Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Feb 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1928 2AGE NINE A Profitable Way of Purchasing Every Possible Need Legal Music BRED C MacDONAI D. BARRIS "111 Simcoe and Rich * EBBS. BARRISTER lic, ( onveyancer wom 2. Roval Bauk Bond streets (121 mo) & ANNIS, BARRISTERS Notaries Public Etc. Con and Asngral practice of ? Simcoe St south wa Phone 63 G. D Conant LLB; AF Amnis. BA. LLB (38th JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST Smeoe linited Church, teacher of plano, organ and singing. Studie 11 Connaught street. Phone 2000W, (Feb. 3-Mar. 3) MRS. J. W. JAMES IS PREPARED to give vocal lessons. to beginners 28+ Festubert Ave., Phuae 1551J. (Feb. 2-Mar. 2) HERBERT C TRENZER 1S PRE pared to accept pupils in piano, or gan and vocal music. A free 'bookle givin ~) full particulars will he fur nished upon request. 68 Drew street east Phone 466. ARTHUR LYNDE VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. North Phone 371) (12911) Insurance | ---- W. E N SINCLAIR. KC. BANK of Commerce Building (116 1 vr) JOSEPH P MANGAN BA.-BAR Solicitor, Notarv Public. Con Sy to loan. Office a . East. Oshawa Phone phone 837 GRIERSON & CREIGHTON-BAR visters, Conveyancers Notaries Pub lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank trance Simcoe St Phone 13 | rierson. BA. T K Creighton. SWANSON, GERMAN & MAC Ken Barristers. Conveyancers Notary Public, etc All branches of Criminal and Civil Law Money to loan. Office over Lamble's store 2 St, east. Phone 940 D wanson, H. N German, F G ackenzie 'PARKHILL, BARRISTER . Notary Public, Convev money to loan Disney Bldg Phones. office (621) com LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND ny, Barristers Money to loan er .Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street morth, Phone 67, residence 1397TW. nr Medical DR, C. W CARR, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence, 656 Simcoe stivet north Cor. Arlington. Phone 2115, ; (Feb.18-Mar, 18) on R. E. McMULLEN. PHYSI n, fice and home, surgeon, and obstetrician Of south. Phone 456 Simcoe strest 2602. tn DR. HAROLD W TRICK PHYS! clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Spe. clal reference to maternity work and diseases of women Two years post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor, Brock) phone 303. (119th) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher. Office and resi nce, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94 DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1156. DR. B. J] HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI cian and Surgeon, special attention iven to X-ray work and Electro eopy. Ofhice, Disncy Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am to 9 p m. Residence 161 King East Phone 2416. (tf) Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business Dr. Dean, specialist, 40 Gerrard St. east, Toronto, (Feb. 18- May 1 18) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments maye be made at d store. Phone 97 (49 tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat : Specialist PH, B. ¥. RICHARDSON, IN- terpist and post graduate New York, over a years study on the Continent. Office over Mitchell's Prug Btore; hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2to 4pm, 7to8 pm; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointment. (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) DAVIS AND SON INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency m Qshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies. (18 tf) WHEN PLACING: INSURANt E consult R. N Johns. 80 Simcoe north Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected (Oct 11 lyr) Money to Loan PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their meter cars, or those desiring to refinance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 2 King St. B 144an UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages Building loans arranged Bradley Bros Phone 169. 420 (96 tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission Building loans Lega! work done at this office. A ) Parkhill, Barrister Disnev Bldg Phone 1614 (176-6) Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors--lar:. stock used timbers, joists, planks. sheeting various . dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft., piping from % in. to 10 In., plumbing, struc tural steel. complete hot water and steam heating units. Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limiteu Salvage Department, Toronto, Ger- rard 4100, (Dec. 30-Mar '30 WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber lath, shingles, sash. doors and interior trim Beoeroft Whithy, lumber and woondyard, Osh awa, phone 324 169-11) Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING, kalsomining and graining, in oil or water colours, Old floors grained like new in quarter cut oak, All paints mixed on job with pure lead agd oil, Let me give you an esti- mate, Bert Stewart, 31 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 247F. Late of Robert Simpson Cempany. (40d) R GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hanging, graining, ete. Twenty vears' experience Prices right Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street Phone 2067W. (45-tf) Beauty Parlors MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina St,, at Watson's Barber Shop, Water waves, mani- cures, marcelling. Phone 2653. (Feb, 13-Mar. 13) CECIL HOWARD BEAUTY SHOP, 19 McLaughlin Blvd.,, phone 452). Marcelling, Facials, Superior Hair- cutting, Scalp Treatments. Onen evenings. (Feb, 7-Mar. 7) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESS- ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampno- ing, and manicure. 551 Simcoe strcet north, Phone 918M for appointment, (Jan. 31-Feb. 29) Transportation COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age. 86 Bond St West. Phone 82 6 trucks for prompt service Moving van and storage warehouse equipment Baggage transferred to and from all trains (64 tf) Dental , .R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for ex- traction. Phone 231, res. 2082. (148tn DRS J) PHILLIPS, DENTIST. OF fice over Bassetts' Phone 950. Residence 306. : 41yr DR H M COOKE. Y SIMCOE ST nort over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas Phone 54 DR L E HUBBFLL. DENTIST Nisrows oxid nxygen gas for extrae tions.' Office, Royal Bank Bldg Phone 948, residence, 1378M 36-1 DR .W. H GIFFORD. OFFICE ET Theatre Bldg Phone 1780 Residence 689 ; 66 tf Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR jo Land Surveyors and Civil Fngin gers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. Bradley Block Oshawa. Phone 1635. / (1026 Orchestra extraction. Veterinary Surgeon DR SHIRLEY, VFTERINARIAN Specialist diseases domestic animals .at and Dog Hospital 503 Masson St. Phone 629. C. S DICKENSON, VS DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion ~~ Government Yterinary 34 Brock St, E Phone | : (131 tf) Insurance C. E. HEPBURN, 64 McLAUGH- tin Blvd,, Oshawa, District Repre- sentative for the Great West Life Assurance Company of Canad {awa's finest real (56-tf) |' LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST Residence, 1 East. lance. Division St. 69 King street cast Phone 210). Woodworking C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. B Phone 2354). We speciaiize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors and frames. (nt Ea iA li AS UU OP L Notice Re Classified Ads] -- 5 Effective 'mmediately clos mg time for classified ads 9.30 am Monday to Friday and 8.30 am Saturday. ko Ads for Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received up to 10.30 am. Corsetiere SPIRELLA SHOP, CORSETIERE ti132 Elgin east. Mrs. Annie Pent- land. managing corsetiere. Even- ings by appointment. Phone 442J (133th) Watch Repairing Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--11§ cents per word. F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44); King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited (29 tf) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE - GENERAL architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 Res phone 99) Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St.. Phone 1347TM. (19th) Tire Repairing AL! KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRINI, at Ideal lire Shop. Tires for sale Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 (tH Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~-House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and storm windows put on and removed "hone 1302W. Batteries SALES AND SEuVICk 'ar and Radio Haitertes recharg ed, rented, repaired Callea for ind delivered. 'Adanac Garage and Machine Shop, open evenings 161 King street west, Phone 1214 (Rr 1.8 LL. Work Wanted Pp. P BOKO, 198 OLIVE AVENUE, hauling gravel and sand. $1.75 a yard, Phone 2298, (Feb. 20-Mar, 20) UPHOLSIEFRING OF ALI KINDS chester hields made to order Work manship guaranteed G A Cin stable, 74 Mechanic St Phone 15957 172.410) Wanted to Buy MR S IALOB. DEAL ER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals Ras scrap batteries, old cars and goultey 3oo1s called for. Phone NHEOM Residence 99 Mill street. (111th, Pets and Livestock BABY CHICKS FROM BRED-TO- lay white leghorns of 300 egg strain. Order some of these husky electrically hatched chicks now Phone 723r21. (Feb. 11-Mar, 11) Wanted to Rent EXPERIENCED FARMER WANTS a farm to rent or on shares with stock and implements, Apply to L Burgoyne, 107 Eldon Ave, (40c) Help Wanted--Male WANTED FOR OSH estate sub-divi- sion, Liberal commission, for first class, industrious full time men Phone 2770. (40tf) " Board Wanted SALESMEN | street south, | kinds, Mini charge--30c. Each wulseagent ingertion lc per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10¢ additional Pi or Busi Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less: 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment. Real Estate for Sale BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. Choice location, north end. Close to G.M.C. Phone 2173W, (40¢c) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK veneer house. 159 Agnes St. Dec orated, furnace, electric fixtures, French doors, three piece bath, wired for electric stove, hardwood floors, garage, cement drive, deep lot. For price and terms apply 16 Bond St. W, evenings between 7 and 9. (20-tf) HOUSE FOR SALE; NEAR GEN- eral Motors, on paved street, easy terms. Apply 276 Jarvis street. (38-1) REALTY CO. Phone 2746 19 Prince St. 7 room brick veneer, oak floors, . cabinets, closets, gas and electric. 'Open fire place, stationary tubs in | basement. Double garage, a fine home. Very central. 5 minutes | trom General Motors, $5,500. Mod- erate terms. 6 room veneer brick, Oak floors, | chestnut trim, clothes closets, cup- hoards, fire place,, attic. Central. | Good locality. $4,900. 5 room frame, hardwood floors, electric, furnace, Garage, Good con- | dition. $2,900. Easy terms, BOWN (40c) 'VALUABLE CORNER LOT, AMERICAN ENVOY'S SHANGHAI VISIT AROUSES INTEREST Nationalists Anticipate the Statement of U.S. Policy on Treaty Question DINNER SPEAKER Three Ministers of Pacific Powers to Meet at Shanghai Shanghai, Feb, 20.--~The com- ing visit of John Van A, MacMur- ray, the American Minister to China, 'to Shanghal and other points within Nationalist territory is awaited with great Interest and connotes important political moves. Mr, MacMurray will be the fifth minister of a foreign power to visit South China this month, showing a shift in diplomatic interest from Peking southward. * Chinese and foreigners alike at- large house and garage for sale, Ritson road and King street. Hard- wood floors, hot water heating, jthree sets of French doors, Apply 'owner, 282 King St. B. (410) | 'FOR SALE--NEW SIX ROOWRD | house, sewing hall and attic, hard- wood floors, chestnut trim down, fir upstairs, built in cabinet. All i a Articles For Sale FOR SALE-- COMPLETE new radio parts, less sacricice, Puone 2173W, D TUB STAND FOR 44 MclLauzalin WGER AN Good as new, wlth sale, Blvd. C.C.M. "HUMPHREY" BICYCLE, in good condition. Also two burn er gas plate. Apply 666 Simcoe Phone 730M, (41-c) ONE DOLLAR DIEPOSIT SE- cures a 97 piece dinner sot, prices from $25 complete; also silveiware watcies and rings, jewelry of all Fasy payments, O. H 26145 Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (Feb, 14-Mar, 14) FOR SALE STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity. Delivered anywhere in city, Phone 890. (Jan. 30 Imo) Dell, APPLES! Baldwins, vegeiables. or barrel. 34 Park Rd. SPIES, SWEETS ete. Also potatoes und Sold by peck, bushel Delivered. F. Shaw, S. Phone 631. (Jan. 24-Feb, 24) (40¢) ' --= conveniences, fireplace. Ten min- utes from Motors. Must be seen 'to be appreciated, Apply 102 {Wood street. (41-0) 'FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW FOR anle, Targe lot, on paved street. | All conven'ences, $2000 Easv nayvments Wm D. Peebles. 9 Bond St. Phone 869. (41-¢) AP, NINE ROOM HOV'SE brick, two minnrtes walk from Motors, Carne. Five thon- sand, Three hundred. Eacv terms. Wp. D. Peebles, 9 Bond St. E. Phone 869. (41-c) E. REAL SN for s-le, | FOR SAVE FIV] ROOM RUG brick bungalow. Three piece bath furnare, hardwood flonrs, throurh- out, chesnut trim Price $2.800,° with $500 down. Bnlance as rent, Apply K. McKay, Wilson Road or phone 2437W, (42¢) $3,800 NEW 5 ROOM EF BRICK buncolow, Chestnut and fir trim, hardwood floors, all conveniences. Central, Private dr.ve. Apply own- er, 248 Albert St. Phone 26538W, +2f) BRICK VENEER $200 cish $25 per Boko, 198% (421) | FOUR 'R ROOM house $2,500, month. 'Apply owner P. Olive Ave. Phone 2298. HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale his plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10000 square fect of floor space. before new addi- tion was erected It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C M Mundy. Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106 tf) LADY'S AUTO SKATES FOR sale, size 5. Nearly new. $5.50 Phone 1488J, (42¢) FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, FOUR plates, excellent oven. Price $15. (42c) For Rent Phone 339M, Apply 62 Division St, | Room and Board Good condition Low price ' ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Phone 774W. (41-¢) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Also extra meals given and meals at 11.30, Apply 97 Colborne i St E. (Jan. 30-Mar, 2) ROOM AND EXCELLENT BOARD, Moderate rates. Apply 114 Agnes St. Phone 1222M. (42a) Boarders Wanted 'TWO TABLE BOARDERS WANT- jed, close to G. M, C, Phone 1367), (41-¢) TO RENT--PART OF RESIDENCE children. For particulars apply P.O Jox 234, Oshawa. (33th) | FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH ed rooms, heated, 5 minutes walk from G.M.C. 354 Leslie St, (40c) COMFORTABLE BOARD WANT- ed, Near G.M.C. Box "L" Oshawa Daily Times, )40c) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, Heat, light and water, 217 Huron St. (40c) Motor Cars ADVERTISER HAS EQUITY ON new or used Chevrolets and will sell same at liberal discount, Phone 1941F evenings, (42¢) 1927 CHEVROLET CAR FOR sale in good condition. Phone 802M. (42b) Help Wanted--Female WANTED STENOGRAPHER Must be experienced, Quick at dic- tation. Apply Pedlar People Ltd. (42b) WANTED--A COOK. REFER- ences required. Apply Mrs Chas. Robson, 387 Simcoe St. S. (42d) Lost end Found (Feb. 1-1yr) Machinery Repairing ADANAC GARAGE AND MACH INE shop, suceessor to Durrant Machine Company! All kinds of machinery repairing, cracked mo tor blocks and most anything Oxy-acetylene welded. Connecting rods rebabitted. Fly wheel start- ing teeth installed. 161 King St W. Phone 1214. (81) REGENT DANCE ORCHESTRA, music for all occasions. Phone J. Watson, 2334M, or G.. Rey: nolds, 653. (Jan. 23-Feb.22) 'Piano Tun'ng PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR- ing. Mr. Brown, Phone 1132M. (Jan. 28-1 mo.) : Cleaning and Pressing LOST--BROWN FERRET ON Saturday, Finder phone 1714M. Reward, (42¢) LOST--LADY'S GOLD WRIST Watch, Saturday, initialled M, V. F. Valued as keepsake. Return of same to 226 James St, would be ap- preclated. Reward. PART OF HOUSE TO RENT-- downstairs, furnished. All conveni- ences. Apply 277 Albert Street, (402) FUE- FOR RENT--BEDROOM, nished, for two friends. Priva'e home. 195 Albert si, (40¢) FARM AND HOUSE FOR RENT. --Martin, Thornton's Coruers, op posite Union Cemetery. Possession at once. Apply 163 Colborne St. E. (40c) 350 ACRE FARM FOR RENT near Bowmanville. Give partieu- lars of equipment and experience. Apply by letter to Box "K" Usn-| awa Daily Times. (41-1) TO RENT--DOUBLE ROOM, SUIT! two chums. All conveniences. Cen-| trally located. Apply 185 Arthur street. (41-¢) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent. Close to G.M.C. 70 Elgin St. E. Phone 2088, (42a) TWO ROOMS TO RENT FOR light housekeeping, to careful couple. Apply 635 Somerville avenue. (41-b) FOUND--TUESDAY NIGHT, SUM of money, in downtown Jistrict. Owner may have same by deseribh- ing purse, and proving property at 168 William St. E. (42h) SIX ROOM HOUSE TO RENT. Hot water heating, good attie, on Simcoe Street south. Apply 430 Simeoe street south, or phone 1240 or 23307. (41-b) Notice IF ITS A SOILED SUIT OR Dress have ft cleaned at the Uni- versal Cleaners and Dyers, with confidence. Repairing and altera- tions . done by expert tailors. Prompt service. Telephone 509. (Feb. 4-Mar. 4) "WILL, MR. WILLIAM DEVON- ald, formerly of Burton street, Oshawa, or anyone knowing of his present whereabouts, communicate with the Estate Service Bureau, 85 Richmond street west, Toron- to?" (il-¢c) | TWO ROOM TO RENT. SUIT TWO gentlemen. Close to G.M.C. Apply 293 French St. (42¢) UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Reasonable rates. Apply 623 Christie Ave, (42¢) 'Apply 21 Mary St. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. (42D), centrally located to quiet couple, No | 'ings Bank. TITULESCU MAY VISIT STRESEMANN Hungerian Minister May Be! Intermediary in Rhine- land Problem Paris, Feb, 19, -- After a leng- thy stay in Paris, during which 'he has conferred frequently with Foreign Minister Briand and pos- sibly less ostentatiously with French financial experts, Foreign Minister Titulescu of Rumania de- ! parted last night for the Riviera, where he will rest before going to Geneva for the next meeting of the League of Nations Council. It was learned, however, that the | Rumanian minister expected to see Foreign Minister Stresemann, who is now at Cannes, and that in all probability he will seek such an interview early next week. DETROIT BANK PRESIDENT DIES FROM HEART ATTACK i Detroit, Feb. 19. -- John W. Staley, 56 years old, President of ithe People's Wayne County Bank, ied at his home Harvard Road, Grosse Pointe Village this after- noon of a heart attack. Mr, Stal- ey recently took a brief vacation to rest from the overwork in con- nection with merger arrange- ments of People's State Bank and Wayne County and Home Sav- The merger became effective only yesterday. He re- turned last week somewhat re- ifreshed but told friends that he had not fully recovered his strength, The liver iudulges in strikes, Of the nature.of cost!y diseases, 'Ganst the rich main who eats what bt» likes An? ippies whatever he pleas- es-- But the recdy man's liver is free, And tae hospital doe's diaznosis, What vr it happens to be. Will not accus? - you of Cirr- BOs» ? - tach much more importance to Mr. MaeMurray's coming than to the visit of Sir Miles Lampson, the Brit- ish minister, because the uncer- tainty regarding Great Britain's policy toward China has been al- most removed since the speech of Sir Austen Chamberlain, the Brit- ish Foreign Secretary at Birming- ham, England, in December, while the Nationalists are not' sure re- garding the American policy, es- pecially Minister MacMurray's atti- tude, The American community in Shanghai is preparing to welcome Mr, MacMurray at dinner on Feb 27, under the auspices of the Cham- her of Commerce, when it ig ex- | pected that the minister will speak plainly on the position of Wrshing- ton with respect to tariff autonomy, treaty revision and related issues. The Amer'can business elements intend that this dinner shall be more than the usual perfunctory honor because they feel that position taken last year when the i Chamber of Commerce adopted a resolut'on favoring Intervention, and their present wish that the American Marines remain here 1n- defintely, American' miszcionaries are less enthusiastic regarding Mr. MacMurray's diplomacy during the last two years, but will participate | in the welcome to him, Officials of the Nanking Govern- ment are glad to have a chance to, establish closer contact with the American legation and are hopeful Mr, MacMurray will remove their | doubts concerning the policy of the United States toward the Na- tionalist regime, They will receive the minister politely, but will await his speech before deciding to act' cordially or coolly, They are also hopeful that his visit will result! in the reopening of the American consulate at Nanking, which was' closed after the outrages last March. T. V. Soong, Finance Minister of the Nanking Government, gave & dinner in honor of A. H. Edwardes, the British acting inspector-general of Chinese maritime customs, Re- gardless of social amenities, it is understood that Mr, Edwardes' visit has failed to accomplish any- thing definite toward reaching an agreement between the Peking and Nanking regimes about tariff au- tonomy and the division of the customs surplus, Peking's proposal was presented to Mr, Soong, who referred it to his government where it may be buried. Well informed Chinese think fit unlikely that Nanking will accept. Peking's proposal, preferring to pursue an independent course, and that it will not recognize Peking as the head office of the customs administrator hereafter. Business men here are still hopeful that a compromise will be reached after Sit Miles Lampson arrives, think- ing that he is best equipped to ob- tain the confidence of the Nation- alists, A probability that Sir Miles and Mr. MacMurray will be here at the same time and a rumor that the ! Japanese minister also is coming, indicate the importance which the three chief Pacific Ocean powers seem to attach to conferences with the Nanking Government, It was announced recently that Huang Fu had accepted the office of foreign minister in the Nation- alist Government and would pro- ceed to Nanking to assume tne post." The military situation fs showing activity, and both sides are preparing to move, Nanking announces 3 drive for Peking to be started mext month. However, such statements are sub- ject to revision, WELLAND SHIP CANAL TAKES ANOTHER LIFE St. Catharines, Feb. 17. -- An- drew Harkness of Welland was drowned at Lock 2 of the Wel- land Ship Canal when he fell into a water hole in the tunnel of the lock wall. He was sent on an errand to the top of the lock and entered the tunnel of the lock wall to make the trip, instead of utilizing the ladders The tunnel is dark, and Harkness apparently failed to] Felt Bros. potice the water hole, which is about 20 feet square and 25 feet deep. He was missed about half an hour later, and a search was inaugurated. His cap was found floating on the water in the hole. Fire Chief 8. J. Oram was no- | tified and rushed to the scene with grappling iroms, with which the body was raised to the top of § the wall An inguest will be held. Mr. | | MasMurray symp thizes with their NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Feb. 16.--- Mr. Jesse Arnott and Miss Rathwell, teachers at North Oshawa, gave a short talk to their pupils as a tri- bute to the memory of Earl Haig. deceased hero of the Greay War. Mrs. Strong, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Strong and baby, Olive, of Enniskillen, visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs, Alex Walker, of Kenneth Avenue, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Bruce Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Solomon and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Glover at Harmony Sunday. St. Valentine Box Social in North Oshawa 8.8., under the auspices of the Home and School Club on Feb. 23rd. Oshawa talent for program. Miss Jennie Walker is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Bruce Glover. Miss Walker will re- port for duty at the hospital for sick children in Toronto on Feb. 29. Our best wishes for her suc- cess. Both rooms at school celebrat- ed St. Valentine's day with a game of "Postman" and treats of home- made candy, Some of the children brought their younger brothers and sisters, Mr, and Mrs. Pearson and chil- dren and Mrs. Bert Clifford, Osh- awa, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgoyne. Mrs, Fred Drinkle, Messrs, Jack and Arthur Drinkle of Gibbs St. Oshawa, visited the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and TIME TABLES CNR [ME TABLE (X) mdicates change w torme: time tables (Effective May 1) Lastbouno rams 8.23 cm. -- Dany except Sunday, 8.58 am. dunday omly. 9.59 am. - Lay : 1.13 p.m. ~ Daily except Sunday, p.m. ~ Daily except dunday, 6.54 pm. Daily except Sunday, 2.42 p.m. ~ Daily 11.09 pm. -- baily except Saturday, 12.00 a.m. -Daily. 12.25 a.m. Daily. Westbound Trains 4.4 a.m.~ Daily. 5.45 a.m. Daily. 5.28 a.m ~I\-1'y except Sunday, 6.20 a.m. ~ Daily. 8.58 a.m. - Daily except dunday, 2.22 p.m. ~Dasly except Sunday, 8.14 p.m. ~Suunday only. 2.27 pm. Daily except Sunday, 4.57 p.m.~ Daily 8.45 p.m. -- Daily except Sunday, C.PR. TIME TABLE Eastbound Trains 0 a.m.--Daily, 12.09 a.m. -- Daily Westbound Trains 5.45 a.m. --Daily except Sunday, 6.23 a.m.~ Daily. 7.35 a m.--Sunday only. 840 am - Daily except Sunday, 4.47 p.m. -- Daily 7.34 p.m.~ Daily except Sundav, Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE Mrs, Ed, Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Trout and and Mrs. Dunn, Sunday, Miss Alice Whitney and Miss Elinore Calhoun visited their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. at Columbus, zie Glover, of Columbus, Mrs. John Glover Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of Oshawa, 'vacated by the Calhoun family, Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Stewart, Osh- awa, visited their aunt, Mrs. John Glover, Sunday. Mr, John Knox, Sr., dir home of his son, Mr, Ja on Wednesday, The remal sent to Ottawa and the fune will take place from the son home. d at the 33 Knox CANNERS' CAYE TO © | BY RAILWAY BOAR | ! Ottawa, Feb, '19.--At on Tuesday, the Board of Railway | Commissioners will hear com- | plaints of Ea'tern Canad an P.e- served Food Traffic Ascociation, Winona, Ont.; E. D, Smith & Sons Ltd., Winona, Ont.; Canadian Canners, Ltd, Hamilton, Ont.. el, concerning the cancellation FE HEARD D TUESDAY af 8 weie Joan, of Bowmanville, visited Mr. | | Bowman Norman Whitney , Mrs. Fred Glover and Miss Liz- | vigited | have moved into the house lately! | | i | { a sitting | et} ithe competitive ra'l and water rate | of 41 cents per 100 pounds on can- | ned goods in carloads, from sta- | tions in Eactern Canada to Fort | William and Port Arthur, wwhen | y destined to points beyond, ! THE BIST IN RADIOS THE MAZICONI SHOP Cor. King & Celina Phone 2604 ¥ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Habts of a lifetime are often the outcome of defective eyes of the child, 250 1516 PHONE 1516 Disney Block Upposite Post Office CHIROPRACTIC D, E. Steckley ' Chiropractor and Drug- less Therapist, will be in the office, % Simcoe street, north, every afternoon and Monday, Wednesday and Friday rom DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Oshawa Whitby Ju am 7.25 am 810 am 8.25 a.m, 11 a.m L a.m, *12.1L pom Jp me 2.00 p.m pan. pom, 10 p.m. pm 5.15 pm vm. WEEK Leave Arrive Haspita Slam 72am 10,05 a.m 13am 1.2Uu p.m 225 p.m ~ Conon 12.40 p.m p.m, SP. m U p.m. p.m. ) p.m. .m 10.10 p.m 10.30 p.m, Wi pm 11.50 p.m, 3 "4 4.3 p.m, 1.20 p.m ] *5.40 p.m. 7.00 p.m "8.35 p.m pwns 6,45 p.m, 2 9.40 p.m, 10.50 p.m Going East Lenve Whithy Leave Hospital Bowman, 7.2U am, K.55 a m, 10.05 a m, 12.40 p.m, 2.10 pm, 4.10 p.m. 4.30 a.m Spm, 00 p.m nom, i pm 5% p.m, 6.40 p.m, 8.00 pm. 140 p.m pm ( ym 10.45 p.m 1.06 nom Hi¥pm 12,00 marh:d * are tniough busses to Whitby Hospital ime SUNDAY AND HOL!DAY SCHEDULE GC nn West Leave Leave Bowtaanylie Oshawa 10.00 a 10.40 am 12.25 p.m. LU pom 4.25 p.m. J p.m. 4.20 p.m. 6.20 p.m, 8.2 p.m, 10.20 p.m. Arrive Wh thy HW am. LU om. d& um 44 bmn 6.4L nm 8.40 pm, 10.40 p.m 24> p.m, 745 p.m, 9.45 p.m, Going East Leave Whitby th a.m, | 3 p.m. 3 po, 49 pm. 2.45 pm. 8.45 p.m, 10.4> p.m, Arrive Bewmaav lle 12.0 oun, 2.2 p.m. Leave Osuawa 11.20 am. 1.45 p.m, 345 pm 2.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. YW p.m, 1116 p.m. 5.3% p.m, 1.45 o.m, Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates ano Carehu rivers I, A. GAKION PROPRIETOR Bowmanville-- Phone 412 Oshawa Waiting Koom--10 Prince Street i, © 2283 For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28 SIMCOE 8. PHONE 8890 Cash or Terms Regular $2.80, for -.. IOC 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone 738W Opp. Centre St. p---- i evenings. y Residental calls made in town and sur- rounding district, Consultation is free at office. e 224, Peace Metal Weather- strip Installed by Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers 185 Arthur St. Phope 1643w 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Correct Glasses Correctly Fitted W. A. Hare Optometrist 8 King St. W Phone 838 The LEADING JEWELFRS Establishea 1888 Your choice of 8 Chevrotet Coaches ~--Latest dels--Very r bly priced, ' Chadburn Moor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 0 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 Ra ---- y TINSMITHING Gallagher & Jones Gurpey Furnaces Installed Eavetroughing Rooling i Glazing | 786 Simcoe Street South MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car. or if you can oot. meet your pressu! payments we will oft the c.aims and renew your payments to twelve month your car \ & street & pay H for any term Ru van Mod enzic Phong 12 Simcoe St. South

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