm, 4.20 p.m, 5.10 pm, 5.30 p.m, Coach, disc wheels, $0pm %1S pm. EVpm 64 nm, . 00 p.m, 40 p.m, LU p.m, $52 Buys '26 Essex Coach, | "8.35pm. » 10 p.m. 2 x p.m, 9.40 pm, nm. 30 p.m, new tires, 00pm 11L0pm. 11.50 p.m, $550 Buys 1927 Chevrolet Gomg East Leave Leave Leave Arrive Coach, Hospital Wildy ~~ Othawe Bowmen Yam, U a QU ¢. Buys 1927 Chevrolet 70am Slam Bam Sedan. 8am 9.30 a.m, 10.05 a.m, M tae i" it him ua a.m, ". gs [THT 134 p.m, 0 3 13 pom 9 pom, A .m, ary others to suit your purce EL 1p Bl 18 3.45 p.m Are. 4.00 p.m, ° 1%pm : i a 1 p.m, Spm, - ,40 p.m. .05 p.m. 6.40 p.m, i bY: M t * latanm Tam ihm 8.00 Ontario Moto [uit wads i=in pm 50pm 10.10 pm. 10.45 p.m, 1.00 pom 1H pm 12.00 Sales Ltd. 99 Simcoe Strest 8, O:ihawa Dundas Strest West, Whitby lime marked * are tniough busses Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Give West Leave ave Arri i --------.--- " + | Bowraunville Jahawa Whithy 10.00 a.m. WAU am, HW am, --_-- 12.25 p.m, LC pom, Lm, 0 h L 24.35 pin. 3.06 p.m, 3 nm, 4.20 y 4 shawa Luggage | .o.. wim fw YOUR IMIIAL vREE pb AEE Am Opn Suit Case or Club Bag 4 Saywell & Son rr y Leave Leave Arrive : Whitby Oshawa Bowman lj BOND ST. WESI Ham Dem Tam L¥ pm, 1.45 p.m, 2.20 p.m, 3 por, Am 3.45 pm, ---- AC ------ 4.4 pom. 5.0L p.m, 5.3 p.m, 2.43 p.m, 7.00 p.m, 7.3 p.m, 8.45 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 9.35 p.m, 10.4> p.m, 1.10 p.m. 11.45 p.m Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Kates ang Larelul Orivery T. A. GAKION. PROPRIETOR Bowmanville--FPhone 412 3 Oshawa Waiting Kaom 18 Prince Street gs 2283 ales AB Suncoe mi, Nut passed the bill clause by el It was reported, given third reading. Mr. Ferguson announced that the Lieutenant-Governor was ex- pected at 4.30 p.m, And then other business was, called and the House was calm and peaceful once again. HEROINE OF WAR PASSES IN FRANCE London, Feb, 20.----Miss Mary Davies, the Welsh bacteriologist, who, while at the American Hospi tal at Neuilly, Inoculated herself with gas gangrene germs And thns made possible a successful test of a remedy found by a doctor, has died at Cannes, Miss Davies was a daughter of Sir R. H, Davies, While acting as a nurse in the Tire Repairing WANTED--+ROOM AND BOARD, first class, with private family pre- ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING American Hospital in 1915, Miss Davies was under Dr, Taylor, bac- teriologist of the Imperial Cancer Research Committee, Dr, Taylor bad been experimenting with suipea pigs on a preparation for the cure of gas gangrene, [rom which thousands of soldiers died in the early years of the war, hut was unable to secure sn unCIm- od of the remedy on human be- ngs. Without seying 2 word to any one, Miss Davies took a room nesr the hospital, sent for Dr. Taylor, told him that she had injected into berself some culture in order to iT i } g ht iE . I I : i i i i ferred. Central location for down- at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale town business girl. Box "E Osh- Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 (if) awa Daily Times. (43d)* [EVERYTHING GOING AT HALF PRICE AT THE Leader Dry Goods Store It's the Talk of the Town! For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28 SIMCOE 8, PHONE 889 Cash or Terms rr -- o Repair Anything Ronght ||| SS-------- li 4g Be Light House Overalls $1 98 BASSETTS Shy rrrseseirecrerin ' JEWELLERS | Co lis &2 Sons On Oshawa's Main Corner 50-564 King St. W. Phone 733W Opp. Centre St, TI. Your choice of 8 Cheyrotet Copehes Latest models--Very reasonably priced, Chadburn Motor Co, HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR ® Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 Balls missed or fumbled, Jt may | SS ------------------------ 257 Disney Block Upyosts TINSMITHING & Jones Disney Block uUpposite Post Office Gurney Furnaces Insiaiied Esvetroughing Roofing Glazing 766 Simcoe Street Somth Phone 1820) EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ON MOTOR CARS We will loap you monies OB your motor ear. or if you CAD pot meet your pres-u' payments we will pay of the c.aime and renew youu payments for apy term to twelve months and mn Felt Bros The LEADING JEWELFRS |, Bmablishea 1820 i your r Ree Swan ou a man & Mcohioazie, 2 Mon street east. Puone 944 45-metre wave-lengthe, 12 Simcoe St. South |; ) ae-------- TE -- --a-- EAE" mem

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