Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1928, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, .."™ fewac ELEVEN | Many Interesting Programs To Be Broadcasted This Week End Yea che ak: Yo, iA CHURCH TAKES IP SHIPPING QUESTION Wan, \WwaM, WGN, MC, WL, Wiad, WIC, KVou, WiMy, WiaM, Ww), Toronto Member Present Notice of Motion in House Tonight's Best Features (361)=Cinei, Pounders Day LXE York Symphony bei Rie vhoe- A -- Address yp Vice Pike ORL to Busi- 1.0 Wie (50 -Ft, Worth. Opera, "Car. ol Td", 8 Joguiar Daytime Programs CE WEA WERE WR HW on 8 HAS, Blue Network i=Kise aud Shine: WJZ, Was, KOKA, KYW, Wik. usp GU)~Ft. Worth, "Sunflower Nin (319)--~Lincola. A. C lostru- menial Sextet, KOA (3w)--secnver, Appreciation prog. | 9.30 wral (em)--Housion, Studio com. WUAL (25)--Maltimore, Kecital, WOULD (44)--Cnattancoga. Musicale, WLW (428)--Cunei, 'Lheatre feature, 10.00 WMA (o43)--Shenandoah, Littie Sym- paony. Ai (319)--Council Bluffs. Uncle Josh. } Kins (884)--Hot Springs, Musica: comedy. KIN (257)~Muscatine, Home folks hr. FWX (sw)--havana, Uruguay lour. WrAA (545)--Dallas, beicanto Male Quariet. WiLA (517)~Clearwater. Recital, WHR (205)=Cleveland. Murgan Sisters. WOO (se)~Fhila, Pennsylvania Male Quartet. Wus (361)--Jelferson City, Christian College. Wout (400)--South Bead. Studio pro- gram, songs, noveities, 10.15 WUA (226)--Denver, U, of Deaver or- chesira. KPiC (294)--Houston. Studio concert. Wi4 (+24)=N.Y, Noveity program, 10.30 silue Network: --Shope and Grosvenor with saxophone from W)4, KDKA, Red Network:--Fisk lioys: WEAF, WLEEL WTIC, WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WLI, WEsH, WRC, WGY, WGK, WCAE, WWJ, WSAIL, KPRC, WOC, Wily, WOW, WDAF, KVOU, WFAA, WHAS, WMC, W SU, wat, KSD, WCCO, WTMJ, WRHAL WDhou (244)~Chattancoga. Frolic, WrLA (517)-8St, Petersourg. Studio, WGST (270)--Atlanta, Georgian Tech program Wry Band, Waal WM, 8.00 20 9.00 Special Programs to be Broadcast Sunday, February 19th 2.30 p.m. WAIU (283)--Columbus. Crystal Gazer prog. 4.00 WRNY (326)--N.Y. Gypsy Barons. 8.00 WSAI (361)--Cinci. Hymn time. 9.45 Blue Network: --Utica Jubilee Singers. 10.00 CNRW (384)--Winnipeg. Sunday Evening Musi- cale, Silent all day: CI'CF, WEAO, WFLA, WHAZ, WIOD, WNOX, WOI, WOS, WRVA, WSBT, 10.00 yo i curt. sen fio estminster Wun Ia. M, KE fot, ei. WH oo 1,00 p. a) lg {tans er, Serv T (265)--Muscatine, songs, 1.9 WCASH (428) wees Me. par. h, a0 Wav (261)--Phila; Interdenomination. 20 WHE GEBSN: Eades 00 (348)--Phila, Sunday Se 3,00 Red Network 4 EN fom, R, WAS, Ottawa, Feb. 18.--A notice of | motion for the return of corres- pondence and reports respecting the traffic of the Great Lakes and the suspension of the ccasial ships ping laws, presented by 71. L. evely Church (Con. Toronto Northwest) was adopted in the House of Com- | mons. Mr. Church's motion also asked for the list of ships lying idle for lack of cargo. Hon. James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce, told the House that this last information could only be obtained from the steamship companies and Mr. Church was satisfied to accept such information as the shipping lists contained, adding that Canadian hoats were lying idle aud foreign boats carrying grain because of the suspension of the coastzl law. Mr. Church's motion also pro- vided for a return of correspond- ence between the Masters and Mates Asosciation and the Govern- ™ent respecting life saving sta- tions, beacon lights, et:., on the Treat Lakes to assist mariners. eifenst err CAN Westinghouse RADIOTRONS rae LEE PROPOSALS UNDER CAREFUL PEVIEY Amzlgamation Flans B:itish Te'ezraphs Dis cussed in Flouse - Sy k. Mo ym, Toroute. Set up exer xiNe (461)--Shenandoah. Sunrise con: KMA (25)-Shenandoah, Farm talk; AQ (H8)~(hicage, V.M.C.A, exer 4. ~Clarindga, "The Doss." rt, Happy Hour, Ke kt A Morning Dever W {an-cinel. | (Wan Cinet. Heal! yh nara: | oo SHE TE Springs, Early oF (500)=Ft, Worth, Moming TO -Fanme City, Moming 8 nee Moines, Victor pro. v0 TY (359) =Detroit, "Tonight's Din. Rac {30 =Banass State College. WI "Fim Cine. Wamen's hour. CL 357)= Toronto. 5, Waru "om-ca o's . WIJJD (366)--Chicago. Children's gram at Mooseheart, 3.15 WHO (535)~Des Moines, Music. 3.20 WGN (416)--Chicago. Artist recital, contralto, from WJZ, WHAM, KDKA, pro- 7.45 WoC 322)~Louisville, Orchestra, 8.00 ¥ EA 815 = First Clubman (after midnight) --Good heavens! I've just res membered that I haven't my latch key with me, Second Clubman--Won't wife get up and let you in? First--1I'll make her. I'll scratch on the door and then she'll think her pet dog has been locked out, (73)--Atlantic City, Masonic (337)~Nashville. Frolic, 8) 17)=~Memph is. Canover concert. Wii (33)--Hartfbrd. Play Boys, 11.00 Pack ¢ Chain:--Shell Hour, from KF, hFOA, KGO, KGW, KH ) KOMU, KPO, J, KH, y Ad (246)=Jersey City, WAAT Nut ub, WJZ (459)--N.Y. Slumber music, WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical Ro- Familiar your 10.50 Not long ago the Rev. "Dick" Sheppard made a broadcast appeal against laughing at jokes about drunkenness. The Bishop of Step- ney, however, does not think they need be ruled out. He told the Bournemouth Ro- tary Club about a woman "ratner the worse" who rot into a Watch Night service. The wiear asked a church warden if he /could pers. ade her to go out. . The church warden went to her, sa'd some- thing, and iprmediately she fol- lowed him to the door. "What did you sav to her?" asked the vicar afterwards. *I sald, 'Come and have another,'"" was the church. warden's reply, Oe ay Scripture; 10.48 WHT ar Fotseksehers chat, 49)-N. VY, 's hour, gi of State Music appreciation, KDKA tapos. Studia ensemble. pourri, WEAF (492)-N.VY. Dinner concert: W.lil (461)~Dallas Music, WCAE, WEEI, WRC, WTAG 11.10 \y FA: + (M1)--jacksonville, Organ. WNAC (461)--Boston, Theatre hour. LIS WeLA (517) Car acr Oscar and 5.30 way (380)--Schenectady, Hotel Van Roscoe. 11.20 WEMC (484 3 5.48 Wes (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Readers' FMC (484)--Derrien Springs, Vocal, Tub, 11.30 KF1 Gaal on Ange.es, Philhar- 600 KMA (394) --~Shenandoah. Sunshine con- Whar Chests, cert for shut-ins, WAAT (246)--Jersey City. Dinner mu- WTAM sic, way (283)~Columbus. Twilight Garden, WTIC (535)--Hartford. Melodies 12 dW Ho, i 35 mi ) (535)=Des M O Wonp (278)--Detroit, Dinner music, WSAI (361)~Cis 3 ines, Qrgan, WTAM_(400)--Cleveland, Orchestra, 6.30 KYW (526)--Chicago. Congress Hotel, WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass. Dinner ve. R THE KIDDIES Al and Pele. 12.30 a.m, CNRE (517)--Edmonton. Instry- mental Trio, 4 WHA (399)--N.¥. Uncle Robert, Wen (366)--Chicago, Dream Daddy | icago, Homs question WesH, 00, WFAA, ou y. 428 B hour, WO-N.Y, St. Corte Ves) WW "i Cine andbox ii Wiz (454) LY, Variety program, Si "x THS ty % prings. Vocal, WLS (M5)~Chicago, Homemaker's hr. M, iJ Vey WJZ, KDKA, WHAM, WCAU (261)--Phila, Music Academy, tage 2 Bou oir, (319)~Council Mulls Classical. cal, WIBO (306)--Chicago, Sheridan thea. WiAQ (#48)--Chicago, usical (273)--Atlantic City. Evening mu ment, 4.30 CNRS (329)--Saskatoon, Specfal prog, YW, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, Lf --Mpls.-St. Paul, F . WH @0=N.Y. American period; 4.45 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Federa 7.00 oh SDT 'oronto, Services pot- Red Network:--Biblical drama, from Woe, Wie, WE: w it WIAR, witks s ( 20 WhAY § & BONY. Tan piration hour: wesit (428)~Portland, Me, Strand won Phi atown Rescue s Moines, Musicale 9.30 Pacific Shain; Symp! rogram, Citen's Contrence, FT Kron, TREC, k Ww, KHY! WFAA (545)--Dallas, Homemakers, a fx Network; eA, W E i arn NE " Tt] 130 CRC 7 Torente, Stud pars: NTAG, w ue ) 'W Wass, | 49)---N. "ancert. 4.00 KSO (27)~Clarinda, Ia, Women's hr, WCS. 9.45 Bine Aon Utica Jubilee Singers, WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Salon orches. wie, esi wb fro WIR. Cathedral 10.00 CNRW (108)~ Winnipeg. Sunday musi- WEAF (492)=N.Y. Afternoon musicale, 4% KFUO iss. Louis, Foreign lang: WEBH (366)~Chicago. Songs; trio, vo- E (270)--Milwaukee, Bible class, WIAX (341)-- acksonville, Organ, 5.00 WENK (288)--Chicago, Chapel hour, maha. Evening music, WDAF (370)--Kansas City, String trio. wee § WOC (375)--Davenport, Home manage- 56 Mpls,-St. Paul, Vespers, i gE Agger Vaiional Shure, jlom Hymas Warton KFNF (461)--Sheriandoah. Mother's hr. W WEE (508)--Boaton. Keith's radio eve- WHAS (322)--Louisville, Concert. 6.00 KSO (327)~Clarinda, Ja. Vespers, ¥ } WSB we ---pllania! Vespers. Poe Network :--Don Amaizo, the Wiz- | 500 KSAc J Women's Clubs, College. 1X Shon Golden Rule +4, from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WTM]J, serv yeoo (405)--Mpls,-8t, Paul, Christ w WEAF, WEAR, KVOO, W WFI, WGY, 1)=Roston. Women's hour, BAF CNY" Music: housshoid i J Home manage: Joi wv. v, LD Fie" {er=Aitanie. omemaker's 13.00 du ri )=Mpls. Musieale, )=Des Moines, Organ, erca (35N=Calgary, News; rp (mShanandosk. 5 Songs. 45)--St, wh if ites oy iy clara Ton Springs. wiz (45)=N. V, RED Diane bon Pastor i, Bt (34 D-Ciie. B. 10.45 WOW (508. (349)=Phila, Vunehern musie, MUSICAL, PROGRAMS--FEA " Tg on Network i-~Gold Strand 15 WEA " (day iimaukee. | OFgAR: 294)=Milwaukee, Organ. =N. V, Roife's Orchestra. waz, p, VREA Phila," Rel gious pri 15d with, 3 gi is whi 1) -Phila, Orchestra, ue Wikk i Cleveland, Orchestra ws, Bi, WEAA amber music: ws EFCY *t4119--Montreal, Mt. Royal Or: WEAF WTMJ "Milwaukee. Cousin Larry 12.45 CKCI * 357)--Toron to, Luncheon 1.15 KMA ($95)--Shenandoah, Sacred songs. SM {BT Nashvilie. Farm snd . olks mu- Council er pet ree EVERYTHING REDUCED Leader Dry Goods Store It's the Talk of the Town! $1.00 Scientist. 5)--Dallas, Radio Bible Class Vik eH Wry Studio mu- Little Jousie, Rk) (230)--Clay Center, na my- sical WAAL (500)--Ft, Worth, Seven ace Brown WTA M (0) Cleveland, The Cavalier. WAMD ~ (225)-8t, Paul, Harmony TD WENR (288)--Chic Symphony, WRHM (261)~Mpl, Cig PA HiT WTM] (294)--Milwaukee. Popular, 8s Angeles. Classical con. i Angeles. Feature. PWX (400) --Favam Westinghouse or. Wise: (06--Chicapa. Popular dan cago. Popular ce, WMAQ 8) Chicago, P De Luxe Freamers, 11.30 Movs Francisco, Seiger's Knare, 384)--Hot Springs. Frolic, 12 mid. LEAL =Dallas Orchostin, LY, Frivolity Club, WJBT --Cncabn Gus Edwards, PA. London, Feb, 18.--Telezraph amalgamation proposals are under careful review by the British Gov- ernment. Comm. C. W. Bellairs in the House of Commons this afternoon asked Winston Churchill to exer- cise Trecsury pressure to prevent amalgamation of the Empire Tele- graph Company as the Treasury did in the case of the Empire banks. He expressed the fear that | amalgamation would injure Em- pire trade. Mr. Churchill aspects are being reviewed. Wiw (345)--Chicago. Church, 256)--N.Y. Sac Ld Wii i sac AR rt. Worth, Popular, Lx w ious 'carigt "Seientet. ps Worth, par. oe, Serv Tf 1 Go) a Jermaonette, 3 Wook @0- ilwaukee, 234)--Col LB. Ss. vl mp0 diol Mdrass. i for mu- program, bs W Ukes Peace Metal Weather- strip Installed by Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers 185 Arthur St. Phone 1643w wail That shortened skirts have told their tale. Will Eve find Fashion's voice the stronger? Well, me That woman's ways are such that she Won't want the short skirts any longer, --- y KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Organ, Dav 1.00 WRR (461)--Dallas., Music, Webs (349-N.Y. Uncle Gee Bee. RADIO TALKS-FEATURES 7.00 p.m. KFNF (461)--8h joah WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Topsy Turvey Time. Newsboy. WCCO. (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, f on Weko™ Scouts, fl C80 (256)--Springfield yi . WEEI (508) Bosthn. Dig Brother, Sia-Sorated, ©. "By, (265 eveland. Uncle Ned 7.30 Ky NF 16! )--Shenandoal WIP . (349)--~Phila, Uncle Wip, ct, en ii KYW (526)--Chicago. Uncle Bob, WAIU (283)~Columbus. WGN (416) -- --Chicago. Uncle Quin. WEAF (492)--N.Y, */ CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Cosy Corner, Read' WFAA (545)--Dallas, Story hour. WGHP. (278)--Detroit. Evening chat. 1.00 B 1m, Bee The | North- Boys' and Girls' BICYCLES WKLW (217 i ter (An--Bullslo. Spirial quar + | from $12,00 Upwards 7.50 Wh y (161)--Boston, "Newspaper ! 5 | Also Bicycles Repaired at Wiax (341)~Jacksonville, Children's Sidelights.' | Radio "4! The Bicycle Shop "CONCERTS TONIGHT 8.00 KFRU (250)--Columbia, = Mo, 12 Richmond St, E. gald that all the most carefully Monday Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 2.00 p.m. WGHP (278)--Dietroit. Home h A Wh N (394)--~N.Y, Sheridan theatre. " WIZ (NT yan "Your Daily M » 218 WHAR thr Daily News 2% Khlty (230)~Clay Center, Afternoon Letter bask- Shoppers' hr. 7.10 A Good Book Lg} 7.30 7.45 WoC (375)--Davenport, Old Fi The Roxy Stroll, from ie otwork=T) Wo WBZ, WHZA, who, Wik WoC, WFAA, KVOO, wo L 37> ovonto, Organ_ recital, ght; act --Akron, 0, Good Will Hour. or of Hospi- ogram, WEL (508)--Boston, Sew , Kar HU9)---Council Blais Leisure hr. 1)--M, assical music, wv ie ga >= Ils, C1 Crystal Gazer, WOR "(422)--Newark. Afternoon prog. 300 Columbia Chain' ook, PRED | 2% Kha (sot) emer, Musicale. n J a. os Vac, "0 CAO, WCAU WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Vocal, ¥ vie WEAN, WFBL, WGHP, WCSH (428)--Portland, Me, Maine mu- KRC, WMAK, WNMAQ, sic_hour WENR (288)~Chicago. Popular quest: WFI (405)--Phila, Piano solos, WGBS (349)-N.Y, Musicale. WHB (337)--Kansas City, Ladies br. wip (349)--Phila, Artist recital, 2.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS. Reg, $22.50, $12. 50 Special, ,.. Dominion Clothing Co, 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 6.30 pm. Red Net work :--Buist program: Scheol, 5 WIZ, WHAS, WMC, WSB, WBT, /BT (258)--Charlotte, Farm school, | KDKA, WLW. : TMJ (224)--Milwaukee, "The Great 7.00 wos Gh) -Springlicl, IL 0, Concer, Outdoors." P (278)--Detroit. "Lady Moon." | 830 KOB (354)~New Mexi g 735 CFCA. (357 Toronto, Org ROB (34)--New Mexico College. Farm WEAF (#92)--N.Y, National CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Topography talk, Quartet. : WEBR (256)---N.Y. Address, 0 teo rT 0 -De rch. Musicale. pathy in Treatment of Disease." : ue Network :--| nd WOO (349)-- N vs Te Wiz. KDKA, Yoo )--Phila. Address by: Rev KYW, WRAL, : WB! 9.00 WHAZ ad- WHAM, WHO, WFAA, WOW, wSsh, ress, WSM, WIR, WREN, KPRC, WRC. WHN Boxing contests, 9.15 WCAL (236)--Northfield. Book talk. KSO (227)--Clarina. Old time music, 9.30 KTHS (384)--Hot Springs, *Ozark Phil. WOC (375)--Davenport. Music. WFLA (517)~Clearwater. Open osopher." a0 S234 Fen ky 'with 9.45 WHA (333)--Madison, Economic re- hol - view, Comnosers, from WEAF, 10.30 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Playlet, 11.00 WOC (375)--Davenport, Lecture, Insight on China." WEBH, WLIT, CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Concert orches. 1115 WEMC. (484)--Berrien Springs, the Fence." KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Applesauce DANCE TO THESE Twins, i KOIL (319)~Council Bluffs. PWX (400)--Havana. Stetson Military 8.00 p.m. CKCL (357)--Toronto. Orchestra. L oy Organ. yes--and no. It seems to x (370)~Kansas City, Country. ; 5 Buff Concert ensemble. N 355m od News flashes; mu- | | | | Though heeding well the weavers' | | ] | | | String Gang, 7.% KWK, re- ronto, Organ. Daas. Symphony orches, (388)--~Chicago, Hour of Better (306)--~Troy, Educational (3¥4)-N.Y, Muscatine, Variety music, 3 RISK ; divs Mier wie A program, 4.00 WiP fen Address. WRNY (326)~N.Y, y Barons. WiAM por AL LS wn C_(297)--Asheville. Sacred music, 4.15 WhG, 7 A City. vr] (294)--Milwaukee, Music, L(358)~ Organ, 3.15 ie WGHP = (¥8)~Detroit, Tulle oir i Moines. The Ambass- LA Shensndosh, Farmers' YE Ve Seige 3 Avr 1.40 in Ghicien ensemble. Radio Electric Great KSD, THE BEST IN 1% "New "Over Entertain. 8.90 3.00. uo Sunday y Programs Ul) Tilsosheart, Catholic , Church ser- service. ta Eile bow or (484)--Berrien Springs. Ser- eland. I.B.S.A Ey ier ok Servi Wek, « so lls Storing pe ish ger ign Bethany Presbyter- gr 57) hs rT eta, Service. (526)--Chicago. Central church, L (48)--Chicago. Grace M. (508) Boston. OM Old South church Firse Gnisasiae, WIAX | nek yams Tei. Preabpuasian. WMCA Gory. Carine ean E. 8 5.30 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.20 8.00 5.00 KM a) sic. 9.00 Columbia Chain HE SE WEAK, WGY, Wi AE, WEBH WOC, Withs "wes, "Wc, VEEL, Ww), whi (246)--~Jersey City, Twilight KDKA (316)--Pitts, KDKA Little Sym. from Afar Aaurcan and in, oll , WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth. yg con. whdh Co) --Chattancogs. Sacred pro" $00 (49)--Phila. Sacred organ peci- Wany (326)~N.Y, "Little Journey to tries." WAL, EDES, , Concert or- WEB (366)--Chicago, Twilight musi- Bue Network: --Aeolian music: WJZ, wit (39) Springlield, Mass, Evening Red" Neiwork --Capltal 7 Theatre, Fam. al WekE™ ey WA WIkG, Wi Wo, wa; KVOO. A Organ. wiik 0" ewer. LBS.A. prog. MAQ (#48)--Chicago. Sunday Evening WSAI (361)--Cinei. Hyma Time, 85 Blue Network :- WREN. KW » KDKA, YW, "i Z, WBZA, WCCO, WDAF. EB hz, Whzh W String Quar- tet. WTMJ (@94)--Milwaukee, Popular mu- Variety mu. Pix OI Havana, Fogsiat band. £345 ; q IY Prince St. Phene 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Reach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts snd sets in stock. Stylo, i: i Service-- TORONTO HAMILTON BRANTFORD VALKERVILLE WINDSOR igre yl DETROIT « Mover 269 Spadina Ave. Toronto Tr. 0230 Tamia 8.10 8.15 8.30 8.45 92.00 prog. 915 WHA A as) Madison. Vocal, organ. WH aders. 4 9.30 Red Network: --General Motors Family Band. 4 WADC (297)--Akron, "Heart to Home Hour, WAI (283)--~Columbus. King Taste Hour, A WBBR (265)-N.Y. Concert. WCFIL (484)--Chicago, Popular prog. WDAF (65)-Kansas City. Russo's Si tring Quartet. WEEI (508)--Boston. Vanities. WHAZ (306)--Troy. Instrumental trio, WNAC (461)--Boston. Mandolin club. WNYC (526)--N.Y, Concert. WRVA (254)--Richmond. Viecal. WSEA (263)--~Norfolk. Harmony Four. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Musicale. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. George Sim- K. Springs. mons, tenor, WLIW (428)--Cinci. I. O. Minstrels. KTHS (384)--Hot Roanoke pony Singers. KPRC (294) Or aton. Skyline studio. WCAL (235)--Northfield. Vocal. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Jenny Wrens, WHAS (322)--Louisville. Fomor. HN (395)--N.Y. Loew's Thea WIAX (341)~--J acksonville. ou WatAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical Calen- Wow (50 r-Omabs. "One Minute 476)--Iowa City. Musicale. iy i oy French Canadian Art WRG (273)-- Atlantic City. Popular pro- Riverside Hour, from KWK, KYW, KVOO, WIR, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, Wis. WBT, WBAP, WLW WRHN , WHAS, WSB, WMC, WFAA. 'time Blue oo etwork : /17, KDKA, 9)--Lincoln. i Center, Vocal. racinda. The Newsboy. AM 225)--St. Paul. Semi-classical. WRAL Gh) Baltimore. Concert. WBZ (38)--Springfield, Mass. WhoD a (244)--Chattancoga. Hawaiian Guitar Wok 4 308) Bulfalo, | Hawaiians, OI (265)--Ames, Ia. Musicale. wos (361)--Jefferson * City. Jefferson | Hour. WRN (261)--Mpls, Roptlar | program. WRR (461)--Dallas. M WSB (476)--Atlanta. ical: WTAG (517)--Worcester. Studio Aleppo AZ (306)--Troy. Hawaiian seren- Party. from WEAF, - KSD, WCAE. | /CSH, WDAF, WEEI, WBT, WCCO, 8.30 Red Netwo:!:: 2.00 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Hotel A WAAT (246)--Jersey City. Orchestra, WFAA (545)--Dallas, Collegians. WHN (394)--Seville, Troubadours. --A, P. Gypsies, from WEAF, KS», WCAE, WCSH, WDAF, WEEI, WGN, Y, WHO, WJAR, WLIT, Wor WH WSAIL, WTANM, WTIC, (319)--Council Bluffs. Orchestra. KOIIL weao (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Vaga- bond Wisi (294)--Milwaukee. WTMJ or- chestra. 9.00 WJAX (341)=Jacksonville. Orchestra. WOKT (219)--Rochester. Merrymplee:s. WSM (337)--Nashville, 9.05 WEE (265)--Cleveland, i pag "Seren- 9.30 WHB (341)--Kansas City. sic. 9.45 WBAP (500)--Ft. Dance mu- Worth. Dance or- chestra. 10.00 Columbia Chain: The Captivators, from WOR, KMOX, WADC, WAIU, WCAO. WCAU, WhRe WFBL, WGHP, WMAK, WAAM (349)--Newark. Four Towers. WBAL (285)--Baltimore, Orchestra. WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass. Bert Lowe. WRIHM (261)--Mpls. Dance. 10.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal, Jack Denny. bods] (469)--Wash. Swanee Syncopa- 10.45 Ww HAZ (306)--Troy. Serenaders, 11.00 Red Network: --Vincent Lopez, dance or- chestra, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE. WCSH, WHO, WMC, WSAI, wow, WTIC. KTHS (384)--Hot Spring: WAMD (225)--St. Paul. Bs WBAF (500)=Ft. Worth, The Stomp- ers. WCAU (33)--Phila. Club Madrid WGR (303)--Bufialo. Supper music. WLW (428)--Cinci. Orchestra. wos (361)--Jelferson City. The Ram- Diers, WITMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Frolic. 11.05 'WNAC (461)--Boston. Orchestra. 11.30 WEL A (517) Clearwater. All Dance Ban WG (273)--Adlantic City. Follies Ber- Al (361)--Cinci. Ray Miller. 11.45 WALCA (370)--N.Y. Manhattan Seren. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Melody artists. 12 mid. WHN (394)---N.Y, Cotton Club. w (448)-- Chicago. Orchestra. J 12,45 boi WDAF (370)--Kausas City, Night- hawk frolic. 1.00 CNRV (291)--Vancouver, Midnight frol- IC. KFI (469)--Los Angeles. Dance orches. KYA (309)--San Francisco. Clift Hotel, KOIL (319)--Councii Blufis. Dance. WNMAQ, RADIOS The Wonderful MARCONI See Them at $70 to $325 Batteryless and Battery Models The Marconi Radio Shop Celina at King A. N. Sharp Phone 2604 r. (Copyright, 1928.)

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