Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1928, p. 7

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COLLEGIATE CHATTER | The official attendance at Osh- awa. Collegiate Institute at pre:- kN | students according to "Mr, eill's latest report, the average attendance being 715 or * 93.6 per cent, There are 492 in| academic school and 270 in| * * * aratory to the inter-col-' te, debating competition whieh |: - g conducted again this yea D 4 ughout the Provinee of On tarlo, and fostered by the Torun to Daily Star, Mr. McLeod is = Present completing the details o - 8 general oratorical campai throughout the school, the resnli of which will be the choosing of the best speaker to represent Osh awa Collegiate in the coming in- ter-collegiate contests. * LJ * Two entrants for the oratorieal honors will probably be made from each form and these will he di- vided into groups according to the form they represent, and thes will debate against those from the | other forms in their group. The two in each group, except the! first and second form groups wil! then be selected and these will en- ter the finals to declare the school champion, In the first and see ond forms, the best three in auch | group will be selected and then | these six will again compete with the best two, in this case entering the finals along with the two se- lected from the third forms and another two seclected from the fourth and fifth forms combined. LJ LJ L The finals of the oratorical econ- test will take place about March 6, but hefore the winner is de- elared, it is expected that some re- markably fine speaking will he heard since there are assuredly some fine spealors in the school. " Ld * Something both novel and in- teresting is at present heing work- ed out in the Upper School Eng- Hah classes, where in the Compo- sition periods a mock parliament is being conducted. A full fledged governing party, with its cabinet | they, will visit the Art Gallery, Ar- | rangements have heen made to and prime minister, has been form- ed, and along with it, or rather] against it is the opposition party | with its leader and his backors. | The opening speech from the | throne was given the other day and matters of hoth a scholastic | and provincial nature are to be | dealt with in the course of pro-| ceedings, A hill to install im- mediately a swimming pool in Oshawa Collegiate was brought up Tuesday and had any of the city | fathers been present to hear what | there was to say, we might some day in the very near. future ha hearing some more about the much desired completion henecth the | auditorium. Ll Ld Another bill which has heen brought up in the Mock Parliament was that to inaugurate a fore moon recess in the school, while apother 'just as interesting fis promised when they debate upon the question of aholishing foreign languages, Another good resolu- tion to bring forward would he to wnbolish the infliction of punish- ment by the teachers to those of the fourth and fifth forms who have not their homework done. The Prime Minister is Flora Me- Roberts and the leader of the op- position is George Flbteher. 4 \ Ld LJ On Friday of next week in pre- paration for the inter-school cham- piopship debate with Bowmanville High School, Jean Merritt and George Campbell will meet a pick- ed team in a trial debate on the same subject they will speak upon when they meet the Bowmanville representatives, The exact word- ing of the subject of the debate of which Oshawa has the affirma- tive is as follows: Resolved that Capada should adopt a quota sys- | 1 tem fn her immigration policy to- i! | wards all non-British Europeans. Forty girls from the first form art classes were taken im a special bus by Miss VanLuven this morn» ing on an all day excursion to Toronto, where in the morning as the main object of their journey, have Mr, Arthur Lismer, one of he Group o! Seven, conduct the tv throuzh the galleries where onriate {9 tho occasion, there a gpeeial exhibat of * Seven's worl, In the v will visit the Royal ie Mussa - y WW «av of next week, it expecie the lower sehool roskethall ehomp'odship will have Leen decided. alihough & merry tussle is in the offing before the winner is declared. To decide the st form champions, forms 1K and 1D will play on Monaay, This photograph shows the gathering at the luncheon tendered by J. J. Gibbons, President of J. J, Gibbons Limited, advertising agents, to his branch managers and executive to celebrate the recent opening of branche City, and London, Eng. necessitated by the stéady growth of the firm's business, taincd at Montreal and Winnipeg, A well-rounded-out and while the winner is scheduled to meet the sscond form champs, 2AC, either the day following or on Wednesday, for the final bat- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1° 3. J. GIBBONS LIMITED, ADVERTISING AGENTS, ANNOUN tle. The combined gymnasium dis- Phy mt on by Ie boys and girls REBELLING AGAINST Ne nae HISTORIC COSTUME will take place somewhere around the end of March, probably the Qxiord third week, Preparations have al- doubt but that®it will be the hig- gest and best display ever seen . Bre: OXFORD STUDENTS 4 The custom of wearing caps and ready been begun and there is no gowns at Oxford, which American | inferior black material upon our as well as forced to observe, is strongly at | examinations. The Isis | asks: England, Feb. »17. around our necks -- absurd, y pleasant-looking creations --- round our manly besoms?' in Oshawa, There is a possibil- tacked in the Isis, the University -- ity that it will be put on two dif- magazine ferent nights, If the campaign in WILL IMPROVE ECHOOL augurated by thé magazine is suc Milton, Feb, 16 At a special | osiad ) 1¢ Rizht Hon. | cessful American tourists in the pn iting of Milton Town Council aw (+ Prd N First ' Lord ol {dark suit and cap and gown { "Why are we force to wear id i HLH ARIN | ICY iotie little strips of white cloth | UUIESITE id 81VE, § ULIU and 3 ot Vancouver, B,C.; Hamilton, Ont.; New York I'or many years branches have been main- international service is thus assured to the clients of the firm, PAGE SEVEN No Question About It Among experienced buyers and sellers of coal, Lehigh Valley Cross Creek Anthracite is de- servedly recognized as the coal without an equal. Its strong, steady heat and its economical burn- ing quality have made it the most satisfactory of household fuels. An increasingly large number of consumers in this vicinity who use anthracite are burning LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies Why? Because it is unusually free from im- purities, it will hold a fire for long periods with- out attention, it does not clinker and it heats their homes as well as cooks their food with un- equalled economy and satisfaction. ASK FOR A TRIAL STAMPED TON | torial seesions and. a white tie, | cusation is false. It at DEFENDS BRIT ANS countries who started editorial ADEN RANE al EIEN large battleships. un But none over her eyes. was other to build "Sir Herbert Samuel Home Secretary) has been telling Phone 91 the country that the Conservative | party mishandled the Geneva con- & BRICK, LIME, Be Hom WC Bideemanl a | ty WOOD, CEMENT British students are eads and obsolete togas swathed fansicane Ni 1 i . Justice isn't so blind Discusses Naval Program As some people surmise | | of England She has scales in her hand (former 81 King. St. 'W,. fol ally, peaking before Guiseppe ltalliano May Hear Sentence Today in an Extortion Charge Welland, Ont, Feb, 18.--Well- and County's first alleged black- hand case in which Guisseppe [tallianno of Niagara. Falls is charged with extortion and the hearing of which consumed all day Wednesday went to the jury Thurs- day morning, Mr. Justice McEvoy presiding at the spring assizes of supreme Court having reserved his address to the jurors until Phursday, The judge however in dismissing the jury for the night declared that he considered it as a case of great importance and one in which it was essential that the jury be kept together and not in any way be exposed by out- Canada In the twenty years ending with 1927, this company increased its assurances in force more than seven and a half times, The total at December 31st was $386,669,481, FRANK V, EVANS, Representative Standard Bank Building 7 Simcoe St, N, . Oshawa, Ont, could be a weano future will he deprived of one of la was passed providing Ne / . nals 8 the picturesque sights at Oxford, the issue of debentures to the sO titutional Club Thursday, | iy Gan 1 Undergraduates at present are amount of $5,000 to defray expens faolet hi at Britain's sub- compelled by the uni SiLy -regu- cs incurred in making permanent ng i tly the same | lations to wear the black academ provements to Milton Public! 4 {hat stated E 'ashington in gown and cap at lectures and tu- 'hool, i at sta Wi t 1 pons -- w Ve 10 I ery glad," h ' mh Your Rupture successfully removed them into without operation Se hw Gallstones removed without operation m of mi ut Lith naval KIDNEY, LIVER, BLADDER WEA KNESSES AND GETTING ouT OF me BED AT NIGHTS, INDIGESTION, GASSY STOMACH, INFANTILE PARALYSIS, SKIN DISEASE, TONSILS, INFLAMED OR t Britain | rd dis added: *We are further, if the oth DISEASED, WITHOUT OPERATION er countri i do the same, 1 7 | . do not. huvevor, think that w'wesi | 33 KBge una Balsam Kemedaies Ltd | - ® ® | British navy would contribute to ; | the, peaco of the world." te 2 500 Simcoe St. South 13 STORES Phone 2558 "I want plode the | tion said Mr, Bridgeman we started in buildin side influence. Nature's way is best, Hearing of defence witnesses in | wm the case took up the greater part I » plea on a story told by Mrs, Thel- ma Rose of Niagara Falls that she had appealed to him to help out Frank Mango, Niagara Falls, Loot and shoe dealer, who had been menaced by threats to hand over $4,000 to an anonymous Or- zanization, threats which had been packed up hy the dynamiting of a portion of his home last Novem- | Ler. The prisoner himself told of be- ing the intermediary for two men who drove an American car | and who threatened him with death if he did not make Mango | "come across' with a sum of | money and 'the two threatening letters which contained the de- mand for money. As an explanation of why one of these letters was found in his | poszession when arrested, the jzoner explained that he had anzed his clothes before meet- ine the two men whom he eaid {TN £ ~ © a LJ a D J -- OSHAWA! WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL OSHAWA LUGGAGE Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Ini- tials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON LEER EE Bo (40) 49) RAD (BAT) (CAT 4; (G1 60) (GYR 16%) VO) (VD) (BY ~~ | BUY IN -- p----, i had directed his operations under | dire threats and had left one of | the letters in bis clothes at home. | The accused declared he could | throw no light on the identity of the two men or where they lived or as to how they came to know him. He also denied knowing Mango before he was injected into the affair by the Rose woman. He admitted however that he knew that the two mysterious men were committing a erime in demanding money under threats, but claimed that he did mot think that he was aiding them in that crime hy { zetting the momey from Mango. MODERN METHODS URGED ON FARMERS Quebee, Feb, 18.--Farmers who fail to follow up modern methods of agriculture are the omes who complain that it does mot pay, ie- : cording to Hon. J. E. Caron, Min- P Y GENTLEMAN ts ister of Agriculture of the Prov. YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPER, CLOTHES FOR THE Indigestion is the result of too ince of Quebee, in addressing mem- Just phone 2520 and a driver will call, Bours your food, turns Ji Jato 5 | 1sce of Quebes, I Addressing mem ' OSHAWA LAUNDRY SIBERRY BROS. NUT KRUST utfitters for Men : - fermenting mass, -gives you sick |ing Wednesday. Aud Dry Cleaning €o 27 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1110 headaches, bad breath Perics a ¢ cpec | eyo : : 4 » Mr. Caron stated that he expect- | Osh. 4 rip aw shortness of breath, and that ed to remain at the head of the | Mill Street : { drowsy, don't-care-what-happens | Agriculture Department as long as . B AKERY [{ \ Opiisal Fariors Phone 28 or 20 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 . Radios and the Wonder Orthophonic | QC, CHURCHLEY A i : 3 satisfactory repairing bring your watch and Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Becord ii For satis 3 h 3 4 ; Oshawa : clock work to Churchiey. We guarantee all re- pairs----Prices reasonable. Old gold and silver D. J. BROWN PE CE CREDIT JEWELLER Jeweller King Street West Phone 189 23 Prince St. Oshawa i ¥ DRY CLEANING : If you want your clothes cleaned so they will look J » C p Y 0 U N G EVERYTHING FOR like mew, phone-- PARKER'S REAL ESTATE TOMORROW'S DINNER Cleaners and Dyers 4%; Prince Street ne 793 King Street East Phopes 788-789 - Pho LU ELECTRIC BAKED v0; ( \ 32) N \) & feeling. the state of his health would per- Pape's Diapepsin has helped | mit. pe \ & \ thousands of such unfortunate Government supervision of farm stomach sufferers to get their ap- | production in Australia New "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" { orably 'commen | £790 Gt pied tle Tan THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES | | Simcoe Sweet South petite back. Chew one or two |Zcaland was favorably commented tablets of Pape's Diapepsin after fupon by the Minister, who stated. - meals to dissolve the excess acid, | "The farmers im those "countries Po n® y . and sweeten your stomach. Then realize that this supervision is in imo: he N ' aa LOCAL NEWS . "Quality and Prompt your food will digest and nourish |their interests amd give it their : LOCAL ADVERTISING Seviee" om / LOCAL DISTRIBUTION motte vou. You will gain weight and |support. The consequence is that 2 ZDAQD TOA 1O0ACY OAC 7DACH ODAC) CDAD #, 7 Yr 10420; (29; 2R9; (29; (CA) {QA} (049) (PAD) {02937049} {029} {0 feel fine. Pape's Diapepsin does [they surpass ms in production." what it promises to do, That's the |He also mentioned the formation reason § million packages are used [of a fruit growers' association in o year. British Columbia which assured a Pape's Diapepsin will bring you | more favorable price to the pro- relief in § minutes. It is sold by {ducer and a better product to the all drug stores. consumer. Duo) {

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